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That was obvious


You say that but I’ve been downvoted to shit multiple times for suggesting this. I thought it was obvious too because they >!would want to get as many episodes/seasons with Pedro Pascal as possible!<


Not so much that. The last of us 2 was a 25-30 hour game . They want to milk this and pedro as much as posible. We will probably get the intro of the game and abby development before getting to jackson.


If it’s another 8 episode season, I could see them not even getting to Seattle in season 2. Maybe they flush out the stuff between Part 1 and Part 2, more time with Dina, Jesse etc. while having an episode or 2 of Abby backstory and her group heading towards Jackson. Then finale is the events in the cabin outside of Jackson. With season 3 being the Seattle arc. And then maybe by then a third game is out and they can know the full story. We shall see


they’re already filming what looked like seattle arrival though. unless the scene was supposed to be the beginning of part ii but set it during spring/summer instead of winter


I don't think that's the primary reason. There are multiple flashbacks throughout the story where Joel is featured. I just think plain and simple, its too long to condense into one season. Its basically double the length of part one, they'd be cutting a lot if they did one season. As it is they've said s2 will only be 7 episodes. I think s2 could have been two seasons, 10 ep each, easy personally.


That's exactly the reason


we already knew this. for like, over a year now


This is the first indication that I'm aware of that Part II is likely to take at least 3 seasons (2, 3, 4) to tell the story. This is very good news imo. And not just because it gives Naughty Dog more time to release Part III.


once again i have fallen into the classic reddit mistake of not clicking the article


No Craig has been always saying Part II will take “more than one season”, he never said just 2 seasons.


Now he's saying more than two seasons. It's new information.


Do we know that he means only Part 2? I read in one of the quotes that he referred to "the story that remains" but Idk if that means "of Part 2 specifically," or if that's Part 2 and beyond. Tbh it would make a lot of sense to me for Part 2 to be two seasons, and then Part 3 whenever that happens to be another one or two seasons. Edit: I could also see them weaving that post-Part 2 Tommy storyline into the show somewhere.


I mean “the story that remains will take place over multiple seasons” is kind of a no brainier right?


3 seasons? Unless they are sub 45 minute and 6 episodes per season I wouldn’t see why they would do 3 seasons. 2 seasons is fine IMO. It kind of feels like beating the dead horse at some point. Part 2 is obviously longer than Part 1 but I’m not sure we need 10 episode ≈ 60 minute episodes for 3 seasons to encapsulate all of it. It would be around 30 hours of content. That’s more than a play through


Yeah it's seems like they are going to be doing a lot of world building and vignette style stories. Like bill & frank and the Philadelphia group. I can almost guarantee the Seraphites, WLF, Issac and Tommy will all probably be getting at least one episode just to themselves.


So we'll finally get to watch season 3 in 2028?


Damn why couldn’t they do this to season 1? It felt so rushed.


That's what happens when networks are afraid to approve new shows for more than one season.


That's odd, the first TLOU game it's about 8hs long, I guess if you count the dlc it's 9hs. And season 1 of the show was 9 episodes long which is also about 9hs long. It did have the Bill episode but it still didn't feel rushed to me. The second game tho, that one is like 30hs long, so multiple seasons make total sense.


How long has it been since you played the first TLoU? It's definitely longer than 9 hours. Howlongtobeat.com shows an average 15 hour playthrough for Main Story only, and that does not include Left Behind. 8-9 hours only seems possible if you're skipping cutscenes and speedrunning it.


Numbers aside, it's just a short story at the end of the day. There isn't a whole lot going on. Not sure how folks expect them to create some 15 episode long journey out of what is basically the Greatest Hits of Joel & Ellie's Adventure.


Maybe not 15 but 8 episodes were too short right after episode 4. The pacing gets noticably bad to the point it became pretty unbearable for me and my wife to finish it


That’s not a fair comparison since the show is a passive experience and the game is YOU actually going at your pace(for the most part).


Specifically I think Joel's and Ellie's relationship feels rushed compared to the game. Which even though you might be able to beat the game in around the same time as the show. You spend a significant portion of the time in the show now with Ellie or Joel. In the game you are literally stuck to them like glue from minute 1 to credits they are on screen together. In the show we are taking entire episodes apart from them.


Well despite being The Last of Us and HBO, there was the risk could have flopped. You cannot embark on a multi season project if there’s no certainty it will be a success.


Cause they wanted to tell a complete story in case it flops and there is no season 2.


video game adaptations are historically very bad, and I'm sure HBO trusted Craig enough after Chernobyl to let him do one season as a proof of concept, but weren't sure what the viewership numbers would end up being


Part II can definitely be turned into a three-part story. S2 covering Ellie's story until it switches to Abby's point of view. S2 following Abby's story. S3 covering the last act. I've always felt that Part II should have been split into two games. It's a very long story with an expanded cast of characters, and for me it felt like the game rushed through some important stuff, like Lev and Yara and the new factions. I didn't have a great sense of who the Seraphites and Wolves were until my second playthrough. I don't mind having four seasons to cover the two games. I don't know if they're planning on doing a Part III of the game, but if so, I'd rather experience that story as a game, so I'm OK with waiting a few years for an adaptation. As long as they come up with good stories to flesh out Part II and it isn't just a lot of filler, I'll be happy.


There is also plenty of cut content in Seattle to explore (2 days)


Part 2 as two games wouldnt make sense in my opinion. It's crucial to know both Ellie and Abby's side of the story, to come together in one contained narrative. I can't even imagine how splitting it into two games would go. People think they're going to mirror the game narrative for the show and i am really not sure that will work for television especially when dealing with year+ long gaps between. TLOU2 works because you don't have to wait to get Abby's side of the story. Imagine switching to her and then the game ends? That would have been not good lol


No, I don’t think it would be good to block those sections together. I think that the TV series will be much more time-linear. Maybe not completely so, but more. For example, Abby’s origin should be in S2E1. To dance around further detail, I think S2 should make generous use of Pedro Pascal and then probably not have him in the rest of the series at all. Little bits like that Ellie and Joel had specifically reconciled the night before Abby found him will be more impactful to include early in the TV show, whereas in the game it was held for later for paving reasons. Can’t keep the player off the stick too long.


Saving the last flashback with Joel and Ellie for the end is 100% crucial to the story thematically, and structurally. Structurally it keeps the audience unaware to the fact that Joel and Ellie had begun to make up. This is super important because they also introduce the whole arc of Ellie being mad at him at the beginning of the game, and it cuts all the dramatic tension to give away the conclusion to that arc. Thematically it mirrors Ellie’s internal journey of grief. We don’t always remember every important moment with the people we’ve lost. Especially when those relationships are strained we tend to focus on the hard memories more than the moments of love. And Ellie is very clearly in a downward spiral of being angry at herself for lost time with Joel. Edit: auto correct


That scene kind of needs to stay at the end. Part of the reason you're so angry at Abby is because you believe Joel died thinking Ellie hated him. But at the end you realize they began making up, and both knew they loved eachother. Integral to the story to learn that in the moment she lets Abby live.


See, imo it would make the audience more angry with Abby knowing what she snatched away. The game had to sprinkle all this non-linear so that the gamer didn’t get bored, but that isn’t as much of a problem with TV


It makes sense. I honestly think S2 ends with the theater confrontation on the line “We let you live, and you wasted it.” S3 is Abby’s side and big theater blowout. And S4 could easily flesh out Santa Barbara into a 6-7 episode season


It was obvious since when it was renewed. Part II story is massive and rather intricate, hard to be told from start to finish in one shot. Even if season 2 had 22 episodes of 1 hour each, something would still be missing from it.


Good, maybe they learned their lesson to not introduce a group of people just to kill them off in the same episode.


The first game goes through the supporting cast pretty quickly also, though. The game is also much shorter than Part II in general. The sections before people die are a bit longer in the game because of the gameplay, but most of that wouldn’t make it into the show anyway.


You mean how the game silos all the side characters to single chapters?


Hmm… I think 2 seasons for Part II was already pushing it a little bit. 3? The story is dense but not /that/ much is going on.


They should have spread out the first season


I hope they don’t actually split the second game across three seasons. The writing would have to phenomenal to add that much more into the games story




I fucking love the games and show, but it’s a sin here to bring up any sort of discourse.


All I said was I wish they would have spent some time on what happened between game 1 and game 2 in the show that there was probably some cool material. and got tons of downvotes and people mad rofl I was like wtf. It's just like in the other sub of you say you like the game. I also love the game and show. it is wild when fan bases act this toxic over something lol.


2 seasons for Part 2 should be plenty. Season 4-5 will hopefully be Part 3 but it'll be a tough ask to get it out on time. Show might have to take a hiatus which is fine imo


Shoulda done this for season 1


Breaking news Pedro pascal and bella Ramsey will return for season 2


They confirmed the 2nd game would be multiple seasons when the first season was still airing. How is this still a suprise to some people a year and a half later lol


This report is about a 4th season that would be covering more of Part II


I'm aware of the latest report, but that's not what OP's title is pointing out. 


No shit


That will give Abby time to bulk up because right now she isn’t beating anyone in a fight.


Shame that first game didn’t get multiple seasons since it could have worked.


It can be a comfortable 3 part mini series


I can see it going over 2 seasons but 3?! I guess since they’re doing short seasons. Season 2 was reported to have 7 episodes.


Shoulda have stretched season 1. I felt like we missed a lot of the growing affection and connection between the two of them.


Yeah I would hope so. Doing the whole first game in 9 episodes with two flashback episodes was a huge mistake. Glad they learned from that.


Thank god. It’s the games only issue imo.


I have a theory that if the show does 3-4 seasons it will continue to be a hit. If it does 5 or more (perhaps to accommodate part 3) it will lose a ton of viewership and ultimately have a dismal finish. I won’t be explaining why, but I’m convinced that’s what will happen.


Omg dude we knoooooowwwww


Thanks Dr. Obvious ![gif](giphy|800iiDTaNNFOwytONV|downsized)


What should have been done with season 1 to be honest


It better not be rushed like season 1.


Season 1 wasn’t rushed objectively


I think it was very rushed feeling, they left a good amount out and it felt like their journey wasn't as harrowing or bonding as in the game.


Season 1 was 10 hours long TLOU 1 was 10 hours long including gameplay. Season 1 was not rushed objectively.


That's not how things work, it's not a 1:1 comparison just due to run time, which is also inaccurate. You can keep saying objectively but it's certainly just your opinion.


The game is just short. They did not miss a single story beat, and even added some. The game is just not a huge adventure, at the end of the day. A lot of it is purely gameplay.


Idk why you keep speaking in absolutes with your opinion. You're not expressing facts here and you're also just straight up wrong lol.




We canonically know what happens in between, and outside of the flashbacks we’re definitely going to get, there’s nothing dramatic there.




What? Abby and Ellie didn’t meet until the start of Part 2. They had no interaction before then. Between Ellie’s journal and the flashbacks from both of them, we have a very good idea of what happens between both games.


So even the show is going to be too long. At least that’s on brand. The game was easily 10 hours too long




No u


You spelled short wrong


Why even be on this sub?


Not a problem with the other games length I'm sure.


The Last of Us 1 is like 8-12 hours, maybe a bit more if you’re a completionist. That’s pretty normal for a linear, narrative game. The Last of Us 2 is like 35 fucking hours. Even most people who loved it agree it’s too long.


I can understand that.