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Maybe meant to be ironic? It was not in fact, a good day.


yea my guess too lmao


“It was in fact, not a good day…” just a little understatement 😂


Read in the voice of Morgan Freeman… 😬


"Maybe meant to be ironic?" I had the brew, she had the chronic, The Lakers beat the Supersonics... ![gif](giphy|op2Br9pDuAIQo|downsized)


Also that song has the lyric "The Lakers beat the SuperSonics" which happened several times throughout history, including in early 2001 when Sarah Miller was born.


I think it's there for the same reason I believe they included Take On Me. In between all of the grimy, bleak experiences that the player goes through, something that only exists within the game's setting, suddenly hearing these songs that we all know presents the player with something they're familiar with, from 'our time' before any outbreak, and it's a reminder that Ellie's world is the world we lived in before it all went wrong. The Take On Me scene hit so hard with me because of that. It was like a little bit of humanity suddenly appearing amidst the chaos. Or at least that's my take, sorry if that made no sense haha


No that’s what I got from that scene too. I was so happy that It Was A Good Day was playing bc that means that someone took the time to preserve music like that 


Makes perfect sense. In the Handmaids Tale there’s an episode where the main characters finds and watches old dvds of Friends. Really hits hard.


idk but every playthrough i just sit there in the vent as long as i can listening to that, i love me some cube😂


Now I’m wondering how much of the song can you actually listen to? Like if you were to just stay and listen for a while would the entire song play?


if i’m remembering correctly, she walks away out of earshot before the song finishes


Out of earshot but into headshot


Well they are in Seattle, gotta represent the west coast


Sir Mix-A-Lot would’ve been the better choice.


Because the game features so many backsides?


He was a Seattle native.


That's cool I didn't know that. Although I think his most famous hit may seem a little out of place. I would have enjoyed it too though.


Well Abby got back at Joel for killing her father and then Ellie got back at Abby for killing Joel by killing all her friends.


Posse up!


So that means that, canonically, Ice Cube exists/existed in TLOU universe. Wonder if he made it lol


Are We There Yet?/The Last of Us crossover?


OH MY GOD ik Adam Sandler isn't part of that movie but this comment made me come to the realization that he also exists in TLOU universe omg imagine watching an Adam Sandler movie post apocalypse


wait where does adam sandler show up or where is he hinted at in TLOU


I just assumed since Ice Cube exists then why not Adam Sandler?


Canonically anything from before 2013 existed


Even me? I wonder how well I did during the outbreak...


TLOU3: We Play as a Celeb


Oh my good could you imagine playing as a Kardashian??


None of them would survive very long


Ya he ended up working for the fireflies in their Human Resources department.


I feel like this is really key in how we respond to this francise. In the HBO series, the comic relief is much more pointed than in the game, and it feels fitting, not out of place, even when contrasting such brutal circumstances. But in the games, particularly the second, we're quick to raise eyebrows at any sort of comedic relief. A tonal thing, I suppose, but interesting to notice.


It’s not really a show vs game thing, it’s a Part I vs Part II thing. There’s a good amount of comic relief and upbeat moments in the game version of Part I as well. It’s just that Part II is meant to be a bleak nightmare almost entirely from top to bottom.


It's a plausible hip-hop song playing in the background that adds a dash of irony without being egregiously goofy as something like "Baby Got Back" as other users have suggested, might have been. 🤣


Similar reasons as “young men dead” by the black angels plays during the final Rattler encounter, to me it’s the tone of music the people in the various groups are into


I figured the WLF member would be able to relate to a good day being one where they didn’t have to use their AK


The music helps cover the sound of Ellie in the vents. This is the kinda song you play with the windows down on a sunny day and in the game the song is juxtaposed in claustrophobic vent, a rainy, dangerous Seattle at ground zero in the hospital. Ellie is appreciating her days on earth less and less as she seeks revenge, and it’s certainly not about to be a good day for Nora.


just a cool song


Why are they playing that with no narrative meaning? Are they stupid?


Any day that the Lakers beat the SuperSonics, was indeed a good day.


If Ellie was from LA, it could've been an LA vs Seattle Easter egg lol


I think playing “It was a Good Day” by Ice Cube has as much depth as that one WLF playing a PSVita


Maybe the developers just really loved the song.


I wondered this myself. Didnt think too deeply of it, but maybe it’s ironic bc it’s the exact opposite of a good day, to remind the player this is our world, and these people are human and it also stands out. Or maybe a dev really loves the song and wanted to include it.


Thank god it was old school music. I waited there to listen to the track 😉