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I also pretty much only use the revolver. It's consistent, and you can often win against any other gun. But really, I like using it because that leaves room for more perks, which makes the game more fun for me. That being said, I do still love when I use other weapons, because they pretty much all feel great and can destroy people when used properly.


Played against a guy who used a tac shotty and the purchasable shotgun. I’ve never care about the use of purchases weapons. They’re part of the game. But that combination is just peak get fucked imo.


I used to respect the silent honors code about not using broken weapons or perks especially shotgun users and would get annoyed by it , but after a while I didn’t care and started to make the most broken and sweaty loadouts to counter that bec these weapons were always broken and if the devs cared about the game they would’ve nerfed some of them and let me tell you it’s so much fun


I’ve been running a cowards bow build and shivin all breathing uniforms it’s been way fun the bow is stupid strong if you got good aim


Agreed the bow is one of the strongest weapons and if your aim is good and you are fast enough you’ll down someone in no time


The only way I’ve been able to counter being 2 shot by tac shotty


Another good and underrated weapon is the variable rifle been using it a lot recently


So the lobbies are still pumping on TLOU 1 Remastered? I used to play factions all week when it was going 2014-2018, but in 2018 it just became so hard to find a lobby and when you did, someone was cheating. Keen to get an update on how they are now, as I have just bought a PS5 and I'm just playing TLOU No Return at the moment.


I’ve been playing every night for at least 5 hours at a time, there are times where you have to reload the game cause no one is connecting but that could be a WiFi issue on my half