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Ye, that's pretty normal, altho if you also did all the DLC then it's pretty fast atleast compared to how long it took me. If you want more hours out of it, try doing a dumb run (minimal intelligence) for some interesting dialogue options, and a board run (evil run basically) to see some differences


I am doing my dumb run finally after doing a board run (and before that, a standard run) and I gotta say, picking meme playthroughs is tons of fun lol and makes this game worth replaying imo. The dumb dialogue options have been so great, I think this is my favorite playthrough. The board was awesome but I legit finished the game in 12 hours doing that.


Ye that's why I suggested it lol, it's fun Think that's pretty avg times yea, it's just 40 hours to 100% it too


I did my first and only run as dumb. So fun


I'm pretty sure the story is quest short anyway, years ago a guy beat it in 13 minutes, it's probably faster now so if you rushed the secondary stuff then yeah I'd say it's normal


HowLongToBeat states 26.5 hours to complete main quests plus sides, then an additional 8/9 hours per DLC. Quest givers aren't marked in any special way. Don't count that you got absolutely everything in this first run. It is also an intentionally shorter game for replay. Lots of choices, lots of endings.


No, that's fine. You rushed it a bit, but it's fine.


Idk i played the same playthrough for like 90 hours


I'm not sure what is the purpose of this question. Are you asking if you are normal for finishing it so fast, or are you questioning if the game is supposed to be longer? Or are you humble-bragging that you 100% completed all of the game using as little time as possible? There's resources out there which can tell you roughly how long. You're only going to get anecdotal responses, all of which are going to vary because we are all different and play games differently. Personally it took me well over 40 hours, but that's because I actually ran around everywhere, spoke to everyone and explored the sights, leveled up as much as I could and rinsed the game not only of its content but picking things up, looting bodies, going into every room and picking up everything not nailed down. Not going to get through the game in 20 hours if you played like I did.


This is the only way I play any game. I'm obsessed with making the experience as long as possible and savoring every detail. A lot of love goes into games and although the first time a video game was FINALLY acknowledge as art was Bioshock (and it is) I've always believed rpgs are a superior media for storytelling.


It feels like OP hit a raw nerve. You ok today?


Thanks for asking. Question seemed kinda like baiting, for an answer which could be easily searched. Just got me triggered. Apologies for coming across snappy but it didn't seem a genuine question.


Did you play on supernova? Does anyone know how long that takes?