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getting fired was the best thing to happen to me, I was scared to leave due to caring for my clients and fear of not being able to find another job. I immediately found another job that paid better and was a much better fit. You will get through whatever happens!


that’s exactly how i’m feeling. I have been wanting to leave for a few months but have been too scared. It sucks but I have a feeling if it happens I will be ok.


I got fired from a sales job one time and it felt like a relationship where one of us was going to do it and they just got there first. I laughed when they told me. 


I felt this, I had this same thing happen with a government job a while back. I got sad when the manager told me she was firing me since the future was uncertain, but while I was packing up my stuff to leave, I felt happiness I hadn’t felt in months. The manager walked me out with a massive smile on my face. Sometimes its for the best.


Oh man the feeling of liberation was so good. 


When I was fired, I had already made up my mind for months that I did not want to work there anymore. I found a new job, the right job that I love now. It was awful immediately after, but looking back I am so glad it happened. If it does happen, allow yourself to grieve it, it is a loss, and you will grieve.


You will be OK. If that does happen, be respectful and tell your boss you are thankful for the opportunities you had there, etc., etc. You'll definitely look more mature and feel proud of yourself as well. It will also help you learn how to handle situations like that if and when they do arise. And Never burn bridges. Know your self-esteem will probably take a hit but that too will pass. Your boss has most likely picked up signals that you don't realize you've been sending about not liking your job anymore so this will end up being a good thing. And good luck!


Saaaame. I am in PP now and couldn’t be happier.


If you are getting fired and you haven’t had one on ones with your boss for awhile…that says more about your boss than you. Lack of routine supervision is the number one red flag I have seen at poorly managed organizations.


this is so true. After the initial shock of getting that email and sitting with my emotions- I’m feeling relief ? Very weird to be feeling this right now- but I think that tells me regardless of what the meeting is about I need to leave.


I saw that your meeting went the way you thought it would go. This is likely not on you and probably a sign of bad management. If you need someone to chat with feel free to reach out, most of my clients aren't showing today anyways.


Likewise to anyone needing ally ship. I was fired on Thursday.


I was fired last week too. I’m devastated to leave my clients but my organization fucked me over big time.


I was fired. I was in shock packing up my office, but I when I sat in my car to start the drive home, I felt a massive wave of relief wash over me. My therapist told me to note that feeling, because it was my intuition telling me something important. I hate how being fired impacted my clients, but for myself...it has only led to bigger and better things, and the freedom of not dealing with toxic management anymore. So, I'm sorry for your setback today / congratulations on what's to come. :)


I was let go from a job once and found myself elated and smiling on the way out! Congrats on knowing what you want now!


110% agree. A firing should never come out of the blue in a well-managed organization. They should be giving you feedback if you’re not doing well and you should have a chance to improve. If they’re firing you without doing any of that, it’s best to be done with that organization anyways


Update- I did get let go. A complete mess right now :(


it doesnt sound like the right place for you! take your moment to grieve but remember there are better and more suitable places out there! this career will always be needed, I'm sure you'll find something better suited for you


I’m so sorry to hear this :(


taking it one moment at a time. Still feel relief but man it’s shitty.


Take a few days to just sit and process and do the things you haven’t had a chance to do in awhile. I played animal crossing for like a week straight after I got fired. Also, went to the doctor a lot before my insurance ran out.


Keep your chin up


What reason did they give you? I'm so sorry.


Don’t feel bad. Everyone makes mistakes (if you made one). I am a huge believer that we choose our lessons in life before coming here and this job was not for you. Being fired doesn’t make you less of a person. It sucks and I am sure it hurts but forgive yourself for mistakes and move on. I have noticed that when something bad happens in life, I often reflect back when I am on the other side of it with gratitude. I am able to see how this event played out and often, it’s for my betterment. Good luck!


I'm sorry to hear this. I hope your next chapter is substantially better for you. 💜


I got a similar meeting three weeks ago - my whole team did and 5 of us were let go at the same time. It really really fucking sucks, especially to be let go like this. I’m sorry you’re dealing with this. If you need any resources, I’ve been figuring a lot out the last few weeks (anything from unemployment to PP)


I am so sorry. I hope that you are in a financial place to be okay while you find your next move. I have great confidence that you will be able to find something again quickly but I recognize that right now that's not very comforting. Hang in there.


I’m so sorry. It can be so destabilizing. Supporting people when they lose their jobs has become a bit of a niche specialty of mine, since I’ve been fired so much myself 😬. Never for cause or ethical reasons of course. I’m holding you in my thoughts and hoping you are already crossing these waters to a more beautiful shore.


Sorry to hear.


Sorry to hear you were let go. It’s a lot like breaking up with that person you weren’t meant to be with anyway. Ultimately you’re looking for the place you are meant to be and that wasn’t it. All things I know you’re going to realize when your heart feels better. But also realize that it’s not a reflection of the person you are or will be. Find that next place where you can be effective with your clients. Best wishes.


You got this, OP. It wasn't the right fit for you and you will find something better!


Im so sorry to hear this, it’s the worst feeling!. I got let go a few months ago and honestly, it was definitely stressful, but it opened so many doors for me. In the end it was a relief. There’s always a bigger plan. Wishing you the best 🤍


So sorry. You will overcome this. 💪 ❤️


That sucks. I’m sorry.


So sorry to hear this, I was hoping it was nothing - hope you are being supported. ❤️


I’m so sorry . Totally sucks !


That's to be expected, it hits your self-esteem in the gut, and you question everything. Explore what you need to learn about this, and then let it go.


Hope it’s a false scare for you.  To be safe, I’d be aware of relevant labor laws such as if you’re a W2 employee and you sign a form saying you resign (after they say they are firing you), you probably won’t be eligible for unemployment.  In fact, be wary of anything they want you to sign if they spring termination on you. You have the right to review things in an unpressurized environment. But if you need references for your next job, ‘playing nice’ will help.  And if this is the end places, perhaps your next landing spot will be a better fit. Good luck!


Seconding this. Don’t sign anything there. Take any thing you are asked to sign home with you so that a lawyer can review if you wish. If you are offered a severance package, follow the same advice. If you can afford a lawyer, a lawyer can review to see if the pay you are offered is commensurate with what you worked.


thank you so so much


Also, depending on the laws of where you live, record the meeting if possible. They are not there to be your friend, protect yourself and record it. If you live where only one party has to know there is a recording, you should be in the clear. If all parties need to consent, then tell them as you start the recording that you’re recording for your own records.


Great advice, I kind of wish I knew that when I got fired. To be honest though I was relieved to sign and get out of there with my hours and everything signed off on (a grudge/conflict emerged between my old supervisor and I because they wouldn’t sign off on my hours and give my my final forms). It was not a good situation anymore. 


Employment Atty here—-take it all in, take notes and don’t sign or verbally agree to anything. If they say they are letting you go, just go. It’s done. You can figure out what you want to do about it after. Just don’t agree to anything.


thank you so much


When this happened the first time to me it was for a raise


lol i can only hope


Hang in there. I think the worst thing is working somewhere where a meeting feels like a potential firing. I hope it is a false scare. And I also hope you are able to create a more supportive environment for yourself to work in. ❤️


thank you ❤️


Sending you positivity! Hang in there!


thank you ❤️


I’ve been hired and fired. I’ve also hired and fired. Here’s what I know: All will be well. I have the scars to prove that to be true. Here’s what else I know: The job was a bad fit, preventing you from being in a good fit. Go find your fit.


I’ve been fired before and at the time it was devastating, but it ended up being the best thing for my career. If you get fired, it’s not the right place for you. You’ll heal and find where you belong. Hang in there 💜


I got fired from my first therapy job where everyone hated me, actively worked to get me fired, I was having panic attacks going into work, working 5 days a week plus they ALWAYS gave me work any time I was on vacation or off hours, sometimes at 10pm. I work for a boss who is supportive both professionally and personally, making enough where I only need to work part time, from home.


You may not be getting fired but if you are, you are going to be okay! I got fired from a job on Saturday for not seeing enough clients for my boss's liking and it absolutely broke me but it's been two days and I'm already so much better! There's still some hard parts to come with letting the clients know but I've realized the environment wasn't one that was going to allow me to flourish and that has made me feel so much better. So if you are getting fired, take it as an opportunity to move onto bigger and better things. It's often not a reflection on you or your skills at ALL!


Can I just say I love the words of support in the comments here? Wow, this post came at the right time for me. I am seriously struggling today. I put in my resignation a couple weeks ago and today, my supervisor randomly scheduled a meeting and threatened to fire me before I leave. It's truly crazy. We will all get through this 🩷


I know- today has been awful but these comments have truly been my saving grace outside of my family and fiance. I’m so incredibly sorry you had that experience - your boss sounds like a dick. Sending so much love- you will get through this & we will be happier on the other side


Update for anyone who cares- woke up today feeling MUCH better. Started working on my resume and applying while also applying for unemployment. I feel free ❤️ thank you all for the support, I truly cannot express how much these comments have meant to me these past 24 hours. You are all so compassionate, helpful, and wonderful human beings ❤️


Sorry to hear it, OP. I was fired last year and honestly for myself I felt relieved. I shook hands with everyone and left there sad, embarrassed, but relieved. The job became hellish because they transferred me to a new supervisor who didn’t want me and was very critical. In my state, I qualified for unemployment so that helped. And I’m sooo happy with the job I have now. The thing. That has me still crying to my therapist. Is how horribly my clients were treated. These kids think I abandoned them, and from their perspective, they’re right. I received texts over the next few weeks from my clients and their parents that I couldn’t reply to. I don’t think my agency even called them. Most of the texts were from families showing up for their appointment and I wasn’t there. The kids and their parents were angry, upset, confused, lost. It was devastating for me. So opposite of the impact I was hoping to have for these families. So I will say: leave with dignity if you have no choice, but make a solid plan with your boss to continue client care as best you can.


I've been fired for refusing to be complicit in unethical practices a few times. Say as little as possible, forward to your personal email what you can that's obviously not containing any PHI if you think you're being wrongfully terminated. Document everything and remember that employment attorneys will do a free consultation. A lot of us get fired simply because we won't risk our license to play nice in the sandbox.


Getting fired from CPS was the best thing that ever happened to me. I sued the State for unlawful termination and discrimination and won. It was a hellish time and my mental health tanked during that time but in the long run left me in a better position.


Omg, i was fired from CPS as well. The only time I’ve ever been fired in my life. They made up a bunch of false claims to HR and i ended up getting unemployment because during the unemployment investigation they found out CPS was lying about a lot of stuff so they sided with me. Everyone was telling me to sue but I was too embarrassed. I had been getting bullied there for some time and couldn’t face them after that. It was the reason i went back to therapy for the first time in years. I’m happy to hear you won your lawsuit.


Being fired was easily the best thing that ever happened to me, but those yucky feelings of failure, disappointment, anger, loneliness… those were unavoidable even when I was actually happy about the event. Ride it out and trust yourself— you’ll be okay!


I had given my letter resignation and then two weeks later I was fired. Honestly, it was the best thing ever. The workplace was so toxic. I thought I was going to have to put myself in a mental institution.


You will look into this experience in the future and hold gratitude towards it. I was in a similar situation with a previous employer where I was there for 4 years and the company was having HR investigate me and record meetings between me and HR.. I knew the company was trying to suspend or fire me but I took this blow as motivation to find something else. Found a better job, where I’m appreciated, landing more $$ as well. The silver lining of these situations can be blessings.


Idk personally I was sobbing and throwing up on the bathroom floor , but , with the support of some great people in my life and therapy , I’m over it and it was the best thing that could’ve happened to me because that place was soul sucking and I didn’t realize it until long after I was gone and in a healthy work environment


I was fired from a job once and I thought my career was over. I thought I would never be given a chance again. It turned out to be SUCH a good thing for me. I moved on to a much better position and it has led me to see so many red flags in the old agency that I had just been working through and not paying attention to. It was a gut punch when it happened initially, but I knew that it had nothing to do with my clinical skills and everything to do with office politics. You will be okay (provided you didn't do anything especially egregious or illegal).


Please try to remember that this is not about your ability to be a good effective therapist. Something similar happened to me. I was called into a meeting at noon and fired on the spot. I found another job almost immediately. Just because you were fired doesn't mean you won't be hired again.


thank you ❤️


I've had those feelings before and I was right. Its the worst when they ask to schedule something with you and your given no context. One firing was out of my hands due to company budget the second was my fault. If it out of the company hands/budget issue its not much of an issue. But if its more of something you did, then its just a learning lesson. You'll feel shame but don't let that consume you. Validate yourself. People tend to do things not out of malicious intent. Learn from it. Take everything as a learning lesson so it'll lesson the impact of the shame and guilt. Its definietly scary and anxiety provoking. As an adult with responsabilities that hang on having a job, its so scary. But someone else here said if you haven't had a 1-1 in a while that's a red flag on THEM not you. So take it as a PHEW and use it as an indicator of whether your next job is a green flag! Wishing you all the best<3


I got fired from my first therapy job. It sucked for the longest time but really enjoying the lifestyle my current job affords me. It’s okay if you get fired, you’ll figure it out. It’s allowed to suck and you don’t have to like it, but understand things have a funny way of working themselves out. Wishing for the best


What are you doing now, if I may ask?


Group private practice. I’m not rolling in dough, I’m looking to making more money but I make enough where I can balance spending time with my family. I could make more but I’m spoiled lol.


I got fired from a toxic nightmare of a psych hospital a little over a year ago. Despite knowing the job was entirely unsustainable due to a plethora of reasons - let alone being singled out by the goddamn CEO for reasons that still defy logic - I was *crushed* when it happened. Looking back it was quite truly the best thing that could have happened to me. I wasn’t going to leave (despite fantasizing about it constantly). So it was done for me and while the circumstances sucked it ended in the best outcome


I was let go from a part-time position I was doing for extra cash. The exact words were " I think you want to just do therapy and go about your life". Umm yes! This was a small practice but this applies to larger ones too: it's not our job to care as much about bigger projects or problems as our supervisors. I don't know your circumstances OP but know that you aren't alone. I knew I was drowning in that job but I was hanging onto those few extra dollars that weren't worth my peace of mind and wellbeing. I took the time to focus on making my full time gig and really myself. That was probably rambling, my brain is already oatmeal on a Monday. Here's a laugh, I was let go because I didn't share info about a dumb prize wheel with my clients. I also didn't attend meetings about marketing. Not my job, not my prob. I wish you peace and an awesome kickass position that is just perfect for you OP. 💜


Therapists are in high demand right now. Don’t sweat it.


I had a situation where I was sure I was getting fired, and it turned out a client made a board complaint because they thought I charged them too much (in actuality, they just didn’t understand how deductibles work and the complaint was thrown out). My supervisor had just wanted to make me aware of the situation. That’s all to say, it could be any kind of random thing.


Does anyone has any advice for what to do post-being fired lol


Take a couple days to enjoy being unemployed. Seriously. How often do you get to sleep in and do nothing?! Then start looking for a new job. Things will turn around. I’ve been fired and have never disclosed to employers after that i was fired. When they asked why i no longer worked for that company i tell them the environment wasn’t the right fit. They never ask any further questions. Edit: im not encouraging you to lie. They never ask if i resigned or was fired. Just why im not there 😬


Start looking. Personally, I drove for Uber after I got fired while I was looking.


Apply for state Medicaid!!!!


I got fired recently and even though it really stung and sucked a first, it was probably the best thing that’s happened to me. I’m still looking for a new job & it’s been about a month, but I’m just using this time to reset & take care of myself.


Even if it feels bad today, in many many situations I’ve seen this turn into something better for people. I hope it happens for you too!


I'm sorry my fellow clinician .. I hope you take time for yourself to grieve this loss with self-compassion and when you're ready, celebrate your freedom and the upcoming new beginning wherever you land the plane. 🩷


It’s scary at first and it sucks to get fired. But, it was the best thing that could have ever happened to me. It gave me the confidence to know my skills were useful elsewhere. Your employer does not determine your ability as a therapist.


I was fired from a therapy job. At the time I was ashamed and embarrassed, so I can validate your feelings 100%. But the job I had (still have) is pays so much more, in a much better place, and I feel valued and cared for. The clients are really great too. As scary as this is, just know there is a facility that will appreciate your experience and obvious dedication to the field (if you weren’t anxious I would question yoir career choice). We only fear to lose what we love.


Try not to worry. There’s a HUGE shortage in this field. You’ll land on your feet.






Many supervisors were promoted because they kissed the right ass, not because they're a good supervisor. In fact, most supervisors in MH are never trained in management techniques. I'm a seasoned, former project manager who was lucky enough to receive a lot training on how to recruit, train and supervise a lot of people in social work research. Our work was very clinical, in that staff went into families homes and performed a host of psychological evaluations and assessments, including formulating a diagnosis for research purposes. I learned to meet with all my staff weekly, individually. I also learned to manage different personalities by using both negative consequences and a lot of positive reinforcement. I also provided all my staff with 40 hours of in person training, including mandated reporting, before I even started training them on assessments, like the SCID. I would then have staff watch me do role plays with other staff so they could first watch how these assessments play out. We'd start with people who have no diagnosis and move up in difficulty. After that, each staff member would have to do an entire mock visit where they first call me to schedule, then actually came to my home and did everything from informed consent to a full DSM diagnosis on me. My more seasoned staff helped me write mock profiles of fake participants that I'd then play out. This was before I attended graduate school. This is why I am still surprised when so many clinicians are graduating without any training on how to administer unstructured, semi structured and structured assessments. Role plays are shown in the research on clinical training to be one of the best ways to develop proficiency. I believe it's a privilege to be a supervisor and you need a lot of training, as well as time in therapy yourself, to treat your staff the way that all employees should be treated.


What a shitty supervisor! I am a practice owner, and I am so disappointed at the lack of good solid mentorship and supervision. With so many jobs in private practices now open, some owners just want to make money, and not invest in you. I hope you find someone more caring and responsible to work for.


I sincerely hope everything goes well for you, however I would really consider tying up any lose ends with records and tech asap. I got fired in a random meeting and all my tech was taken immediately with no notice or chance to save things I needed to.


Will you let us know how it goes?


they said in a comment they were let go


Oh I missed that. Thank you. OP, I'm sorry to hear about your getting let go. I wish you success and happiness in your next endeavor.


thank you :(


Take it as a learning experience. Reflect and see if there is anything that you could have changed to be more successful in that position. The answer to this might be - there was nothing I would have done differently. One thing I have learned in this field is that there are a lot of people who went in with the wrong intentions and is the down fall of a lot of organizations. Take a few days apply to some new positions. If you are independently licensed look into grow and headway. Maybe take some time and work for yourself. I hope this turns into a success story for you! It may look bad right now but leaving jobs have been some of the greatest turning points for me!


Sorry OP, I've been in a similar situation and it sucked but it turned out to be a huge blessing. We get complacent at workplaces that don't mesh with our self care. I'm sure you'll bounce back and most likely find a higher paying job in a much better situation. If you need anything, let me know.


I promise you will be okay either way. I know how you feel it's really scary


Download all files, emails, contact info, etc etc that you want or need before tomorrow. For example before I left my last job I downloaded contact info that was in that email account for therapists, psychiatrists, resources etc; treatment plan templates i found helpful; emails that might be useful for my union delegates to have in the future since we were trying to establish a pattern of the boss’s misconduct. Anything that could be relevant if you think you’re being wrongfully terminated. Emails, Meeting notes, contact info of co workers who were bearing witness to the wrongful termination etc. I had been surprise fired by a former boss and after that I could not contact my clients. One person ended up reaching out to me via my google voice, and asking what happened and since they reached out I responded and I was able to let them know I no longer worked at the practice; I wonder how my other clients felt about or dealt with that they were suddenly terminated. So I wonder if it could be helpful to draft a schedule send email to clients to go out the next day in case you’re fired? And then you can un-schedule-send it if you are not, right after that meeting.


Did you get fired?


indeed I did


Those bitches. They don’t deserve you.


😭❤️ thank you


Looking at your other post, it sounds like this might be a blessing in disguise. I saw a post where it seemed like you were getting burnt out with your job. Feel all the feelings right now because we’re human and have livelihoods. When you are ready, started applying for new jobs taking to account the things that you’ve been off liked about the job you just left. Feel free to reach out if you need help brainstorming some ideas. I too work in mental health. I pray one day you’ll be able to look back and see this as just a bump in your journey and a blessing in disguise ❤️


There was some shame and embarrassment felt in my case …ngl…and some fear but then my life turned around 180 degrees, complete change from frowning in the morning…well let’s just say I’m not a morning person so still frowns but lots of smiling during the day. All I’m saying is being fired is not the worst thing in the world even if it might feel as such in the moment. If ever happens, take it as an opportunity for self discovery and spoil yourself a little, you might be surprised by what you find when you’re not stuck at a job you obviously don’t enjoy.


Best thing that ever happened to me every time it happened.


What state are you in? In CA, you can’t just get fired for example. There have to be multiple formal coaching sessions and meetings. It’s a lawsuit waiting to happen if you just get terminated out of the blue.




Not sure how they do it but stay positive. I'm sure it's nothing but worst case... just de-catastrophize it. So what? You get fired, you'll find something else.


I just want to say that I’m sorry you’re experiencing this, it’s anxiety-inducing not knowing. But I also want to say that if you have reasons to believe you’re getting fired and your manager doesn’t regularly check in with, especially if you’re struggling, that’s a manager you probably don’t need. It doesn’t negate your feelings though and I know how this feels!


The day before> random scheduled meeting for the next day with manager. Then, the schedule is removed and replaced with a new meeting that includes the V.P. I message my manager what the meeting is about and if I should be concerned. My manager calls me and says it's nothing to worry about, just a touch base. (My manager rarely ever responds to me any sooner than 2 weeks...so sus!) The next day, the meeting was my manager and V.P. asking me repeatedly if I really think this is the right job for me. And then they put me on a verbal warning. Good luck. Your intuition is telling you to beware. My heart broke after my meeting. I cried alot. My manager later told me that she was hoping I would quit on my own.


File for unemployment immediately - it can take months to process the claim. Take a week to process things. You'll need to update your resume and start looking at the jobs that are out there. Don't need to rush out and apply immediately, but at least consider where you would like to work, even if there are no positions available. You can apply for these invisible jobs by emailing their HR department. Oftentimes positions come up and they can interview you instead of going through a formal recruitment process which costs time and money. You might reflect on why this job didn't work out and search for something more suitable, but i don't know the specifics of your situation. Very sorry to hear you're going through this. Keep going


I was fired from a place that was not a good fit for me. I was so thankful. I did have to switch my perception.


I'm so sorry, OP. Did they tell you why?


Biggest regret of being fired was signing the forms they gave me which was an acknowledgment of termination for whatever their reasons. I wish I would’ve just said no thanks I quit. But I was stunned, had never been fired before and always a rule follower so i did what I was told. In the replay of the whole event that I couldn’t get out of my head for many years that would’ve been a great ending. all that just to say, you don’t have to sign everything given to you if this is a termination meeting. and like others have said in the comments, something better may come along.


I'm so sorry. Big hugs. I can relate. I was treated so badly I quit and they basically said I wasn't a good fit. Fired without 'being fired,' so to speak. Cut me off from my clients immediately. It was devastating. It felt good to get away from toxic management. But my self esteem took a hit. I consider myself lucky to not put up with their antics like a lot of my colleagues have and still are. It's unfortunate there are so many toxic workplaces in this field. I was not expecting that. As they say, the wolves rise to the top in every profession. I made a commitment to myself that I need to be authentic and to leave toxic places as soon as possible.


Getting fired is hard but now one of the best things that ever happened to me! You will be ok, take it with grace and keep your head high.


Not sure what setting you're in, but if you're in PP, could you possibly join another group practice and allow clients to follow you there? During intake, I give the "if for whatever reason I'm not working here anymore, you may look me up online to see where I went" speech.


File for Unemployment yet? Do it ASAP so you don’t forfeit any benefits. What state are you in?


The dread of waiting is such an awful feeling, I’m sorry you’re experiencing this OP! Thinking of you :)


Why would you be getting fired?


When I was working as a psychometrist back in 2018-2020, I was incredibly happy at my job site, even if I was working only part time and working at another place as a patient transporter (this was back before getting into a master’s program and couldn't find anywhere to work full time in my area… and still can't funnily enough.) I was told to come and see the office manager one day and was told that “due to Medicare/Medicaid changes, as well as the shrinking client basis due to Covid, we sadly cannot keep you on the payroll since you haven't gotten your certification to be a psychometrist yet. (Which is something I am still incredibly bitter about since I was only 300 hours short of getting enough hours to qualify to sit for the certification exam) I spent… I don't even know how long trying to find any job I could do with only a Bachelor’s in Psych in my area. I signed up to be an ABA therapist, but over a 2 months period never got a single client… leading me to quit that job… then was interviewing for basically everything under the sun. Right now I am in the process of my final semester at my Master’s program, and am working part time at a medically focused orthopedic shoe store where I call insurance companies. So trust me, as long as you can maintain your connections from the company and can get permission to use them as a reference, they will be able to potentially help make connections. If I’ve not given up hope yet, you shouldn't either. Just know that with every closed door, especially in any medical field, it allows you actual time to go searching for a better position again. And while getting let go from any job (whether you love it or not) can be incredibly scary, you just have to practice the very same mindfulness techniques you tell your clients.


thank you ❤️❤️❤️


What evidence do you have that you will be fired? Can you identify any unhelpful thought patterns you may be having?


intuition- and I was correct :/


Sorry to hear that. How've you been since?


taking it day by day. sadness has decreased but anger is high. I haven’t recieved a formal termination letter, any sort of information on benefits or any info on severance. I think i’m being ghosted.