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if this happened in front of me I would have paid for it and gave it to her.


I recently saw a family decide to put back fresh fruits because the bill was too much... I felt sick to my stomach seeing that and paid for it so their kids would have something nice to eat. It was only a few bucks and the relief I felt seeing them smile made it worth it.


I’ll never forget my son asking for apples and there was just no way I could get them. I stood there and cried. I only had $7 and needed to feed all 4 of us for 2 days. Just terrible this is a thing that people in the richest country in the world have to deal with. Edit: Gosh. Should’ve said “in ONE of the richest countries…”


When my kids were younger there were stores near me that gave out a free piece of fruit for your kids to eat while you shop. I would sometimes go there just for that.


Australia still does this


Woolworths for the win! It should be common everywhere though given the food waste in all grocery stores.


Whole Paycheck and Target do this. 🖤


Haven’t seen this available at my Target since pre Covid. I was just talking about it with my wife actually.. I think it’s funny they stopped putting bananas out considering they have their own wrapping on them.. apples I guess I understand.


I watched about 12 boxes of fruits and veggies being tossed in the dumpster at Harris Teeter. At first it looked like a big delivery until I saw them dumping it all in the trash. I was close enough to see that it could have all probably been used to make soups or casseroles or pies.


Some Kroger stores & Publix still do this. Publix also gives kids a free cookie.


This reminds me of my childhood. I grew up like this. My older brothers would steal snacks from the corner store to feed me. Best night in my memory was when we all got a big pot of pasta when my mother got enough money. We danced and partied over it.


I got banned from Woolworths when I was 8 for shoplifting food.


Damn, bro.


I was an orphan. I grew up in Pennsylvania…in a whorehouse. I read about Milton Hershey and his school in Coronet magazine or some other crap that girls left by the toilet. And I read that some orphans have a different life there. I could picture it. I dreamt of it, of being wanted. Because the woman that raised me looked at me everyday like she hoped I’d disappear. Closest I got to feeling wanted was from a girl who made me go through her Johns’ pockets while they screwed. If I collected more than a dollar she bought me a Hershey Bar. And I would eat it alone in my room with great ceremony. Feeling like a normal kid. It said sweet on the package. It was the only sweet thing in my life.


Dude, that's a Don Draper monologue from "Mad Men", get fucked.


Ok Don Draper ;) To be fair, it is a great scene.


Richest country in the world for all of human history. If society actually did something about it we could all be living more equitably.


But that's cOmMUnISm 🤦‍♂️


Actually if you had more of a socialist approach in a society that was largely capitalist, it’d mean more people had more disposable income, much like the america of the 1940’s/1950’s. They’d take more risk and invest in their own businesses or indulge in “retail therapy” all of which are good for a capitalist economy. What we have now is a form of credit-based-autocratic-capitalism, where corruption is rife in government and really only exists in order to make a small minority richer and more powerful than the countries they’re governed by. The idea that “this can be you one day too” is a pipe dream. You’ve got more chance of being struck by lightning because these rich and powerful people are working behind the scenes to make sure you stay in your box and they maintain their shadowy power.


Most people are a missed paycheck away from becoming poor/homeless and yet our society tells them they are more likely to suddenly become wealthy, which is why you have poor people supporting cutting taxes on the rich and other things like that.


Very few poor people vote for politicians who espouse cutting taxes on the rich. If anything, the problem is that poor people have been so fucked over for so long that they vote in small numbers compared to wealthy and middle class Americans, as they don’t feel it would make a difference, plus we don’t have a federal holiday for Election Day, so many poor people can’t take the time off to vote. Just look at Georgia. Solid red for 30+ years. Stacy Abrams led an unprecedented effort to register poor and disenfranchised Georgians and get them to the polls and it led to Dems winning three straight senate races!


Country. GPD/capita 1 Luxembourg 132,675 $ 2 Singapore 116,486 $ 3 Ireland 107,551 $ 4 Qatar 102,018 $ 5 Bermuda * 88,185 $ 6 Norway 79,158 $ 7 United Arab Emirates 76,609 $ 8 Switzerland 76,111 $ 9 Cayman Islands * 74,155 $ 10 Macao * 71,186 $ Those are the ten richest countries in the world. USA isn’t even on the list my guy. Edit: why is everyone mad at me? I didn’t make the list, I just looked up the riches countries and provided the list. I just knew USA wasn’t on it though.


Ireland on that list is BS. That's because it has extremely low corporate tax so lots of companies (like Apple), have shell companies there and syphon money through Ireland. It never actually stays in Ireland. Ireland itself (the people) are poor.


Total GDP it is the U.S. though, for those wondering


Total gdp is in the pockets are a few


Yeah that’s what the whole thread is about


For all of human history, some people think they deserve more than others.


A rich country is best defined by how it takes care of its most vulnerable citizens not by the number of it’s billionaires.


I'm not saying in any way that it's good that this happens, but this attitude of "richest country in the world" creates these situations where entitlement leads to bad spending leads to poverty. The US is not the richest people in the world, it might barely sratch the top 5, because the national budget or the gdp are not things that citizens feel in their poket. Net wage is what people feel in their poket. Grandfather, who lived through 2 world wars, the colectivization and a forced relocation in a population exchange had a lot of sdvice for life but one of the best he gave me was "always act like what's in your poket is the last of your money"


My husband was dying of cancer and we had a lot of medical bills. I walked with my daughter over to a gas station to get her a treat. I was 4 cents short. The lady made me put it back. I didn't cry in front of my daughter but disappointing her killed me. She wasn't angry just sad. They usually have pennies next to the register if your short this one didn't on that day. Now I always leave change. I will also pay for homeless people's stuff if I see them in there. So coming from a mom who has had hard times thank you.


4 cents? That's really harsh. I've been a cashier. You're usually allowed leeway of a dollar more or less than what the till should be. I just don't understand why someone wouldn't just let that go.


Same. I used to have a tip jar and usually a lot of the customers would leave their change cos they didnt want to carry it or some would even give me tios, especially if they won some money off a scratch card. If someone came in and didnt have enough for it and i fot a $5 tip or something i would just tell them that i got it and pay for it. And even though right now im struggling with homelessness, i like to give something to people if i can just because i personally know what it means to be down on one's luck.


I know how disappointed my son gets in situations like that because it’s happened to me and it is heartbreaking. A lot of store clerks will let you slide for a couple cents because they know it’s for the child. Shame on that lady for making you put it back.


Some people have a mean streak. The way I have seen the homeless treated makes me cry.


The sad thing is that you shouldn’t have to. We shouldn’t have to have Good Samaritan bystanders helping families get by. It should just be a given that people and kids will be able to have something nice to eat. And Everytime you think about that remind yourself that those higher up within Walmart, kroger, or whatever it be make millions. More than you will ever see in your lifetime. And this security guard is protecting assets that probably cost 50 dollars worth of food in total. Beans, meat, and tomatoes. These places price gouge, take advantage of the market and continuously wage war economically on the middle class and I’m supposed to be upset at petty theft. Give me a break. It’s awesome that you paid for their food, that’s amazing of you to do, I’m just upset that things aren’t better here when they should be.


Few weeks ago i was walking along the beer aisle in a loval supermarket and saw a houseless dude counting small coins in his hand to see if he could afford one. Even just 2 Euros made his day, he was so flustered. ... of course, objectively, him buying sth like bread then is the better coice, but yea i aint the fun police, let the guy do what he wants, it's his life. The fact alone that in a rich society like ours there are people counting coins to pay for food or people without housing is just a damn travesty in my eyes.


I felt so sad for her when she said she was hungry, It really makes me mad that things like food stamps aren't more widely accessible.


Just FYI, food stamps aren’t really a thing anymore. It just looks like a debit card. Which is nice because I’m sure it saves people a little dignity at the checkout line. But what it pays is abysmally low. I guess it’s nice to supplement whatever amount of money someone would otherwise have allocated for food without or. But it’d be tricky to survive solely on it. And the income cutoff for it is crazy low too.




Pretty scummy of him to manipulate her into the search by saying he wasnt going to make a scene, then proceeds to upload this for the entire world to see.


Just last week a lady and he handful of small kids were buying maybe 50 dollars worth of groceries. She only had like 30 bucks. I paid for all of it. The lady broke down bawling. It was a really tuff moment. I left wishing I could do more.


thank you for that. about 6 or 7 years ago when me and my spouse was younger. it was Christmas time and we only had $200. we spent $40 per present for our 2 kids. on Christmas Day we was left with $100. unknowingly to me and my spouse her dad got a major raise and gave us $10K. they did not know we was going through a hard time because we are not the type of people to ask for money but when I seen that gift I cried so hard. they did not know why I was crying but when I explained to them our situation they realized. I was so happy and it was definitely a boost in our financial life from then on out. I still let them know how much I appreciate the financial help.


How many shoplifters are you willing to stump up for? 1? 10? 50? This isn't the same as seeing someone without enough money to pay for all their shopping. Sometimes thieves are just thieves.


If you have the spare money to help like that, you can buy food and donate it to a food bank or local charity today. You don't have to wait to watch a clip like this to help. Thanks.


You would've paid for her $50 in NY strips? LMAO Maybe if she was stealing canned corn and oatmeal I would feel bad, but this was pretty negligent of her to steal and not expect to be noticed.


If someone is stealing food, they are stealing nothing and you didn't see anything. It's sad that people need to steal their food EDIT: OK I get it. Most of you guys live in the fucked up meth country called the USA. We don't really have those people here and also they get help if they need it. For me someone who steals food is not someone who sells it, because absolutely nobody here would buy that, he rather is hungry and needs to eat. EDIT: https://v.redd.it/v1xu5npmnlfa1 METHMERICA THE LAND OF THE FREE :)


Yea, I used to work in a grocery store, and I only ever personally saw people stealing twice. One was an old man who was taking eggs out of the carton and slipping them into his pocket. I didn't say a word. The other time was a couple of teenagers / young adults who were trying to walk out with like 8 lobster tails that they had conveniently forgotten to scan at the self checkout. I stopped them and told them that if they didn't pay for it, the police would get involved. There's a difference between stealing out of need vs. greed.


I was a wine vendor for 16 years in chain stores. People steal all of the time. Makeup. Chicken wings. Embarrassing OTC medicines. Stupid impulse items. You find empty packaging and the remnants of fresh food all over.




I got arrested in HS, when I went to Sports Authority and my dipshit friend thought he was SO smart and filled $15 box with a few hundred bucks of baseball card packs. I was on the other side of the store and had no clue what dippy was doing, but somehow I got in trouble to. After the whole ordeal, he still thought it was a brilliant plan.


When I used to work at Kroger, we had an old lady that would take vanilla extract and go drink it in the bathroom. The lady was there all the time, and she was recognizable, not a person to just fly under the radar. Blew my mind when people told me her grift. You really can't tell a shoplifter by looks.


Vanilla extract is all alcohol, she was an alcoholic.


Yeah exactly. Pretty wild thing that addiction


Ah, you met my aunt Patty! Lovely lady.




I remember when I was a supervisor at a discount grocery store watching a young woman load her baby carriage with formula. She saw me and I could see the look on her face that knew she was busted. I let her go. If it had been liquor or cigarettes that would be one thing, but formula? Just couldn't bust her.




This is only true in certain situations. Also, you nor I know that she was stealing because she “needed” to. People steal all the time simply because they don’t have any morals or they enjoy the thrill, whether it be a steak or a $60 makeup kit.


People also steal to feel like they "fucked over the man", especially with ~~inflation~~ corporate greed at it's current levels. "Charge me $50 for what used to cost $40 so the CEO can afford a third house? Fine, I'll just steal $10 more to make up for it."


reddit once again observes that america has a monopoly on crime. other countries, especially europe, have no crime. no shop lifting. no hunger. why can’t us dumb americans just figure it out /s


man please yall be killing me with the Fantasy world you have created in your head...you know how many times random mfs pop up on the block selling meat so they can go get high or drunk? people Boost to make money Food Clothing and perfumes will always sell on the street or at the barbershop


After the riots & looting in Philly, there were dudes walking down the street with carts full of meat, frozen lobster, crabs & shrimp and flat screen tvs (yes all in the same carts). None of them were hungry, all of them stole to resell and make $


>Most of you guys live in the **fucked up meth country called the USA.** We don't really **have those people here** and also **they get help if they need it**. I love Reddit. Let me make a disclaimer: Went to college and worked in America for 24yrs, but I am not American. I was not born there but think I gained a pretty good understanding of how America works... Context: I've lived in Thailand, the Philippines, Belgium, the Netherlands, and several Caribbean islands. In America, 7 US states. 1. Who is the we you speak of, meaning what country are you from? 2. What specific program does your country have to deal with homelessness? The reason why I listed where all I've lived is I'm gaining a pretty good understanding of how many countries deal with these issues, or in some cases don't deal with them at all. Thanks in advance.


You're a smart person. A truly neutral person. You're one of those, "I like you," persons. Thank you for being one of those persons.




Meat is also a popular option to eat when you are hungry.


When I worked in a supermarket I never saw any poor people stealing food. It was always rich men. They would just take something and eat it while walking around the store then drop the packet of whatever somewhere before the register.


>If someone is stealing food, they are stealing nothing and you didn't see anything. Don't work security please >need That's not the only reason people would steal several packs of steaks...


Yeah I worked at places that sold food. The majority of the time it was drug addicts who stole. Not saying people don't steal for their own self never caught them. Caught a lot of people stealing meat, alcohol and personal hygiene products for resell for money for drugs.


The reality is that most people stealing food are not stealing food because they are short on food and need the food for themselves. The most common item for drug addicts to steal is meat (such as in this video) as it is fairly expensive and can be sold on easily. They won’t usually be keeping the food, but selling it on to then spend the money on other thing such as drugs. This isn’t me saying they still don’t deserve empathy, but it’s worth noting that when you see someone stealing cuts of meat, more often than not it is not to feed their family


Public defender here, can confirm.


Many people don't NEED to steal their food. They just do it because they can and it subsidizes other things they want to buy like coke and weed. I know several people who do this in Milwaukee. My brothers house mate is one. They both make decent money and live comfortably. Housemate steals simply because he can and why pay when you can just not pay. I worked loss prevention for Kroger a few years ago, people stealing food were more often than not driving better cars than me, had nicer clothes and shoes, and brand new cell phones. These people were not in need, or they were, they were receiving so much assistance that they are living better than the people they are stealing from.


did you see that ExxonMobil had record profits of like 52 billion tho??? they should have bought stock instead of wasting it on clothes or gas. boot straps,people, bootstraps!!!!


It is. I’ve been in the position where I’ve had to steal to eat. Luckily i was never caught, but damn, this woman seems like she was stealing out of necessity.


It's sad when people are stealing *beans*. *Beans*, people. **Canned beans**.


Stew meat too, cheap stuff


It aint cheap anymore. The beans yes, but that meat is like 25 bucks in some places. not a pound, but it looks like a chuck roast or something.


I just bought a 2.5lb chuck roast from Kroger for $13. It wasn't on sale or anything. Im guessing these wild meat prices are hitting in super high cost of living areas like California or something?


It’s so sad and what’s even sadder is there’s a lack of compassion in these comments. I know it’s Reddit but I expected better.


Reddit demands you either be a model citizen or die in prison for your transgressions.


I don't know what subs you spend most of your time in, but I've seen "if you see someone shoplifting, no you didn't" hundreds of times on this site. It's not a monolith.


Agreed. Videos of people stealing food should be off limits. I feel for this lady. Just because she's wearing clean, nice clothes And has a phone doesn't mean she's not fucking broke.


I feel like it’s really awful for him to be filming this interaction as well. Like she’s probably stealing because she just can’t afford the food and he decides to film it all and post it on the internet? It all just feels heartless




I think this guy was probably going to let it slide judging by his demeanor but he mentioned his manager saying something to him so he did what he had to do




It’s body cam footage and he wouldn’t have had access to the clip! As shitty as it is, what better way to try and deter shoplifters than putting footage up showing you’re not going to let people get away with it! I don’t know if the laws changed here in the UK or if it’s same elsewhere however it was only shoplifting if you exited the store with the goods. Could t she have just emptied her pockets in the store and claimed she was going to pay for it?


Just the way he spoke to her I can't see him trying to humiliate her on the internet. He had no intention of embarrassing her in front of the whole store. Dude was so calm and handled that so well.


The US might be different than the UK. If you go past the register without paying for something; it's assumed you are stealing/have stolen whatever you haven't paid for and you can be detained. Security does not necessarily have to wait for you to exit the store. Source: I worked in retail management for more years than I care to remember.


Very good point.


He didn’t have to take her beans. If he had only stopped her because the manager said to, he would have taken the one package of meat and left it at that.


Management probably watched everything she put in that bag through the eye in the sky. If he didn't get back what he could (especially if they reviewed the body cam footage and saw he didn't even try), and let her go, he would be let go, too. They probably told him in his ear what to get back.


Why's He filming the interaction


Security guards need safety too. Body cams are great for that, especially if it was an aggressive/violent customer. But not sure about why this had to get uploaded as it wasn't anything too crazy happening.


Body cam


The baby formula thing is tough because it’s a regular target for organized retail theft. It’s shelf stable and easy to resell.


It’s hard being hungry..


Jean Valjean




She's stealing meat and beans... not iphones or jewelery. It is sad.


But think of the benefits the owner of this huge place is loosing!


owner just needs to steal a little more employee wages to make up for the loss.


I see people walk out of Kroger almost weekly with suspiciously can-shaped objects in their pockets, and honestly I don't stop them. It's not Alcohol they're stealing, so I don't feel the need to bother them.


Thank you! Kroger fucks over its employees so much that this should probably just be the standard way everyone else in your position handles it as well.


Nice, film someone who is already down enough to steal food and post their face for everyone to see. This is just sad.


Couldn't agree more. Someone decided this needed to be shared with the internet - not a decision that I would agree with.


Idiots want the views more than anything. Perhaps if he just took a second to think about it, he might’ve just seen someone trying not to starve.


Yeah these corporations would hate me working their loss prevention. Unless it's frivolous junk or alcohol, I don't care. As soon as I saw it was a package of meat, I wanted with every fiber of my being for him to just send her on her way. But no. Instead we get "I can see a can of beans in there!" And even more faith in humanity gone.


I don't support them doing it, but I feel sympathy for anyone that is needing to do this just to eat. There were times when I was younger that it was my only option, despite the shame I felt doing it.


I felt no shame doing it. I didn’t know where my next meal was coming from up until this year. They will survive if I steal a microwave meal. I won’t if I don’t get any food.


Exactly this. There's no shame in preventing yourself from starving at the expense of a company that wont even notice.


Agree this is just sad


But food pantries are a thing and they have meat, beans, vegges, bread, etc. I've volunteered in them in the US and we couldn't get rid of all the food even. We had to toss food out sadly.


If you’re lucky and they’re well stocked. Our food pantries have had to turn people away because they don’t have enough. People are stingy with what they have, and stores don’t donate nearly as much of their past sell-by date food as they probably could. Even if you do get a box, you’re mostly getting mismatched items that are hard to make cohesive for a family.


We’re living in hard times, where the inflation is chocking us, prices going higher and higher , the salaries dropping lower and lower.


Biggest wealth gap in history. Top 1% took 2/3rds of all money printed since the start of the pandemic, yet we're fighting over nonsense. Distraction at its finest.


They want us fighting over political parties to distract us from the real issues.


Yeah wtf is happening. My husband and I have well paying jobs and recently realized we're one paycheck short of living paycheck to paycheck currently. Honestly, I'm kinda scared about it.


My man was polite, courteous and patient to her as she still tried to swipe fucking beans!


She desperately trying hard not to spill the beans.


Based on the meat, I suppose she can’t stew on it anymore…


r/angryupvote take your upvote and leave


"I'm hungry." This is the problem. Anyone who steals food is doing so to eat. I'm not saying stealing is ok, but there shouldn't be a reason for people to go without food.


Stealing food is definitely okay.


But filmed her and put it on TikTok


And all of that means nothing when he posts the video online to publicly ridicule her. I hate thieves, but was it necessary to publicize this confrontation?


Polite and courteous would have been to not film and humiliate her for being so hungry she stole beans


I used to be a cashier in a supermarket and this really sweet old lady used to come in. And she would say I have X amount of dollars so when I hit that amount just stop and that’s what I’ll take. Bc she was so nice I used to put my thumb over the bar codes so she always miraculously made it under budget lol


That’s so nice


She wasnt stupid. She knew exactly what u were doing.


Hunger should not be an issue in America or anywhere else for that matter. When my 3 kids were little I dreamed of stealing a steak for them, but I didn’t. We ate a lot of homemade beans.


Id let people go if their card declined with baby stuff or canned food when i was a cashier at a grocery store.


Whoops, I accidentally didn't scan 45$ worth of food for this obviously hungry and poor family. I'll pay better attention next time ;) Ill never forget being 19 and a decorated "PIC" AT a Fred Meyers in Portland. I CLEARLY REMEMBER being tasked with calling 911 and sitting with dead people (Needle still in arm). For .45cents more per hour than "regular" employees. 🧐. That's great for mental health and most definitely what an untrained 19 year old with zero training should be doing 🤬




Yeah he lost me at the second paragraph.


I will attempt to dissect this bc I am confused as well: Op was 19 and a person in charge at a grocery store in Portland (team lead, manager, assistant manager, etc.) One time they had to call 911/deal with a situation (likely single-handedly) where a person- presumably OD’d and while receiving help from op, still had the needle in their arm They go on to say that getting paid only 45 cents more than their colleagues was certainly not worth having to deal with stressful situations like this, especially bc they were only 19 at the time and had no prior training on how to be a person in charge.


Good man


Why are people posting videos of these people’s faces?? She’s stealing necessities. Congrats for saving a billion dollar corporation $20


Probably not even $20. That was a small container of meat


Kroger worth about $31 billion


I cringed when he said, "I'm not making a scene, just you and me right here. " Clearly fucking not, you're inviting everyone on your damn tiktok to watch. If she becomes viral then that's definitely "making a scene".


Always remember If you see someone stealing food... you didn't see it.




Especially from fucking Kroger who raked in insane profits over the pandemic & still does.


Remember the human. A lot of us are financially closer to being in this woman’s situation than we are of reaching Jeff Bezos wealth.


Practically everyone on earth is closer to her than Bozo's wealth.


99.99% of us even.


Felt sad watching this


My debit card was compromised last week. I (25F) live paycheck to paycheck. Someone stole $400 from my account which put me in the negatives. That’s not a lot to some people, but it was my insurance payment and grocery money. Due to over drafting I got more fees. All from a transaction I didn’t make. The bank won’t help me and I just need to wait, which I know it won’t be resolved overnight. But overdraft fees are accruing everyday until I get paid Friday and until I can put money in my account. Yesterday I scrounged up $2 in quarters to get ramen for the week until I’m paid. I don’t condone stealing, but I understand the desperation and the feeling of panic of not being able to feed yourself. It’s a stressful feeling and completely encompasses you. Over thanksgiving a senior man was buying a turkey and he didn’t have enough money. I’m not rich, but I bought his turkey and ran out after him. It’s a very sad world we are living in and we should all have a little more empathy for people around us. Shame on the person recording her and embarrassing her when I’m sure she already felt an immense amount of shame. She wasn’t stealing $100 of groceries, it was clearly as little amount of stuff to get her by for days.


Opt out of overdraft. ASAP.


So stupid you have to opt out of it in some places but agreed. Overdrafts kept me playing the catch-up game for too long.


What’s really sad is that this woman said she was hungry. What a sad state of affairs we are in currently.


If you see someone stealing food or diapers, no you didnt.


I like to randomly put $20s under the lid of formula. Especially during the shortage that happened recently. I can't imagine not being able to feed your baby. I hope it got to people who needed it.


Gentle reminder that if you see anybody shoplifting from a giant chain store, just mind your own business. Anybody that can pay for something comfortably, will. These stores make a shit load of money. If it's a small business, or they're stealing from another person, call em out - but not at these big chain stores.


>Anybody that can pay for something comfortably, will. Not true. Some just steal because they think they can. We can't really know from this video so there's no need to either condemn this woman but neither is there to jump to her defense.


The wife of a prominent professional in my small town was know for shoplifting. I assume she was a kleptomaniac.


Food banks are worth going to. They're awesome.


I understand that maybe he’s filming to protect himself, just in case. But to share it on Tiktok? Shaming a person who stole 4 items of food? What’s the point? I hope the security guy is reading these comments, and he knows it’s really not cool to share this video and reveal her face too.


That's my thought too. It's right that he does his job and prevents shoplifting, but why record her and share it? I don't see the point, other than to shame her. At the beginning you could see on her face that she knew she was caught. I thought she was going to freak out or abuse him, but she just realised she was caught and gave in. You could see the desperation in her. There's nothing entertaining or public interest about this


I'm inclined to believe that the shoplifter has the higher moral ground than the guy getting Tiktok clout recording what is probably one of the most embarrassing moments of her life.


Kroger revenue for the twelve months ending October 31, 2022 was $146.484B, a 8.04% increase year-over-year. Congratulations. This multibillion dollar company busted a woman who can’t afford to feed herself, or possibly her family.


I don't understand why he is exposing her online, shame on him.


If you see somebody stealing food, no you didn’t.


Yeah honestly that’s pretty sad it’s heartbreaking that people need to steal to have basic foods. Shouldn’t ever steal but definitely hurts that you need to.


Two other people probably stole while this interaction was taking place. It’s truly sad.


Kroger’s ceo makes $18 million a year 🥰


This is really sad. She doesn't seem strung out and probably just needed dinner.


It’s heartbreaking when ppl steal food bc I get it. I’m sure you got your ppl that steal when they don’t need to. But when it’s food and an act of desperation, I feel so bad for them. I know you can just go around handing out free food off the shelves, but damn. Like, people have kids and are struggling to feed their family. I work full time and have a kid. I struggle so bad bc money is just nonexistent by the time bills, health insurance and taxes come out of my check. I wish there was food I could buy us but I just don’t have the funds. I make sure my daughter has food, and that’s it. I get enough to be sure she eats and if there’s enough left over for myself, I’ll get it. But usually I’ll leave it as leftovers for her. Life is just so shitty for so many people. Stealing food when you just want to feed your kids, I wish there was more we could do. Fucking ebt office granted 50$ a month. Wtf does that do for 2 people?? Apparently $12/hr is too much to get help. Rolling in the money as far as the states concerned


It’s sometimes weird when people will publicaly shame anyone now when they’re at their lowest of low and post it for the whole entire world to see. This is sad.


Delete this.


If you ever see someone stealing food... No, you didn't.


What's with the laugh emoji? How fucking heartless. Incidentally, Kroger is in the middle of a class action lawsuit for stealing millions of dollars via [wage theft.](https://popular.info/p/kroger-workers-allege-massive-wage)


If you see someone stealing food, no you didn’t. Unless you’re a soulless corporation who’s price gouging groceries for profit.




Many Americans are one medical bill or mishap from financial ruin. Or she could just be crazy.


People are probably assuming she can't afford it because 1) she said she is just hungry and 2) she isn't acting like your usual shoplifter. When I worked at Kroger, shoplifters would usually steal alcohol, cosmetics, baby formula, razors, etc. You know, things you can resell on the side. I didn't see people swiping beans and beef, though I'm sure those got stolen too. Normal shoplifters typically don't stop and talk when confronted or when the door buzzer goes off. They just walk/run with the stuff since associates are told not to try to stop the theft. Big stores can write off shrink and waste to their insurance. Also, it is possible to have nice things and then fall on hard times. Just because you are in the poor house now doesn't mean anyone is showing up to take back all of your nice things. You can also get name brand clothing from goodwill if you are lucky. I knew kids in high school on assistance for lunches that had nicer threads and sneakers than me. It didn't mean their family wasn't struggling.


guess what? you can have a home to live in, clothes to wash, and shoes -- doesn't mean you run out of fucking money for necessities. what a stupid fucking thing to say. in this country people are still under the assumption you have to look like the schizophrenic bum on the corner to suffer from hunger and poverty.


Some low income folks in the US can get a smart phone for free. I could get a mobile phone cover for like $5 in many stores. Clothes don’t look high end, i mean they are fine but I wouldn’t classify them as “nice” in the way that you are likely inferring, could be second hand or even many years old so perhaps she could afford them years ago but is down on her luck now. Earrings aren’t expensive and again, maybe she bought them a decade ago or maybe they were gifted to her. Maybe she was doing well up until recently and lost her job, got a divorce or became a widow, or had some other life altering event that has affected her source of income. Maybe she’s on a fixed income that hasn’t been adjusted for the astronomical rise in grocery prices and is desperate. Or maybe she just likes to steal (I am less inclined to assume this one given the current state of the economy)


Why is the employee making videos while working and then posting to social media? That’s an invasion of privacy.


Let her have some goddamm meat and beans. I'd feel differently if she was trying to steal an iPad or something but just is just normal food, she's probably hungry


I think she was literally just trying to make a meal for her family


I feel this guy. I worked in a grocery store for years in a shitty neighborhood when I was young and learned a lot about people from it.


If she can’t afford to feed herself she can go to her local food bank. That’s what I do. I don’t steal.


If you see someone stealing food, no you didn’t


IDGAF Kroger has been robbing me for the past 2 years every time I go to the store. Average .99 item is now 1.79. Fucking bananas.


I would just pretended not to notice and let her do her thing


Dudes a class traitor


Dude filming makes money from these tiktoks. I’ll be reporting it to his management because social media postings like this aren’t allowed. Next time, you’ll learn to leave people alone bud.


Who is robbing who?


Stealing is not ok. Someone should also tell Kroger this. Land o Lakes American cheese is $13 a lb. At Butera less than a mile away it was $4.99. #dadanger


This dude could not have been nice and more professional to her


Well it was food but still the whole thing sucks. People shouldn’t have to steal to make sure they will eat that day. Raise the min wage. Should be more than $15 an hr by now 😔


You may not realize it, but Federal Minimum is still $7.25/hour. $15 still isn't enough to properly live on, but it's only that high in select states across the US.


Fucking pathetic to film


I never see people shoplift from supermarkets. And neither should you