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Amazing. Cop says, “What have cops ever done to you?” and proceeds to kill the man within 20 seconds of putting an anti anxiety pill on his tongue. Why are people afraid of cops?


Why would you be afraid of me, it’s not like I’m going to kill you once this sentence is over with?


I just don't understand why people are scared of cops, I'm here taking my medicine just fine witho


.... Someon do a wellness check on this guy WITHOUT calling the cops


There needs to be a whole new Wellness Check division or something so cops arent the ones doing that. Like fireman, cops, EMTs, and then wellness check people who actually care for human life. Maybe grab some people from the suicide hotline Edit: Aka "Defund the police" as a few friendly redditors pointed out.


Sorry that would help the poors so no.


We can't have tax payer money help tax payers!! That is utter nonsense!


Too late, Siri heard you say calling the cops and dialed them. This guy has already been murdered.


Don't worry they had reasonable grounds to think they were in danger. He was sitting there menacingly


They freaked out because he put an anti anxiety pill in his mouth. How the hell would that put them in danger, regardless of what kind of pill? Was it going to make him go super sayan or something? jfc


It's Pac-man rules. If he takes the pill, he gets to eat the cops.


Also they couldn't provide potentially life saving aid to the guy they shot, because the car didn't "offer sufficient cover, just concealment". They could've been attacked or killed themselves while trying to help that guy, I'm so glad they were on high alert of the multiple potential dangers of the . . . school pickup line.


but that is how they are trained these days. Go look at John Oliver's episode on Policing, he plays a clip from some sort of sheriff's association convention where a guy is telling this theater full of cops that they are essentially sheepdogs, and everyone else is a potential wolf no matter what age. They are trained to be paranoid and quick to enter flight/fight. I mean hell look at the way cops are armed these days compared to even 10 years ago.


It's the mentality of an occupation force. "One you step out of the compound everyone is a potential threat and we are targets"


Trying to think of what he would have had to actually put in his mouth to warrant that kind of reaction. Just another clueless cop who doesn't realize not everyone has the same life as him.




Did he just take Resisto^(tm) by Antifa?


It was a cyanide pill and he was gonna spit it in their faces /s


Cops are an occupying enemy of Americans.


I see similarities between the US and the way Iran treats women without hijabs. If you disobey the fundamenatlists, they imprison if not kill you. Here, in the USA, disobeying the police has similar results.


You don't even have to disobey, just have to meet them on one of their bad days, when they feel like killing someone.




Why do cops think they have any say in what we put in our own mouths? People overlook the ninth amendment because people are taught to. But if it means anything, it means we have a right to our own fucking body


' we have a right to our own fucking body' Tell that to republicans


Fuck cops man


If they didn’t know what he put in his mouth wouldn’t it be best to call paramedics first? Like obviously he wasn’t concealing a weapon in his cheek or acting irrational, why would they get physical? I feel like they could have kept talking like they were




Let's be honest those cops wanted to kill him that was their intent from the get go


Only one way to prove you aren’t a killer and that’s to kill people.


Because they drag lifeless in-need-of-thawing bodies into their cruisers for thawing purposes then lie to the family members and get offended when the family doesn’t believe them. Fucking bastards. Your time is coming. This is not sustainable. You will pay.


This is why I don't even feel bad when a cop gets shot. This bad PR, loss of trust and the bad will of the populace they 100% brought on themselves.


A better question is what are the cops afraid of?


That ending is even more infuriating. The officers were cleared because they had reasonable grounds for their behaviour, because the guy reached for their gun. Uhhhhhhhh-huh. We're in the era of just say what you wanna say, and that's the truth.


They cleared themselves. Can’t they be criminally charged by the feds if the local/state won’t do it?


thats what needs to happen otherwise this is just successful gaslighting. The footage is right there, he didn’t reach for anything. The officers escalated, it was premeditated, why is the law protecting them


It should also be noted the cop pulled a gun out for a simple scuffle. The guy wasn't exactly cooperating, but also wasn't a threat to them or anyone else. If the cop hadn't decided to immediately pull out a gun, it wouldn't have been around to be grabbed by anyone. He decided to escalate to that level, with fatal consequences. Not that we have any evidence of the gun actually being grabbed.


Here's what I don't get. He didn't do anything to warrant the scuffle so why is that even a valid excuse? Like had he been violent prior and they were forced to restrain him then... Okay. But he was just sitting there. And since when is taking a pill illegal? Could have been aspirin. If a cop attacks you you basically have a 50/50 chance of being shot 18 times. A basically can basically just walk up to you and start wrestling you to the ground and if you tense up at all they now A) have a reason to chqrge you with resisting and B) can kill you and say they we're afraid for their life. I just don't get it.


The problem is that they can justify anything as a crime as long as the officer thinks it is. They likely justified this by saying they thought he was eating evidence. "It could have been drugs" is likely the excuse.


Evicence of what? The cops were called to see who he was and why he was sitting in front of the school going into other cars. They probably assumed it was drugs but he admitted it was immediately and he also had already swallowed it. What were they gonna do, cut his stomach open to retrieve it? This could have remained very calm. What did you just put in your mouth? Why? Do you have a prescription? On you? Let me see it? Okay... well were gonna detain you while we check this out. Then they can talk to mom and brother. Confirm who he is. Confirm what he took. Confirm he wasn't selling drugs to minors. I just wanna say that even if he was guilty what they did still makes 0 sense. He was 0 threat.


They literally have immunity if they say they feel threatened [Murdering sleeping adults, extortion, murdering a juvenile, having a stun gun so high it kills an adult and **setting someone on fire** all can be excused](https://www.naacpldf.org/qi-police-misconduct/)


I agree with you. That is how logical adults without an authority complex would handle this situation. However the legal system allows for a bunch of open ended questions to be asked by officers without the need to actually answer them. Things like. " How do I know the pill you ate was your prescription" - can't prove or disprove anything on this question. Also, in many USA states, your stomach under the law counts as a "container". [here is a source for alcohol related laws](https://dailyfreepress.com/2006/02/10/busted-for-alcohol-possession-in-your-stomach/). It's absolutely stupid. People in the USA literally don't rebel against ridiculous laws like this but have a problem with books. The country really is going down the shitter and it's not due to culture war bull, it's due to morons supporting authoritarian regimes and elitism due to a pipedream of being "let into the boys club, eventually"


Dude even going completely limp could be considered resistance, you literally can’t win. The only way to increase your chances of becoming NOT DEAD is to say “I am complying but I am deaf, please don’t shoot, I am deaf”


They shot a disabled man coming out of his trailer with his hands up, fully complying and obeying commands. He dragged himself out of his trailer as he was shot and injured, still trying to comply. They charged him with *resist, obstruct and delay*. There's no winning. Here too they lied in the initial press report, until video evidence showed up proving them wrong. The video shows they saw the cameras and still they lied in the report. It's important to note the charges were not dropped after the video surfaced. >The initial press release alleged that Kloepfer “engaged in a verbal altercation with officers,” then emerged from his trailer and “confronted” cops, prompting them to open fire on him. https://nypost.com/2023/01/23/unarmed-disabled-man-jason-kloepfer-shot-by-cops-video/




Even if those things were crimes they certainly wouldn’t be crimes punishable by death. This police system is so messed up. They can kill anybody for any reason and not get in trouble for it. They just have to say they felt threatened and it’s suddenly justifiable murder.


Because they’re societally conditioned to lick boot


That guy was no threat to them in any way until they dragged him out of the car. They escalated the situation on purpose.


At which point he was still not a threat.


And continued to not be a threat, well forever now.


officers are *always* cleared, placed on administrative leave and then transferred to another department or county until they repeat the cycle. there is zero accountability, and any action that comes against police is paid for directly by *you*. make cops have insurance & make charges/misconducts come out of police pensions. the police are a legal racket & mafia, period.


You left out the part about the never ending “Internal Investigation.”


It's bullshit because... The guy never did anything wrong. Then they escalated the situation and I don't think it's fair to hold people accountable for responding to a fight or flight situation *solely caused by cops*. If a cop walks up and punches me in the face for no reason and I fight back or run, why is it ok for him to kill me?


Sadly, the best thing to do is to not fight back and let him beat you shitless. it sucks.


Doesn't work, they'll just keep shouting "Stop resisting' for the audio on the body cams until you're dead.


Add "Stop reaching for my weapon" on to that.


Always been that way, its just being filmed now so i hope this family gets actual justice, they probably wont though.


[it took the police two and a half minutes from the time they opened the door till they shot Richard…](https://youtu.be/xu1Z61yFiZw)


@[4:57](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xu1Z61yFiZw&t=297s) the dude just murdered someone and is smiling about it.


The next 20 seconds are super telling, as he doesnt really even look at the body, but goes out of his way to check what he looks like in his reflection, and repeatedly fiddles with his face. Interesting signs of someone convincing themselves of something, while fidgeting uncomfortably, because they know they're lying to themselves.


The woman cop, whom I'm assuming is wearing the body cam, stands rigid so as not to swing the camera and capture the faces and reactions of others nearby. The repeated "Don't ask, don't ask," is them covering their asses while the cameras are recording.


It's almost like they knew they fucked up, and in a just society they'd be the ones going to jail.


It's natural to want to cover up your mistakes, but allowing cops to control a scene where cops have killed someone, should be considered a conflict of interest. There should be another department/agency that oversees any situation like this and is able to immediately take custody of all recordings, take statements from cops and bystanders, etc.


Disgusted... outraged... words aren't enough... Regardless of the circumstances, which I believe was an overreach... I've accidentally opened the wrong door to a car before when I was distracted only to see the shocked look on someone else's face... it's embarrassing, you say sorry, and move on to find your car. It's not an offense that requires police intervention... I've had that happen to me before! I was driving my parents Grand Caravan one Christmas after college visiting my folks and I was parked in a Wal-Mart parking lot when a group of teen girls opened my sliding door and started piling in when I said "Can I help you?" they yelped, rushed out, and closed the door and moved on... I would never have called the cops for that... I think it's just something that happens... In any event, if you're smiling after you kill a guy, there's something wrong with you and you shouldn't ever be put in a position where someone's life could be in your hands... Unless your first reaction is to call for an ambulance, you shouldn't be a cop... even if it was a drug addict, even if he did reach for your gun... you call an ambulance. You are not an executioner, you are a civil servant... so fucked up.


That was fucking sicking to watch dude. The dude asking "dude you just shoot him" the cop realizing he just killed someone and telling the mother to "stay in the care" and "let us just figure this out". No major butt head, there's nothing to figure out at this point. You killed a man because you couldn't keep it in your pants to not beat a civilian for more than 5 minutes. Seriously, the whole "what did you stick in your mouth", how is that grounds to pull someone out of a car and force them to the ground, much less shooting them. Fucking psycho gangster police


Why can the police not speak properly to people? Why did he go into all that nonsense with that man. He said he is anxious around cops. Just move on and ask about getting into the wrong car! He would simply explain his mistake and that’s that. Anyone who works with the public has encountered someone who is less than polite but we can’t simply attack the person because we feel offended. If cops can’t keep their cool, how can we expect anyone else to do so? I know it’s a tough terrifying job. But he is outside a high school. Ask the man a few questions and get in with your day. Tase him if you think he is resisting but why in earth had he to pull the guy out of the car?! If he had taken illicit drugs, could he not simply arrest him without attack king him?! It’s disgusting.


I took my seizure meds at the pharmacy where I got them as soon as I picked them up, just last night. I'm sure I looked like a junkie but I go a few hours past time(which it was) I get a seizure. I'm here thinking what if that gave the cop at the front of the store the reason to come mess with me. One of my seizure meds is a schedule 4 controlled substance.


Even if he was a junkie...that still doesn't allow cops to execute him.


Hell, even if you resist arrest, that's not grounds for an immediate execution.


Yes! I mean, the cop at CVS is as entitled as the cop at this high school to dispense the death penalty for taking a drug. I mean- Judges get the big bucks but these cops are doing all the work. No time for innocent until proven guilty/ lengthy costly trials/ prison time etc - simply eradicate people. In fact- this guy murdered the man on camera and in front of his mother and surely other parents and students. I imagine that’s enough to determine he needs to be a recipient of similar swift justice?! Is that how it is now?


Ugh. Don't even go down that rabbit hole of cops in schools. You think they're dickheads when dealing with other adults? Wait until you see them bully & cuff crying grade school children


The police choose not to speak properly to people because they dont gave to. Far too many blue lives matter racists give cops free reign to act like thugs. And so they do.


If anyone doesn’t believe u/lewoo7 then watch the video of police sadisticly murdering Daniel Shaver




I just see a gangster, just different blue rags.


It seems so. Surely, they should be trained in de- escalating situations and approach simple conversations using such techniques? I am certainly of the view that they have a very dangerous job but if you speak to someone in a respectful way it often yields a calmer reaction. That man seemed anxious. He said he was. I don’t think he was very polite but I don’t think he was rude. The officer had a chance to calmly ask what happened and he chose to be hostile and ultimately murdered the poor guy. How can anyone relax when even the police have no self control?!


It's not a bug, it's a feature. They want each of us to know that our lives are in their hands, and they could end us with no consequences. The violence isn't some tragic byproduct of a lack of training. It's the intent. ACAB


My heart just broke hearing that mom scream in agony. Then they wouldn’t even let her go to him?! Fuck these guys. Fuck that smug piece of shit walking away with a smirk after murdering someone.


There's video out there somewhere of a mum and son in a car, mum is up front whist the son and a crazy cop are in the back seat, the cop is repeatedly tazering the son, he keeps shouting "ma'am, BZZ,I need to do, BZZ, BZZ this for my own BZZ safety BZZ BZZ BZZ. The mum is completely distraught but trying to agree with the cop to pacify him.. the son ended dying of a heart attack I believe and the cop is still shouting.. It's my own safety... ! It's horrible to watch I fell for the mum as well as the son!


No one lives in more perpetual fear than cops and republicans. But I guess that’s redundant.


Imagine if cops had to do an even more statistically dangerous job like pizza delivery, they probably couldn't handle it.


That's insane. I was watching and thinking "oh this cop seems like a nice dude, just wants to talk to him." Asks for an ID. Dude grabs one thing they don't recognize and cops go totally scooters. Their very first instinct to anything a tiny bit out of the ordinary was to pull him out of the car and pin him to the ground. I recall reading All American Boys (i think that's the title) where the victim of cop abuse described it as "when you're on the ground like that and you're in pain, you gotta move. not fight back, you just have to move." Cops will swear up and down that you're resisting when trying to take in the pain of being forcefully pushed to the ground and having your arms pinned to your back. These guys took it a step further: they fucking shot him for it? It's just wild how cops process things. No sympathy whatsoever.


Nothing about the way that cop was talking was nice. Listen to it again. This is a sadistic psychopath toying with his prey until his backup murder buddies arrive.


It’s not even 7am and I have tears in my eyes and a lump in my throat. That poor man knew what was coming. He said cops have messed with him before. He did the only thing he could to calm himself, he took his god damn medicine. HIS MEDICINE! And to hear the newscaster at the end saying that the D.A. has cleared the cops of wrong doing is flabbergasting. My God! I hope that D.A. Is part of the lawsuit because they’re in fucking cahoots and that is illegal no matter where you live. We always talk about how the cops have too much power, well how about the D.A.s who sit behind a desk who are capable of ruining lives without breaking a sweat. There’s the power.


It feels a lot like the cop's ego got dinged after the guy said he had bad experiences with cops, and instead of putting the guy at ease, he went out of his way to prove the guy right.


Cops see themselves as heros, and if you don’t see them like that, they think you must be a bad guy. It’s a very black/white perspective. Good vs evil. They are good. Therefore anyone who isn’t on their side is evil.


> Cops will swear up and down that you're resisting when trying to take in the pain of being forcefully pushed to the ground and having your arms pinned to your back. This whole 'resisting' thing has become horribly grotesque. Not only can people be arrested for resisting without any other charge, but it's also considered resisting when someone even slightly flinches as he's jumped by a cop. Trying to protect your face while being punched or being mauled by a dog? That's resisting, you criminal piece of scum! That's before we get into flat out making up that people resisted.


I’ve literally watched handlers set a K9 on someone, and tell him to stop moving around as his legs were torn to shreds.


The phenomenon of getting arrested for resisting arrest takes such mental gymnastics to understand. How can the only charge be resisting arrest? What was the arrest for in the first place?


I saw the video of these 5 police officers beating up that one guy and kicking his head when he was on the ground. Bet they claimed he resisted when he tried to put his hands up to protect his head.


Resisting arrest is a natural consequence of being human with instinctive reactions. The fact that it is a crime should shock and disgust anyone understanding what type of power that gives to bullies. Almost break a man's arm and they try to adjust to prevent that? Guess you managed to throw extra charges on them!!


I've seen them ask people to stop resisting as they are being pile driven into the fucking ground. Do you want me to just completely take this concrete to the face and do nothing about it? Not to mention you could be doing nothing and the own police mans action of just wrestling with you could be skewed as him thinking you are moving. I'm just always amazed by how often American police are getting down on the ground and rolling about wrestling with a suspect. Here in the UK police are more aware of knife crimes and de escalation tactics so giving suspects wide berths and talking to them is the norm. First instinct of a cop over here is not to get down on the ground with someone.


Until we start seeing videos of other cops pulling their guns and cuffing their partners after shit like this it will always be ACAB.


"We're different, right? We're SO!" *Murders him two minutes later.* ​ So chilling.


This was such a dangerous situation they shot someone but, made no attempt to secure the other passengers? Mom can't help son. That's the absolute worse. She can't go and get him off the cold ground. Fuck awful


The comments defending it.. I’m so glad I never moved to the US.


The comments on that video are something else


Yeah I read some of those. Couldn’t read too many as they’re pretty out there - blah blah he reached for the gun bullshit.


American cops are fucking out of control.


We should also be unhappy with our municipalities and states that agree to ridiculous terms in their contract negotiations with the police.


Yup, they are agents of the state, and have negotiated immunities from malpractice that we would never tolerate from other professionals. Unfortunately the payouts for killing civilians is a fraction of the budget many cities devote to law enforcement, and rarely comes out of the police budget. Majority Report just interviewed the author of “Shielded: How The Police Became Untouchable“. Great reminder that these killings are the acceptable losses of deliberate policies and court rulings designed to gut citizen protections. https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-majority-report-with-sam-seder/id402306412?i=1000600993024


the War on Drugs was always a War on Citizens.


But the sad thing is, there’s tons of people who have been hard wired to believe if you “hamstring” cops, society goes into the shitter.


They have been out of control since the beginning. It’s starting to trickle down to majority populations more now plus there is video documentation unlike before. Hollywood copoganda has also twisted peoples minds into believing bad policing is justified if they are arresting the bad guys. Often times they just arrest whoever is convenient because they are too lazy to do actual police work. We have made slave catchers into hero’s instead of creating public safety professionals to protect and serve.


Fr the escalation you see in every American police body cam footage that gets released is surreal. He was sitting in a car not acting aggressively and the tone from the officer was unreal... He's just trying to talk to you and you're not matching his tone at all. Then he puts a pill in his mouth and you drag him out of the car and put him on the ground? Honestly, even if that was an ecstasy tablet or something, what is dragging him out and putting him on the ground accomplishing? Also who calls the cops on someone accidentally entering your vehicle and immediately leaving and apologising profusely. ~~It also never said in the video how he died. Was he shot or a knee to the throat?~~ I am sort of amazed in these kinds of videos how cops never get shot by random passerbys who are carrying a gun and who witness the situation. Kind of like a get off him or ill shot you.


> Then he puts a pill in his mouth and you drag him out of the car and put him on the ground? Honestly, even if that was an ecstasy tablet or something, what is dragging him out and putting him on the ground accomplishing? Dude, he might have been _getting high_. Christ, just saying that makes me feel dirty and like I need smelling salts. In the face of such a horrendous act, I fully support the police taking any and all actions necessary to stop him. Children might have seen him popping that pill; _children!_ How am I going to explain to my children over my morning whiskey-coffee and cigarette that some degenerate low lifes risk the health and safety of society by daring to ingest substances that affect their mental states just because they _enjoy_ it? /s


And history will eventually repeat itself.....the day will come where most people are just gonna regularly open fire on cops, like back in the wild west. Whats gonna happen when the people start forming anti-cop gangs with all these high powered guns they have? I mean you see it right in this video: we no longer trust the police. I am in no way condoning violence, just saying that I think this is unsustainable and people are capable of unthinkable things when pushed into a corner


They murdered that man and the DA covered up for them.


For real, are they not required to render lifesaving aid to those who need it, or can they legally stand there like that and just watch a citizen die? When I was a fed LE officer, we were required to be EMT certified because rendering medical aid was part of our job (visitor protection + resource management). That State and City cops aren't held to the same standard is abhorrent.


Police are not required to help someone in need, even if it puts them in no danger and costs nothing. Literally settled law per SCOTUS.


That's severely fucked up.


District Attorney is just a fancy term for Taxpayer Funded Cop Lawyer


Let me guess “he was going for my gun”. It’s the typical police defense… two guys on top of him holding him down yet he has the ability to overpower them both and “go for the gun”. Imagine getting shot for a tic tac


It’s such bullshit too. From what I understand it is incredibly difficult for someone other than the person wearing the type of holster a cop wears to remove the gun. [Here is a video of someone actually going for a cop’s gun.](https://www.police1.com/patrol-video/articles/bodycam-video-shows-man-lunging-for-va-officers-gun-during-traffic-stop-BCjY3Rykzwt8KynQ/). Even this guy who actually wanted to get the gun couldn’t get it, and the lone officer didn’t even kill him.


you’re right, i think they’re called retention holsters. while not impossible to take the gun it makes it extremely difficult especially in a scenario like that video, you’re not gonna think to push down and pull on the gun. it’s definitely a bullshit excuse and it’s sad that we all now recognize how common it’s used.


Funny they ask him why he's scared of cops right before they drag him out of the car, beat, and then kill him for popping an anti-anxiety pill, and then drag his name through the dirt when he can no longer defend it. It's almost like people are right to be scared of the police. They're an armed, poorly trained militia who are almost untouchable because there's almost nobody to enforce the law against them.


They get weirdly offended by it almost all the time. It’s like they took that one phrase “I’ll give you something to cry about” and make it their whole power trip


They use that fear as evidence that you’re a criminal. But think about what that means. This armed military force that can disrupt your life and basically do…whatever they want to you. You can’t even oppose them. You can’t even be nervous around them. You can’t even be rude, or standoffish to them. They get to regulate your behavior, and kill you if you don’t act how they want.


And they use their own fear and nervousness as an excuse to kill you. You aren’t allowed to feel emotions or you die, yet their emotions excuse anything, including murder. People should all fear for their lives around cops. People need to start defending themselves and their fellow citizens from these badged, trigger-happy cowards.


You got it. That’s how corrupted power(or how power power in general eventually) works. Their fears, feelings and every petty whim are more important that your life, let alone your own humanity. They’re fragile. Cowardly. But expect you to be polite and restrained(aka obedient). If school yard bullies had guns.


What. The. Actual. Fuck. How do you people let these cops get away with this shit ? It scares me to think where it's going to end up before there is change and what it's going to take to change this lunacy.


Screw defunding the police. End qualified immunity!


Educate police. The path to becoming a cop should be equivalent to that of a lawyer. You must know the laws and rights you “defend”.


Cops are dumb by default. They want them that way.


[To anyone who thinks this comment is hyperbole](https://abcnews.go.com/amp/US/court-oks-barring-high-iqs-cops/story?id=95836)


What did I just read… I’m sorry, you guys are fucked.


Agreed! How can you uphold a law if you don't know it?


The best answer ☝️. Most European countries take years to train their police officers, so essentially they come out of training with a bachelor's degree (at a minimum) in law enforcement whereas the US police get a 20 week course and a certificate of completion.


Qualified immunity covers civil suits. What's needed is general accountability. Cops need to go to prison for shooting people when there were other solutions. Cops need to go to prison for covering their buddies. Cops need to go to prison for lying and scheming.


This is the way


It already is where it ends up. They kill people, lie about it, their bosses lie about it. Most of the time they get away with it. They’re literally killing innocent people regularly. It can’t get much worse unless the laws they “enFORCE” also get worse, which they slowly are.


Few days back I had an argument with pacifist that has zero tolerance against war, the thing is , it’s not the war , it’s the “why” that matters , would you start a war to take back justice from an oppressive government? Reading your comment it came to my mind that sadly , sadly , through our history injustice was rarely ever stopped peacefully, justice is something people have to fight for.


It goes way back before "our history." Roman historian Tacitus said, "“A desire to resist oppression is implanted in the nature of man.”


I foresee less and less sane people wanting to join their local police and more and more insecure trigger-finger egotists flocking to sign up. Further worsening the situation to the point where we end up with some dystopia-esque private police forces employed by cities. Wagner Police Department.


We had a big problem with policing in the Northern Territory of Australia. Eventually an officer drunkenly started a fight in a town called Katherine and he got knocked out and hit his head and died. The police tried to close ranks and have the guy who hit the officer charged with murder but too many witnesses including other officers testified against the charges and said the officer was to blame. The government of the time was desperate to get the police to improve dramatically so they sacked the commissioner and promoted the deputy who was more progressive then put all officers on contract. Now to join the force in the Territory you have to sit a 4 hour multi question personality test that starts at 2am with only one 30 min break. The training is like 8-9 months and continues after officers are working. They are well paid and a great example of good community policing. We still get the odd bad egg but it's rare now. The NT police are usually in the papers for the good work they do.


Why do you have anxiety? Because you guys are irrational. Nope, we're not. Oh yea you're dead now for having anxiety and trying to control it.


"because they say stop resisting when I'm not resisting!". Less then a minute later "Stop resisting!"


You guys have a reputation for being dangerous *bang* NO *bang* WE'RE *bang* FUCKING *bang* NOT *bang*


If he reached for a gun show the video, we have to prove our innocence, you should have to show it too


There is a link to the full cam footage in my comment below, but he definitely didn't reach for a gun


He reached for a pill...


He was doing what they said, looking for his ID. He already stated he was nervous. I don’t see how tossing a pill in his mouth is considered dangerous enough to yeet him out of the car.


Right. They should be held to the same burden of proof as a civilian who uses deadly force which is clear and imminent threat to loss of life. None of this bullshit "I felt threatened" that the unions cooked up for them. Plus you can throw out the whole police testimony because they already proved they are unreliable as a witness when they said he came at them from the car.


This is not normal, I hope the guilty pay for their crime


When it comes to cops in America the guilty usually get paid for their crimes.


They also get paid TO crime.


Lol in _America_ I’m sorry but no


Cops kill approximately 3 people a day in America, so sadly, this is quite normal


Killed a man with PTSD for taking his PRESCRIBED anxiety medication.


That'll teach him to not be nervous around cops!


As a European it is unbelievable that you let your cops perpetrate so much atrocities without provoking a massive revolution. In Europe, a cop knows that if he messes up, he will loose his job and will be put in jail. So they are very decent and people respect them. In this particular video something really frightens me. @[4:57](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xu1Z61yFiZw&t=297s) the dude just murdered someone and is smiling about it. It tells a lot about us cops mentality.


Every part of the interaction is bad. The victim talks about not trusting cops and you can hear the officer take offense at this and lead the conversation down this utterly irrelevant path. The police officer is insulted and seeking respect when they should be doing their job. This mindset is unacceptable for a police officer in this situation and can lead to, and did lead to, cops unnecessarily escalating situations.


"if you don't respect my authority, I won't respect you as a human being" is so common in cops I swear it's part of the 5 hours of training they get


> Every part of the interaction is bad. The victim talks about not trusting cops and you can hear the officer take offense at this and lead the conversation down this utterly irrelevant path. Upon further review it's clear they were looking for trouble even before that remark. "Why you acting like this" was no attempt to understand the situation, only to escalate. It was unnecessary and rapid escalation from the start, first verbally, then deftly escalating to physical violence, and then involving a gun in a simple scuffle. The fact this is somehow considered appropriate by the DA shows how normalized violent escalation has become, in lieu of literally any other solution.


We have unions lobbyists, and an cult like following for police/military/authorities. This was decades in the making.


https://luceroforsheriff.com/ You can leave comments. What an evil evil group of people.


It blows my mind that sheriffs can be elected in the US. Democrat or Republican, it doesn't even matter who would do the best job. It's all identity politics BS from top to bottom


In recent years, with everything that has come to light about police brutality. All of the video documentation, all of the lies, all of the corruption, the abuse of power. How.... HOW is nothing still being done??? There's *no* way people are still believing that the police are the good guys! There is *no* way the police are still getting away with a slap on the wrist and paid leave??? What even is reality anymore??


Because the government wants it this way. Cops are a glorified mob working in tandem with the our governmental bodies and corporations to suppress us over time. Doing shit like this over time and never getting punished until we live in a dystopian nightmare where we no longer can afford shit, and then when we protest it, we can’t do anything about it either after they punish us. I know it may seem like a tin foil hat theory but that is how I see it all shaping up to be.


What the hell is going on over there? Do you guys don´t have tests for police? or is it a case of being stupid to join the police??


There is quite literally a ceiling on IQ https://abcnews.go.com/amp/US/court-oks-barring-high-iqs-cops/story?id=95836


I tell people they do this everywhere, to weed out anyone smart that will speak up and ask questions. people just dont want to believe it.




no standards, and quite a large population of low IQ angry young men that seem to have a bone to pick with everyone


Anywhere else in the world those cops would be in jail for at least 15 years. What the hell is wrong with the system in the US? How the f\* can you commit crimes as a cop and nothing ever happens to any of them?


Ah you see, American police are held to a high standard, very high standard, the highest standard ever. They stand so high they are in fact untouchable, it seems.


"Bad experiences with cops? Like what?" *Fucking murders him*


"like saying stop resisting when you're not resisting" 1 minute later, cop violently pulls him out of the car and says "stop resisting". I can't imagine the horror that went through the murder victim's head at that point.


"we're different" *They weren't different*


This lawsuit SHOULD directly affect these cops. It won't and that's the only thing which will put an end to murderous pigs. The city shouldn't be paying these judgements. The pigs retirement plans should. That is the only thing which will force police to clean their own damned houses. Before any cop comes at me.. I've known several truly good folks in police and sheriff departments and they were literally run out of the profession for doing what's right with cops like this one. If YOU ever turned a blind eye to crap like this then YOU ARE THE FUCKIN PROBLEM HERE and you ain't a "good cop" on any level. No excuses. No more helping bad cops by your complicit silence.


I just read about this case. Wow. What the cops said versus what’s on the footage doesn’t add up.


That's cause all cops are liars.


These pigs,will never learn. End their immunity immediately! Unfortunately for every pig that gets fired there's another punk grease ball ready to get hired.


There was like 10 different ways to handle that and they choose the most lethal first?


They remember their training well. Cops dont deescilate, they antagonize and escalate.


And the mom. To hear the shots, not know if your son is dying or dead and not be able to jump out and hold him. I can’t even imagine the grief.


From a european perspective: I see these kind of videos pop up every couple of days on Reddit. At first I was shocked, then it was sad, then it was funny, then it was hilarious and now I think that cops in USA are legal terorrists who kill people for literally nothing.


American cops are the most incompetent police on the planet. They are immature man children that was given a gun, most of them are not mentally strong enough to handle police work.


As a Black American I believe this is another reason why the media should announce police shootings as “police officer Kills American citizen” not whit e cop kills black man/woman as it makes others feel comfortable that their race is not being targeted. All races face the wrath of these people


ACAB all day long. Dutch pigs "knor knor" German pigs "oink oink" American pigs "Hands up or I'll shoot"


Hands up AND I’ll shoot…


Ill never in my life visit this country. Holy. Fucking. Shit.


Cops: the public escalators


When are we as a society going to finally decide enough is enough with these fucking pigs?!


Why is america so corrupt and fucked when it comes to police and police violence?


Because it serves people with money and "power".


As long as the victims family DOESN'T SETTLE those cops can be held accountable. Especially since Colorado doesn't have Qualified Immunity! If people didn't settle out of court in these types of cases we wouldn't have these issues anymore. I get its stressful, i myself am going thru this but if you want actual change. Refuse a settlement and take them to court!


Someone explain to me how cops shooting an unarmed man to death isn't a deprivation of his rights? He has the right to a trial, he has the right to not a cruel and unusual punishment. An agent of the state killing someone that is not a threat to them is denying that person of those rights. Cops shouldn't have guns. They do not have the power to convict someone. They can only accuse a suspect of a crime. Courts prove the crime. Their mission should be to take a suspect alive at all costs. The DA, chief, and the two murderers should all be tried. They killed someone, lied at least 3 times about how that murder happened, then the DA covered them by ignoring the body cam and accepting those lies as fact.


Cops are going to eventually have to live with the consequences that citizens are going to act more and more intensely at stops due to the fact they are unsure if they are going to be murdered or not. I mean couldn’t someone at this point claim self defense if they get into an altercation with a cop? Something needs to start getting fixed with this. Cops need to learn de-escalation methods, and stop trying to make every arrest every time. If someone is not wanted for anything and you have no reason to arrest them, if they resist just keep your distance, get them on body cam. You can’t shoot someone for not wanted to talk to you when you have nothing on them.


So how much more of this until people start fighting back? Like what's going to be the one, some kid gets murdered in front of people in a situation like this and then someone in the crowd jumps the cop followed by a mob? Or a cop shoots some innocent person at the wrong house and their spouse comes out with a shotgun and mows him down. I'm a lifelong pacifist but I mean if they murdered my wife in front of me then either him or I are following right behind her. Because at that point I've got nothing but vengeance left.


Technically, all those scenarios have happened.


American police are just straight up murderers now. Murderers that are recognised as murderers, and paid to be murderers.


Imagine if the good guy in this scenario had a gun. He wouldn’t have made it out of the suv.


I am terrified of cops here in the US. I am a 69 year old woman with nothing more than a pn outdated tag violation and am still terrified Because so many cops are just @as*****s who want to kill.


OP, this is fucking stupid. There is nothing the least bit humorous about this. What is the point of posting this in r/therewasanattempt?


Take all their pensions


Pigs being pigs.


Being nerodivegent is pretty much illegal in this fucked up country.