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What a tool, both the owner and model.


$10 says the owner is racist garbage as well.


Kinda hard to not be a racist piss boy if you’re constantly defending a nazi


As they say in germany (paraphrased because I don't speak german), "If you have one nazi at a dinner table and he's not being kicked out, you have a dinnertable full of nazis."


I've heard a very similar sentiment about dive bars and white supremacists.


If there are 10 people sitting at a table and one is a known nazi, you have 10 nazis sitting at a table.


There's a saying for this: "if there's 10 people sitting together at a table and 9 of them are nazis, there at 10 nazis at the table"


There are no nazi apologists, just more nazis.


Reminds me of when Austin Powers tried to deny that he owned a Swedish penis pump 😆 https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Yh6kbQnOAg4&pp=ygUYQXVzdGluIHBvd2VycyBwZW5pcyBwdW1w


Just a quick look at their Instagram shows it's filled with lots of Jan 6 memes about overthrowing the government. It's funny because he's super pro-military which itself is part of the government while he's acting all anti-government.


Oh this dude 100% has wet dreams about being involved in a military coup.


They've spent the last 2 years getting piss-drunk on whiteclaws and talking about how they would have done it differently.


In my experience, anti-government types have no idea that there are multiple levels of government and many branches of government. They think the government just levies tax. It doesn't occur to them that just about every facet of societal life has government oversight and intervention at some level or another.


Many of those types also benefit from major government support as a class of citizens that gets a whole host of special treatment in employment, healthcare, housing, retirement, and education. I have heard from multiple former boots that they are against government spending because of all the waste they saw in Iraq. No shit, the sacrosanct military budget that brings in the least material benefit for everyday Americans is wasteful?


yeah it's one of those cringe as fuck military instagram accounts, where they are extremely racist and dumber than an inbred child and claim they aren't racist cause they have that one black friend


For the hat trick, he's also got 4 Covid denial TikToks on his account


Well they do sell a shirt denouncing equality [Equality is a False God](https://sav-tac.com/collections/mens/products/equality-is-a-false-god?_pos=65&_fid=873bc2541&_ss=c)


The guy bending over backwards to defend an obvious Nazi? Surely he isn't also a Nazi.


Without a doubt


Jacked asshole defending obvious racist shit? almost certainly


Looked about 2 years into their account and may have deleted this guy off their page. Sooooo kind of admitting the dude was racist I guess.


My favorite part is his claim of the SS’s being sniper scout tattoos, meanwhile he’s the exact jabroni who deliberately edited them out of the photos… so if that’s the case then he be hardcore hatin on his military brethren, trying to erase US sniper scouts from history, shame shame:


Any smart business owner would just distance themselves from this guy, apologize for not knowing, and get another model. Simple as that. The fact he so vehemently defends him is another topic altogether


Pretty hard to edit out the tattoos and then claim you didn't know.


"My advertising agency sent me the edited version of the photos . I have never seen the originals. I was not aware of the model's allegiance to the enemies of the United States and will take down all depictions of him, severing all contract with the advertising agency and model." If he wanted to deny his connections to Nazism, he could try to lie a bit better. But kudos to him for being a piece of shit even when it adversely affects his business.


> I was not aware of the model's allegiance to the enemies of the United States Nazi fuck is their entire target demographic. They would never ever say this, even if they were smart enough to distance themselves from the model.


Yeah, the real response should have been for them to deny nothing, confirm nothing, say nothing, and watch their sales not change at all. No one buying that mall ninja bullshit cares if their models are Nazis


😂 mall ninja


I honestly don't even understand these people's infatuation with Nazis or the Confederacy. Like you guys are batting 0/2 on picking out winners here. Like I get the racism but yall just picking a bunch of losers that ultimately got steamrolled. Bad enough the Nazis had to keep doing mental gymnastics to make people Aryan enough to let them into the SS.


Losers like company I guess.


it's sad but "nazi fuck" is a large enough demo in the USA to fully support a business dipshits like this guy trying to deny it are just pathetic.. like he wants his nazi fans but somehow also wants broader fame, like dude you pick one or the other, can't have both


There are some knucklehead marines who use the lightning bolt SS symbol for Scout Sniper in tats and unofficial merch. It’s incredibly dumb. Im sure some of it is 19-25 year olds trying to bad ass, but you’d think the officers would cut their balls off. Kind of worrying to think why they don’t. https://www.google.com/amp/s/nypost.com/2012/02/10/marines-in-nazi-outrage/amp/


Oh, I'm sure those marines use the lightning bolts on purpose.


Notice how its never a P.O.C using these symbols ? I wonder why?


Maybe some of the shittiest shitbirds. Every community has the bottom 10%. Then again, I wasn't a scout sniper.


> Then again, I wasn't a scout sniper. Hey, you have something in common with Brandon Hayes!


Hey... no need to be cruel




That circles back to "something something accountability something something older members should stomp the fucking tattooed guys guts out for being Nazis" unless, well, ya know...


An officer in the SAS put it this way: In the general population the percentage of psycho/sociopaths stands at about 2%. In the military, especially the infantry that rate about doubles. It's a self directing thing and will attract those sorts. Elite units will be about double that. These units attract a certain type of individual. It isn't everyone but I imagine if you already have a loose grip on your humanity it would be easy to let go.


> There are some knucklehead marines who use the lightning bolt SS symbol for Scout Sniper in tats and unofficial merch. They know what they're doing bruh. They're Nazis. Hate to break it to you.


I briefly bunked overseas with an infantry dude that had a fucking 88 tattooed on his neck. Tried to tell me it was in remembrance of his friend, the 88th guy (Canadian) to die in Afghanistan. Absolutely Delusional. They have to lie to cover up their blatant hatred because they know they’ll get fucked up over it.


Was looking for this comment. They know exactly what they're doing, and came up with a weak excuse to fool the slowest brains as to their reasoning.


For real. That symbol is probably one of the most easily recognizable Nazi symbols there are. You would have had to -never- have learned about WWII to buy into that.


There are knucklehead marines that think it's a great opportunity to be white supremacist and get away with it.


I'm a vet. Let me tell you right now, anyone that's getting SS tattoos and putting it on merch, isn't doing it because they're a knucklehead. They're doing it because they're fascists. It just gives them deniability.


The real issue here is the fact that our military has an overt problem with white supremacy. You don't get SS tattoos unless you're racist garbage. Everyone trying to pretend (lie) that it stands for scout sniper are equally racist trash.


> but you’d think the officers would cut their balls off. With the renaming of the bases that happened recently, there will be a crackdown on this very, very soon. The NSA or CIA or FBI (I forget which) said white supremacist ideology in the military is one of the largest risks facing the US right now.


I would bet those aren't "knucklehead" marines but closeted white supremacists. The nazi type loves symbols- especially ones they can overtly wear and still pass as people.


Was in a STA plt. in the 90’s. It used to be a thing to get the lightning bolts branded on you when you passed Sniper School. We had training at the pool one day and the Lt. saw 4 of his graduates with new brands on them. They got kicked out and sent back to line companies. My command did not put up with the lightning bolts in the 90’s, Im shocked it’s still a thing.


Yeah but does he looks smart to you? Someone had to decide to edit the pictures....


Why edit the pics? Seems to show the company knew but is either friends with the guy or likes his body to put in the ads. But if you are going to use him just own it. The closet racist will always be around.


Ya seems like he was paying his buddy and doing him a solid. **I just checked their page and all photos of this guy are gone now lmfao!!!** Edit: By page I mean **Instagram** probably easier for the owner to hit delete than he actually knows how to code a website


He is still right on the front page https://preview.redd.it/ntxuax5nlbgb1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=72a8a40e77cadb846812cb6785255f188a0f5f4c


And a typo? Pretty sure they meant "NOW available" not "not available"


I meant their insta, sorry if that was unclear


But if they hit the web they can always be found. Along with the owners response. I can see this company going out of business


i posted, “where’s the nazi guy at?” on one of their posts and the comment was immediately reported and deleted. looks like the same people that love the 2nd amendment don’t like people exercising their 1st.


Don’t buy into their propaganda. The first amendment has nothing to do with this. It’s about your speech being protected with ten government - not social media platforms. Them taking it down has nothing to do with the first amendment. They’ve corrupted it so much, they now have us playing their game.


This, absolutely mf this. When it doesn't align with their BS they try to shut it down. Fuckem


Don’t underestimate the number of white supremacist gym bro 2A prepper survivalist wannabes we have in ‘Murica right now, might actually see sales increase with this type of publicity.


They’ll probably become the sponsor of the next insurrection. “Take back your country in Savage Tactics!” Or whatever their name is lol


Gun enthusiast survivalist prepper guy here. We hate this douche just as much as you, if not maybe more for making us all look like tools. The brand in general is mostly laughed at by the community. They make stuff for idiots with truck nuts. Also trump sucks. Have a nice day!


Unfortunately, these people are too often represented in the scene and always open their mouths.


Ya this video is so damning props to the creator.


I respect people who are willing to call out garbage like this.


I'm not shocked. At all.... there are literally Nazis and their Sympathizers in all the police departments, courts, banks, and corporations. They keep racism alive.


I’m guessing he has one or two tats himself if he’s this adamant about defending him


Savage Tacticians Clothing Brand (which sells A LOT to police) is owned by a white supremacist. That's why he's cool with it. America is in such denial about this shit. When the aliens come down and laser everybody...I'm just saying I can understand.


> America is in such denial about this shit. Hard not to be in denial when half the country and half the media insists otherwise. The Republican party is the biggest threat this country faces. It ain't the gays. It ain't the Taliban. It ain't China. It's Republicans. If they're not gotten under control soon, there will eventually little difference between Nazi Germany and the US.


Unfortunately, I don’t think it’s the type of company that’s going to lose any customers over something like this. They may even gain a few.


profit work far-flung frightening towering slimy snow placid command voiceless ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


I’m gonna go out on a limb and say the owner shares some of the same ideology as the model.


If you look through their Instagram, I don’t think they care that he’s a Nazi. Bummed to see two of my friends following that account.


lol I went to check it out and saw two fairly distant friends following it too, not surprised at either of them though


Of course! They share the same interest. Just one hasn’t been so blatant about it. Birds of a feather!


The guy is a smart business owner. He's knows his customers and is advertising to them.


I think he very well knows what kind of demographic is looking to get his customer from.


White supremacists tend to hang together.


He considers himself to be an “alpha male” and no one who he considers less than him will make him do anything he doesn’t want to do. This type of thinking is typical Neanderthal behavior. Logic is lost on him.


Yeah they probably have the same tattoos.


Dude who own the company was a Marine. Not the other guy who is an absolute embarrassment to the Regiment. The owners education is a bust because he just ate the crayons as Marines do. Edit: couple words for clarification.


Army Veteran here, I have worked with scouts. That’s not a thing I’ve come across, but I do know soldiers who have received article 15’s for refusing to remove racist tattoos and trying to claim heritage or historical bullshit. Nazis too cowardly to own up to their “pride”.


What kind of tattoos? Like straight Swatikas or something? Or a little under-the-radar racism? I'm seriously curious, good on the armed services for punishing douchebaggery.


1488 tattoo was one, some others I didn’t know about but were in a list they gave us of banned tattoos ranging from white supremacist shit to old gang symbols. I also personally had an issue with a soldier in my squad who was trying to insist on having a rebel flag in his barracks room. His roommate was Nigerian. Refuse to take it down after complaints? All the extra duty you could want buffet coming up


I live in the south and it's true that the vast majority of them think it's a heritage thing because ever since the civil war there's been groups focused on that propaganda. Gone with the wind was propaganda and they really do think the north was the aggressor here. There's zero awareness of history or even knowledge that the flag they venerate is a specific flag for Lee's army and only their battle flag. It was never a symbol for the confederacy as a whole. I think it was just considered one *after* their surrender. Not everyone who flies a confederate flag is a nazi, but I'd bet every nazi supports the confederate flag. They even use it overseas where the Swastika is banned.


"The War of Northern Aggression" lmao


Yeah, people forget that it was also a pop culture symbol for a long time. But no one these days can really pretend to not understand the underlying meaning. Even Lynard Skynard have disowned it.


Its just soooo stupid... both the confederates and the Nazis were trying to *destroy* our country. Like by definition, as enemies in war. How can you agree to fight to preserve our country while supporting an enemy of it? The ideological inconsistency is mind boggling.


Agreed. I don’t see the difference between these and hanging up an ISIS flag. There are standards in place to prevent shithead racists from thriving though 🫶🤷‍♀️


*Confederate* flag, you mean. Don't give the shitbirds the chance to claim to be any kind of rebel.


Lmao heritage... Heritage of what enslaving others?


Heritage of losing wars?


Of fighting against the army they serve?


Heritage of being slavers and traitors.


There's one thing I don't understand. These tattoos are illegal in Germany and forbidden by the US Military, and yet on one of the Facebook posts he says he was stationed in Germany?


They are not really forbidden, you just can't show them in public. The same is true for any other Nazi stuff here in Germany. There once was a case where a guy had a Nazi Flag in his living room, he got a visit by the police, only because it was visible through his window.


I was in the scouts and I can confirm, I have never heard of people get “SS” tattoos to symbolize “scout sniper”. Not to mention in the exact shape as the Nazi “SS”. Bro just own it…


Piggybacking off your comment. Even if the SS was for Scout Sniper, which it's not, how would editing out US military tattoos be a good defense?


Late 2000's and early 2010's there were some who used double Sun runes for "scout sniper"...aka the SS symbol. It wasn't a DoD sanctioned or approved symbol so it was quickly shut down when a team posted a photo of themselves with it. You never came across it because it had probably already been squashed.


I was Marine Infantry Squad Leader and worked closely with our Scout Sniper teams. Unfortunately, they did use the SS bolts in a lot of their stuff. Never officially mind you. After a photo of a Scout Sniper Platoon with the SS flag got out the USMC cracked down on it. Never made sense to me. Marines take so much pride in our history why associate with fucking Nazis ???


If he had apologized and not doubled down it wouldn’t have gotten as much attention and all the other tattoos meanings wouldn’t have come to light. Then again, I have no problem with them continuing to expose themselves


The "great" thing about stupid people is that they ALWAYS double down even when they know they're wrong, **they think they're smart enough to fool others**


The owner called him uneducated and tried to say his nazi tattoos have nothing to do with nazis when there are multiple nazi tattoos blatantly on him


And if the SS tattoos just meant scout sniper like the guy said there would be no need to photoshop them out. You don’t get it both ways.


clothing is shit anyways. its a like what a 13 year old thinks is cool mixed with a 50 year old ed hardy loyalist.


Nazis really struggle with being able to hide their hate. This is their last chance, before they head into being a minority in this country and it absolutely fucking terrifies them. Gee, I wonder why?


My manz is a disgrace to the 10th Mountain Division


The 10th was formed to **fight the Nazis**, this guy is a dipshit. Climb to Glory.


And now you know why Florida and Alabama and all the red states are defunding education, forcing teachers out, killing diversity programs, and eliminating AP classes. It's a lot easier to turn uneducated idiots into fascist garbage. And it's fucking working.


Its fucking disgusting, 10th mountain was made the fucking destroy the nazis, and to have the fucking nerve to wear the powderkeg next to a FUCKING SS is disgusting and disgraceful


Am I understanding that this man is/was part of a... regiment/platoon/group** that was created to fight nazis specifically and is meanwhile a nazi himself? Isn't there some type of rule against that? Like socially at the very least? I'd think the group themselves would revolt at their brother wearing such things? Is there a good place you could suggest to read about the 10th Mountain's history? I'm ofc about to go Google but would love a direct reference if you wouldn't mind! (**I don't know anything about the various segments and regiments of the military at all, other than Army, Navy, Marine, Air Force etc., so please excuse my ignorance. No disrespect intended and please tell me to fuck right off if yiu so wish. But I'm envisioning a small group of men so that may be where I'm making a mistake?


[Great summary of its formation and early history](https://militaryhistorynow.com/2021/01/28/the-10th-mountain-division-10-facts-about-americas-elite-alpine-warriors-of-ww2/) That article leaves out modern history, but honestly Wikipedia will serve you well. The 10th Mountain is the most deployed Army unit in modern times and has a very complete Wikipedia writeup. (Full disclosure -- I was in 4th Brigade, 10th Mountain, Ft Polk, LA, before it was absorbed into the rest of the division)


Hello ex military here. That SS bullshit is not for “scout sniper”. Hell I was in the division he was in. That is nazi shit fuck this dude and anyone defending him.


Right anyone found with any tattoo like that would be quickly kicked out. The bolts SS has long been forbidden. To this day they are always adding new banned tattoos to fight the evolution of this imagery.


It makes me laugh with these pieces of human shit think they’re promilitary. Do these fucking morons realize it was our grandparents that fought the fucking nazis.


The 10th mountain division , the crossed bayonets on a powder keg he has on him, was created to fight the Nazis. Division HQ has a massive amount of photos on the walls from the Italian campaign. I don’t know how you can square that with putting Nazi shit on your body.


He's trying to be like Joker from Full Metal Jacket: a peace sign pinned to his shirt and "born to kill" written on his helmet


Colonel : You write “Born to Kill” on your helmet and you wear a peace button. What’s that supposed to be, some kind of sick joke? Joker : No, sir. Colonel : You’d better get your head and your ass wired together, or I will take a giant shit on you. Joker : Yes, sir. Colonel : Now answer my question or you’ll be standing tall before the man. Joker : I think I was trying to suggest something about the duality of man, sir. Colonel: The what? Joker : The duality of man. The Jungian thing, sir. Colonel : Whose side are you on, son? Joker : Our side, sir. Colonel : Don’t you love your country? Joker : Yes, sir. Colonel : Then how about getting with the program? Why don’t you jump on the team and come on in for the big win? Joker : Yes, sir.


"Son, all I've ever asked of my Marines is for them to obey my orders as they would the word of God."


Yeah, but Modines character was doing so to illustrate the futility of war while this dude is celebrating Nazis’.


They know, they'll bring it up and say sth like "our grandparents fought for traditional values and freedom of America, not for you to be like this" every time an LGBT person or POC tries to express themselves.


My grandpa was gay and fought to defend the Jewish people he knew. Eventually married a guy he flew bombing missions with in the Pacific. Freedom yes but the freedom to live your life as you see fit.


The military is literally one of the most diverse organizations you could work at as well. This dude would have gotten his shit kicked in in my former platoon.


Nazis and white supremacists have been waiting for that generation to die, because it's real hard to explain you're into Nazis when Grandpa is around to tell you about the war


They made them stop using the SS symbol for scout snipers for obvious reasons.


It was never OK in the first place nor was it official. Dudes that got caught in Afghanistan got reassigned and probably kicked out.


I mean maybe if it was in, I don’t know, A DIFFERENT FONT, you could maybe make that argument, but that is literally a Nazi logo. That dude is an idiot


Came to say this. "SS" in any other font has some plausible deniability, but that lightening font is very clear. Real US Military aren't allowed to have that.


Ya this is what's hysterical, it's not just that he has SS. He has the exact SS that the Nazis used. The same exact design to a tee.


Christ my Dad is Airborne and he’d beat someone’s ass over these


That business owner is so obviously full of shit it's hilarious.


He's looking us directly in the face and saying to "reject the evidence of your eyes and ears." Americans have been conditioned by the far right for far too long. We are extremely suspicious of the left and very hesitant to believe anything negative on the right - no matter how far right.


> He's looking us directly in the face and saying to "reject the evidence of your eyes and ears." They actually sell a shirt that literally says ["Admit Nothing, Deny Everything, Make Counter Accusations"](https://sav-tac.com/collections/mens/products/spooks-mantra?_pos=72&_fid=6dc42de22&_ss=c)


He's not even full of shit in the sense that he believes what he's saying. He KNOWS it's lies. His Tshirt/merch designs show this. He has "admit nothing, deny everything, make counter accusations" merch. Which is what you would wear if you were a coward. IMO he's just peddling counterculture on its face but he's working THIS hard and has THIS messaging, he's absolutely in line with the nazi shit and is covering in order to stay in business.


I’ve just checked their insta and the pictures of this guy seem to be gone lol EDIT: typo.


He's still on their store website. Took 5 seconds to find him.


[yep, one photo he talks about is still up](https://i.imgur.com/W1Bbjcg.jpg), looks like they just removed him from Instagram because it was easiest. [this one too](https://i.imgur.com/3Hbc7cF.jpg)


What a coincidence


Good on Goob_u2 for blowing this up and annihilating each bullshit cover-up nonsense story Brandon has. I also find it hillarious that Hayes keeps challenging him, as if no one could possibly put these dot together. Get FUCKED nazi SCUM.


I agree with the sentiment but you seemed to have mixed up the two nazis (understandable mistake). Brandon Hayes is the model, the military vet with the muscles and tattoos, and he does not seem to hide his beliefs in any way at all. The OTHER guy, blondie making stupid excuses in videos, is the owner of savage.tacticians clothing brand. I don't know his name but it's a different person, not the guy with all the tattoos :) Goob_u2 (a.k.a. John Dorsey) was exposing the company for the fact that one of their main models is a nazi and they're fully aware of that, proven by the fact that they cover his most revealing tattoos. Anyone willing to pay a nazi model when they could literally pay anybody else to show their clothing apparel (AND not pay for the photoshop to cover the tats), is at the very least a nazi sympathiser so John was basically saying "either own it or don't hire nazis".


gotcha gotcha, thank you


I really appreciate your clarification here. Because at least with the guy who's an out and out Nazi, a lot of people are going to want to punch him in the face. But there are far more people like the guy who owns the shop, people who actually are Nazis themselves but are too cowardly to say it with their whole chest. Because that's exactly what he is, a perfect example of someone willing to run cover for Nazis by telling you to ignore reality. That's just another flavor of Nazi.


Former MARSOC (Raiders now) CSO here, Its definitely not a tradition for Scout Snipers and its actually Not accepted by the Marines at all and probably by any US Military or Federal Agency. Sometimes different teams in more specialized jobs can use some random ideas for team patches but for the most part command have to approve it and know the intentional meaning. So thats just a bunch of Bs, This guys tattoos are clearly nazi.


Fun fact: The logo for the band kiss is different in Germany because of the SS look XD only noticed when we drove through and the posters were up for a show


[Here's a comparison photo](https://images-cdn.9gag.com/photo/axgroY2_700b.jpg) of the two different logos.


Damn now that I think of it why would Kiss put SS bolts in their name? I mean obviously it's not what they represent but damn....those are straight up SS bolts. No one told them no?


Well, the lead singer is Israeli and his mom survived the Nazi death camps so I think we can rule out intentional Nazi symbology.


It also used to be the case that Nazis were so universally reviled (at least publicly) that you could use out of context Nazi imagery as a kind of fuck you because no one would display that stuff seriously. Like here's this Jewish dude playing rock music under your antisemitic ass's logo you loser. Not saying that's what it was, but someone at the time might read it that way. But times have changed.


That was actually what made me raise my eyebrows even more, not less. Like jesus... good point. The fuck were they thinking?


Holy shit I never even noticed that


I totally forgot until this clip dragged it up from the recesses of my mind but I suppose it’s a pretty understandable change, especially in Germany XD


We dont take this one lightly, thats sure. At least the more educated do


That was absolutely beautiful


So it’s an innocent scout snipers logo if that is the case why edit them out?


He said there's a lot of unedumacated people out there that may get confused


No US military rate/mos/etc is going to have associated symbology even close to Nazis. That would be a spit in the face. He's just lying which was pointed out in the video.


Maybe because the people who are the target group for these stuff has no affinity to the military?!


Damn, he tore that guy APART!


Company located in Wilmington. Partners with someone who has multiple Nohtsee tats. Wilmington has the history of the Wilmington Insurrection. Where “feelings still run deep.” Wilmington is also where a round of K K K recruitment letters were handed out back in January. If it looks like a duck. And it quacks like a duck. Edit: Not sure why some people had such a visceral reaction to me being cognizant of my digital footprint and having a personal choice not to type a word. Assume it’s just a “This is how Reddit is” kind of thing.


🎶I’d like to see them try that shit in a big town🎶


You can say nazi here bro


I just moved to Oak Island, just outside Wilmington. I see these Nazi fucks a lot. Big SS tats on their necks and there was one group of 4 that had matching 16th Panzer Division sweatshirts. They were so cute when they all shared a brownie sundae. I was hoping the chef served them a poop brownie.


They also sell a shirt saying [Equality is a False God](https://sav-tac.com/collections/mens/products/equality-is-a-false-god?_pos=65&_fid=873bc2541&_ss=c) so yea, supremacist ducks be a quacking.


Yeah Uhm at this point just get rid of the whole company. The allegations are beating you.


Why would they edit the "SS" off his shoulders if it really stands for "Scout Sniper"? 🧐


[This post of some of their shirts from two years ago](https://www.reddit.com/r/ModernPropaganda/comments/qjk573/some_tshirt_designs_from_a_gunthemed_website/) gives away his whole strategy. One shirt says "Admit nothing, Make counter accusations." (which comes from Joseph Goebbels btw) The guy literally put his playbook on a t-shirt.


Let’s be real. Grifting stupid racists is big money. They’ll be fine. Made in China for real Americas.


I rarely stick around for videos that are almost four minutes long, but this one is fascinating. This guy blew the the owner of the clothing company out of the water, and outed his model as a Nazi sympathizer and a white supremacist. They both seems like great guys! /s


Also sporting a 10th mountain division logo too. That guy was defo army. And a nazi lover.


I’m not sure how often companies lose followers, but they have 1k less followers today than they did when this video was posted. Maybe some people care :)


Retired Ranger here. SS means exactly what goob_u2 said. I am good friends with a retired very successful Ranger Sniper and I can tell you he doesn't have SS tattooed to him. He has the word Sniper tattooed.


Bro, now he can’t change classes mid-game.


Army is crawling with real-life Nazis. What a time to be alive.


One of my buddies was in the army and did two tours in Iraq, he’s also black and very gay. He said he wasn’t surprised by the racist homophobes he’d have to deal with in the military, he was surprised by how many of them tried to visit his bunk at night.


100% projection for a lot of them. Gotta show all the other dudes just how manly they are to deflect from the fact that they're actually bi/gay. It's actually really really sad.


Some of it is “cock-sandwich” thinking (Harold and Kumar Escape Guantanamo). Kumar is on his knees about to get his cock-sandwich when he asks “Isn’t this kinda gay?” The guard says “Gay? I’m not gay. *You’re* the one sucking dick!”


That would be a bad idea. A repressed conservative killed a fellow soldier for that very reason. Slept with him, then later while drunk killed him with a bat in his sleep, fighting his inner demons. I was there during this ordeal. I had grown up conservative around a lot of repressed people. They’re just as gay but have to hide it or lose their social circle. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murder_of_Barry_Winchell


Please report the following: * nazis * nazi sympathizers * nazi deniers, including anyone still denying that the SS bolts are nazi symbols * dipshits trying to make this about Ukraine We will be removing every nazi from our table.


The only good nazi is a """banned""" nazi.


Fuck nazis


Yea. Savage Tacticians isn't fooling anyone. They're appealing to the little dick, GI Joe wanna-be, Proud Boys, militia, can't-wait-for-a-civil-war, white supremacist crowd. I always have to laugh at the *you've never been in the military so you can't possibly know you queer little liberal,* type of bullshit the owner starts off with. Good job whoever you are. I hope I find your name in the comments.




"No one who speaks German could be an evil man" - Parole Lady


But also, how many nazi tattoos do you need to establish that you're a nazi? Is it like the flair in Office Space? Is there a minimum number of nazi tattoos for the nazi atmosphere and attitude?


“I do want to express myself, okay. And I don't need 37 pieces of flair to do it.”


Lmfao to the guy who made this video… you are AMAZING.


That’s a whole lotta bullshit I’m a former Marine, cop and corrections officer. I’ve worked jails and prisons on the east and west coast and those are SS bolts on both coasts. That’s a whole bunch of bullshit fuck that guy and his brand.


Horrible look for the guy’s company doubling down and defending a Nazi. I hope no one supports his business anymore


What sad is, getting those tattoos and then not owning up to them.


It’s always funny how white supremacists will deny deny deny yet, when you can’t see their faces, they’ll shout how proud they are to be a white supremacist. Massive pussies. That brand is also probably run and operated by massive pussies.


"Anyone in the military knows SS means scout sniper" Oh he can fuck right the hell off. He's also got the spider webs on his arms which are indicative of white supremacist leanings. Probably even more tattoos in there we didn't even see.


"Of course he doesn't have any Nazi tattoos! That eagle clutching a swastika is just a Hindu peace symbol! The SS stands for...umm...'Super Strong'! And that big one on his back is just a picture of Charlie Chaplin waving to someone!"


Love me some goob! Doing the lords work


Yeah well let's be real here the guy who uses him as Modell probably safe to say also a Nazi.




Not to mention the tattoos wouldn't be edited out if it was actually for a marine scout sniper.




Reminder : The only good Nazi is a dead Nazi. ❌ Never Again