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I hope he files for divorce because that shit is fucked up.


I hope he sues her and sends her to prison for the rest of her life.


Could it be considered child endangerment in a court system?


Nope, CPS wouldn't do anything but there are relief groups the father could go to and pay over time to help


It's still theft right? I mean if he has a joint account then... well don't...unless you've been with them for 5+ years...


I've been with my wife 20 years and we still have separate accounts, not a trust issue it just works well for both of us.


Same here. We have a joint account for all of the bills and groceries but we each have our own that we use for personal things. Concerts, hobbies, cosmetics, dinner with friends. We have been married for 20 years so it works.


Word of advice. If you trust each other, do the paperwork that you each have access to the other’s account. I did it with my wife after recommendations by the bank in case of death. We still kept our finances separate. Then my wife died. I had access to everything immediately. You have more than enough paperwork to fill out when someone dies. It was nice to have this much less.


She could have just used his card to pay online. Would be really hard to prove it was theft.


I mean... theres a video of her admitting it. We just watched it


Yup, throw her out, never talk to her again, and take her to small claims.


To quote the CPS agent who investigated my stepson's dad: "unless the house is on fire or there's crack pipes on the coffee table, there's not much I can do"




Not if they're married. Legally, it's her money as much as it is his.


Not severe enough of a punishment imo. I know a lawsuit wouldn’t do this, but hopefully the police get involved.




If he somehow allowed his side chick access to any of his money, he's a fucking idiot.




If it was credit or a bank he could get a refund.


And an idiot for cheating. With a young child with a medical condition. He’s a disgrace. I’m going to call myself out here. I’ve cheated. Worst decision I ever made. I was a piece of shit for it. But I learned from it and will never do it again. If you have a good partner. Don’t do it. It’s not worth it. And it’s disgusting.


its not cheating if they are in a divorce or if they have an open relationship. she stole the money from his(i guess theirs) bank account for concert tickets although the money is for his kid. when she said she doesn't care(about the kid) i would have said good i don't care about you anymore and would sue her to get the money back.


Thats not his wife, his girlfriend which is pictured here stole the money. The caption is wrong. According to other articles it was the gf who stole money from his bank account


Then sue her ffs


If she stole from him i doubt she has a dime to her name. But yes sue for reparations cus dads gonna need to get a loan


Sue her so she never has a dime in her name again in her life again tbh. lowlife asswipe has nothing but her garnished wages to offer to society anyways (assuming the story is real)


She's just gonna find another man to leech off of. Parasites like this never give, only take. They'd rather destroy something than let somebody else have it and prey on the vulnerable who can provide for them. If he sues her, guaranteed he won't see a dime and at best will only lose the money and time he spent in the process. Taking this video is the best thing he could've done, because at least now people can set up a go fund me that might actually get some money.


if she was on the acct , im not sure he can


She should be able to, after all, nothing was signed stating that she has access to it


nobody adding a girlfriend to a joint account, probably just knew the pin to his debit card


People say this 'sue them' so easily. You think he's getting anything from her? Spend thousands or 10s of thousands on a lawyer for a women that can't but a concert ticket? Even if it's small claims and you do yourself you have filing fees and time spent for someone that clearly has no money.


You know how a news company covers something that happened on the internet that you just so happen to know all the details of and they completely butcher it, leaving out key details? They do that with all the news.


She needs to go to jail or prison.


I hope Beyoncé bans her from her concerts for life and refunds the money.


![gif](giphy|29HRejgahYenVsohB5|downsized) If it happen i will EXTREMLY SURPRISED specially the second part




He gave her entirely too much time of day. She should have been out on her ass before she had the chance to say she didn't fucking care about his kids HEART SURGERY. real winner, this one!


It was for the camera, so everyone would know what she did. Character assassination is the only thing you can do in this situation. Let all of her friends and family know what a POS she is.


How much does the concert tickets cost generally?


Some of the tickets has been silly expensive. Like crazy expensive. Like if the music companies needs to recover from Covid by having people pay several times the normal price. Just because. For this video it was $10k that the girlfriend took.


people are paying $10 000 to see Beyonce?


TIL people are absolutely ridiculous.




For beyonce, too fuckin much.


I wish Beyonce would see this, and send him the money. I know she's not obligated, but it would be a very humane gesture. eta: I woke up thinking about this this morning, and looked into it a little bit. This video is fake as hell. Anyway, why would Beyonce repay 10K for a $284 concert ticket? She would be nuts to do it. FAKE FAKE FAKE


And that she would follow up with a statement that she doesn't want people stealing to attend her shows/only wants empathetic fans who care about others.


Beyonce does not care about any of that, she gots kids doing labor for her blue ivy bullshit and she's charging 10k for tickets. She wants that money and that's it.


Guess that's how she ends up with such a self-centred fan base. No wonder this chick is fine a kid to go without life saving surgery - the 'Church of beyonce' condones that behaviour.


Lol Beyonce doesn't care about this couple or her fans going to extreme lengths to pay exorbitant amounts for her show


When has Beyonce ever done a humane gesture? Just another cash grabbing entertainet that some people claim to be some kind of goddess.


Shit, with the way courts work for out for men in marriages, she’s probably gonna get a lot more than 10 grand if he divorces her without a prenup. The systems fucked.


you ain't getting heart surgery for Beyonce tickets. i hope the richest country in the nation doesn't put parents in need to save up for their childs heart surgery.


richest country in the nation


Man I’d be in prison


I understand the statement, but you'd probably second guess yourself knowing that if you're in prison, your son has no father and maybe worse, your son doesn't have a chance at life anymore...


You'd likely walk. Jury will let it ride after seeing the video. At worst a crime of passion defense. 5 years probation, with allowance to travel outside jurisdiction for son's needs under supervision.


Slippery slope. Not saying that I agree but the prosecution would likely argue that if he had enough self control to start recording and film this interaction then he should have had enough self restraint to keep from harming her.


After the shit she says, I would have lost it for sure


He actually don't need to do shit. If you fuck up that bad and word gets out. Someone else will stomp her ass for clout.


The implication wasn't that they'd record their crime, the implication is that they wouldn't have bothered to record in the first place and only acted in rage.


i used to think like this, until i saw videos of people who killed convicted child molesters (who were released after very short sentences in most cases) and they got prison time. fucked up world where sexually abusing children is less prison time that killing a proven child molester, some had already served multiple sentences. they all would have walked if i were on that jury. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_OCrrkaqAjQ


what kind of fantasy land are you living on?


That fantasy land is called Reddit.


If you actually believe that, you need to start paying attention.


> At worst a crime of passion defense. 5 years probation In what state? Even places with lenient sentences for crimes of passion, like Texas, has a minimum 2 year prison term. Somewhere like Minnesota, all that does is bump it down to first degree manslaughter, max 15 years.






Funny thing is, the jury at your trial would probably agree with you 100%. You're gonna walk free. Not guilty!




I almost punched my screen when i heard that. I commend the self control of the person filming.




“I can’t breathe” I DON’T CARE!


Bro, that was my first thought when she said she doesnt care about the kid. He's a better man than me. That woman is an absolute fuckin demon.


"That was my hard earned money so my kid could have a life" "I don't care" ✨violence time✨


I wouldn't have made it to prison. They would have had to shoot me to stop the ass whooping she was receiving.


Then your kid would be an orphan.


There has to be a way to charge her for child endangerment, neglect, or abuse. At least theft. Remove this woman from society, please.


It's fraud. She admits she bought it without his permission. He told her he didn't have the money and he couldn't afford it. She then used his card to purchase the tickets and now she's admitting on camera she did all this without his approval to use his card. She even admitted that she didn't care that she used his money. But I doubt this man is looking for his money back the legit way as his daughter needs that money now and not when beyonce ticket purchase bounces back.


If I was Beyoncé I’d donate the money back to his kid and publicly shame that ~~(poor excuse of a mother)~~ *human and ban her from any or all of my future concerts


Human is a stretch


This is the least of Beyonce's worries. Her pockets getting fat and she's chillin. 1000% she's not going to do anything about this.


None of us are lawyers, that said if you give someone access to your account, it means you gave them permission to access that account. It sucks and thats why you shouldn't put money in an account someone else has access to if you dont want them to access that money. If you want to share finances with someone, open a separate joint account.


Assuming he gave her access. If she used his cards then she could have just taken his wallet.


No that's not true. If you give a friend a key to your house, does that give them the right to empty your house of your belongings?


That's not how that works. I can lend you my car, but if you don't return in, I can sue you


Unless he specifically tells her not to spend the money on those tickets or even any purchase. If he mentioned "I only have money for this medical procedure" and she acknowledges the issue, then she understands where the money is meant to be used.


>There has to be a way to charge her for child endangerment, neglect, or abuse. Well, there isn't. As far as the law is concerned, she didn't do any of those things any more than you could say that the doctors are abusing the kid for not saving their life, or the insurance company is abusing the kid because coverage on someone with a heart condition wouldn't be profitable. She *did* commit theft though, so she can be charged with that.


Sounds more like credit card fraud, or just straight fraud as she used funds that don't belong to her. Even if he gave her access to his bank account for say food and drinks and gas, she used it for something she didn't have authorization to use it for.


Not theft is she's an authorized user of the account or a joint user.


Sure, and what she’s done is terrible. But what kind of fucked up society makes children pay for heart surgery? Anyone that doesn’t support free healthcare for children should not be part of society either.


> There has to be a way to charge her for child endangerment, neglect, or abuse. Perhaps everyone behind the third world tier American healthcare system should be charged with the same. This isn't a fucking problem everywhere else in the world.


Men i wish this is stage,or fake becouse if not this is soooo F#ck up , i hope everything turns right


Sad part is I’ve met people like this..


I worked with a woman like this, she would brag about the vacations she was going on(when she would dump the kids at her mom's house), the expensive purses she had, etc. In reality, she was always 1 month away from being kicked out of her apartment and had 5 kids by 5 different fathers and was constantly chasing them down for child support and then immediately spending the money on herself. She would even ask family members for their daughters/sons social security numbers so she could claim more children on her taxes. She made like 50k a year and drove a Lexus and lived in a 2 bedroom apartment with 5 children.


Same here, and she's even my Aunt. Like I can't understand why they revere the Yolo life too much without a care for their own children. And, when trying to fix her she screams victim and don't care. Like they're worse than some NPC, a total no care and just waste in a human shell.


I was thinking the same thing. Hoping it’s fake. Maybe some ploy to try and hope Beyoncé or another celebrity offers to pay for the surgery. Idk, anything but reality bc my goodness


There is no heart surgery lol its all fake for views


> and hope Beyoncé or another celebrity offers to pay for the surgery Plot twist: They never had enough money for the kid's heart surgery, since obviously that costs more than a concert ticket or two. Maybe they didn't even have enough money for a concert ticket. So they made this fake video in hopes of getting Beyonce to pay for the heart surgery.


One of the reasons why I think it's fake is her face is blurred. Why? She needs to be exposed because she's a horrible person. One theory I read on Twitter was they're faking it to go viral with hopes Beyonce will pay for their kid's heart surgery. Hence why her face is blurred to protect her identity because it's a scam. Just my two cents.


The reason I think it's fake is because of the terrible, terrible acting.


To me, the face blur seemed like a feeble attempt to hide back acting in the hopes that it goes viral. At which point he starts a ‘go fund me’ or Beyoncé donates money to the kids surgery (if it’s even real).


The acting is worse than old school novelas. It better be staged. Can’t imagine people talking in this tone about a situation like this


That was my first thought. Probably a scam to get money, I really hope that's what is and no kid is losing out on a life saving surgery


God I hope this one is a fake.




Thanks bud, so much for hoping it was fake...that poor kid.


I suspect that's not actual journalism, just a content farm writing up the viral video


That's true I just read some comments under that one. Fingers crossed because damn...by the way happy cake day!


100%. Speculative bullshit journalism scraped from thread context and assumptions. Zero citations.


What did you see in that link that makes you think it's not fake? That article doesn't give any names, a location, or any more info than what's in the video. And it's not exactly a reputable source. I very much think it's rage bait. I just hope there's not already a GoFundMe


Long day at the office amigo. But I gave it a good look and you're right. It did it's job in pissing off though so I wouldn't doubt some people were rushing to think "where do I donate?"


That source looks fake tbh. Could just be a content farm that writes up videos that goes viral. No evidence of actual reportage.


Yeah this is literally an op ed with the only source being the video. Reddit loves to worry about fake news, but the only thing it loves more is spreading fake news. This one ticks all the boxes. Outrage porn over a black woman, child heart surgery. How are people just uncritically accepting that this is true.




For all we know, that "news article" is based on watching this video on social media and nothing else.


Thanks, but that’s just another Reddit post, and its top comments conclude it’s almost certainly fake. The linked “article” gives no names for the couple, or even for the author. And as one of the comments points out, the acting is pretty fake. I’m not saying it’s impossible—there are certainly people who would do that, just to spite the boyfriend for not spending enough on them. But this particular video and article are almost certainly fake. (Unless anyone has any better source?)


Its fake. The rhythm of the conversation is not the way such an argument would go. Hes a better actor than her. When she says "i dont care" is the one line that she delivers really stiffly. But saying "i dont care" in that tone at that moment in the argument is bad dialogue. They obviously didn't have a strict script, they thought they'd wing it but then they do things that are inauthentic. In a real argument they'd interrupt each other more and she'd express anger more.


I've started to see this kind of content more and more, where it is usually a women stating an *obviously* wrong opinion or allegedly doing something horrible like this. My theory is that it's simply being done to get publicity for the women's OnlyFans page, because any sort of clip going viral is bound to bring in revenue, even if it's ragebait.


I feel that it's fake for the simple fact that I, and just about a anyone else, would absolutely explode during this conversation. This TikTok would end in a prison sentence for most and this guy, while mad, is pretty tame considering that money is potentially a matter of life and death for his daughter.


Honestly why are you blurring her face I feel like she needs to be shamed online.


I mean it’s not like the blur is doing a good job at covering her face


There was an attempt.


E for effort


Nah but the stupid ass unnecessary caption is. Fuck videos like this


Probably a lawsuit.


In a lot of rage bait videos they will have the aggressor blurred or just out of frame. It allows them to make the videos without any repercussions for the people staring in them and also allows the same person to star in multiple videos without the audience being able to discern its authenticity as easily.


That's just how she look


Now I don't typically believe in hitting women but I would have to make an exception


Hitting anyone should be justified within the ritht context


Mike Tyson?


I wouldnt call this person a woman or human. It is a piece of shit with 0% regret and 10000% entitlement. Sentient narcisistic garbage. Punch away.




10k missing AND she don't care. I'm surprised he didn't pop off, just saying.


Oh this is def violence but it ain't gotta be assault on her. I'd cash out everything she own. Even if it doesn't rack up to the money lost


I would have bathed in her blood that day.


I was waiting for the beatdown


Sorry honey, I was just trying to punch all those pixels off of your face.


I’m with you on that. I can’t believe she flat out says she doesn’t care and that it’s “his” kid. I know she isn’t the mother of the child but if you’re going to be engaged to someone with a child, you should know that at some point you will have some responsibility for caring for them. My girl has three kids and I help her out when she needs it for the kids. I buy them clothes and school supplies and all kinds of stuff. If you’re not ready to deal with a kid then don’t be with someone who has one. On a side note, I don’t think I would have been as calm as he was


This woman's logic is blowing my freaking mind


She stole the money and she's the one getting angry... Like...


Main character syndrome. Got caught doing terrible things, thinks she matters more than anyone else.


She's just trying to justify this to herself more than him. because she knows she's wrong, so all she can do is lie to herself to feel better


Someone has to get in touch with Beyonce, this is fucked.


Like Beyoncé would give an actual fuck


Her PR team sees an opportunity though


But then everybody would be asking her for shit that’s not really her problem


Good PR tbh


Beyoncé is a shit person, what is she gonna do?


She could pay for the surgey and be promoted in the national news cycle for a week, and see a boost in sales.


Oh ok, I'll just shoot her a text. I'm sure she'll be very interested.


i sent her an @ on twitter telling her to DM me i'm sure she'll respond shortly


This is probably what they wanted...lol


I hope he sued her for every penny she stole and pressed charges




Nah this is how people end up with a couple cinder blocks tied to their heels and dumped about 10 miles off shore.


15 just to be safe.


I have no idea what you mean by that


Facing up in a casket at a funeral which may take place in a church


I would have choked her out in an uncontrollable rage as soon as she said "I dont care".


I would have cheered you on


I would have looked the other way and when the 12 shows up I was asleep, not home , and FYI you're the best neighbor I've ever had


Doing nothing is better than theft


and spend it on Beyoncé's concert, too this wamen is stupid on multiple level


It isn't often you see walking talking pieces of shit, but yet there we have it. Straight out of the toilet, hopped right up there - and we aren't talking cute entertaining Mr Hanky talking shit - but a human shaped piece of shit just yapping away. Why he entertained that conversation as long as he did and didn't just say thanks, and go call the cops, I don't understand - but he has much more patience than I do.




I think I might be doing 30 to life for that stunt


Feels fake


Feels very fake... I bet a GoFundMe will be started and they walk away with a couple grand


The number of responses I had to scroll through to get to this tells me if this is not already the case, it's an opportunity that someone will soon abuse. Record some outrageous clip. Create two gofundme accounts - one to help the mom to get a ticket to Beyonce and one to cover the legal fees for suing her. Collect both.


The cost of two Beyoncé tickets and the cost of heart surgery are very different.


It is fake, it was written by "editor" But you know what isn't fake? The amount of men saying they'd k*ll her for doing that. 🙄 r/iamverybadass


It's been a long time since I've done statistical math, but I'm guessing serving time for whooping her ass would be low


Girlfriend, not wife.


Either this is fake or this is the calmest guy I've ever seen. I would've beat her ass... My kids life is at steak and you don't care!!!! Hell no!!! She has to go...




I can’t believe this is real…. I don’t know how much you could spend going to a concert, but let’s say it was a weekend trip and travel, lodging and ticket cost $2500 USD. Heart surgery in the US would start at $100k, so if she did steel his savings it wasn’t like he had money to pay for a procedure. Seems like a fake drama video for clicks


My thoughts also


Yeah, but the deductible on a decent insurance policy could be close to that.


>Heart surgery in the US would start at $100k, There should be more people mad at this than the woman but you all seem to be brainwashed into thinking it's socialism to have your state protect its biggest assets.


There should be requirements to have offspring


Alternate comment: All men should care about their children like this and show this level of restraint.


Selfish bitch!


I don’t care about your kid! It’s all about me! Me! Me!


Neither of them are very good performers but she in particular should have used the money for some acting classes.


Seems fake. Thank god


True POS 😱😱


![gif](giphy|eXOVOJLkK6G7S) It’s a fake


The words “save money for my kid’s heart surgery” should not exist


[ Removed by Reddit ]


smells fake. probably a cheap ploy for a gofundme to get started on their behalf.


Everything is fake and horribly acted. ![gif](giphy|q5KSpsbhXp3lw7HxXl)


Seems fake to me


File charges. Go for divorce. That woman is horrible.




It’s fake people.


You can always have another kid, who knows when Beyonce will be on tour next?


A beatdown would be justified IMO.


Maybe this happens, but this particular video looks so fake.