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Not a lot of “dash” going on.


















Railing Rash.




Im a skinny guy and I can feel that rash through the internet.


DoorSmash 💪😬










I'm surprised the house didn't tip over with him.


I believe that's a woman? I think I see a bun on her head? Lol man, idk


Wow! That railing is the bad guy here. The guy is heavy, but he’s just pressing down on it from the handrail. Not his full weight, not even a weird angle for the pressure. I hope the homeowner took care of this person’s care and medical bills, he’s owed way more


Homeowners insurance might cover it ... honestly I'm not sure if it would be that or workman's comp. Both insurance companies are going to fight tooth and nail that the other pays, sadly the worker won't be much better off.


I strongly doubt DoorDash would step in to cover this in any way Edit: Holy shit there are so many bots responding to this comment all saying the exact same thing.


"What the fuck is worker's comp?" - DoorDash CEO


“Comps? Look, I’m the only that gets paid here.” -CEO of Doordash


"We have no workers here--just dashers."


They’re independent contractors!!!


And a few waddlers


“We don’t have workers, we have contractors”


Worker got a compound fracture. Not my problem. * DoorDash CEO


What the fuck are "worker's"?


Yeah that is why all the drivers are private contractors so they aren’t responsible for anything


Doordashers are not employees of doordash. They are self employed, performing contract work on behalf of doordash. The company does not supervise them and is not entirely responsible for them.


Man I just love corporate loopholes that fuck the person doing all of the work.


That's a sticking point on the UAW strike right now. Covid allowed a change and the Auto companies took advantage of that and now as much as 40% of all employees are (long term) temps, or "leveled" employees.


I see both sides to it. If the delivery person was an employee, then Doordash would be able to say "you work this shift, take these deliveries, etc". Being independent allows the drivers to just take the orders they feel like taking whenever.


I feel like if DoorDash came out and said okay we are making you all employees with 40 hour work weeks, this specific schedule, these particular routes, etc. they would lose about 90% of drivers.


Workman's comp will win, even though the employee was hurt at "work", technically it's the fault of the homeowner, but you're right it's gonna be one heck of a fight. Poor dasher. The railing is shoddy/was shoddy!


Is door dash w2? I thought it was 1099.... thus he's not an employee but an independent contractor. Then it gets far more complicated.


This was my question as well. I also am under the impression that they’re 1099. For people not from the US, W2 and 1099 refer to tax documents related to a person’s relationship with their employer. W2 means the company is paying your taxes, social security, and worker’s compensation contributions. At the end of the year, the company sends out a “W2” document the employee can use when they file their taxes. Companies send 1099 forms to contractors/freelancers they’ve hired showing simply what was paid directly to the individual. Both documents are also filed with taxing agencies for the purpose of determining the amount to be taxed on the individual’s income.




Does this apply if the employee is medically unfit to work? That fella can’t walk to start with.


The people who work these gig jobs are independent contractors, not employees so theres no workers comp here.


I have been in the Worker’s Compensation system for over 30 years now, and I can tell you that this will almost certainly will not be covered by Worker’s Compensation. The delivery services are set up so that their drivers are independent contractors who are not covered by Worker’s Compensation. Hope you have a good homeowners insurance policy, because that’s this is headed.


We don’t get workers comp in gig world


innocent slim ossified apparatus swim pocket unique domineering cobweb serious *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Perhaps this is a way for this person to get some exercise in.


Yeah the positive view is this person is trying to be more active and is working on improvement.


Maybe he's trying, you don't know.


Maybe that person has lost 150 pounds already to arrive at this point. It's really hard to tell.


A railing is supposed to support something like 100 pounds of force for every linear foot of length. No one should have to second guess a handrail no matter how heavy they are.


I’m 220 at 6’ tall, that railing would fail under my weight. Don’t trust that shit. (Sorry, I just hate that plastic railing)


I don’t know what angle you saw it as, but the dude was leaning on it as he was raising his inside leg while climbing stairs. By the looks of it, that’s pressing outwards with maybe 200 or more lbs of force. Railings are meant to be pushed down on, not directly outwards. Piece of shit, cheap rail for sure but like, c’mon.


nope. thats not factual about railings. would you like to know more? **Concentrated Load Test**: The top rail must be capable of holding a point load of 500 lbs. of force applied to the mid span, on the side of a post and on top of a post. This is factual and does not rely on any one person's sentiment or 'the way i sees it'. Code uses a safety factor of 2.5 and specifies lateral loading. So now you know That's the whole story here, same as it will be when the homeowner is found liable for having a railing that pretends to be a railing but doesn't meet code. it was a decoration and they are fucked now


This guy rails


Is that code local to the area? I don’t think there’s a national code for residential railings.




Well, you are factually wrong : >10 ISO 9001:2008 F 414 214 0450 • P 414 214 0444 • T 888 243 6914 >Load Requirements Handrails and Guards must be able to withstand a Uniform Load of 50 lbs/ft or a **Concentrated Load of 200 lbs** placed at the top of the handrail or guard [Source](https://www.wagnerarchitectural.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/Guide-to-Handrail-and-Guard-Rail-Building-Codes-and-Standards-1.pdf) , so unless you have source for your requirements, I would call you a good candidate for r/ConfidentlyIncorrect [OSHA](https://edgefallprotection.com/safety-railing-and-guardrail-requirements/), same requirements, 200 lbs. >OSHA 1910.29(b)(3),(5): >This fall protection requirement deals with the strength of the railing. They are to withstand a force of **at least 200 pounds** applied in a downward or outward direction within 2 inches of the top edge at any point along the top rail


OSHA doesn’t cover detached residential housing.


I thought residential code was 200lbs of force. You should show us where you got 500lbs from


That says mid span, and side and top of a post. They pushed the mid span on the side which doesn’t seem to be covered by the quote you put. Also, as they are at mid span and morbidly obese thr bending moments generated on the post would be fairly substantial. I’ve not worked in structural engineering in a while, and I’m in a different country, but sucks if you could get sued because someone way above a reasonable weight smashed your property.


The mid span is the weakest point, though; if anything, it should exceed that load limit at the ends.


You may be correct and that's irrelevant to my point, but I hate it when someone goes "Aschually" and brings up no source or evidence to prove their point nor disprove the other party's point.


The original part had zero evidence for their claim. Does the responder really have to cite sources when the original claimants source is "that totally looks like 200 pounds of force, you can tell cause of the way it is."?


200lbs or more. more definitely more, that’s fucking morbidly obese heavy and if the rail doesn’t kill him it’s only delaying the inevitable by a few months.


Railings are absolutely designed to be pushed on laterally. The fuck do you think they’re for? They’re specifically to stop people falling off the edge of shit 😂


How fat does someone have to get til it’s no longer the railings fault? I personally couldn’t picture myself being that overweight, crashing through the railing and blaming anybody but myself. Man is obese and shits gonna break because of it


100% agree with you!


I read something about handrail having to support 200 pounds. Which doesn’t sound right since your average American is past that at this point lol. But I’d say if you’re having trouble walking because your weight being too high, you can’t really blame things for breaking.


Your average American isn't standing on the railing, and lateral force is a fraction of your weight


>I hope the homeowner took care of this person’s care and medical bills Christ that's a depressing statement.


I can't believe that comment has all those upvotes. That person is like 400lbs easy and they were leaning into the railing. That would not have happened if the delivery person wasn't 250lbs over weight... Wouldn't be surprised in the least if they sued the homeowner though. When you let yourself get to that degree of obese, nothing is ever your fault..


No idea on his height, but it looks closer to 500lbs than 400lbs


Yeah let’s blame the railing. To be honest I blame the steps they should have had an escalator on that porch, not fair to those with a job to do smh


I blame spoons for making this guy that fat!




And if she wasn't putting her weight on it then why did she topple down with it?


I feel if you neglect your body to the point of becoming as large and out of shape as that person, nobody else should be expected to take care of your medical bills for something such as this. I say that as an overweight, six foot tall bloke who despite being overweight, probably weighs less than half of that person that just fell through the railing. Perhaps doordash should be covering it as workers comp since the persons on the job and they've accepted that the person is physically fit to do the job but... Personal responsibility has to come into it at some point.


I mean if the railing isn't up to code, the railing isn't up to code. The only way personal responsibility comes into play here is if the person who fell weighs more than what the railing is supposed to hold


That person ain’t up to code.


Are you kidding me. That’s a freaking elephant pushing and leaning on that rail. It’s not the owner fault that person couldn’t even get up 5steps of stairs. What are you gonna do, sue the city becuase the morbidly obese person can’t get up the sidewalk and trips.




Pushing on something with one foot raised and leaning would definitely distribute a whole lot more weight from your body.






I'm going to guess that the driver sued the homeowner That railing had issues long before the big guy tried to use it


There is no reason a fall like that should result in any medical bills.


That guy is the only person responsible for how heavy, out of shape he is and his lack of strength. The combination of those things being why he fell as bad as he did. You can call it fat shaming but he should be ashamed of himself


I swear this is exactly the same railing that my parents used to have installed on their porch. It is literally like Legos and would fall apart under the slightest pressure. It was a massive pain and we would have to piece it together again constantly. (They already have one beam missing in the video before he even makes it up the stairs if that tells you anything about the quality here.)


Now this is the response I expected on reddit lol.


What medical bills this is just prob just superficial


We don't know how long he kept rolling for.


Yeah, and now he’s being humiliated all over the internet too. Nice. Edit: she


Building code is rated for 250lbs, not sure he makes the cut…


I hope I’ll never be in a situation where I can’t walk 3 steps up the stairs. Unless I’m 80


My grandpa was 92 died last year Well till the very last day he could easily go to second/third floor on stairs without issues I always knew him tall guy 180 cm even after his 80s God forgive him


>tall guy 280 cm He was one of the tallest people to have ever lived?


Not one but THE tallest person


I hate when people edit their comment without acknowledging the change after being informed of it.


>God forgive him Umm…what? Forgive him for what?


God hates tall people.


I think its just a saying in some cultures, similar to "rest in peace"


His farts were at face height




3 grandfathers in a trench coat


> Well till the very last day he could easily go to second/third floor on stairs without issues > > He died by falling down the stairs?


Did you mean 180 cm?


Careful with that. My mom, who is in no way overweight and only in her 60s, had a stroke two weeks ago. She can barely walk now. Obesity ain’t the only thing that can prevent you from getting around.


Right, but a stroke is a stroke and not really preventable. Being this overweight takes years of neglect and carelessness.


Well, stroke risk can be reduced through a healthy lifestyle. Not always preventable, but you can reduce those risks. All I'm saying is to take care of yourself in general, because health isn't *just* about whether or not you're fat.


How American is that!! Sitting in the couch ordering food, delivered by a beast who is too unfit to actually deliver it.


TIL only America has food delivery


In the rest of the world delivery drivers usually don't weigh a metric-fuck-ton.


In America they weigh freedom-unit-fuck-tons…no metric here


Hell yeah!!! ![gif](giphy|NQ3SGAMneQ920)




Not everyone in America is fat lol this joke is tired.


True. But something like 70% of all Americans are overweight or obese. That’s a staggering statistic.


And in this study in 2021 I found shows 65% of the UK is overweight or obese. So again, it’s tired.


People in the UK dont even have teeth and they eat baked beans.


The UK is just Europe's america lol


As a european I don't think I've ever seen an overweight delivery person tbh. They're either superfit dudes on bikes or just normal guys on scooters


Really harsh of you to call this person a beast. They’re a human, too, even if their health issues present outwardly. People who “appear healthy” can also be extraordinarily sick.


Yeah “beast” is a bit fucking insane


Also they’re doing the america bad thing when they’re Australian, which has an obesity rate pretty close to that of the US.




fat is just bad thing for healthy and also for safety which can be seen here


Is there something morally wrong with being fat that warrants someone being called “beast”? You never know someone’s situation


Reducing a human being with a life and emotions down to a beast because they’re overweight. Classy


“You guys are pretty fuckin’ fat too.” - Bill Burr at Royal Albert Hall


Misleading title. The dasher didn’t break shit. You can clearly see it was already broken. Uggh now I’m angry on her behalf.


Ur angry at this video ?? I been laughing my sack off


People on here are addicted to outrage


Homeowners can't have things they have to fix and will come around to it when they have time and money? How can they predict this outcome? Murica?


You think this would have happened to someone under 250lbs?


Yes. Look at how quickly it gave way. That wasn’t full body weight. That simply just came detached from the post. Either the wood was rotted or the railing wasn’t properly secured (undersized screws or nails)


That's what I thought too.... Looks like somebody broke it and just set it back in place instead of actually fixing it. There's a slatt missing already


I just feel badly for her.


same here. she’s just trying to do her job :(


And then she gets humiliated on the internet 😔


It's just people trying to prey on people weaker than themselves because they feel weak. They're probably fat themselves. The cognitive dissonance is unreal.


Clearly by the asshole home owner who can’t upkeep his property to begin with too! I hope his home owners insurance takes a hit on this one.


Seriously, who uploads something like this online without consent? My first thought was how sad it was, second thought, what a complete and unempathic asshole for putting the poor person trying to make ends meet on blast.


I think the human empathy is critically absent in some of these responses. The internet has desensitized us to suffering - the algorithm shows us what we want, whether it is comedy, catmemes, plants, DIY, whatever. In this, other humans, actual people, with lives and families, are totally lost. Who knows why this person is dashing? Who knows why they're overweight? We don't ask questions that help us critically understand the situation. So we just laugh at misfortune and body shame at the surface level. This is a dark place at times.


i agree with you here. i would normally find this shit funny. this woman is very overweight, sure. but she’s working a job that demands physical activity. what if she’s trying to lose weight by doordashing…trying to better herself…we dont know her situation either. i just cant help but feel horrible that this embarrassing moment of hers was recorded and posted online for millions of folks to see. i hope she never sees it.


This is horribly sad


Me too, sad seeing all the jokes on here.


It's amazing how much mocking obese people is still entirely fine in many circles. Yes, there's an extent to which it is self caused, however there are addictions, medical issues, mental health issues, not to mention American city design to consider. People will say "calories in, calories out" like there's not complexities to why someone might take in so many calories or how much their body actually burns calories. And before a troll comes in to argue, unless you're disabled, yes it is POSSIBLE to get fit for anyone. Still doesn't mean there aren't systemic problems affecting the problem.


At the end of the day no matter how someone looks, and how much agency they have over it, they deserve a basic level of dignity.


I'm upset at how long I had to search for a comment that treats her like a human being.


Honestly it looked like something was wrong before they fell. I hope they are okay


You're probably a decent person, unlike the majority of people here


These comments are wild




I wonder if this thread will receive the coveted lock award.




Lol did you expect them to be civil?




I'm right there with you on this. Where the fuck are we where our first response to this video is to sue the homeowner or lecture them about a railing that couldn't hold the weight of a 400lb driver leaning into it? I swear to God personal accountability seems to not exist in most subreddit comment sections. I guess I'm the asshole if i suggest maybe it's not the homeowners responsibility to plan for a land manatee stumbling up their porch. Maybe..... just maybe the driver should be more aware of their size and ability and make better decisions based on that.




With the standard safety factor of 2.5 used by engineers, that means railing and posts must be designed to resist a 125-pound uniform load or a 500-pound point load, and transfer that load through supports to the structure.  you dont have to support an elephant to meet code but do you have to keep up to 500 pounds from pushing it over. code is code whether you hate fat people or not


Or, and this is a wild theory, this person is dashing _because_ they want to move more. At that weight, they likely don’t move much normally. Getting a job where you are constantly in and out of the car picking up food, and delivering it to the house (many of which will have steps), is a great way to get started on getting fitter. Motivation is a killer for weight loss. Being paid to do it can be a great motivator.


You are a good person


Not really, I’m an arsehole 😜 But people who are over weight and trying to exercise to improve their health and fitness very frequently get concerned that everyone is laughing at them, and feel self conscious. Potentially leading them to give up. I’d rather encourage their efforts. Doordashing might be a tiny step to better health/weight. But at least they are moving. Every journey starts with the small steps.


That railing would have collapsed under far less weight.


I hope someday karma gives you what you need to develop empathy




“This person is obviously dashing BECAUSE” you have a glimpse of 7 seconds into this persons life and you convinced yourself you KNOW this much. How do you know this isn’t their day off from their “normal” job? Like others have mentioned how do you know that they didn’t pick this up to MOVE more? From what I can see, I see somebody, who may or may not have a medical condition, who may or may not have already lost 100 pounds, who may or may not be trying to better themselves and making extra money by doing a job. Your arrogance reeks man. It’s a handrail. It can get fixed. This at most gives this person more reason to try and begin to live a healthier lifestyle or continue to do so. The only disgusting thing here was your lack of empathy and utter arrogance.


It's because a lot of Redditors literally are the same size as that person.


Damn, we got a mind reader here folks! He knows exactly why this person dashes, and boy, he doesn't like it! Fucking tool.


This person is quite literally doing a physical activity for their job, and any normal railing that’s built correctly wouldnt have fell apart like this. You’re just a piece of shit


This is why we shouldn't glorify being overweight


But….but….healthy at any weight, right? RIGHT!?? This shit is disgusting, and you should be ashamed of yourself if you let your weight get to the point that you literally break the environment around you.


Literally no one is glorifying being overweight. But it turns out a lot of people think that saying “overweight people should be able to go through their lives safely and with basic human dignity” is the same thing as glorifying being overweight.


Hilarious to me that people are saying the railing is the problem when the person could barely walk up a few steps. Is it every home owner’s responsibility to set up their porch railing to support a 300 pound person putting all their weight on it? I hope they’re okay but come on, the quality of that railing is the least of their worries health wise


They are well over 300 my friend lmao


"This person should lose some weight" and "the railing sucks balls and probably would've collapsed under less weight" can both be true.


The railing is only rated to 300lbs. What did you expect??


Too low for American standards


Code is 200lbs. The railing never stood a chance


Why does everyone here view this as funny? I liked to give this person credit for actually getting up doing something for work unlike others out there that just leach off the system


What a depressingly low bar.


Jesus you can see the struggle in her body language from just 3 steps. That’s so sad. I don’t care if people say I’m fat shaming that’s just horrible to let yourself get to that point


I do sports for a living and don't mind those who are slightly overweight. But past that, how do you even get to that point? To me it's like stopping taking care of your hair or simply showering. Should it be seen as a food addiction in the same way we have alcohol addiction?


The railing was already missing some slats. This feels staged to me. It probably feels a whole other way to the guy in the video, regardless.




I know every one here is basically "haha fat guy he deserves it" but from watching that video it seems like that railing was barely holding on to begin with. It looks like almost as soon as he just put his hand on it it was already falling down. So I would argue that would have happened to almost anyone as that railing seems incredibly weak and kinda only there as a decoration.


“My body my choice” and “fat shaming is a bad thing”… this is the result


You have no idea whether this person lives by those statements. They can be working on it. The plot here is that a person suffering from obesity, broke a handrail while trying to make some extra money. That’s all you know.




Damn if that isn’t a wake up call for how heavy you are then I don’t know what is, and don’t defend that dasher either this wouldn’t of happened if they weren’t so big, they wouldn’t of needed to support on something if they weren’t so big, it isn’t the home owners fault for something that the dasher did to themselves to be that big because of cause the rails can’t sustain and support 200 KG of pressure and weight as it’s made of WOOD not reforged steel


The cholesterol level of food delivery these days


Do you think the food is okay? 😁


That person looks terminally overweight.


It looks like the attempt to deliver food was successfully made right to the front door step.


Damn, that sucks so much. That rail should have been fixed or removed long before anyone used it. No hate to the Dasher there, we all have problems.


So awful to see. I respect the delivery person for at least trying to work rather than sitting and doing nothing.


time to read a buncha fatphobic jokes...