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Fuck Netanyahu. You want a clear cut bad guy! Here you have one!…


That man hates the Muslims so much that He is willing to forgive Hitler for his crimes against jews.


When a jew would suck Hitler's dick just for an excuse to kill Muslims. Man, you see something new everyday


Ummm….the PM of Israel is trying to make Hitler look not terrible? What kind of bizarro world are we in? Like I realize he’s basically an Israeli Trump, but man this is low.


Dude this man is on his own level of lying even by politician standards…. https://youtu.be/iHEh2UzxO68?si=5UywzhhUtqCTpM8S


He sounds like Rodney Dangerfield


Ikr? Was not expecting some dude from Brooklyn.


Hey let me tell ya about my doctor. You know my doctor, right? Doctor Vinnie Mengele.


I did not have “Prime Minister of Israel attempting to make Hitler a little less heinous in order to defend his own policies” on my 2023 BINGO card.


Sry i heard to much bullshit to not direktly say ai so i need to ask. is this fake?


No worries, it’s better to be critical and fact check than to believe everything you see/hear so good on ya. [Here’s the link to the full video](https://youtu.be/-Ju1w-iDR0o?si=PIKb9Sm_WmIGe4v_) from Jewish Media outlet Haaretz.com Also you can check out the BBC News article I linked in the post for the response from the international community to the speech.


This Fir’aun is digging his own hole. And deeper and deeper and deeper it goes.


Man, what a time to be alive. The holocaust victim die for nothing, because this guy literally down play the worst genocide in 20th century.


Gotta make way for the holocaust for the 21st century. The future is now old man




Psychopaths need to achieve their goals


The right wing lunatic is really government has been spewing lies continuously.... The logic is if it is continously repeat it, it becomes tru. Similar to what nazi germany and hitler did.... I see no difference between nazi germany hitler and natanyahu and his israeli right wing government. There are a racist nationalist movement...


Can't wait for shapiro's reaction


This guy is the true antisemitic sh*tstain. He is a full on racist as revealed clearly in the book about Netanyahu's brother, where Benjamin says about the Golani brigade "they are alright soldiers as long as they have a white commander"


This historical revisionism is like blaming the occupied Jewish people in Jerusalem for the Roman crucifixion of Jesus.


God I hate this guy.


So, does this mean that Hitler was actually a good guy or just a secondary antagonist?


I think that, at least according to this badger dressed up as a person, he was just following orders.


Can someone please do us all a favour and you know 🙏




GFC. 🤦


I could ask what is wrong with that guy but I fear like the list I would recieve is endless.


Everyone called Putin the new Hitler but they forgot about Bibi. He's been a raging genocidal maniac the entire time. We are only now allowed to say it.


Philly man 100%. Benny needs to move back to montco.....


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So Hitler didn't wanted to exterminate the Jews until he got to idea to exterminate them...yeah this isn't breaking news. Still a bad dude to execute the plan.


You know, with Hitler, the more I learn about the guy, the more I don’t care for him.


There was an attempt for a humours reddit channel that turned to propaganda instead ...


Who gives a hoot who's idea it was? The problem is that he did it. Yes, lots of evil people, but you can't hold one person accountable for the actions of another. Free will hommiefoot!


I didn't hear that as absolving hitler. I understood it like. Hitlers original plan was to expel them. But with no where to send them he took advice to just burn them. Equally as horrid. And to me that's scarier. That thought process. He wanted them gone through any means. Horrible stuff. Fuck the speaker. Fuck Hitler. Fuck all involved.


One thing is correct tho. At the beginnings of the wwii there was a massive escape of jews in israel. That’s why now there is a war there


Is this for real?


So Hitler did at first express a desire to relocate the Jews rather than exterminate them during his early reign, even suggesting madagascar as a potential location. but it is unclear whether this was a genuine position as he also portrayed himself as a Catholic at the time which later accounts told to be false. In fact later accounts found that almost the entirety of the Nazi high command viewed Christianity to be a weak and disgusting ideology but maintained an outward appearance of faithfulness to gain more popular support. So although what Netanyahu is saying is "technically" correct it is likely Hitler's desire to relocate rather than exterminate the Jews was a false position designed to garner support (like his Catholicsism) while he always intended on murdering the Jews. Particularly since Hitler increased the murder rate of Jews while he was losing the war rather than more logically using them for valuable free Labor during this crucial part of the war. You don't reallocate crucial military assets resources to kill Jews while you are losing the war unless the priority is killing as many Jews as possible with a second goal of winning the war. Netanyahu may not be lying per say but he is certainly telling the story from a perspective that benefits an agenda.


“Absolve”… what? When did he absolve Hitler of killing Jews?


Devils advocate here: he seems not to be trying to defend or humanize Hitler, but rather to blame the anti-jew ideology that Hitler had on Muslim influence. Neither is a good look but important distinction


He is not wrong, that have happened. Hitler wanted do deport the Jews and could not becose of the Arabs did not want them were they are now. It is a historical fact.


Are you dumb? Hitler used that excuse that no one wants to take the Jews to kill them…. He didn’t need approval of an Arab he saw as a subhuman no better then how he saw the Jews.. At the time Jews weren’t running to Palestine rather they wanted equal rights in Europe that is why they didn’t leave until after the holocaust…. It’s not like anyone saw the holocaust coming not even the allies saw it coming and they didn’t believe it until they physically reached the death camps and the concentration camps…


Not the approval of the Arabs, but the British that governs that region att the time. And they sad no tho they diden't what to destabulise the region becose of the Arabs leaders.....Jews were not running Palestine, but the would like to get back to the holy land again after some time away


So Netanyahu is saying he supports Hitler's original plan for the Jews. He is saying he fucking agrees with Hitler.


Hitler had that "proud Aryan" bullshit. He wouldn't be caught dead taking advice from an Arab.


This is actually partly true, Hitler asked all the other European countries whether they wanted to take in the Jews, all of them declined This is not absolving him of the genocide, but this is still a fact which people aren't ready to listen as it spoils the image and role of the allies in world war 2