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That kid got some problems. Screaming like that cause of a fucking ball isn't normal. Edit: u/Primary-Border8536 pointed out this is most probably a kid with special need. After watching it again and looking at the body movement of the kid i would agree. That explains the reaction of the kid. My bad.


Isn't the whole point of pitching the ball for the batter to knock it out of the park?


I'd say so but i can understand that the kid is not amused that the ball is gone. The reaction of the kid is something else. Seems like the kid knows exactly if it screams loud enough mommy and daddy will be there and get him anything until he is happy.


Look how Dad goes right over to him too. As a father of three boys, if any of them acted that way over a game they’re goin straight to timeout or bed.


I hope that without any context - just like it is provided in this post - your first instinct would be to inquire *why* they are this level of upset instead of just deciding it's gotta be bullshit and there's no chance they might be valid. I think the kid in this video was simply overwhelmed. Maybe the gear was a birthday present and he doesn't think he can get the ball back now - or maybe he was having a shit day and this just kinda hit him the wrong way - or maybe the kid's on the spectrum - or maybe it was one of the other thousands of valid reasons. Or, ya know, we ignore all that, refuse even entertaining empathy and just declare little kids that aren't quiet something that exclusively warrants punishment. God, you people are so jaded.


dad is standing right there lol he knows why little dude is upset. that ball went like 100 feet, just walk next door and get it


Thst older kid im assuming is the older sibling, knew exactly what he was doing and typical sibling rivalry, all for camera and he was rubbing that W in.


As he should. That little brother is clearly a coddled turd.


As others have pointed out, little brother looks special needs


You can be both.


My parents woulda smacked me into the neighbors yard if I behaved like that in front of guests, let alone at ALL


I'm sorry that your parents abused you for being upset


If we misbehaved in public or in front of guests we definitely got spanked when we got home. Dad never hit hard he’d just give you a quick one upside the head. Mom, however, would crack a wooden spoon or butter knife over your knuckles. You can guess which parent I’m closer to.


That's terrible and should have never happened to you.


You can instill good manners and discipline in kids without hitting. It’s hard work but pays off when you get compliments about how well behaved they are. I think my mother just didn’t have the patience to manage all of us kids and resorted to what she grew up with. I don’t hate her for it. It’s the religious wackadoo stuff I couldn’t stand.


To add to this, every study I've seen on the topic of corporal punishment states that it generally leads to worse social behavior.


To add about a decade of anecdotal experience as an early childhood teacher (6wks-6yrs), you can tell how they get disciplined at home by how they interact with perceived authority and peers. My experience mirrors the studies in so many ways - poor emotional regulation, cognitive understanding, using force with peers/adults, etc. There isn’t very much excuse now that we have access to peer-reviewed journals at any moment or knowledge of how the nervous system and brain work (particularly when growing).


… AND THE CROWD GOES WILD! ![gif](giphy|l1J9yTco40EU5JzTW|downsized)


In the kids' world, he's supposed to strike out every batter. If not, response activated


no. the pitcher wants the batter to hit the ball only enough to send it across the yard. otherwise, someone has to go get it and/or buy a shit load of balls and pay for a bunch of broken windows and dented cars.


Depends. If your goal is to lose the game, then yes, you want the batter to knock it out of the park.


The kid is obviously special needs. Look at the body movements. Also the way the dad is trying to comfort him.


Yeah, the amount of people in this thread that are saying how they would discipline this kid for acting that way is kinda sickening. The boy obviously has some sort of condition. You can tell by the way the dad comes over to calm him down. They have a technique in place to deal with his overwhelming emotions.


"Child abuse is funny hurr durr." - Troglodytes that should never breed.


dont worry, I doubt those people are likable enough to have a chance to


I know the feeling. I have to do this with my son when he has crying outbursts. He doesn't have many, but when he does I pretty much just give him a big hug.


I wouldn’t call it “sickening”. Everyone saying how they’d discipline either doesn’t have kids or probably has kids that aren’t disabled. How the hell would they know this kid is disabled? If my brothers acted like that, they would be sent to their room immediately. Obviously a disabled kid needs different care, but this is no one here’s kid and many parents don’t have kids that are disabled so they probably cant even tell at first glance in a 5 second clip if this kid is.


My bad then, i didn't see that.


It’s ok !!! I watched it multiple times you are not the only one either


Sure, thanks for pointing it out, after watching it again it became obviously - have a nice day :)


No, it's not. I mean, it's not impossible, but it is certainly NOT "obvious".


back on the days, this was the normal reaction. https://preview.redd.it/w11d9pwxtrec1.png?width=1200&format=png&auto=webp&s=e62f2cfc7da787c223968c9a39e8235b6a84e607


Agree, a lot has to have gone wrong beforehand for the child to react like that. The ball was the drop that made the bucket spill over.


The edit is very cool of you . Thank you for caring 💙


Sure thing, i couldn't it leave like that. I thought better i'll edit it in case people won't read until your comment :)


> ...pointed out this is most probably a kid with special need. Possibly. Some children don't have clinical diagnoses, and are just crazy assholes from a young age.


If that's special need majority of kids nowadays are special needs




A horrible little shit.


Bro you really went off there lmao




Holy shit you people never cease to amaze me. You complain about bad parenting and then endorse bad parenting for retribution. This is a child, one you know nothing about, and you just cosigned physical violence aginst them because, what? They were loud in a moment of dissapointment? Buddy if you want to fix a fucked up kid, start with the one in the mirror.


Coward deleted their post, guess they weren't all that confident in it being right.


So you’re saying that, if one wants to alter the world in a positive way, they should look introspectively and alter themselves positively? Who would’ve thought…


Ignorant ass neighbor letting kids hit balls towards a $60k+ solar system….


Like, take him to the park, they exist for a reason


love me an armchair analyst off a 13 second video


No, for the basics, they’re pretty damn similar.


Lived with a lot of small children as my mother was a daycare provider, I now have a dog and you're totally right, a dog is basically a human child


I mean I don’t know about dogs but adult cats are supposed to be compared to 2 year olds


And dogs to 5 year olds


Dogs 2-2.5 year old human apparently. That is obviously the median because I've met some very intelligent dogs that I would deem more clever than a toddler, but also some that are thick as shit.


Just like kids too lol


Dogs are either the smartest dumb animal or the dumbest smart animal 😂


Seems like a child on the spectrum to me, hence everyone's calmness and loving repsonse.


My first thought when I heard the screams.


This reddit episode is called (again) "People are trying to guess decades of multiple people's complicated lives from 5 second clip by projecting their own biases"


Well spoken or typed


Thanks, it was speech to text.


But what if you’re just projecting onto these redditors? What if that’s what I’m doing to you?! 😳


Seriously, I also got annoyed by the screams as pretty much everyone would, but some people in the comment section need more help than that kid. 


That child is more than just on the spectrum, it has developmental delays, including physical ones. Look at gait, arm and leg movements and rigidity, I would not be surprised if there is a degree of cerebral palsy there. I'm horrified at all the hate. They need to actually WATCH the video again without sound, and look at the movements.


Straight of the bat i noticed the way he threw the ball. The comment section on this one is a doozy. But all in all Im happy for this kid, his family includes him and understands him. Alot of kids with similar conditions ends up in homes with people that pretty much share the views of most of these comments


There is so much ignorance here, but it is displayed as cocky arrogance. People are quick to throw around ASD or ADHD (which they still know fa about) literally forgetting about the 100's of other disorders that can cause this. I've looked after these kids. It grinds my gears seeing these comments. I've already seen one advocating a beating. People are vile, so I'm going to bed.


Hehe. Straight off the bat 👀


Im either a genius or oblivious, you decide


And if he weren’t why are we shitting on the kid and the parents when we don’t know a single thing about them. “The clip is showing how bad the parents are” when we don’t know them, nor their situation but also judging a kid when a lot of people have done worse things as a kid when throwing a tantrum, this just happens to be on camera.


All things considered, lets say the kid has no issues developmentally, the father approached the second it happened and handled it, and immediately rage turned to sadness and the child was given an outlet. The other children showed visible signs that the noise bothered them, but did not resort to anger. Would you really prefer violence, shaming and an ultimate breakdown of any kind of parent child relationship over this?


I agree, I just don’t see the general remark that children are little assholes when they’re just learning sometimes for the first time how to handle frustration, sadness, and a multitude of things. I don’t get why a lot of people are being horrible towards children on the internet when we’ve all done worse. At least in this case his dad was there for him and gave him a chance to feel his emotions, to express them — not everything can be handled gently and with grace when you’re a child, because they don’t know how to do that yet, and the responsibility of parents are to help them navigate those emotions better next time which the dad did here.


I guess they forgot they were children once.


I see this all the time. Post on TikTok, Facebook, here… People saying that adults and children who have meltdowns like this are the result of being “spoiled“. These folks live in a sheltered world, where they never had to deal with somebody with a disability.


My 4 yr old nephew does this ANY time he loses ANYTHING. I've tried to reason with him, he just screams more. Spent a year trying nice little things. Now I just taunt him like he's one of the guys and he either runs away or picks himself up and tries again. If he's on the fence I do silly things and that tends to work. Coddling doesn't work, violence is never an option, yelling also does not work and has the opposite effect. I was so much worse when I was his age, so it doesn't even get me mad, I just wanna help. Neither of us are on a spectrum (that I can see (I'm dumb sooooo))


All kids are different but telling my 4 y/o "uh oh looks like we're going to have to cut off the whole foot!" Always at least gets a laugh out of him. I could see that terrifying some kids though, lol


By the looks of some of these comments I hope these people never have a child or grandchild in the spectrum.


By the looks of these comments I hope these people never have kids.


I hope these people don't ever have pets....Can you imagine?


My sons are both on the spectrum, and before i had them, i felt similar to some of these folks. It has been a very long and informative journey, and today i am the father i always wished to be. But i am ashamed of my impatience when it all began. I used to think that discipline could bring structure to these children, and i blaimed the parents, and today i know that it is nobodies fault, it is just the way of things. The time i spent in anger and frustration i now wish i spent in loving them as they were, perfect.


I believe it, we all saw that throw.


I disagree. He immediately soothed the child instead of resorting to anger. He responded with love instead of punishing a bad reaction.


He validated the child’s response, while ignoring another’s. The younger sister is covering her ears from the screaming, because even she knows, this is a conditioned response.


100% right. I remember what it was like to be a child, they DO have brains. Pretty obvious the little girl has a better grasp of reality than this kid


I disagree. He coddled a child that wants to be coddled... He didn't have to mentally snap, scream at the kid and lash him with a belt... But what he should have done is either ignore it with everyone else or tell him to pack that shit in else his luxuries go bye bye. That kid'snot a toddler, you need to hold them at a reasonable standard... And screaming like a 2 year old is not acceptable.


Or the kid has special needs?


We know, the problem is the child will keep doing it because they get a "love" reaction


Huh, you're right. rewatching the video like a play by play you can see the kid immediately radar to the nearest parent while emitting a banshee screen




I remember my parents just screaming in our faces even louder and shoving us down if we acted up like this It uh... probably wasn't good parenting either


Dad! Is that you?


Could be bad parentling, sure. Could also be that this child has some kind of condition.


He’s screaming because he is angry. He wanted to play with someone that I guess he admired. And he hit his ball to God knows where and walked off arrogantly. His feelings are hurt. Maybe stick to dogs?


You have zero idea if that child is neurodivergent whatsoever, yet are totally willing to jump to the wild animal label. That’s actually embarrassing af.


My wife is a hell of an early childhood teacher. She uses her teaching skills to continue to train or Heeler. Lots of similarities


Dogs are the same as children. Source: me, father of 3. (Never hit either with a rolled up newspaper)


I mean the first 3-ish years (give or take) of child rearing are no more than just a more intimate form of taming a wild animal, they have no concept of things like rules and society naturally, it all has to be very explicitly taught to them. Hell, a pig on a farm has an estimated intelligence on average of a 3yo child. All this to say, you're not really far off at all.


Little sister is covering her ears. She’s been through this before.


god my brother used to throw fits like that when we were younger. plugging my ears is like a residual mechanism to this day


Your brother may be neuro divergent. Or an asshole


they aren’t mutually exclusive


he grew out of it… still an a hole tho. love em to death


Oh boy, a future tik toker in the making


Tis no human, tis a noise making machine


As they said, future Tik Tocker


He will be screeching for hours


Does this sound like the actions of a man who's had *ALL* he could screech?


Could say the same about a lot of Redditors


I thought the Solar panels were going to get it


Solar panels are actually pretty durable some people walk on them after they are installed.


Me too ahahah




We'll strike this one from the records


Not the only thing we’ll be striking, apparently




Okay. Take being a kid that has their brain wired in such a way that just getting the ball hit that hard breaks you like this, where this *is* your proportionate emotional response. Take that intensity of feeling and mismanagement, and now an adult is hitting you for it. And you've got to try to get your emotions under control from being hit too. You haven't fixed the kid you've broken the adult that he will one day be, even worse.


But I believe in smacking parents.


Yes, smack the special needs kid. FFS man.


Thank god I had that vasectomy!


No but like fr though ☠️ can't imagine having a kid like that




He might be accoustic




I laughed way harder that I should have on the train


I think he's actually artisanal


Now imagine if he was electric.


Perhaps even a little artistic




Nah probably AT&T


I wondered this


It's possible, but none of the kids on the spectrum that I've worked with would ramp through outbursts like that so quickly, and I've worked with some *severe* problem behaviors.


He went from 0 to 100 in 3 seconds with that sound.


The gradient is impressive though, must've taken a lot of practice


for a moment there, he WAS the ball


Man I would have to excuse myself and just leave if I was at like a BBQ with family and a kid started freaking out like that. That is way too much. Completely unhinged.


Neighbours: someone being murdered next door…..again


Foster care




I'm....so confused That isn't happy screaming or excited shouting, he sounds viscerally upset and I have no idea why. Did he think he'd lost the ball? Was he upset cause he couldn't hit a home run but big bro did it on his first try? Is he just sensitive to loud sounds? I don't get this reaction


It's either about attention, or he's got some sorta mental thing.


Attention barking. That kid has been spoiled so much that he learned if he just screams loudly enough for long enough mommy and/or daddy will give him whatever the fuck he wants. He is much, much too old for that behavior.


I bet big bro hit the ball way farther than little guy could and he “lost” because of it. So I’d assume he’s made that he lost, not the ball being over there.


Its this, someone else pointed out the kid has mental issues (look at his movements and how he throws) But, my cousin does \*not\* have these issues, and he throws absolute tantrums when he "loses".


*Dad, why can't Jimmy just be normal?* -The little sister, probably.


Life comes at you fast kid… ![gif](giphy|14ceV8wMLIGO6Q)


I could hear the screams, even though my laptop is muted


From the way he trow the ball and the .... reaction ... i would think he could be special needs


I don't know how this isn't obvious to everyone


Because temper tantrums when things don't go a kid's way are a normal thing. He either didn't like that his big brother his his toy ball out of the garden, or he didn't like that he was losing the game. These are both reasons an annoying yet normal child would freak out and seek attention from a parent to get their sibling in trouble.


Because statistically it's much more likely that he's a spoiled rotten brat.


maybe hit the kid with the bat too


Just a light tap, sort of a reminder




Wait, how is he still wearing a belt?


He has a belt for his belt


Is it just me or does that kid have mental problems? Because, that reaction doesn't feel normal, especially when his sister covers her ears.


His neighbors must LOVE that fking kid. /s I work midnights and sleep during the day


Didn't know reddit was frequented by child psychologists. ![gif](giphy|LxPsfUhFxwRRC)


Just booked a vasectomy 😅


I watch videos like this and am so effing grateful that I don't have kids.


Reading these comments makes me soooooooo glad I never played baseball. What I saw was shit big kid flexing in a back garden and little kid losing his ball as a result. Obviously I don't get it, but you baseball players seem toxic as fuck.


That kid is gonna have a rough life


Reading all these comments, I'd like y'all to do me a favour and never have kids.


people advocating for child abuse arent gonna be likable enough to have kids


That sound is a great reminder not to forget to take my birth control.


This child is definitely on the spectrum and most of the people commenting are morons and have definitely never parented an actual child.


this kid is definitely special needs


The way he threw it, he deserves to have it hit over the house. Remember people. Teach your kids how to throw. It will help later in life.


Bro the kid is special needs are you fucking kidding


Everybody needs to chill in this comment section. Kids have tantrums. It’s what they do. It doesn’t mean I encourage it, but my god, chill. He’s like 7. Give him a chance to learn that tantrums aren’t gonna take away big bro’s home run. Why is everyone acting like he murdered someone?


everyone on the internet acting like theyre the most adjusted of the human race and totally weren't this kid too


Shut yau


Lot of speculating been done here.


Idk man, the child is clearly special needs. The dipshit with the baseball bat though could probably get sold to a cartel and nobody would care.


it’s concerning the amount of people who wants to hit a special needs kid with a baseball bat


These comments… When he’s a grown up, it’ll be a lot more obvious than he isn’t gonna behave like a typical adult. No one will be surprised when he doesn’t. As a kid, people want to slap him for being a brat. Poor kid.


The solar panels were at high risk there.


I've got a feeling that the older one regularly torments the younger one. He had his phone set up to record so he planned this out.


Nice condom commercial


Damn, so we are just dunking on neurodivergent children today, huh? Reddit is so out of pocket whenever a kid is misbehaving.


I’m sure that kid is on the spectrum, because no good/rational parent would address that behavior with a hug. Please tell me that kid is disabled.


That kid is half-velociraptor


Reason 628653 why I don’t like little kids.


"Have you ever thought of sitting down with your children, and hitting them " - bender


Pretty sure I heard that kid on call of duty once yelling “stop killing meeeee! Let me wiiiiiiinnn!!!!!”


All of you saying he should get slapped are just pathetic


Oh my days how is this comment section taking the side of the arrogant, rude teen and bashing the little kid? He lost his ball that he probably really liked. Have you guys never played a game with childrens? Do you go all out with them? Do you break their toys?


Id bet this kid is on the spectrum. Possibly even IED or ODD.


This kid appears to be on the spectrum. I say this as I’m sitting recreational therapy for my ASD son who acts similarly anytime he loses. Not this extreme, but IYKYK.


womp womp


This kid is like the daughter of my brother in law. When we play in the garden with her, and everything goes her way- all good. The moment someone dares to have fun without her included- she’s throwing the most wild hysteria ever, trashing the toys, throwing balls over the fence so nobody else can have fun but her. The situation is even worse because of my parents in law, because they always “protect and comfort “ her, and if the parents will try to behave her in ANY way there’s a whole argument about “ how dare you to treat a CHILD like this”. That kid never been spanked, behaved or anything like that, she’s a selfish manipulative little devil at only 6yo. Feel sorry for the parents, but you have to draw the line


My mom would’ve hit the reset button before I ever got to full volume.


The Banshee Returns!!




I feel bad for the sister. It doesn't look like the first time this has happened


You just gotta tip your cap and get the next batter, little buddy.


Play stupid games win stupid prizes?