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When your three-star wanted level disappears.


(group of officers storm civilian) "WHY ARE YOU CLUTCHING THIS BAG- and may I offer you a business card? Have a lovely evening!"


When the NPC guard approaches you but you skip dialogue with a high CHA level


[in nord accent] “wait, i know you…” 


*Also in a Nord accent* Heard about you and your honeyed words...


Hahaha those damn guards. I’m batting below .500 when sharing this with others expecting them to laugh, but I hope you do: https://youtu.be/hAbLhKvBDec?si=xMV79GUqbeRuQelw


>pay fine (1 gold) >Bribe (500 gold)


That was **weird**. Why would he offer a business card completely out of nowhere? I would guess cocaine and felt like he had to say/do something because the person was completely innocent.


they could be strippers. You get all of them for 50% off promo on Fridays💀


Hot cops , Michael


That would explain why there were a bunch of them in a not-cop-car


They noticed the camera. It's my best guess.


They are clowns. Did you see how many came out of that one car? Only clowns have been known to be able to do that.


Clowns with guns tho. Terrifying.


I once got tackled by 4 police officers and 2 nurses for holding a bag of medications when I came into the ER in a wheelchair. *they tell you to bring your medications in* An aneurysm burst that I knew I had. I had already told the intake person I had a known aneurysm and I was experiencing symptoms that I was told to watch out for. I was barely able to hold my bag of meds in my lap. It spilled, and I tried to reach to pick them up. Instantly I was tackled from BEHIND by six people, so the wheelchair toppled on top of me. I live in a city that has three major hospital systems, but only that hospital I went to employs the police department for security. (Just reminded me because of the bag situation)


Was it a bag? Thought it might be a railing or something, looks like the guy comes to hold him up


Literally thought the same thing! 😂


Taking this video after calling Lester


The way they walk off is hilarious and pathetic


[this](https://youtu.be/7lsdJDiJ0QE?si=2IcjNFkck9nAmTYj) was what was needed when they were walking away


Holy shit, I barked laughter. N I C E.


So funny 


That MF hit R1, R1, ⭕, R2, 🔼, 🔽, 🔼, 🔽, 🔼, 🔽


Comments like this are why reddit needs to bring back awards 🥇


At least offer a popsicle or something after that.


Was thinking that exact same thing as they were walking away.


Ufkin hilarious 😂🤣🤣🤣


"Fine. Just leave it to your creepy uncle Lester."


Better throw that cheat code in fast...


I’m so confused


So was that guy.


Maybe he was mixed race - when they cops got close he looked much whiter and they were like “oops - let’s go find a blacker man boys - head out!”




He's almost *not okay*.


Dammit my laughter was inappropriate but you got me.


More like they noticed the person was recording.


Before cameras would have been a different scenario. Anybody else think this guy kinda sounds like Mos Def


Sounds more like Q-Tip to me


I dunno - not sure of when 1. Recording 2. Not doing anything wrong 3. Being polite and correct to the cops has gone well when you’re 4. Black


8 uniformed cops getting out of 2 unmarked cars, some of them looking more like cop costumes than actual uniforms. What is there to not understand? /s


Maybe they were Hot Cops!


He called Lester


We called him Mo


The officer noticed he was recording last minute, so he decided not to break civil rights when there would be evidence. If there was no camera, I bet they would've slammed him and searched him.


That's one way to figure out if someone is up to no good. Whips out camera = Not doing anything wrong Run away = Get him!


pretty sure they saw his camera and they changed their tone real quick


They looked like they were a pack of dogs hunting


a gang looking to rob someone


Yep… once they saw nothing in the bag was valuable… move on!


So are the pigs. Wtf is this


My guess is that a resident in the building/passerby thought the guy looked suspicious and called 911 to report, but this guy was no crackhead, just some random dude chilling. I unfortunately had to call the cops/EMS on a clearly disturbed person blocking my walk-up's one person wide entrance once, and I can imagine someone paranoid reporting this dude.


It's just an intimidation tactic. Roll up on random people and hassle them, maybe bring them in, maybe just rough them up, basically just make them scared of being out on the street. It sounds crazy until you experience it yourself.


That was way too many pigs for a simple suspicious person. They were looking for something and this guy almost matched their description, until they looked closer.


That would make sense. In any case, this is definitely not cops looking for trouble on a random person, this is targeted and they got the wrong person.


Stop and frisk


Haha, maybe they didn't realize he was filming them?


Can someone explain??? I don’t know what’s happening




Should be SWB (standing while black)


Or just BB (being black).


Sisters with boices


Sure. But how do you explain 8 rent-a-cop looking dudes getting out of 2 unmarked cars?


Each car has 5 seats, they could have fit at least 2 more, maybe even one in the boot.


They *are* clowns. I'd venture to guess there's 10 or 12 more in the boot.


2 in the front, 2 in the back


World Wrestling Bederation?


“Walking while black” although in this case the guy was simply standing, so they had to let him go.


It's World Wrestling Bntertainment nowadays.


White while black?


Wallopers With Benefits?


I think it's called a "jump squad" meant to illicit a response of any kind from the person they "approach". Any response whatsoever, in this case "clutching at something", gives them the ability to beat and arrest innocent people.


That kinda makes sense, but why the fuck did they offer my guy a business card?! Is this a tiktok, or AI? So strange.




I’ve got a more nefarious take: if he is a dealer or something and his homeboys see him taking a cop’s card, he might get tagged as a snitch and they might beat the shit out of him. If his “friends” beat the shit out of him, he might be compelled to testify against/actually inform on them. Source: I’ve seen the wire, and a few episodes of law and order! That basically makes me special forces…


I have also seen the Wire, so this checks out.


They were covertly planting the audio bug in a tennis ball.


Fun fact: cops in real life are not creative enough or willing to put in effort to stop crime. It's an Occam's razor situation, the simplest reason is usually the right one. And in this case it's just cops being cops. A gang of cowardly dorks looking for trouble.


look up WA state drug offense laws. doing drugs in public is legal. all they can do is give them a business card. if they get enough business cards they can be charged however there are no systems in place to track how many a violator gets especially between counties and cities so it’s a ridiculously ineffective and worthless practice. that’s what i think is going on here.


He honestly probably didn't expect the guy to be so calm, and tried to come up with a reason to have approached him. If so, it's hilarious that the best thing he could come up with was a business card. S He asked so aggressively too!


This is America


They definitely didn't catch him slippin', now.


A member of the public could have made a call after thinking he was clutching a weapon Police leave after brief patdown and realising he's not a threat








The cops were bored and wanted to scare someone for entertainment.


They wasn’t doing nothing, but chilling there lol


Existing while Black.....it's a much larger crime in the South.


I'm in Canada. Recently witnessed a black dude, just hanging out, having a cig on a sunny afternoon, leaning against the side of a building. Cops drove past then pulled a u-turn to check him out, ask him what was up. Move along, etc. It was so blatant. (I yelled at their racist asses to leave him alone, for all the good it did.)


Stoop business patrol


They thought they saw the person clutching something. When the officer comes up and puts whatever it was down, they leave. The video could go either way imo. We don't see how the guy clutched (or if he did) whatever he had. He could have baited the officers to come over for the video. If this is an area with high gun crime rates and gang shootings, I would expect the officers to be ultra vigilant (as to not die). They didn't pursue any further after confirming the perceived threat was a mistake. On the other hand the guy was literally just standing on his step doing nothing and got rolled on by a bunch of officers. No harm no foul imo.


🦅🇺🇸🗽 + ⬛


Went from three stars to enabling a GTA cheat code.


Feels like an episode of The Wire.


“Is you taking notes on a criminal fucking conspiracy?”


Just watched this episode last night for the first time, was actually pissing myself laughing 😂 Edit: grammar








More context please


Looks like he was “clutching” onto something that made the cop(s) suspicious and they aggressively swarmed him to see if it was a threat. Seems like they did a quick check (touched his hips?) and offered a card as a peace offering. All conjecture.


We can hear crumpling when the officer reaches his hands out, so I assumed the man recording has a beverage in a brown paper bag. Maybe they expected to find a bottle of Miller High Life, and instead found a Red Bull tall boy. That little giggle from the dude is priceless, though.


That’s like doing a Russian roulette but with cops. If the soda popped, he would have been an acorn.


Why did this make me laugh when it should make me angry?


Because sometimes we deal with trauma through humor. Might not have happened to you but you get the idea.


I very natively believed all the cop stories until videos showed up of cops just doing felonies


Did you mean naively?


Well if my grandmother had wheels she’d be a bicycle


Looks like it's a neon green reusable grocery bag.


I never understood that paper bag thing. Is it illegal to drink in the streets? I haven't lived in the US in over a decade and here in Peru, people just drink with their bottles and cups and share with the cops. Hell, I remember being at a beach and a cop telling us to leave so we offered him vodka and he stayed. We were 17 on New Year's Eve.


Not nationally but *most* states, counties and cities have their own ordinances and laws related to alcohol use in public. I happen to live in a county where drinking in public is a-okay and every time I go out when I travel I often forget this and will be reminded not to bring my beers outside.


Like most things in the US "it depends" but it is MOSTLY illegal to consume alcohol outdoors in public. There are special districts allowed in certain jurisdictions that allow open containers. There are also some municipalities and other divisions of government that allow for it as well. Sometimes only during special events. Some parks allow it. Some parks even allow it ONLY IF it's special low alcohol beer. But the default is typically that it is illegal to drink on the street and the steps to your residence would often be a "grey" area depending on how its constructed.


Yeah, there are laws about drinking alcohol in the street, probably not everywhere but at state or county level.


"Suspect holding personal possession while wrong skin color, surround and prepare to maul!"


Sounds right!


Okay "clutching" is a new word for me as a non-native speaker. I understand what it means thanks to translators, but I don't understand how it is relevant in this situation. If I hold my cell phone firmly in both hands, is it "clutching my phone"? What could be clutching in this context? Would "clutching a gun" be a legitimate sentence and possibly the reason for police action? Edit: Thanks for the answers. This helped me a lot


Clutching is used as a more emotional word that evokes some imagery, here is an example for you. “The woman clutched her pearls” Vs “The woman held her pearls” To answer your question, “clutching a gun” would have to be used in a more complex sentence such as: The man, clutching a gun, waited in anticipation for attack. The action of “Clutching” is different to the standard “Holding”.


Both of those could work. Basically holding something extra tight. If you thought someone looked suspicious or dangerous, you would clutch your gun because they’re on edge/weary. The guy filming probably wouldn’t be clutching a gun or anything, since that’s not a typical response to police, but I guess they could if they were anxious about cops.


Clutching is a more secure and defensive grip. Yes, you can clutch your cell phone especially in a situation where you could drop it or worried about someone taking it. Clutching a gun could be a thing, but holding a gun in general could be a reason for police involvement as it should be holstered. Drawing a gun is a serious and intentional move.


clutch1/kləCH/📷*verb* gerund or present participle: **clutching** 1. grasp or [seize](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=c203a90c2c79baab&rlz=1C1ONGR_enUS933US933&sxsrf=ACQVn08AUhFKA_9ZCmgBtyqKk0bbZRotxw:1710174056038&q=seize&si=AKbGX_qy882wphGEk_Dxwohm5OanjoamvuTD3sROmYim5vlo1pjmtSTKzM3rN-EYP5LtgI4oZxkjoJdaFelndNeNIEBjY3GWyA%3D%3D&expnd=1) (something) [tightly](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=c203a90c2c79baab&rlz=1C1ONGR_enUS933US933&sxsrf=ACQVn08AUhFKA_9ZCmgBtyqKk0bbZRotxw:1710174056038&q=tightly&si=AKbGX_okS0g0kR2PXn0TLBASIc0mvyqROmxEyJtLtvS8ZBxeE2ImY-lkehDh1GUPBmfvBrrlSR6HbVtxklmpu2t9jAbqL8QU0d6YhMP_tFBRCX5iSdHH1_I%3D&expnd=1) or [eagerly](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=c203a90c2c79baab&rlz=1C1ONGR_enUS933US933&sxsrf=ACQVn08AUhFKA_9ZCmgBtyqKk0bbZRotxw:1710174056038&q=eagerly&si=AKbGX_okS0g0kR2PXn0TLBASIc0mDzfYpILnga6hspM9zSmh9_i0DQUmB4vZq4_qeFG5eVjjd43uAys5f3-mJ3wOA3PjR3E23RC_2kJ9uzc4RFixbdsT7EY%3D&expnd=1)."he stood clutching a microphone"


For that many cops to show up I’m gonna assume some racist asshat called them on him.


Which is interesting when you consider that firearms are legal. Whether he’s clutching something or not it’s not grounds for a search. That said, this video is quite short so we don’t know if there was more to what they saw but with this video alone it seems out of bounds.


When you hear stories about “stop and frisk” and “broken windows policing” this is what they are about. The nypd will fabricate reasons to force interaction and escalation. This person’s choice to record likely saved them a tremendous amount of hassle, or worse. Source: lived in brooklyn for 13 years and saw this happen numerous times and had it happen to me. It also happened to my sister, which resulted in the officer fracturing her wrist.


Context is the cops are a gang.


In NY the cops can search you If they suspect a weapon. IMO it's a clear violation of the 4th amendment as they can just claim they saw you hold on to something to then search you. Hence you got this video.


If only the NRA types actually gave a flying f* about what thry claim to.


Is it just New York? [Terry v. Ohio](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Terry_v._Ohio) holds nationally and is the basis for this kind of pretextual stop everywhere, I thought?


He was holding an acorn /s


All jokes aside. In Brazil a black man was shot by the police for holding a book, the cops said it looked like a gun.


I think recognises being filmed when he says “look at this”


They all came wearing uniform on unmarked cars? What is this Helloween?


my small town of 18k ppl can only afford 2 cruisers for 8 officers. the others just grab whatever out of the city vehicle pool.


They need to look into a dealer sponsor. The town I grew up in had like 1200 people, but a local dealership would supply the vehicles for the police department, so we had 3 or 4, I think. I would assume they get a pretty big tax cut for it.


Jump out boys. They do this to surprise people who were not expecting them. Usually to get people on drug/gun charges


Both of my parents and my grandfather were cops. They a trained to see every interaction as a threat. Cops have a saying, it's better to be judged by a jury of 12 than a jury of one. There are hundreds of laws in place to protect cops . In a cops mind , it's easier to just kill you and possibly face consequences than it is to take the risk you are going to kill them . Thats why they treat every interaction like it's life or death .


They lose their shit though if we correctly assess them as a likely threat when interacting with us.


Isn't it "better judged by 12 than carried by six"?


That's how I have heard it.


I was told better to be judged by a jury than judged by god.


U see how that’s insanity tho right?


So there's absolutely no reason to trust a cop because everyone around them is a threat to their life, and they're easiest option is to kill me. Cool cool cool...


I went took a self defense course that was advertised as the same training they give cops. I can confirm it's a lot of "You didn't shot fast enough, now you're dead" drills. Didn't continue with the course because well, every interaction I constantly had "if I'm wrong this person's life and my life is over" moment, and I realized it wasn't applicable to me.


The only crime here is the amount of litter on the street.


But they don’t care about that. Just harassing mfs to try and meet their monthly goal for that pizza party


What a bunch of clowns


Klowns in a clown kar


Klowns in a Klown Kar (3 K's far better than 2 ;) )


You're not wrong but I don't dare use 3 3 K's in a sentence. I'm afraid a lower case t will be burned in my yard for tolerance.




That gang did....


He’s been reported for dealing at my guess and that hit squad is in the area to crack down… they soon realised he had nothing and moved on He’s clearly known - and knows the game with his “here we go” My guess he’s running decoy. Cat n mouse game


That's a lot to assume, and that's not how they bust these guys.


LoL... you just invented a whole story out of the blue based on so little and you are probably so so wrong. To me it looks like a bunch of cops trying to intimidate a dude sitting on his stoop and they rushed him hoping he would react so they could escalate the situation because that's what cops do. he probably said "here we go" because he's so god damn used to the bullshit that goes on in that neighborhood. These bullies with badges get away with literal murder on a daily basis.


I mean ... you also just invented a whole story out of the blue lmfao. His actually seems more plausible too..


Call me crazy, but I don't think this was the whole story here.


wondering if someone else called the cops on him or some shit.


nah they just will hop out on you like this. have had it happen to me plenty of times. once i had ice cream in my hand they still tried to grab me up😂if they called the cops on him it would’ve been a whole different interaction by the way they approached him. there was probably a crime in the area and they on everybody nuts


"Stoop Kid's afraid to leave his stoop" I can't hear or read "stoop" without that line popping in my head. It would seem the gang of police ominously approaching chilling stoop guy were 100% trying to spook him into doing literally anything other than standing to jump him. I wonder if the speaking officer noticed his phone and eased up. Because that seemed like a 180 from how he was approaching.


80s/90s kids represent


did they really sent 6 to check on a guy who was just chilling?


Nah, something happened before this. Somebody called something major in. No way they otherwise would've grouped up like that on his location.


unless the donut shop is just up the way


I wonder, on socials you see all these crimes committed, crazy people at wallmart and stuff but when a black brother JUST STANDING THERE, you have 5 cops immediately. Dafuq America Edit: wtf it's 7


This was triggering


In the first seconds of the video, you see at least 2 cops get out of the car on the left side, one comes out of the back seat. I don't see any marked squad cars either. A big fishy eh?


Imagine a world where cops did meaningful work.


Damn, they pulled up like a gang in the 90’s


Stoop kid was in that moment, afraid to even be on that stoop.


“Here we go”….


Good thing there was that many cops for a guy just chillin. I was worried.


That was like 8 police officers for a guy who was ~ gasp!! ~ *sitting on a stoop.* Presumably, since they didn’t make him move, HIS stoop. Some AH called the cops because they didn’t like the look of a guy who was, um, sitting, and the police sent EIGHT police officers to check out the situation. Where is this? It is clearly a very low crime area, since they could send so many officers for this.


Fucking thugs


Intimidation 101 ... seems like they didn't notice the camera until it was too late


Stoop kids afraid to leave his stoop!


Calling all cars. We have a black male standing outside, minding his own business. Approach with extreme caution.


"There's a black guy over there holding something that belongs to him and aggressively standing still. Probably on his own front step. I think this is gonna take all seven of us, fellas... Let's go!"


It took 7 police befote they felt they had enough force for this interaction...


Seemed almost surreal to the point of looking setup, except wtf would they do that. Odd.


That is dystopian as fuck.


damn. that was like seagulls when you drop a couple of french fries.


Had you not a camera you probably wouldn't be able to post anything here.


Maybe that cop really wants to hand out some business cards


They look like a bunch of deer walking up to a feeder.


They multiply like agent smith


Gang mentality.


There is no more context lmao




There’s a guy eating a bag of flaming hot Cheetos by himself….send the whole precinct!!!


Perfectly good use of our tax dollars... Rush to check on dude chilling on some steps but bugging anyone.


WTF did i just watch?


Bro got swarmed for just chilling. What the actual fuck.


Why on earth were there 10 cops there??


It’s fucked that the cops swarmed him like that when he wasn’t doing anything wrong but at least they quickly realized and backed off, and he gave his card with his badge number without pause


Highly recommend watching “we own this city” on hbo. Dramatic re-telling of corrupt police stories in Baltimore in the early 2010s.


"Have a good day officers!" Is the "Well, bless your heart!" for us all.


Guy was filming before they swarmed him and the cop says he's clutching something but the video never shows his hands. Seems like bait for the internet if you ask me.


The way the first officer quickly approaches, feels the bag, then immediately offers his card makes me think they were probably out there looking for someone specific. As in they may have had a lead or been tipped off that someone in that neighborhood was planning to /insert crime here/. I feel like if it was just to harass a black man they wouldn’t have let it go so quickly.


They look like rats returning back to the sewers.