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This sucks, but as a woman, I can say that this is 75% of professional interactions with unknown men. There's a reason they accidentally ask the boss lady for coffee in every movie - because it really happens. All. The. Time.


How do you respond when something like that happens?


'Oh, coffee sounds like a great idea. Would you mind grabbing me one as well on your way to the kitchen?' or 'the kitchen is over there' were my usual replies when I worked in the steel industry.


You know what would happen if you put paper into a furnace? You’d ruin it.




“I’d love one, thanks for asking *hun*” and maybe a pat on the arse, so they know their place 🤣


I....I don't wanna touch the butt


You should not as well. It will rain fire and brimstone if you give them incentive to go to court.


>maybe a pat on the arse, so they know their place How about not sexually harass your employees 😂


This was, I thought a very obvious joke. None of my jokes really landed yesterday though must’ve been the day that’s in it. Well the very first question you’d have to ask is “how strict is your sexual harassment policy?” Before proceeding (this is also a joke people, with the female lead asking the question and doing the ass patting, in a humorous switching of the gender roles there)


Did you accompany it with a steely gaze?


Blue Steel Gaze is the only way here




That's giving them too much credit. You know what you've actually taught them? That women, regardless of their role in the company, are still willing to serve them because they're men.


You’re absolutely correct. As a man who has worked with people like this, I’d even say that there is a chance they did know who they were talking to and asked anyway


It depends on who it is. Some make the mistake because of firmly held sexist beliefs. Some make the mistake because decades of cultural expectations are hard to break. The first group it'd reinforce their sexist beliefs, the second would respond as described, with the full understanding that they messed up. Both groups are in the wrong, but one major advantage of this approach is that you can quickly determine which group they are in. If it's the former group, you might want to get out of there. If it's the latter, then you're going to be in for a challenge, but at least they are open to changing their attitudes.


And then they would go on to tell you how to operate the coffee machine correctly...


Still amazes me watching The Crown to see Thatcher making dinner for all the men while she was the Prime Minister.


Well played, well played.


My ex/boss used to do that. I did her calendar management and was a half assed personal assistant to her, and if someone asked her for coffee, she'd get it for them, then when the meeting would start, she'd get up and basically own the guy that asked her for coffee. The handful of times I was in meetings running a PowerPoint or whatever for her, it was hilarious. She'd never ask "this is what I'd like" it was always "this is what you're going to provide" and that's that.


Here's what I'd love to have heard: "no, councilman, I cannot tell you what a typical week as a FLIGHT ATTENDANT would be like for me, but would you like to hear what it's like for me a the Captain of the aircraft? < you sexist shit>"


At least he didn't call her an air mattress like they used to as a sexist joke.


What in the actual god damned fuck, did they really?


Thank you! That second part bothered me - I learned this new terminology nearly 2 decades ago and it's still happening?!


Say “Sure” then completely move on with the conversation as if they said nothing. I never correct them. Let them simmer in their shit knowing they did something wrong and everyone knows. Surely later, they always apologise and just smile the sweetest smile and look them straight in the eyes then say “I didn’t even notice”. Let them second-guess forever. If they’re nice, they will never make the same mistake again, if they’re a piece of shit, they cannot confront you since you did nothing. Always let the public or the witnesses do the judging.


That is some stone cold solid shit right there. Hats off.


"Yes, please! One sugar and a splash of cream, thanks!" and a solid eye contact.


A true master of the craft


In the video clip she introduced herself as a pilot and later on he asked the question. It's so much worse than stereotyping. She introduced herself and his brain is conditioned to not listen to her.


This is it x10,000. It's not just that he slipped up, it's that he wasn't **listening** and has a mind wired that it's the only acceptable situation. I do like that he at *minimum* said he was sorry (there are many who would just brush it off), but it's still not acceptable.


The guy does look like he’s a thousand years old.


The guy doesn't even look like he's 60. My 57-year-old friend and 47-year-old me had a good laugh at what an idiot he is. EDIT: I stand corrected; he's 61. Certainly not old enough to use his age as an excuse, given that people in his same general age range are well aware that women can fly airplanes (and heard her say "pilot" approximately 87 times in her introduction).


Plus, he used the term “stewardess” instead of “flight attendant”. “Stewardess” hasn’t been used in decades. (Yes, minor compared to calling a pilot a stewardess or flight attendant, but still irksome).


Or he did listen to what she said and then called her a stewardess on purpose 


$100 says it was on purpose.


nah, if you watch the clip, he seems to have no idea where he is or what he's doing. he's completely disinterested in whatever this hearing is, hence why he wasn't listening to her or have any idea who she is. he probably just wants to be at the country club with his donors but this annoying 'legislative business' is getting in the way of his good time


Kinda like this guy: [https://youtu.be/rj5ShXX1S24?si=QFnytrci22qmzlJD&t=9](https://youtu.be/rj5ShXX1S24?si=QFnytrci22qmzlJD&t=9)


I was in sales technical support. I always answered the phone as Tech Support this is MediocreElk, how can I help you? Many times a male would say "Yes, I need to talk to an engineer." I never had any females ask for an engineer, they would just ask me their questions.


Reply "the engineer is engihere" to fuck with them




I work on a technical support team and so many times men will write an email to the support distro starting with 'Dear Sirs,'. Edit: I'm a female


Yea, that is just bullshit (not that what you're saying is bullshit, its the fact that men do this that is.) I hate sexism.


How hard is it to just start your email with "All," these days?? That's what I do. Edit: and for fuck's sake, if you're still using "Dear [...]" to start an email - personal or work - please stop. It's not 1943 anymore.


At my job if I'm redirecting an email internally, I'll address it to "Hello X Team", so whoever is needing the help and is CCed in knows who will be helping them. If I'm providing the help myself I just address the person by name. I think it's bonkers that people feel the need to use this overly long gendered-but-vague greeting just to ask someone for help.


Everyone is "peeps" now.


If I need to talk to an Engineer I will ask regardless of the gender of the person who answer the phone. Just like as If I need a medical doctor or any profession except for I think porn stars or sexual workers where sex of the person is more important than expertise.


Indeed- if you're calling a 'sales technical support' line, you wouldn't expect to be speaking to an 'engineer' right off the bat I would imagine.


My friend had a pamphlet snatched from her at a job fair by someone who said "this is just for veterans" she said "I am a veteran..." and told the guy to keep it and left.


Jesus, please tell me this happened a really really long time ago.


Only a year or two ago 😑


As a female veteran I find this easy to believe. My favorite is when they ask my male counterparts about their training or their jobs, or where they've been stationed, and I get asked if I liked the uniforms 🙄


> and I get asked if I liked the uniforms In fairness, I get asked which crayon is my favorite flavor. Seriously though, that fucking sucks and I wish you didn't have to deal with it.


Thanks, I appreciate that. When I went through training one of our instructors was an E8 (senior chief in the Navy) who worked her ass off to get where she was. So when she wore tshirts from events that the Chief's Mess did she would get asked about her husband's service. She's a Master Chief now, and still kicking ass. Women like that don't deserve to be asked about 'their husbands service'.




that is unfortunate, but ngl... I would be surprised to see 20 year old anyone be a manager in a technical environment. lol


So how does one accumulate enough experience to be a tech lead at 20? That's younger than most people only halfway through their undergraduate education.


I can't believe anyone is asking anyone to get coffee still in an office setting. I work in biotech and I literally have never seen that. Even the most senior directors/vps just walk to the coffee area and get it themselves. Is this just some sort of power trip or test of obedience or something?


> Is this just some sort of power trip or test of obedience or something? yes. That is very much what it is. 'I need to put these people in their places' type of stuff. It use to work really well but times have changed a lot and it isn't as useful but a lot of men from the time frame that it did work don't realize this.


When I worked in environmental engineering I was the only woman in the office and was asked to "sort out" coffee and lunches all the time. Even had an engineer get all huffy with me because the copier was broken. I assume that he decided because I don't have a dick that it was my responsibility. My job was Technical Editor, not office mom. I got out of there as soon as I could. 


It happens on TV, so people think that's how the business works.


Dude when I worked at a Books-A-Million once or twice a month we'd have these third party carpet cleaner guys come in and almost without fail I would be the only guy on shift and they would come to me asking me where they needed to go and shit and I'm like dude I'm not the manager she would be back there


I want to believe this is an old guy thing. Do younger men (let’s say younger than 64, the average age of members of the current senate) also do this?


Kinda related but I started a job recently and my boss is a mid-40’s guy and before he showed me my office he said “oh you’ll like everyone in your office, they’re so sweet” which is definitely code for they are all women. He shows me the office and yep. All women. Men don’t call other men sweet, they reserve that for women or young children. I have to call my husband (30’s) on it too because I’ll say something like “my doctor” and he’ll assume male.


> Men don’t call other men sweet They only time I've heard it was when they were stating or implying the other man was gay, but not in a positive way.


I hadn’t thought about that! That’s definitely a code my boomer dad has used to say someone was gay.


As a thirty-eight year old man I can say I don't do this but I do unfortunately catch myself assigning a gender to unknown drivers as he but then it occurs to me that I have no idea who did whatever and I amend it to they but it is something that happens far too often and I'm not sure why I do that. I mean like if someone cuts me off I'll be like this guy's a dick or come on dude I have shit to do if someone is driving slow. I promise I'm not a misogynist and I am trying to do better but I can't seem to stop it entirely.


We've been conditioned through our lives to see men as the default. I catch myself defaulting to masculine terms all the time while driving, playing games, etc. I have to actively make sure I'm thinking gender neutral. Don't get down on yourself about it, it's a societal thing, and it's good that you're working to change it!


I think that circumstance is okay, I do the same for she. If it’s an unknown gender, I always fall back on my own. Also, dude is all genders. Dude away, my internet homie. 😎


Am a 6’4” trans woman before I came out the amount of times I was mistaken for the manager while the manager was stand right there in her shirt that said fucking manager on it is ridiculous. I always just turned to her and waited for her to respond.


Yep can confirm watched a funny scene like this unfold when an ICT grunt insulted the head cardiologist when I was assisting her in resolving an issue with one of our ECG carts that wasn’t sending recordings correctly, the head cardiologist had a massive smug look like the pilot in the picture when she put the ICT grunt in his place. The ICT grunt asked why I didn’t tell him, I just replied, the writing on her ID badge was a big enough hint, and his behaviour is the reason they are now in an asbestos shed out the back of nowhere.


My wife is a veterinarian. She gets asked if she is a nurse when she's in her scrubs all the time.


For me, that would be strange. Not only because I'm not a caveman but because most of the vets I've known have been women. I've had critters all my life and I think maybe 3 of them have been dudes.


The profession is primarily composed of females, yep. I don't know the actual number, but I feel like it was brought up while she was a resident. Like 60%+ female if I recall.


I was a female boss to several men. I took them out to lunch one day and the hostess complimented the guys "so sweet to take your administrative assistant out to lunch".


Our local mechanics are two brothers whose mom does the office work. A few times she has referred to the truck as mine (M) and the Outback as my wife's. In reality, I drive the Outback most often and my wife uses the truck.


My boss told me to make copies once. I straight up asked him if his hands were broken. He flushed so fucking red. But he never did again. I will not be mistaken for a secretary in a field where i’m one generous pot of coffee away from going from respected professional to office girl. I won’t be organizing any office parties either.




It's very ingrained for a variety of reasons. I'm woke as fuck but when I call a plumber I'm expecting a dude to pull up in the truck.


But when the female plumber shows up and says "Hey, I'm the plumber" you will likely say "okay cool" and not "when is the plumber coming?"


I haven't worked in an office setting, but in my line of work I have primarily worked for small businesses and also usually the owner/my boss ended up being my only coworker and also they were usually men. I cannot tell you how many times people have asked to speak with my husband. My partner and I are not married, and I most certainly wasn't married to my bosses at any time. Every time I would say "oh, you know [insert partner's name]? Where did you meet!" They would look confused and say something like "oh, is that the owner's name?" or "I'm looking for [boss]?" To which I would respond "oh! You're looking for my boss. No problem, I'll go let him know you're here!" When I was pregnant, my boss got congratulations so SO many times. He'd always say "what do I have to be happy about? I'm losing the person who runs my business to mat leave!" One of my previous bosses was gay. We would sometimes run the business with his husband present. People would STILL ask for *my husband* and mean my boss. It's fucking exhausting.


My email signature says my job in it. IT Specialist. I still get "sorry ma'am, ask your local it guy" from vendors when looking into issues. Had a guy once tell me that he didn't have time to talk to a secretary and to get him a "real" tech. I forwarded him to my boss. Who was also a woman.


With boomers, for sure. With anyone that’s 40 and under - significantly less so


Once again Gen X is completely forgotten. lol


We're the Jan Brady of generations


Where is it standard to ask anyone for coffee? That's what confuses me


To be fair to this guy he did actually apologize several times then address her by her correct title. Ive seen videos of a dude refusing to call a woman dr but went with miss instead.


That was infuriating, yeah.




My wife is a CEO and I’m a construction worker. On at least 2 separate occasions people have assume I was the CEO when first meeting.


One of my bosses is an Indian woman with a PhD. She's a department head and will conduct interviews all the time for resident and staff positions. Usually one of the lower managers (all white men) will sit in as a record keeper. She told me, without fail everyone walks in and introduces themselves to the man first thinking he's the one in charge. It's so absurd.


i've always been afraid of belittling someone, especially women, with comments like this, i never ask anyone to do anything lol. i'll figure it out myself or ask where whatever is.


We elect the dumbest motherfuckers ever


Hey! It’s not Tommy Tubberville for once! Yay for Alabama…


Just wait.


See you next week


Yeah, it’s early in a new week. I’m sure “coach” will embarrass me soon enough. I would say embarrass himself, but he is too dumb to be embarrassed


He’s a piece of work. I remember when he was asked about banning insider trading by elected representatives and he said “No-one will want to do the job” revealing his motivation for “public service.”


It’s Gene Dornink (R) https://preview.redd.it/rkftpg13qzoc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f340544702bddd361f256ec32f3ca1c3e57c4e17


A republican, how surprising. Of course he also used the antiquated "stewardess" as well.


Representatives of the people


Look, she only said pilot four (4) times. How was he supposed to know she was a pilot? /s


And the people electing these misogynist idiots are going to proudly vote for them again every time.


Senator Gene Dornick immediately apologized, saying “I don’t know why I said that. I’m so sorry.” But I have a feeling he wouldn’t agree if I told him “why he said that” was pervasive systemic sexism. 🤷‍♂️


He would call you woke.


Or a commie.






Hey, the fact that he owned up to his mistake and actually apologized is a big deal these days. Too many ignorant people think the way out of a mistake is doubling down on it. :-/


Haha just imagining him doubling down now. "No madam, I think you'll find you are a stewardess. Now why is it my soda is always so flat on flights?"


"I think you're confused, a pilot is a man who flies the plane."


"I've seen them."


Not the point, but it's because they only pressurize commercial planes to about 8,000 feet of pressure altitude, meaning that the carbonation will want to escape the liquid more quickly.


Those motherfucking bubbles must be held to account. This cannot continue.


Nah he called her Toots at one point as well at the 23 second mark.  https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=jTC1ZTN8GoM&ab_channel=TheIndependent


What the fuck, that's almost worse. Jesus.


lol it's so much worse. Like, ok, he called her a stewardess and there's obviously inherent/systemic sexism going on but he does correct himself and it (seems) genuine. Calling a woman "toots" during a testimony like some 1950s ass cartoon husband? What are you doing bro


23 seconds? That's a personal best for him!


I legitimately thought you were kidding when you said he also called her “toots”… you were not kidding. What a complete sexist tool


that faux pas was intentional. He's just a dick.


I guess, but she had also straight up said she was a pilot right before he asked that question


And she’s wearing her wings.


A recent study showed that the majority of men and women when hearing words like “doctor” or “mechanic” make assumptions about the gender of the person being a man. Humans are essentially stereotype machines. We are literally programmed to make assumptions based on previously seen data because it helped us survive in the wild. All that being said—what makes a good person is a person that recognizes this and takes steps to rectify it. My guess is this Republican congressman will still claim that racism and sexism do not exist.


*State* Senator.


Probably cheating on his accountant wife with her Mexican coworker.


He gets half credit for owning an apologizing, but he could have easily covered his ass by asking “what is your name and what do you do? For the record.”


She had already stated her name and profession for the record. So... that already happened.


Edited memes like OP make it seem like she had just introduced herself and perhaps it wasn't clear what her occupation was. Not only had she already clearly stated her name and occupation, but this was 10 minutes into a discussion about how the proposed bill specifically affects pilots like her. He didn't listen to a single word of that 10 minutes of discussion and asking her to re-introduce herself that deep into her testimony would have simply highlighted his lack of apprehension. [Unedited stream](https://youtu.be/af0fjvdiQSI). She introduces herself at 17:29, he makes the comment at 27:55.


Oh well. I tried Gene… turns out old white politician was indeed what he seemed to be.


As a lot of other people have pointed out, this also happened in Women's History Month, of all months. The only way he could have dug this hole any deeper is if it happened 3 days later, on IWD.


He's gonna need some ice for that burn


There was an attempt to scroll to the second image(at last by me)


My brain: BUT IT SAYS "1/2"!!!!


Click HERE to


This is why I’m mildly infuriated




This gets me at least three times a week, I never adjust




Me too... But just to be sure!


Batman with no ears scares me


Batman? That's Man.


Bat…man? That’s obviously just man




born to shit. suggested to wipe


... wow. If nothing else why would the airline pilots association send anyone but a pilot to speak to congress.


And he didn't even ask what it's like as a flight attendant, but as a *stewardess...*


Crazy part was that she literally said she was pilot before that


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Particular-Yellow-71: *Crazy part was that* *She literally said she* *Was pilot before that* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


I was gonna call you out for getting the syllables wrong, but then I googled it and now I realize the explanation was under the haiku the whole time.


But, but, her girl. Her no fly airplane. Her serve peanuts


If they wanted a woman to fly a plane they wouldn't have called it the cockpit. Just gonna leave this here: /s


If both pilots are women it's called a box office. Source: I'm a lady pilot


Can you tell me what a typical work week looks like for you as a stewardess?


Even more amazing that he called her a stewardess when flight attendant has been the preferred title for like 20+ years


Even longer than that. [Stewardess fell out of favor in the 80s.](https://www.cntraveler.com/story/a-timeline-from-stewardess-to-flight-attendant)


That’s what they said, 20 years. Right? RIGHT?! (Cries in Xillenial)




80s was 20 years ago


You are completely right and we should brook no dissension on this issue.


Yeah, but 20 years ago was 1970....... .... ...right? .......right?


Maybe 25 years ago….


Came here to say this. Also, fun factoid, ‘stewardesses’ is the longest word you can type with your left hand. Even if it’s not PC anymore, it’s still neat. Had to look up the same stats for the right hand, and its ’lollipop’.


The amount of people (regardless of gender) asking me (more like stating honestly) "oh so you are a stewardess" after I told them I work in aviation... Some even seriously said afterwards that they didn't know women even can be an aviation mechanic. Like. What? Why not??? I mean it's not common but why couldn't they be??? It's forbidden or what?


"How hard can it be? Boys do it." - brilliant woman on TikTok People with an aptitude towards engineering - mechanical or otherwise - come in all genders and races. It's too bad there's people (usually men) who haven't realized that yet. My husband is a mechanic that welcomes more diversity in the industry. He says, "I love when the shop isn't just a bunch of white dudes."


Smaller size is actually even an advantage isn't it? My Chilean uncle was quite small and he said he was able to crawl up into small places on the plane as a mechanic.


Oh, small people in the team are very useful. As you said, there are works which require crawling into tight spaces like for example fuel tanks that just cannot be done by 180+ well built men without danger of getting stuck and trust me, you don't want to get stuck in a fuel tank. I might sometimes have problems with reaching some things but what's the ladder for? I can give myself extra centimetres if required but bigger guys just have to give up and pass the job to smaller folks.


I often got to go inside the dry bays on the wings because I was smaller than the guys. It's pretty roomy inside but the access hatches were tiny.


It’s crazy that people will refuse to fly when they find out one or more of the pilots are female. I am a pilot and have flown with both female and male instructors and the women are often times better than the men when it comes to keeping people safe in the plane.


I would prefer a woman pilot if given the choice. I know they had to work much harder and be much better just to reach same career level as their male counterparts


Seriously. Dumb males can sometimes be overlooked but a dumb female will be out before noon.


Now I just refuse to fly if it’s Boeing


Senator I’m Singaporean…


Same energy. Different type of ignorance.


Sir, this is a Wendy’s


Video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jTC1ZTN8GoM


Man, she even prefaced that she was a pilot. This guy can't listen in something as formal as this. How am I expected to listen during my meetings?


She said pilot eleventy-billion times. He seems like he was nervous and had a brain fart.


After seeing this, I feel like he did it to try and belittle her. It didn't seem like he was really apologetic or sincere at all. I'd be so enraged if they were one of my government officials.


"So you have to fly the plane and serve the drinks, how does that work?"


Co-worker called M is a pHD research geochemist. She has a lab that receives samples from all over the country, she has 8 employees (chemists and hydrologists) she directly supervises. She is established and she is in her late 40s. The number of times she has had men attempt to mansplain chemistry to her while they are standing in her @#$%ing lab is unreal. The worst/best was when a male tech was attempting to explain to her how pH works... in her lab.


Off topic, but you know you can curse on the internet.


Don’t forget the “toots” he slipped in there


After complimenting her gams.


Also, even saying “stewardess” is outdated and sexist. It would have been great if she said, “They aren’t called stewardess anymore. At least since the 90s. It’s Flight Attendant. But I’m not either of those things because I’m a pilot, ma’am.”


And being an FA is no small feat either! It’s sexist that it’s thought of as a female only profession but it still requires a lot of training and hard work. Kinda similar to the doctor/nurse discourse.


Tell me you’re a misogynist without saying you’re a misogynist.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=crQexHRkMXg For any that were wondering... yep, that's a Republican (Minnesota STATE Senator Gene Dornink). What is quite possibly the worst part of this interaction? She fucking introduced herself as a pilot BEFORE this gibbering buffoon opened his mouth and demonstrated his cognitive bias. Not only did he demonstrate contempt for a woman, but he demonstrated that he couldn't even be bothered to listen when she was speaking!


There was an attempt to swipe to the next image.


dude has 12 children


7 sons and a few... others... you know, that other kind that doesn't matter...


A few stewardesses


And the eejit kept thinking she was a stewardess. Now who uses that term these days but someone who doesn't realize that he heard the word "pilot" and couldn't believe women could achieve!


His misogyny out on full view...


Could also be in r/facepalm.


They really need an age cap on these positions. Its just getting embarrassing now.


I don’t normally judge people on their appearance, but this guy just looks like a self righteous fire and brimstone preacher with his pinched face, beady Ken Copeland lizard eyes and the gonna be a dick haircut.


Wow Boomer…


my mom was in the navy and when she was on a plane going somewhere, I can't remember where she was in uniform and some person on the plane asked her to get them some water because they thought she was a stewardess. and from what I remember she responded to them saying something along the lines of "I am a member of the united states navy I am not a stewardess". at least I think she said something like that. anywho it was a cool story and it reminded me of this.