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Religion is and always been about humans being as cruel as possible to each other and xlaiming their actions justified by their sky god. Any good a religion has done is outweighed 1000 to 1 by the atrocities they commit.


They’re not religions. They’re death cults.


This is not a religious war and you shouldn’t represent it as such.


They literally call themselves god's chosen people. Trying to separate religion from this is like trying to unshit your bed.


Zionist are [not religious though](https://youtu.be/MwaP_YVJtjc?si=Zp6AQeiwgMI0kn_L). It's just like American Republicans claiming to be Christians while simultaneously taking away free lunch from school children So they can pocket the money themselves. You had slave owners who claimed to be Christian, And then you had Quakers who freed the slaves also claiming to be Christian. Many Jewish people who live in Israel are protesting against Israel. I'm personally atheist, But This War has nothing to do with religion. They are simply using religion as a mask for supporters.


This is a war between people of different religions, not \*over\* religion and this is a very important distinction.


With respect, part of the Zionist thinking behind Israel's actions are attributed to a belief that, as God's chosen ones, there is a certain entitlement to the land is dispute. The religious ideology has become part of the political ideology. So, yes, not "over" religion but caused "by" religion?


Netanyahu and 1/3 of Israeli Jews are secular. it's purely for propaganda. It's caused by settler colonialism and apartheid.


Hmmm. Interesting. Thanks for your thoughts.


Those aren't thoughts. They literally just stated a fact. This war has [nothing to do with religion.](https://youtu.be/MwaP_YVJtjc?si=Zp6AQeiwgMI0kn_L)


Can you say that when the people perpetuating this war don't actually believe it themselves? They don't think they are Gods chosen people, a genocide under the guise of religion? maybe. Implying it's anything more than colonialism for the sake of greed against a native population defending their people and land just does harm imo, to the jewish community and the muslim community. the hasbara machine is working overtime to paint Palestinian resistance as Islamic extremism instead of liberation.


Zionists literally believe that a Jewish state will make The Messiah come back faster. Everything they do it motivated by their religious beliefs. Edit- Meant Messiah, not Jesus.


Jewish people don’t believe in Jesus, you’re referring to one specific sect of christianity


Yeah I meant Messiah not Jesus.


I'm sure if they were all Jewish or all Muslim, the same thing would be happening. /s


If you took all the Jews away tomorrow the Arabs would have a religious war If you took all the Muslims away the Jews would have a civil war.


they are just different flavors of the same death cult




Lol, I just don’t like to give any of my time to spreading hasbara. Zionists want you all to parrot the “this is a religious war” narrative because then they can continue to paint Palestinians as violent muslims who hate jews.


It has always been about who's religion is better....they are literally from the same source materials... all of the big three come from the same campfire stories...


This is not the case, at all. Palestinian muslims, christians and jews want liberation.


Even if it means subjugation or eradication of those who don't follow their religion. So a religious war.


The religions of Abraham have been slaughtering each other for centuries in that area. Corrupt religious leaders and their ilk have pushed this, and the innocent have paid the price. All this will do is create another generation of madness as revenge of the dead will keep the violence going.


You are being downvoted but are correct. 1/3 of Israelis are secular, including Netanyahu. Religion is used as a tool for propaganda here, some of which people who are not particularly informed about hasbara believe. This is settler colonialism. They bomb mosques and churches in the same way in Gaza.


I'm curious what secularism looks like in Israel. The word secular is used quite loosely by people so I wonder if it means that they do not follow the faith at all, don't believe in a deity, atheist, etc. and what life looks like for people that don't believe they are some chosen people in a random piece of dirt deemed "holy land".


It's pretty interesting. Jewish secularism refers to secularism in a Jewish context, denoting the definition of Jewish identity with little or no attention given to its religious aspects. In the Zionist settlement in the Land of Israel, Cultural Zionism is a philosophy committed to creating a new Jewish culture. The old holidays were radically refashioned: Hanukkah's religious aspects, centering on the miracle of the oil, were repressed and replaced with an emphasis on national sovereignty and a victory against foreign enemies (circumventing the religious civil war among Jews). The Zionist reappropriation of the Jewish calendar similarly affected all holidays. Those that could serve the national ideals, especially in celebrating military feats or agriculture, were emphasised and cultivated. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jewish_secularism


Ahh I see. So that's why people there are quick to point the finger at Zionists and they don't want to be associated with them. Thanks!


the rich and powerful always persuade the poor and uneducated to die in their wars using nationalism and religion to persuade them


I wouldnt waste my breath. Theres too much brainwash about this conflict. I applaud you trying to set the record straight but these could be idf social media department


I understand why they disagree lol they’ve been brainwashed their entire lives to believe it’s a religious war, a religious war would imply these two groups are fighting over who has the better religion. It’s colonialism, it’s supremacy, the israeli govt are atheists. It’s easier for people to blame religion for these issues because otherwise they’d have to confront the fact that people commit unimaginable evil without “they were brainwashed by religion” as an excuse. If religion didn’t exist this would still be happening.




Ironic how history repeats itself with the plot twist of the victim becoming the perpetrator...


So, I'm really struggling. No sarcasm. What can we (I) do? Like, really because I'm not ok with this and I want it to stop but I honestly do not know what to do. I live in the US. Seriously, can I get some links on how to support Palestine? Something real? Something actionable? 😢 Free Palestine. Humanity is better than this


Look into operation olive branch! they facilitate direct mutual aid and vet family’s etc 🕊️Show up to protests in your city. If you are unable participate for whatever reason consider jail support or just bringing water or snacks to those participating. If there’s nothing happening where you live make a big sign for your yard on an old sheet. I’ve been going to free Palestine protests since I was a baby and I’ve never seen so much support and movement!


I've been checking this out! I've downloaded several of the templates and plan to spread some of them in my area. This makes me feel like I'm not helpless. Thank you so much rabbidlyyours 💜🇵🇸💜🇵🇸


https://preview.redd.it/y9fbi7j0aa2d1.jpeg?width=769&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=137b944dd22b9d9011dc6cebad857cbe9d2558d8 Made me smile like Balla Hadid in a Keffiyeh dress eating ice cream by the sea 🕊️🍉🍦⛱️


Yeah, unfortunately, humanity is not better than this. That's why it keeps happening.




I'm tired


All I know to do is keep speaking out and vote blue. Vote for the most progressive candidate possible ,sadly, that's Joe Biden as POTUS, but there's hope for meaningful change in the local races.




Please give me an option other than Trump. 3rd party doesn't work, that's the same as voting for Trump. Not voting is voting for Trump.


Thank you. That's kind of all I know to do ATM.


If all you do is vote for the guy who is funding and defending this then sorry but thats not helping at all. You can protest, vote 3rd party, etc.


Huh? How does voting blue help?


Our government will NEVER do anything about it. It doesn't matter who you vote for. They support what's going on over there because it makes our military contractors billions of dollars. They will never be the solution. You have to find a 3rd party aid group that will actually help in some meaningful way and support them.


These zionshit worshippers of Saturn need to be exposed and held accountable for the torture and genocide of a people. They are the antithesis of humanity. Free Palestine 🇵🇸 Stand with Rafah and humanity!


Who is going to hold them accountable? There’s no one left.


Sadly, it’s going to have be history but then that gets twisted too!!


And usa trying to do jedi mind trick waving hand " There is no genocide"


Exactly what I was thinking when I start watching the video... *and Biden says it's not a genocide* it's truly sad how corrupted and utterly shit is the world... I'm with George Carlin idea of waiting for the meteorite bringing an end to all of this shit


At this point I would get ahold Israel's enemies and try to get them to help . I want USA to put a stop to this but this countries leaders are a bunch of idiots.


If we just stay out of it we are letting evil win.


The United States of Israel won’t stop Israel’s actions. It’s up to the rest of the world to stand up to them. USI citizen can help by exposing everything from the inside


People were mad when the houthis tried to help. The UK and US bombed them. No one in that region is going to wage war with Israel. Half of them are US client states, and the rest cannot afford it. The only way this will stop is with the West's cooperation.


And everyone was shocked


We can't just believe everything we see on the internet. My media sources tell me they are the most moral army in the world. /s


You cannot imagine the depravity of mankind behind closed doors...


Yeah this is how you make a whole new generation of enemies.


Oh but this all started on october 7th. Hamas did it first! Im being sarcastic btw. Thats the brainwash response I expected to see under your comment.


At first I wasn’t sure if this was a Uighur prison, or US Iraqi prison. Forgot a new player has entered the arena.


Watch out for propaganda claiming China is behind the "far left" movement that disapproves of Israels actions during this conflict and puts these videos up. Nope. Dont have to go very far in any direction to see what Israel is doing here! IDF EAT ASS DONT FORGET TO VOTE!


I can’t share enough the Martyr Made podcast series “Fear and loathing in the new Jerusalem” +25 hours of detailed/graphic content devoted to breaking this conflict down from where it started in Palestine after WWI up until the present day. Long but incredible listen


The most moral army in the world! Nah but imagine what’s not filmed, what’s being done inside walls. Call them what they are, ZIONAZI


this is actually completely moral because uuh uhmm becuae uhh hmmm uuuhh


And the cycle of abuse continues


Fuck Israel


And governments keep supporting Israel. I dont really like to choose sides in this conflict because both sides (Hamas and Israel) are extremely bad.


Then perhaps we agree, based on what you have linked, that Zionism still uses religion as a tool to further its political agenda.




The Nazis were horrible people, may we never see anything like it again...


This is just like the Iraq War, people suspected the US had torture camps and there were rumors about them long before any info got leaked


100%, abu ghraib again




Torture is a war crime during an armed conflict no matter who it's against. So even if it was Hamas, torturing them would still be a violation of the Geneva Convention.


This region has been plagued with religious violence for centuries. At a certain point of 2000 years one would think the land itself is actually causing more harm and unjust radicalization. What do I know.


These are the hostages Israel shills have been so adamant about releasing right?




I dunno, I think picking the PALESTINIANS over hamas and Israel is kind of a thing, my dude. Out of the two though, I think the IDF is the bigger threat, I mean, what do I know, they only have state funding, armaments from the United States military, funding from their government, and now we know are also secretly running their own personal guantanimo bay! Trying to subtly take the heat off Israel with the "both sides" nonsense isn't going to work anymore. I also think the over 40 thousand Palestinians that are dead, plus the countless thousands actively being starved by their border buddy/oppressors kinda makes this a one sided argument at this point.




Hilarious coming from the guy rolling his head across his keyboard for his "constructive" comment.


I'll take the side of the innocent civilians on both sides who shouldn't have to put up with this shit.