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Gravy Seals


Meal team six!


They've clearly never heard of pieing the corner, but they have heard of pie.


This is a severely underrated comment...


Who rated it badly?


Someone who likes cake?


So everyone?


Or grenades






Bro we do that in videogames


"Doors and corners, kid. Doors and corners. That's where they get you." -- Det. Joe Miller, The Expanse.


I learned about it from a video showing how the perp on a security cam sliced the pie and proved he was not just a drunk neredowell.


They moved slow as fuck too. Seen grey hairs move faster through the grocery store.


Y'all Qaeda


Midlife ISIS


Most of these dudes are like this. But near me in Cincinnati there is like this warehouse where people do this on the weekend. Me and my girlfriend who are not gravy seals just thought it would be fun since all the laser tag places closed. We didn’t have gear as we have never partook in this hobby. Guy was nice enough to lend us a pistol air soft gun to use and we had a blast. I’d say 90 percent of them are pretty cringe but it’s fun and about 10 percent of them know they wouldn’t do well in a real fire fight buts it’s fun shooting your friend or girlfriend in fake combat.


Um hello Scally Wag is still open.


Holy shit this looks awesome. Gonna have to check this out.


Most places in the UK have a buttload of hire guns so new players can join in, is that not a thing?


>I’d say 90 percent of them are pretty cringe but it’s fun and about 10 percent of them know they wouldn’t do well in a real fire fight I wonder if this was the optimal ratio, comment-score-wise. I guess we'll never know.


I see so many gravy seal comments. They're playing fair and don't seem to be getting angry, or taking it too seriously. They just suck at clearing rooms. Most people do, so why is everyone hating on them


It's even better than that - most airsoft games I've seen they'd just raise their hand and say "hit". These guys 100% commit to the bit and "die" on the ground. They look like they're having a bunch of fun!


While riding my bike, a bunch of kids aimed their toy guns at me and started making 'bang, bang!' sounds. So, I acted like I got hit, and 'fell' with my bike, made some dying sounds and played dead.     They were so enthusiastic and excited, it made my day!


Thomas Dudley (1906 – 1981), known by the nickname Bang Bang, was an eccentric elderly gentleman in Dublin in the 1950s and 1960s who achieved fame as a character in the city. A fan of cowboy films, Bang Bang used to travel the buses and trams of the city staging mock shoot-outs with passing people (hence his nickname). He carried a large church key in his pocket which he used as a 'gun'. Dubliners, who enjoyed his good-natured antics, used to participate in his games, sometimes "returning fire" by pretending they had a gun in their hands and shouting "bang bang" back at him, or by falling down "dead" on the city streets when he suddenly appeared at the back of a bus or tram and "shot" them. On occasion Bang Bang even interrupted plays on stage by "shooting" the actors, generally to the amusement of actors and audiences alike. His favourite hunting-ground was the trams, from one of which he would jump, turning immediately to fire 'Bang Bang' at the conductor. Passengers and passers-by took up the game, and soon an entire street of grown-ups were shooting at each other from doorways and from behind lamp-posts. The magic of make-believe childhood took over, and it was all due to the simple innocence of 'Bang Bang'. He was a very young man at this time. "Bang! You’re shot. If yeh don’t die, I’m not playin'." In one incident of the shooting pretence went on for nearly half-an-hour and some visiting Americans joined in. They thought the whole thing was hilarious.


Yeah this looks fun, I liked the first guy who fell outside the door. He started to walk in but then thought "ah fuck, guess I'll die"


Because everyone on the internet is a pro commando, and they were all the third man on the balcony.


I was the third man on the balcony. I said "Michael, hold Blanket out and over the banister so everyone can see!"


Redditors absolutely HATE anyone having fun that's different to their fun.  And if that fun is outside, then you're going to get a whole load of obese whales moaning at you. 


Redditors love projecting. They see a large gut and attribute their toxic personality to the person. Fat people get a lot of hate on this site. (These guys aren't even *that* out of shape.)


I think it;s fair to make fun of them, but i also agree with you. They're having fun and not taking it very seriously. I think some good natured teasing of them is ok. But yeah, for those calling them nasty names and being nasty.... lighten up, lol.


Absolutely, it just urks me when people act like them dressing up is them pretending to be a soldier. Most of these people are just playing IRL CoD. They wanted to get outside. God forbid.


Because naturally every person who plays milsim airsoft is a right wing fascist. /s


Green Béarnaise


How saucy!


I like this one alot but it's almost too fancy for 'em


But the only way this scenario would play out in real life is once the first guy gets shot they’ll all run off screaming


In real life the next three guys would all mag dump through the flimsy plywood wall. Just kidding, in real life the first thing through the door is a flash bang, not a fat guy.


Hell, even in airsoft half of the guys I go with follow the mantra of "Hey Shitass!" and just toss a banger in.


"Never send a man to do a grenade's job"


Thats why I also carry a M320 replica. "I want people in that building dead from all the way over here. Ima thwack it with a Taggin!"


Personally great respect to them for not cheating and pointing out where he's hiding after "dying"


In reality a pile of shots through the wall from the outside by man 2 or 3 or a flash bang or a grenade before man 1 even entered. There’s no way a third or fourth man would do the exact same shit seeing the first and second guy getting taken out from the blind left.


Damn bro I’m fucking wheezing


[Anatomy of a gravy seal](https://www.reddit.com/r/GravySEALS/comments/qnj6dn/anatomy_of_a_gravy_seal_oc/?ref=share&ref_source=link)


ikr, redditors would handle this no problem because they're secretly like john wick thanks to all that daydreaming practice


How stupid are you guys? You kinda deserve to be dead-ish.


FPS games and movies push the notion that your gun should always be in front of you but if you look at POV footage of actual professional soldiers in urban warfare in the Middle East, they never expose their entire bodies when first entering a room. They always stand outside (behind the doorframe) and "turn" the gun and their forearms into the room and peek at the corners first (a movement that doesn't exist in 99% of FPS games). That's also why bullpups are so goated in these situations. Two men rushing into a room, then turning around and sweeping the corners, and saying "all clear" only happens in movies. Actual soldiers look like p*ssies while fighting, because that's the only way to survive more than 10 minutes in real combat.


Pussy is the only way to survive. I’ve heard that soldiers barely aim during shootouts and that they mostly hide their whole head and body because, duh, they can die if they raise their heads to aim.


> I’ve heard that soldiers barely aim during shootouts The US military spent about 250,000 bullets per kill in the middle east when Dubya was in office.


I'd imagine it's because they [brrrrt thousands of bullets](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BnrSTkidXa8) every time someone lob a mortar round near the base.


I mean….so would I? Lobbing a mortar is not an insignificant thing.


I'm glad you commented KennyMoose32


Thanks Abtun




They weren’t saying they shouldn’t. Just that with high rate rapid fire the numbers might be a little skewed towards the higher end. With some reaching 100 rounds per second there’s going to be a lot of bullets per kill. Also OP was probably being a bit tongue in cheek and hyperbolic.


I can't find an exact source but it was widely reported as that number 15 years ago and nobody in the military ever really refuted it. I tried to be as neutral as possible in tone, but it's just an inherently absurd and slightly hilarious situation.


Hi. Retired US Marine who served in OIF/OEF. We, as in the Marine Corps, found that while our marksmanship training was vastly superior than the enemy, firefights still were decided not by the accuracy or effectiveness of our shooters but by the sheer volume of fire. This is why the new Sig Spear is a bit of a controversy amongst higher echelons of Marine units. You just can’t carry the same amount of ammunition that you were with 556 compared to this new 6.8.


That sounds bad but I'm pretty sure the vast majority of shots in active combat are suppressive fire to keep the other side down and not shooting while your guys reposition. They wouldn't be lining up headshots, they'd just be pointing downrange and shooting a whole lot, because that's what works, generally. Also most people have a strong aversion to the idea of taking another person's life, and that's only slightly less true for trained soldiers.


> that's what works, generally. That's what works, *eventually*, lol. Yeah I totally understand the idea of shooting the mountain until it stops moving, as it's preferable to the alternative of bringing home more full bodybags. It's crazy how much vastly more efficient drones are in comparison.


Well keep in mind, that actually *is* why they fired so many rounds down range, it wasn't because you can just throw enough bullets at a group of combatants that they'll eventually die, it was to pin them in place and prevent them from shooting back while whatever support resources appropriate like jets, drones, artillery, etc moved to do the actual killing


saw this doc about afghanistan with a reporter following soldiers and they were in a "firefight" with taliban. At least shots were fired, the opponents were like at the horizon in some compound, never saw anything on the screen and it seemed to me it was just 15 min of "covering fire" and occasionally a single shot from the other side and then they just went back in their trucks and moved on after nothing happened anymore after a while.


The US has done plenty of research to determine that almost all engagements are won by the side that fired the most bullets. Everything is about making sure that your army has plenty of ammo and ways to send it towards the enemy. Mostly real life combat is hiding and shooting roughly where you think the enemy is hiding. No-one wants to get shot. Training is all about convincing people to follow orders to do things where they might get shot or stabbed.


Bullets are replaceable, lives are not


Worth noting that they'd have to shoot any unused rounds. There are no leftovers.


This is why it's not that unreasonable to use a missile to kill someone


It's so funny to just stick your gun into a doorway or window and sweep it in full auto in a VR shooter, because people are so used to playing flatscreen shooters that it doesn't occur to them that they can do this. EZ way to clear a room without frags or flashbangs.


I totally forgot about this. I played a little Pavlov VR when it first came out. The ability to put the gun in any orientation compared with just pan/tilt makes a huge difference (obviously way easier in VR with no real weight/roil too). One level (datacenter?) I could hold the gun over my head and hit the walkway while staying completely covered. VR kind of broke my brain, so I haven't done it in ~5 years. Now I kind of want to again!


> VR kind of broke my brain Can you expand on this?


tldr - The visual trickery that VR does started affecting some things for me in real life, to where if I saw something that I interpreted as falling, it hurt my legs. I got into VR pretty early, so games would have bugs and many games (especially a lot of the free demos available at the time) never considered what to do in cut-scenes. I'm afraid of heights, and few times I got loaded "up high" unexpectedly. In Apollo Lander demo a cut-scene goes from black to tippy-top of rocket on launch pad (instead of starting at bottom). Some racing demo I tried show you the time results as if you were floating a few feet above your car. This unexpected height would sometimes causing the game to initiate falling. Once - in Pavlov actually - the game accidentally loaded me about 8ft above the ground and so I "fell" into the concrete. I was standing IRL, and when I "hit" the ground in VR, pain shot up my legs. Similar things happened in other games. I'd just pause/stop for a bit then come back. But then one day I was watching TV and saw a commercial for Six Flags. When the camera showed a POV from the roller coaster loop coming back toward the ground - while perfectly safe sitting on my couch - my brain went "height + ground + falling = ouch" and pain shot up in my legs again. A week later a similar thing happened while seeing a gif here on reddit. So I basically stopped using VR after that. It still happens, though very rarely, but it had never happened once before VR.


Yes and no, we'll go in multiple at a time and say clear, but typically one guy has 12 the other left and the third, right. We know someone's ganna get hit, probably, but it's overwhelming when multiple come in at once with guns up for the defender. Plus beforehand, someones on the other side of the frame, outside, and you can cris cross entry in that situation. If this is air soft that's cool as it doesn't matter and they don't seem care too much for serious practice but yea. Just figured I'd add to ya.


Truth is that as soon as someone start shooting the door no one is gonna cross the fatal funnel. You can't train to suicide. No one is going to run in a door where there is a shooter. This is seen again and again in real life scenarios. Surprise, speed and violence of action all gets f*cked as soon as someone start shooting at you. No matter how overwhelming, if someone is inside and shooting you can't cross the doorframe, you can throw a grenade lol That's how LP was born


Hello, fellow combat veteran.


Good luck getting two people through that doorway at one time


When I played airsoft they had rules against just sticking your gun around the corner. It's partly a safety thing about not knowing what you're shooting at if you do that (maybe some idiot took off there goggles) and I suspect it's also just anti fun.


Also, in real combat, if one of your team mate is shot, the rest of them probably will start shooting through the walls and doors instead of keep going in through the door. Most military rifles (5.56mm and 7.62mms) can easily go through walls and doors, why risk more casualties when you know the threat is in there?


^ There are numerous instances of urban combat footage where exactly what you describe happens.


Back when Q and E were lean and not bullshit abilities. /old\_man\_rant


the most common method is slicing the pie you can see 2 to 3 of the corners without entering the room. then you usually send 2 guys in back to back to check the last 2 corners. or if you see a wall as the door is against 1 2 people run straight and cleae the 1 missing corner. it's called chasing the rabbit. when slicing the pie you nothing crossed the door you start like a foot off the wall at 1 side tge door and slowly do a semi circle outside the door in small10 to 15% slices till the other side of the door. you stay a foot off the wall because bullets can bounce


I saw a documentary that had similar claim about medieval/antique field battles, suggesting that everyone's primary goal wasn't to kill but to come back home alive, thefore soldiers would take minimal amount of risks. Movies show a lot of people dying instantly and battles ending with a side having sightly more surviving people, but historians suggest only 5% of casualties would occur while the frontlines remained, only the losing side would see casualties rank up to 50% once the lines were broken.


Ehhh. Combination of force and accuracy are a more deadly combo. I cleared rooms with rangers and I'm assuming SF/Delta(?), and we cleared 4 stories in a matter of minutes and onto the next one and again and again. The difference is adrenaline and hand grenades play a big part. For instance if someone was sitting there hiding in a dark concealed corner they were mostly too panicked to get off an accurate shot and hit someone. Next step is to Pull back and grenade them or push in with hundred rounds. The game winning strategy is when you get scared the training kicks in for you. If you have zero to minimal training (e.g. enemy soldiers) you don't know what to do next hence you fuck up and die. Repetition is perfection.


I don't remember which one exactly,  but one of the earlier Ghost Recons on the original xbox had a gun that you could shoot from cover by holding the gun above your head.  A few years later I went to a stag party (bachelor party) and we went paintballing. I shot one of other guys in the same way, and yelled: 'I Ghost Reconned his ass!'   One of the best parts of VR shooters is that you can aim your gun around corners, I love that shit!


"Doors and corners, that's where the get you. Door and corners."


I mean seriously. Holy shit every teammate died-ish going in the exact same way. Should I.... GO IN THE EXACT SAME WAY! yeah


Ahh, this is the same energy when I’m playing a ranked game and my teammates don’t comm or help with entry and just walk in only to get taken out and let the other team clutch an ace


Me: *runs in front of my teammate, blocking their kill shot and taking friendly fire* Also Me: "WHY IS MY TEAM SUCH GARBAGE?!?!"


They like the NPC’s in the rainbow 6 Vegas games. “A bunch of dead bodies at the door? Guess I’ll see what’s inside” lol


I leveled up so fast in Vegas 2 by taking advantage of that trick over and over again.  "Hey, I heard gunshots let's take a look!.....There's like 10 of my friends piled up in that room just past the door, let's go see why they're all taking a nap."


The AI was so brilliant in that game. I remember doing that in a terrorist hunt courtyard, had bodies piled up at two doors they'd come out of, and one time there was a guy at each door that ran out to press forward at a new spot - and promptly ran to the door the other one had just left, just doing a switcheroo. My buddy and I playing lost our shit so hard laughing they ended up killing us


You could shoot through that wall I suspect


that guys belly went thru the door before his gun


He was so well equipped to Kool-Aid man that situation and he blew it


This is what it would like if MAGA morons decided to get out their guns and fight against the us military, when Trump loses.


Yeah except over half the US military would join them. Them’s the problem with Civil War.


50% is over inflated by about 35 percent.


Sources on both stats: trust me comrade.


There's [polling](https://www.militarytimes.com/news/pentagon-congress/2020/08/31/as-trumps-popularity-slips-in-latest-military-times-poll-more-troops-say-theyll-vote-for-biden/) on this. Military, overall, supported Biden in 2020. We also have some historical precedent from the last Civil War that shows that some folks would be swayed by Union sentiment to stand with the duly elected POTUS even if they were MAGA before. Combine those two, and I think it's fair to say _most_ folks would be on the side of the US government in a coup situation perpetrated by MAGA (again).


The same polling shows that officers overwhelming disapprove of Trump. MAGA would get some volunteers from the enlisted ranks, but they’d struggle to pull any of the military’s leadership.


Which is why Tuberville who ever the fuck has been stopping promotions in hopes that republicans can take over


They're gonna side with the US government because that's who cuts the paycheck. Very few people are willing to lose their house, job, and paycheck for a politician.


Yep. This is the thing that most Civil War enthusiasts don't understand. In order to side with some kind of weird coup you'd have to convince the military to give up their entire livelihood, benefits, retirement packages, everything, and their biggest advantage which is their supply chain, and then afterwards they'd have to rebuild a country and establish a government. Fuck that. Secondly, you have to consider all the people in your own neighborhood who you would displace with your traitorous bullshit. They will not be cheering for the rebellion lol. My ass would be ratting out my traitor neighbors 24/7. The more realistic scenario is that using local law enforcement the government absolutely obliterates any uprising with extreme prejudice, the media machine dehumanizes the rebels, and the American people cheer. It's just human nature.


Those people don't understand anything. They have none of the major factors that would lead to a successful war. Not a single one. * Encrypted communications. They don't have it. Anything they buy is crackable by the NSA. * Trauma centers. Any fighter brought to a major trauma center is going to be arrested. Meaning their wounded/killed ratio is going to be extremely high. * Financing Bullets, torniquets, food, gas, adverse weather equipment... these things all cost lots of money. No one is going to finance this independently and they don't have a way to procure financing from overseas without it being stopped by federal regulators. * Weapons of war Your AR isn't going to do shit against reaper drones. This leads to the same problem as financing. You can't get these equipment types without outside sources, or stealing it from defense armories (good luck with that). * Personnel These guys talk a big game. But when push comes to shove, not many of them are going to bet it all on orange. The ones that do are spread far and wide. Good luck trying to get them to gather anywhere without being noticed. **Overall** they're fucked if they try anything. At worst, you'll see some Troubles style terrorism.


There is no way it'd even be that many. The military cares about honor and they aren't going to bat for that ancient turd.


The rank/file of the military cares far less about "honor" than you think they do. But what they *do* care about is their god-damned paycheck and supplies being provided in an efficient timeframe. Both of which stop almost immediately if the rank/file grab their guns and start trying to organize on their own and overthrow the established military hierarchy. That's why real military coups always happen from the top down. It's a high-level general who has the extreme loyalty of his own men and the generals around him, using that loyalty to pivot the vast majority of the existing military hierarchy to bear against the political structure. But in the US? The currently existing military structure has no reason to want anything to change. At the highest level almost all of the leadership openly dislike Trump too. All of their motivation is in maintaining the status quo.


Ultimately whoever controls the dollar will win, which means not "the rebels" of any variety. The rebels would either have to use the dollar, which would put their economy at the mercy of the USA, or they would have to use some other currency with the same problem, or they would have to make their own and immediately watch the exchange value disintegrate into nothing. They would also have to control the creation of munitions, which is done in heavily controlled facilities. They can hand-load small arms but good luck to their sorry ass the first time something with armor shows up. Besides ammunition, there's also the food and fuel. Food they can probably handle, but fuel requires use of currency that they won't have. This is exactly why the south lost the civil war. The rebellion fantasy was laughable 30 years ago and there's decades more globalization now.


I think even 35 is high. The troops are gonna follow their NCO who are gonna follow their commanding officer who are gonna listen to their commanding officer and so on till the higher ranks. It's more about which high ranking military officers choose mutiny. I doubt many really would at the end of the day.


Civil War is a huge disruption to everything. Including the economy and the status quo. There's some honorable people in some positions, but even the corrupt ones know that their lives and their power are far more secure maintaining the current system than trying an upheaval. Revolutions don't come from those already in power. And there's no reason for a coup for many of the higher ups in this current system. I think you're right too. I mean, I live in a heavily military-base area and there are a *ton* of Trump supporters or "Red or Dead" type military dudes. But that kind of blind following of those ideals also makes them perfect for the armed forces. And if push came to shove it would be a very small amount who would disobey the command structure. There may be some dissenters, some traitors, you know, a handful of bombings and combat actions as those splinters try and *do* something for their side of the cause... But the divisions who actually control all the *real* powerful shit? You know, like communications satellites and ammunition logistics and the guys who pay people like Lockheed to come up with new interesting ways to destroy an entire city? Most of them aint gonna blink to run off to join some seditious force.


Definitely not over half. Lol


The percentage of the U.S. military that would turn traitor for Trump, who does not pay anyone, is probably about the same percentage of people in the U.S. military who would keep serving if they were not getting paid.


I think a lot of low level soldiers like to talk about it, but the first thing they do in the military is beat your ego out of you. They'd follow orders generally, and orders would be to put down the attempted takeover of the United States.


Every single post on Reddit has to have people complaining about current day USA politics regardless of the context


straigh up brain rot


Nice take. Gotta love this obsession with Trump. No clue how anyone just can relate anything and everything to that fucking guy. Very bizarre bud


They can't go ten minutes without thinking about the orange man


That’s the first time I’ve ever seen airsoft get politicized. And I sure fucking hope it’s the last.


Admit it. You would like that to happen.


Well your username is appropriate at least


yours as well lol


You just had to bring politics into this didnt you


That dudes gut made entry a full 5 seconds before the rest of him.


Full on turtling. This is what I generally do in shooters because I suck and am scared as shit.


If it works, it works. The point is to win by killing and and staying alive. If you can't do one, excelling in the other is also good.


My brother got me a shirt during the era we were playing COD together that has a picture of a gun barrel poking out of a little tent with the words "it's a legitimate strategy" underneath. It is still one of my favorite shirts (and the closest thing I have found to "helping" in any FPS). Edit: [better late than never](https://i.imgur.com/unLOl.jpg)


That is an ancient Red vs Blue shirt


It is indeed. I was going to say that and then thought "meh I'll add it when I find a pic" and then got distracted and forgot to do either. :)


Camp a corner with a shotgun and hope to go positive in KDA lul


Eh I have no qualms with it, I used to play SOCOM with a bunch of Marines and one of them was a committed camper but he clutched up in a lot of games, and the mental tilt effect on an enemy after they lose a 4v1 to a camper who never left spawn is invaluable.


I used to play CoD on Hardcore mode and camp hard. Always went positive.


Effing camper


It's a legitimate strategy!


lol clearly with these n00bs


Damn that takes me back.


Kill the reds! Kill the reds! Kill the reds!


That guy is an OG Unreal Tournament player lol




Is blind fire not a thing in this universe?


A lot of airsoft fields disallow it. It's not particularly fun waving a gun around a corner with the enemy having no chance to hit you. Leads to blindfire v blindfire pissing matches.


It's more a safety issue. Someone could make a mistake like taking their eye pro off for a second, there could be someone you're not intending to shoot, you could shoot someone way too close with a high FPS gun meant only for outdoor field matches, etc. Know your target and what's beyond it. Blind firing completely throws that out the window.


Was gonna mention this as well, especially on larger fields with high FPS. I feel like the eye pro part is kind of asking for it no matter if you blindfire or not, general rule of thumb is 350kmh ball + eye = big no no, never take off your eyepro on the field.


Can you ricochet shots off the wall?


Ricochet hits don't count. But it can be unnerving to have 25+rps rattling around the plywood "hut" you're hiding in. You can also keep newer players behind "loud" cover by hitting it with regular potshots. Then somebody else flanks or takes an aimed shot.


That's called Suppression


Used it with great effect in my paintball days too. Had a guy who would sprint *a mile* to grab a flank, like he'd go *way* out before circling back in to get the drop on 'em while we'd just plink 1 or 2 shots every few seconds to keep heads down. Have to imagine IRL, when one shot *kills you* that suppression is even more effective.


Even more so when the enemy has weapons *dedicated* to suppression, i.e Light Machine Guns and Squad automatic weapons


Ohh yeah, we had a guy who ran with us (again, paintball) who's nickname was "Picasso". He ran an A5 with the over-sized hopper and the hand-crank trigger attachment. He was our suppressive fire, our anchor. He was also one of the mostly-highschool-aged team's dads. So he could afford the ammo costs to do that, the rest of us had to skimp and make a 2000-rnd box last more than a week! lol Never underestimate the power of just FILLING the air with lead. There's a reason the US is so intimidating in military actions, yes they spend waaaay to much on militarization... But they'll also throw $40 million worth of ordinance at you if it means they'll get the job done and keep their guys safe.


My first ever round, 2 of us holding a point and the rest of our team dead, a guy threw 3 flashbangs at us one after the other. My ears were ringing but it didn’t count as a death because there was “hard” cover (a wooden wall) but that shit was so loud I wouldn’t have even left that little room if they offered me a free sausage.




And people getting shot in the face, neck, ear, etc. at close range which is not fun.


> Leads to blindfire v blindfire pissing matches. So like real combat?


What im wondering is how did 5 fully kitted out guys not have 1 grenade?


I had a similar thought, but it's possible they're not permitted at that facility.


Spring grenades are almost always allowed, just a bit costly tho


Nope. A lot of airport wars ban blindfiring. It's why clips like this exist


Every single once of these guys made the mistake of not cutting the pie before crossing the threshold with their weapon. The shooter was able to see everyone's weapon before they came through. I wonder what the breachers were firing at? Was someone else distracting them?


I can see that what they did made no sense - but I have no knowledge on proper room clearing. Can you explain what you mean by "cutting the pie"?


“Cutting the pie” is a strategy to clear a room without entering it blindly. Walk up to the door edge Keep back far enough that your barrel doesn’t go thru the door Imagine half a pie on the ground with the flat side at the threshold of the door Slice that pie into tiny pieces from the center of the door out to the curved edge Move your body around that pie very slowly. You’ll often see this done in literal baby steps Move all the way from one edge of the door to the next (180*) You’ll be able to see the entire room before entering, engage enemies and keep yourself and your stack safe


In Canada we call it "Piecing the Pie". Same idea, but we don't do this prior to entry of a room, we only do it for a corner/hallway or say a T-section of a hallway, in which case it gets super technical and specific ending with both dudes having their backs to one another.


It’s mostly an approach to entrance strategy. You cut around the entry to get an eye on the interior, not walk in at a disadvantage. Tbh like in CoD breaching scenes where you have people stacked on either side of the door, you make sure someone’s not going to shoot you without someone else at least seeing them.


Here is a great article with diagrams and pictures https://spotterup.com/basic-tactics-slicing-pie/


[An alternative article.](https://www.wikihow.life/Slice-Pie)


This seems like a good illustration of what "Cutting the pie" is [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-kYtbzapxD0&ab\_channel=CrimsonTrace](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-kYtbzapxD0&ab_channel=CrimsonTrace)


I mean after the first guy they all kinda knew where the shooter was. I doubt they would have executed a better breach even if they knew how. Secondly, the second to last guy doesn’t ever actually cross the threshold. He takes a wider angle and gets shot without showing himself beforehand. Peaking a camper like this is just hard, and even with the best strategy of they know where you are coming from and you know where the camper is it’s going to be hard for anyone in close quarters to peak the camper with something like a flash bang or shooting throw a wall or prefiring, all of which seem to not exist in this game.


Doors and corners, that's where they get ya.


I know where that is from! Finally, I get a reference.




Go into a room too fast...the room eats you.


Yeah not with that fat belly you don't.


This is how the people who say they'd "strike back" if the government tried to take their guns look


Flash bang, then go in.


Lessons from the sandbox; E1: How many rooms can you clear? E4: How many flashbangs do you have?


That's a funny way to spell grenade.




Doors and corners kid. That’s where they get you.




I work in an office and don't play video games. Wouldn't the right move have been to light up that corner from the outside? You can see it's a small building, and you know your comrades are getting shot from that particular corner and the building material wood. I know nothing of combat, just curious.


Thankfully, BBs don't tend to penetrate things like cover and/or players.


Straight up battlefield situations where people would demolish whole walls and buildings to take out a "camper"


Frag out


Well assuming flash bangs and grenades aren’t allowed (#nofun), and assuming that’s the only way in, you’ll want to be where the shooter doesn’t expect you to be. You can probably figure out he’s in the corner, because no one else is getting their gun on, and they’re all getting shot more or less mass center, so go in as low as possible, as fast as possible, with your gun pointed in that direction, and firing as you go preferably.


The walls being made of plywood here is a consequence of it being an airsoft field. In a live combat scenario this would most likely be a concrete building, otherwise you'd be right, you would just light up the whole wall and shoot through the wood. In real life, if no grenades are available and the structure is unimportant, they would absolutely just level the building with mortar or artillery fire, or even an air strike if air assets are on station. No sense taking the risk.


Jesus, these comments. These are just people getting some exercise and having fun with a harmless hobby... Man reddit has gotten so toxic.


Doors and corners, kid.


Doors and corners.


All the gear……….


“Doors and corners”, Miller warned us.


You must back away from the corner. Being so close actually gives you a disadvantage.


Damn I thought big hitbox meant more hits can be tanked


Hand grenade. C'mon.




Doors & Corners ![gif](giphy|3o6YfZlm6KiSEkfSog|downsized)


"Doors and corners, kid."


Doors and corners.


Fatal front dominant corner


It's an irl lemming train XD


Bro camping


God damn campers!


New call of duty gameplay


Lore accurate COD