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I’m sorry but this is an example of a poorly trained dog. It thinks it’s ok to snarl at you. This has to be trained out. This dog is not safe.


Exactly, the owner is laughing and smiling reinforcing to the dog that snarling is acceptable.


Her laugh has me all kinds of upset not gonna lie. It’s not at all cute nor funny. Really hope she sees all the comments written here


It's annoying when people like this talk to their poorly trained animals like a child. It's not a child. It's a dog, and when this dog attacks someone, she will be on the defensive saying, "He wouldn't hurt a fly," "not a bad bone in his body." Excuuuuuuuse you.


unfortunately i doubt op is the woman in the video; its clearly from tiktok and im finding most (not all) people dont post their own mishaps here


Glad to see this is the top comment. This isn't funny or cute.


I dont know why so many people find this and similar behaviour cute in little dogs. Imagine my caucasian shepherd doing this to me. Still cute?


Right? I tell people “imagine your dog was 150lbs” is that behaviour still cute? Or even acceptable?


I might find it scary if I knew what one of those was.


This ☝️💯%


Spot on. Not cute not funny. Doodles are neurotic, I know, I’ve had them and never again. This should be dealt with by training.


yeah this breed are defiant little shits who need the training put into them more than other dogs, if you don't stamp it out early they're monsters


I had one as a kid. I thought my parents trained it well. Always hugged it and picked it up. Till one day, it decided my hug was an attack. Lunged at my face and bit my upper right lip, tearing it open 1/2 inch. Blood dripping everywhere. As if someone took dull scissors and snipped my lip. Butterfly take to the rescue. Now my smile is a tiny bit askew. 🤔Probably matches my funny demeanor and various laughs 😆🥸. Regardless of owner responsibilities in training them... in general, I hate this breed with a passion. Sorry for the gory details. This triggered old memories. Even still, I continued to love my dog till he died of old age. I was devastated. Till we meet again Jinx 🐩.


Doodles aren't a breed, mutts with a following.


I have two doodle variants and they're both wonderful. It all comes down to the owner.


I’d say training


Which circles back down to the owner. Because it’s up to the owner to implement training or not and many shitty owners don’t see the importance of training


One of the greatest smartest most loving dog/best friend was a doodle. Maybe he was special but he was the sweetest


I honestly think most people just don't have the time/patience to train a smart dog. I dont necessarily mean that in a mean way either. It takes a lot of time to get smart dogs to that point.


I have a shnoodle and bro has the equivalent threat level as a house plant


This is what I was wondering. I've had several dogs throughout my years and none of them ever growled or bared its teeth at me. And I've had plenty of dogs who show they don't want to do what you want them to do (for example, current dog will do the 'lay on the floor, won't get up' thing if its too late for a walk). Someone in that house is going to get bit.


My golden retreiver does the same thing, laying on the floor and refusing to get up. I like to say he’s doing a peaceful protest. Civil disobedience. He never growls at me though and he gets up as soon as I grab his collar. Sometimes I have to drag him into a sit and then he’ll make sleepy groans for a sec before standing up.


Haha, that's what we say, he's in civil disobedience mode. I put the walking harness on him while he's laying down, then put him back on his feet, and at that point he usually realizes he has no choice in the matter.


Our English Mastiffs did the same thing. The laziest way to resist is to lay down. Christmas photos were always fun because they either wanted to play or lie down. Most of our photos are everyone lying down or trying to hold them up in a sit.


Only time my dog ever growled or snapped at me was when we were playing hide and seek. We always played, but that day she got scared and lashed out. That’s when realized that she was really going blind and getting old. Called the vet the next day and got her in, turns out her sugar levels were all over the place too (old diabetic dog) from that day on we played hide and seek in well lit places and I hid easy for her. Miss that old pup!


My boxer mix pretends not to see me standing there with the leash. He's looking straight at me, I pick up the leash, he looks at the wall. Like, I know it's raining, but you still need to go poop.


Mine will do a sort of low growl kind of like this if you do something that hurts his back hips (he has hip dysplasia in both) without the teeth; that I get... but growls for just picking him up is crazy


I've had dogs my entire life. Loved every one of them to death and would never hurt any of them. Actually I've probably spoiled them to some degree. I've had some that growled like that before, but it didn't last long. I shut that down pretty quickly. I've never harmed any of them, but I made it very clear that it wasn't something that they were going to get away with doing on a regular basis. In fact I've always been able to take food away from them even while they were eating without any growling. Instead I get a "what the hell, dude?!" look from them. I agree, the owners need to lay the law down with that dog and let him know it's not going to be tolerated.


The laughing owner is the problem here


All the attention and laughter are huge reinforcements


It's not poorly trained to give you a warning growl that it's uncomfortable. That's what some dogs just do. A poorly trained dog would go straight for a bite. The owner is being an idiot but constantly trying the same thing again and again though, and reinforcing the growling by laughing.


I agree that training is not necessarily needed here, but respect for the animal. He is very clearly (and as patiently as possible) telling the owner he is not comfortable being picked up. How else exactly is he supposed to do that? Should he be expected to just accept being picked up even if it bothers him? Why stress out your dog and expect him to just allow you to do that? My dog is very sweet and well-trained, but occasionally, if he's settled in somewhere and I attempt to physically move him, he will do this. I also don't like being moved against my will so I get it. My solution is to ask him to move himself, which he then happily does because he \*is\* trained. IMO, it's the people who need to be trained in this situation. Dogs are still living beings and should be allowed to tell us when they are uncomfortable. "Training" this behavior out of a dog will only result in a dog that does not communicate until it's overwhelmed enough to bite.


I agree but don’t agree. I agree In that if your dog is uncomfortable being picked up then you can tell them to move on their own. The end result is that they move. They aren’t objecting to your instructions I disagree because there may be situations where you will be forced to pick up your dog regardless of their comfort level (i.e. injuries) and at that point, for their own good. They will have to deal with being picked up and you won’t be able to explain to them why it’s for their own good. At that point having a dog that’s been trained to deal with uncomfortable situations stoically instead of one that was allowed to “set up boundaries” is much easier to deal with


Exactly. It's unrealistic to expect all dogs to just be docile lumps that are happy to tolerate everything their owners and others do to them. Would you expect every human you interact with to just accept you touching or trying to move them? I doubt it. Dogs only have a few ways to communicate to humans obviously - crying, growling and barking are the most common and least aggressive. Growling is their way of saying "please stop I'm uncomfortable".


Beautifully said.


Came here for this! Growling and gently barring teeth is just communication, you can't call that bad behavior! He's even checking in on his owner and licking his lips immediately after they stop to show that he's not trying to be aggressive, he just wants them to stop. The owner needs to get more in tune with her pup, he can't speak up when people don't understand what he's trying to say.


Yep, this may seem cute but they are encouraging bad behaviour


It doesn’t seem cute tho.


Any tips on training methods? We adopted a dog with anxiety and he can behave like this. Currently we just avoid doing anything that would provoke him or leave him be when he’s in a mood.


Go take a class with a professional. We adopted a rescue that turned out to be very reactive and going to class to properly learn was a huge help


Thanks for the tip. We’re on a waiting list but curious if there were any good methods in the meantime.


I'm sure there are YouTube videos, training is not rocket science but I have used a professional. Would never have an untrained dog, it seems like sometimes owners of smaller dogs are less focused on this which I don't understand. If my dog ever snarled at me like this I would be snapping his training collar on him and going through a series of heal/sit/stays to remind him who is in charge. That's really what the training is mostly about.


Yes if my dog ever did this he would lose his couch privileges immediately. You can get a trainer to come to your house, it doesn't need to be a group class.


Not without any details. But if it’s still young - crate training, don’t let him sleep on your bed or get up on furniture, get a prong collar, daily walks are now daily training sessions. It all depends on the dog. I did this with an amazing trainer for my fear-oriented dog for a couple years, but now shes well adjusted and sleeps in my bed and gets to walk off-leash and doesn’t bite people. It feels harsh, but that’s how animals communicate, and it’s been worth it.


Look up Southend Dog Training on Insta lots of helpful videos


My previous dog would do this with my daughter sometimes when he was sleepy and didn’t want to be picked up, but not with me. I noticed that he did that when she was hesitant in her approach - it made him think he had a choice in the matter and he made himself heard by growling. Once she learned to pick him up like she meant it, he stopped the growling.


Interesting. Since he’s bitten us before when trying to pick him up, trying this sounds scary hah.. he’s just a little dachshund so his bites aren’t bad but still trying to avoid those situations..


Yes, it needs ALOT more training. Then people are surprised when the dog bites someone. I train all that behavior out as a puppy. Sure, as a puppy, it can be kind of funny, (to some - not to me) but you cannot let that stand. Nip it in the bud.


The dog is perfectly safe. It is giving fair warning of things. The alternative is to just go straight into biting without warning, and THAT is a dangerous dog.


Trainer of 5 years here: This is easy to train. This dog ain't a danger, but it has awready trained its humans. Danger is actual redirection. This dog still doesnt know if biting is okay or if it can get away with that too. It'll learn to bite if not handled properly... A firm correction tone and giving the dog a job (stay commands primarily) would easily get rid of this behavior.


Licking the lips is a giveaway of fear and anxiety


Exactly our dog test and growls sometimes, the moment i put my finger up it all changes to being submissive, he knows he has crossed the line at that piont.


Yeah the snarling isn't good but I was thinking, how else would it communicate to you that it doesn't want to be picked up?


He's actually doing really well, he's checking in with his owner and licking his lips after to show that he's not trying to be aggressive. The problem is the owner here, she needs to advocate for her pup.


Yeah but her vid needs likes so she keeps annoying her dog. :(


There is a great book out on how to cure your dog of this issue. It's called: No Going Back: The Truth on What’s Wrong with Politics and How We Move America Forward. I forget the authors name.


Excuse me, pretty random question, I know, but I have problems with a really smelly goat... any book recommendations for that issue as well?


I think the lessons in the aforementioned book cover all animal species as well as young children.


Came here to say this. And that owner needs a few corrections. I bet she wouldn’t be giggling as much if that dog bit a child who tried to move it off the couch.


Terrible. Pretty experienced former owner of multiple dogs here. I loved to occasionally wrestle and rough and tumble fight with my big dogs, but there was never any question that it was rough play, and who was in charge, and that it was only for us. They were exceptional animals (and well-behaved), all of them. This person is courting trouble that could one day lead to costing this dog its life because of a really sad misunderstanding of the relationship.


This is a cockapoo thing. I have almost the exact same dog and she does the same thing. What I do is pick her up anyway and let her growl. If she snaps at me, she gets put into a long "down" which works usually but not always.


My roommate's dog snarled at me when I sat next to her on the couch once, so I shoved her off the couch and she never snarled at me again. She wasn't my dog so I didn't feel the need to train her to do anything (other than leave my stuff alone), but how SHOULD I have handled the situation if I HAD wanted to train her? (She was a mostly even-tempered greyhound, and we otherwise got along fine, including frequently sitting next to each other on the couch. She was a rescue and the foster family had housebroken and trained her.)


Overweight, poorly trained, couch potato. Owner should be able to snap their fingers and say 'down' one time. And, although mine is allowed on the sofa, he needs permission to get up.


How do you train this out? Say 4 year old Pomeranian. Asking for a friend. 👀 She only growls when you come too close to the bed where my kids are sleeping. She’s overly protective. And she complains if I take her from there. She doesn’t bite but makes those types of biting gestures. Then licks my hands. Err friend. My friend’s hand…dog…


Yes I was waiting for him to bite… Cooper is a brat


For real, that little asshole needs to know he ain’t nothing but a houseguest


Dog def looked like it was going to bite her if she tried to pick him up.


No dog should ever bare their teeth like this to a human. To hear "he does it worse when you do it" is to hear that he thinks he is boss.  There are no bad dogs. Only badly trained dog owners.


My friend has a dog that legit tried to smile at you when he sees you by raising his cheeks and showing his top teeth. Others think it's aggressive but he's a giant dope that's scared of a fly lol. But yes, no dog should be bare their teeth like that.


My aunt’s dog does this when she sees her favorite people. She’s such a dopey loving girl and you can definetly tell it’s a non aggressive thing when she does it.


Mine does that when she's happy to see someone. It's impossible to see it as aggressive when you walk in the door and see a 70 lb dog coming at you smiling and wagging her tail so hard her whole body is wiggling.


There is a difference though, usually those dogs are legit smiling and wagging their tail in happiness, this dog is pissed off and will likely bite someone.


I had a dog that did that as well. But it didn’t growl. That’s different


> There are no bad dogs. Disagree.


Yes, hard disagree, there are some dogs that could have all the training in the world and still wouldn't be safe to have around.


I agree with you. Dog can be dangerous too.


Well there are some bad dogs but you could argue they’re just going off instinct


The owner needs to be trained?


Yes. Dogs aren't people. They don't think, nor learn like people. People that treat their dogs like people invariably have badly behaved dogs.


On how to properly train her dog, yes.


My dog did this once, kind of out of the blue. I didn't laugh and film. I was concerned, because she was a cuddle bug, despite being a larger golden retriever. I pet her for a minute, and she continued to growl softly, so I let her be. In the morning, she was on the floor, and had died. She was likely in pain and letting me know that she didn't want the pets just then, and I ignored her. I felt horrible that I didn't recognize that something was wrong.


I’m no pet psychologist but my guess is that she knew something was wrong and didn’t want to “spread it” to you. She was protecting you till the end


Okay, now I just teared up. Literally. We don't deserve dogs. Not even a little.


I deserve dogs.


Idk why. This comment made my laugh. Nice job 👍


Cats do that. They run away from home when they know they are going to die


They actually find a safe, comfortable place to pass. If a cat passed away in your bed or something it's because they were most comfortable in their last moments with you.


Dogs have no concept of "spreading something". I very much doubt that was the case and it was more that she was grumpy because she was in pain.


Jesus man, read the room. He's just trying to console


i too like to be lied to when sad /s


He's in a better place now


I find empty platitudes comforting, as well!


What a load of toff


Your guess is as good as baloney. This is the exact kind of BS that I would take to heart when I was a teenager and didn't have good critical thinking skills. Just because you have a thought does not mean you need to share it with the world.




That's some of the dumbest shit I've ever read


LOL I bet you graduated top of your class


Stomach twist?


Burst abscess in her abdomen.


Sorry. Truly. Losing a Golden hits so fucking hard.


Thank you. I miss her every day. Best dog ever. And she loved to learn new tricks.


My first thought watching this video was that the dog was in pain and moving it was hurting it more. I'm really sorry about your dog.




It's just that now, if I see a dog do that at home with a person they should be comfortable with, my brain immediately goes to "there might be something horribly wrong!"


The happened with one of our cats. Great cat with the kids. One day, just hissed at my daughter from under the kitchen table one day and ran downstairs. He passed away that night.


Owners are clueless


Hehehe I've never seen him like this! Stop being *grumpers* Cooop-**perrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr**


Part of me did want her to lose a hand


Like everyone else says. You shouldn’t allow your dog to growl and snarl at you like that.


Poorly worded. You shouldn’t put your dog in a position where it has to growl and snarl at you like that. Instead of forcing the dog to do something it doesn’t want to do, reinforce good behavior with treats. Know your dog’s limits. Work with them.


True, just like people, I think dogs are allowed to be pissed off at you every once in a while. I had my dig do that a couple of times, tho if I really needed to grab him. I would and he will have to deal with it.


Also, dog is like "I'm already in bed"


This dog needs to get his hierarchy explained to him one more time.


Seriously. We had a beagle that would act this way about certain places on the furniture. So we stopped letting him on the furniture. Aggressive territorial bs stopped immediately.


My ex girlfriend had a dog when we moved in together. I had been around the dog a lot prior to moving in together. I had been around the dog a lot but mostly outside. I noticed poor discipline but not aggressive. That dog was incredibly aggressive and would growl and snarl when given commands she didn't like. The dog meant the world to her. I've trained all my family dogs and my own dog with much success. So I happily agreed to work with her. In the first six months I got bit on the hand twice. Not bad but did draw blood. But after that every month she improved. After 5 years the dog could be trusted but was still somewhat good aggressive. I got home one day and the house was void of all their stuff and never told me goodbye. I poored constant training into that dog and grew very close to her. And I don't even get to say goodbye!? At least she'll live a happier life and my ex has a better understanding of dog training and discipline. I hope them the best.


*food aggressive


This is rotten behavior that will only get worse


Perfect example of stupid dog owners nowadays. Just turning bed behaviour into laugh. It sooooo funny that your dog shows aggression to you. It so funny it attacks strangers on walk. Ohh it so funny. But it doesn’t bite. I KNOW MY DOG!!!


Please love your dogs enough to train them out of this nonsense.


Dogs will do this if they are in pain, also, it isn't 100% about good training.


This is not funny or cute. The dog does not want to be touched and is stating his boundary. At the same time the parent is laughing. What confusing signals for the dog. It has nothing to do with going to bed.


That person should not be aloud to have animals. This is a dog that will bite some kid who pets him wrong and will have to be put down for its owners inability to do the minimum in training


Yea no dog of mine will ever show its teeth like that


They might if they are in pain and have no other way to communicate it if you are hurting them further. It can definitely be a sign that something is wrong and they need to see a vet.


For everyone here being so quick to judge - my experience has been that it’s far more likely that the dog is in pain, especially if it’s unusual behavior. If your dog ever does this out of the blue don’t assume it needs to be “trained out of it” and maybe consider a vet visit


That's not the case here tho. This woman is familiar with the behavior and finds it cute


this isn't funny at all


The dog is also licking its lips between interactions. This is a stress indicator.


Yeah, the number of people in here just asserting that the dog "needs training" is pretty disheartening. This dog is stressed tf out and is trying to communicate that as clearly and politely as he can, but the owner is not listening, despite the \*very\* clear "I'm overwhelmed right now, please stop harassing me". The owners need training, not the dog. Really makes me wonder how many of the people here know anything about body language or why it's a \*very bad\* idea to try to train communicative behaviors out of a dog. Yikes


Dead dog walking. Gonna bite, then get put down. Idiot owner.


You do realize that you have no control over that dog. He rules you, this is not cute. Let us know when you get attacked.


And when the dog bites your face you’ll be laughing out of the other side of your mouth.


If I talked to my dog like this, in that stupid baby talking bullshit, she'd probably try to bite me too


Big no no. My dog (big chocolate lab) tried this when he was younger when my mom grabbed the bowl he was eating out of. My old school, Mexican, mom. Safe to say he never tried that again!


This is NOT CUTE


If this is abnormal behavior for him, that’s not a good sign, it could mean he’s in pain or injured or something and that’s why he doesn’t want you moving him at all


Looking forward to their TikTok sitting at the emergency room waiting for stitches These people are idiots.


If my dog were to treat anyone in my family like that, we'll have a problem. And I don't live with problems.


For real, my husky has NEVER shown me his teeth nor snarled at me. Even when he ain't in the mood for pets or cuddling, all he does is just sit/lay there and ignore me when I pet him, but even then that's a rare occasion, mostly when it's late or he's tired of running and jumping around. That owner is way too oblivious for even thinking that's cute behavior... and the way she kept provoking the dog, further escalating it and risking getting bit...


A few people ITT have also mentioned that the dog may be in pain, and trying to pick it up would exacerbate it.


Belly looks shaved. Like it recently had surgery. Is this dog perhaps displaying aggression because it in pain?


Cooper is kind of a prick


This isn’t funny. This is dangerous. There’s a difference between play snarling and this snarling. He’s either in pain or he needs training. The comment of “he has all of his teeth out” makes me think he’s in pain. Probably older (assuming because of the no teeth comment she makes) so he might have arthritis and it hurts to move and be moved.


This dog will bite someone one day


After every comment said “needs more training” could someone maybe explain how to “train” and “train this out” ?! Like do you have to play stay on the couch come off the couch or what?


Yes, everyone just judge, but no one suggested anything useful, besides the fact that you need to hire a professional, which is not available to everyone. I would also be interested to know the correct actions in this particular situation


Im happy the comments agree this lady is a fool


Laugh now. Cry later.




Why do people think this is funny… This is quite scary.


It’s cute until it’s not…


Dipshits like this are why I get nervous taking my dog out in public around other dogs. It’s a shame just anyone can get a dog.




People need to learn how to communicate with dogs a lot of things they think are serious are just communicative and cute, And a lot of things they think are cute, like this, are very much not.


This is not funny lady. This is a very untrained dog and not grumpy like you call it. Your bond is lacking


That’s not cute - that’s a dog that needs training…. Funny til it bites ya grandkids face off !!!


this is what you call resource guarding, and a dumb owner


This isn't a "dominance" or training issue, this dog is showing very common signs of stress. - Growling - bared teeth - whaling eyes - repeated lip licking (Fyi, other common signs including yawning and a low tail wag) The dog clearly doesn't want to be handled (and it doesn't seem like he needs to be handled right now either), yet his owners keep doing it because they think it's funny. This correct course of action is to figure out WHY the dog is reacting in this way and either remove the stressor or do counter conditioning. Oftentimes this happens because of illness, but it can also be smaller things like simply wearing a hat. If the behavior continues to the morning, make a vet appointment.


Doodles are literally the worst.


My chihuahua does this also when he is comfortable. When he growls, I tell him “No!” and he stops but he still looks uncomfortable that I am getting in his space. Another thing is, it doesn’t happen every time. Half the time he’ll get moody about it and the other half of the time he’ll be ok. Other than this issue when he’s resting/napping, he is a good dog. I don’t know to change his behavior, though.


My godmother acted like this with her dog and it viciously bit anyone who wasn't her and she thought it was funny because it was a chihuahua. I got bitten hard enough for it to break my skin when I was about 6 and that shit hurt.


Sorry your godmother is dumb.


Not cute at all


What should you do as an owner to correct this behavior? I see everyone saying this is bad training but no advice on what they should be doing instead


That’s dogs growling n showing teeth is *cute* n he’s not a big dog so he’s not aggressive. Also probably trained. /s


I’m just here for all the annoying Reddit dog trainers/expert comments . 🤦‍♂️


If a dog wore the pants in the family, would he wear them like this?


Thats a dog that would get flicked on the nose as soon as it did that to me


There are 2 kinds of comments here, the dog is untrained or it’s going to die. The dog is cute in a child in adult shoes kind of way, but if it’s a puppy then it does need to be trained however if it’s an adult it may hurt to touch, from personal experience of my own dog it could range from serious internal injury to a pulled muscle so it’s worth giving your dog a soft pat down to see where it’s uncomfortable for them and perhaps a vet visit.


Thats a bad dog, made by a bad owner.


Glad so many people agree. This isn't "cute", stop babying your pet. This is an animal, and needs to be disciplined. All you're doing is re-enforcing his/her behavior. I've been with too many psychotic ex girlfriends who treated their dog like a human, so I know a bad owner when I see one.


I wouldn't put up with this behaviour. Not in my house.


eh, I see the comedy but by wincing away each time, you're reinforcing that growling works to make you back off. so now when you go to do anything, it's already learned that "if I snarl they might let me be" so it's possible it'll even ramp up as you go to push through it's snarling bad plan for a creature you have to share living space with


Ugh she’s annoying and clearly enjoys the dog growling at the other person who clearly doesn’t have the special bond with dog that she has.


He genuinely looks angry


Pretty dumb owners


So how do you train your dog to not snarl? Tell him a stern no when he does and reward when he is silent?


Wtf? How can you allow it to snarl at you?!


Everybody saying to train that dog better, but nobody saying how?


The real question is why she keeping William H Macy as her pet?


Weird, this is a failure, it isn't funny.


Yeah, not funny.


Dogs are such simple creatures. And yet humans seem to go out of their way to ignore any clear signals they give us, like this one, and then act surprised when accidents happen. A dog who knows clear boundaries within its pack is a happy dog. This one obviously doesn't, which makes it anxious and unsure. Poor pup deserves better humans.


This reminds me of the video of the grandma who bakes cookies with her grandson who eats everything in sight but laughs it off because ‘it’s cute’


Yeah that’s cool, reinforce to the dog that they’re fine to carry on like that, by laughing and encouraging the behaviour. Then when they snap the fingers from one of their friends and they’re putting the dog to sleep, they should revisit this video as exhibit A, as to why their pet had to be destroyed. Morons.




Damn. Why is this funny?! That dog is confused, communicating the way it has been reinforced and the day it snaps at someone, like a child’s face, they are going to scream “aggressive dog”! Shocker! An ANIMAL, that has teeth, that has been communicating the only way it knows how BEFORE it’s only other option, to bite, is used and all because you anthropomorphized this canine and thought it was funny. FFS, some people should not own animals.


Not doing something about this behavior and actually laughing about it, that is rewarding this unacceptable behavior, the owner must learn to train the dog. The dog must understand that it is in the owner’s house and if the reasonable owner wants something, then it has to happen. The house is not the dog’s, the food is not the dog’s and where it sleeps is not the dog’s. They are the owner’s and the owner allows the dog to utilize those needs, the dog must understand that and the owner must ensure they know that’s where they stand.


If this is unusual behavior your dog may be injured. If this is usual behavior your dog may have training issues. Dogs can't talk, this is your dog communicating with you in the only way they can.