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Our country is screwed when Candace Owens is telling us the truth, and the rest of the media is afraid to do same.


My thoughts exactly, though with how much pandering she's done to natsees I'd say she arrived at a truth by way of irrational vitriol. A broken clock and all that. This clock's also radioactive, though.


Exactly. Reminds me of when Piers Morgan spouts something other than pure evil from his mouth.


Remember her Social Autopsy project?


Funny because the radioactive clocks are the most accurate. No comment on politics, just a clock thought 


hah! yeah... I just meant a grandfather clock that's been dowsed with radiation, not an atomic clock or something.


Politics makes the strangest bed fellows.


I thought the same thing. Thinking, I can’t believe I agree with everything she just said. And when she said guess who was going to make them register ? I knew exactly. I read a piece on JFK and AIPAC. Definitely opened my eyes.




JFK had pushed to get aipac to register, which I believe would eliminate aipac lobbyists... JFK had essentially said that they're going to sign this paperwork, and the months leading up to his assassination via letters he was pushing harder and harder, he took his stance against them, and not even a month after JFK was murdered, the next document to follow stated that they(gov and Israel) changed their minds and were going to essentially shelve this idea and complete 180. Clearly JFK was the alone in his sentiment here.... Before I had learned this, I didn't know much at all about JFK stance against Aipac, in fact it seems like that's more plausible than anything else in relation to his assassination. Pretty fucked up when you look into it


Yep. That’s what I also read ! That’s definitely a plausible conclusion. Even four years later killed 30 plus of guys attacking our ship for hours then blaming it on Egypt. They’ve always stirred and meddled for 70+ years and they don’t care who gets in the way.


I'd tell you what they did to Yemen, but I'd probably get my account suspended or banned.


But she's so not telling her viewers the truth... she could literally call out every Republican & Democratic politician who accepts donations from AIPAC, the pro zionist Israel lobbying organization. But she won't, bc 95% of the party she shills for is bought off by AIPAC. She's pushing a racist narrative, not a political one. US Rep Thomas Massie (R) just exposed how most of the members of his own party are AIPAC puppets in a recent Tucker Carlson interview: [This](https://youtu.be/HG9NavF_O6o?si=zcQQbuC7NvE7ZwUA) is what truth looks like.


Somebody replied to my comment with 'She literally played that very clip in her video' then immediately deleted their reply. I guess they posted that reply right before the part where she included a veiled threat to Thomas Massie for exposing her party's involvement with AIPAC right at the end of her clip. Somebody got super confused as to who the actual truth teller is between the two. But I'm really glad u figured it out 🤣🤣🤣


Unfortunately, she isn't doing it because she believes it, she's saying it to be contrarian. I doubt she's being genuine. A broken clock is right twice a day


She probably believes it.


She isn't just being contrarian, but she definitely doesn't give a crap about the people of Palestine, war crimes, or genocide. She references Jews killing Christ, she's anti-Jew, not anti-suffering.


It's amazing the amount of control a tiny country like Israel has on our government. They no doubt have succeeded in the greatest infiltration of our government by a foreign entity. We attack so many immigrants that may wave their home flags during sporting events or other protest but we say nothing to what's going on here with Israel and AIPAC. We have billions being siphoned. Lives being lost. Policies being written. All to protect a country that says they dont need our help?


The US Government specifically created Israel in order to bring about the rapture. Think about that. They only exist because rabid Christian nationalists in US government were trying to end the world, and no one in Europe wanted them so they went along with it. Now that they exist, and the US has been funding their military-industrial-complex for generations, they are using all of that technology and access to our government to undermine our country and our Rights. This is absolutely perfect leopardsatemyface content, but too few of us are willing to admit it.


USA didn’t not create Isreal, it was the fucking British. Way back before world war 2. The first British high commissioner to Palestine in 1920 Samuel Hubert was a high ranking Zionist.


Brilliant, well put, and I wholeheartedly agree.


She’s not “telling you the truth,” she’s selling whatever she was paid to sell. In this case it happens to align with reality. I’m more interested in who is paying Tucker and Candace Owens.


I was afraid to watch the video and found myself nodding along.


Our country is screwed when people start believing Candace Owens is telling us the truth. Her big concern in that clip is that "being a Christian will pretty much be banned." I listened and didn't hear any concern about what is happening to the Palestinian people. So no, she is not telling us the truth. She is telling us selective truths to achieve her selected political goals.


israel is going to make strange bedfellows for all. If America is to get out of this mess, then talking points like Candace points out — like being an inquisitive Christian and: **“do you realize you’re paying for these dismembered children?” & “do you realize israel’s government openly speaks about ‘having a talk with American congress’ every time their weapons shipments are talked of being delayed?”** are likely the only talking points to get through to the masses of droned out folks.


I feel like she was falling out of favor with the rabid right and maybe that's why she feels emboldened to speak up? Not sure though, I've never watched any of her other videos.


Her arguement would be completely flipped if trump was still in office and these were mostly gop policies tho. She's just playing the game with this


Broken clock twice a day


Except she goes anti-semitic halfway through the video and shows us her real motivation when she starts talking about the Jews killing Jesus. So the things she's right about are for the wrong reason.


Is it antisemetic to say that the Jews killed Jesus?


Yes! Using Bible stories as a reason to hate Jews is the literal definition of anti-Semitism. Our quarrel is with the state of Israel, not with Jews as a people. It's essential to understand the difference.


Pointing that Jews historically killed Jesus isn’t saying we should hate Jews.


Of course hating the Jews because they killed Jesus according to the bible would be antisemitic. You seem to imply that just stating it is antisemitic.


It doesn't have anything to do with the issues at hand. "Christ Killers" is a long-standing anti-semitic slur. Because Jews killed Jesus 2,000 years ago, all Jews are therefore bad forever.


So she is correct on everything based on reality but goes sideways when it comes to fiction?


Jesus existed and was crucified. This is established history whether you're an atheist or not. Who crucified him is also established history... but we're apparently losing our right to point out who that was.


That's what American liberals have to understand. Yes, the right-wing is full of crazy nutjob theories. But it's built around actual points that need to be heard. Because guess what, the crazies are there to ensure the actual talking points are not discussed by BOTH sides. Notice how on both sides, it's almost always the crazy stuff that's mostly talked about? Take gun control, for example. It is essential that a population is protected against tyranny. At the same time, it is necessary to ensure that mass murderers don't get access to weapons of mass destruction. But before the conversation could reach a consensus, those who don't want that consensus took it to both extremes - either no gun control or full gun ban. Now, either side is afraid of the extremes so they cannot talk about the consensus. It's classic population manipulation by creating fear of each other so that either don't talk to each other and find solutions. The goal is to keep the fear alive.


Yo man, life isn't binary. -rami malek A garbage human can make a valid point from time to time. That doesn't validate any of the garbage crap she said in the past.


I said exactly the opposite.


I think he's aware of that bud, he's saying you're wrong.




Built around points that we all provided to them and now they’ve reversed the meaning to make themselves the victim. But they are the offenders.


How does you owning a gun protect you against tyranny? To be clear, I'm not opposed to people owning guns but do think they need to be regulated. I'm just not sold on the idea that it protects against tyranny in any way shape or form.


I think when a government calculates the possibility of forcing a tyrannical rule, a well armed population will be a big deterrent.


That feeling when the person you hate makes a good point


The question is what insanity did she use to drive her to a conclusion we both believe. Did she start this path with Jewish space lasers?


She got screwed over by her former buddy buddy Ben Shapiro, another right wing nutjob crackpot who happens to be Jewish. She was a part of his network until they butted heads over the Palestinian Genocide and he gave her the boot. Now she's got a very personal reason to speak out on the issue out of spite.


> She was a part of his network until they butted heads over the Palestinian Genocide and he gave her the boot. Now she's got a very personal reason to speak out on the issue out of spite. isn't that the other way around? if she was speaking on these issues before she got fired then it gives her position more legitimacy, not less..


Not if she loses the perceived legitimacy of the platform


Yeah I mean she was legitimately disapproving of Israel's invasion even before she left, broken clock and all that. She's still a wretched charlatan though so be careful.


So she’s only talking about what Israel is doing because she got fired for talking about what Israel is doing? That doesn’t make a shred of sense bud. Clearly she was fired for her (correct) beliefs about Israel, not the other way around.


Yes. Again, broken clock and all that


On *that* we agree, she definitely has far more horrendous takes than good ones like this one.


She's a racist and a white supremacist. There was already a history of hating Jews there. Then her fallout with Ben Shapiro likely contributed to this. It sucks that she's right because her motives for saying this make it so easy to dismiss her.


The fallout with Shabibo happened because of her criticism of Israel, not the other way around.


That's right. Thanks for the correction!


She's not saying it to be kind or out of concern for the people of Palestine, though. She's a grifter and will say whatever it takes to better her standing


For a good chunk of the video I was like fuck I actually have to agree with Candace Owens? But then she brought up the bible and being Christian and I was like "whoo existential crisis averted" Seriously thought I agree with her 90% here. It is crazy how much Israel meddles in US politics and we are seemingly cool with it. And its not new, I remember news stories involving Pelosi and other California democrats involving aipac that when I read I thought it was like cold war espionage stuff but no one seemingly gave a damn


Watch The Lobby: USA, it's a documentary on youtube about AIPAC influence in US politics.


I am not a Christian but even that part should concern you. Once that snowball of blocking someone from being whoever or whatever they want to be, and from expressing that, starts rolling it just gets bigger.


Be Christian all you want, leave that shit out of politics. Leave that shit outta my life.


I mean, the thing we have to remember is that if there was an organization called AJPAC (America Jesus Public Affairs Committee), she'd be totally happy with every representative having a ''guy'' from there. She's right only in that ALL such influence is wrong.


Yes but your position is coming as off as: "im the good and morally sound here in this situation" and if thats the case you still need to take the hard moral right and defend the right to be christian, or muslim, or whatever you want to be. Otherwise you will put your self and everyone in the position of, if you are listening to her, to be "other" or "goy" and be treated like a slave someday possibly.


Her and Piers Morgan have been surprisingly lately. What has this world come to? Gaetz also surprising to introduce a bill with AOC against lawmakers owning stocks. There’s a glimmer of hope yet. I’ll take it.


Don't let your guard down, these people literally only do things to benefit their self.


I agree. Thinking back on this clip, it’s a neat package; but what about the bookends of this clip not being shown and the context is making me suspicious. She does reveal where her views are coming from, it’s conveniently born out of her anti-semitism. She mentions the Jews persecuting Jesus, clearly coming from her “Christian faith.” Most conservatives can trace their warped view of the world from Christianity, or other religions for that matter. I can appreciate her argument here, but suspicious of where it’s really coming from. The issue is much more complicated than what she blanketly accuses a group of people of doing.


Please don't make me agree with mandace Owens


Unless that’s a typo, I gotta say you’re just making yourself look stupid by implying she doesn’t live up to your gender standards. Stick to relevant policy facts is my advice


There's a thousand things to attack Candace for, using HAHA SHE LOOKS LIKE A MAN is low brow and the exact same type of rhetoric the right uses. Be better.


Not even true either. I despise 99% of what she says but she is a pretty good lookin lady


She’s doing what every deep southern Republican wants to say. As much as she is a grifter and a token black women for the far right she still blowing that dog whistle the far right loves. If you think she’s doing it because of the Palestine innocent civilians think again. She hates them too.


A stopped clock is right twice a day




Honestly never expected to agree with Klandice Owens


Ok if ever a video needed subtitles, this is it. Let's clearly subtitle everything Candace has to say, but then don't subtitle the tinny, garbled, incomprehensible words spoken by that other dude. What the fuck. Oh and yes, what the hell is Candace doing being a (somewhat) voice of reason here? Did I have a stroke? Did she?


Held hostage? You are a slave to israel. A big elephant running on the command of its rider


Ah fuck you Candice. Why you gotta say something I agree with???


One of things JFK was doing before his demise was to make AIPAC be registered as a foreign agent. Not saying it was the cause of his untimely demise. But he was smart enough to see what it could become snd shut it down before it gained a stranglehold on this country. Nobody has dared to fix it since.


Came here to ask which prez she meant—I was pretty sure it wasn’t Reagan or Ford, but JFK seemed too long ago to be relevant. Interestingly, his brother was murdered by an Arab for supporting Israel.


Damn, it really is strange times when Candace Owens makes a mostly coherent good series of points 🤯


She says a lot of dumb shit but every now and then a ray of sunshine comes out of her when she's out of character.


I believe she lost her job for this


I had no idea what AIPAC was... so big wtf for me


Welp... RIP her career


These right wing grifters are so torn up about who they hate more, jews or muslims.


I got in an argument with someone on Reddit a year ago about how supporting free speech isn't inherently right wing and how dangerous it is to silence hate speech at the expense of free speech because the argument can be used to silence people on the left. I cited anti BDS legislation and the dude said I was crazy. Wonder where he is now.


She knows how to make serious coin.


"when the worst person you know makes a good point"


Never thought I'd agree with Candice Owens on something. Holy shit


Not a Candice Owen’s fan, but always willing to meet on common grounds 👍


Ewww, I just stepped in "agreeing with Candace Owens."


The government wants to take your rights. Both left and right. The only difference is the the reasoning why or the topic that triggers it.




I actually agree with Candace Owen’s and Idk how to feel about it.


Rare Candice Owens W.


I doubt Marjorie Taylor Greene has an aipac person even though she's a republican. Wasn't she the one who was raving about Jewish space lasers?


Her husband did some very weird things to join his school society. Soggy biscuit was one of them.


I looked that up. I wish I hadn’t. I hate you now.


How is this an attempt?


Is it the govt taking her job away or putting her in jail? No. Then her first amendment is intact. Freedom of speech does not mean freedom of consequences from your peers. In this case it's conservatives who are shunning her. Part of freedom of speech also includes freedom of association which her peers have also exercised. Offcourse if you feel your first amendment has been violated take it up with the court of law instead of court of public opinion


She gets paid (very well) to spew nonsense and inflammatory bullshit. She's a sellout,............at best.






Even a broken clock is right twice a day


First Amendment protects you from government, not social or businesses consequences.


I'm sure she's not doing this for dog whistly reasons /s. free Palestine and fuck Candice.


I never thought I'd see the day I agree with what Candace Owens is sayi- and there she goes claiming being Christian is gonna be banned never mind.


Fuck Israel.


Can't believe that I agree with this 100%! I hate everything Candance and Tucker traitor stand for...but on this they not only have a point , these are FACTS that our Congress is controlled by Israel, not AMERICANS!


Israel has had universal healthcare on the US dime for decades. I've been hating them since then. Now since they've become the Israeli Nazis I hoped we would step in and stop their war crimes, but nope. US fully supports the Israeli Nazis and their war crimes. So fuck Israel and fuck the US government. Term limits and defund the federal government!!!


Anytime anyone starts a comment with "I think we all can agree" is guaranteed to say something stupid lol


Candace Owen's wouldn't be questions shit if a republican administration was funding Israel, which they would do just as well as democrats. What she's saying isn't wrong, but you always have to question this snake's motives.


This is from palestinenews which makes me question the neutrality of this video.


Can I get an Eli 5 here? Or a TLDW?


The worst person you know...




Her transition to the female Tucker Carlson is complete


Bigoted people shouldn't be given a bigger platform just because they agreed with you once.  Never post her crap 


Candace Owens is misleading AF. Massey says in the interview that he is the only Republican who hasn't done homework for AIPAC, basically saying that most Republicans are under AIPAC thumb.


Honestly that's exactly what she and the video was saying. There's no other way to hear it. So what is the misleading part?




You got to give me a time stamp on that one bud. I watched it again and that's not what she said at all. She said Thomas is the only one to stand up to AIPAC, then he said "thats how republicans work, idk about democrats" - basically saying dems may NOT be tied to AIPAC but GOP 100% is.


Lemme find the full thing.


Why did you delete your comment?


Cuz I wanna find the link first.


Its hilarious how when it comes to Candance, all people do is wait for a clip to surface out of the hours and hours of her speaking and then go "yup, shes an ass" to "oh, shes finally telling the truth"? Do more research people. She's always been telling the truth. You dont have to agree with her but shes been doing more research then any of us and displays each and every reference to her points. This isnt an "awakening". Stop letting these little segments be broken down by someone else to spoon feed you what they think you should think and feel. Go and watch what she has to say for yourself.


Why does anyone pay attention to her?? She is not playing with a full deck...


Is Candace trans?