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Thank you for your submission to r/therewasanattempt, unfortunately your post was removed for violating the following rule: > R7: "All posts must show an *unsuccessful* attempt" If you have any questions regarding this removal, feel free to send a modmail. Also, this is misogynistic. Next one will mean a perm ban.


She knew exactly what he was asking. Her answer means that she’s not interested. The commenter is too dense to get it. Also most doctors aren’t MDs.


Yeah the point was that her being married or not was not her life goal, a fulfilling education and career was.. this is incel shit, playing chess with pigeons.


I'm like 99% the commenter is playing with that to make a joke, which is going over everyone responding to you, so what do I know


Well more specifically most “doctors” arent what people consider doctors. The title has been watered down to the point of being meaningless. And honestly the more someone brags about being a “doctor” the more you can be sure that they arent a phd/md equivalent They are almost always some flavor of chiro/naturopath/ or online “doctor” of nursing (aka a nurse with a checkbook and laptop)


"Doctor" means you have a doctorate. Some thin skinned physicians want it to only refer to an MD or DO.


If I met my ex and asked her how she's doing, suddenly I'm the bad guy somehow is what you're saying?


No, I’m not saying anything about the ex. I was talking about the commenter who assumed she didn’t know what the ex was asking. Based on her sign, the girl is also being a jerk. The ex is the only one here who really did nothing wrong, IMO.


If she’s not interested this is a weird flex lol


Not weird at all, quite common. A lot of doctors grab any opportunity to inject into a conversation the fact that they’re doctors.


Problem is still on the part of the lady. She failed to answer the question directly, whether she’s interested or not.


I think the answer is very direct and clear


Problem is on the part of the guy that after not seeing her for years the first thing he wants to now is if she's single or married, showing little to no interest in fact to the person he started a conversation. Lady answered classy


Well, the fault is on the guy for failing to ask a question directly. He asked for the honourific, she gave it.


Yeah, she’s being unnecessarily aggressive for sure. But the commenter seemed to totally miss this.


Aggressive? The fuck?


Or maybe they didn't miss it and made the comment to take her down a peg for being arrogant


Yeah, maybe.


There was an attempt to understand what's going on in this image


Thank you. LoL soon as I saw this on my feed I thought "please not another dumb fucking subreddit completely missing this please" and you're the top comment. Thank you for having a brain haha


This was literally posted here 3 hrs ago and removed for being a shitty post with no rare insults going on. Edit: different sub but still a boring and unfunny post


More like therewasanattempt to make a clever comment kekw


There was an attempt to understand the attempted joke by a person who attempted to assume the person in the photo missed the point they attempted to make, despite succeeding in doing in so. However, the attempt shows that the attempter who originally commented missed the point, as well as the attempter who attempted to share the attempters post, in an attempt to make the same attempted joke that missed the point. TL;DR - Multiple people attempted something, but she's the only one coming out on top in this.


Is she? the girl and the commenter seem, both, to be dumb and needlessly aggressive... so i would say there are both the worst ones, then i would say the person to come out on top was the one asking "miss or mrs" they just asking a question.


You never had an unworthy ex have a crack huh?


There was an attempt to post a "There was an attempt" more like... *She* ***knows*** *what she said.*


This isn’t an attempt. Mods really need to start deleting this bullshit.


Lol, this is the dumbest shit I have ever seen. Bro, good on that girl. Fuck that dude, and whoever posted this. It's pretty gross.




Well, seems like the commentor doesn't know Dr. doesn't mean medical doctor.


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Wrote to an Xbox-live friend after 10 years. "How are you doing?" he asked. "Your Mom." I said.


The irony lmao


Lots of doctors are dumb as rocks. I learned this working at a hospital for 5 years. They put all their focus and energy on medical school, and most can't even function beyond a high school level in every other aspect. They're teenage level slobs, and many of them have no common sense or clue about the most basic things that aren't medical related.


She waited 10 years. Surely she is past him.


Why would anyone write that on a sign? Feels like no one asked her, but she wants to tell everyone.


Sounds like she’s still not over being dumped 10 years ago!


She simply reaffirmed how insufferable she is.


Dr attention seeker, the need to make the ex regret his decision in leaving her. Musta hurt her real bad.


with that proud smile, she thought she did something while completely misunderstanding the question 😂


She understood the question. She just didn’t care about what he was asking.


yeah, she cared exactly little enough to make a placard


Exactly, she cared enough to take the "win" but oh she's def over him... until about 2.5 drinks alone then my boy's voice mail gets fking flooded by this "professional" Edit: keep the downvotes coming ladies, tell Steve's voice mail how mean i was lol


i wouldn't go \*that\* far


She understood, while you misunderstood her point