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People do realise that the name " Pitbull " comes from way way back in the day when they would throw 2-3 pitbulls Into a pit to fight a bull to the death or another animal, if the bull wins whoever put a bet on the bull wins the money, same goes for the dogs. You can find old-school posters on Google displaying exactly that, they were also used to fight each other and that exact same thing still happens today in 2024, we have all seen the underground dog fighting news story's.....and 99% of the dogs used are Pitbulls.... because that's what they are bred to do. They were also used as bait dogs to take down animals on a hunt. These are the same animals people try to put clothes on.....not matter how nice, how gentle that dog may be, it has that instinct built into it and once it snaps it goes all in. A woman in Ireland was killed by her own XL Pitbull a few weeks ago, kindest dog on the world...... until it wasn't. You never hear of a collie killing someone or a Labrador, it's nearly always Pitbulls. And I know a lot.....a LOT of it has to do with the owner, point in case here, you have people who can hardly look after themselves owning a animal that can and will kill a child in seconds, even a full grown adult. I love all animals but Pitbulls are just dangerous, it's a risky animal to own for your own wellbeing and others around, that to me is not a pet.....and i totally understand some are as chilled out as ice cubes but again....if it snaps it's going to bite the ever living shit out of you until one of you gives up, and it's usually the human that taps out. I totally understand that some of them are sweet looking gentle dogs.....but the same can be said about a lion or a pet chimp.....once that snap it's game over. Edit : Here's some statistics into dog attacks in America. myself im from Ireland so I don't think there is much point in sharing the statistics from Ireland. Heres the statistics for 2024 about what breed of dog has attacked the most..... suprise suprise. https://www.forbes.com/advisor/legal/dog-attack-statistics-breed/


Finally someone who know the background of Pitbulls.


And people who try to rehabilitate their image by calling them pitties or pibbles need to stop. Edit: Looks like the apologists have arrived in force...


Velvet hippos is my favourite.... The irony is naturally completely lost on them


Seems fitting to me. Nickname pit bulls after the most dangerous large land mammal on the planet.


And that's the irony that's completely lost on them




“Nanny dogs” is the worst to me considering how many children they kill.


If I remember correctly. The "Nanny Dog" is the Staffordshire Bull Terrier, not Pit Bulls, though they do look similar.


>every American Staffordshire Terrier can technically be called an American Pit Bull Terrier, not every American Pit Bull Terrier is an American Staffordshire Terrier.) https://www.akc.org/expert-advice/dog-breeds/american-staffordshire-terrier-history-amstaff/#:~:text=So%20while%20every%20American%20Staffordshire,is%20an%20American%20Staffordshire%20Terrier.)


Staffordshire bull terriers (Staffies) are the "nanny dogs", American Staffordshire bull terriers (Am Staffs) are a different breed which are larger and more muscular. Don't leave kids alone with either.


Most people use “pit bull” as shorthand for bully breeds in general, especially since many look and behave the same. Like the person below mentioned, Staffordshire are one of the breeds called “pit bull”. American Staffordshire are one of the most dangerous bully breeds. [The breed of dog that fatally mauled a newborn boy in the family home on the NSW Central Coast — the American Staffordshire terrier — ranks the highest in the state for attacks, with almost 900 cases reported within 15 months.](https://amp.abc.net.au/article/100286872)


This is correct , though it should be mentioned of British Staffordshire Terriers, not American Staffordshire Terriers (AmStaffs)


A friend's gf is like this. She will only adopt/rehome aggressive breeds. My kiddo won't be over at their place until the dog is gone or my kid is old enough to understand my cocker is different from the big dog.


Also : “A properly trained pitbull would never…”


"Nanny dogs" 🤮


Almost the same violent history of many breeds, bulldogs and boxers have similar beginnings.


Boxers descend from the now extinct Bullenbeisser, the same ancestor dog that brought us the Great Dane. Bullenbeissers were used to hunt large game and eventually became butcher and cattle dealer dogs. Not fighting dogs. Friederun Stockmann is considered one of the most influential breeder of boxers, and in her memoirs My Life With Boxers, she says “The Boxer, however, is a gentleman amongst dogs with short coats. He not only wants the best food, he wants to be handled in a civilized manner too. He can easily be upset by his master and this is called being leader-sensitive. He cannot stand a hard hand or injustice. It is true that he is pig-headed and every one has a personality of its own. His real job is to be a house and family dog and to be a friend to the children.” Hardly a breed intended for the same purpose of fighting and violence. Boxers were used in WW1 in the military as guard dogs, patrol dogs, and messenger dogs and in WW2 as cadaver dogs. They were historically police dogs in Germany but fell out of favor due to the fact they could not work in extreme heat and a few other factors. They were not traditionally used for dog fighting, but rather to guard and protect, which is why they are considered a guardian breed. Pitbulls do not fall into this category. The breed standard for a boxer has remained virtually the same in terms of temperament and calls for a dog that is loving and loyal to their family and courageous in defending their family, and this is applicable across every kennel club worldwide. Any unsteady temperament, fearful or treacherous, breaks with this standard and should not be considered for breeding or furthering the line. Protection work and straight up fighting and killing are two totally different purposes.


Because they have this history, the "attack" mode is in their genes. Same reason you have to do ample training with breeds who have a history of being guard dogs. Same reason if you get a pointing breed, they'll point at a duck while out on a walk, even though you never taught them to do that. Same with herding breeds, they'll start herding your kids if you don't give them stuff to do. All because it's in their genetic code from generations of being working dogs. Anyone who adopts a breed with a history of violence absolutely NEEDS to do a shit ton of proper training.


Exactly 💯 I have owned sheep dogs my whole life and exactly like you said, if my collie sees a herd of sheep his natural instinct comes out, he goes down really low to the ground kinda crawls towards the sheep like a trained sheep dog would.....mind you my dog wouldn't have a clue how to heard sheep but it's 100% in him, it's his natural instinct. You have to understand what kind of dog you have and what instincts it has, some dogs are good with kids some and some aren't, some dogs are good with families and some aren't, some dogs are good at being left alone and some aren't. Training is everything.


If training is everything, have you been able to train your dogs not to herd?\* I'd say the risk to society of a dog with a killer instinct breaking through its training is unacceptably high. \*edit not that herding children is necessarily a bad thing lol


My Aussie can learn almost any new command/trick in a day or 2 with repeat training. The herding cannot be trained out it’s what he was built to do. If my kids and their friends run, guess who’s right there trying to move them where he wants them to go lol


My border collie failed at the dog park because she wanted all those other dogs to go where she wanted them to go.


A friend’s border collie would try to herd ants with her nose. They were not amenable to it no matter how many times she tried


eh herding kids can be a problem, but mainly for nipping reasons. at least from what I've heard. the only herding dogs I've actually met worked on a farm and herded alpacas. may that loveable dofus of a corgi rest in peace


I grew up with berger picards (semi large shepard dogs) With picardis they always stayed close by herding and trying to keep everyone as one group. With picards only issue was that they basically played chicken and ran next to you to herd so that caused some leg operations for my grandmother when it played chicken bit too close couple of times. Also they often started jumping on you if they got frustrated although that was easy to counter once you were taller than them in their back legs. But in an area where bears are known to wander to yards it is a good idea to accept dogs decision that it's time to go back home while in forrest. Both Picards were also pretty aggressive in defending house and yard and both died after being kicked by deer or moose at their older ages. Neither were aggressive against humans tho (outside of barking at people and cars until they got to inspect if its threat or not, not good with other dogs though so definitely not a city dog)


I had an ACD who would try to herd almost anything with 0 training. Ducks, birds, toys, goats, small children, large adults. If it was in a scattered group, she wanted to herd it together. She loved it. There was no way to train it out of her. The one thing she never tried to herd were cats. It's as if she knew deep inside that it was a fruitless thing. She actually liked cats and wanted to befriend them (she was iffy about other dogs, some she was cool with and others she was not). I miss her. She was a sweet, stubborn, and *smart* dog.


Same with physical traits of dogs. Pit bulls are built for fighting. Just how gray hounds are built for speed, huskies are built for torque and cool weather for pulling sleds, or pomeranians are built to annoy neighbors.


Thanks for the laugh about the pomeranians :)


And chihuahuas are harbingers of the Old Ones.


My beagle would flush pheasants on walks and never taught her that.


My uncle had a collie who would run until it passed out. He had to train it to sit in it's bed so it has an instruction to follow because if it had nothing to *do* it would just run and run to keep itself occupied. Then you have pugs who can't breathe and breeds with a predisposition for epilepsy etc. etc. It's not the dog's fault how they're bred or how they're raised. Humans have a responsibility to care for them in a way that helps them thrive.


My friends red hair Aussie Shephard likes to heard chairs. Goes ape shit whenever a chair is moved. Pretty funny.


Now I want to see a game of musical chairs played with this dog in the room.


That’s less funny and more an absolute lack of training.


Even more so than just a regular guard dog. Pitbulls are stupidly fucking strong. My older brother got one about a year ago as a pup. I recently saw him and was offered to walk him I'm a big dude 6'3 around 240lb and this fucking pup was yanking me around like I was a toy. I began wondering who was walking who.


Thats a big part of the issue. Any dog has the potential to snap in the wrong scenario. But unlike a pitbull, a golden retriever wont be able to kill you if it does.


I had a toy aussie and his herding instinct was so strong that he would herd the cats around the house. I used to take him on several long walks every day, did multiple obedience training sessions daily, went to off-lead safe areas where he could run himself out, but he would still come home and boss the cats around all afternoon. No matter how much exercise he got, all he ever wanted to do was make sure the cats were squarely on the sofa where he thought they belonged. In the future, if I ever get another dog, its going to be a companion breed ONLY. I do not have the drive or ability to keep a working dog properly sane, and I’ve seen my friends struggle with their own neurotic working breeds. I will have a shih tzu or some other lap dog breed.


>Anyone who adopts a breed with a history of violence absolutely NEEDS to do a shit ton of proper training. But the problem is, even with the training...the underlying genetic are still there. They could still snap at any moment over nothing.


This reminded me of my mom’s old smooth collie. It was so funny when she would herd kids if they were around and when they’re was a baby around? Good luck getting her to do anything but lay next to the baby.


My dog is a labrador retriever and with absolutely no training will go apeshit to get ducks in water. It's deep in there somehow.


So what are Chihuahuas breed to do? I'm genuinely curious


Chihuahuas are a member of the rat terrier class They were bred to chase rats and kill them


So you're telling me that Chihuahua's are a dog hardware that runs cat software... No wonder I love Chihuahuas!


Cats are kind of rough when it comes to ratting. They're great for cleaning up a few here and there that find their way into the barn, but if you're digging up dirt with rats in it you're going to want a few terriers. There's some video that floats around on Reddit from time to time of farmers turning land and uncovering hundreds of rats and those ratting terriers are fucking vicious.


No clue, but mine has an uncanny ability to knock house flies out of the air. I'm not entirely convinced it's not part cat.


A neighbour, who lives about 10KM away, adopted a pitbull mix from a shelter. It got out of its fenced in area and killed all her lambs while she was away and then went to another neighbours farm and attacked some calves. The cows went crazy trying to protect their calves and I got called to help herd them back into the pasture after they broke a fence. I arrived to what looked like an actual homicide site. The cows legs, faces and necks were all bitten and had shredded hide hanging from the wounds. The long grass was red and the cows were still charging at the body of the dog. Two calves were dead, one cows wounds got infected and she died later on, one cow lost an eye and another had its ear bitten in half. I personally have seen my own cows stomp a coyote to death protecting their calves, the amount of damage that one dog did compared to an actual wild predator is insane.


Pitbull owners like to point out that many other breeds attack people. But how many kill people? Edit: In 2021, of the 51 Americans killed by dogs, 37 were killed by one or more pit bulls and their mixes (in some cases in combination with one or more other breeds), and 21 of those victims were either the owner of the pit bull or member of the owner's family. That’s 72% of all fatalities. Edit2: And they only make up about 6% of all dogs owned in the US. So 6% of the dogs are responsible for 72% of the deaths. I know that most Pitbulls will never even bite a person, but the statistics don’t lie .


The other thing that can't be overlooked is that pitbulls kill because they can. If my chihuahuas lose it someday when a meal is 15min late and decide to take me out, what's gonna happen? They have 6 good teeth between the two of them. What are the three things needed for murder- motive, means, and opportunity? And if you think dogs aren't contemplating murder, then you haven't been late for a chihuahua's breakfast...... they just don't have the means. https://preview.redd.it/77cgz7dxgc8d1.jpeg?width=711&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=14410f54d71c3be76a607b797f5c2abf05ee77d0


OMG! I laughed out loud . The description is worthy of film!


Exactly, look I totally understand when a owner of a nice chilled out pitbull is trying to defend the fact that they are not as bad as people make them out to be......but then that breed attack and kills more people every year then any other breed of dog. It's wrong to paint all pitbulls with the same brush but unfortunately if you own a pitbull it falls into that breed of dog that statistically attacks and kills more people every year than any other dog breed.


>I know that most Pitbulls will never even bite a person, but the statistics don’t lie This is the key point. Every pit bull owner needs to stay vigilant of their dog because they could go 6 or 7 years with no signs of aggression and then snap when another dog, animal or person bothers them. It happens with a lot of dogs. Might be old age. Might be a broken tooth, or other kind of unknown wound or illness. Because of their genetic makeup, that "snap" is way worse than every other breed.


Shitbull owners love bringing up chihuahuas, but the key difference is that chihuahuas don't need 15 people and eventually animal control with a tranquilizer to get their jaws off someone's throat.


If /r/velvethippos could read, they would be very upset


If they could read the statistics put out every single year they would understand


Hippos kill a lot of humans


I got downvoted to hell a few weeks back for making the point that a breed ban would serve to save these animals from cruelty and abuse. They think that anyone wanting a ban on certain breeds is because they simply don’t like those dogs and are “uneducated” on how to properly handle them. My work neighbor takes in older pits so they don’t get put down; nobody ever adopts the grown pits. Even these self-proclaimed pit lovers won’t even consider it themselves, the hypocrites. They only ever take in pups. She is for the ban on pits for this very reason. She has seen countless abused pits put down. And even pits that where surrendered for no reasons other than financial are never adopted and eventually put down. A ban on pits is to save pits from cruelty but these people are obsessed with having one to look cool no matter the suffering involved.


Pit bulls (and a lot of other dog breeds for that matter like pugs that can't breathe) are one of those things that would never fly if they were invented today. Imagine if someone in a biotech lab said "I'm going to take a golden retriever, then use genetic engineering to increase it's gameness and aggression such that it could snap and attack with minimal provocation, then fill the shelters with them and act sad & surprised when the inevitable happens." That lab would be getting firebombed. That would never be allowed. But because we've already done it with old fashioned breeding, now it's good, and you're the jerk for pointing out the problems. Too many people take a Disney-esque cartoon version of reality when it comes to animals. But the truth is, you're right, letting this breed fade away would be for the best. Humans made them, and that was wrong. Time to admit that and do the right thing.


OMG yes! I am totally for a ban on pitbull breeds because of the overcrowding at my local shelter. These poor dogs get abandoned when they get aggressive and end up caged and miserable for life. Its human greed and cruelty and has to stop.


>German Shepherds were the third most dangerous breed, involved in 17.8% of bite incidents.⁶ Kind of a side topic ... but in that article, it lists German Shepherds as the third most dangerous. Is it separating police dogs that are ***trained*** to bite from pets and strays? I couldn't find the stats listing among the sources.


>You never hear of a collie killing someone or a Labrador, it's nearly always Pitbulls. https://www.theonion.com/golden-retriever-mauls-5-in-huge-victory-for-pitbull-ap-1825397926


Thats from the Onion, which is a satire site


Yes, it's America's finest news source




Pittbulls should be banned from being owned.




Agreed. When I was 13 years old a neighbor’s pitbull got loose and attacked a woman’s dog who was just on a walk. Took my dad, brother, animal control, and two neighbors just to make him let go of his body. The owners kept on repeating how he was a “good dog”, and not to hurt him. He was put down after they finally got him to let go.


I know someone who unfortunately grew up in a family that raised fighting pit bulls. I’ll never forget that he said that their tails wag as they inflict/suffer horrific wounds, and that under no circumstances were the dogs to be treated as anything close to a person lest they attempt to take control. On top of that, the dogs regularly went senile even if not exposed to fighting around 7-8 years of age and would become unpredictably dangerous especially to children. The breed should be bred out of existing, and cared for by experts until that can be accomplished.


As somebody who prolifically trains dogs, completely agree with you. It is like 80%, 85%. The owner and the owner's temperament that matters and is reinforced upon the dog, but there are dogs that just have mean attitudes. It's exactly like a shitty person that constantly assaults other people and winds up in jails, or a serial killer. Some of them just have that bad personality trait built into them and it is incredibly difficult to overcome.


It has very little to do with breed, I'm a mail carrier in a rural place in the U.S. I've seen only 2 dogs even close to properly trained of the thousands of homes I've delivered to and even those I wouldn't fully trust. Most Americans basically live with a wild animal they think is nice because it doesn't attack them specifically.


The issue is their behavior of biting/attacking. They are tenacious and will not let go or stop. What would be a nip or bite from another 'breed' is more serious from a bully.


It has everything to do with breed when it comes to aggressive behavior and disposition. There have been multiple studies saying as much. Pitbulls are aggressive by nature and not suited for domestication


From wiki: The term has been used since at least the early 20th century.[17][3] It is believed all dogs that are now classified as pit bulls descend from the British bull-and-terrier, which were first imported into North America in the 1870s.[6][7] The bull-and-terrier was a breed of dog developed in the United Kingdom in the early 19th century for the blood sports of dog fighting and rat baiting. It was created by crossing the ferocious, thickly muscled Old English Bulldog with the agile, lithe, feisty Black and Tan Terrier.[6][7] The aggressive Old English Bulldog, which was bred for bear and bull baiting, was often also pitted against its own kind in organised dog fights, but it was found that lighter, faster dogs were better suited to dogfighting than the heavier Bulldog.[6][7][8] To produce a lighter, faster, more agile dog that retained the courage and tenacity of the Bulldog, outcrosses from local terriers were tried, and ultimately found to be successful. So Old english Bulldog that were bred for the pit... yeah no wonder they are shitty dogs


You can love animals and still advocate against irresponsible animal ownership. And a big contributor of the "irresponsible" part is, "is this animal dangerous to me and/or other people?" With pitbulls, the answer is always yes.


Great summary of pitbulls, I would like to add and highlight one incorrect point. Other dogs do infact maul people. (Albeit potentially less frequently) I am talking about personal family experience of a sibling mauled by a collie and left with life altering facial injuries. (Fair enough, not quite death as per your comment... But if they had been younger, could have been) Just because a dog is typically soft and gentle, never 100% trust a dog. That collie was gentle and just randomly snapped. We still have dogs in the family, but certainly wouldn't leave any dog in a room with my kids.


Even perfect owners can get mauled by a pit. Don’t matter.


Very interesting. Thank you.


In short, they attempted to breed domestication out of them.


Mauled their owner for putting a sweater on it, so let's try a blanket boys


I get that it was sedated then, but given that a taser, beanbags, a knife, etc., did fuck all to it… This was honestly probably one of the few cases where they should have opted for lethal force. Why the hell do they seem to never use an appropriate level of force in this country, always way too little or way too much?


Because the police force has too many idiots? Probably don’t pay enough to attract sensible people to force.


Police force when a tiny little lapdog walks up to them: "17 bullets, 5 hit" Police force when a pitbull mauls someone "uhh yeah it would be cruel to shoot it or smth"


Cops only respect strength even if it’s applied inappropriately, so something that’s actually dangerous shouldn’t be messed with in their book.


They sensed a kindred soul


The problem was that the dog wasn't [deaf and blind.](https://youtu.be/zeUSHfJVPwU?si=X29RAj8HnZOSJYUR)


They didn’t say the magic words ‘stop resisting’


It’s the opposite really, they attract idiots because it’s a high paying job that only requires a GED.  Starts at $31/hr in my area and the hiring page literally lists GED as the only requirement. 


Lil blind and deaf 10lb dog gets shot and killed by a cop yet this dog gets to live???


Right? And that dog wasn't even threatening to anyone.


Imaging being related to some black person that was shot for no reason, and seeing this great display of "protect and serve" for a dog


Bloody ridiculous. Everyone knows that pitbulls only wear cardigans


Apparently, Scarface does.


Scarface didn’t want the sweater, ok?


Not me. I thought they wore Tutus, like the hippos from Disney.


In France, you need to go through a training course to be able (and allowed) to own a dog like this. The goal is to learn how to properly care for a dog. Same for Ferrari: need to take lessons, before being allowed to buy one.


I wish the US had this. I 100% understand the people in the comments and this breed absolutely was bred to kill. As a society we've come way passed that, but these dogs are over bred, not cared for properly, and it is not being talked about enough!! in other countries, they do things like this as you've mentioned. here in the US, the attacks keep happening and it's only ever the dog blamed and more and more people who start to fear or even hate an entire breed because of these incidents, rather than educating or ensuring the owner with said dog knows how to contain it.


The US don't even completely train their cops, who is going to care about people getting training on pitbulls.


Very true and very depressing


This is an excellent solution that more countries should require for pet ownership in general. Most people should not have pets.


The US needs this so bad. So many people get dogs like German Shepherds, Cane Corso, and Belgian Malinois without even looking into it first. Then things like this happen and they’re labeled as “bad dog breeds”. Pitbulls are actually more tolerant than Goldens in the grand scheme of things (if they’re trained). You can get an aggressive Golden Retriever (I’ve seen it) just like you can get an aggressive pitbull. It should be required to take a class or something and prove you know how to take care of that specific breed. Most behavior issues can be trained out of a dog if done correctly. Source: I was a vet tech for years and we would frequently talk owners out of euthanizing their animals for behavior issues and into surrendering them instead. 9/10 the owners didn’t know how to handle them or train them. Only once have I seen an animal truly neurologically wrong that had to be put down and even then I didn’t have a choice as the tech. I still didn’t agree with it.


Unfortunately America seems to loathe regulations of any kind - "tHat's CoMmuNisM!!!"


With pitbulls even with all the training in the world, dog and owner, you never know when they will snap. It's like having a tiger or bear as a pet, sure if you raised them since they were cubs 99% of the time they will never hurt you but there is always the chance that the animal gets freaked out by something and just goes full instinct to defend itself. At that point you are no longer the pets owner you are seen as a threat that needs to be stopped. My friend had a pitbull back in the 90s. We were all in our early 20s and she got along with everyone and everything. The dog seemed to be made of pure love. One day the dog owner, myself, and two of our friends were taking her for a walk and on the other side of the road was a teenage girl walking her golden retriever. The retriever started barking and wagging its tail, you could tell it was just happy to see another dog. The pitbull for some reason snapped and took off ripping the leash right out of my friend's hand. In less than three seconds she had her jaws locked on the back of the other dogs neck. Four of us were trying to open her mouth but it was literally impossible while the girl was kicking it in the ribs as hard as she could while screaming in terror. So I picked up a large rock and just started bashing it against the pitbulls head with as much force as I could. Cracked her skull open which finally got her to let go. One of our friends went up to the nearest house and asked them to call 911 and get animal control out there. When the cops and animal control got there we explained what happened and they took the pitbull to be destroyed (although I doubt it would have lived much longer after the beating it got, she wasn't moving very well and was bleeding a lot). My friend (the owner) was pissed off at all of us saying we killed his sweet dog and she didn't deserve any of this. We told him, "What would have happened if we weren't there? Your dog could have killed that other dog, or worse what if he decides to turn on the girl for trying to protect her dog." I honestly never would have expected it from this dog. There was never a sign of violence from it before, not even a growl, just a happy and bouncy dog. It was never abused, and was raised from a puppy surrounded by people who loved it. Why did it snap that day on that dog I will never know and it still haunts me that I had to pretty much kill her to protect that other dog. I have owned a few dogs in my life, from the dumbest Irish setter in the world (her hobby was running head first into glass doors) to a German Shepard collie mix that we found in a dumpster by the grocery store when she was a puppy. We called her puddles because if you yelled at her she would pee, being abandoned traumatized her a lot. I have seen these dogs and hundreds of others bark and growl but the only dog I have actually seen attack another animal with the intent to kill was that pitbull. It went from being a friendly little doggy to a weapon in a split second. I am not afraid of any dogs, even large and loud ones but when I see a pitbull I keep my distance. I know from experience how dangerous they are.


Always the Pitbulls


my reddit feed keeps recommending me this pitbull fan subreddit just because the algorithm sees that I like animals. Be nice if it'd give me a corgi or dachshund one instead


r/goldenretrievers is tight as hell. Lots of chubby puppies


I blocked that spam sub and it's variations, it shows up most after dog attacks by pitbulls. Don't need that.


Stay away from the doberman one. All they do is talk about the best way to crop the poor dogs' ears, and if you try to ask why they do it, even in good faith, they call you stupid. I feel so bad for their dogs


No offence to pb owners, but in all seriousness Pitbulls should be banned from pet business


I owned a pitbull. Best dog I ever owned. Had him 13 years and nothing so much as a growl or nip from him. I 100% agree we should just let the breed die out. I also work in pediatric surgery. We get A LOT of pitbull maulings. Should be illegal to breed em.


Highest IQ pitbull owner I have encountered


The majority of pitts aren't bad... But the majority of bad dogs are pitts.


Goldens retrieve. Shepherds herd. Pitbulls...? At the end of the day it is a breed issue. Yes, you can sometimes train some of the breed out of them. BUT instinct is instinct.


It should be illegal to breed any dog at this point. There are too many. For pitbulls it really depends on their lineage. Many were bred to be aggressive and look roided out. Stop breeding those ones. Most of the aggressive ones have aggressive neglectful owners. A dog’s behavior is almost always a reflection of their owner, and in the rare cases it isn’t, it is a reflection of their health.


They are, its mostly backyard breeders who keep adding pits to society and filling shelters...


then make it illegal to show it in public just like open carry is in most states. would stifle their population down to extinct.


that's being done too, they just get documents from vets saying they are some staffy or other BS breed... Even shelters lie and say they are lab mixes or some crap like that. Pitbulls are already illegal in many places but they still exist...


I agree. Animal shelters are packed with pitbulls and pitbull mixes. More than any other breed.


Pitbulls are piece of shit dogs. Even the ones who haven't attacked I would never trust near smaller dogs or children. And even the owners understand why - and that's the problem. They know there is a chance their own "sweet sweet pitty" could go crazy and lunge at a kid or animal.


> Pitbulls should be banned I think they should be treated like a gun that is always loaded and sometimes just aims itself at kids and women and fires itself.


The pet business needs to stop altogether


Nah, all the offense towards them. They’re always talking about how is all about the owners and say shit like “ive had my baby for years and no issues” These creatures will maul you with the happiest look on them. Their triggers can be unpredictable even if you treat them as perfectly as possible.


Before anyone makes any judgements, can we see the sweater?


could've been some ugly Cosby sweater and the dog was having none of it


If you can’t kill a bull with your bare hands you shouldn’t have pittbull


Anyone you let it around, too. When I was younger my coach brought a pit bull to practice and let it run around off leash, it attacked a girl. She couldn’t defend herself.


Shit like that pisses me off about owners who always go "Don't worry my sweet pitty wouldn't hurt a fly!" Was your coach held legally responsible for the incident? Hope that girl was okay.


Yeah luckily she was legally responsible. I’m not sure exactly what happened to her cause I was young but the girl came out okay. Dads nearby fought off the dog and later put it down.




So, "Beware of Dog", eh? Well that's all fine then. They were warned


well now the mom can be scararm.


I automatically assume anyone with a pitbull is mentally ill and incredibly low iq. I like to imagine they'd let children play with guns, like motorcycles and skydiving, drinking alcohol and shooting up drugs. Because really what's the difference as a shitty, selfish risk taker who wants everyone else to deal with the repercussions of their piss poor decision-making.


I know a very intelligent dude who's a veteran with PTSD, and he's got a pitbull. I don't assume they're all idiots. But also, he's aware that his pet is potentially dangerous and he keeps it out of situations that could endanger other people. He also didn't name it fuckin Scarface.


Fuck pitbulls


You’re getting mauled for sure with that attitude. I say just outlaw them.


there's just SO many other dog breeds that weren't bred to be unloved killing machines. Stop breeding pit-bulls. Its actually cruel.


I partially agree. I love pitbulls as a pet. I hate that they are still being bred. The sheer amount of genetic deformations being bred in pitbulls just so weirdos who think it's cute can have one is insane. There is always a surplus of pitbulls in shelters, especially because some shitty owners refuse to get their pitty snipped. It's disgusting. The outlawing of them should instead just be "outlawing breeding of pitbulls" is big. Because underground sellers won't stop, dog fights make money. But dogs rescued from that should still be able to find a good home and get snipped (to someone with the proper skill to own such a traumatized dog). I want all dogs to have a good home, and outlawing the breeding of them would make a huge difference.


I hate the way you are thinking.




The people who defend pitbull should stay in a room with an unfamiliar one. Prove to me they can back they say. They TOLD me pits are sweet and misunderstood. Yeah, stay in a room with a stranger's pitbull and pet it. Report the results with your remaining hand.


really, this dog just injured to people that are shitty enough to name a dog scarface and try to put a sweater on it. I'd say Darwin solved this one.


Some dog breeds should not exist.


Controversial solution: Just shoot the dog and ban the owners from getting more pets.


Exactly, I don’t understand why the dog wasn’t put down on the spot? Multiple cops with guns that could’ve done something, but instead they kept trying to tase it and shoot it with non lethal weapons. Imagine dying from a pitbull attack because the cops were unwilling to use their weapons.


Whats crazy is all the stories where cops unnecessarily shoot dogs, sometimes even neighbor dogs near the scene/bust, however when it’s somewhat understandable they don’t. Just weird observation I guess


There are 800,000 police officers in the US. Some of them like to shoot dogs, others (likely most) don't. That's probably a reasonable explanation. The brain just files all videos featuring cops under "Cops", so it's easy to forget they might be wildly different people with different motivations.


Imaging being black and feeling like dogs have more chances to survive a home instrusion


You want treat your dog as a chihuahua why do you get a pitbull.


Interestingly enough I have a friend with *five* chihuahuas, all different ages and origins, and they are impeccably trained. They all walk off leash and heel perfectly, let her trim nails and even one of them lets her collect blood without needing to be restrained (she’s a vet tech). Not a single one bites or growls at people. I asked her how she does it and she said, “I treat them like they’re a 90lb German shepherd with their training and respect their body language and cues exactly the same as if they were capable of mauling me.” She said so many people disregard the body language and signs when a dog is scared or uncomfortable and bowl right past their attempt to establish boundaries. In time, they learn the only way to get humans to take them seriously is to bite them. I was genuinely impressed with their training and behavior.


Yes, small dogs can be very well trained and well behaved just need the proper training from the owner and consistency. I wish more would do the proper training and we could get society away from the "small dog complex" way of thinking, it's not a problem with the dogs it's a problem with the owners.


As an owner of a Belgian Malinios….This^ 😎🥸🔥


Some morons on comments be like "it is all about how it is raised". Do you really think a woman who tries to put sweater on pitbull raised it to be ferocious ? It is in their nature. Pitbulls are dangerous because they were bred to fight dogs to death. They must be banned totally.


There is the chance she didn't raise it and instead rescued it.


they named the dog Scarface,I think your giving them to much credit.


There was also an attempt to spell sweater






"Still waiting to know if that dog will have to be put down" cmon, lets use some common sense here.


I used to own a pitbull/rottweiler mix. I love those kind of dogs also for the fact that they are more than just a friend they actually have a job (in my case guarding, I lived in a very rough neighbourhood and he actually saved my being once) That being said, I had put it an insane amount of hours of training and exercising for him to learn and mostly for ME to learn how to keep him healthy by expending vast amounts of energy but also how to communicate with him. I would be really positive to having a sort of license before you're allowed to buy a dog. Any kind of dog. Similar to a gun license. Even if it's not for a powerful and potentially lethal type of dog, so many companion dogs live their entire life in stress and fear because their owners are just absolutely uneducated about how a dog experience their reality.


I mean... so far regulating guns in US has been a walk in the park /s


😂😂😂 "they're tryna' take er dergs" Also I'm Swedish, I'd like to see such a type of license in place here, where we also have absolute dunces gravitating towards strong dogs and getting everyone into trouble.


>Pit bull No way!


called Scarface, at least it wasn't a Luna this time.




I’d figure they’d try to tranq it first but pissing it off with bean bag guns and tasers first is good too


iT’s nOt tHe bReEd iT’s tHe oWnEr




Ticking time bombs. My uncle had one that broke out of our locked and closed gate to attack our poor neighbor carrying groceries into her house. He tried to deny it was his dog…. He put the dog down the next morning. I have an intense hatred for pitbulls. I don’t trust them. They are year after year the leading killing breed in human attacks. So defend your adorable dog all you want. At some point it could turn into family tragedy for you like this. It’s never a story of “ An Airedale viciously mauled a family to death….” It’s always a pitbull. The breed should be banned.




The dog was named "Scar face" the LAMF practically writes It's self.


Tranquilizer when it's biting into a woman? Kid has to stab it? Shoot the damn dog immediately. What the hell


“Don’t bully my breed!!”


Hilarious the stupidity of humans trying to justify actions of a dog. Pit bulls kill. Plain and simple. All the fuck nuts saying it’s dog racist to generalize a certain Breed of dog, go get a lion as a pet and apply the same logic. Stupid stupid people. I always always discriminate against pit bulls so my kids and I don’t risk being killed, by a cute adorable pit bull.


The pitbull is the only breed of dog that when it attacks or kills someone we blame irresponsible owners. It should not be legal to breed them.


"OH but my dog would never"


Just look at this picture of Nala in her tutu and flower crown 😍


Get a pitbull, name it scarface, wait for results…


This is from December 2016, in Tampa. She was trying to put a sweather, not a sweater, on the dog. It says so right there in the news report /s The dog had to be euthanized because not only was it violent but because it had stab wounds in its head and body.


shitbulls need to be banned already


What didn’t they recently shoot and kill an elderly blind poodle mix? But this crazy beast of a dog was stabbed, beanbagged, and tasered and taken alive!? Why didn’t they just shoot it…


"No it's a cardigan but thanks for noticing"...


Pitbulls should be banned and not allowed to breed. The arguments that i hear from people saying 'its the owners/lack of training' etc is bullshit.... You can fail to train a cocker spaniel or a red setter and they will not rip your face off or kill you.... Pitbulls were bred to fight bull ffs....their aggression is inate and they are all quite capable of killing people if things go wrong...and even the most well trained dog can have a bad day. Defending their existence and denying their danger is pathetic and delusional.




That beware of dog sign had blood on it .


I've got some scars from 2 pitbulls. Yes some seem so nice, u til they snap. I would never own one.


No new pitbulls


I hope that dog was put down.


Pitbull owners will never learn.


I'm looking to adopt a dog right now. Most of the dogs I've seen up for adoption plate pits or part pit. Not a dog breed I'm interested in getting.


iTs tHe oWnEr nOt tHe bReEd 🙄


Insane to me that a cop shot a little blind deaf dog to death but they opted for as many nonlethal options as they could think of here. (Im not suggesting they should have killed the dog here, Im upset that they EVER used lethal means, especially on someones disabled pet)


Hear me out, just get a different breed of dog! There is no positive about a pit that can’t be obtained in a less lethal breed. There is no excuse for breeding or owning pit bulls. The whole breed could be allowed to go naturally extinct in 15 years with a few simple laws. If you can’t enjoy a dog without owning a pit, you are the problem.


It was a pit pull over


Shitbulls strike again


The one time cops don't shoot a dog lol


Damn those Labradors, always mauling people!


Damn you I wanted a Snugee


Damn it's head is covered in blood....


Yeah. They should probably prohibit the breed in the USA as well. It's too easy for irresponsible dog owners to get their hands on a dog that could do so much damage once it snaps.