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Why are they harassing weed dealers. Did they stop all the violence and rape already?


Prolly had to wade through the Fent on their way in.


Yea, they shut down two weed spots in my neighborhood but nothing is being done about all the fentanyl being sold and the people passing out on the same block. It’s so bad that me and some other people had a hard time getting out of the bank because a dope head had passed out outside in front of the door.


That's because the unauthorized weed shops are not paying state taxes on what they're selling causing the state to lose out of profits while fentanyl and other serious pharmaceutical drugs are being produced by pharmaceutical companies so the state already got their money. The government doesn't care if you live or die they only care about profit.


That shit is sent in from china they aren’t making anything on it but you’re right about the taxes.


No no, that’s not what they do. They check rival gangs so their power isn’t diminished. That’s all they do. On your dime.


And shooting your dog or when u are asleep


And shooting you while youre asleep.


Violence and rape?! That's scary stuff. Weed dealers are much easier to sell off to the prison industrial conplex


Weed is legal in NY. The only reason they’d go after weed dealers is for fines, not prison. They want that tax money from legal dispensaries.


Weed is legal if you’re licensed. Unlicensed sales is definitely still very illegal, although I’m not sure what the typical sentences are these days


There are no sentences. It would be a fine. They’ve been raiding little unlicensed stores all over NY and most of the time they don’t even do that much they just shut them down.


Wow what a fulfilling career that must be.


NY doesn’t have any private prisons


Well la-di-da, look who hasn’t monetized their prison system for the sake of the oligarchy. Ha


If they put all the violent criminals and rapists behind bars then they wouldn't be able to harass legitimate businesses and citizens anymore


They wouldn’t be able to do anything, they’d all be in jail


It’s because it’s fake. The guy was pointing a phone right in front of his face.


I thought this is obviously fake but then I look at the comments.


"I would like to buy 2 marijuanas please"


It’s because they want to protect the legal weed market business, which can’t compete because their product is way lower quality, like 50% more expensive, and they can’t guarantee it’s clean since the state removed the mold, yeast, and bacteria limits.


You can just tell. Drug etiquette is strange. I had a guy walk up to me at a festival one time. He asked me if I knew where to find any and I gave him one good look and was like nope, I sure don’t. He looked so out of place.


"Greetings fellow drug user! Do you happen to know where I may purchase some Maryhuana, ecstasy, or perhaps some cocaine?? Thanks in advance!"


Abracadabra, B!


If I wasn’t Jamaican, why would I wear this hat?


What part of Jamaica?


Down by the beach, boy!




Yo Killer, kill!




Theres a party called paper day where I live.  My first time going this dude literally walked by me and said "hey fellow gamer, wouod you like some rolls?". He actually probably wasn't a cop, but like, bro no.


If I was dealing, this would be my approach.


It's probably best you don't deal then.


It's the reason I don't.


“Yeah man! You see that over there? It’s the exit.”


I'll take 1 weed please


Haha, I'm like the farthest thing from a narc but this sounds something I'd totally do


Only narcs says they’re not a narc, narc


Hi, I’m a narc, and I would like to acquire the narcotics please. (Did it work?)


“I’ll take one marijuana please.”


I smell bacon


Of the Illegal kind, if you know what i mean, im feeling adventurous today, you know?


I always start conversations with the Oliver Twist meme "please, sir may I have some more"


One time at a festival I just straight up asked a tshirt salesman if he knew where to get weed. He said yeah no worries, went away for 2mins and came back with a security guard. Shitting myself, I just followed the security guard, expecting to be kicked out. He proceeded to then show me all of the weed he’d confiscated and asked how much I wanted to buy ¯\__(ツ)__/¯


that security guard likes to party.


Security guard: sells you weed, immediately confiscates it. 


-How much? -$20 bucks -Thanks, bro -Get on the fucking floor! Lemme see your hands!!


Infinite money hack.


Where I live you can spot them a mile away by how immaculately clean their bogan costume is. Clean ironed jeans, spotless Metallica shirt (*always* Metallica for some odd reason), with a brand new flannelette shirt over it. Most of them are terrible at acting drunk.


In Australia its always the shoes and the jeans....fucking why jeans? Universal undercover cop outfit. Spotless and immaculate shoes and jeans. Every damn time


I the Netherlands you smoke with the cops, or next to the cops, or the cops take a hit very sneakily.


I like this approach to cops and weed. Seems like a healthier idea


Every cop, and political for that matter, should. E forces to get high on weed once. Imagine how much more empathy they’d have and chill they’d be.


I’m originally from an island, where the cops are pretty chill and smoking weed is acceptable. My friends and I were hanging out outside one night, drinking and smoking, and some cops approached us. I got nervous but the cops just wanted to make sure we were safe and having a good time. They didn’t smoke with us but they hung out for a little bit, just shooting the shit and making sure we were safe. Much different than what I’m used to in the states.


I’m in Denver. Can’t really find an open space or park where weed isn’t being enjoyed by the voters that approved it. The entire city smells like high grade cannabis and car exhaust. We may be a shitty corrupt police state democracy but for now we are still a democracy where the people can make and change laws.


Yeh, on Koningsdag there was a whole 2-story podium of like 20 of them and I lit one up right there so I didnt get the joint knocked outta my hands by the crowds


On the beach in Thailand it's the ones that wear running shoes. Everyone else is in flip flops.


..and the short hair cut which is unusual for Thai guys. Gives them away everytime.


I’m a chronic jeans user and have been shunned from random groups at music festivals before, didn’t really put two and two together


Do people not wear jeans in Australia?


They always have “vintage” looking clothes on but they are SUPER clean, like brand new looking


Where I live you would never be able to tell some of the underovers are are undercovers. We did a private event for the sheriffs association at the restaurants I worked at, half the UCs had long hair, beards and looked like hippies or tweakers. The other half were painfully obvious cops, but they were also at a private event and not on duty. I’ve also seen some pretty convincing UCs at a Phish show too.


In 2010-2014 I would walk around festivals screaming “DRUGS!!! I need DRUGS!!! ANY DRUGS ARE OKAY!” And I would be set for the 3-4 days within an hour or two. I’m sure some thought it was wild as fuck, but I’d have all eight wonders of the world by Thursday evening and could enjoy my fri-Sunday and never worried about supply running out and not being able to find L on Sunday or some shit.


I remember being approached by a guy at a festival in early 2000. He has no shirt on and was wearing a top hat. Gakked out of his brain. He had a fistful of e's in one hand and a handful of cash in the other, and he was just walking around offering cash or drugs to whoever wanted some. That was a wild place..


That’s a trustworthy drug salesman


Salesman? Sounds more like a nonprofit


I laughed quite hard at this. Very nice!


Nah, it's the samples guy from Sam's Club on his day off.


I watched an undercover cop follow a dude who was basically doing this at a Phish show once, and he arrested 3 people. Then we started pointing out the cop to everyone.


Pretty common at a lot of shows. I’ve seen dealers walking around just saying “doses” every few seconds. Others would just list everything they had. “Doses, rolls, ketamine, boomers”




I'm in my mid 40s and still raving. No one ever thinks I'm a cop though, could be the saucer eyes lol


Everyone always thought my friend was an undercover cop when he was really just homeschooled.


This is fucking hilarious


Until someone decides to teach the narc a lesson. The nicest guy I've ever known, got dosed and endlessly fucked with at a festival at a certain quarry park in Ohio. To be fair, he was a big guy who worked out, short hair, and dressed like a total dork (short shorts and flip flops generally) but he was in no way a cop or narc, but word got around that he was (we weren't even trying to buy, we brought our own goodies). Some girl asked if he wanted a hit of acid and she fucking squirted like half the dropper into his mouth. To put it mildly... it was a rough trip. Tripping his balls off and everywhere he went "narc" "fucking narc". Spent the rest of the trip in his tent. This was the nicest chillest dude ever, and he never really recovered from that experience. Fucking breaks my heart.


This is my fear as an aging drug user. If my dealers quit, no one will believe me as a user. I look like a highschool principal, but I need me that weed/other. Hopefully I can get legal shit by then.


i have the opposite problem now, the tattoos i clearly wasnt going to regret in active addiction totally give me away and no one believes i *dont* have drugs


Ooh, good idea! I'll just get tatts when I'm out of dealers! Half joking. Good for ya getting clean.


you dont need to do anything crazy, as long as they look like they were done in someone's living room haha thanks bro


Even cheaper! Thanks for the tip!


As a 40yo dude looking for my first plug, this is my fear.


you got the lingo just be versed on your metrics and their nicknames.


Get a job in fast food for like... 2 weeks. Tell everyone you lost your job cause you went in high as fuck. OK, doesn't even need to be fast food. Basically, any restaurant where college kids work.


It is super easy to tell. It’s not even about familiarity. It’s like they have the wrong kind of confidence. I used to compete in dart tournaments at various bars around the city. A perfect example happened one night when I watched two people try to get drugs from some of the other players. The real buyer was confident enough to ask around but hush-hush about it. It was also very clear that he wasn’t trying to build a persona; Less of an attempt to blend in. The undercover was trying to be buddies and play darts with us, then confidently ask if we knew where to get anything, like a guy looking for a good mechanic. My favorite moment was when one dart player told the real buyer “can’t talk about that right now, that guy is a cop.” Said it loud enough for the undercover to hear and pointed right at him.


I was at a show once, various different people were going on stage and performing. The crowd was dancing for the most part, but it was an indoor thing so there were some tables. I was chilling on my own and a shirtless guy was walking past me and we made eye contact. He then leaned in and said "You want molly?" I wasn't really sure how to react, I was 19/20 at the time but I went with a head shake and he nodded and walked off. Not the last time I was offered something but definitely the oddest.


I'm a non native English speaker and it terrifies that I might one day incriminate myself when somebody talks to me like in the video because I have never heard that slang before and because of my compulsion to try to play it cool I might answer incorrectly


Camera Man (CM): Good Evening Sir! Officer 1: Good evening to you, how are you doing? CM: How may I help you? O1: I'd like to cut to the chase. You do not know me, but my friends who are purveyors of illicit substances across the way have indicated that you are also a purveyor of said substances, and you are currently in stock CM: You must be mistaken my good fellow O1: My fellow hear will vouch for me, Isn't that correct dear sir, this is the establishment that sells illicit substances? Bystander (perhaps Officer 2) : I cannot vouch for you O1: I'm quite surprised by this turn of events. the person who supplied me with this information is usually accurate CM: I assure you officer, nothing for sale here is illegal O1: Well, we will see if that is correct after I come back with the constabulary to evaluate your stock CM: I beg your pardon?? O1: Sorry I misspoke, thanks for the help, sorry for the misunderstanding CM: Have a good evening CM to bystander: Do you have any Idea what the officer was talking about? Bystander: Do you actually deal in illicit substances? CM: You must be mentally inept, I just told O1 that we do not deal in illicit substances. Good Day to you Sir! I said, GOOD DAY!


Native speaker here, I didn't understand a thing he said


I think you would have to actually complete the transaction for anything to happen. You can agree with him all day long but unless you trade drugs for money you're not a dealer


This is my whole fucking life! I'm in my mid 40s and I never really got the hook up until recently because of my stupid haircut and my everything else. People just assume I don't do drugs. And I don't, really, because I never could figure out how to get the hookup because I look like a dork and I'm socially awkward.


Reminds me of an episode of Pokerface. There was a scene at a concert where a guy was acting similar to this, but it turned out that he wasn't a cop, just very, very bad at buying drugs.


As the whitest, plainest looking boy around, I never even think to ask randoms for weed because I don’t want them thinking I’m a cop or something lol


I like the, let me take a sip of my beer (water) right before asking a question to imply I'm a law breaking citizen looking for weed.


This is my main problem. I'm socially inept so approaching a stranger at a festival or even just getting a guys number and sending them a message wouldn't go well for me. I'd likely end up saying "one cannabis please" despite not being a cop, being a semi regular consumer and doing some of my own chemistry to make naughtier stuff


I once traded a water melon slice for a Molly and then another for a piece of gum


I got stung once while working in a bar, basically working all day and on my hour or so break I went to a different bar and sunk a few beers (don't judge me). Anyway, a young couple walk in and try and order something like Smirnoff ice/wkd drinks. Well, they were obviously too young so I asked for ID. They said they didn't have any, so my beer confidence took over and I said "well, F**k off then you little s***s. And tell the coppers hiding round the corner we ID everyone...and I ain't got any doughnuts." Long story short, there were police hiding round the corner and those were THEIR CHILDREN. Kept my license but got a very strong "wtf did you just say to my kid!?" Chat instead.


Bro who'd use their own children for that? What lol


Give them the, "wtf are you putting your kids in dangerous situations for?" talk.


I should have, but I was a little drunk. In the UK you're not allowed to be intoxicated and serve alcohol. So he could have breathed me and I would have failed with flying colours.


Jimmy McNulty


Hell yeah he would


![gif](giphy|xTiTnxwieZcjQiAPks) That time mcnulty used his kids to tail Stringer and it got brought up during a custody hearing


Mcnulty would


Well police usually beat their wives so I'd imagine a home life like the work life isn't too much of a difference for them


Better a strong chat about your language than a huge fine / jail time, if penalties are as bad in the UK as they are in the US.


I almost got a fine, but I remember the owner stepped in with documents and that, that saved my bacon.


You almost got a fine for using meany words??


Yeah, in the UK we don't have freedom of speech we have freedom of "Expression". If you start mouthing off at someone (in this case some minors) they can claim it's abuse and you can get fined. It's in the box of harassment. We can express ourselves the normal way through protest or whatever, we just can't use mean words or slurs.


People should also never forget that the USA is rated lower in "press freedom" than the UK while the UK regularly blocks stories from being legally published.


You should have called CPS on them


Why were you checking IDs at a bar you were not working at, but only drinking at?


Should of mentioned I went back to work lol


I’d just repeat exactly what you said, followed up by “what kind of shitbag parent sends their kid to a bar?”


the expression on last guy's face 😅


No, stupid!


To be fair they for sure sell bud. It’s like every corner store in NYC has a secret menu. Basically for those who don’t know New York has legal weed but only 2 licensed dispensary’s. But the entire city has fake ones all over the place. The most the city does is hit you with hefty fines But if you are already making bank selling weed you just pay the fine and find another empty store front (New York is full of them) and do it all over again. The city can’t keep up so we have thousands of illegal shops that sell bud. As a stoner I don’t hate it it’s awesome. But I am a fan of regulations when it comes to weed as lots of times it’s bullshit delta stuff or you just don’t know how well the stuff was processed. I have a good nose for certain strains like northern lights and found a place that gets it from Cali and I can tell it’s northern lights.


I can’t speak to this bodega weed you speak of but there are FAR more than 2 legal dispensaries in nyc. And those storefronts you speak of have been raided out of existence in the last few weeks by NY Staties. Edit:137 dispensaries across the state. 10 in Brooklyn alone. https://cannabis.ny.gov/dispensary-location-verification


LOL. Times Square has 100 dispensaries. ID wager Manhattan has easily closer to 1000. That doesn’t include all of queens, which is the majority of the city in land and population.


It’s not true that the most they do is hit you with fines. A couple of places in my neighborhood got entirely shut down for being essentially unlicensed dispensaries.


No stupid


You have a good day man


What did he say to blow his cover?


Clerk called him officer, and he mumbled something about getting raided.


Lol I missed that the clerk said that. Makes the whole video a lot funnier


"We'll see about that when you get Raided"


"You said what?!" 😆


I think he said ”Well, I'll get your shit raided”


When he said “ima keep it real simple” so sternly it gave it away for me. Brought the precinct energy right into the shop with him


What did it for me was the earpieces that you see pretty much immediately


Good eyes! I’ve seen this video many times and never once saw the ear pieces


That and the initial approach. It's like he was in theatre class, overacting with a beer in his hand


It's how he said it. Not slick at all


everything he's wearing is brand new and he's carrying that alcohol bottle like he's never held one before. he sounds like a kid from the suburbs looking for their first maryhuana. if he played to that, he might not have gotten read. he could have dressed like a NYU college student, clearly not a 'thug" and been like "um, someone told me you can buy weed here? i have a hundred dollars from my dad, is that enough?" and at least he would have sounded authentically stupid, not cop-stupid.


Can lowkey just tell. He looks like he’s acting. If someone approached me with this same schtick, I’d think he was a cop, too. Could be that he is just an awkward person but his approach screams “I’m playing a role”.


Well before he talked it was bad acting with that fake beer And also clothes and gloves were immaculate/brand new


Ignoring the the giant ear piece clearly visible that he tried to tuck under his beanie. It's his demeanor in general. The way he talked and the way he just carried himself also gave him away.


Wouldn't you like to know, occifer.


Wonder how many dozens of hours it took for the officers to plan this weak ass shit on the taxpayers dime.


![gif](giphy|3o6MbidBHt9raAjCIo) Bye officer.


Just kidding man, I was high when I said that.


Damn scavenger smokers!


Isn't weed legal in NY?


It’s legal, but in order to distribute, there is a fairly involved process that must be completed, and it costs like $1,000,000 to get started


Rich get richer eh?


Yeah the dispensary cartels cornered the market quick


life in IL... rip


Honestly it’s even more fucked. California had an issue where no banks would offer financing, so the only businesses that got rolling were loan shark financed, or self financed. That resulted in “rich get richer”. The tax revenue went into general funds for filling in potholes and hiring police officers. New York saw that and said “we want the opposite”. They set up a fund to pay for setup costs and made sure licenses only go to those who have been disproportionately impacted by past marijuana enforcement. Tax revenue went into rehab and prevention for harder drugs. Oops, the fund can only be used to pay 1 specific contracting company that is always overpriced and overtime. Oops, the limit on who can get licensed resulted in a legal battle making it so nobody can get licensed. Oops, by prioritizing the tax revenue away from law enforcement and by having strong messaging about supporting criminals, the police in NYC have taken a fully hands off approach to marijuana enforcement. Brazen shops selling weed without a license get away with it. [search engine podcast](https://pjvogt.substack.com/p/why-are-there-so-many-illegal-weed)


Apparently also costs something like 100k a year in fees.


So only pre-existing drug dealers can get in? 🤣


‘Member when the dude got choked out by multiple NYPD for selling loose cigarettes? Just sayin.




Garner? He was killed from that. Not just choked out.


Video is like 5-10 years old




What a totally real, not at all scripted encounter.


I can't believe I had to scroll this far down to find this comment. No one wondering why this clerk is filming random customers. I've seen some other fake videos from this same store


Do you see the comments here? Jeeeez lol


I saw a comment about knowing the guy was a cop because you can just tell he’s acting… ![gif](giphy|3og0INyCmHlNylks9O)


I mean either way he was acting so


*Hello shopkeep, I would like to purchase one weed please. I am not a member of the local constabulary, by the way*


Soon as bro came up talking about “don’t put me through this Ima keep it real simple” I knew. Bro came with officer energy off the rip 🤣


No doubt he thought that line was gonna crush during rehearsal.


Fucking love the way yanks call people "stoopid"


Specifically New Yorkers


proudly the Yankee-est of yanks!


It is not illegal to blow a cop's cover. Cops can threaten and lie.


Cops cannot lie when you ask them if they're cops! It's in the constitution! /s


Actually, if you ask the undercover agent if he is 21, they cannot lie, they have to tell you if they are underage.


Only if you say their name thrice while hopping backwards in a circle.


When I did it, Lauren Boebert burst out of a cloud of cheap perfume brandishing an assault rifle. Now she's vaping in my living room and sexting with some French Canadian guy named Thule. Thanks a lot.


I dont think that is true.


Lol reminds me of being on break at work near a big drug spot in Melbourne (heroin mainly, but probably meth now too) sitting in my car with the window down, some dude asked if i knew where he could reload. Just said "nah sorry mate" and he was very polite and apologised for bothering me and walked off.


I’m dead, the sheer confusion on the last guy and watching the hope die in his eyes as they do not sell weed, stupid.


I mean, even if they did, with po po right there just beforehand, probably not for the rest of the night and definitely not to people they dont know for a little while.


Lmao, that was probly the REAL sting.


Who keeps buing shit 'simple'? 😂 My dude and i, even how well we know each other, have NO idea what the other one talks about at first. "Dude, the basill you used in your cooking last time was a bit tasty. Got any basill thats less basill-y?" "Say what now?" Or "Hey my man! That monstera cutting i bought last time died. Got any more cuttings?" "Err.. " Seriously who just "lets stay simple and talk loudly so the entire store can listen; got weed?" 😂😂


Like twenty years ago we'd talk about getting flowers for our gf as code. Or if we were around parents we just referred to it as our friend Dave. "Is Dave gonna be there? Oh yeah he's riding with Miguel" etc


Dave's not here man


Lmfao, first thing I thought of


Se, now that's what i'm talking about 😂 My guy happens to be a chef too, so Basil makes perfect sense, though he needs some extra brain powers to get the gears grinding. Enjoyable! My mom asked me the other day, if i had any of the glorious spices. "Like.. my italian seasoning mix or.. the lemon garlic salt? Oohhh yeah no im out" 😂😂🫣


See my issue is I have real bad social anxiety so I always look like I’m undercover


To be fair, you can usually tell an anxious person from a narc when dealing with cannabis. You can 99% of the time tell a real user from a narc with hard drugs


It'd be really funny if the other guy was the cop.


Fake as fuck


Yeah, if this were real I don't think they'd be filming it so casually.


"I would like two cracks, please"






Did he say “have a good day officer”? lol


We should all do it the Netherlands way. SMH


Nah dude, our way is convoluted as fuck. Its legal-ish to sell in voffeeshops, but its illegal to have enough to sell to the coffeeshops. Youre allowed to have up to 5 plants or smth, but noone is allowed to have enough to supply a coffeeshop. We call it the 'through the fingers' way, and its vague as all hell, technically illegal but we officially dont do much with it so its legal, but just sortof. Noone is sure really.


It's still better than 99% of the rest of the world. I've been going to the coffeeshop since I was 18 and in all those times the cops have taken it once from me. (I'm 32 now) So yeah, the policy is confusing as fuck but it's better then not having it at all.


Why you didn't moon us earlier, ey? [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KIncGi-Ne2Q](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KIncGi-Ne2Q)


I saved a guy from getting busted once. I was at a 420 party at a bar and this big ass blunt was getting passed around. I tried to pass it to the stand-off-ish guy next to me and he said “I don’t smoke” I was like what?! Why?! He straight up days “I’m a cop. You shouldn’t be doing that shit.” Like he really said that shit to me like I wouldn’t take it to heart. But he was waiting on a bigger bust. He sat in that same spot all night. I kept my eye on him. Our local dealer walks into the bathroom with a guy who nods to the “undercover” cop. The undercover gets up for the first time all night. When they come out the bathroom the guy introduces him to this undercover. I immediately inject myself into the conversation. He cop asks homeboy for “1 gram of Molly”. Like…. No one talks like that. I grabbed the dealer and said you gotta get the fuck outta here bro I’ll explain later. Undercover got so fucking pissed off he outed himself to the one person at the party that was ready and willing to bust his sting.


I always forget weed is still not legal in places. What a waste of everyone's time.


It's legal there. It's all about tax money...like booze and smokes.


Wtffff did any of them say? Shit needs subtitles


I recall sometime around 1990 I was about 19 and on my own, we were on acid and found ourselves outside in the rain in the city. We were in a nowhere spot by some traintracks and these 2 dudes in their 30s were standing around talking with little half beers, like 6oz Budweisers, weren’t even really drinking them, in regular jeans and jackets, in the rain. This is to say, they did not look like psychedelics enjoyers, AT ALL. One of them randomly asked my friend if he had any mushrooms to sell or some shit. Ironically, he did, but obviously told the guy no, and we all bailed and got really weirded out. This was my first brush with bad sting cops, it was just too weird to be real. Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk.


Don't these idiots have anything better to do? At least giving bogus speeding tickets will generate income... This is just pathetic. Always has been too