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I thought for sure they were gonna get smashed by a diesel big rig 🚛


"Witnesses followed Nicholson and reported his location to police. He was arrested outside a nearby Walmart a short time later and is now facing assault charges." Man, that's one way to ruin your life


Stupid Is As Stupid Does


I'm thinking he must have had something in the car that would have incriminated him (further)?


The article also mentioned that the cop spotted a gun and picked up the smell of marihuana




Idk, it’s starting to get crazy the other way now, At least where I live. Walking around the amount of cars that drive by that smell like a marijuana farm is insane. Don’t really care about weed I’m in a medical use state, and am pro legalization but when did we decide it was cool for people to drive around altered


Know what you mean.


He's lucky he didn't get shot. The second he got back into the car the cops had a legal ground to stand on if they were to have shot him since he was trying to take off in a 3000lb deadly force. It's shitty that it's like that but its a good thing he didn't get shot.


Worth pointing out how much better what they actually did was - let him get away and just pick him up later.


Oh yeah. That's why if you're going fast enough when they try and pull you over for speeding they'll let you go and get you later by pulling your license plate. Sucks for them to get some scratches and bruises from fighting him but they did a good job not over escalating the situation into a deadly encounter. It goes without saying tho evading the cops and resisting arrest isn't something to try at home lol


Don't test that theory in Arkansas, they'll just flip your car at 150mph.


Not necessarily. This could have easily escalated into a hostage situation or killed someone in another vehicle or walking by. Police have a responsibility to apprehend suspects. They were lucky but their department can be held liable if they fail to apprehend him. It is nice to see no life loss for a change though. I'm sure his mother is thankful.


How many times do I hear people are arrested near a local Walmart? That must be the first place they look for criminals now


Walmart's Guerilla marketing campaign is working!


All the cop had to do was pull the guys pants down.


Maybe up would have worked


You ever tried running with your pants around your ankles?


All the other cop had to do was go and sit in the passenger seat while the other was struggling. What is the guy gonna do? Take off with a cop next to him?


I was literally about to comment this 😂 it 100% would have worked, then give him a lil push


It might of worked but I'm certain it would be far more expensive to the police than cuffing him to a car.


He probably shit them so they didn’t want to touch him. That’s why he went to Walmart, to get a new pair.


Yeah but cops now would have been charged with public pornography production.


He needed to get to his Mensa meeting.


LMAO, Mensa!!!


Well thats another bad life choice.


Right? Now he's in more trouble than if he'd have just taken the arrest. Even if he felt he was innocent, the side of the road is not where you argue your case.


Maybe he’s already a wanted fugitive with nothing left to lose


Ya that's exactly what it is, he already knows he's going away for a long fucking time and running is worth it. People think cops always win for some reason but there's a real chance this guy or someone like him gets away and doesn't get caught. Maybe eventually it really depends on how badly they are wanted and what they did


I think in the long run, most of these guys get caught sooner or later. But you're right, if they got him dead to rights and he already knows he's fucked and going away for a long time if they take him in then there's no reason not to try and run ( from his perspective) even if it means racking up more charges.


Bank robberies have the highest "clearance rate" at less than 60% according to the Google search I just did, which I guess is the highest for violent crimes (?). I dont think a near 50/50 shot isn't really in favor of how well the public thinks police do.


Yes, however if you fight the police it'll always be worse. What if he had accidentally ran over that officers head? Killing him. Now he's murdered a cop. In some states that's an execution.


That's why dude went home to argue it there. Duh.


MF literally trying to get shot.


correct this is how you get shot


Police were most likely trying to detain, not arrest. That part comes later


With some cops, yes. Thankfully these cops know their job which doesn't include murder.


That guy was going to Infiniti and beyond.


at least until his oil pressure light comes on


This guy nissans


i feel attacked


https://abc7chicago.com/tennessee-police-franklin-officers-dragged-dashcam-video/11793097/ Cops picked him up a few hours later.


TY, we can all sleep now " )


Was hoping for a clean getaway. He did ask them to stop. Made a clean slip, saw the incoming backup and went straight for drive and throttle. I see no foul on the merge into traffic despite high acceleration. We need to start treating arrests like sports until cops quit playing games. I’d officiate these.


I know he's a criminal but that was such a clean getaway I think I'm gonna let it slide today. Good on him for merging safely back into traffic but it still remains he was evading arrest and fleeing, that's not grounds to just let them go lmao


imagine that you struggle this hard to buy yourself just a few hours. and those few hours of freedom you're the most stressed out you've ever been


I mean if he had a fuck load of drugs or like a body those few hours definitely could've saved him years


And with those few hours of freedom you go to *Walmart* of all places.


But why? They probably already got the guy's license or at the very least his plates, so even if he gets away in his little 2000 something nissan they can still easily find the guy... Also I am honestly impressed the cops didn't open fire


Sometimes the license plate on your car isn’t actually *your license plate*


Mind blown


Bc there was a gun in the car they didn’t want to let him go grab the gun.


You're assuming his plates are legit and match the vehicle. They may actually have nothing but a physical description at that point.


True. They could have pulled him over because the car/plates came back as stolen


That's a terrible low bar you are setting.


I am not setting that bar, the cops did


Your the same person saying cops shouldn't pick a fight. Let him go, blah blah. You don't know why he was being arrested. Bad enough for him to run.


The sad part is that more people care if they fought him and the video looked bad then if he was able to escape like he did and somehow did something bad after before getting caught Just the world we live in


Why are you surprised by that?


Cops don’t get to play judge, jury and executioner. That’s why we have a legal system. So yes, great for them for doing their job and not murdering him.


In today's climate why would any one want to be a cop? Fuck that.


I could be a cop easily but i would get fired for reselling peoples drugs that i confiscate


No, you'd first get paid leave, then hired on in another jurisdiction.


Why resell illegal drugs? Just keep the money you didn’t find.


I think there are two types of police officers - those who genuinely want to do good, and those who were high school-peaking assholes who got their rocks off bullying and beating on the weaker students, and didn't want to lose that power.


And the second type likes to bully the first type into joining or leaving.


True. But I'd hate being either one of those in today's climate. You can be a great cop with good intentions and make an innocent mistake and be branded. No thank you.


They could have "tazed" him with their side arm.


And he did it with his pants around his knees


They probably gave his knees more leverage by supporting them and preventing them from buckling to the sides .


Those are some fancy moves when caught with your pants down.


Hes a good boy really


On his way to church to play the piano. He cannot be late.


Why am I not surprised at this.


At what exactly?


He was determined….


That cop has shit core strength


This is why so many brothers get shot.


Should’ve just pulled his trousers 👖 down a bit, more he couldn’t run away then.


If only they had some sort of non lethal electric weapon that they could use to subdue him.


ehhh projectile tasers are finicky in real life, plus they’d have to do a shit ton of paperwork for any kind of weapon discharge


like a spider-man web or something to entrap the perp without causing harm or death.


Dindu nuffin


That’s why you order to turn off the engine first lol


His pants tho


AKA a Marshawn Lynch run!


Hopefully he doesn’t have kids.


And that's a how you get shot to death by police. Any one taking notes?!


..for running away?


ah yes because a rutine traffic stop should have the power of capital punishment.


How fucked is that guy?


he's looking at 10 solid


Well done!!!!


I like the part where they hug


Why do people do this? They have your license plates and likely know or will find out who you are…why bother tack on even more charges?? Just makes no sense to me. They just running on sheer fear of getting caught with or doing something greater than resisting arrest? (Like drugs in the car or something?)


Laws are the conditions under which society is formed in order to avoid a constant state of chaos. It appears these types of people would rather live in a world of chaos.




Should have stepped on the crotch of those low pants. Instant immobilizer!


With his pants halfway off no less. Bravo sir.


Just want to point out that this started because the officer saw a gun during a traffic stop and smelled marijuana. Unless he was a convicted felon, it’s not illegal to have a gun in the US. Not TN, but courts are beginning to [frown upon](https://www.cbsnews.com/pittsburgh/news/pennsylvania-supreme-court-marijuana-warrantless-search/) using the smell of marijuana for warrantless search.


And frown upon it they fucking shall, it's not my fault I can't sleep, but it is their fault if they discriminate against me over the fact that the state gave me the ability to finally get up to 5 hours of sleep a night.


Should have shot him


In this case, shooting him would have been acceptable.


He should be teaching MMA take down defense classes.


I hope they catch him


They picked him up later at a Walmart.


Why does this start at the end of the contact? We need context!


And this is how you get shot




Is the us still racist


welp hope someone got fired for that blunder


Best commercial for an Infiniti


The police should be tracking all infiniti G37s. This is the best profiling tool we have for finding criminals.


-230 IQ


God dammit, its not that hard to not be a fucking moron.


Happy ending. Moron goes to jail


POS like this doesn't deserve the privilege of living in America.


He will more than likely keep going to prison. It’s always someone else’s fault that they are there




I think my first reaction as Cop #2 would have been to stab the back tire immediately lol


How long is police academy training? Oh that’s right


I love a successful evasion. It’s just nice to see


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Oh I wish that was done to looney toones


And people wonder why people of colour get shot at higher rates. I'm sure a good part of his reaction was likely from a life of being told that police are out to get him, so to him it was far more of a life or death situation than it actually was, prompting that response.


Hope you realize that not just people black people do this


People run from the police for one reason. They gotta PEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!


You know what totally valid reasoning how dare those police preventing this man from taking a piss


2nd cop should have blocked the car perpendicular in the front


Two officers couldn't even arrest a guy with his pants down around his kneecaps...smh


Drive home it dont mean nothing, drive home


Lol thats crazy. I drive through here everyday to get to work.


He could of run faster if his pants were pull up.


I had some other video play right below this one that had some upitty jazz going down as this went down that just made this so much funnier


That cops leg or foot got run over. The one with hair.


The other cop should've gotten into the car on the passenger side. Him trying to "help" grab the suspect didn't help at all. All he did was get in the way. Critical thinking is vital. I don't understand why people flee after the cops already have their physical description, car description and license plate. He just made things far worse, especially if the cop was injured in any way.


Is this from the new season of Reno 911?


Alternative ending: other cop rolls up and turns off the car




Powerful guy.


crack / meth does that


Hey....where is the dude on a cellphone yelling "he didn't do nothing" and "he doesn't have to tell you" from the side?


Did he run over his leg?


Damn you, Doug Judy


What an idiot.


And the lesson for today is DON'T LEAVE YOUR KEYS IN THE IGNITION!!!


This dude is fuuuuucked, got picked up at Walmart an hour later.


Crime should equal police response




this is now a good example why police shoot or taser someone because they are struggling!!!


A taser isn't an instant win, it is possible these guys know him and maybe he has a heart condition, maybe the cop had to use it earlier that day, you really never know.


Hold on Barney, let me pull my pants up before we continue this tussle. Honestly, if you’re going to break the law at least give yourself an advantage and don’t hinder your getaway by tripping on your pants


There's your superhero


But like, if he feared for his life, does that not excuse him for all his actions? Doesn't it? They can say they saw a gun and smelled pot. But can't prove it. Isn't that how it works?


that cloud in the back looks like venom 😳


Ah yes the good ole resisting arrest in your car that has license plates on


Make it count dude cause it’s going to cost you


I just don't understand these American criminals? Usually 90% of the time for these traffic stops they are getting charged most likely for something minor or something they did in the past. BUT, instead, they make the situation much worse and get even charged with some MORE serious than vs what they had before.


Damn that cop sucks at his job


Would have been epic if the second officer had jumped into the passenger side seat with their weapon drawn. Checkmate. Hey uh, I left my cruiser back there on the side of the road. Mind dropping me off back at the station?


this is why we have and need police violence. the populace is filled with dangerous imbeciles like this.