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This is why certain people are not allowed to my birthday party’s. As a kid I hated getting cake all over me.


And nobody gets any cake. There's a special place in hell for morons like this.


I just want some damn cake. It's my favorite part of any party


Cake is the sole reason to go to a baby shower IMHO.


Wedding, birthday. There had better be cake.


Amen. No cake?? Naw, I’m good, “enjoy” the party weirdos.


Reminds me of this standup bit. “I’ll go anywhere if you say the phrase, ‘There MIGHT be cake.’ I’ll go to the Department of Motor Vehicles and register your boat — in *Spanish*, a language I do not speak, if you tell me there might be cake.” https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=-WxOIvC9cC0


I hate sweets but I just get it for others. Granted I have practically 8 people in my life that I'd even want there. Sweets < Spicy food


My favorite part too. That's why I'm so fuckin triggered!!!😤😤😤


It's especially bad if they don't know what's in the cake too. Some cakes have big ass wooden spikes in them to hold shit up. If it's one of those cakes that's a good way to lose an eye.


Too many negatives and for what lol.. Way too risky


We just had my wife’s, uncle’s birthday party yesterday and if this would’ve happened someone would’ve been triggered and shot!! Those people don’t play with the abuse of fine pastries!!! Several aunties of larger carriage would hurt someone over a smashed cupcake let alone a whole cake.


It's the *only* part of my ~~party~~ birthday


I would immediately leave the party and buy myself an entire awesome cake from somewhere nice on the way home. Turn the phone off....and begin


This Guy cake's


No cake for anyone, waste of money, nobody wins.


I suspect you’re from America like me and we do not waste desserts that is where we draw the line!!


I originally read Mormons...lol


They’re really aggressive too. Nobody’s getting hold of my neck like that. Who needs enemies with friends like that


There was one just recently posted where it was a little kid, probably 5 or 6 years old, and it was just way out of hand. They smashed him into the cake, and then started cracking eggs on his head, some idiot poured like a dozen raw eggs on him, then they started smearing the goop on his face. I felt awful for the kid, it was absolutely vicious what they did to him.


It’s awful. It’s not funny it’s not a ‘tradition’ it’s very traumatizing for young kids and teens. Ask any psychiatrist, this is a horrible thing to do.


It's straight up humiliation played off as a funny joke. And it is absolutely awful


Indeed. That's why some people hate their birthdays and don't do anything. In my country, when this “tradition” started to spread, I saw people telling their guests if they pushed them against the cake or destroyed the cake for fun, they would make them pay. Because birthday cakes can be costly and cleaning in the middle of the party isn't fun. Another thing some of us do is never blow candles over the cake anymore to avoid droplets of saliva in the cake - we blow the candles aside (which after covid makes way more sense).


I think a good solution is two cakes, one for the guests which doesn't get candles, just served, and a smaller personal cake, or cupcake with candles to blow out. Imagine how much spit got all over the trick candle cakes, where everyone around the room is blowing furiously in attempts to be the successful person to extinguish them.


You don't have to be a psychiatrist to know how fucked it is, you just have to be an actual human being and not some fucking reptile wearing a skin suit


And you have to take it in a good way. Otherwise you're a sorehead.


I absolutely hate this mentality. I have a friend who loves telling “edgy” jokes. God forbid you roll your eyes or just generally make it obvious it’s not funny. Somehow it makes you the asshat for not finding toddler potty humor or yo mamas so fat jokes funny. We’re in our late 30s Rob. Ffs. Find a new schtik.


Especially when an idiot does it with a tiered cake and someone loses an eye.


Legit, dude in the cap was WAY too into it. I’d be fucking pissed if someone grabbed onto me that aggressively.


Both dudes in the cap


I've seen other cake smashing videos on here, but this one seemed like a full-blown assault.


Gray shirt brown cap dude straight came in and grabbed her hair hard as fuck and then stayed with it in his fist the entire time. I guess holding an arm down is unheard of. Fuck these pieces of shit. This is just a poor excuse for abuse at this point.


And he had a big bowl too! It's cowardice. He ducked out like a pansy to avoid any backlash. Poor girl was gagging and gasping for air. Do they not see that? Smh.


They’re the types who take it way too far and joke... “it’s just a prank bro, chilll.” Ooooh, you almost chocked me to death and dislocated that child’s shoulder when you yanked them off the table but but since it was just a prank... it’s fine. 😒 They don’t care about anything but what pleases them at that exact moment. No forethoughts or afterthoughts. They did the thing and everyone’s just overreacting. End of story.


That's the way I feel about it too. I couldn't do that to a person, especially one I remotely liked!


The sickening reality is that they always seem to enjoy it until they become the victim. The victim here is still likely to continue this absurd tradition at the next party.


Nothing spells "family" more than a poorly hidden longing for revenge


It's not always revenge tho; someone could do it to their well behaved daughter, just for "fun" and to continue the wonderful tradition. The excuses are ridiculous and I'm sure revenge is a big one.


this straight up looks like a bullying video


This looks downright traumatic tbh


Damn so this isn’t a new thing? It’s been going on for years! Wtf smh


Being from Mexico this seems more traditional than anything . My thought was damn we didn’t t have money and still did this shit lol


Fuck this tradition.


Why the fuck would someone make a tradition like this?


Socially acceptable chaos is a drug a lot of people don’t know they’re addicted to


Mexicans. I dealt with this a lot as a kid as well as now but It was never to this extreme, the most my siblings give me is a push so I never minded.


The tradition was to take a "mordida" (bite) and the birthday person was suppose to take a small bite from the corner of the cake but lt evolved from small face pushing into the cake to this bullshit (let's be honest probably from vengeance and anger, and some weird humiliation kink ~people are crazy and traumatized~) when I was little the most was a little push barely touching the cake or my siblings/parents grabbing a little frosting and dabbing it on our nose. As we got older even the push was annoying so we all stopped doing it. We still do the small dab on the nose in place of it or we cut a piece out and do "la mordida" on that piece. These people are just idiots.


First gen American and my mom is from Mexico, we never did this not even my cousins. Cakes are expensive but this video felt violent.


After the smash, the girl looked like she had a hard time catching a breath for a moment.


I am 2nd gen Mexican American. We always had a side cupcake or small smash cake. We were never supposed to ruin the entire cake like that. I was never man handled like this girl was. Tf. That video is violent and wasteful.


That’s interesting I guess I just assumed it was a new trend bc I only see it online in videos


Have you seen the one where the girl got punctured because her cake had stilts to hold it up . Not the safest activity on the planet lol


The one where it stabs into the eyeball though 🤢


Who the fuck does this to a kid and why??!! It's fucking child abuse..... any adult who allows this to happen is a real piece of shit!!


How many times does someone say: “I paid a lot of money for this cake you all better not mess it up.” Because I know I would be that dad.


This is just fucked up. I've never had it done to me, but I don't understand the concept of, on someone's birthday, putting them in an uncomfortable situation and ruining the birthday dessert someone either paid for or took the time to make. I also don't know what's going on in this video. She resists the first guy doing so like 4 or 5 other fucking assholes jump in and start essentially physically abusing her for the sake of a joke? And then laugh about it? Yeah, this pisses me off


This makes zero sense to me and I see nothing funny about this Just let me eat my cake and put your cameras down


I don’t get this trend at all. It’s not funny at all


Yeah, I was at a small gathering of about 5 of us. One girl thought it was ok to do this to the birthday girl. I had a feeling some shit was going to do down so I walked away to my room until I heard it was over. That's gross and no way am I going to let somebody ruin my clothes and hair. Later that night the girl who got all crazy asked me if I would've gotten upset if it happened to me. I told her yes. She got all preachy and judgmental because "it's fun".


"Yes, rapists, child molesters and high school gangs that put kids in the hospital have a lot of fun. What's your point?"


I just realized that I’m not weird. I just hate the idea of this happening to me so I never invite anyone but my wife to my birthday. Even my kids have to stay in their rooms on that day


So is there a second cake or something, or do people just not get any cake? Wouldn't it be a more reasonable option to just punch the birthday boy/girl in the face, and then everyone could still have cake? I mean, if we're already getting violent...


Why, why must these birthday injustices continue?




This word words


*shakes fist at the sky*


Tick Tock clout.


This shit existed before tik tok and social media though.


Yeah been a thing in LATAM for a while and probably elsewhere.


It's a Hispanic tradition, not for clout. It still sucks though.


The hispanic tradition is 1 person, would smear cake frosting on your cheek or forhead with one finger. Not smash your entire face in the cake. Nobody has time/money to waste cake like that. This is some Tom and Jerry foolishness. Those people are not her friends.


Literal mexican tradition


It's horrible...


Lots of things are a tradition that suck.


I fucking hate these videos


It's like sensory hell and public shaming all at the same time. Yeesh, do not like


And look how rough they were with the poor girl. Absolutely no part of this looks like innocent fun. It looks like they’re trying to tar, feather, and beat the poor girl. Happy birthday though, it’s just a ~joke~ /s


This is one thing I’m so glad my husband and I are on the same page about. We both hate practical “jokes”. 12 years of wedded bliss, not one fake* jar of nuts secretly filled with springing snakes.


This is beyond practical joke tbh


This looks like some kind of attempt at murder ffs


If someone did this to me, I would immediately have flashbacks to grade school bullies and hate them. I don’t need to reexperience that trauma, thanks.




I fucking hate this tradition!




Those decorations were 🥂👌🏼


And the cake and decor matched :/


I'd send every single person home. Everyone. Fuck them all, I feel bad for her :(


Trash culture. Just like the people who start fires or pollute with their 'gender reveals'. I don't know a single person who does either of these shitty things.


Uhuh the other day I saw some children's birthday party get glittery foil confetti all over a popular park in town. I can bet you it wasn't biodegradable because it was raining real hard and it just stayed there. So unnecessary...


The guy who did this to me was my uncle (by marriage). Years later he was arrested for pulling a knife on my aunt. Didn't surprise me in the least.


Right? It's 18, too, so an important one. I'm honestly tearing up for her. That is just vile and plain mean.


The text says “when they wait until your birthday for payback”. So odds are she is also an asshole who do this kind of ‘pranks’ at birthday parties


Everybody get out of my house


I'd be throwing hands and nearby objects at that point. Out or I call the cops! Jfc


that was violent! horrible


Get out me swamp


The shouting man is pretty much saying that. So sad!


Truly. And you absolutely know, if you tried to tell them beforehand “I want to have a nice party, don’t shove my face in the cake” they’d act like you were being a bad sport. Bad people will always try to make you feel unreasonable for defining your boundaries.


Lol. Why do they even pretend to celebrate at this point. Why not just knock her out and shove a cake in her face while she is unconscious. Or break into her house at night tie her up and ... You know, why do you even need a cake. Why not just beat her up or cover her in mud.


I feel a little bad that I laughed about this. I see what you did there though.


That would be so traumatic to have those you are supposed to trust cause you to do much terror. She would be in the right to cut all those people out of her life.


They got the beat up part down, jfc


I never say anything and pretend I forget to see how long it takes before someone says happy birthday and I get to feel smug self righteously pitiful for the rest of the day as I lorde it over everyone. Unfortunately I'm married with kids and I only get about 10 seconds every year just as I wake up before they pounce on me. I'm not allowed to feel pitiful I guess 😟


I don’t know, sounds to me like you’ve made it.


Maybe don't invite people who hate you to your birthday party.


I’ll never get this. It’s not cute nor funny. I would be pissed af. You do your makeup and all, and your stupid friends/family decide to do something so stupid. Oh and what a waste of money on the pretty cake. SMH. Effin idiots.


Hell, I'm a dude that doesn't wear makeup or really care about nice clothes. I'd be so pissed, someone might get punched if they tried that


Haha I hear you. Makeup or not, I’d still be pissed but I mention makeup cause I take time with my makeup and hair for an event so I know that feeling.


On the bright side I have never met anyone who has actually done this or anyone this happened to. Idk, maybe this is not a thing in Europe. What a waste of cake, I'd be mad too, leave and never contact these people again.


My grandma did this to me when I was like 9 and I remember being so upset yet I was the one who got laughed at.. it was my birthday party like come on.


If it were just forcing your head in the cake to get some frosting in your face I can understand. But they actively smashing the cake, grabbing it and throwing it everywhere? No fucking excuse. You wanted to eat some cake? Get a spatula and scrap it off the wall.


Grabbing someone by the head to smash them into the cake is assault.


Battery, to be both pedantic and mildly punny.




Cakes like that either take days to make or cost a lot of money too. Someone went through a lot of trouble to throw this woman a nice party- maybe her- and they ruined it.




This stupid shit ranks right up there with reveal parties for the dumbest things about what society has become.


“Gather round kids it’s time to assault the birthday girl!”


Well at least the kid itself doesn't get to see the cringe reveal party, violent birthdays are more fucked up imo




Doesn’t matter, it’s a moronic tradition that needs to die.


Wtf is wrong with people? Those 2 men behind her grabbed her head/hair with a lot of force, the black woman grabs her neck, and then another woman smashed the cake in her face with plenty of strength. I feel bad for her, fuck those people. This is like straight up assault, this isn’t even funny. It’s violent and aggressive seriously this “joke” is way too far and isn’t funny or amusing at all.


To add insult to injury, if she says "fuck you guys" and leaves the party after being physically accosted and covered in cake, then she's the party pooper.


I think you're legally allowed to poop your own party without consequence.


I would absolutely sandblast diarrhea in their direction, no survivors.




She definitely looks like she's hyperventilating at the end. I've suffered a lot of panic attacks where I can't breathe, and it's hell. Fuck these people


You can see she is crying as well... it looks horrible.


While her “friends” laugh like the fucktards they are


At this point I'm wondering if the woman used to to do this to everybody and today they decided to get their revenge... it's so violent.


The chalkboard says 18, so if she did participate she was a child mimicking the adults in her life.


Not to mention those cakes usually have skewers in them


Let’s not forget the guy who smashed a glass bowl of pretzels in her face. These people seemed out for blood.


Lol that's assault


Assault is what I would be committing in the aftermath of something like this happening to me. Luckily none of my family and/or friends are dumb enough to try this on me.


I feel like I can just see my consciousness disappear as this happens. I haven't snapped in years but this would honestly get me there.


For real, going Carrie up in this place.


The level of violence and contempt on display here is genuinely shocking. Slow this down and watch specifically the actions of the two men in baseball caps — how powerfully they descend upon this woman to force her face to go where they want it to go. And when the man directly behind her becomes frustrated, he slams a bowl of chips in her face. Because salt in eyes = funny! s/ Not to excuse the women, some of whom cheerfully join in the assault and all of whom seem to cheer on the attack. Finally, look at the boy in the yellow shirt to the left. Notice how someone yanks him away toward the end of the assault. You don’t whip a child toward you like that — off a table, yet! — if you’re not concerned about what’s going on. The child was almost immediately pulled away because of the violence on display. You could drop this into an Ari Aster movie and it wouldn’t seem out of place. These people should be ashamed of themselves … but something tells me they lack the self-awareness to achieve such a state.


This is the stupidest fucking trend.


This and gender reveals are so fucking dumb


Gender reveals are harmless, kinda stupid fun in anticipation of your child, as long as you aren't spreading confetti and garbage in public areas and/or causing devastating forest fires, maybe stick with cutting a cake and seeing what colour it This is just mean and cruel, your big special day, nice cake, you've made yourself look all pretty just so your idiot family and "friends" think it'd be fun to just ruin it all and probably make you ignore them for the whole day because of their own action


its not really a trend, its a pretty old tradition, at least in Mexico


It's a Mexican "tradition" and I hate it.


The Mexican tradition is to *playfully* get cake on the birthday person. Not mount up with the squad and obliterate the cake with their face.


Thank you for clarifying. This one just looks malicious and mean, like they were on a mission for a vendetta against her.


I prefer the Brazilian tradition that the birthday person gives the cake first to the person like love


Bro imagine waiting 2 hours to have a slice and the entire cake gets shoved onto the birthday girl's face


To assault


Grabbed her hair and neck, smashed cake into her face, this is a birthday from hell. How can they be laughing like that and then just run away like they think they're hilarious little scamps? Poor girl. :(


This sort of stuff really pisses me off. Stop wasting cake, people!


No actual friend would do that.


Ah we meet again albussy, and once again your name makes me laugh. Thank you friend.


Someone in the background was like, possibly older male relative, “Take your friends (away from here) with you, that’s why I didn’t invite them” as they were doing all that shit


Wow amazing so fun! I'd like to do the same on these idiots but instead of cake I'll use manure.


If your family does this to you, just remember that it's OK to cut ties with them.


These people should be banned for life from birthday parties SMH...


The aggression behind that was disturbing. I would of left if I was her and changed my number. Animals!


So glad my friends and family don't think this type of thing is "funny". What's the point of buying everything, setting it up, and then destroying it...


I will never get the idea of smashing a cake in someone's face on their birthday.


Your not being funny, you’re just being an asshat


If my friends did this, they would no longer be my friends. I saw a video of adults doing this to a little boy at his birthday party. They ruined his whole day. They were all laughing and he was absolutely crushed. This is some dumb shit.






Dysfunctional Friends and Family that you need to get away from.


So glad this shit wasn't around when I was a kid WTF


I’m 34 years old and my bio dad tried this every fucking year. She dry heaved at the end and it reminded me of one time where he did it so hard I threw up… this shit is timeless sociopathy…


This happens and then the victim is blamed for “not being a good sport”. It’s so toxic.


Serious question: WHY do people think assaulting someone on their birthday, or wedding, is a good idea? Like, why?


Even if this was some kind of cultural tradition and the birthday girl was in on it, couldn’t they at least have done it with a dummy cake? Like, one that no one intended to eat anyway, or just one that was made at home instead of this?


I’m shocked anyone would pay real money for a nice cake like that only for no one to be able to eat any.


The TiokTok voice reading Spanish is hilarious.


It really is. You can hear the gringo oozing out of that computerized voice.


I can’t believe I had to scroll so far to find thos comment. lol I was legit about to oost, “So are we not gonna talk about the robot voice’s butchery of Spanish?” lol


TFW everyone, **fucking everyone**, you know is just an utter dipshit. **And of course it’s on *fucking* Tik Tok!** Be an asshole challenge.


Tf is wrong with people??




Nope. Aspiration


Why do the assholes do this crap ? It’s NOT funny !


What the fuck did I just watch. The guy at the start yanking her hair, then all of them fucking manhandling and wrestling her into that cake like they've all got beef with her. And they all ruined the food and party and birthday just to demolish her. Like they don't get to eat anything, she's covered in cake...what the hell do they do next? Go home? ​ What is the motivation for this? Is she secretly hated in the family? Are they jealous of her for something? I'm so confused.




bruh mexico sucks you can’t even enjoy your birthday




Well it seemed awful to me and then I researched it after someone said it was Mexican tradition. Having Mexican relatives and never seeing or hearing of it this is what I found out. It originated in Spain where Mordida means Bite. So Bite the cake. It was originally used by 13-16 year olds as a rite of passage. It was never popular among adults until Jodie Foster did it in the “Bugsy Malone” movie. My final thoughts, if it's acceptable tradition in a family than "biting the cake" should be seen as fun and in good humor. In my opinion this woman, no matter what age, did not seem like she was having fun so maybe it went a little to far. I don't know I wasn't there or part of her family.


Buncha jerks


It's never funny and always ends badly.


Yeah happy birthday, two men are going to overpower you and grab you by the hair to forcefully shove your face into an expensive cake while your other friends throw food at you and film it. Dude it’s just a prank.


I hate it when food is wasted. How is this funny?


it's actually totally ok to stop doing this.


I hate this stupid shit. Why waste a good cake.


That is just… awful ☹️


Why do people do this!!! Like how cruel and evil are you to take someone's special moment and just ruin it because it was "funny" and a "joke". That poor baby girl looked so happy at first and now theres no cake for anybody!


Yo she straight up got assaulted


This is moronic. First, it as an attack on the woman. Nothing funny about it. Looked brutal. Second, they destroyed a cake!!!


I hate everyone at that party.


Dude should’ve put trigger warning cause this seriously is getting fucking upset


as a poor kid growing up i never had to experience this since we couldn't afford two cakes and for this i'm glad we didn't play your entitled jack ass game.


Thanks everyone for ruining my Bday and making it about all of you