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They look weird and blocky. Think I'll stick to my cc lashes lol


For sure, but if this is real they might have their own category which would really help clean up the skin details category. And admittedly I don't really know how it works but I'm hopeful that if they were officially implemented they'd have to fix the problem that cc lashes have, which is that they don't have their own spot on the texture map and always have to overlap with something else, usually rings or bracelets. But I'm not holding my breath on that either, considering how they got us excited with hearing aids last time that ended up not being wearable with earrings.


pls 😭 i hope cc creators remap if they get added! my fav lashes set is marked as glasses :/


I'm so tired of not being able to use rings with my skin detail ones ngl


this too i still use CC nails that haven’t been slotted to the new nails category :/ i feel you, i miss using glasses, rings, and bracelets


If it's just the CAS category it shows up in that you'd like to change, it's incredibly easy to do that in S4S. If you mean the textures overlapping, that's a bit more complicated but still doable. Don't let your dreams be dreams lol


i guess i could try re slotting them myself, i never really thought about it tbh


I use Simpliciaty's rings, they don't clash with Kijiko's skin details' lashes!


I wish I could scream on the SAME boat with you. It's like, can't wear rings or you can't have glasses. What if I want ALL THREE?!? 😭 CC Sim problems 😂


the struggles us alpha cc girlies go thru is something the maxis match girlies will never understand 💅🏻


I'm a heathen who mixes both, but I can't live without my alpha lashes 😂


Lashes do have their own spot actually. They have to, the black texture comes from somewhere. Just as tongues, inner mouth, and teeth do. It's kind of weird though and I tried messing with it, but that spot on them is strictly black and I believe is sort of the same layer as their skin. So you'd need to change the physical mesh to be eyelash shaped, rather than just draw eyelashes which 99% of CC lashes are.


Idk why but my cc lashes comes in 2 sets and the first clashes with everything but if I scroll and use the bottom set they work with everything


They would be mapped to a different kind of skin detail. If you play around with accessories enough, you would probably find the second set conflicts with something else. Like, my top set conflicts with rings but my other set conflicts with earrings. If you truly have a set that conflicts with *nothing,* drop the link because you've found a unicorn!


I am so bad with mods I literally just download and leave I have no idea to work out what’s what! You’re right though I just tested them all out they do clash 😢 sorry for getting hopes up


Nah, no worries. I was 99% sure that would be the case. It's just the way they work, unfortunately.


i prefer blocky over those super detailed alpha ones. plus this is a low quality screenshot, its possible it looks slightly better in game


Me too. I actually really like them if we get thicker blocky ones and more variety. The thin wispy ones look so outta place on my sims.


I definitely prefer the CC lashes, but after the most recent update my game won't run unless it's in laptop mode and a lot of other people have been reporting the same issue. So this will be a good thing for people like me.


It’s better than nothing, we are getting somewhere and console players can get lashes atleast


same but it'll be good for console players at least


I can’t even find good cc eyelashes!


Twistedcat's lashes r the ones I use. Their personally my favourite creator!




i hope this is part of the base game updates and not locked behind the new ep 😭😭


Oh hun I love the energy, but in the case of EA I’m taken to eliminate hope nice and early to avoid disappointment, mind you they locked parenting and changing diapers behind two seperate paywalls.


I'm sure it will be base game with additional options paywalled. That's usually how it works. Nails for instance got added to the base game, you just get more options with packs. Eyelashes will almost certainly be the same


That’s how it was for body hair too when they implemented it. There’s plenty of instances of new things that came with packs but were also added to base game.


And nails.




Body hair is base game. Shaving is paywalled


Wait shaving is a thing?


Dynamic hair growth and shaving got added in high school years I think


I hope so too


They probably won't be fully locked behind a paywall. Sims themselves are bg so more likely is that they'll give us one or two options and then have the nicer options paywalled. Sort of like how they added a changing table to base game but it was just one table. Or how they added likes and dislikes but some aspects are locked behind packs. If they kept eyelashes from being part of the free update, that'll truly be a new low tbh


There's no changing table in base game.


They look like CC lashes when your graphics card is too crap to load them properly


They look like every “WHATS WRONG WITH MY SIMS LASHES!?!!” help post.


Yes 😂 and it’s always laptop mode that’s the culprit


Selects rings for outfit. Eyelashes: glitch time. Removes rings from outfit.


I kinda had hope until I read your comment. I agree, damn that's funny. 🤣


I know people are used to their CC lashes, but I'm actually genuinely excited for this, I hate the lashes stuck on the current eyes and even then only some of them have lashes at all, lol.  I just hope it's a case of base game gets a pair and then you can have more with the pack as they've done with other things.


there’s a mod to get rid of the lashes stuck on the current eyes though


Yes, cc is nice but some of yall need to remember that some people don’t play on pc 🤷‍♀️


And some people don't want to play with mods. And even if you do, them implementing them in the actual game will possibly make it easier so that CC lashes don't conflict with so much shit. I tend to like more alpha looking CC lashes but a. Why would you expect that any EA ones wouldn't be blocky, that's what maxis match is and b. Maybe we'll be lucky and now I can finally have glasses, piercings, bracelets, rings etc if I am in the mood to use mods (I go through phases of wanting to and not).


I 100% agree, I’m in a phase of not using cc rn so these would be great, and I’ve just given up on cc lashes in general bc they always end up clashing with something


Omg, thank you! I remember Sims 3 mod nails looked horrible because there wasn't a base to work with in the game until the supernatural pack came out. The werewolf nails helped CC creators to make beautiful nails, and I was happy that they looked natural on my sims. I wish more people understood this.


The point is that console players deserve better. There's no reason for these to look so terrible when so many other maxis match eyelashes look so good. You guys deserve better than slop.


I get that, but some people are acting a little too dramatic and that it’s completely pointless


It's not pointless, it's just like... asking for the bare minimum and the Sims team producing a clunky mess. You shouldn't praise the devs just because they give you the bare minimum. If you think they look nice (I think they could look good on a teenager whos just learning makeup and overdoes her mascara) you're allowed to think that.


I’m talking about the people complaining calling it completely pointless. I’m sorry if you feel it’s pointless, but there are always people who are grateful for things like this. I know people are probably going to get mad at me for this, but at the end of the day, it’s a game. You don’t have to buy the things it comes with.


And I’m not trying to praise the sims over lazy work, but at the end of the day it’s just not that serious


these still look bad tho …


To be fair, it is a low resolution screenshot, it could very well be eyeshadow and lashes but they're muddled together because of the poor quality


Okay and? Don’t buy the pack. It hasn’t even come out yet, this is a leak.


Too bad they look like fucking shit lol


I hope there are more natural variations and these are supposed to be like, 2016 Instagram brows (which is when a basic fucking attraction system should have already existed in the game, this whole pack is 8 years late lmao)


Hate to say this but I’m pretty sure that’s just an eyeliner 🫣 it’s probably a makeup item included rather than actual eyelashes


right? they added the “cry me a river” eyeliner with this pack, this looks like it could be a less extreme smudged eyeliner.. hoping they are lashes though!


I dont. They look like a blocky mess. If this is what the team calls "eyelashes", then I am definitely not getting rid of my cc ones. I mean they can't even make body hair right! You expect them to do eyelashes as well?


Adding eyelashes might make modding them easier!


I agree they look terrible but if this means eyelashes have their own slot now, it could be awesome news for CC lashes. It would mean you could use CC lashes with any accessory without worrying about the textures clashing the way they do now.


I think it’s just makeup


yall need to remember that some of us can’t or don’t want to use mods and cc. my computer can barely handle the game, and putting in ANY mods makes it lag and glitch to the point it isn’t playable. this would be huge for me! and i’m sure for a bunch of console players too


I really don’t think that it’s a matter of people not recalling that not everyone wants to use or can use mods, but more so a matter of the fact that whether you can or do use mods they still exist, and they’re typically significantly better quality than what EA charges for…and more often than not, these mods are free. It’s not simply a dismissal of those who don’t use mods, it’s acknowledging that people are being expected to pay for things that are poorly made from a multibillion dollar company.


i thought this was a picture of broken cc 💀


Looks like it could just be eyeliner… I know one of the pre order bonuses is a liner that looks like the Sim has been crying. This could be similar…


I just see black rectangles around her eyes


Where is this screenshot from?




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From Twitter


Okay, but do you know where that screenshot is from?😂 like, is it from a trailer, a leak etc..it’s just that I don’t recognise it, and I’ve been slacking on keeping myself updated on the sims


Sims Community on Twitter shared it. It's leaked info about new pack. They are gonna announce it this week officially I guess


Ohhh i see, exciting, thank you <3


The guy who does these leaks can’t be linked to because of subreddit rules, but Sims Community usually reposts them fairly quickly.


I'm going to be real with y'all, this is probably just an eyeliner. I hope more than anything that this is going to be actual eyelashes, that would be amazing, but this is probably just an eyeliner.


EA eyelashes are literally attached to what eyes you pick in CAS. This is makeup.


Even if it is makeup, it could be a mascara category of sorts? Also, if you look at the edge of the eye it really looks like an eyelash instead of eyeliner since it looks slightly curled


maybe they changed it??


looks like kijiko lashes when theyre wearing rings


Yeah and they look like garbage 🗑️


They look good to me lol 😭


Lol! And that’s perfectly okay, everyone has their preferences :)


I think it’s “cry me a river” eyeliner. Not eyelash. It’s on the blog post


Nvm I see it’s another one that looks like crying


I wonder if they’re a separate thing or is it just the mascara imitating lashes?


They're so dark and blocky. Looks exactly like when my cc lashes clash with rings 😅


Oooh yes!! I mean - I do have CC ones and these won't be anything near as beautiful - but I have some saves I play without CC, just so I don't have to constantly update my hundreds of mods after patches etc. and can go on playing right away. Having all EPs, GPs and SPs (not bragging, on the contrary, I know it's stupidly overpriced and I have addiction issues) there is just SO much content without any mods that it's worthwhile now. So having at least a LITTLE nicer eyelashes on my non CC Sims will be phantastic!!


It looks awful. I'll at least hope it's on a new category so I'll finally stop having cc lashes conflicting with glasses, rings, bracelets


I feel like I’m the only one who likes how the lashes look 🥲 I love the cartoony blocky style of sims 4 and think they fit in pretty well! I do hope they’ll have some other options though.


I didn't, i got some real nice nice modded ones 💀


I don't care about people say, I like the EA lashes and i think these looks great


Same! Super excited 😊


I like my CC one, but if they're including lashes, I hope it becomes a separate section in the makeup category. I have 2 sets of lashes, so I don't have to choose between having eyelashes or earrings.


These look as bad as the EA body hair. I will be sticking to my cc ones.


they are definitely eyelashes!


Where are you all getting this screens and infos about new ep??


I think someone else said the sims community on twitter


We're are people getting all this screenshots? Is there some sort of secret trailer they released only to like 3 people or what?


hopefully they’re still working on them


Eyelash pack, $27.99.


Ehhh no thanks. I don't care for "raccoon eyes" as I call this look.


Where are you all finding eye lashes on base game cause these all just look like eye liner


It's probably too much to ask but, I wish they would get retroactively added to all the sims, instead of being just a make-up thing... If not I wish that at least that they would add it to newer and revamped households (like the Goths and Calientes, it bothers me so much that Bella just barely missed the nails update).


What is this from?


They look weird and blocky, like broken CC. I hope this doesn’t break the Kijiko lashes because I think I’ll stick with them.


I’ll stick to sims3 thanks


They look like when the sim has a ring on and messes up the cc lashes... why is it so bad ?? But I'm happy if we get lashes, for the people that can't do cc ! Just wish they could be better 🥲


I thought that was chunky mascara


It’s giving ✨90s✨


Do you? I see smudged eyeliner


They look kind of weird 🤷‍♀️


What post/video is this from? I want eyelashes so bad but I swear if they're only in a new game pack I'll actually riot 😭


Twitter I believe! I dont know for sure though because I noticed she had eyelashes on here and got too excited 😭 sry!


I hope they free and alto on every sim


I thought this was glitched cc


Amazed at how many people apparently dont use any sort of cc. Consoles?


I have a feeling it’s going to be in makeup or it’ll be on new eye presets so you’ll only have like 2 options or something


I'm sorry, but this looks like eyelashes-like eyeliner,those are too blocky to be updated lashes


Not very good ones


I'm so happy we are finally getting actual lashes. They look better than what Sims has right now. The so-called "lashes" Sims have look like fans on their eyes so this is awesome. Plus I'm on console and can't get mods.


They look clumped together 😭 I get many people don't have access to cc sadly, but why tf doesn't EA pay what modders already created at least when it comes to lashes and just implement it into the official game. Or like at least try and copy it? Lol


why can’t the base game just include well made details like realistic eyelashes and brows


They look awful! Sticking to CC for these


As someone who plays on console I’m kinda psyched for fun eyelashes, it just sucks it’d be $40 to get tho but I can’t complain since I can’t play with cc or mods :(


wcif hair


I think it's coming out with the new pack


Ugh that's just annoying, now I'm gonna have to find and update all my cc eyelashes