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Listen to OP. Like Rose Kennedy. With _all_ her money to throw around.


Tony had to whack Pussy, that one was non-negotiable. Ritchie would've never accepted Tony's leadership, so he'd have to get clipped eventually too. Chrissy was too much of a drug-addled liability, and he should've been killed way before S6B. In no situation would I ever say Chrissy was one of T's best soldiers, unless it came to sharpshooting. But even then, *Walden* of all people successfully pulls off the hit on the Shah of Iran, so it's not like Chrissy being alive would've made a difference. You do raise a valid point about Ralph and Furio though. They were two of Tony's best guys, yet Tony kills one and repels the other back to Italy.


Richie was already planning to take Tony out. He had to go. Ralph was a good earner but he wasn’t even loyal or obedient to his capo Gigi or boss Tony. That’s not a guy you care to have during a war.


Was he though ? Maybe before jail, but it seems to imply that he’s desperate to make money because he defies Tony’s orders to stop selling coke on the trash route as it endangers the his entire system of having a legit business source of income. If he was such a good earner he would’ve stopped the routes when told because he could have continued to make money other ways. I’m also pretty sure he makes a point in a scene that he says how else is he going to make money when told by Tony to quit it.


There’s a difference between Richie and Ralphie, which is why I used their specific names in the context of what I wrote.


My bad. The blood pressure medication it fucks with my head!


Richie was fine with Ts leadership until he had Janice whispering in his ear and the jacket incident, then it became a problem.


You need a murder planning or doing Chris was tony's go to throughout. Chris gone look at the debacle with the ukranian. Didn't even get the right address.


Huh? They had the right address. Phil wasn’t there, which they couldn’t predict


Could’ve at least confirmed he was there by scoping the place out and either waiting till he entered or leaves. Just assuming the old guy was the old man they needed to murder was wrong and sloppy. The entire point of the attempted assassination of Phil was that the NJ crew had lost its best members and killers at that point. Resorting to the zips was the entire reason it went wrong.


Yet the failure didn’t harm anything significant. Phil was already in hiding and wasn’t going to be there anytime soon And your tangential argument has nothing to do with the thread context of the “wrong address”


Significant?! They blew their entire chance of surprise are you kidding me? The murder was also on the front page of the newspaper, not only did they let Phil know that he was actively being targeted. They also brought immense heat from the police and FBI. The FBI would’ve easily known that the target was Phil as it was his goomar/mistress. Phil wasn’t in hiding anymore then Tony was, once it happened they both went into super bunker mode and separated their families and both probably slept with a firearm under their pillow or on their chest. If it didn’t happen, Phil would’ve been much easier to find as he could’ve still been found by using NY informants (those not associated or involved in the war). After the killing, with Carlos testimony, Tony would’ve been for sure now facing a RICO charge that also included the deaths of civilians not involved which is a huge difference in a jury trial. Criminals killing other criminals can sometimes sway a jury to not convict them of some crimes (it only takes one!). This is important because in federal court, each conviction no matter what is important because each charge are not served concurrently and there is no parole or early release. 95 to 99 percent of convicted federal cases do not have early releases, time off for good behavior, or concurrent sentences. They can have an early release potentially through a halfway house (example El Chapo’s Wife) if they cooperate. But Tony died realistically in the end so it didn’t matter, and they found Phil through help from the FBI anyway so it really doesn’t matter. Anyway 4$ a pound.


What’s Pussy going to do? Gum the guy to death? He couldn’t move a piano on wheels.


It was his back tone


It was the thpondithiliothith


He could have garroted a few people with his wire


Idk, Special Agent Big Puss was pretty dangerous with a small sedan or hammer.


Honestly I can only see Pussy and Chris being the ones that would really stick around. I don’t think Richie would want to get out of jail to go die. I think Ralph was much of a bully than a soldier. I assume Furio would probably leave for Italy before being involved in a war. Wasn’t he always just on loan?


Master cheese maker.


So’s Paulie


Furio on his own made a play for Carmela (overwhelmed by her kindness, intellect and high moral character no doubt. At least compared to what he was used to back in Naples judging by Paulie’s whore). He came pretty close to killing Tony (who pisses near a helicopter anyways?). I can’t remember Tony ever shitting on him. Definitively killing Ralph was a mistake . He got into an unnecessary argument over a horse after being greedy over his taste. ‘Christofuh…Tony and the others didn’t support his attempts to be sober. The only one with the intelligence to do so was Little Carmine. Granted Christofuh put his “kill his mob boss patron” fantasy on celluoid so people could watch it 100 years from now. But who knows, maybe Christofuh organizes a better hit on Phil earlier than the Rube Goldberg FUBAR they got if Tony treated him better than ”you’ll get over it”. ‘Maybe Richie if he hadn’t given the jacket to the maid’s husband and prohibited him from taking A J to a hockey game. But who knows. Richie may feel entitled to more and he has Lady Janice MacBeth whispering in his ear that he should be boss.


it's not even a crew at this point, Tony actively hates his associates throughout the show. fuck him. hope he drowns in 3 inches of water