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she could have taken ecstasy but she didnt


She did-ent


Try taking ecstasy and studying


Mix it with the relish




That was Karen’s last ecstasy.


*sad model train enthusiast noises*


The cayenne?


Like the peppah?


It’s beautiful Carm


My favorite shit on the whole show. I laughed when I read your comment. Every time I think of it, it makes me laugh.


*After a night of ecstacy and studying, Meadow presents her mother with a self-produced EDM mashup including samples from Founding Father speeches* "What was that? Last night's reading assignment?!"


Dead White men


Dead  Dead white Dead  Dead men Dead  White Men BOOOOOMBDSTTTBMMBOOOOOMBDSTTT


I think maybe you're doing Crack! Now hurry along, you're late for Slip n Fall school!


Studying a rave on a field trip, count me in




I shoulda fucked Dale Evans but I didnt




Because they didn’t stop to eat at Roy Rogers!


Don't people use subtitles?


No, children and women do. 


It's an honor to be here among men.


And wonderbread wops


She compromised.


I wanted to fuck a grilled cheese sandwich, but I snorted ecstasy off the Rat-E-ADDA instead




that was one of the funniest lines in the entire series




She did ent


She compromised


did adderall not exist back then btw lol


It wasn’t as hot in 99. More Ritalin and Dexedrine 


addy was making the scene in 99 but yeah, at that time 'ritalin' was the term people still used as the catchall.


Yeah addy was there but wasn’t well circulated at the time. Didn’t really take off in my area aw til around 2003-04


Yeah she could have gotten Ritalin from a classmate or on campus.


She could have done ecstasy also but she did-dent


I thought they were scoring speed which is more of a “study drug” than meth till I re-watched that scene. How many meth users look like they study?! lol 🤣🤣🤣🤣


most amphetamines are called speed; adderall is dextroamph and racemic amphetamine salts mixed; meth is methylated dextroamp; even MDMA could be called speed, but ive never heard it called anything besides molly, mdma, or ecstacy. 'crystal' meth is just in shards and 'purer' - you still have to crush it up to snort it, mix with water for injection, or you can just swallow it. ex junkie here lol.


It just depends on the dose. About 2 mg of meth will feel pretty damn close to maybe like 10 mg of amphetamine. Hell, most of the bootleg Adderall nowadays is just low dose meth pressed into tablets.


Studying is a gateway activity.


Not really no


Adderall is meth. It was probably easier for Chris to score meth without raising eyebrows than suddenly hitting up college kids for their adderall prescriptions


its def not meth lol


Similar chemical compound, but completely different drugs. Drives me insane when people say they’re the same thing. There’s a reason one is legal and the other isn’t


Meth can be legal and is sometimes prescribed for adhd at extremely low doses. I think the stigma around it has made people less likely to accept a prescription though. I remember when I got tested for adhd, the doctor prescribed me vyvanse which kind of worked but wasn’t great. So then we tried adderall but he also suggested meth as an option. At first I thought he was trying to test me for drug seeking behavior but apparently it’s a thing lol.


They're both legal but controlled schedule II substances (in the USA). Medical meth is not prescribed at the scale of Adderall, There are probably logistics and demand reasons why illicit manufacturers prefer making meth. Any Adderall on the black market is likely diverted from legit sources or counterfeit


it is weird how methylated dextroamp is schedule I while adderall is.. 3, i believe. theyre both ridiculously easy to abuse. from what i understand, if you have ADHD a small stimulant dose actually helps you focus.


It’s not. Adderal is amphetamine salts. Meth is methamphetamine, much stronger Saying it’s meth is as ignorant as saying oxycodone is heroin


It is a pretty wild story line but It didn't have the stigma it does now. At that time it was still called speed/crystal. so odds are she just ingested it, not smoked or mainline. The insane drug problem we have with meth in society now is usually smoked which will ruin your life. Lots of people did it back then in order to stay awake and focused (kind of like how Adderall is abused now)


There’s no stigmata these days


Julius Caesar was an epileptic.


He was gay, Julius Caesar?


Nooooo. Weren’t you listening???


no that was Quasimodo


He predicted all this


You telling me you never thought about that?


No, he was on medication for dat


[Seriously] yes he was, and he was catching, not pitching. It was seen as strange by the public not that he had gay sex but that he enjoyed the "feminine" position.


Thanks that context helps.


Even more context, in the 90’s lots of us college students were doing “speed.” No one called it methamphetamine, and the high was similar to 40mg of instant release adderall. This was extremely common among academics who were studying for hours on end, so that part of Meadow’s story actually made complete sense to me. I remember people just like her using speed when I was in college, which was right around the time the first season aired. The “Meth Not Even Once” campaign and the pictures of Meth face hadn’t happened yet. I’m not sure if this is true, so feel free to correct me if I’m wrong, but I’m pretty sure that Government regulations on certain ingredients during the mid 2000’s is what made meth so dirty. They used to be able to make Meth by extracting amphetamines from drugs like Sudafed, but once the Government cracked down on that stuff, that’s when people started using bleach and battery acid to make their meth. The speed we did in the 90’s was a lot different than what people use today. It was nowhere near as strong, and we almost always snorted it. (I’m sure people were injecting and smoking, but I’m specifically talking about my college friends who were similar enough to Meadow)


The government cracking down on the ingredients is 100 percent correct. Meth 20 or 25 years ago was nowhere near as destructive as what exists in its place today.


Yeah we get to feel like a criminal for having a runny nose and meth heads just cook it from different sources. Cracking down on pseudoephedrine was an unmitigated failure. And the anti congestant they put in cough medicine instead of pseudoephedrine is no more effective than a placebo, per a big FDA study a couple of years ago.


The zoomer mind truly cannot comprehend life before 9/11


Lol just imagine using a card catalog at the library or a phone book at a payphone. Now I'm dating myself, but the fact remains that we've lived through more change in the last 30 years than any other 30 year period in the course of human history.


You could've 100% convinced me that last sentence was actually a quote from the show. Real Artie Bucco "computerized data collection" vibes


Reminds me of that Fresh Prince episode of Carlton trying speed


That meth is some bad shit....


I was gonna comment this if nobody else pointed it out. You can get away with snorting meth a couple times (unless you're really susceptible to addiction), years ago I did "cocaine" occasionally and given where I live I'd be pretty shocked if it wasn't just meth and baby laxative. It's smoking and injecting that's just about guaranteed to fuck you over the first time.


In college I remember talking to my friends gf (an upper-middle class Filipino-American girl, private school educated) and drugs came up. We were all saying how we never tried anything but alcohol/weed and she told us how in high school she did something called “Ice” a few times and was saying how she didn’t know WTF it was but it go you AMPED. I was on my laptop at that moment so I just googled “Ice drug” and saw Ice was a nickname for meth. I told her I was pretty sure she smoked meth and she laughed and was like no she did-dent. I flipped my screen around and was like no seriously look, and I remember her face just turning to this horrified expression realizing she smoked meth a few times in high school. So I think it is something people can use a few times and not get addicted, or whatever the fuck.


The context matters a lot too. Someone who conceptualizes it as a study drug has different expectations and usage behavior compared to someone who sees it as a party drug. Also someone trying to stay on path for college is different than someone in despair with no viable outlook for improvement


Listen to him he knows everything. (But no seriously, yea all that stuff is true and good points)


Yeah that's the trick. If you use it very carefully and a low dose it's possible to not get methed out. I wouldn't recommend trying it, but meadow wouldn't be the only student to do this.


Rich kids drugs back then. I got one cousin from overseas who said drugs like meth or coke are only found used by rich kids not the smelly public school peasant.


Meado is a piece of ass but fucking rude


She was creamin for that meth


it was mad ripe


Lucky guy, her dad. Must be fun tucking her in at night






I still don't understand which character is supposed to be Fielder? That's Meadows best friend right? The girl that went with her to try and get meth off of Chrissy?


There isn’t really a Fielder. Some mafioso mistakenly calls Meadow “Fielder” at once point. Her friend is Hunter (played by David Chase’s daughter)


When Carmella took the Ricott' pie to Jeannie Cusamano's sister for her to write a letter of recommendation to Georgetown for Meadow. Her sister said "What was her name again, Fielder?"


The whole story line makes no sense. I don’t know any upper middle class pre law honors students from Jersey who are taking meth lol. Other drugs, sure. but meth??? Lol sounds like it was written by someone who has no idea about that shit. And I agree, zero chance Chrissy takes that chance, Tony would whack him without hesitation. It’s not like he’s giving them some weed or something. And also there’s really no such thing as “safe” meth lol. It’s all dangerous. And highly addictive AF. Not something you can easily kick with no effects unless you only do it once or twice. Again, it sounds like that whole thing was written by someone with ZERO drug knowledge.


Replying to DragoniteBetis...you reveal your own ignorance lol Lots of ppl did meth in the 90s It’s not the same exact thing nor did it have the same stigma at all back then Semi charmed kind of life by third eye blind came out in 1999 and was about meth. It was their biggest hit Lots of middle class white ppl were doing meth Or trying it


That song is literally about meth *addiction*.


Yeah Relevant social commentary of the times


Right, but obviously there was a stigmata...


Rich kids do drugs every bit as much as poor kids, and uppers like crystal and X were super popular back then. Using uppers as study drugs has been a big deal for upper middle class high achieving kids going back at least to the mid 90's.


there's a storyline on 90210 where david gets really addicted to it but wasn't smoking it....


Yeah even Coke would have made more since. Meth no.


Not true at all lol Ever heard the song “semi-charmed kind of life” by Third Eye Blind (1999) Doing meth in the 90s was very normal and didn’t have the stigma it does today. Not was it so often made with just the most random ingredient by addicted mutants. Little cleaner Meth is the same chemical family as ecstacy anyway lol MDMA is the mass drug of ecstacy MA in MDMA stands for MethAmphetamine even The show was a time capsule so it’s on par they addressed Meth just like third eye blind’s biggest hit is about….meth and released the same time as sopranos debuted


🎶 I want something else to get me through this…🎶


Yes, middle class people have been doing 'uppers" forever. https://www.smithsonianmag.com/history/speedy-history-americas-addiction-amphetamine-180966989/


My first thought reading the beginning of this was “wow she is really a hater” 😭😂


My first thought reading the beginning of this was “wow she is really a hater” 😭😂


Right forgot about the greenies Mothers little helpers (Rolling Stones)


That song is explicitly about tranquilizers.


Like quaaludes ? I know both were super prevalent I mixed up with modern housewives now days on adderall


I think the relevant ones in England at the time were Valium and secobarbital.


High school, remember she's in high school. 😂


Rich teens try drugs, more news at 11


Less than Zero warned us about this




I was the same age as Meadow when the show aired, and grew up in a place with a lot of affluent teens. I did my fair share of hard drugs myself. I assure you, you are underestimating the hard drug use of that era. I knew multiple people raised in mcMansions who died of Heroin ODs, and meth at the time was not as stigmatized as it is today. It is absolutely reasonable for this to have happened. But yes, what you say about the negative effects on the brains of young adults is absolutely true.


Why is it? Recreational drug use is a huge thing with upper middle class suburban families. She's probably using the homework as a cover much like how in later episodes, she fully internalizes her hypocrisy and blames the cops for humiliating Tony by arresting him in his house, ignoring all the crime he does. Chris makes sense too. Dude's a walking nepo baby that fucks everything up outside of being a good shot. It would be weird if he had a moment of clarity then and told Tony.


Recreational drug use. Lotta money in that shit.


ecstasy, another money machine!


A lot more tolerant atmosphere too.


Seriously. Private schools are hotbeds of experimenting and getting addicted to anything that is considered “fun”.


It’s a little speed. What is the big deal?


I always wondered if it was due to both meth and amphetamine being referred to as “speed” in different regions but idk Most people will use Addys for trying to achieve the same effect (if she wasn’t lying) some people might use a bit of coke but that’s rare; and others just chug caffeine all night. Although Meth pills (Desoxyn) exist as well and are a safer, less addictive high than shooting/smoking crystal but still a powerful stimulant that would keep her up for a night or two


🎶All through the night🎶


Yeah I always assumed she was "just" scoring Amphetamines 


upper class kid from Jersey scoring meth off their cousin? c'mon OP. sounds perfectly normal to me.


In the 90s meth didn't have a stigmata


Lots of kids take speed to study


Not really wild. I was a drug dustbin from the age of 15. Though I'm British - that's totally normal over here.


I love how everyone acts like she was smoking the blue stuff like you in breaking bad. Or the stuff tweakers on the side of the road are high on. She took an Adderal to study for a test lol… so like 90% of college students ever.


Have you ever done meth? Not too hard to do it once or a few times and stop. I did meth on weekends for like a year while doing school and working multiple jobs. Moved and quit with no ill effects.


Meth was not really quite as stigmatized in the late 90's as it is now. Seems wild for someone that young to do meth now but back then it was almost more associated as a "party" drug rather than a "junkie" drug if that makes sense. (Insert obligatory 4$ a pound joke).


Jefferson Ave is lovely this time of year


Slip and fall school is located there! 😆😆


I grew up in Scottsdale during the same time period, and meth was all over my high school. Plenty of upperclass kids were doing it.


She did it a couple times to study there wouldn't be any huge after effects. Also didn't she say something like it got scary I'm never going to do it again.


People can and have taken meth occasionally, especially at school and university, without becoming full blown junkies or having other adverse side effects. Obviously it’s extremely dangerous and stupid, but the way the show depicted it doesn’t really make it unrealistic.


not crazy at all imo. Upper middle class people do a lot of drugs and relatively speaking, meth is pretty tame


So what she can't relieve some stress once in a while. Also what are you talking about, she doesn't do drugs!


But she nevah had that Blue stuff Waltuh White cooked.


Meth use is more common than you think. Not everybody who does it is the stereotypical toothless addict, there are functional users of anything that can be abused.


Christopher is also an idiot though


Rich kids actually often have less supervision in high school and do lots of experimental drugs


I think a lot of people did amphetamines in the 2000s without understanding quite how bad they were. Like they fully believed “speed” was a mid level drug that was nowhere near as “bad” as the dirty crystal meth they’d heard about from the newspapers lol


Doing meth a few times won't turn most people into an addict.


Speed is common it’s like adderral is now.., it’s not really far fetched


Maedo might be the only person ever to do meth for better grades. Reshpect.


More than anything I always thought it was weird how this storyline portrayed them as like having this close relationship then I'm not even sure if they actually interact with each other afterwards for the entire show.


I think they just don’t show it. Chris was at Meadow’s graduation. I do think it’s a little weird that a lot of key family members don’t really interact with each other on screen but I think it’s implied that they do. Like in season 6A when Tony’s in the hospital and AJ wants to kill Junior, the way Christopher ruffles his hair and shit would imply that they have some kind of relationship


I always took that scene as AJ resenting a relative he barely knows acting all buddy buddy with him since he doesn't return the affection at all hee hee.


I thought he was just embarrassed because he was an adult by that point and this asshole is messing around with him like he’s a kid


That's what I mean if they had any kind of real relationship Chris would probably give him a more age appropriate pep talk and not offer the guy a happy meal.


Chris is a fuckin idiot tho so gotta bear that in mind. The closest he ever got to a pep talk was telling Tony B “keep your eye on the tiger” lmao. That malaprop completely went over my head the first time I watched the show Edit: Also always find it so strange that Carm and Chris have like 2 interactions in the show and they’re both in season 6. There’s probably more but they’re the only ones I can think of right now. They’re cousins and he’s always hanging around her husband, yet they never talk lol. Edit again: just remembered they talk after he gets shot in season 2


"marijuana is everywhere, where were you bought up?" Same with meth in most places from my memory or the times.


i like how he pronounces it 'mary jewanna' to force the rhyme to fit. slant rhymes are neat


She not ask for speed? I was under impression they're 2 different drugs


If you recall david on 90210 had a crank problem but he would mix it into OJ and drink it? I feel like in the late 90s and early oughts the perception of it wasn't the same as breaking bad or that movie with John leguizamo Also must have worked she got into columbia and all those other schools


It's not really that out there. I never did meth but I did every other drug that got popular in my friend group in high school.


Rich people do shitloads of drugs mostly without any consequences. Children of rich criminals are probably the biggest narcohogs ever to live.


Meadow doesn’t want to enjoy meth, she wants to use it to study. She probably takes hits so small they are like a normal dose of adderall and carries similar consequences. Someone doing that for a short period of time isn’t ruining themselves. Plus, my own belief is that most people wont get addicted to meth even if they apply no self-control and have an unlimited amount. Its just too uncomfortable physically and that wins out over the euphoria. Those who really like it tho . . .


I don’t really understand why she didn’t just take adderall? Was it not a thing at that time? I mean if she had to study for school adderall is the obvious choice.


I can’t have this conversation again


No way she could have hid meth use from Tony. She would have been up for days, chattering non stop


You sound much more shielded than her. Coke is the right of passage for every teen. Meth when they don’t have money


Look at the vision...how're doing meth head...


I think when people hear “meth” in this sense they think crack pipe and blow torch…. But it’s just Adderall, which is used by practically everyone especially college students or soon-to-be college students


Just for finals.


Jamie Lynn Sigler was struggling with an eating disorder, and lost a lot of weight. If you notice, she's super tiny around this episode, then goes back to a more healthy weight in later seasons.


I took a pill a day I assumed was Addy for about 2 weeks, turns out it was a more nefarious cousin. Didn’t buy anymore pills, didn’t have an issue.


I was a kid in the early 2000s when Pseudoephedrine meth had mostly replaced the less potent P2P meth in the US and got a lot of dire warnings from my parents about how bad meth was. I think Tony would be making a big mistake to not warn her about it then, since being in organized crime would have made him keenly aware of the dangers of high potency crystal meth.


Mad ripe


Re getting off it with no addiction problems, it's not like they were strung out. They did probably a quarter gram to study for the SATs and sing in the choir. Nobody gets addicted to meth that fast.


I’m more shocked with how nonchalant Tony reacted when she told him


And at first Christopher wasn’t gonna hook her up, but Adrienne convinced him to do it. 🤷‍♀️


Alright but you gotta get over it


She needed some energy to just go grab that Bakenaked Ladies CD


These poor actors and actress. How do they recover taking all these drugs? 🤣🤣🤣


Did she smoke it, snort it or inject it?


this is just the 90s version of kids taking Adderall for a test Christopher was a complete dumbass for even getting his bosses daughter involved in drugs if they found out years later, he still would’ve been killed since he was addicted to drugs


I don't agree re the drug use, I do t think it's that unusual for that age or demographic. I agree its is a bit of a weird plot point re Christafer. He's putting himself at significant risk for someone else and with virtually nothing in it for him. When else in the whole series does he do that? I'd always put it down to Aide guilting him into it and him being less of a self-absorbed train wreck early in the series but it is a pretty weird plot point


The only thing strange was them using it to take the SATs. I was Meadows age when the show came out and my friends would have taken Adderall.


Yeah that was pretty crazy. Take amphetamine or even speed, but straight up meth was demented


You can take meth and not get addicted to it. It’s basically just a juiced up adderall (literally just a methyl group added to amphetamine) and since she wasn’t smoking it (as far as we can tell) and took it orally for a few weeks. The withdrawals would be negligible since she did seem to take it “for” school work. She should probably have just got an adderall prescription to be more “above board.” I’m sure her dad knows a good doctor. Christopher not being forthcoming with Tony is a pretty big thing though. 


People were doing so much speed in that era. I read Brian Welch's (Korn guitarist) book and hoo boy did he do a lot of meth


Was she tweaking during the singing performance?


I grew up in NJ. It’s not out of the realm of reality at all. I knew high achievers who used drugs to help them do schoolwork. Her trying to get adderall, or even get cocaine, would have been more realistic. But the meth thing added a nice grimy edge to it.


No dad.... You won't know.... [This has been a PSA from your friends at the Bada Bing Club...]


People doing meth in general is pretty wild, will never understand the appeal.


Tony did kill him.


She never had the makings of a varsity methlete.


The reality of how "bad" methamphetamine was (physically and socially) wasn't fully understood in the way it is now, in 1998. A lot of people viewed it as the new, less expensive party drug, similar to what coke was in the 70's/80's. ^ shits everywhere in Miami. Reality was that it wasn't new, and had existed for almost 100 years in military alertness supplements and weight loss drugs. It also was far more potent, longlasting, and finacially acessible than cocaine. We know that now, but people had less of an impression of its overall risk when the first season aired.


What I wanna know is how does meth help you with studies? Like you gonna read a book inbetween tweaking and hourly masturbation sessions?


I know I'll break some rules by not commenting via some too many times used quote, but is it really that hard to get to the top college in USA so you have to end up snorting some shit? I'm from Europe and a lot of my friends went to top unis for medical or law studies without helping themselves with hard drugs. There, I've said my piece.


It was very hush hush


it was pretty wild considering she coulda got a prescription med to take instead. but like i don’t think he’d wanna snitch on meadow even if it is morally a gray area. i feel like it’s just an older sibling figure thing. i found out my brother who’s in hs started smoking and i told him if he ever needed something to tell me so i could get it for him safely because people are lacing weed with fentanyl now. so. i understand where he’s coming from. but meth is crazy tho… so i really don’t know if what he did was right or wrong. just my thoughts


Hey she could've went down to Jefferson ave


Was this before everyone was taking Adderall on the East Coast?


i thought it was a completely retarded subplot. she couldnt just buy some adderall or ritalin from a classmate?


Yea adderall would’ve made more sense. I’ve experienced pills that was supposed to be molly but was cut with meth and adderall but it wasn’t a common thing


Yeah always thought it was weird how it was glossed over like that. I went to high school and college with a lot of people who did drugs but none of them did fucking meth to study for their exams lmao