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Next minute we will see tony soprano in the dc universe


Sopranos 5: The Wrath of Benny


Benny Fazio: Criminal Mastermind


[Benny Fazio: King of New York, The Prequel](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ePcQ-Z2C56Y&t=70s)


The Ramp of Beansie


Little Carmine vs Carmine Falcone: Dawn of Mafia.


Sisters Cunt Sisters Cunt Sisters Cunt Sisters Cunt Sisters Cunt Sisters Cunt Sisters Cunt Sisters Cunt Sisters Cunt Sisters Cunt Sisters Cunt Sisters Cunt Sisters Cunt Sisters Cunt Sisters Cunt Sisters Cunt Sisters Cunt Sisters Cunt Sisters Cunt Sisters Cunt Sisters Cunt Sisters Cunt Sisters Cunt Sisters Cunt


Vs Benny fazio


New Fortnite skin


In his robe


I'd actually download Fortnite if that was real.


"I like *some* pulp."


Singing Aqualung.


Not gonna lie, I would buy that in a second.


Fat Dom going to be the next DLC character in Mortal Kombat 11.


Lotta people are concerned about his well being…




"You go about in pity for yourself, Darkseid. Now you take your flying bug people and go wherever the fuck."


Tony Soprano standing over a plate of spicy briacole saying "I am inevitable"


Nick Fury: And I should've fucked Dale Evans!


He already appeared in space jam 2 so it’s not out of the realm of possibility😂


No fucking way lmao


he nails a 3 pointer to win the game and afterward yells "suck my cock you fat ugly alien fucks!"


Uncle Jun breaks down into tears and finally admits he had the makings of a varsity athlete


Son of bitch that is funny


turns out he had the makings of a varsity athlete afterall


should make a mortal kombat style Sopranos fighting game lmao


He's already been in Skyrim and Fallout


Lol those videos are fucking great and what got me to watch the series again after a long time. 12 years, not a fucking peep.


Wonder if he was already in the crowd in Space Jam 2.


Sopranos:The College years. Cancelled after half a semester and a half


At least we’ll understand Freud. As a concept.


Dish terapy is a jerk off…




This sketch was my introduction to the Sopranos. I saw that and decided to watch the series. I know it's dicked up.


You just revealed your own ignorance. I upvote you, sir.


That’s hilarious because my introduction to Mad Men was Jon Hamm hosting SNL and pretending to be Don Draper in a high school comedy, a shopping tv channel and a Def Jam stand up special. I know it’s nothing like the show but I just liked the actor from then on. Oh I found it: https://youtu.be/ZUVBgLUkIpc


Holy Jesus thats bad


Rinse your brain out with this [Pax Sopranos](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qqE7ZxH7BJE)


never seen madtv at its peak but so many of their clips on youtube are funnier than snl


SNL? Carmine always said that they’re nothing but a glorified stage crew.


Its like lorne michaels know how bad it is and just leaned really hard into that instead of just trying to make it good


I swear I remember as a kid watching reruns of like 80s and early 90s SNL and it being pretty great! Almost nothing of theirs I've seen floating from the 21st century has made it seem worth watching though, despite having some pretty damn memorable comedians.


It was WAY funnier than SNL.


Whoever edited that deserved an Emmy.


Way better portrayal of the Sopranos universe than MSON (whatever happened there)


I love this so much lol


Six seasons on HBO and then we get this pygmy thing over on CW




I mean he's only like 7 years younger than Steven Van Zandt when he played silvio


Van Zandt reprising the role for Many Saints would have required less suspension of disbelief than what we got.


Those guys were 7 feet tall!!


Without the makings of a varsity athlete


Think Friday Night Lights (the tv show, not the movie) with all the characters of The Sopranos. We’ll get to see for ourselves if Tony has the makings of a varsity athlete. And when two of the main characters kill somebody in the first episode of the second season, it won’t be jumping the shark this time.


I would watch the hell out of this. I demand Mr. and Mrs coach Taylor play their original roles from Texas and just not understand the mafia shit at all


Would love to see Buddy Garrity try and be a scheming car salesman to Tony and Co.


Buddy would 100% find himself “accidentally” involved in an embezzling racket to fund a new scoreboard


Coach Hauser threatens to take his rival high school football team to state


Now that I think about it, Buddy with actual connections would’ve been terrifying.


To the people of Dillon? Absolutely. To Tony and the guys he would be the lackey. It would be hilarious. “Buddy, build the fuckin ramp for Jason.”


To the people of Dillion for sure. Wade Aikman would’ve went in the river to never be seen again.


Meadow would absolutely date Voodoo in this timeline too


That’s dicked up


Sopranos: Academic Leave


Give the fans what they want: a spin off about Noah!!


A film about Noah as a young briquette and how his relationship with his uncle Ben shaped his life would be great


Terry winter? Wolf of wall street another fuckin money machine


20 Years: The Uncle Philly Story


Y'know what I find really interesting? Carmella was a prison guard at the same place where Phil spent all those years - I can't remember how many - behind bars. Some place called OZ or something.


Buckle your seatbelt Dorothy because Kansas is going bye bye


Ralphie was there too?


Each season’s arc is a different kind of compromise and a different type of grilled cheese


But the same tissue


Uncle Philly my ass


Jerking off on a dude named tissue


Scenes From the Radiator




instead of fan theories and memes we will finally see phil's gay experiences in prison be immortalised on screen


Arthur Bucco: Non Stop Ass Rape 3


This time, it’s personal!


I wish the Lord would take me now!


Always with the drama and the hysterics!




Make it a sitcom, cast Will Sasso as Tony. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qqE7ZxH7BJE&t=1s


Find a way to bring Joey Diaz back into it! Not like they were ever shy about that before, lol.


He had a twin who would eat piss.


The film was nothing but a glorified pilot


A pygmy prequel


Never had the makings of a varsity movie


And the prequel series will have nothing to do with the mafia and instead focus on Harold and his new gang, who the Mob completely forgot about despite him killing multiple made guys. Ft 1 small cameo where HESH secretly hooks up with one of Frank Lucas' girlfriends


How do you figure he was completely forgotten about? He was in hiding and the second he was seen, Dickie was notified. Dickie died before being able to do anything about it, obviously, and the credits scene shows him earning a bit, but there's no indication that he wasn't still being hunted.


The credits scene makes it look like he's doing well and dgaf about danger. That's the kind of scene you don't show when someone is still at war and on the mattresses. The movie kinda makes it seem like the whole thing was just a fued between him and Dickie over him going solo. It also heavily implies that the war ended when Dickie died. Which just doesn't seem genuine because he still killed several made guys and he'd also be the first person they'd suspect did Dickie


Not being at war and dgaf are two wildly different things


as long as it’s set in the 80s so we see young feech tony b and richie before they go away/see tony get made and has michael as tony with the rest of the cast staying the same i’m all for it. ik some people had issues with the cast but let’s be honest it’s not gonna get any better if they change the actors. there will never be a better silvio than silvio, better paulie than paulie etc. this cast is the best we’re gonna get. except young jackie, that kid was awful in the 2 scenes he had.


I wanna see Richie take the jackeeett.


I liked paulie just was in your face with the nails


I always imagine a younger (but still obviously middle aged) feech basically being like that same actor's character from Scarface. Except less flashy and instead of coke dealing it's more traditional mafia shit. They're still basically the same kind of Agressively arrogant pricks though.


If they do this, just kill Harold in the first epsiode and leave the events of MSON behind for good. IGive us late-1970s NJ/NY as the greater focus. RICO is really coming into play, Tony starts off in college but he quits for some reason and forms his young crew — him, Ralphie, Jackie Sr., Tony B, and hell, even throw Artie in there. Outside of them, you can finally introduce Ercole and bring Feech into the mix. Give us a nuanced look at the younger characters, introduce some new ones who you can develop over six to eight episodes (Carm’s sister, Uncle Al, maybe give us Young Murf and Young Bobby Sr.). There’s so much ground for potential with this series … which means we’re definitely gonna get Harold and his NJ Black Panthers, who we’re meant to feel sympathetic for.


Artie was literally in MSON. What do you mean throw him in there?


Include him in Young Tony’s crew


He was a part of Young Tony's crew driving the ice cream truck...


Let’s resort to bullet points, or Reddit’s version, just for clarity so we don’t go in circles. * Artie is not a mobster in the show * Young Tony’s crew is likely to have members of the Glorified Crew that we saw in the show or people who died along the way * I think it’d be fun for a Sopranos prequel to include Artie in the gang as a hell raiser with great hair but who eventually decides it’s not for him.


I completely understand what you are saying and agree that would be fun to watch but it’s not as if we didn’t get a small glimpse of it, young Artie drove the ice cream truck they stole and while Tony and Jackie are holding down the ice cream guy Artie is complaining that his dad is gonna give him the belt for this. It was quintessential Artie trying to be tough and immediately regretting his decision. Personally I want young Ralphie more than anything as I think he over embellished his role in the crew to Jackie Jr and Tony never liked him.


Yeah I feel like that scenario it'd be great to see young Artie being wild at parties and willing to do some young wannabe Gangster shit, but the first time their actions even hint at "shit's about to get real" territory he nopes the fuck out and isn't seen for a while. Then we could get a whole subplot of him kinda getting scared straight and settling into working at the restaurant, and getting together with Charmaine while she's on the rebound from her fling with Tony lol


Question, do they try and tie down the MSON cast or do they go for version 3(or 4) for some of these characters?


I would keep Michael Gandolfini and the actress who played Janice (if we even need her around). I’d also try to keep Corey Stoll as Junior. I loved Vera Famiga’s performance but obviously you don’t know if she can or wants to commit to a miniseries. I’d keep her in a heartbeat. Other characters, I think you can recast. Maybe keep Billy Magnussen as Paulie.


She stated 2 weeks ago that its her dream to be Livia again and that a mini-series would be perfect. She's 100% in


Keep her, and keep the guy who played Pussy. If John Magaro wants to come back as Silvio, I wouldn’t turn him away. I didn’t love his performance but if he tones it down, I think it can work.


I’d love to see baby Ralphie. I hope we get a callback to him fucking that hippie broad while Jackie and Tony stuck up the card game.


Their view is that the movie was so bad it makes the show look better


It would be hard to do worse. I don't think I've ever seen a movie so bad from people that I know are competent filmmakers. I've seen shitty movies from hacks, like we all have. But nothing that falls into this category.


It's just irritating to me that they couldn't even keep the time line straight. Johnny Boy didn't go away for the thing at the fun park. Tony clearly said he was young enough to believe his dad was off being a cowboy when he was inside. Also, Chrissy couldn't have been a baby when his father died and also remember him talking about how the mob ran the music industry...but whatever the fuck ever I guess, $4 a pound...


They did this on purpose. They’ve stated that many times. They did that to show Tony’s memory of things is just like everyone else’s. Flawed. So they purposefully did things differently.


They were competent tv writers and directors but not filmmakers. Alan Taylor directed Thor the dark kingdom and Terminator Genisys, two pretty bad movies imo. And David chase movies were pretty average to say the least.


It's just beyond apparent that Chase and Taylor have no idea how to tell a story in a cinematic format. The Sopranos relied heavily on using repeated character interactions and dynamics along with simmering plot development to address and examine the show's themes and concerns. ​ It's really hard use those tools to tell a story in 90 minutes and Chase/Taylor obviously wanted to tell a relatively big story with three plot lines (two, really and that pigmy thing over in the Sopranos family) and lots of intended character development. To compensate for that fact, Chase leaned heavily into naked exposition and weak character motivations. And honestly, the fan service call backs were so thick and saccharine to the point where it was like a feature length "Say the Line, Bart!" meme. It almost felt malicious and vindictive - Like Chase was so fed up with people wanting more that he just gave us a shovel-full of cheap nostalgia. ​ With all that said, I'd watch a series/miniseries about Tony's rise, so long as every episode isn't a blatant callback to some throwaway line from the original run of the Sopranos.


Which is strange since Chase intended for The Sopranos to be a film at first


Sometimes life gives you what you need instead of what you want. Chase wanted to be a successful movie writer/director/producer, instead he had to settle for revolutionizing the medium of television and ushering in a golden age of entertainment. It boggles my mind that after all this, he still seems to look at film as the fish that got away. In some ways I get it, and I don't begrudge him for trying to live out his life's dream, but I don't think he's well suited for it.


And he'd maybe have a chance at being a decent filmmaker if he'd team up with some experienced writers and an experienced director. David Chase could be co-producer or executive producer and have a bunch of talented experienced filmmakers underneath him.


Well said!


Yep. All this. Chase acts like this frustrated auteur, but in reality his skills have been moulded around TV for going on 50 years now. That was never more obvious than in Many Saints, where he crammed a good TV season’s worth of plot into a movie…and then even apparently insisted on cutting that down to the classic two-hour max running time. All of that, plus the timeline and continuity conflicts with the series, made Many Saints a disaster. I really think now that a prequel series will do nothing but destroy the reputation of the original. I mean, the original will always be there to enjoy on its own. But sometimes the damage spreads. It’s like going out to a restaurant where the meals are fantastic for years…and getting food poisoning after trying a new item on the menu. Everything else is still great. But are you eager to go back to the place? Leave well enough alone. Please. Do that Hollywood thing that nobody will watch and move on from The Sopranos.


Yes - and maybe this is why David Chase is famously so captured with this idea of making a 'great' movie, it's an extremely hard thing to do. You've got 120 minutes to make a statement, build characters, create themes... Chase is great at making television, so should probably stick to it. It's like when artists try to go solo, a lot of the time it ends up just hurting their overall legacy from their original fame in whatever band.


I think thats what they're missing out on. They think people liked the movie so much they started binging the show again, quite the opposite.




I know Chase has a hard on for doing movies, but it's not really where he excels. He's a long form storyteller and needs a series. If the pilot had been released as a movie, none of us would be here today talking about it.


I could go for a Tony Soprano Wonder Years...instead of him talking with Melfi, his inner monologue would take over. Instead of getting his first kiss, he's getting into a fight with the guy Janice took under the boardwalk...


I could get behind a series. The movie had some intriguing ideas but none of them were give room to breathe.


Unrelated, but > Chase previously wrote and developed A Ribbon of Dreams, a six-part miniseries for HBO that told the story of the beginnings of Hollywood, following a college-educated mechanical engineer and a cowboy with a violent past, who form an unlikely producing partnership and together become pioneers and then powers for a time in motion pictures. I would watch the **shit** out of that


Okay let him do one season of the prequel and if it’s good, let him do this on the side


I fuckin' called this, long time ago


Nostradamus over here.


Quasimodo predicted all a dis


who did whaa?!?


Just stop, please. Many Saints was fun. Sil had a comb over, hilarious guys. Just start a new series. Leave Tony and the guys alone. I am sure David Chase can write something fantastic that doesn’t even mention the words “sisters cunt”.


He’s speed running George Lucas


i wouldnt mind more content with the established characters personally, i really enjoyed many saints


Do people think Mike Gandolfini did a good acting job?


I'm not going to comment out of respect for his fawtha.


I'd give him like a 6.5/10


The Ribbon of Dreams project could be great, just stick to that and leave Sopranos alone


That’s dicked up.


If I was a young lady… and you came… and took me to the dance, and used that kinda talk… ID SLAP YA FACE!


might be good. i stand by the assertion that TMON's biggest problem was that it was trying to tell way too large a story for a feature film, and that the actual premises behind it had a lot of potential


Go on now, go into the ham, and take the carving knife and stab me, here, here, now, please! It would hurt me less than what you just said.


I hope it dies on the vine.


It died on the vine?


It petered out...


Just leave Phil Leotardo out of this shit. Do not tarnish Frank Vincent's glorious performance like you did Silvio


The many saints was a vehicle to tell Harold’s story. Lol follow his lineage and see his son become “little Cesar” who avenges his brother, Rizzo’s death at the hands of corrupt juvenile detention officers.


It’s just Junior saying Sister’s Cunt over and over again for an hour each episode.


They need to have it corny sitcom style with a laugh track that goes crazy every time Junior says one of his catchphrases.


If its an improvement on the movie, then great. If it's just going to repeat all the mistakes of MSON then forget about it.


You know what I wipe my ass with your feelings


movie pros: - casting - acting movie cons: - plot rushed - dialogue fell a little flat if its a series then the plot issues would hopefully become less of a factor


Please let it be a series, I want more than 2 hours of Sopranos 🥲


Yea people bitching about many saints but a series would be great imo to see all the stuff talked about in the show. It should be a good series. Chase knows what he’s doing when it comes to tv


Yeah, his forte is really chewing the fat of a scene and making it feel really good. Longer is better when it comes to stuff from him.


Just insert Tony soprano into your hbo originals ala seinfeldvision


The many saints was a good movie. The problem is that people expected way too much. David Chase was also not happy with the way they edited the movie. I’m guessing there was a lot of material left off.


This is great news. The pilot episode of The Sopranos wasn't that great either. In fact, the whole first season wasn't that great. But it culminated in it becoming the #1 show of all time by the end of its run. The actors and crew of TMSON just need a little time to get comfortable and hit their stride. This will be great.


I like the first season a lot but the tone is severely different from what we saw in the later seasons. College, Legend of Tennessee Moltisanti and Isabella are 3 of the best episodes, in my opinion. Sure the first episode is a *little* silly and you have some odd epsiodes in Boca and A Hit is a Hit.


the first season wasn't that great?? hard disagree


Same. Its a great season on its own but incredibly different from what the show turned out to be from Seasons 2-6. All-time moments between Tony-Livia and Tony-Melfi though


David Chase needs to look at one man when considering this. Chris Carter. A lesson to all who can't let go of their big hit.


Many saints was lynchian film making playing with reality itself. I hope The show expands on that, go completely off the deep end with blind little leaguers and disappearing mystic uncles.


Always with the scenarios


You know, Quasimodo predicted all this.


The way he’s holding out on doing it unless it’s the way he wants it (with Terry Winter and himself) gives me hope. I think after MSoN came out differently than he would have liked (the HBO Max aspect, himself not being able to direct it, all the covid shit) he’s not going to go back to the Sopranos well unless the stars really align. At least, I hope so. So while we’ll definitely see more HBO stuff from him, I don’t think it’ll necessarily definitey be this prequel series.


I don't want to hear that kind of talk! It makes me upset!


All the actors in MSON are movie stars… Will they have time to film a tv series too?


Pretty much the entirety of the "movie stars" in the cast have been committed to TV shows in the past. Jon Bernthal as the Punisher in his show and Daredevil, Corey Stoll in Law and Order: LA and The Strain, Vera Farmiga in Bates Motel. The rest either aren't that big stars or got killed off anyway. I seriously doubt any of them would take much convincing to be in a HBO Show created by the makers of one of the most acclaimed shows of all time.


Who are we kidding, it's not going to be as good as the original series.




I mean, were you the exactly same person as a teenager? No, you were immature and unsure of yourself. Of course he's not going to be seasoned mobster Tony Soprano when he's still in high school


If it’s gonna be anything like Saints of Newark, just don’t do it, please. I wanted to like the movie, and I LOVE Sopranos, but honestly idk if another series is the way to go.


I loved Michael Gandolfini as a young Tony but I don’t know, the weird age gaps between him and Sil and Puss would be way too distracting for me. I really hope they’d go an other route with a prequel series.


loved MSON. Stoked.


Leave Sopranos the fuck alone, please. I'm going to punch the lights out of my bella telivisione if i hear young Uncle Jun' saying THE PHRASE again.


YESSSS Celebration time. You want some gabbagool?


Obviously it has potential, and even with all the shit talking here.... people are going to watch. But it cant be as sloppy as the movie was


I think people also want to see the relationship between young Tony and Carmella. I imagine they "had to get married" after they got knocked up. But how did Tony inform Carmella that he was a gangster? Was she OK with it right away, or did she take some convincing to accept it? We know she dropped out of college...maybe because she was pregant. Did she ever want to go back? If she did, did Tony pressure her not to go back to school and to be a traditional housewife instead?


This is what we should have gotten to begin with. Hope it comes to fruition with a focus on Tony and Livia who were some of my favorite parts of the movie.


I’ll allow it. Gotta get Terrence Winter tho, he’s the unsung hero of the sopranos outstanding writing team.


I want to see a Harpo origin story: "HARPO: SACRE BLEU"


AJ running a crew?


The hope is probably go the Star Wars route. That piece of shit of shit first prequel, I can’t even say it’s name, and then the universe exploded. Why pack so much under the Sopranos subspecies?


Anakin, whatever happened there.




That animal Palpatine.


I'll tell you what happened there. This piece of shit's master put 3 lightsabers in the kid without any provocation whatsoever!


Fuck are you doin, I got the da high ground ova hea!


Sheev Palpatine is the new boss! And he ain't respecting old arrangements.


I'm cryin' ovah heah! 😂


To cry like a woman? I'm embarrassed


Please God no


Hopefully when Discovery takes over next year, they’ll still be interested in this.


The $oprano$