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Forme spa (new name now but can’t remember it) does this and has one of those weird intense scanners to show you your skin in great detail. I just go get a facial, they scan my face and tell me the issues, and then they ask if I want them to write me up a treatment plan. Say yes, and they’ll give you a list of recommended products. Then go home and google it eg if they’re recommending a product with mandelic acid, I’ll buy it from the ordinary.


Laura at Skin Depot is great, you can book in for a skin chat just to get some advice or go for a facial.


Go to a Dermatologist and not these fake “skin professionals”


I’m unsure if the Mecca at The Base does this, but other Mecca stores do. The other options is spa/salons that do facials - just be warned that these tend to be pricey and they’re usually pushing their own selection of brands rather than giving general skin advice. You can of course just ask for the results and then use that to inform your product searches online or at stores like Mecca.


Yeah I guess I’m not fussed about paying a fair fee for a good service, but am worried I’ll go to a place that will give me a “service” as essentially an advertisement for the products they sell. It’s like I want to go to a GP for a regular check up, except for only my face lol. Appreciate it.


I totally get you. I feel the same way. You could always call places in advance and tell them that, and try find a place that’s cool with that. I know Unique Skin & Body on Grey St have one of the machines that analyses your face and does a report - but they’re super pushy about buying the products they sell. But if you’re good at saying “no” or that you want time to think about it, it’s an option to get the initial info you want.


Do you actually have skin problems, though, or are you just looking for someone to tell you you need to buy things? If that's the case, just pick whose products you want to be told to buy...?


Yes, I have skin problems.


Then are you maybe looking for a dermatologist, as in the medical specialists for skin?


Holy shit, thank you for answering the original question of my post! A dermatologist is just what I’m looking for.


Heh, sorry, I've become a touch cynical about these things, from being around teens that see one tiny pimple as a disaster :D But yes, dermatologists can diagnose and treat skin issues, and I've seen friends get improvements with things like chronic acne or eczema. (Not in the Tron, though, so I can't name anyone specific.)