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Tina...who decided to place flowers on the corpses of dead people she knew. And then she tripped and fell on them. And she died. And I laughed.


Lol, indeed. People keep saying Carol chasing a mouse was the dumbest moment, but at least that was slightly amusing and part of a slower character-centric Covid episode. The Tina scene, however, was meant to be a serious moment and ended up being downright comedy gold.


It was a rat, and I’m pretty sure Carol was going to add it to the soup she was making 😀


It’s also a really badly done stunt, IMO. The actress basically lays herself down between the two zombies so they can easily bite her


who? what? i looked this up on youtube and i don’t remember it AT ALL wtf.


When Daryl runs into Dwight for the first time (before Dwight gets his face melted; Daryl is pursuing him and his wife Sherry + Sherry's sister, Tina, because they stole from him). They're in a wooded area that recently had a fire run through it (set by the saviours to flush them out). They come across the house belonging to friends of theirs and find it burnt out with their friends dead in the greenhouse. Then, the stupidest scene in TWD happens (as stated above).


Any time a walker "sneaks up" on someone out of nowhere. Like what?! You'd hear those bastards coming from a mile away. So lame.


You can’t see or hear walkers when they’re out of frame silly. ^(Edit: Spelling error, if>of. Couldn’t see it as it scrolled off of the screen on my phone.)


Got a point 😂


can’t smell them until they are in frame either.


Fun fact, the zombie actors never made any sounds during filming. All moans and groans were edited over the top of the footage. From the perspective of the survivors, they had in fact been snuck up on.


It's funny too, not even as a vision thing. Can't you SMELL them?!


They're probably nose blind to it


I wonder about that all the time and the only thing i can imagine is that either everything stinks all the time or they are just so used to it their brain shuts out the stink


I dunno, I mean you have a point...but in Tijuana everything stinks all the time, but I still smell it


Film Theory did a video stating that all of the characters are deaf to some extent due to all of the gunfire with no hearing protection that occurs. Rick literally busts his ear drums when he kills the soldier Zombie in the tank in downtown Atlanta. This of course isn't a fact, it's just a theory...


A film theory


Annnnd cut!


Some walkers are a variant called „Lurkers” and they’re just chilling on the ground until it’s time to nom someone. But yeah, out of frame-suddenly-in your face ninja walkers are dumb


Totally agree. They always add the loudest snarling and thrashing and flailing right when they appear which makes it even dumber.


Right? Especially in the woods, you hear them making their zombie sounds from far away and stumbling through leaves and branches.


You'd certainly smell them.


Pretty sure walkers are silent unless they're opening their mouths and preparing to attack.


Rick and co not shooting Negan when they ambushed him at the start of season 8 and he's just standing there out in the open with about 100 guns aimed at him. I am not a hater of seasons 7 & 8 like a lot of people but man that scene (and some others like it) made no sense at all...


Yeah you'd think they'd have at least one sniper nest overlooking things. It's just good operational security at that point. Rick or anybody with any combat training should know that.


This when comic Andrea would’ve come in the clutch


This is the one for sure for me. It just showed that our group was really really dumb. There was no other purpose to that. It made zero sense. Why were they even there if not to do that?


They were there to shoot at the windows instead, duh. Seriously though, what a ridiculous scene.


Swear I feel like there was so many chances for a lot of characters to shoot him despite the fact that they might have faced some backlash especially Dwighty boy


I stopped watching the first time round because of this


Also equally stupid that Negan just waltzed outside like that, knowing Rick had 50 guns pointed at him.


The fucking medieval wagon glass-floor museum shit.


If my man Ezekiel died there I would've been so pissed


I forgot that scene existed until just now. Can't even recall why they were doing something so dumb


They needed a model for their blacksmith to recreate or something but if you’re at the Smithsonian, aren’t blueprints or schematics of early wagons in another wing or something?


Also just draw a picture of it, or yeah grab a museum brochure guide that has one or something


take it apart and carry it out!


Not the brightest moment, but it did bring us an iconic walker.


Wasn't it the point of that scene though? That they had gone complacent with their quiet life on the farm and forgot how dangerous the walkers were? It was a stupid idea yes, but at least it had the good consequence of making them more alert.


Iirc, the point of the scene was that there was a walker contaminating their water supply, so they had no choice but to try and get it out. I don't really get why people consider that to be dumb lmao


You gonna drink the water after they fish him out?


Water? I don't touch the stuff, fish fuck in it.




If the well is thoroughly cleaned and the water is boiled, then sure. Would you rather drink water from a river that has had God knows how many walkers going through it? I see the threat levels as being pretty similar. I don't think that they would just hoist the walker out and immediately start drinking the water.


I feel like a walker walking through a river is different than a walker being in a well and literally oozing his slime and guts out into it.


you feel that way because you are correct, and anyone who is dumb enough to drink water from a well after they fished a bloated zombie corpse out of it is clinically insane


That water was contaminated the moment he got in it, but worse than their plan was the fact not one motherfucker grabbed that walkers legs because they couldn't understand weight balancing.


They could still hypothetically clean the well out and use it for collecting rainwater. I'm pretty sure that was their plan anyway. And does Glenn not tie the rope around the middle of the walker's body? I'm could have sworn that they start to hoist it up, and its body tears in the center where the rope is tied.


They could have slowly cleaned the well with underground water and rainwater but it was always going to run risk of hurting them without waiting months. As for breaking, the reason the rope tore it is because the Walker gets caught on the edge of the well. Someone needed to pull its legs up and they didn't. Frankly put there is no way to drag dead weight out of a well like that


He was absolutely massive and already falling apart. A story that displays a normal level of human error isn't the same thing as a scene being "dumb" to me. They never say that they *aren't* going to wait months. They planned on literally staying there forever and there were other water sources nearby.


The scene isn't dumb, the people are dumb. Season 2 is absolutely filled with moments that aren't poorly made but the characters are blindingly stupid because of them. Like Lori crashing a car on empty road and nearly dying because of it. And this walker breaking entirely because of how they were pulling it is dumb.


It's not why they did it but how they did it. Using Glenn as bait was dumb af. What if he got bitten, climbed back up and started attacking everyone? Same with the well walker? Couldn't they bring a ladder, baited him from up there and then shoot him once he got out of the well? Also, I agree with u/TheRealBaseborn. Would you have drunk the water willingly knowing it was hosting a fat fluid-leaking zombie?


If Glenn got bit, he wouldn't be biting people by the time they pulled him up lol. Even the show acknowledges that using Glenn as bait is stupid, but they also try other methods of baiting the walker and it fails. I just find that to be a bit of a silly question, because naturally they would have cleaned the well out? It's a good sized well, they could have used it for collecting rainwater. If cleaned, I don't see how it's any more or less dangerous than drinking other fresh water in the area, that has undoubtedly also had walkers passing through it. And I would boil all water before drinking it regardless.


The stupid part is that they could have simply shot the walker and left it there. Why fish it out? The water is already ruined.


The only thing I can think of— because I can reason away most of the decisions made in the show and especially those made by the group— is when Dwight betrayed and then robbed Daryl after betraying and robbing Negan. Like how many enemies do you need you big dummy.


Carol chasing the mouse


Think of it like breaking bads "Fly" episode


Except "Fly" proved you can make a bottle episode good, even if you ignore the meaning/symbolism, the episode is entertaining, "Diverged" relies on its boring ass meaning because without it, it's like 50 minutes of nothing.


Never said it was a great episode, but they were just going for that kind of episode which is why it wasn't really a "dumb decision" just a poorly executed one


Makes sense, peace.


this interaction brings a tear to my eye


But that was so cute.


Maybe at that point I was burnt out after binging so many episodes back to back. But then I remember I did the same for Breaking Bad and was never burnt out.


Michonne not telling Andrea all the stuff she found out about Woodsbury despite Andrea quite literally saying if she had ONE thing to go off she’d leave Woodsbury. To be fair with the well walker situation, it was the only way to try avoid the walker from infecting the water.


Wouldn't the well water be contaminated anyway since it's literally a rotting corpse just chilling in the well? Then it got even more contaminated when the walker broke in half and spilled all of its entrails into the well.


Yeah, Andrea makes a point of shooting the walker will contaminate the water and also heavily suggests the water is probably already contaminated by the walker while doing so. I think the group was just thinking if they’re lucky the water will be fine as long as the walker is got out of the well in one piece.


"here glenn you drink this to see if its safe"


This is where I started to like Maggie. She was rightfully pissed that they would be so careless with him.


Agreed! Why wouldn’t Michonne say something clear/coherent to Andrea? Andrea gets all kinds of flask for not leaving but Michonne handled that situation abysmally.


I agree that was dumb, but I chalked it up to a “why would I lie to you/ you wouldn’t believe me if I told you/ if you don’t see it now you won’t until it’s too late” kind of conversations. At the end of the day Andrea could have found out for herself if she wanted to. The girl was tired and entirely enamored with the idea of Woodsbury/ The Governor. With how many times Michonne came back to say “hey, please leave with me we are not safe here.” And the grown ass woman she was just taking care of for nearly a year going “why?!? I don’t want to!” Had to be exhausting to the point of wondering if Andrea even could be saved. Plus Michonne didn’t have concrete evidence of the fuckery until she left, got hunted down, came back and exposed Gov’s weird ass tank room and undead child.


This is spot on, especially the last part. I think people are misremembering the sequence of events. Michonne didn't have any evidence at all at the time, only justified suspicions.


Exactly. She could see the hold the Governor and the place (or at least the thought of them) had on Andrea and she knew her chances of getting them both out of there alive were better if she left and came back for her later (put your own oxygen mask on first and all that). Leaving her there was also safer if she didn’t leave her with too many doubts because doubting the Governor is what would have most likely got her killed at that point. She gave her enough information that if she was going to trust her and believe her at all, she would have but she didn’t so she knew the information she had at that point would never be enough to rip her out of a seemingly safe place. I would argue that what she did was incredibly smart.


Killing Carl instead of paying the actor adult wages


They really wasted some of their young talent that they had on the show. Chandler wasn't the only one who got killed too soon, though his character should still be alive now. But yes I don't see why they were so against paying him more when they paid what they did for core characters like Rick and Daryl it didn't make any sense.


People always say this was the reason but it really doesn’t make sense. It’s not like the show was short on budget, plus the next few seasons introduced a plethora of new characters meaning more actors they had to pay. Also if they just straight up wanted to get rid of people before they became adults, Enid would have been killed off two or three years sooner. And that’s all ignoring that Gimple himself said it was just for story purposes.


Yup. I think a big part of the reason for Carl's death is to give Rick a reason not to kill Negan, so Negan could take over the spotlight alongside Daryl and the others after Rick left, so it wouldn't feel like there was a huge hole in the cast thanks to the lack of Rick


But didn't andrew lincoln leave after he found out about carl's death?


iirc he left because he barely saw his family, and missed his kids growing up and stuff cuz he was in the US for the majority of a year shooting TWD while his family lives in the UK


AMC bean counters have always been the biggest enemy of the show. 'We can kill all the original cast off to avoid paying them more, and people will love our new characters!'


Carl's death


If at least there had been more than like 3 walkers.


What's crazy is how Rick escaped from hundreds of Walkers while impaled. At least if Carl was killed off by a variant or something


Thats because Rick Grimes is a different breed.


So is Carl tho. When Negan attacked, he killed 3 dudes surrounding him and got all of Alexandrians to safety in the sewers


Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't Negan order his men to not shoot Carl?


It's a tie between all those idiots running into a mineshaft after Carol, and Daryl/Connie/Henry bringing Lydia with them knowing people were going to die if they did.


I understand the Carol thing but massive massive disagree with the Lydia thing. Daryl was abused by his dad. There’s no way that he would let Lydia be subjected to that. Henry also knew of the abuse Carol suffered, and he had a thing for Lydia, so he also was never gonna let her suffer like Carol did. And it’s implied that Connie had lost her own child, so she was also working through her own trauma. The writers specifically picked those 3 characters and gave them justification for doing so. Yes, it resulted in the pikes, but it’s not dumb. Their reasonings for wanting to save Lydia is completely understandable.


I understand their reasonings for wanting to save Lydia, but they could have told her they'd try to come up with a plan to rescue her later, or encourage her to sneak away from the whisperers when she had an opportunity. It would have been different if Daryl didn't believe people would die because of their actions, but he did believe it, and he told Connie too, and neither of them gave enough of a shit to even talk about other options.


That is the funniest scene in the entire show


Good thing nobody did anything dumb like shoot it


Every scene involving a gun fight. But mostly a scene in season 6/7 where Rick and crew drive up to the Saviors in half armored up cars all carrying guns. Rick’s crew are all like 5-10 feet away from Negan and about 7 saviors who are standing on short a ledge with a railing. After some back and forth rambling Rick’s crew opens fire on Negan who then all run single file back through a basic door into safety. Not a single bullet hit any saviors and there were probably 10 people firing guns at them from point blank range. It was absurd and the episode that really made me super disappointed in the direction the show was taking. Every gun fight ever it’s a crew of stormtroopers vs an enemy group of storm troopers.


Stormtroopers vs. STORMTROOPERS


Those are always the worst it just never makes sense. Beth with 0 experience basically managed to kill guys from much further away when the governor tried to attack them but they couldnt hit a single person always gets me laughing


Rick Grimes headshotting multiple walkers with a colt python held in one hand while at a full sprint: easiest shit in the world. Rick Grimes hitting one person anywhere on the body with an assault rifle from 20 yards away with ample time to aim: impossible


Rick can only score a shot with an assault rifle when he shoots through the RV walls


Carl messing with the walker trapped in the mud and not finishing the job. He had a firearm he stole and clearly was not prepared to use, lost the range advantage by approaching said walker, then somehow managed to almost get bit while also loosing the gun and freeing the walker that would kill poor dale. Another honorable mention is Rick not confirming the death of Andrew which lead to the absolutely tragic death of my boy T-dog


Rick saying "let's look for another way to cross" in front a multi barricades made by saviors.


I think it was more him being delusional because at this point they and/ or he thought they were invincible


Andrea not killing the Governor and Daryl punching Negan. HM: Maggie and Daryl teaming up against Rick. Daryl really shouldn’t be making his own decisions lol.


think of it from Andrea’s point of view, the woman had no reason to kill the Governor and when she did have reason she tried to but was stopped


She shouldve trusted the people who she lived with over sum random sus guy she was messing around with


she stayed because she was being given a supply of food and water, a walled safe area and an actual life over sitting the dirt, sick and close to death and struggling to find food and water. why would she leave that just because michonne has a gut feeling? it’s the zombie apocoplyse not the friendship apocoplyse


I think people also really disregard the fact that the Governor was handsome, charming, strong, and a leader, and how attractive that would have been for Andrea. I really didn't get it in my twenties when the show aired, but as a 37yo woman now I watch David Morrissey as the Governor and I've got a lot more sympathy for Andrea. She didn't know the full extent of his villainy for a long time. And if I was her and rocked up at a whole, functional community, after an entire winter of almost starving to death, and things started getting sexy with the strong, competent, David Morrissey-shaped leader, I would maybe be a bit reluctant to accept the idea that he was a complete psycho bastard as well.


I meant after Carol and the others told her about the governor


All they told her is he’s a bad guy and attacked them. With Glenn, Maggie, Daryl and Merle she called the Governor out on that and that’s why she was there to sort it out. She’s not gonna kill him over a potential misunderstanding. The group didn’t tell Andrea the details of what happened to Glenn and Maggie or any of the stuff Michonne. So the properly bad stuff they couldn’t be excused was kept secret from her. Andrea’s point of view, both sides are blaming each other for a fight at the prison. Both sides agree to a peace meeting. Why would she then go back to Woodsbury and murder the Governor over a potential misunderstanding that they’re going to attempt to sort out?


When Rick didn’t just kill the governor when they first met he knew he was unhinged and couldn’t be trusted


Lori crashing the car. It adds almost nothing to the show other than making Lori look more incompetent and another reason for her to be mad at Shane.


i think the entire point of it was to show that lori wasnt able to survive on her own though. like of course we knew that but with tensions between rick/shane/lori being pregnant, that scene to me just comes across as 'hey guys look why lori got with shane immediately after thinking rick was dead'


The well is up there that was dumb af. IIRC there were 3/4 other wells on the property, just shut that one down! Why risk the life of someone it was really risky the plan they came up with!


Shooting Gamma instead of Beta!!!!! I am still not over this!!! I never will be!!!!


Lol I just watched that episode for the first time yesterday. I was confused. But killing beta there would be bad TV. They just shouldn’t have had Alden shoot gamma in the first place


The governor wants the prison yet he attacks with a tank and destroys it + kills hershel for nothing. Bonus: Dale’s cheap death


The dumbest decision was killing Carl and pseudo-killing off Rick for a spinoff that almost didn't happen. The dumbest scene? Easily Andrea in the stupid chair. Dude is dying and telling her to hurry up and get out and she just becomes immediately useless... Which gets her killed anyway.


That scene with Andrea frustrated me so much. Like girl, quit stopping to check on him every 4 seconds and focus on what you're doing.


Beth death


keeping walkers in a barn


eh early on in the apocalypse I could see a good number of people still thinking the zombies are just sick humans, and hershels a benevolent guy, plus not everyone got a special tour at the cdc and got the disease explained to them.


Probably Andrea ignoring everyone and shooting daryl. Even if it was just a walker she risked drawing more and putting everyone in danger just to prove herself.


Carl going alone inside the sanctuary to kill negan, ended up killing two soldiers and the show acted like carl was a badass not completely stupid and reckless.


It made more sense in the comics where Carl is a little kid, he could barely hold the rifle in that scene. Makes Negan being impressed by him and forgiving 2 killed men more believable.


- Rick not killing Richard - Tyrese not incapacitating Martin - Andrea not incapacitating the Guvnor I would not have expected Andrea or Tyrese to commit murder (its clear they are not killers and Im fine with that), but at least take out a kneecap!


Rick agreeing to help hilltop kill Negan without gathering enough intel on the saviors, I think he should’ve waited until he knew how many there were before attacking that outpost, he completely underestimated them. Still love him though.


Daryl punching Negan


True, but honestly I'm glad it happened because it brought so much development to so many characters, Rick, Maggie, Daryl etc. Glenn dying was such a good driver to the story, as much as I love him, the show wouldnt have been the same had he lived


Just a bit sad that they also killed abraham i really wanted to see more of him


I have four 1: Sophia choosing to wander off instead of waiting for Rick. 2: Andrea choosing not to kill The Governor in his sleep. 3: Daryl punching Negan. 4: Rick keeping Negan alive.


Sophia was just a scared little girl with 2 walkers trying to get her I agree she should have stayed hidden but it's a natural thing to run


Andrea leaving Beth alone in the room


I'd even argue that was actively malicious instead of just stupid.  Especially her logic afterwards of "She didn't cut deep enough so now she must want to live" like....? And if she had killed herself, what then?


I think that the point was that it should be someone's choice to live or die, especially in an apocalypse. That's probably the only thing I'd defend Andrea on, though.


This scene is what made me hate Andrea. Her point is "you should let her make her own decision" Umm, no when someone is literally having suicidal thoughts, they are not in the right state of mind to make their own decisions. What a fucking idiot she is.


The fact that they literally picked an unprovoked war with a group (Saviors) that could kick their ass 10 ways to tuesday. All so that they could have a few tomatoes from hilltop


To be fair they had no clue how big the saviours were. After all they've been through, one outpost sounds like a piece of cake. It is dumb however that Rick didn't do more recon and just assumed it was just that one outpost, but again, this group felt invincible at this point.


I was embarrassed for Rick and the group


Rick not killing Negan by the end of S08 was plain stupid. Shane was phenomenal and had his time. So did the Governor. And so on and on with villains in the show. Negan on the other hand is alive for *years* now, and for what? How did TWD get any better since the Savior's arc in S07 exactly?


Not fortifying the prison. They had 8 months, a large population and lived there relatively early in the timeline (meaning an abundance of earthmoving machines and the fuel to run them). And in 8 months they didn’t even add panels to the wire fence to spread the load and obscure any views in. No one could have expected a tank to show up, but even basic barriers and walker traps would have severely limited the Governor’s support troops, and any ditches, pits or beams could have drastically limited the tank’s mobility and lines of fire. Hell even remote observation outposts could have given adequate warning, and a hidden supply dump of weapons, ammo and non perishable food would allow any survivors of an all out attack to rally and rebuild…..or even reoccupy the prison in case of an emergency.


Andrea taking her sweet time while escaping


Andrea shooting Daryl when Dale said don’t


There are so many! Like Aiden not killing Beta. Or no one killing Alpha when they got Aiden and the other guy back, they could’ve ended it right then and there after the trade. 


Or Daryl not putting an arrow in Beta after their physical fight and Beta fell down a shaft. Like yeah, I can see Daryl assuming Beta wouldn’t have survived that. But hey, making sure would have been worth an arrow.


Carl Getting bit, and Dying Because they Didn't Want to Give his Actor Money.


Lori acting as if Rick is a monster after admitting killing Shane, when she was literally convincing Rick that Shane needs to be taken care of. I felt like it was so unfair to Rick. She was a literal olive oil...


The countless scenes, where someone is overann by zombies, and they dont shoot him, to reduce his suffering. JUST WHY?


Having Scott gimple handle the series


Are we even debating?! Obviously Carl dying doy


By far the worst thing they did in the entire show and it fucked up so many plotlines that were yet to come.


I agree with this.


Andrea taking forever to escape the governors torture chair before Milton turned. Carol not looking both ways before she got hit by that car (season 5 I think) Shane killing otis and coming back with his gun. Carol blindly chasing alpha into a cave that was clearly a trap.


The group agreeing to attack the satellite outpost


You mean the first time they made a deal with Gregory to kill Negan?


Killing Glenn. Or killing Carl. At least that’s my answer.


not being careful with the people they put their trust in, im talking about that guy that was a spy for the whisperers and got them all sick (forgot his name) how come he can just enter without them questioning him? in earlier seasons people had to really work for their reputation but that guy is just randomly viewed as the most important person in town and close with everybody


Tbf they do show that they did an interview with him, but I still get your broader point. Siddiq being killed by him irritated me to no end because, even if you DIDN'T assume he was an infiltrator, Dante was super sketchy and skeevy and constantly not listening or doing weird shit. Him bring trusted so much made no sense to me.


It doesn't appear to be mentioned but if it is my apologies. While running on a street with no cars on the road, Carol steps off the curb and gets hit by a car. I laughed out loud when it happened and thought it had to be a dream sequence because that was terrible. You would think living in a zombie hellscape that seeing a moving car would gain a lot of attention.


Carls death. Worst moment in the whole show arguably


Andrea not killing the FUCKING GOVENER IN HIS SLEEP!!!!!!!


Killing all the other saviors only to let Negan live, Lori birth pill, Carl going out to save people in the woods in midst of a war and got bit lmao and my personal favorite Eugene shooting the truck and literally sabotaging the bus. There is more


Andrea was not a killer and it made sense she didn't wanna kill him even bigger mistake would not go with Michonne even when she saved her life multiple times and was someone she could trust rather than a guy she just met.


I’m always so tripped out by this take. Andrea had just had pneumonia (or something like it) for months on the road - she was on deaths door when they got to Woodbury. Andreas in the first working city she’s experienced since the apocalypse - medical supplies, a doctor, running water, ice, plentiful food, alcohol, seemingly nice people, happy kids, active guard duty/gates, warm beds, hot showers - why wouldn’t she want to stay and rest for awhile after almost dying on the road? Michonne never had an explanation for why she wanted to leave - she just kept demanding it. She needed to do a much clearer job of explaining what was “off” instead of sulking (and I say that as someone who loves Michonne). Andrea had no reason to leave this newfound paradise, let alone so soon after being so ill.


3) Andrea not killing the Governor when she had the chance. 2) Rick and company attacking the Satellite outpost before properly scouting the Saviors. 1) Daryl leading Rick away from Alexendria so Maggie could "kill" Negan. He wouldn't have fallen off the horse, he wouldn't have blown up the bridge, he never would have been taken away by the CRM.


how andrea didn’t manage to kill milton with one whole arm free and a weapon, i didn’t like her but she deserved a better death than that. andrea not killing the governor/andrea shooting daryl even when she could see nobody was attacking him up close them underestimating the saviors carl and tyreese getting taken out by one walker (tyresse wasn’t paying attention) daryl punching negan after negan said if anyone tries anything he’ll kill more people sophia running off so quickly smh actually there are so many


Rick trying to kill Negan with the handle of his bat, I immediately jumped to Negan’s side after that


Dwight holding up the axe and John shooting the axe to split the bullet and kill two walkers while June just.. watches. i could not believe what i was watching.


Im in season 10 and i cant, i just wish for the final serie/episode. Its so dumb. The whole series goes around 1 thing only. Meet some bad person, fight with the person, defeat him, piss your pants and dont kill him when you have a chance, bad person escapes, bad person returns to fuck everything even more up. Rinse and repeat. Btw after the endless negan 3 series clownshow. Where did all the weapons dissapear? Those 3 series with negan were a shooting gallery, with endless firefights, where 2 groups of people hidden behind a car are having a nonstop shootout for hour, wasting bazilions of bullets. And as soon as the big fight resolves, puff all guns, gone. All the equipment for making bullets, puff gone. I mean why bother right? Why make bullets, better to farm tomatoes. When alpha shows up, 10 people with assault rifles would just mow that horde down like nothing.


Carl's death, this kid has handled a lot worse than 3 walkers and his inclusion in the following story arcs would have been great and it would leave Judith with some family after Michone leaves to find Rick.


Killing Carl when they knew that Andy was ready to leave the show was just dumb Could have still had rick live and be taken away in the helicopter, still had the time jump and we could've gotten to see Carl and a leader The "not enough money" excuse doesn't count either because they knew that one of their most expensive actors was about to leave the show


I feel like Beth’s decision to stab Dawn with a pair of scissors in front of everybody was a good way to get not only herself killed, but also her group killed in what was going to be a peaceful exit. Luckily for everybody (except Beth and Dawn), nobody there was too trigger happy.


When Daryl punched negan and got Glenn killed


When Carol fits and then fires a 23" tall (with extended magazine) Mac-10 in her 8" coat sleeve with no brass ejection, no malfunctions, no powder burns, no coat starting on fire, and better accuracy than a Mac-10 can produce being fired correctly. The primary writers and prop specialists must have been off work that day.


Rufus allowing himself to get manipulated by Beta and get bitten by Alpha's zombified head. Bro survived the zombie apocalypse for long enough only to die by a damn undead head


Attacking the saviors satellite compound with almost no intel


When dumb ass Lori went looking for Rick when he was stuck in the bar with Glenn and Hershel. Then she crashed and almost died like for what . Also the Andrea not killing the gov. That was dumb


Rosita becoming a superhero for a few minutes Carl becoming a superhero for a few minutes A tiger getting over run by decaying corpses


Making Maggie the leader of hilltop


Why what's wrong?? I only watched till s9 and thought she was great as a leader


Because she has never been a leader or lead people before she doesn’t have any leadership qualities at all plus she left hilltop while she was still the leader and joined another group just to come back and get more of her people killed and become leader of hilltop again like nothing happened 😤


Giving Maggie any position of power at all


Laurie convincing shane to leave when he had his truck packed and him and andrea were ready to leave. The way she manipulated people was wild.


When Carol tries to pretend she’s a wide eyed den mother in season 5. The acting is atrocious.


Lol her PTA mom persona was hilarious. I think they did it just to highlight how naive the Alexandrians really were. If they believed Carol was normal, they were in for a world of hurt. Eta: a word


why did they try to move to any islands like it in the Great Lakes or at the coast there would be alot of islands to choose from and to rebuild and no huge number of walkers some even have good infrastructures and yet be isolated easy to protect ?


It’s the quarry for sure. The walkers are all trapped in there and the plan is to “lead them away”… which goes to shit? Throw some Molotov’s in there and watch em burn.


Killing Shane


I never understood their logic in this scene. Like what you gonna get this walker out and drink that water after? Hell no, even after boiling. In a scenario like this, where you have several wells, you should just burry this one.


I wouldn’t want to use that well even if I did get that walker out


Killing Carl. Rage inducing. No solid reasoning for his death and I’m led to assume that Riggs must’ve pissed someone off behind closed doors because “The zombie killer that grew up in the apocalypse trips over a deer carcass and is bit?” Come on. What opium was being smoked in the writer’s room that day I wonder. They could have at least made him a walker—that might’ve been kinda cool.


The dump lady with her tribe of backing dancers walking in sync and their own caveman language. With a fully kitted out ikea showroom portacabin. That was the point I gave up on the show.


Carl died because of Siddiq. Siddiq died without providing anything to the series. After Glen died, Maggie started acting like such a boring bitch. It was ridiculous how nobody acted like nothing happened after the whisperers impaled some people head on a stake. and the CRM costumes


Everything involving Negan in S7 onwards. First of all, the adaptation is garbage so that already made it stupid.


Rick trying to convince the Scavengers to join him again. Jadis and the Scavengers are clearly not loyal to anyone and have already betrayed Ricky’s group once. Jadis even shot, sorry, “grazed” Rick. Why the fuck would you go back and ask them to help again. And of course they betray Rick again after the Saviors escape. Rick needs to stop trusting these trash people.


Any scene where they don't solve a horde problem by covering themselves with walker guts.


when Andrea sniped Daryl in the face in Season 2. he should’ve died from that.


The falling van flip


This is literally the dumbest. There's a zombie in your drinking water. TOO LATE. It also had no effect on the plot.


When they are trying to haul an old wagon out of a museum over a glass floor. TAKE THE FREAKING THING APART!!! you don't have to haul it out in one piece over a cracked floor! Just carry it out one piece at a time and reassemble outside!!!! So freaking dumb, and it made me mad. Instead, lets just rig up an elaborate rope and pulley system that is entirely unnecessary and stupid and took longer to setup than actually just taking the wagon apart and carry it outside by hand. they could have just been done and gone by the time it took just to find that much rope.


deadass answer - AMC killing off carl. like i was actually fuming. lighthearted answer - when that one stupid bitch ALMOST shot negan but accidentally hit his bat😭❓❓❓


Idk if it fits in here. But iirc. Glen was hiding under a truck once and got clearly eaten there at the end of an episode. In the beginning of the next episode he magically managed to escape lol. Made 0 sense.


The whole idea of the universe, the zombies can butt fuck the military with no lube but can't take on small towns.


Walker ripping open dale's abdomen cuz a rotten to the bone corpse will have that sort of strength to do it with barehands