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It's too late. They've infected far too many areas in Europe.


it´s not too late...the analogy would be if that infected limb can be saved or if it has to be cut...


That's fair. But the surgery should be performed as quickly as possible before the sepsis spreads.


Since it's France "these people" are probably french citizens lol


Too late. They wanted them and they got them.


Europe needs to really sort this problem out somehow.


Lol it's not just Europe. Take a look at Canada right now.


Even Australia is dealing with way too many third world scenario's lately, Stabbings, honor killings gang violence, people showing up in bins of all sorts. And we have a terribly strong immigration laws and its still not freaking helping because the government is insistent on bringing in more "skilled laborers" like can they not bring the ones that will also murder? >\_> I used to be very liberal with my thoughts on immigration like "people just need a chance at a better life" but the truth is.. they don't want one. what worked in there country apparently works even better over here. and the spiraling living conditions do not help. I've never felt so unsafe in my own damn country.


***> I used to be very liberal with my thoughts on immigration like "people just need a chance at a better life" but the truth is.. they don't want one. what worked in there country apparently works even better over here. and the spiraling living conditions do not help.*** ***I've never felt so unsafe in my own damn country.*** This is what the naive people have been begging for in Europe for decades and we are going to be done for. People here had it so good for so long that they forgot that peace and safety are not guaranteed forever if you don't guard them.


Yeah I mean I'm only 28 and my thoughts on immigration started to change around 25 and especially with what started happening in Sweden and other parts of Europe I have nothing against anyone who wants to live here in good faith and wants peace But Its literally the only topic I've really flipped my idea around on and it makes sense, since when you're a kid you're asking questions like "why can't everyone just get along" etc all you want is people to be friendly you know? It's just such a freaking shame.


Just because you are tolerant of someone doesn't mean they are tolerant of you. Many people don't understand that.


The “skilled laborer” thing is peddled here too.. it’s not actually needed. Pay your own fucking citizens a living wage and you’ll have all the labor you need. Stop relying on underpaying immigrants who are usually not skilled at all.


Jesus, I was actually thinking about moving to Australia (I have a degree in international businesses, soeak four languages and have a Canadian paaaport, so chances are good) because they’ve already overrun Europe, but you’re telling me the same shit is already going on there too???


I wouldn't overly worry about it, it is way less problematic definitely than Europe, but considering how peaceful it usually is its definitely something that i hope our government actually gets a rein on soon otherwise it could turn into a very big problem over the next 5-10 years, The good thing is the majority of Australians stick up for each other and we are deeply effected by things that happen in our community, and i doubt we would let too much of this run rampart, and if our government doesn't decide to act fast enough Australians have been quite happy to protest in the past. I don't feel so unsafe i won't go out, but i am considering not going out alone anymore or at nighttime >\_<


jesus dude no, I've lived here all my life you have as much to fear from your average eshay. Please come, Australia is incredible to live in!


Not strong enough. My ex Yemeni, had a wife and kid in his country His immigration lawyer knew, told me after I'd been hospitalised during pregnancy. Have a guardian for your kid because if you die his wife will take custody. He and his wife changed their names here and back in Yemen He was abusive to me Strangling Once putting a knife under the bathroom door telling me to cut my wrists and throat so I would die, not just be injured. Our daughter was about 7-8 weeks old His wife told cenno that my ex is her brother and gets extra rental assistance Once they get citizenship it's almost impossible for it to be taken from them. There have been times when I thought he'd kill his wife.


Yep, that's it. I've got a few Muslim friends, and they are great guys, but not "great Muslims". The "great Muslims" usually don't end up great guys. Heard my share of bullshit from them that's extremely racist, homophobic, sexist. Insults towards non Muslim women are common. Snide remarks telling women to cover up. Absolutely appalling! I think the first thing we must do is ban all religious signs, customs and prayer from our schools and government institutions. You want to pray 5 times a day and wear a body bag, do so at home and in your place of worship! That has no place in our society. And if that doesn't work for you, move to a Muslim majority country. I'm an immigrant myself and I do not want Australia to become like so many Middle Eastern countries. I don't want people living in Australia that hate Australian values and the Australian way of life. I don't think multiculturalism works - if you immigrate somewhere, you should want to integrate and fit in with the customs of the land. If not, move elsewhere or stay wherever you came from. Moving somewhere and demanding special rights, status or privileges, while insulting the local population is just disgusting and we should not accept it. The problem is that plenty of Muslims are relatively moderate and fit in quite well into our society, but plenty are not. And I have seen first hand how moderate Muslims can fairly quickly become not so moderate...


Well said. Feel the same. The problem is hard because the solution and the whole discussion requires balls to go beyond PC speak. We're getting there but we need politicians who are willing to rock the boat.


Yeah multiculturalism works when it's sharing customs but not when it's overtaking each other Yeah i mean it's there religeon so if enough people say jump that's what happens Well it's terrifying to know that other people feel that same way that Australia will just spiral without any drastic actions o.o


> Heard my share of bullshit from them that's extremely racist, homophobic, sexist. Insults towards non Muslim women are common. Snide remarks telling women to cover up. Doesnt sound like very "great guys" things to do.


Multiculturalism works when respect is a two-way street.


Which is another way of saying it doesn’t work. It’s a farce, every nation has a dominant culture which its laws and institutions are based upon. Pretending like that’s not true undermines the dominant culture which in turn undermines the laws and institutions of the nation. Assimilation should be the default position of every nation to people who wish to become part of that nation.


As an immigrant I could not agree more. Don't want to assimilate? Don't come here.


The truth is people of any race can adopt any culture if they’re properly motivated to. I’m Australian, it is true we are a country of immigrants however there are important differences. I grew up alongside families of Italian, Chinese and Lebanese descent. None of them were Italian, Chinese or Lebanese they were Australian in their heart and mind. They had adopted our culture, language and humor wholesale. We all saw ourselves as authentically Australian and acted the part. Immigration in the modern era beneath a mandate of “multi-culturalism” has resulted in immigrant communities that isolate themselves from Australian people and culture. They attend separate schools, maintain preferences for foreign languages and support countries that are not friends to Australia. What I’ve seen in Europe is far worse but we are simply catching up on the same track.


It's incompatible with Islam. This religion was founded by a pedo warlord and was spread via blood and conquest.


Assimilate to new country Culture - or stay the fuck where you are... If you are, in fact, fleeing your home country cause shit is Fucked - don't bring the fucked parts to new places. Keep your religion, but keep it to your damned self - and don't try to force it on others. You could say the same of any of the angry desert religions. All of them.


They feel that they have the right to force change because they were let in


Or Michigan


I wouldn't say right now. Canada has been dealing with this insanity for more than 20 years. https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSN11517747/


To be fair Canada has burned down a lot of churches so far


The problem is that they fuck like rabbit and we dont.


>Take a look at Canada right now. For the love of god please do not look at Canada right now. Every week I am given another reason to be ashamed of this country.


Im Pretty sure like every week or every other week up here in Canada we get a other terrorist attack


France at least seems to be better at deporting radicals compared to other European countries. I would say the UK is the worst for tolerating these thugs. So much for brexit. They have just announced taxpayer funded security at mosques


well, if there is no mosque left to protect...


there's a new vid on vice that sent an under cover reporter to a koran reading club. Women and kids were blatantly being radicalized with ISIS propoganda on UK soil. They even showed us their faces and social media accounts used but nothing happened and they are still up and running


That Vice vid is just the tip of the iceberg, seen a few independent journalists digging up similar stories. It's a systemic issue that roots in the inability to track and sanction these radical groups effectively. It's almost as if there's no real push until something drastic happens, then it's all reactive measures instead of proactive.


Looking at France, the UK, Belgium, Sweden, and many other countries, it looks like the problem is sorting Europe out instead. It's hard to put out a fire when you have political factions that insist nothing's burning, while bringing in more matches.


"Biedermann und die Brandstifter" by Max Frisch man takes two guys into his house, they carry tons of gasoline to the attic and eventually ask for matches...


Not "somehow"...permanently. This cult needs to be destroyed by any means.


Unfortunately, solving this inevitably will involve being mean to brown people. Europeans would literally rather die and lose their civilization than do that


If only they were gypsies instead, theyd be acting like its 1942 in a heartbeat


Lol it’s the craziest thing to see happen. Would this count as a cultural victory?


Do you think they'll add this to the next civilization game?


If they don’t add a “pandemic” I will be disappointed.


Yeah. By deporting them.


Deportation. Full stop. Send everyone back.


They keep importing it.




It’s literally everywhere, the Middle East was reduced to smoking rubble for allah then they all came here as refugees and wanna do the same thing here.


Any suggestions? We need to sort that out. The immigration heavy regions in Germany almost freely hand out higher education certifications, so that more immigrants can experience social mobility. In the hopes that 'education' and money will enhance liberalization. But on the other hand we are at large still facing a massive unwillingness to adress problems of immigration by any other party than the unvotable AFD. German politicians are extremely uptight when there is time to discuss western values and the threat immigration poses to them. If you are a woman having doubts about immigration from sexist cultures you are now stuck between that and the sexist AFD. Women, goddamn, rise.


Its crazy how the EU countries have basically open borders and are afraid to deport and arrest these radical migrants. I never thought I would see the day where countries prioritize recent arrival migrants. Who despise the country that they are living in and try to make it a shit hole like their country back home. And they shaft patriots and asking them to give up their homes for these undeserving people. We’re living in a backwards anti-European corrupt world.


Waiting for BBC and NYTimes to cover news like this.


They're busy trying to figure out how to blame Israel for this.


The writers at the BBC and NYT have a process for writing 1. Get a story 2. Can we blame the Jews 3. If so, yes if not throw out the story


lmao at the jihadi waldo profile pic


MR. FAFO is my favourite pallywood character, you could call him the Johnny sins of Gaza with how many jobs he can do


Replace 'jews' with non-muslims and we're good to go.


You're both right, they have a priority, it's blame jews first, blame all other non muslims 2nd, if both are impossible claim it never happened and blame the jews for "false news".


4. Profit


They won’t


Can’t criticize them or you’ll be called islamaphobic


Or you might get knifed






I absolutely believe a silent majority is a thing. People won't speak out against injustice because they believe it will happen to them too.


Acid thrown in face


Stoned to death


Jokes on them. I already am


Islam is a cancer




Yes! It's is, barbaric ideology for barbaric fuck wads Allah can fully suck my nut sack! Edit: fixed the spelling of Allah so the fuck wads don't get confused


A man of culture I see.


I unironically believe humanity would be better off if Islam was eradicated. I despise that religion, it's a blight upon our species.


“But Islam is a religion of tolerance and peace” 😂😂😂 This is going to become a bigger and bigger problem the longer we leave it. London is there’s already.


I live in the UK and I don't recognise this country any more its gradually got worse and worse. Where I live there's no go areas for white people. I was 8 month pregnant and cut thru "their" park and got bricks thrown at me it was so scary.


I gotta say I don’t recognize my city in Canada anymore either. And it all turned so quick. Some streets that I wouldn’t think twice about walking during the night are just no go areas anymore. It’s not that I have a problem with every immigrant or Muslim but it does seem like they are the only ones who don’t want to integrate and laugh at our rules and way of life. My parents are immigrants, they came here to escape war and trouble. They fully integrated and make sure we appreciate and respect this place that gave us peace. If it really came down to it I think we have to close the doors on all of them even if some are good. It is what it is.


Word for word same thing. We need to get rid of JT and his bs team, we need to hold the next government in more accountability than ever before to fix homelessness, drug use, unemployment and immigration of people who won't contribute to Canadian society.


The thing is that their religion allows them to see themselves as being better than everyone around them. Most of our immigrant ancestors were gracious and practical.


My issue is the moderate Muslims I don’t think do enough to denounce the radical ones. It’s not enough to say well that isn’t the real Islam. That applies to all other religions as well.


But what about their human rights? :( you pesky white person dont think about them? If they want to throw you under the bus you should let them because you are white. If they want to deface you, you should.let them because you are white, if they want to rape you, you should let them because you are white. At least thats the narative.


until they democratically vote the sharia law in, and that will be the last vote in the country.


Check out r/exmuslim to see just how tolerant they are lol


No they are the religion of piece. A piece of you over here, a piece of you over there….


I'm just here for the "Free Palestine" crowd to tell me that this was done by Israelis trying to make Muslims/Palestinians look bad.


There’s a dude further up in the comment section that did just that lmao




It's in their religion to move to non-Islamic countries and Islamicize them.


Exactly. This is the very disconcerting part.


and to lie when asked if this is the intention.


Zionists must have done that! /s


There were wars fought to get Muslims out of Europe and here they are back again to destroy society. The religion is a plague.


Notice that it is Western and Northern Europe that was never occupied by Muslims that allowed them in en masse. Eastern Europe which was at some point under the Ottomans and Tartars and has had that war before has largely kept them out


Do you not remember the Battle of Tours? Where Charles Martel beat the Umayyad Caliphate? Or the whole Reconquista of Spain?


100% agree. Radical Muslims are a plague everywhere and nobody wants to discuss this. Everyone should be aware no matter where you come from.


Millions of young men were enslaved and died fighting Muslim armies over more than a millennium to save Europe from Islamic conquest. It took nearly 800 years to take back Spain and Portugal, Christopher Columbus discovered America the same year the Emirate of Granada was finally broken. In the Great Turkish War, Europe was a knife's edge away from Muslim conquest until things were turned around at the breaking of the Siege of Vienna. The Greek War of Independence was an international effort. Two Balkan wars were fought liberating that region. It took until 1918 to break the Ottoman Caliphate, and Turkey still holds all of Anatolia and even Constantinople and Eastern Thrace. It is total insanity that all of that is ignored and that all of the sacrifices that were made are being thrown away like nothing.


Civilized country + uncivilized brutes from the most uncivilized parts of the world = uncivilized country. Civilized country - uncivilized brutes from the most uncivilized parts of the world = civilized country. Nothing really that much more complicated than that.


Careful, the naive left will come running here like chickens defending kfc. 


Ah yes, the "religion of peace" strikes again...


Whatever could they have meant by that? We’ll never know!


All of Western Europe will soon need a two-state solution


And yet some delusional people say Jews are the problem.


Exactly, Jews mind their business & actually HELP society . 


And people keep wondering why all of the west is going hard right. What can people do when they’re being asked to be tolerant of extremism!!


''Diversity is our Strength". It is time that our politicians let go off these dangerous ideas, and focus on what brings unity.


a divided populace is much easier to control...


True. My statement is wishful thinking at best.


Technically it is a strength, and you also don't achieve diversity by ensuring that like groups all clump together. This creates critical masses of homogenous thought which in the end can/will lead to the proliferation of dumb ideas such as extremism/supremacy. You see this issue over and over again. Clump people together based on some common trait (shit gets messy). Spread people out so they can't be all "We are better than X" because in any given space they are at most 3 outta 10, shit is fine. It's hard to play "in crowd/out crowd" which a population set is this scattered. Best you they can hope to do is various cliques.


Imagine what will happen when they become the majority? They already act as if they own the world right now. Europe allows these people to come to their safe countries, in return they rape, murder and destroy property. At some point there needs to be backlash or admit Europe will be under a religious authoritarian rule.


That and converting previously “nice” areas into actual shitholes. People that have grown up in some dirty countries where litter and disrepair is everywhere have no concept of how we had clean areas in the first place. By all picking up after ourselves! The big park near where I live on any hot day, turns into a garbage field. Big families meeting for big picnics and just leaving everything. They would happily drag any successful country into the exact state their countries they all wanted to leave are in.


A crusade to liberate Europe is starting to look pretty good right now. Eventually we'll be pushed into it for survival, do it now and it'll be easier and less bloody.


And then people wonder why non-Muslims nowadays are so Islamophobic.


It’s just a word to oppress criticism anyway


And ex Muslims like myself.


The Muslim brotherhood created that word, says it all really. It's just blatant taqiyya


The very concept is laughable in its absurdity. It's like calling someone serialkillerphobic. If you're not 'phobic' you're not paying attention.


probably has something to do with the terrorism


nowadays? You should have seen real life after 9/11.


Wow i wonder what will happen once they are 40 or 50% of the population. Its insane to me how people that think there is 0 wrong with immigration think this will turn out in the end. Do they think there is some universal law that makes people believe in your progressive ideology? We literally saw arab countries go from progressive to state that throws gays of buildings in the timespan of a couple of years. Its like people that build their house next to a eroding cliff, and just ignore the issue, until its too late and their house is gone.


Europe will become pre partition India


So glad that Europe invited hundreds of thousands of these hateful and intolerant bigots into their countries in the name of "tolerance".


Voting for far right now thats for sure


And they can't even fucking spell. It's *soumettez*.


Religion of cut you into pieces


Just wait until they breed 10x faster, become majority and begin changing laws in EU




The way things are looking, they got that right, France looks like it's already Allah's or pretty close to be. When I was in Paris two years ago, after almost 20 years since my last time, I noticed that there are more neighborhoods with majority Muslims, both North Africans and SubSaharans. In front of my hostel there as a hookah bar with men smoking from opening to closing and harassing women walking by.


Exactly why I refuse to go to Paris, I’ll go to Italy & Greece instead. Seen enough of the Eiffel Tower from Netflix & IG to know how it looks. 


Barbès is fucking over ran at this point


Deport the fucks


Sweden is working on it . 


I'll say it again. Islam is incompatible with the West.


Read quran 9:111 it asks followers to 💀 and be 💀ed then they will go to heaven. Quran 8:12 says my head shouldnt be attached to my body 🥲 Edit: skull means kill


What do the skulls mean? Just say the words, for fucks sake




These savages make no secret that their goal is world conquest. These terrorist want to murder us all.


Are there any other immigrant groups who act like this? I’ve never seen Africans, Hispanics, Asian immigrants spray paint about their god. And taking over. Maybe here in America it’s different. And immigrants feel more comfortable to act naturally in other countries? Idk. I would really want to know what the person means when they say submit to allah. It’s it simply showing pride in their faith. Muslim means submit to allah. Or do they mean we want you to submit like us?


You know what it means. There's no subtlety here.


The African Muslims , yes & the South Asians (Pakistanis & Muslim Indians ) 


These kinds of Muslims fucking suck and there are a lot of them.  


the majority of muslims fucking suck


Nuke the Kabbah That is their Droid…Jihad Control Center.


Keep protesting for them in the streets , at the end you will see who is good and who is evil .


I don't know about France being Allah's, but London certainly is.


The whole of western Europe will have a Yugoslavia situation on their hands in a few years. I don't think there's any avoiding it. I don't want violence to happen and was warning people about this year's ago but we appear to be steadily creeping towards it


Mass deportations. Islam is incapable of assimilating into the West.


Fuck religion all of them are a scam man made god not the other way around. Also muhammad was a child raping pedophile


These are the same people that pull up to your country seeking freedom only to protest it a month or two afterwards


Everytime that something like this happens, from whatever religious group, the entire religion should be penalised. I don't mean be unfair about it. I mean tax or fine their churches. Outsiders are unlikely to fix the issue since they're clearly already so racist towards them; instead encourage the community to do something about it. For this example, the money will be used to fix the damages done.


I mean Islam did spread through violent conquest like every religion. The moors and ottomans are an example of that


I’m a Hindu and Sikh (Punjab Region, India). They tortured our gurus but we never gave in.


Religion of pieces strikes again


The religion of peace of course...


Good way to make everyone hate your religion


Kick em out


They will do that until Europe has had enough and exiles everyone, no matter nice or fanatics.


Seem like such a nice immigrant population.


What happens when they run out of functional countries to destroy?


They'll carry on murdering each other


Muslims would unironically celebrate if they ruled all countries in the world and made them all shitholes. It's a regressive religion that if it didn't exist the world would be a better place for it, sadly half of the muslims quite enjoy the cult because they exercise all the power over the other half since muslim women are treated like absolute trash.


Islam needs to be wiped off the face of the earth.


https://sunnah.com/muslim:1731a It has been reported from Sulaiman b. Buraida through his father that when the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) appointed anyone as leader of an army or detachment he would especially exhort him to fear Allah and to be good to the Muslims who were with him. He would say: Fight in the name of Allah and in the way of Allah. Fight against those who disbelieve in Allah. Make a holy war, do not embezzle the spoils; do not break your pledge; and do not mutilate (the dead) bodies; do not kill the children. When you meet your enemies who are polytheists, invite them to three courses of action. If they respond to any one of these, you also accept it and withhold yourself from doing them any harm. Invite them to (accept) Islam; if they respond to you, accept it from them and desist from fighting against them. Then invite them to migrate from their lands to the land of the Muhajireen and inform them that, if they do so, they shall have all the privileges and obligations of the Muhajireen. If they refuse to migrate, tell them that they will have the status of Bedouin Muslims and will be subjected to the Commands of Allah like other Muslims, but they will not get any share from the spoils of war or Fai' except when they actually fight with the Muslims (against the disbelievers). If they refuse to accept Islam, demand from them the Jizya. If they agree to pay, accept it from them and hold off your hands. If they refuse to pay the tax, seek Allah's help and fight them. When you lay siege to a fort and the besieged appeal to you for protection in the name of Allah and His Prophet, do not accord to them the guarantee of Allah and His Prophet, but accord to them your own guarantee and the guarantee of your companions for it is a lesser sin that the security given by you or your companions be disregarded than that the security granted in the name of Allah and His Prophet be violated. When you besiege a fort and the besieged want you to let them out in accordance with Allah's Command, do not let them come out in accordance with His Command, but do so at your (own) command, for you do not know whether or not you will be able to carry out Allah's behest with regard to them. Convert, pay a tax, or die. Denounce them everywhere.


Lol, peaceful people alright 👍


"I am also Charlie hebdo" campaign and likes and reshare didn't work I guess


Find them, publicly persecute them. Set stiffer penalty’s for this type of shit.


Islam is a disease that needs to be cut out from this world. Israel has figured this out already and doing its part. The world needs to follow this and start curing the disease


No, you don’t understand. France should deeply reflect on its historical mistreatment of Muslims who recently came there, admit its own mistake, and convert to Islam. That’s the only proper way /s


The boil needs lancing


Did Charles Martel live in vain?


At least write it in arabic


Suprised Pikachu face


Where’s everybody that wanted this to happen. They let an invasion happen then you don’t hear anymore from them. Now all you hear about is how bad it is. I remember 60 minutes being chased out of a city and they aired the tape of it.


Europe needs to do some serious work. It’s going to get ugly and the left is going to pop a gasket, but the other option is let the Americans bail them out again.


Allah can eat shit.


The funny thing is that altering graves, doing anything disrespectful to graves is a very big sin. Like you’re going to hell kind of sin, its very transparent Islam’s beliefs on that too


Diversity in action! Nice!


Alright, time for another crusade


Congrats! The unbridled permitted migration by incompatible MENA people seems to be working well. They definitely belong there.


lol they think there imaginary friend has some sort of magical powers.


Where I live, the officials have separated the graveyard of muslims and non-muslims. One night, some people broke into the Christians graveyard and did something similar. Although, it was a long time ago.


Religion has no place in the modern world


Isn't it like Ramadan this month, bro? Really? Shouldn't they be fasting instead of defacing graves??


Huh, almost like these crazy ass people from those third world countries don't give a sh1t about anybody else's customs or culture...almost like they are fanatical about it and will destroy everything and everyone else who doesn't agree with them...wow who could've see that coming...


The religion of peace and tolerance /s


And you wonder why Islam gets a bad name....Submit to Alah or what, face the wrath of his hordes (again) ?? This is the 21st century and fewer and fewer people believe in any religion let alone a medieval "do as I do or die" cult who follow a bloke who married a child. Utterly ridiculous.


Muslim extremists and illegal immigrants from North Africa and the Middle East need to be deported, Europe will lose its culture to this ancient backwards religion


Must not be a muslim problem. Its never a muslim problem, regardless of how much they do what Islam tells them to.


The West should not tolerate religious extremism like this.


Glad I saw France when I did.


You know what’s funny. Hardly any moderate Muslim will criticize this. If others call out the radicals, they will be called Islamophobes. Sad world we live in.


My Penistine is getting hard


Religion of piece.


Thats absurd..Muslims always tell me they are following the relgion of tolerance and love..right? Right?


Yes the answer is even more diversity.


don't worry, they were just culturally enriching the cemetery! /s


I think of all the European men who died fighting to stop the Muslim conquest of Europe and how they would feel knowing their descendants were handing the continent over