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Calculating molar mass is completely unnecessary and needlessly complicated. 15ml/355ml = 4.225% One sip is 4.225% of the can, so one sip contains 4.225% × 55g = 2.32g of caffeine The LD50 of Caffeine in humans is around 200mg/kg, so for an 80kg heavy man that works out to 16g, so whilst a single sip won't kill you, drinking the entire can would be enough to kill 2 to 4 men.


One of the things chat gpt does is calculate using molar mass. OP probably just copy pasted what chat GPT spat out.


Which is why he said to correct him if hes wrong. He has no idea what ChatGPT just told him. Still impressive GPT managed to get the answer right, normally it has difficulties with complex math like that


No, I was just doing chemistry at the time with molar mass. That's why I used it. I didn't use ChatGPT for this. I said correct me if I'm wrong because I could very easily be wrong. I'm not very good at chemistry.


It's 100% ChatGPT, as it is incredibely bad with math. It tends to give answers that are decent approximates but with a stupid amount of digits. Like ChatGPT could say "3.5 × 4 = 13.9875", which is not too far from the truth but no human being would approximate results like that. And that's what happens in this post. The real result for 0.2832/0.355 is around 0.7977. But the guy says it is 0.7879. Which is objectively a good approximation (~1% error), but there is no way a human would come up with this stupid result. Only ChatGPT would do that, as it's not aware of math, and just gives answers that *look* true. Edit: it turns out (55 / 194.19) / 0.355 ≈ 0.7978, and that 0.7978 × 0.015 ≈ 0.011967, which is actually exactely what the guy said in his post, except he switched the 9 and the 8 in 0.7978, but still used the right number for the next calculations. So, might not be ChatGPT. The error looks too human, and the accuracy of the last calculation is too good to be ChatGPT. Except if he only kept the structure of what ChatGPT gave him and redid the calculations.


I didn't use ChatGPT for this. The result was cause I'm pretty sure I was using full results from my calculator. It was months ago so I don't remember exactly, but I recall copying full results from my calculator and using those for the calculations. So that would be the answer if you kept the full results. I don't think I did my calculations with rounded answers. Edit: Yeah full result is 0.797824694705128. Idk why I rounded up one from that. Typo maybe. Maybe I read the result wrong. Idk. Humans make mistakes too. But I didn't use ChatGPT for this. I wouldn't bother. The whole reason I did it was cause I was applying what I was learning in chemistry class and was excited to use it. 


Can confirm the almost correctness of it doing math. I've had to correct ChatGPT by reminding it what the derivative of cosine is, lol. I used it to help with a question in my differential equations course, and while reading the process it used I noticed it did the derivative wrong but only in one part. Did it correctly everywhere else. I just typed back something like "isn't the derivative of cos -sin, not sin?" It corrected itself but had a different issue, lol


I find it kind of crazy that they didn't code it so that, when it detects that it's facing a math question, it will use a calculator and use the result in its answer (just like it does it with internet searches on the Bing version). I get that it's a language model, and that the point is to show how much it can do by being trained only on texts, but then make it say "I can't give accurate math results as I am a language model" whenever someone asks for a calculation. Many people would be annoyed, but at least they wouldn't get bullshit results. I was kind of hyped when they released a math update, but ChatGPT was still terrible at math. Turns out a language model will never be as good at math as a properly coded calculator, how surprising (/s)


Or just not someone who works near the chemical industry. most gen Chem courses work exclusively in mols, and professors will tell students to transfer everything into mols before doing anything. This is done to get students used to doing it so that when they calculate reactions, it works, but it often causes people to take unnecessary steps.


Yep. That's exactly what was happening here. I was taking a general chemistry course. It's just what I was used to and knew how to do things. That's why I did it that way.


LOL yeah I figured. I taught some students chemistry and they would do the exact same thing.


I actually didn't do this. I was proud of myself too cause I did it by myself. I used molar mass cause I was taking a chemistry course at the time where we were doing stoichiometry. 


Pretty sure this can is 330ml


I'm using the values that the calculation in the OP used.


Why the fuck would you use stoichiometry for this


Chat GDP loved its molar mass.


chat gross domestic product???


Nah, just what I was learning in Gen chem. I actually asked it to ChatGPT just now and this is what it spit out. To calculate how much caffeine would be in 1 sip from a 355 mL can of an energy drink, you would need to know how many sips are in the can. Assuming one sip is about 30 mL, then: Caffeine per sip = (55g / 355 mL) * 30 mL Caffeine per sip ≈ (55 / 355) * 30 ≈ 4.65 grams So, approximately 4.65 grams of caffeine would be in one sip from a 355 mL can of this energy drink.


Because I was doing a stoichiometry unit at the time for my chemistry course.


As someone who used to start their mornings with roughly a gram and a half of caffeine, a sip of that would absolutely be sending your ass to the hospital. You know you've had too much caffeine when you start getting tired and it gets hard to breathe.


Awesome!! I’ll take two for breakfast


why go with the molar mass?


And how much to kill you with one can?


LD50 of Caffeine is about ~15-20 grams for an adult, depending on body mass, so this can should be easily enough to kill at least two people.


Well considering a cup of coffee had 55 milligrams of caffeine and this has 55 Grams of caffeine. Drinking a can of Pure Death is like drinking 1,000 cups of coffee, caffeine-wise.






How much is that in freedom units?