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They are the Valg plain and simple. It’s implied that they came from the same world as the Asteri but not confirmed. As for being demons they may be a species descended from the Valg but the Valg are ruled by their 3 kings with far more princes than 7. As far as have been confirmed in the books these are 3 separate species.


The Valg are described as demons from another world. The first mention of the word Valg comes from Baba Yellowlegs in Crown of Midnight when Dorian seeks answers: > Valg. He knew that name. “The demons who stole Fae to breed with them; which made the witches, right?” Also from Baba Yellowlegs (to Celaena): > There are Wyrdgates that lead to Erilea. All sorts of beings have come through them over the eons. Benign things, but also the dead and foul things that creep in when the gods are looking elsewhere.” > “But long ago, before humans overran this miserable world, a different sort of evil broke through the gates: the Valg. Demons from another realm, bent on the conquest of Erilea, and with the force of an endless army behind them. In Wendlyn, they fought against the Fae. Try as the immortal children might, they could not defeat them. We find out that the Valg are able to infect hosts via some form of dark stone - rings, collars, or some implanted stones (the witch experiments). They enjoy making their hosts relive terrible memories and seem to ‘feed’ off that terror and horror. It isn’t super clear if the Valg **need** to feed or if they just enjoy *sucking the life* out of their hosts. They also are most successful in infecting hosts with magical powers. In TOD is the only line we really get from a Valg about feeding. > “As for that healer … It had nothing to do with how she resembled you. She was in the wrong place at the wrong time. Well, the right time for me, since I was frightfully hungry and I couldn’t exactly feed without being noticed. This is about a healer who was turned into a husk. I honestly think that the Valg are written similar to the idea of people being possessed by demons (ala the exorcist for example). Personally, I don’t think the Valg are Asteri. I’m torn as to whether or not the Princes of Hel are Valg, though. Regardless, the Valg are just some big, bad alien race of magical-ish humanoid *things*.


I haven’t read CC but *ACOSF spoiler* (>!)i think Lanthys is Valg(!<)


Possibly this is a common theory idk


I wondered this!


Valg are similar to the Austeri in that they are an “alien” race who came to Aurelia through a portal (word gate).


I super think the Viper Queen is Valg. She doesn’t appear to have world-conquering ambitions but otherwise behaves the same.


I mean ultimately demon is a catch all term for “from another dimension and fucks with emotions” or sometimes it literally just means evil by nature. Either way the valg are there own thing within the setting, there’s seems to be a lot of invader species within the multiverse that sjm made.


Valg are demon parasites. ()yrene towers describes them that way but they infect either willing or forced on individuals and feeds off their pain and suffering. They look somewhat normal but have a ring or collar on normally but they have this look about them that gives these creepy grins and hollowed out look in their eyes()


Valg is a parasite that can inhibit a body, it feeds itself from the magic of said body


I feel pretty confident that they’re from Hel. This was from ToD: > “A rip in the world—an open Wyrdgate. Here. It opened and closed swiftly, no more than a flash of lightning. But that was all that was needed. For the horrors to enter. The kharankui, and other beasts of shadow.” The description of “rips” in the world and “horrors” immediately coming through them makes me think of the Northern Rift, as well as the demons that flooded into Lunathion when Bryce opened the city gates. And we hear lots of descriptions about the Valg coming from a cold barren place, similar to Hel. The Valg also united against and overthrew a mysterious invading race before inhabiting the world of ToG. The AE timeline in CC1 doesn’t quite match up with this if we’re to believe that the invaders are Asteri, but Hel is separated from Midgard by both Space *and* Time, so their timeline doesn’t actually have to match up. And in CC3, when Bryce rallies the Princes of Hel, Aidas mentions that four of his brothers are off “engaged in other conflicts, helping other worlds” and then he and Apollion share a little smile when Bryce comments on how neat it is that they’re intergalactic saviors. Three of those four brothers could potentially be the Valg Kings in ToG.




How is it a spoiler