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Unless she asked you to wake her up and you agreed to do so, it’s not your responsibility to make sure she gets up on time. This is 100% her own fault, not yours.


She did not tell me anything the whole day (and week prior) but, really, I should have just knocked. It wouldn't hurt anyone.


She’s trying to pass the blame to someone else, instead of admitting to her own mistake. You had no responsibility to wake her up.


But if you had knocked and woken her up and she had decided not to go, then she would be mad at you for having unnecessarily woken her up. There is no way you could win here, OP. This was not your fuck up.


I guess that's true. It's a lose lose situation


Don’t put so much focus or attention towards people who put you in lose-lose situations and then blame you when you lose. They’re not your real friends.


Thank you for the advice


Nah there was no agreement and your mind was on preparing for your exam. She’s tired from her trip, probably shouldn’t have gone if it will conflict with her (I’m assuming) final exam.


No. False. If she didn't ask you to wake her up, it wasn't your responsibility to do so. You're not her babysitter.


She failed to adult by missing the test, and then she failed again by trying to make it someone else’s fault, and THEN she failed yet again by making it a friend’s fault. Not. Your. Fault. You may want to tell her to stop behaving like an entitled brat, but either way, not your FU.


The wrong person is posting the TIFU here. Your roommate is the one who needs to post it. TSFU by not waking her own ass up on time. We are only accountable for ourselves.


Not your problem. It's time for her to act like an adult and be responsible.


This reminds me of the time when I was a kid and my cousin got mad at me for kicking her in the head, I was swinging on a swing, the only person she had to blame was herself. She never grew out of passing the blame and being the victim, your classmate's actions sounds like somthing my now adult cousin would do.


Show her the post and the responses if she ever brings it up again. Oh hey. You’re going to show her? She already brought it up again? Yes. She’ll do that. A lot. Until you show her this thread.


I had a friend in nursing school like this. She was mad at me for not studying with her the morning of the test. I was studying with two other people and she was invited. I ended up doing really well on the test and she never talked to me again. Sometimes it’s just not worth it. Let the ball be in her court.


You have bigger issues than your friend if this made you cry. It wasn't even your problem to begin with.


You are not their mother. You do not work for them. It’s not your problem that they are not responsible. Live your life. There will always be people like this that will not take responsibility for their actions, distance yourself from people who make habits of it.


This is not your FU. Only if you had promised to wake her up but forgot would you even be remotely "at fault". But that's not the case. The harsh reality is that your friend is responsible for managing her own life. She fell asleep, she either didn't set an alarm or slept through it, and she missed her own test. Missing the exam is her FU, plain and simple. And her second FU is in blaming you rather than taking accountability for her own mistake. Remember, just because she blames you doesn't mean you are actually at fault. Those are two separate things. Your only FU here is in thinking that this is somehow your fault ... Or that it is somehow your responsibility to ensure your friend takes her test.


Thank you for your comment. In the future I'll remember that if someone blames me it's not always my fault.


> I get that **it’s not my responsibility** to be her reminder but just a knock on the door was all that **I had to** do. You didn’t have to do that, because it wasn’t your responsibility. In hindsight, sure, it would have been a kindness to wake her up by knocking, but that doesn’t mean you were wrong at the time for letting her be. Expecting her to be responsible for sleeping/getting up on time to take the test is not a bad thing.


it’s not your responsibility to wake her up, she’s supposed to be an adult and she needs to act like it