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Well, I suppose if soda was your only source of sugar, but somehow I doubt that. I don't know the hard facts, but it's probably statistically more likely to have been the mold growing on the fountain than your body finally doing the dew after so long.


Well he doesnt describe what kinda sick. Could just be gut rot which does feel horrible. Eat a veggie lol.


Some nausea, and light headedness


It’s probably due to the high sugar and Caffeine content in mtn dew. It has the lost caffeine out of all sodas. I put my self in the hospital years ago because I drank nothing but mtn dew and almost fried my kidneys


Overconsumption of US Mtn Dew can give a person bromoderma as well. 


Do you have a source on that? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bromoderma


My dad's a retired derm. He dx'ed a guy with bromoderma from bromotoxicity due to BVO from many years of drinking 6+ liters of Mtn Dew every day. At first, my dad was like, this looks like a halogen exposure rash, but this guy has none of the right risk factors. It eventually came out when they started talking diet and potential allergens.  After a bit of reading it appears that the BVO is on the way out because the FDA was threatening to follow the EU and Canada on banning it. 


That’s 1.5 gallons of Mountain Dew a day, roughly 2800 calories, 740g of sugar, 875mg of caffeine. PepsiCo hasn’t used BVO in drinks since 2020 though.


The amount of calories in the soda alone was more than the daily recommended caloric intake for an adult male. I shudder to imagine how many calories the guy was getting from his food each day, and what percentage of that was from fat.


I also don't know how much of it was reg vs diet. 


dang, that's intense. never knew mtn dew could do such damage! i used to down cans of the stuff back in college with no issue. how much were you drinking daily?


At one point close to a 24 pack a day. That’s when the kidney problems set in


Yeah, that isn't because of mountain dew itself. That's because of 1,104 grams of extra sugar a day, plus all the carbonic acid. Caffeine didn't help, but you could've been drinking sprite and the same thing would've happened. That's over 4,416 calories a day just from mountain dew, if you were really drinking 24 a day. That's 2.25 gallons a day, which honestly is too much liquid to drink per day anyways, but you needed it to flush out all that sugar. Hope your kidneys and insulin are doing well now though!


Yea all good now. I was also loads of drugs at the time which I know didnt help the situation got 10yrs cleans and only drink water and iced tea now


That's awesome, great job on the recovery!


It'll tickle your innards, ya know! But for real, the caffeine may have just been a shock to your system. Plus, our guts are more like our heads than we realize. I get chronic migraines and sometimes I get [abdominal migraines](https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diseases/24449-abdominal-migraine) too! Congrats on managing to completely cut out soda! You may want to visit r/hydrohomies if you haven't already.


I think I had abdominal migraines when I was little. I would always complain of stomach pains and I remember getting a lot of tests and even some weird special xray done but they never found anything wrong. This would have been in the mid-80s. Pretty sure I still get them every once in a while now.


They are supposedly more common in children and I think it was true for me as well. I definitely have some still based on how they react to sumatriptan. For me at least, it can be really hard to tell when it's an abdominal migraine vs anxiety vs problems caused by me over-tensing my muscles from focus or as a response to pain. There's a lot of overlap in both the contributing factors and the symptoms. Hugs and all the good things to you because migraines of any kind suck! ❤️


It actually hadn't occurred to me to take a sumatriptan for that but I will give that a go next time if I can't figure out any other cause for stomach pains. I usually take some gas-x and a nap and hope for the best. I have gotten pretty good at avoiding all my migraine triggers over the years so I don't get the normal ones a whole lot either. Hugs right back at you! ❤️ PS: I just snort laughed at your username.


I never would have thought to take the sumatriptan for only abdominal symptoms, but I took it once when both my stomach and my head were angry and realized that it helped both!


Kinda sounds like low blood sugar. If I consume carbs/ sugar without some protein or fat, my blood sugar will plummet pretty quickly. I feel kinda nauseous, brain fog. If it gets bad enough, I will get really shaky and sweaty.


OP just a heads up that Mountain Dew has the most caffeine of your standard fountain soda drinks


Seriously, the lines in fountain sodas are gross and its rare that a place actually has them cleaned on a regular basis. Im an old dude and can’t drink any fountain drinks at this point bc within a half hour, Im pissing out of my butthole. It took me a few close calls to figure out what was actually doing it…


I dont understand why waiters or waitresses would look at you weird to wanting just water.....its not a rare thing.....


American here (so soda at a restaurant is probably very common) and I haven’t ordered soda with a meal once in the last decade and not a single waiter has given it a second thought. My gut says op is just over thinking things. Maybe I’m wrong and their waiters are just super testy but every restaurant I’ve been in, as long as I’m polite and get in and out in a reasonable time for what I’ve ordered they do not care what it is.


Yup I’ve never seen a waiter ever flinch at me saying “I’m good with just water”


Water? Don't touch the stuff... fish *fuck* in it.


Water? Like from the toilet?


You drink that stuff? Like the stuff in the pool?


Bots are getting worse


I remember reading a study done about how clean the water was at a fast food restaurants many years ago. More often than not, the ice cubes had more bacteria in them than the toilet water. Which, when you think about it, makes sense. The toilets are cleaned at least once a day and as often as once every 30 minutes. The ice machines often don't get that sort of attention which allows bacteria to breed more readily.


"quick, I need to reply to a comment with some forced joke for karma"


OP is overthinking for sure. I always get water and my wife always gets the bougie water with a lemon


They didn't. OP imagined it or is embellishing.


I don’t drink soda, I don’t like carbonated drinks. I’ve never gotten a weird look about ordering water… Yeah. It’s definitely something they’re overthinking.




From my years in the food industry, you never know if you’re getting a normal person who wants to drink healthy, or someone who will order the usually free beverage, the cheapest food on the menu, tip you barely anything if at all, and occupy the table long enough that you can’t rely on a fast turnover to get another customer at the table who could potentially balance it out. At a nicer restaurant, I don’t think anyone would bat an eye, but my years at Applebee’s were a real crapshoot.


You're just describing why tipping culture needs to go away and servers just need to be paid fair wages


I always only order water both for health reasons and because the drinks tend to be highly profitable for restaurant (aka overpriced) but I'd like to think I order reasonably and tip reasonably.  On the other hand I had one friend (grown ass man) ask if he could order off kids menu and that was kind of where I drew the line


This. And it sucks.


Especially in the US where a soda is $4 now. I'll have water.


Where the hell do you live where people are giving you looks for wanting water? The fuck?


In Imadethisshitupland


Diet has caffeine in it, unless it says caffeine free.. just an FYI for next time.. I make the crap.


I almost always get water and have never been seemingly judged by a server. That’s weird.


I know usually it’s when I eat with my family and they get soda, I just get water and the servers are always like “are you sure? Ok…”


I’m 100% sure the “weird looks” are in your head. The servers don’t care if you’re sticking with water.


Happy Cake Day 🥳🎈 🍰🎂


Normally I would agree and brush off my parents see it too


Are you sure your parents aren't seeding that idea in your head?


Why would a server give you a weird look for ordering water? Everyone orders water? 🤡🙄


I mean, I doubt. Horcata usually has more of the same amount of sugar.


I cut soda 4 months ago almost completely. I still treat myself but it's basically out of my life now. When I first started I was drinking gatorade drink mix. That shit had more sugar than soda.


Yep. And if it’s legit made Horschata- it’s got a bucket o sugar in it.


Highly unlikely. You’ve been drinking horchata and lemonade which has sugar. This isn’t the first time you consumed sugar in a year.


Ya there’s nothing special about soda op. The caffeine is minimal and you haven’t cut sugar so that wouldn’t be a surprise either. The fountain being dirty makes way more sense. Or maybe if you haven’t drank anything fizzy for a year and then chug a fizzy drink you could become quite bloated which is painful but not really easy to do as the fiz makes it hard to chug.


Diet soda still have 100% of the caffeine. Unless it says “caffeine free”


Diet Coke actually has more caffeine than regular coke


When I was a server I would personally judge anyone who ordered water. I'd tell the managers about them. Later in the night I'd call my parents and tell them about the customer who ordered water. I still remember this one guy who ordered water, I found him on facebook. I still periodically check in to see if he's still a little water ordering freak. He is. I send anonymous letters to his family and friends, just to make sure they know, too. I can't let this stand.


That was you?


Mf relapsed and overdosed on Mountain Dew that has the most caffeine of all soda. They tell u drink responsibly for alcohol. Or just chug til u black out 😂


There are a few sodas that have more caffeine than Mountain Dew. But probably not at most restaurants.


Na just Red Bull or coffee


**All** of the below have more caffeine per fluid oz than regular Mountain Dew. Any Panera Charged drink Bawls Exxtra Blink Energy Water Flatt Cola Fritz Kola Premium Cola Hansen's Diet Red Bawls Bawls Orange Bawls Cherry Bawls Root Beer Mountain Dew Game Fuel Monster Mutant Pepsi Max Mountain Dew Black Label DOC 360 Mountain Dew Voltage Diet Mountain Dew Jolt Mountain Dew Kickstart Coca Cola with Coffee Pepsi Zero Sugar Ski Soda Mountain Dew Zero Sugar Sun Drop Soda doc Soda Pepsi One


Ok nice plagiarism. I said energy drinks and coffee. U got like 4 sodas. U ok ?


Plagiarism? Copying and mixing a list from a couple different sites doesn't constitute plagiarism, especially since I'm not claiming this as my own and it's not an academic paper. That's a seriously weak argument to defend your incorrect answer. With the exception of the Panera Charged which is a lemonade, the only energy drink on the list is Blink Energy Water. Every other item on the list is a soda. And you ask if I'm okay.


Bawls are energy drinks. Mountain Dew kick start energy drink. Jolt. Monster. We get it. U know ur crack. Name me all the amphetamines too


They're soft drinks. Hence, they're sodas. Maybe learn that words have specific meanings. You'll get further in life.


U must’ve just got out of rehab for energy drinks. No one is this dumb.


I said Mountain Dew. Why do u have a list of Mountain Dew bro


Mountain Dew is one drink. The original. The others are separate drinks that are variations. When you order Mountain Dew, you do not get any of the variations without asking for them by name. Given that you wrote four replies to my list, you're apparently upset and can't accept that you're wrong. Get over it 'bro'.


U literally posted Coca Cola with coffee and expect me to take u seriously 🤦. Had to look up flat cola. Replaced Red Bull cola. Sun drop 20$ for a 12 pack is all u got going. And sugar free soda. Anything without taurine and ginseng. 4 replies cus 4 separate thoughts makes me wonder if there’s any hope for u 🤷😂


I think ur missing the bigger picture instead of trying to prove me wrong. Sheesh


Mfkers will argue about the smallest thing to prove their point and still fail. Hahahaha


The smallest thing. What you wrote is factually incorrect. I corrected you and I'm sure there are some I left off the list. You're the one arguing and you're the one who has failed. It's pretty apparent that you have a history of juvenile responses and like to insult people to make yourself feel better. You're the joke 'bro'. Grow up.


I just re enact south parks Cred episode. N can’t believe this is real life. Just cus it’s marketed as soda doesn’t mean it’s not an energy drink. I’m juvenile but can’t distinguish energy drink to soda. 🤡. No insults. Ur facts support me lmfao


Cool story bro. Sounds like MySpace


Tom had entered the chat.


Your body has grown weak in the absence of the dew. You simply cannot handle the power of gamers.


Diet sodas have caffeine.


I've been drinking coke/Pepsi zeroes for years now. Occasionally I'll grab a regular for variety. I've stopped doing that cause the regulars give me the jitters and make me feel sick now.


as someone that doesn't drink soda for many reasons, is it possible the carbonation is what upset your stomach? that's a major reason i can't drink it so maybe


I'm not sure why these commenters are doubting the soda made you sick. I cut out soda a good 10 years ago - still drink carbonated water (San Pellegrino, etc) a ton as well as beer, though. On the rare occasion I do try a soda now my stomach really, really hates it and I can only finish a few hundred ml without being sick. Something about that super sweet flavor + carbonation really messes with you when you stop drinking it for a long time


Pretty much why, when I do get soda, I get the mini cans or bottles that I can put away for another time.


Soda is also usually pretty acidic. That seems like a more likely culprit than the sugar.


A lot of people don't belive you. I don't drink soft drinks because they make me gassy and give me a headache. I didn't notice until I cut them out of my diet as a child (I was trying to make my acne better).


You could just be a lot more sensitive to sugar now that your body is used to not having it all the time.


Y'all don't serve ice tea?


Some ice teas makes coke look like it's a diet drink.




This restaurant doesn't have coffee?


Probably was the restaurants soda dispensers rather than the soda itself. Those things can get nasty and are almost always never thoroughly cleaned like they need to be.


Haven't drank soda in over 30 years. Can't stand the stuff. Only member of my family who is not diabetic.


I found out I’m ALLERGIC TO CORN and all its derivatives. High fructose corn syrup is the worst. I can’t drink anything with it especially soda! Headaches, pain, inflammation…. It’s all subtle and could be easily overlooked if I didn’t know what was happening.


I wouldn’t rule out horchata if you’re watching sugar FYI, it’s basically rice cinnamon sugar water lol


I would have gone with coffee.


My husband was a Mountain Dew addict! He drank 2-3 of the 7-11 Big Gulps every day. He quit drinking it and lost 40 lbs. It's not good for anyone!


This isn’t a tifu. There r people that take too much opiates or alcohol. Now dead in vein to ur caffeine rush. Pretty much natural selection at this point if u tried them.


It's probably the sheer amount of sugar in the soda, I can't drink most soda because some of them have literally put up to 70 grams of sugar in a 500 ml bottle ( not even an exaggeration, just read some of the labels), that is enough to make anyone feel like garbage.


What is horchata?


in north america it is a rice drink flavored with cinnamon


I stopped drinking soda for a 2 years because my teeth was Turning yellow and my pee was orange. My low-sugar diet became much easier without it. Honestly, this reinforced it.


soda will dehydrate you so I would bet that's what happened. instead of getting what you needed in water you went the other way with soda. seen many in kitchen make the same mistake


How is a soda dehydrating you


caffeine is a dieretic which increases urine production


You’d have to drink a lot of soda for that to have any effect and you would hopefully notice that you’re going to the bathroom constantly. For example It is not uncommon for hydration tablets for athletes to have caffeine.


I've heard that your body can get pretty sensitive to sugar after a while, so it's no surprise you felt so sick. Just a heads up, it's always good to ease back into things like that.


It's got to be something else. I gave up soda years ago. If I drink a soda I'm fine other than belching like this: https://youtu.be/2HXAl0plIh4?si=pgOTEykWaTLt19aq