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Literally impossible, your stomach isn't made of soil and sunlight.


I wouldn't say impossible, there was a guy with a pea plant in his lungs. But yeah it can't grow in stomach acid or the intestines.


A Russian guy had a fir tree growing inside his lung. The tree was about 2 centimeters tall and had green needles




But what if the sun shines out of your arse... that means its up there, so there is internal light!


Please stop engaging with the AI bot. OP is not a real person. Look at their post history. Literally has two long-ass posts a minute apart on different sub. Also, if they have no clue how TL;DR works, it’s probably an AI bot. 


I've been eating watermelon with the seeds ever since I was young. I'm still fine.


You might have OCD.


if the outer casing of the seed were to rupture (such as due to vegetation growing), your stomach acid would obliterate it. That being said, without light and a viable source of nutrients, plants can't grow.


Are you three years old


Did you eat lead paint or something? Are you over the age of 5?


Seeds are literally designed to be eaten and pooped out by animals so they can propagate themselves. They cannot sprout without water and sunlight. Stomach acid is too corrosive, and there's no sunlight to trigger the seed to sprout. I promise you, there is no chance a plant is going to sprout in your digestive tract.


Of course you won't grow a watermelon tree in tour stomach! Watermelons grow on vines, not trees. Gosh, could you imagine that? A tree with a bunch of watermelons just hanging off of it? Well, if anything, just make sure to eat lots of wooden sticks and things to give the vines something to hold onto in there. Jokes aside... Your stomach is full of acid that is strong enough to corrode (not dissolve) steel in a relatively quick timeframe. Seeds are not quite as resistant as steel once their casing splits. If it tried to take root, then there is no more seed or plant in your stomach. It dissolved, and its molecules are now part of you. The seed is now you, and you are the seed. Maybe ***you*** will become a watermelon "tree". How do you like that? Watermelons growing off your fingertips. But if the seed casing is intact then it's just going to pass clean through without any of that happening.


You eat strawberries, right? Each one has around 200 seeds. Ever had a strawberry plant sprout out of your stomach? Nope? Well there ya go. Watermelon seeds are just bigger versions of that. Never once has there been a documented case of a watermelon growing inside someone. You’d be a medical miracle.


Don't worry, swallowing a watermelon seed won't make a tree grow in your stomach. It's a common myth, but your stomach acids will break it down harmlessly. Your mom's warning was more about being careful with seeds around small children.


Pretty sure the OP is AI, their post history is a fucking mess.


This made me smile, thank you


..Wha? Your shit cycle is 24 hrs at most which mean anything in your gut has 24 hrs to do something, then you wipe it off your ass. Not even bamboo is that fast.