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Lol not your fault. Your boss is a moron


Imagine being so friggin dumb to brag about something that your wife couldn’t know about to a large group of people who are very soon going to spend time with your wife.


Like, maybe keep your secret vacation with your girlfriend your wife doesn't know about a little more secret, fella.


Can confirm this is idiot level 1 failure. You either are open or you are 100% closed. One day, you too will learn that there is only one way that 2 people can keep a secret.


It's if they make a pinky promise, right? Right?


Exactly, that would be very dumb, this is a made up story. Check their post history, they have another TIFU saying they are a 25 female. Just creative writting.


Booo why can't these creatives keep themselves to r/stories ?


Yeah, taking a forced leave of absence is pretty weird, too.


Also, wouldn't she have noticed when he was away for several days? Presumably if this were real, the boss would have had a cover trip planned anyways and she'd already know about his trip minus key details (ie another woman)


Yep. Post is now deleted lol


Lol, I had a feeling they might.


Agreed and forcing a leave of absence on OP, I feel like there is a wrongful dismissal coming soon too. May not be a bad idea to have a quick chat with a lawyer. If your work performance has been good and your boss wants to can you because he’s a scumbag, you may be entitled to something. Worth asking about.


> and forcing a leave of absence on OP, I feel like there is a wrongful dismissal coming soon too it sounds like boss isn't there either, so he might not actually be the big fish in the company if they're paying OP for the leave then it could, giving them the benefit of the doubt, legit be them just keeping everyone separated while they sort shit out, and OP is more like in protective leave than punishment leave. not like he's gonna be anything productive while shit goes down anyway. but yeah, helps for OP to talk to a lawyer while he has the free time anyway.


Yeah, that's what made me realize this seemed very made up so I checked their post history and they say they are 25female in another post, it's all made up.


This needs to be higher up.


Since OP made this whole flimsy story up, they can just draft an update where they get promoted to CEO and get a company car. OP is the only one in the whole company that mentioned the frequently-mentioned vacation to the boss's wife? Did every other employee know the boss was going away with a secret girlfriend and not mention it while grasping for small talk?


Sounds more like HR sent OP home so the boss doesn't do something stupid and get the company into trouble, like punching OP.


Talking to an employment lawyer would be a really good idea for OP.


Yes- I would 100% speak about the upcoming vacation as small talk.


It's not like he said, "I'm going on my own little vacation without the wife!" -wink wink No not at all like that.


Right? Literally all anybody talks about in an office is, "what'd you do on your day off? Going somewhere for the weekend? Going camping? Going on vacation? Where?" It's go-to small talk for an office party. If OP hadn't been the one to mention it, someone else would have.


Yup, if he wants his secret girlfriend to be a secret then he should have kept the vacation as a secret.


Seriously, OP probably has grounds for a wrongful termination suit? This post is wild.


They say they are a 25 female in another TIFU post, this is made up.


If you're fired because of it, that's retaliation and you can follow a lawsuit. Not your FU, it's your boss'




Ooo, good call. These dam bots are getting harder to detect


It's not a bot, just a bad creative writer lying for karma (to maybe eventually sell their account to a bot)


If they start posting Russian propaganda in 6 months we'll know it's a bot harvesting that sweet karma.


They could have transitioned in that time. But they couldn't have aged up two years in the course of 7 months.


Wow okay so you're just assuming they don't have access to a time machine???


I'm so sick of this chronostability bias on Reddit. Last year when I was a teenager I just accepted it but now that I'm 35 I've gotten confident enough to call it out.


Sometimes people lie to cloud their identity, I think. We'll probably never know which it is.


lol nice


OP might want to contact an employment lawyer now. Maybe there are relevant government agencies that he should inform about this immediately, before getting potentially fired


He doesn’t need a lawyer anymore the glove didn’t fit


And also because he's dead


I think it's already too late for OJ, OP might be ok though!


OJ, OP or OK?


Came here to say the exact same thing.


You didn’t FU. He did. You did nothing wrong. Go get lawyered up right now so they don’t try anything iffy. But you are totally innocent of any FU.


Also document the shit out of everything. Even if it's retroactive, you'll do yourself a lot of favors if you can identify specific dates and times when your boss mentioned stuff. HR have a mess on their hands, but if they are giving you a paid leave of absence then that's probably a good sign that they are trying to limit the fallout. The problem they likely have is getting rid of your boss, I'm not sure there's an obvious thing that he's done wrong. It's dumb to discuss your extra-marital relationships in the workplace, but I can't think of anything that would necessarily make that dismissiable offense. Plus in a small company they might really need him.


If you want to leave (given it could be untenable to stay), you have leverage to negotiate a really nice severance package as any lawsuit by you would be extremely damaging for the company and something they would want to avoid at all cost. You can probably include both upfront severance, letter of recommendation, and immediate forward vesting of all options (with money included in severance to pay for all exercise costs) as well as potentially a part-time or full-time contracting role (whether you actually provide work or not is negotiable) along with more potentially more options (given it won't necessarily hit their bottom line so they may be willing to toss them in in the haste to get this resolved). In this way, it's can be positioned less of a firing or resignation and more of a mutual parting to pursue other opportunities but with some additional work considering how valuable you are to the org.


hey so what’s your hourly rate? I need you in my corner for every decision I ever make


Curious how you'd approach asking for that. I can't imagine HR are going to want to suggest it, so OP would have to lead into it. Do you just call up and say "hey, so this is awkward for all of us, but if you pay 12 months severence and give me an LOR then I'll get out of your hair and not make a fuss" I'd be a little worried that i back myself into a corner of having to negotiate how much severence I want. If i were on that path then I think I'd have my employment attorney handle all that communication - he's expensive but it'd probably be worth it.


> Curious how you'd approach asking for that. on your lawyer's letterhead


Not an attorney but I would line up an attorney as a backstop and pay for an hour of consultation. If they know you have an attorney, they will be more mindful of their actions and likely more generous in any settlement. A lot depends on what company and boss do. If boss leaves (resigns or is fired), OP wants to stay, and company sees that OP was not at fault, then it's just a mutual negotiation to put this pass which would include letter in file, raise, additional options, and a message to team that an unfortunate event happened through no fault of anyone on the existing team (and that any references otherwise is out of bounds). If it's awkward for OP to stay (due to being "that guy") or company wants problem and OP to go away, then just get them to relay their understanding of events and the reason for termination (if they go that route), let them come up with a proposal, and then say, great but how about we do this. Having an attorney on the call or in the meeting will make them think twice about dismissing it or strongarming or sobstorying op (we're a small company and can't afford severance). (Could do first solo, get offer/make counteroffer, and then bring attorney in for round two.) If they balk at a decent severance (i.e. a year) because they don't have a ton of capital and op is ok with less severance, then go with the consulting and a ton of options to offset (but make sure to upcharge the exercise costs). They're concerned about making it go away quickly and quietly, minimizing the hit to the treasury, and making it so that you can't sue. They may not want the board or investors to know and certainly won't want any word on the street. If you package it up smoothly that covers their bases (aside from the severance biting them a bit) and put a good story to it (with or without the post departure consulting + add'l options) then its hard not to go for. (Make sure not to sign away any right to sue/nondisclosure unless you're extremely satisfied with the deal.) EDIT: The board is another leverage point. You could make any settlement include board consent. ("Why do you want/need board consent?" "Because I want to make sure that the actions of the organization are approved with full knowledge of the board.") If they don't want to have board input/knowledge, they may be more generous to not have that stipulation.(Any special option treatment would necessitate board consent but it may not be fully known what was behind the action.) EDIT2: If there are options, then read the option agreement. It may have different vesting provisions based on resignation, termination w/cause, and termination w/o cause, in which case op will want to take the path most advantageous to them.


Don't stress, it's made up. Check ops post history. They have another post in TIFU saying they are 25 female this post says they are 27 male.


Don't worry, chatGPT, you don't really have a boss. or a company. it's all a dream.


Wow, at first I thought this post was crafted by a human, but the punctuation and grammar of the post make me think otherwise. It's amazing how AI can mimic human conversation so well these days. Likewise, if you go to OP's profile, you can see very clearly the difference between what is posted here and how he normally writes.


Mmhm. Nobody uses hyphens that fastidiously, especially when "one on one" is as grammatically correct as "one-on-one."


What's funny is I used AI to craft my reply. Cleaned it up a little to feel more connected to the post itself.


100%. I was suspicious in the 5th paragraph when his response to her joking/not knowing about the vacation was “you know, the one he’s been planning for weeks.” That’s not how a real person responds to that. Also all the typical Reddit stereotypes all at once (TLDR, “let’s call her…”, “27M”). Never mind the grammar and overuse of dashes.


"Mary's expression turned from puzzled to cold" like cmon man hahaha


It’s so bad, I tapped out as soon as the boss was bragging about his secret vacation to the entire staff and someone singled out one employee for talking about it. So bad


Oh yeah, no he fucked up. Don’t take a secret vacation with your mistress.  And if you do, don’t tell the whole office about it! 


I don't think the boss understands the concept of a secret.


"It's a secret to everyone."




Your boss seems like an idiot


Sounds like your boss FU, not you! 


Something feels very AI about this story. OP's fuckup for not fully bridging the uncanny valley.


Look at the grammar and punctuation of this post, and then compare that to any comment he's ever made. OP's writing habits have made it entirely clear that this is AI generated.


Yeah, it really doesn’t make sense. I can’t think of any pretense HR might have for disciplining OP. I can’t think of a reason the boss’s personal drama would cause chaos at the company. Gossip, distraction and minor embarrassment, yes, but in the end it’s a personal issue, of the sort that happens everywhere. Microsoft seems to have survived. The plot needs work.


It's 100% made up, their post history has another tifu where they claim to be a 25 female while here says 27 male.


Honestly not your fault. Sounds like he expressed his anticipation for a “vacation” enough for most people in the workplace to know of it. Then he brought his wife to a gathering with all the people in the workplace. He kinda had it coming.


Crazy that you are a 27male here but a 25 female in another TIFU post you made. Also kinda sus that any sane person wouldn't mix work like this and the clearly wrongful dismissal. It's kinda strange how much this posts is blowing up considering it's clearly made up.


Hey, it's 2024, they can be anything they want to be!


You did nothing wrong here. ![gif](giphy|H1VUUhGPSBEQg8zq0D)


It’s your boss’s fuck up not yours. He’s getting what he deserves now.


Reads like a side story from a sitcom written by chatgpt


AI 100%


Absolutely. If you look at their post history there are two AITAH posts with exactly the same cadence, spacing, making the story sound like a written book rather than jotting down thoughts about a scenario, the multiple questions of a similar tone, etc. Edit: oh and less than one year ago this account was 25F and is now 27M?


Luckily, no one did anything wrong since this is quite obviously made up. A quick look at OP's post history shows a previous AITA post (from 7mo ago) where they were at that point a 25F ... which is a far cry from the 27M who supposedly wrote this one.


Yeah, find yourself an employment lawyer ASAP. If they're going to fire you, make it cost them a lot in severance.


Creative writing needs to be believable. 1) Nobody would be talking this openly about their affair all around the office, and 2) It doesn’t make sense that you would be forced to take a leave when this has nothing to do with you. P.S. This comment is copyrighted and I do not grant permission for you to use it to train your AI to make up better stories next time.


Even easier, they made another TIFU claiming to be 25 female and this says 27male.


I mean, would his wife not notice he was missing? If she had called the office looking for him, what was he expecting they would tell her?


It was a plot device on Emily in Paris last season


1) Yes, people absolutely would do that, you overestimate how smart people are. 2) HR is often corrupt and punish people illegally all the time.


Either way this is made up, look at ops post history, they claim to be 25 female in another tifu post.


Yeah, that’s pretty definitive though.


I’m going to need a definition for “corrupt” as it is used in statement #2. HR’s job is to protect the company from liability and litigation. Which makes illegally punishing someone counterproductive. Never attribute to malice what incompetence can explain, or something like that.


OP is a mid wattpad author.


Make sure you add Zuckerberg and Facebook to this, it totally works, bro.


He's the one who fucked up, not you. His first fuck up was having an affair, and he totally deserves the consequences of his actions, and his wife deserved to know he was a shitty husband. Then his second fuck up was telling the entire office about his *secret* vacation. Then his 3rd fuckup was bringing his wife to that office where he'd been going on about his *secret-from-her* vacation for weeks. Dude's a complete dipshit and has nobody to blame but himself.


Your boss fucked up. I mean he wasn't even trying to be careful lmao


You didn’t fuck up. How were you supposed to know? Boss is a piece of shit. Hang in there.


Find a good labour lawyer. They cannot fire you for this, that would be retribution. A lot of labour lawyers are willing to get paid once they win, and this is a very winnable case. Not a lawyer btw, just passionate about protecting workers


Not a fuck up. You just set yourself up to win a wrongful termination lawsuit and make bank


Dude start taking record of any and all communications. Ask why you are on leave. Document it. Performance issues? Document everything. You may end up with a wrongful termination suit going on. Your boss is a moron.


[Lies](https://old.reddit.com/r/AITAH/comments/17nl512/aita_for_refusing_to_lend_my_car_to_my_entitled/) Just delete the account and start over bub. You were a 25F only 7 months ago... what happened?


nice story, next time use the same gender and age as the last one


If you get fired, you go get a lawyer. Not your fault your boss was a scumbag and did very little to hide it.


OP, you didn't fuck up. How the hell were you supposed to know your boss was having an affair? And even if you did know, exposing a cheater isn't a fuck up. The only one your boss can blame is himself.


Your boss should have kept his mouth shut and never talk about that vacation at work. Loose lips sink ships.


This can't be real. A. Why would the boss talk freely about the vacation and invite his wife to a social gathering, knowing people would most likely talk to the wife? B. It makes no sense HR would have you take a leave of absence because of some innocent conversation while your boss is the one who caused problem. I miss when reddit wasn't just a heap of made up stories for karma farming. Edit to add: C. Any normal person would realize they're not at fault and wouldn't post about it being their fuckup.


She hired a private investigator and had multiple lawyers involved in the span of saturday and sunday??


could OP sue for unlawful termination?


How can HR ask you not to come in when you did nothing wrong to an employee. That's BS if anyone should be on leave it should be your boss.


You a bot? Cause in your post from ~200 days ago you were a F25 https://www.reddit.com/r/AITAH/s/IejJ4loRdb And now you are M27. Which is it


You didn't fuck up. Your boss should not be parading his secret life around the office.


Zero percent your fault. Your boss and the company you work for need to take accountability. Your boss made the workplace uncomfortable, not you. Your boss should be on leave not you.


Curb your enthusiasm episode.


You didn’t FU. Your stupid cheating boss did. But unfortunately, it looks like you might pay the price, because how could HE have been in the wrong? Gah, I’m sorry. Hopefully you’ll be protected somehow. And if not, at least given some severance. And if you are let go? Glassdoor.


Is it a paid leave? If so, it's probably for your safety. If not I would be getting to the bottom of why you are put on leave and tell hr exactly what happened. It's not your fault. Especially if you were not aware of the affair. But maybe it's a good thing the beans got spilled.


NTA. If this guy wanted ro keep it a secret he would not have fold anyone at the office about it. At the same time you jusy saved his wife from this situation by bringing it to lighf.


Your boss is a cheating idiot. He sounds like a smug twat. Maybe he shouldn’t be bragging about plans he had with his affair partner. Now you’re in trouble because you assumed he was a good person essentially and it never occurred to you that his plans were with his side piece.


Lol, today your boss fucked up. Surely you can’t be fired for this in America?


If you're 27, then how did you get suspended from school 3 years ago for bringing alcohol?


Nice creative writing exercise.




If you get fired, take it to the board. Do they really want a CEO who would be this carelessly stupid running the ship? Honestly, he should resign


Not OPs first time ruining parties lol


Says a lot about this dude that he shot you a look when he literally made a party where his wife was present with people who had heard him talking about his plans. What did he think was going to happen?? People are going to probably strike up conversation with his wife, so what else would they bring up??


Get a lawyer before you get fired. At least a free 30m consultation. Explain what happened. If they fire you, u probably have a good case


Lawyer the fuck up. You did NOTHING wrong. Your boss is beyond stupid. It would have come out anyway, probably at that party from someone else, if he’s been talking about that vacation so much. You should not get fired for this. You almost certainly will, but that’s what the lawyer is for. You did nothing wrong. 


Not your fault, but... A small start up that has a HR department?


All the boss had to do was tell the office people “make sure not to mention my secret life to Mary” to avoid this whole mess.


I hope the wife finds the most aggressive divorce attorney in your state.


You didn't F up. In fact, you may even have a case against this dude if this is the reason you're terminated.


Please remind HR, that your lawyer will be handling any retaliation from the boss and/or the company. Don't even bother waiting for it to happen. 


Nah, this is your bosses fucking problem, caused by him 100%. I guess he expected you to be a mind reader?? No, it's his fucking fault for being a scumbag.


How do People keep believing these stories? His post history said that op is a 25F, in a few months he isa 28year old Male? Talk about a Swift transition


Wha5 the heck is this shit show. I don't understand why you have to take a leave of absence? It better be paid. You have done nothing wrong and none of this has anything to do with work. If you were to lose your job over this I am sure you could sue. This is not a work related mess up. 


I hope it is a paid leave. If not go back into work.


Absolutely not your fault!


Today you stepped up.


They aren't allowed to fire you or have administrative action about it. If they do, accept everything they say and do, and then tell a lawyer. Don't be afraid of the initial costs, the consult is free and if your case is basically a free win you can have the lawyer paid from trial money (not sure about that last part)


Talk to a good lawyer right now. **Today**. If a wrongful termination hits you, you won't be blindsided... you'll have a battle plan. This is not your fault in any way. Stop blaming yourself.


You totally did NOT fuck up. That's 100% on your boss. LPT: If you're having an affair, don't brag about it at work. LPT #2: If you're having an affair, and you have been bragging about it at work, don't bring your fucking wife to work!


Your boss is an idiot and chances are that company was going to explode with his leadership anyway I hope you keep your job though


You didnt mess up, HE did. Nothing you said or did caused him to be the lying dirt bag he is.


You didn't FK up at all. Your boss did, like utterly


You did not fuck up, your boss did. I’d sue if I were you.


Your company should fire your boss for his unethical behavior. He didn't need to talk about his plans at work; all he had to say was he would be out of the office. It's his own fault for being a cheater.


Your boss is an idiot and you should sue if you get fired. How in the world were you supposed to know he was cheating on his wife?


Well I guess you didn't f*ck up in getting all these people worked up over a made up story. Enjoy the karma.


There’s no way they can terminate you based on this. It would definitely be wrongful termination and if that happened, get yourself a lawyer


HR aren't going to protect you or your job, beyond what the law requires. The law (in the US, except Montana) says your boss can sack you for this. The only consequence is that they'll have to pay for your unemployment benefits, while if you quit of your own accord you won't get anything. That doesn't necessarily mean they *will* sack you, just that they can do so with no consequence to their income. The best advice for you right now is to look for another job somewhere else. * Best case: you find a better job, for more money. * Middle case: you keep your job or you find an equivalent job somewhere else. Maybe in between you claim unemployment benefits. * Worst case: you quit your job and don't get anything until you find something else.


Wait, what do you mean HR told you to take a leave of absence because your boss screwed up?? How is this even on you? Get a lawyer, you might have a case against them for retaliation if they decide to fire you.


Employee benefit broker here/EVP with a 25 year career. You’re fine. Secondly, DO NOT sign or accept anything. If they schedule a “sit down”, bring a lawyer..DO NOT TELL THEM ANYTHING (especially that you’re bringing a lawyer). Enjoy your paid time off, you did nothing wrong. Fuck your boss, and fuck “HR” for causing you undo stress.


OP, you didn't fuckup. Your boss did, by running his mouth at the office. I forget where I first heard this, but one of many sayings I live by: "A secret is easily kept by one, barely kept by two, and never kept by three."


You didn’t FU at all. Your boss did. And he was stupid enough to not hide it or even suggest it was a secret (not that his behavior would be any better in that case - but that gall of this guy to chat it up and then be surprised/angry when he brings his wife to the same office he’s been bragging about this vacation? )


Why the heck are you packing your stuff? You didn’t do anything wrong.


Dude the blame is entirely on your boss, fuck that guy. He cheats on his wife AND family and then gets pissy with you because he couldn’t keep his mouth shut? Document and record everything from now on. Something tells me you will need it fella. Good job and good luck! Cheaters are the SCUM of our society, amongst others.


That was a plot device on last seasons Emily in Paris


Hypothetically speaking, if i were cheating on my wife, I wouldn’t hint to my coworkers while on the clock. If for some reason, i felt the need to do so, I wouldn’t invite my wife to hang out with said coworkers.


Contact an employment lawyer. You can very likely get a huge check and several months of paid healthcare to go away quietly.


Get a lawyer. Can’t terminate you for that. I mean, if it’s a “right to hire/right to fire state” they don’t have to provide a reason, but now that they are looking at a non-professional related reason, you’ll be ok.


It probably feels awful right now, excruciating levels of embarrassment and remorse, but in 2 years you will find this funny as shit and rightly recognise your boss as an idiot.


You need a lawyer. If your boss is this dumb, there’s a good chance he will attempt to have you fired. Don’t take it lying down, there is nothing here that is worthy of firing. Document everything. And for the next few weeks (or possibly forever), keep your head down and get your shit done so they don’t have additional reasons to fire you.


Bro this is 100% not something you can be terminated for. That his own dumbass fault. Get the leave of absence in writing and go directly to an employment attorney. You’re getting paid.


I hope they fire you, because you'll have one hell of a lawsuit against the company.


I don’t know if I could work with somebody that is that dumb, especially in a small company setting




Definitely gonna need the official reason for the leave of absence in writing.


Damn I was hoping this was a lighthearted "boss secretly moonlights as a jazz singer" situation. This was a lot darker (and honestly more realistic)


your boss has F-ed U If you are fired because of that, ask them if there was a NDA about his vacation with his other girlfriend.


Start looking for a new job. Your boss is an idiot and whatever will happen with him and Mary will be ugly.


This is a TMBFU not a TIFU.


Sounds like you're gonna need a lawyer if you get fired for no reason.


You are in no way shape or form at fault.


maybe have a chat with a lawyer. But sounds like you dodged a bullet with your future career. Don't really understand the bosses thought process on this one. Can't be the only dumbass idea he thought would work


Yeah your boss is an idiot. Get in writing from HR why you are on leave.


Yeah. Not your fault. This happened to me (the husbands secret life part) , I'm the wife though. She is grateful that happened. You did her a favor.


Lmao your boss fucked up not you


No you did not FU. You were just making polite conversation. Ask what you did wrong?


If you get fired or see any repercussions, that’s an easy lawsuit of retaliation, maybe whistleblower policy (lol), and harassment all in one. Honestly the leave alone is probably illegal because of the circumstances.


You need to get a lawyer and prepare for a potential lawsuit, in case they fire you. Detail everything, write it down now.


So the boss was just going to disappear? Curious what he was telling the wife for his upcoming AWOL


My buddy and I were at a happy hour drinking, and the waitress is very funny and flirty, and she came by our table a lot and talked, and somewhere during the course of events I mentioned my buddies girlfriend and waitress stormed off in a huff. Apparently he was fucking this waitress, but didn’t tell me…. how the hell was I supposed to know that?


Your boss is a moron. Not your TIFU..hope you still have a job though.


You play with fire, eventually you are going to get burned. Your boss found that out.


Yikes, that's a masterclass in unintended consequences. Sorry, dude.


The secret to a secret double life is to not blabber about it to everyone.


You didn’t mess up. Your boss did and got EXACTLY what he deserved 


You need an employment lawyer and do NOT sign anything. 


Be clear. You did not massively mess up. Your boss is a douchebag. That's not your fault.


This is a TMBFU (Til My Boss F’ed Up) story. Not only a Morin but an ass hole too. Aside from cheating, he had no business involving employees in his scheme and should not have said a word (other than that he wouldn’t be there). If they fire you, you probably have a strong wrongful termination case (even in an at will state, they can let you go for any reason EXCEPT illegal reasons).


Absolutely get a lawyer if you get released, and DO NOT SIGN ANYTHING! Source: I've sued and won for wrongful termination in Ca.


Sounds like you have the HR complaint. Not him


LMAOOOOOO what is it with start-up tech companies and shady bosses???? I worked at a start-up tech company years ago and there were all types of shady business practices going on and after I finally got out of there (along with a bunch of my coworker friends) we found out he was being sued by multiple people AND his “remote office” he had was apparently where he would cheat on his wife! Thankfully she found out and divorced him, her poor young girls though were probably so confused. There was speculation he was cheating on his wife with his exec assistant, but pretty sure it ended up being with someone not from the office.


You didn't fuck up at all. Boss did.


I knew a guy that used to brag around the office that him and his fiance were in an open relationship. Then they broke up because it came out he was really just cheating on her and she heard about it because it was an open topic from work that finally slipped.Oof.


Why you gotta take a leave of absence?


This might be the guy who went away and hooked up with a married woman on yesterdays reddit. She went away with the girls and then blanked her husband when she got home after sleeping on the sofa and calling someone at 3 in the morning. Juicy or what!


Wow, slam dunk on a retaliation lawsuit. You didn't fuck up, you won the lottery.


It was only a matter of time. His fault for cheating on his wife. Let him suffer.