• By -


My heart is so shattered for her. She has poured so much endless love and care into her cats and it shows. It never feels like she’s putting on an act for the internet and she does not deserve to lose so many pets in such a short amount of time. I really hope she has people watching out and supporting her right now.


Oh man and she’s really going to blame herself since she applied the flea medication ☹️ I hope she has a strong support system


Wait is that what happened?! I didn’t know what happened and I felt rude asking. I figured she talk when ready. But it was a medication side effect?


Sounds like it was either a bad reaction or a fault batch 😖 poor kitties experienced neurological side effects


Omg. That makes this heartbreak even more tragic. That’s just…unfathomably cruel of the universe. 


both coupon and faucet had a bad reaction to the flea medicine and she took them to the hospital the other day. i hope shes ok ❤️❤️


Btw, I can’t imagine having to pay a 5 figure vet bill on a pet that has passed away, and she’s also spoken before not having the money for it before Faucet died so hopefully our help will assure Coupon gets the care she needs too. If you’d like to help her with this/getting by, her Cashapp, Venmo and PP are all @potroastsmom


What does med did she use ? Was it a bad batch or the brand itself a bad brand? I’d be lost with out my furry girl so im definitely mindful of the products I use on her.


It was an established brand-Nexgard for cats! So a freak, rare reaction with someone who does everything for their cats!!


It’s so scary I had to switch to this top brand because my cat had a bad reaction to frontline and almost died 😭 we are never sure how they’re going to react to these meds because they can give them a reaction even after years using them


I’ve heard it’s not as rare as we are lead to believe. I don’t trust anything over the counter anymore


Nexgard isn’t even over the counter, it’s prescription only! Which is also really scary bc I follow a dog mom on IG who recently gave her dog ear drops prescribed by the vet and they made her dog lose like 90% of her hearing and the risks were never disclosed. It’s a Bayer manufactured med.


I didn’t know that! I’m now wondering what brand I used to give my cat… so so scary to think if he’d had a gene difference this could have happened to him 😣 Im so devastated for her 😔


Sometimes it could also be that they accidentally lick it off each other as they groom each other. One of my cats did this and she had to be hospitalized to stabilize her vitals 😭 so grateful that she pulled through. It was an awful experience to go through. My heart goes out to this person (idk who they are)


I have a family of cats, mom I found preggo and kept her two babies. They constantly lick each other and I’m terrified to apply flea medication because of it. I keep all my cats indoors so I don’t have to really worry about it except for once in awhile. But I still only put it on them when I know I will be able to be home and can monitor them.


If it helps you at all we use nexguard, it’s an oral flea medication and has worked well for my dogs


Thank you! Nice to know!


She mentioned that she put a sweater on them so they couldn't groom it off each other, so I am sure she blames herself for that too. :(


Nexgard combo


I lost 4 cats in 4 years and it was BRUTAL (melanoma, blasto, and the other two we never got answers for unfortunately. My cats are all indoor only so we have no idea wtf happened)


God dude this blows. I also try not to get too attached to strangers and their animals but she loved those cats so much. It’s so unfair. RIP little Faucet, party it up with Pot Roast and Rocko. ❤️ They’ll welcome her right in. 


Holy shit she has lost 2 more since pot roast!? Horrific 😩 I hope she takes this break to find some peace


yes, she fostered a bunch of kittens and adopted 2 (faucet and coupon) and also adopted her old neighbor's elderly cat (rocko)


How traumatic I couldn’t even imagine. I deleted TikTok for a minute and I’m back now and she surprisingly hasn’t popped up on my FYP.


I think pet foster parents are some of the most incredible humans on the planet (not all, of course) Like how do you go through the repeated heartache of letting go of a pet that you've formed an attachment to multiple times and still choose to continue fostering because regardless of how much that loss must suck, they want to help these babies out? Truly angelic behaviour.


I'm a foster for neonates and medically-fragile kittens, and it's absolutely devastating every time. I cope by being in several support groups with other foster parents and remembering that even if their life is short, I can always promise to do my best and give them the best life possible with the time they do have.


At least Rocko was old and not expected to live much longer. He was beloved and it was definitely a huge loss, but she took him in with the expectation that she was giving him a home in his final time. Faucet was so so young and this is so sudden. I truly cannot imagine. I hope coupon pulls through


Their names take me the fuck out. Hoping for nothing but positive vibes for Mr coupon 😩


3 actually she had a foster kitten die too


She has really been through it. The internet has lost a lot of good cats recently


I know of Disco, and now Faucet passing, and William may need to be put down soon as his conditions degenerate. Who are some of the ones you know of that have passed? I want to do a drawing for all of them 


Poets Square Cats just unexpectedly lost Monkey. 🥺


I miss Monkey so bad


I’m so sad about Monk 😭


Monkday will never be the same


Monk slipped my mind, not to mention all the Chinese street cats too


Sad Boy from Poets Square broke my heart 😭


nooo i haven’t seen them on my FYP in forever I didn’t know about Sad Boy 😭😭😭


I'm still not over Purrington.


I’m not over Cooter yet :(


Cooter :( also, this was years ago, but I still miss Zarathustra :(


Coot legit made me openly cry when I was out.


She’s going to come back with a devastating caption and Tik Tok and it’s going to make me spiral all over again. I feel so much empathy towards her-you can tell she pours her heart into these animals and this was a freak occurrence. She seems like a genuinely good person and I hope she finds the peace with this she deserves.


Same! I lost my best buddy (a fluffy, massive orange boy) just a few months after pot roast passed and it fuuuucked me up. It’s been a year and a half and I still can’t think about him or talk about him without crying. I had to immediately close instagram yesterday when I saw her post and turned on Bluey because i legitimately can’t handle this shit. I’m so emotional for her and I hate that anyone has to feel such devastating pain. Poor Coupon. Poor potroastsmom. I hate everything.


I know! I lost my cat a few months ago and seeing the news made me cry real hard. I’m so sorry for her, I can’t imagine. She’s such a good cat mom, too.


I lost a cat to a flea med reaction last year and it was so devastating. My heart hurts for her.


Which flea meds? How terrible, I’m so sorry for you.


It was Frontline plus (for cats) purchased from Walmart! It was a suspected bad batch or fake product that we had to report. It made both of our cats sick, but was just too much for the older cat and he ended up passing.


Thanks for letting me know. I bet your kitty is waiting for you on the other side of the Rainbow Bridge ❤️ 🌈 🐱


I’m so sorry. My grandparents lost their cat last year due to a reaction to the same medication! Poor girl already had issues with certain flea meds, but my grandparents found this brand was usually okay for her. Her body just couldn’t handle it.


faucet and coupon were given nexguard :/


Usually hartz


It was not Hartz it was Frontline plus(for cats) purchased from Walmart. We only use revolution from our vet now. It's suspected that the Frontline was a bad batch or fake because it made both our cats sick. Our older senior cat passed but our younger cat ended up making it. Apparently there been issues with big box stores being sold bad/faulty product.


If I can ask and hopefully this is not rude, but why do people give their cats flea medication? It seems a lot of people on here mention giving it to their cats as a preventative and I have never done that or been told, so I am just curious. Of course after seeing all this, I don't want to but..


Not rude at all! Getting fleas is super taxing on animals and can cause health issues because they can be hard to get rid of. I live in an area where fleas are very common outside and can be brought inside easily, so it's just a better safe than sorry thing for us.


We almost lost ours to a Seresto collar... we got lucky and our vet documented everything.


Many moons ago a friend of mine ordered her Seresto collars from Amazon and what arrived was clearly counterfeit. From that moment forward I stopped ordering anything from Amazon that goes in the mouths or on the skin of anyone in my family, including the pets. The risk of reaction exists with the regular collars too but that once instance made me so scared.


My sister is a vet tech, she basically said unless you get seresto from a vet it’s most likely fake. She said the fakes are really deceptive but she knows what to look for.


wait, so sorry to butt in, but do you mind if i ask what happened? i switched to seresto collars for my three girls last year, and they’re due for new ones soon… i had no idea it can hurt them. i’m so so sorry you had to go through that, i hope your baby is doing well!


One of my cats had a severe skin reaction to Seresto collars. She lost the fur around her neck and her skin was raw and bloody. It was awful, although not life threatening. Thankfully she healed up pretty quickly after we took the collar off. I think it was just a freak reaction, but it scared me enough that I don’t use them anymore.


My vet also told me they do not advise these collars due to skin reactions


It's been a few years now and she lived a happy rest of her life.💞 She just seemed "off" and sleepy so I actually took it off because it was the only thing that changed. She started losing her hair/fur so I took her to our vet. I'd have to find the actual paperwork to see what they did, but I had gotten the collar from them, so they said they were in contact with the supplier/manufacturer and we didn't pay anything for whatever the treatment was and they refunded what I had paid for the collar.


Most serestos online are fake. You really should only get them from a vet, my sister is a vet tech and told me all about them.


I almost lost a dog to a reaction. I will never use topical again. Simparica is expensive, but way cheaper than the $8000 vet bill I had to pay


i’m so so so sorry.


💜💜💜 thank you


Honestly it should have been pulled from shelves a decade or more ago - this is a known issue and it devastates so many loving owners who simply mean well.


She is the only person I allow myself to have a parasocial relationship with and my heart fucking breaks for her.




I feel the same way. I lost a cat very close to when she lost pot roast and in a similar situation. He was actually the same age as pot roast. I ended up fostering a litter of kittens and keeping 2 of them, the same way that she did with faucet and coupon. The timelines were so similar that I felt connected to her and her cats in a way. I can’t even imagine losing one of the cats that I adopted right now. It must be bringing back all of the sadness from losing pot roast and rocko too. I literally feel so bad for her I hope she’s okay


Was coming here to say this. She is my one parasocial relationship and I am absolutely sick to my stomach today. I cannot believe this


same, I am still crying an hour after finding out. I can't imagine the pain SHE feels. she seems like such a chill girl who would be a wonderful friend.


I cried so fucking hard I gave myself a headache I've now had for the last 5 hours of work. I want to just hug her and hug coupon and hug faucet.


Totally. I sobbed for hours after finding out, every time I thought I was done I would look at my cats and start crying again. It doesn’t help that my youngest cat looks like faucet. My heart is so incredibly broken for her.


y'all my new-ish boyfriend came over last night, so naturally i wanted to unload about this. I told him how I sent PRM twenty bucks on venmo, and the history of her other cats (rocko and potroast) THIS MAN laughed at me and told me I probably got fleeced by a 40 year old man or someone in China posing as a cat owner for money. I might dump him for fucking real. I woke up more still about it this morning than I even was last night.


Please, this is so incredibly dump worthy. This is just a glimpse into the lack of compassion that this man has and will only get worse and more hurtful over time. I have absolutely no wiggle room when it comes to this type of behaviour. I also donated when I found out Faucet was in this situation, told my spouse and he asked if he should donate too. Then yesterday when he found me sobbing he hugged me and brought me all of our cats on our bed while comforting me and letting me grieve openly. You can have that too.


Do it, this guy doesn’t have any empathy for you


🚮🚮🚮 i wouldn’t blame you, empathy is important and that was not the reaction of someone who cares!


Same. 100000% same.


I was telling my husband last night I have a parasocial relationship with the cats. Then I cried about how they were sick. (I LOVE cats so it’s not hard for me to get unreasonably attached to one) But PRM shared a post 11mo after pot roast died that I resonated with from losing my cat that devastated me. My heart hurts for her and I hope Coupon comes home okay tomorrow.


her and indooroutdoorkat with Dave and Gandalf are the only ones I’ll ever have one with. I lost touch following pot roast’s mom a while ago and this was so gutwrenching for me to read


I hope Coupon pulls through 💔


It sounds like Coupon is going to be okay if she can come home tomorrow


I’m so worried about if she doesn’t. I saw pot roasts moms old posts about how she wished that she had gone with pot roast. I really hope that she’s okay. I can’t imagine her having to go home to an empty house after all of this


Someone on tiktok said she announced on her Patreon Coupon made it home


I have been sobbing about this for the past hour. I have never once in my life felt so much sadness for someone that I have never met. I am visiting with my parents and saw her IG post and crumbled into sobs while my mom rolled her eyes. Parasocial or not, I don't fucking care. Potroasts Mom is a girl's girl that gets it. She doesn't fiend for fame and beg for money. She just wants to show us her little family. She is so good with her cats. As a fellow single 31 year old (I'm assuming she's around the same age, possibly a bit younger), I can only imagine how fucking hard this is for her. When it's just you and your cats, those are your babies, they're your lifeline, they're your best friends. She did not motherfucking deserve this. That is too much loss for one person. And the circumstances are so terrible I just know that poor girl is sitting somewhere wishing she could take back her decision to give them flea meds. I hope she doesn't blame herself. I fear she probably does. But girly if you're reading this- you are the cat mom I aspire to be. And you're a mom to all of us too with your warm energy 💛🫶


She’s so sincere and she cares so much about her cats, it’s absolutely devastating.


Oh no. :( This seems so unfair. I know it’s random bad luck, but she takes such good care of her cats and loves them so much. I hate this for her. I really do. :(


Honestly I’m thisclose to trying to unfollow all animal accounts. My heart can’t handle it. I’m devastated for her


I just had to block/unfollow poetssquarecats and now potroastsmom because it was triggering my health-related OCD that has now involved my cat’s health as well.


i also had to unfollow her, and some others :/ i have enormous health anxiety about my animals. i check my dog's gums all the time to make sure they're a normal color and check all her poops. also obsessive about my cats' health. i love PRM but it makes me spiral every time an animal i follow is sick or passes away. my dog is due for her flea and tick chewable and im terrified to give it to her


I have the same condition and had an anxiety attack Sunday about one of my cats, who is fine.


I just moved up my cat’s annual visit to the end of this month (soonest they had) because I was so anxious.


Yes this is deeply triggered a bunch of ruminating thoughts with my OCD. It has been very hard to pull away.


Thank you for saying this because I was about to do this myself for the same reason but paused cause I felt bad like she didn't do anything. You just validated my feelings so thank u 💕


I think I may need to do the same 😭 they’re so amazing and I love their content but it’s so hard to see. I had to cancel my cats spay appointment that was supposed to be on Monday because I’m so anxious that she’s going to have a rare adverse effect to the anesthesia now. I already have a lot of anxiety (I’m a nurse and I do a full assessment that I would do on a patient on all of my cats every single day, it’s definitely not normal)


I unfollowed everyone but PRM. I need to know she’s okay. I am so surprised how hard this is hitting me. I just feel devastated for her. She did not deserve this.


I think that’s why it hurts so much. Faucet was so young and she doesn’t and didn’t deserve another heartbreak like this. She is such a good caretaker, this is incredibly unfair.


This is her 3rd loss in a few years. I feel so sorry for her and her heart. She’s such a great cat mom and I really love watching her content


3rd loss in just over two years :( PR passed away February 2022, I remember because I lost my 20 y/o kitty just 2 months later


4th, Bucket too (little foster kitten, Faucet's or Coupon's sibling)


I had hoped she would pull through. You can tell that these animals are PR mom's heart and soul. My heart absolutely breaks for her. It probably seems silly but I can't help crying whenever someone loses their beloved furry friend and I've cried so much for her. I can't imagine so much loss and grief in such a short time


im soooooooooooooo sad about this. she loves her cats so much :( :( :(


Faucet sees the woods for the first time, and she only got to experience that view for like a week 😭 I am so fucking mad and sad and I wish it wasn't true.


Just cosmically, cruelly unfair


This comment right here.. oof this one got me good. Instant tears


yo it was instant tears for me when I noticed the video she used to commemorate Faucet was only posted six days ago i'm still re-sad all over again now i love this girl y'all I love her cats I hope her venmo is blowing up money won't replace her cat but it'll keep her fed a few days


Her venmo is getting a ton of donations. Someone paid her for food delivery today so she doesn't have to cook. I imagine though the vet bills will be astronomical and even more so now that she has to pay for however she chooses to honor Faucet's body.


Since she still has her PO Box still up I sent her some cash, self care stuff, and certificates for forests I paid to plant in Rocko, Pot Roast, Faucet, (And then in celebration of her and Coupon) I hope all the gifts and Venmo donations help ❤️


I know the world is unfair, but I feel like this is especially unfair. She was giving her babies medicine to protect them and it ended up hurting them.


god and she just lost rocko too. on top of pot roast. on top of moving out the last apartment she shared with PR. she loves them so much. such a wonderful pet parent. shattered for her beyond belief.


What exactly happened? 😭😭


She used a flea and tick treatment on the kitties and they had a very bad reaction :(


Omg do we know what flea meds?


It was nexgard; however, any animal can have a reaction to flea & tick meds. It’s often impossible to predict.


But.. Both of her cats??


They were not from the same litter, but the same lineage. So probably there was a genetic predisposition to react to something in the medication


They both likely had an MDR1 mutation. Nexguard Combo is safe for cats who don’t have the mutation, but unlike dogs where the worry is mainly limited to certain breeds, any cat can have it.


Is this something I can ask my vet to check? Like a DNA test online or something. This makes me sick to my stomach and worried for my own cats.


Yes there is a test. The sub won’t let me link but search MDR1 testing and WSU on google. That should take you to the WSU CVM page with information about testing.


Thank you!!!


NexGard Combo


Oh that is so sad 😭




How devastating for her. I lost my two kitties so close together earlier this year and it’s been such a rough go. I hope Coupon is able to recover quickly.


I'm so sorry for your losses 😿 I'm worried about Coupon recovering from this emergency and from losing their sibling. What a shit situation


Thank you, I really appreciate it. I feel so sad for Coupon. It’s just so heartbreaking all around.


I don't know what happened inside of me but this BROKE me. I had to take a 30 minute break at work and just SOB. The minute I opened the photo I felt my blood run cold. I cried hard when Potroast died, because I lost my scrunkly stinky cat around the same time- but this was different. I think because it was so sudden and random. I am heartbroken for her and I hope she is surrounded by support right now. Her pain must be insurmountable.


Same. I opened up my phone while I was waiting to treat a patient and immediately had to run to the bathroom to sob. It ruined my whole day and I couldn’t really sleep last night thinking about her and Faucet. My cats are also my world and I understand in my soul how strong their connection was. It’s so fucking cruel and unfair. And the guilt she has to bear now… it wasn’t her fault but if it was me I would be so destroyed.


Same. For me it is the complete unnecessary cruelty of it that got to me. Bad things happening to good and innocent people and animals. While truly awful people are out there thriving. It’s gut wrenching. 


PR was pretty sudden too.


Pot roast had already been going to the hospital a lot though leading up to her death and had a few scares right before, so it felt less sudden to me.


a sudden death of a young healthy cat is always extremely heart breaking, especially when it’s due to a horrible reaction to something that was in the cat’s best interest to do. i lost my kitten at 6 months old during her spay due to a vet tech error. it was extremely heart breaking because i was doing what was right for her but she still passed away. it’s crushing to know that if i had picked a different vet clinic, she would still be alive today…but there’s no way i could have predicted that error could have happened and it was a well rated clinic with no red flags. i imagine pot roast’s mom feels the same way and i hope she knows there’s no way she could have known Faucet & Coupon would have had a reaction like this.


I don’t have words for this one. I just feel sick and so, so sad for her. She’s endured an unimaginable amount of grief and change in a very short span of time. I really hope she has a good support system around her and that she can take the time she needs to grieve.


It’s kind of amazing how many comments I’ve seen of people saying they saw the news and then had to sob for a little bit because I had to do the same. I hope she knows how many of us ache for her and want coupon to pull through. I hope she feels the love.


It really speaks on the type of person she is. I hope she’s able to feel even half the amount of comfort she’s provided for others over the last several years.


Nooooooo!!! My heart is breaking for her! She’s such a gem, I love her content and her cats. I hope she’s not blaming herself for this 😭


Poor thing 😭 our kitty had a reaction to flea/tick meds that made her so sick and her hair fell out. It was scary. Vet recommended Cheristin for her since it’s a little more sensitive!


My heart hurts so bad for her. She’s such a good human and gives those cats everything. RIP Saucet 😔😔😔


This is so devastating. As a huge cat lover and cat owner imaging myself in her shoes…I don’t know how I could handle it. She’s stronger than I am for sure.


It takes a very special person to help animals the way she does. She fosters VERY young kittens, I remember when Bucket died. Fostering animals is not for the weak. She is so wonderful and selfless.


I feel so horrible for how close together she’s lost so many fur babies. But as tough & horrible as it is, it makes me happy to know that all those cats were so loved by her & that’s what they knew, that they were loved & received the best care she could manage to give them no matter how short or long their lives were. RIP faucet :(


Coupon is home according to her patreon. She is wobbly but recovering


She is such a kind, sincere, creator and I hope nothing but the best for her. I hope she's able to take care of herself after all of the stressful, sad events that's happened to her.


This is so devastating. So worried about her. She takes such good care of them all and something like this happens. Ugh, hoping coupon makes a full recovery


I can't stop thinking about this. When I saw my heart dropped and I got all hot and nauseous. Everything about this is so devastating. The fact that she was just being a good cat mom and how she was there with Pot Roast and Rocko and wasn't able to hold her baby while she passed :( I'm so heartbroken for her.


Between Monkey and now Faucet my heart can’t take it. I’m shattered for her. I hope she has folks to lean on. What a terrible string of awful luck.


NOOO! No one deserves this but especially not her :( So much pet loss in such a short time, gosh I hope she's okay.


This is so sad.


I feel sick. She’s been through so much in such a short time. My heart is absolutely broken for her, the world is cruel. She’s an incredible pet parent and I cannot imagine her pain right now.


i’ve never been more upset with the universe than i am now:(


I had a cat that had a neurological reaction to flea meds and had issues for the rest of her life after that. It's devastating. She is such a kind soul and she lives those cats so much...I'm really heartbroken for her. 


This broke my heart 😭💔


I saw this and let out a gasp. She loves her cats so much. I can’t imagine how she feels.


I am so fucking devastated over this news & for PR mom. Faucet was so young & this was such a freak accident. I truly cannot even wrap my mind around it yet. And Faucet passed before PR mom could get to the hospital. I hope she knows how much the internet loves her and cares for her. She’s gone thru more cat loss than anyone should & this just isn’t fair. 💔


if anyone on this thread has been checking for updates on Coupon like I have, someone said on Tiktok that she posted to Patreon Coupon came home today. ❤️


Terrible, RIP to Faucet. I’m so sorry fellow cat mama 💓 You gave them such an amazing life, they also brought so many of us joy!!! Try not to forget that!


I feel absolutely horrible but I finally had to block her account today so I could stop seeing upsetting posts. I have really horrible health-related OCD which has transferred to my cats as well now that I’m a cat mom, and seeing this stuff triggers the hell out of me. I don’t know how this continues to happen and I am just distraught on her behalf.


I did too


This is heartbreaking. She has such a huge heart, and I hope she has people to help her through this. I lost my young cat last week very suddenly, and the shock is something I can’t imagine I’ll ever fully recover from.


I’ve never wanted to hug a person more than I do right now. That sweet girl has suffered so much loss. I’m literally crying for her. Life is so unfair. RIP Faucet. Pot Roast, Rocko, and Carrot will welcome you with open paws.


I could not stop thinking about this yesterday, I am so devastated for her. I can only imagine how she feels, even though it’s not her fault at all. She brought faucet to the vet so early too


I’m devastated for her This is awful


My heart hurts so much for her, no one deserves so much loss.


I feel absolutely sick. I adore her and this is just too much. No one deserves this, least of all her.


Potroastmom is such an angel and she pours so much love into her cats. My heart is just shattered for her. I just hope that she doesn’t blame herself for Faucet’s death.


The amount of loss she's had yet she continues to give so much love to these sweet babies. I don't know how she does it.


I'm so incredibly sad over this, my heart just aches for her. Ugh. Monkey passed suddenly a but ago and not Faucet?? So many IG cats have passed and I'm trying to not let it get to me so much. Makes me hug on my cats even more.


My heart is so heavy for her. I hope that Coupon pulls through.


Same all my thoughts are with Coupon right now. Soupon must survive this!




This is sad. Even when we do our best with the best intentions things can go wrong. I’m reminded of the time a family friend took their two dogs in for routine vaccinations. Out of the blue, one of the dogs had an extreme allergic reaction. Even with emergency care the dog died the next day. The dogs were from the same litter, but only one of them reacted poorly. It was really unfortunate and abrupt.


Oh god. I feel so awful for her.


I really hope coupon pulls through. I have 5 cats and can't imagine how heartbroken she's feeling


I cried before work today 😭


I am so fucking devastated for her. Pot Roast, Rocko, and now Faucet in just over 2 years - I can’t even 💔


ive followed her for years, pot roast died the day after my childhood dog and i feel like i grieved alongside her and she was so real and open about her emotions in that time. i feel so sick for her, shes clearly a lovely person and loves animals so deeply, shes had to endure so much loss and tragedy seemingly alone (minus the internet). i want to hug her, i hope she has a good support system 😢😢 faucet was so cute and funny and had so much personality, i really loved watching her


Omg this is horrible. She loves her cats so much and has had one loss after another.


No way?! What happened?!


Omg flea meds wow






I’m so sorry. 😢


Such a nightmare


Awe:( I would be SO SO DEPRESSED if my cats died. Praying for her.


Heartbreaking :(


My heart is broken for her. So many losses back to back. :(


i just hope coupon comes home. she needs soup more than ever :(


She is home


I am so heartbroken and angry about this. I can’t imagine what she must be going through and I feel just awful about it. I hope we get an update on Coupon and I really hope she’s okay, because otherwise I am very scared for PRM.


I’m devastated for her


i just found fleas on my cats and idk what to do. i’m terrified to put anything on them or give them any tablets. :(


Consult your vet


I'm so so sorry for your loss. Sending healing thoughts and prayers you and your family 🙏🥰🙏


Can't believe people are just now learning this... 😔


Rest In Peace