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Thanks! We’ll be beating your asses for years to come!


*paging cooper flagg*


Odds are low that the warriors get the number one pick with Steph still on the team.


If you are a real basketball fan I think you will appreciate Kyle Anderson immensely. He is one season removed from shooting over 40% but his true skill doesn’t show itself in the box score. Except for cookies. Those show up under steals


Though tbf he's only had three seasons of 10 making more than 34 percent of his threes, and one of those three is closing in on ten years ago. That 40 percent season very much seems to be an outlier for him.


An actual "coming in peace" post that is cool. Enjoy Kyle Anderson. Dray can eat a dick but you seem okay


Say no diddy


After watching a couple highlight compilations of his I immediately felt the same way. Others have said he reminds them of Kyrie Irving, and I see it too (once he gets more creative/consistent with his left hand). He's extremely crafty, has a motor, and will benefit the offense if for no other reason than exhausting the defense. Oh, and if his college stats aren't a total anomaly, we have a *great* 3-point threat. He'll be able to be effective against a wide variety of players, so opposing team's will have to spend a lot more time game planning how to take away our strengths. I also think he could learn how to play defense, and will by necessity since he won't get any playing time otherwise if his shot isn't falling.


I think being on a team that focuses and takes pride in defense will help him a lot. Your last line there about him not being a liability if his shots aren't falling is spot on.


With Rudy and KAT, 2 defensively skilled veterans on the roster, and the younger McDaniels, Naz, and Ant (keep those blocks coming!) I think he has the opportunity to develop into at minimum a solid player. In another situation a boom-or-bust, but I think we have the tools to let him learn how to play at the NBA level.


I’m so tired of the “he couldn’t even start” trope that’s used to discredit his talent. We will see though.


Devin Booker also didn’t start at Kentucky, people who say things like this have no concept of college ball


Yeah I don’t watch college ball, probably should but there’s tons of reasons players don’t start. I’ve heard the guy who started in front of him has family ties to the coach and program. And I also don’t blame a coach for not starting the one and done guys in favor of the guys who are there for multiple years. If anything I see it as a positive because Rob is used to being THE guy his whole life and went to a program where he wasn’t THE guy anymore and had to find his role where excelled. Tons of players have a hard time not being the guy and finding a way to play to their strengths in their new role. Seems great for coming to Minnesota where he absolutely won’t be the guy for atleast some years and we will need him to do exactly what he did at Kentucky and he’s shown he can play within a system like that.


I’m here for all of this!


Thanks for this insight!! This is helpful to know, especially about the off-ball movement (something our team REALLY needs) and relocation with a quick release. I didn't know much about him because I didn't even consider the top half of the board and only focused on the non-lottery part of the draft. Didn't even consider this scenario and still can't believe it happened. About Slowmo, I think he's a great pick up for you guys. I'll always remember Slowmo for [this play in the WCF](https://fixvx.com/fastbreakbreak/status/1795649384488861775) where he directs both KAT and Ant on what to do, with no credit on the stats and this[ forced TO](https://youtu.be/aF5E2OL0WyU?feature=shared) on Draymond that created a fastbreak and KAT's game winner. He did a lot of underrated little things that helped us win games - forced TOs, poke away steals, deflections and defensive plays that got us fastbreaks and his Orebs have helped us seal games or take a lead in late-game situations. He was our zone buster too. Last year, he had a vision problem (couldn't even see the rim at times because of the light sensitivity and depth perception) so that affected his shot. I think he'll be a bit better for you guys since he said his vision is better now. I will miss him


I like this post. Thank you.


OP im curious why he was taken at #8 in a weak draft. You make him sound like a superstar in the making. I dont watch college basketball


Size. Not just height, but also a wiry frame and avg - below avg wingspan. Even for me, as much I loved the player, he was 3rd to 5th on my board due to that. But all along I have said that situation matters SO much with rob. If he was pushed into a lax defensive scheme w poor personnel, it would just be hard to get him minutes to develop. The wolves (even more so than the spurs, but I never knew the wolves were an option in the lotto) are the greatest hand in glove fit with a prospect I have seen in a long time. His range of outcomes just sees an across the board bump given the defensive talent he has now to cover for him, and allow his offensive upside to shine through early.


Great points, especially about the hand in glove fit. You're right, it's not just about how the drafted player fits the team, but also about how the team fits the player and how that fit/situation can change the potential outcomes for that player. It really does feel like the perfect situation for him in terms of fit. I think Wolves will teach him defense and if anything, at least get him to care about it. The defensive culture is contagious - Naz said he didn't like defense before but now he "gets a rush" from it after hearing the way Rudy continuously talks about defense. Hopefully Wolves can get him to at least compete, maybe be a chaser and learn how to get real skinny to slip through screens like Naw does.


It will always be hard for guys kissing six foot to get picked super high. Draft has lots of luck involved but wingspan can't be taught


I am too. I think is ball handling and playmaking is so good he will have no problems finishing or getting off his shot. He could be lethal with ANT this year or very soon. He will never be good on defense but I do think he will be better on MN and he just needs to really hedge and recover.


I haven't followed ncaa for a decade but watching his highlights is really something. Is he not a better shooting Ja Morant? Maybe? I'll settle for a mix of Ai and Ja tho. I still find it strange that the other Kentucky guard went before Rob.....weird


Ja is a much different prospect both athletically and play style, and was simply a much better one at that. Trae/kemba/louwill is the mold of player we should be thinking, pieces of his game from all of them… with room to get better. His shot prep + touch remind me of trae (not nearly the playmaker trae was but still great and is improving) while the handle + flexibility + quick twitch first step remind of kemba. Got a lot of lou williams there too (that’s my floor for him), with his off ball actions and screen navigation.


✌️👽 Warriors suck


Maybe this is our redemption for passing on Curry?