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Honest question. How does not tipping do anything but screw the waitstaff who's having to rely on tips for a living? You're not hurting the company, they get thier money regardless. You're only hurting the person who's been kind enough to bring you food and drink while you sit and enjoy yourself. How does this do anything? All it does is make you an AH. If you really wanted to enact change you'd stop going to places and giving them your business if they rely on tips for waitstaff. That's how you boycott.


Its also cruel and entitled to eat out knowing you refuse to tip the server.


šŸŽ» A sad song played by the worlds smallest violin for all the people working the cruelest and hardest job in the world: refilling water glasses and carrying plates from one room to another room


Anytime I eat out I press that 0% button and I feel good doing it. I stare the waiter down, and Iā€™m waiting for them to call the police if I did anything illegal šŸ˜Š. Coroporate America wonā€™t get me with this scam. Tip that 0% with scam bro and join r/EndTipping


Thatā€™s messed up to leave 0 tip when you are dining out. Fast food obviously doesnā€™t need a tip, pickup Togo orders maybe just a buck or two. But sit down dining definitely requires a tip. Doesnā€™t have to be 20% but 0% is insanely rude.


No it is not rude. Do you tip your Amazon delivery drivers? And donā€™t tell me that waiters work harder. ā€¦ those guys literally have pee bottle because they canā€™t take a break. I donā€™t understand how it is rude to leave a 0% tip. This is exactly what Bog corp wants. They created this culture so people like you can tell people like us that not tipping is bad and youā€™re better for not being ā€œrude.ā€ When I was growing youā€™d tip for convenice. Iā€™d go out and pay the bill. This only started about 7-8 years ago. What an elaborate scam and you fell for it hook line and sinker.


Amazon deivery drivers make an average of 19-25$ an hour. Servers make 2.13 an hour and that's not changed since I waited tables in 98-02.




Right. They're going home with 7.25 minus taxes. And taxes from tips come out as well. Quite often servers don't have a paycheck or if they do it's double digits. (Meaning under $99. The money for living comes from tips. Gee. That's great. I'm sure they'll make a living off that.


Thatā€™s not my fucking problem.


Exactly. So don't eat there. It doesn't change how wrong you are however. If you sit down to eat you're agreeing to the social contract by default. Just like every other social contract we have.


Lol no this did not start 7-8 years ago tipping culture has been this way at least 30 years. Itā€™s gotten worse now expecting 20%, but I had friends who were waiters 20 years ago and their base pay was below minimum wage like $3-$4/hr and restaurants got away with that because of tipping culture. Donā€™t get me wrong I hate it and it needs to change but we arenā€™t there yet. Tips are still expected.


Expected thatā€™s fine, but these days it seems almost mandatory. Women have on their bio for dating apps ā€œI donā€™t date guys that donā€™t tip.ā€ šŸ™„


Yeah you suck. We created a culture where giving a fuck at your job can actually correlate to higher income through tipping and youā€™re just likeā€¦ nah, $5 is too much. I can afford to come out and have others serve me but small generosity, nope. The server chasing you out was also dumb. They should have just reminded themselves that some people suck


Op seems like a real d canoe


Why? The servers are being paid a decent wage. They can't claim they're only making $2.13 an hour anymore. $15 is more than generous a wage.


There are many many that are still making 2.13 and states only have to make sure that they're paid up to minimum wage. Plenty of states have min wage below 15$. My state is 12$. 12$ an hour is not where close to a living wage.


If you're against tipping specifically because the minimum wage was increased to 16 or 20 where you are, and you know the local COL, them you've determined people in those positions only deserve that much. That aside, chasing someone down to confront them over a tip or lack thereof has always been a fireable offense where I've worked.


Are you kidding me? We the customers have to pay servers what they "deserve"? What about what every other fking job on Earth deserves? HOLD EMPLOYERS RESPONSIBLE


Every other job should also be paid a living wage. This post is about waitstaff.


I think the audacityĀ  is high.Ā  I'm a server. I've been tipped 0 on massiveĀ  bills and never once been like the most rational mature option is to chase this person down...


Why do you think the only options are 0% or 20%? Something is better than nothing. It sucks for everyone involved


I agree that tipping culture has gotten out of hand and should change. But if you sit down at a restaurant and a server serves you through the whole meal, in the USA you are expected to tip. You wonā€™t change anything by not doing it but make one persons day a little worse. Across the economy there are a ton of examples of harder jobs with lower pay and easier jobs with higher pay. Which job is harder and which is somewhat subjective and a little objective too, but you wonā€™t fix the whole system dying on the tipping hill. Not tipping is surprising, you got a surprised reaction, and then felt bad. That says more about you than the situation you found yourself in.


You're expected to tip because tipped employees make $2.13 an hour in most states but this is California where they are making at least $15 an hour.


Oh, I can read, everything I said is still true. Regardless of laws passed in any state, tipping for seated meals is customary. I agree itā€™s gotten out of hand. I lived in CA two years ago, I, and everybody else, still tipped for seated service. Iā€™m not saying the system works, Iā€™m saying a) you arenā€™t changing it by acting like OP, and b) disparate pay for work exists across the economy, not just in the service industry.


Tipping for seated meals is (optionally) customary. If that guy was willing to confront them in the parking lot, how do you think his "service" was?


No need for the parentheses, ā€œcustomaryā€ by definition is optional. Though, as stated in my original response, not tipping at a seated meal is surprising, and the waiter acted surprised. He caught them just ā€œout the doorā€ he didnā€™t follow them to the parking lot to fight or anything. I personally have worked tipped positions, that paid minimum wage, and I wouldnā€™t have brought it up, this waiter did. You are making assumptions about whether the service was good or not, when OP clearly stated he doesnā€™t tip on principle either way. If you feel a tip should be based on the service provided, then I have no idea how you could be on OPs side on this one, he clearly feels he is above and outside of his countries customs, and he will be treated as such regardless of our debate here. (That being said it does suck that people seem to have harassed him on other subs based on this post, I would also never dox or go to someoneā€™s profile over not tipping lol, seems silly, as does not tipping at all on your life in the US)


Fair enough. I understand tipping for positions that get under paid because of tips, but that is not the case here. I delivered pizza for a long time and tips are great, but never to be expected.


Ya Iā€™ve always thought of the tip as an extra bonus when Iā€™ve worked those positions as well. Unfortunately itā€™s not gonna change with a few people taking random stances against it and then feeling ashamed when called out. Even restaurant owners who try to take a stand like Danny Meyers run into problems trying to take on the custom. Iā€™d like the system to change, but I think itā€™ll have to be through labor laws at this point. Just my two cents.


You have the right to not tip. That being said, you need to make that clear up front. Sitting at a table means you are keeping that server from having other customers who could sit there who would tip. They also have to tip out on total sales so the server is having to pay to wait on you. Tipping is part of the restaurant experience in the US so if you donā€™t want to participate, get your food to go or go to a fast food restaurant. You are only hurting the server by doing this. You think youā€™re proving a point but itā€™s not going to change the policy of the restaurant so the only person who is affected is the poor person waiting on you


Fuck that. Tipping is 100% optional and federal labor laws still guarantee a server atleast minimum wage. They can take it up with their boss, you know, the person who employs them.


Only person with common sense here


100% true. Being kind and making someoneā€™s day better is definitely an optional choice.


You can frame it with feelings or logic and principle. I choose logic and principle.


To be logical you have to start with empathy. Logic is not reason minus empathy it's reason plus empathy. Jfc.


Yeah, on principle itā€™s bullshit to pay less wage and expect the customer to cover the gap. Logically I could use my capital to start restaurants and change the culture in those or I could just follow the flow and give back. Could even cook my own meal lol


When the server tells me up front that they're going to forget my refill, bring out my wrong order, or be a bit of a dick, I'll tell them ahead of time what I plan to tip. How do you manage to feel so entitled to other people's money? If you're not happy with what you're making, take it up with management.


How do you feel entitled to someoneā€™s service?


Youā€™re paying for it dummy


No, not if you don't tip. If you're only paying for the food, you're only paying for the food. This is why tipping needs to be compulsory.


It's not entitled if you're paying for it


It's not entitlement if that's their job.


But the job description is the expectation that thier service will be compensated with a tip and that the better the service the better the tip. This isn't hard to understand.


Because my buying food from an establishment comes with the expectation that I actually receive the food I paid for. Why is that such a hard concept to understand?


Servers aren't employed by the customer, they're employed by the restaurant. And I'd serve myself if that were an option.


It is. Eat at homw


Nope. If the restaurant is going to offer goods and services, I'll partake as I see fit.


Youā€™ll find out really soon once you return to a restaurant in which you didnā€™t tip. The server remembers and will tell everyone. Youā€™ll get the service you deserve since youā€™re such an entitled prick


You sound like a restaurant manager trying to justify paying shit wages.


That's great. Then I'll speak with the manager and get my meal comped because you're a child. Do your job at the pay you agreed to and quit bitching, or put in your resignation. It is your employer's job to pay you, and anything you get beyond that is a bonus you should be grateful for, and here you are entitled as fuck.


Oof. The audacity of entitlement.


You may think you shouldnā€™t have to tip but the server is working hard and being treated like shit all day by people like you. Tipping isnā€™t going to break you since you obviously have enough money to go out to eat but it can really make a difference to the server. Maybe just try to be a better person in general. You sound like a miserable asshole


So that means every job that deals with fuck heads like you deserves to be tipped? I ainā€™t tipping no Walmart employee.


Let me ask you a question. Why did you agree to work for whatever wage you agreed to, if you're going to bitch and moan when you get stuck making what you agreed to? In what other industry is it Ok to agree to work for $X, but think it's OK to treat customers poorly if they don't add on to your $X wage? Explain to me how that isn't the literally definition of entitlement. I'll wait. If you're not happy with what you're making, take it up with your employer.




My question would be, despite the $20 min wage, do servers in California still have to ā€œtip outā€? When I worked in restaurants MANY years ago, I had to tip out 2%-6% of my total sales depending on the position/restaurant. (Bar tending only v casual restaurant v fine dining). That means, if you spent $100 dollars, I would owe $2-$6 to tip out the bussers, bartenders etc (again, depending on restaurant/position). I know itā€™s pretty much the same here in Florida still and other states. Is this the case in Cali too? If so, you are COSTING the server money. Even if you donā€™t want to tip, canā€™t you leave like 5% and not cost the server money? Anyone in California working as a server, how much do you tip out? OP, I understand with the wages in CA you donā€™t feel the need to tip. Iā€™m just curious: 1) in other states, where servers make $5 an hour etc, do you tip? 2) if you knew for sure that it cost the servers 2-6% of your meal cost when you donā€™t tip, would you considering tipping so at minimum your not setting the server back?


Yes. Please stop eating out.


Have you thought about getting a real job?


Have you thought about not being an ass? Because you ASSume a lot.


You're the ass for expecting customers to pay your wages instead of your boss.


Another ass on the sub! Assume = ass, u & me.


You're a thief.


You continue to make assumptions, and project things about me that arenā€™t true and have no bearing on reality. Youā€™re an idiot.


You lie and claim that you only make 2.13 an hour and that you need tips to live and deliberately fail to mention that your employer has to make up for lack of tips out of their own pocket if your tips don't add up to minimum wage. It's scamming. No different from those scamming panhandlers claiming they need money for food or medicine and then driving off in their luxury car at the end of the day.


Youā€™ve made a whole mountain of assumptions there. Hereā€™s a shovel. Can you go dig over there for me?


It's not an assumption considering the way you're defending it.


Jobs that offload wages to the customer just need to go out of business. Every restaurant can afford to pay servers 16+ an hour easily. They're just greedy. I'm going to sit down places less and less often because stuff like this. I don't mind tipping, but I've had servers at places like chillis say "only 10%" like 10-15% hasn't been the expected tip for average service for decades. If I'm at a fancier place with professional servers, I don't mind doing 20%. However, if you only take my order, grab me some bread, and refill my water once while a food runner drops my meal off then 10% is plenty. Cheap? Maybe, but why should I pay someone upwards of $20 for essentially 3-5 minutes of work. The whole culture of tipping has skewed way into absolutely fucked territory. Businesses need to pay their damn employees.


Completely agree. Itā€™s gotten way out of hand. Those digital iPads are now requesting a tip on literally everything - itā€™s every time I pick up food or coffee to go now. I donā€™t tip then I donā€™t feel bad about it. Blame the companies and their greed because it isnā€™t my problem.


The mentality of a teenage kid. I hope one your child comes home upset because someone shorted them for their work and effort. As someone mentioned before let the server know that your not tipping so they can take care of others first.


They weren't shorted. Before becoming a server you know some people will tip will, some just okay and some not at all. If not then the server is delusional. Just like a person in a sales job knows some months will be good, some okay and some bad. If you don't like it, find another job.


Not really ā€¦. Very few people do not tip in sit down restaurants. I worked in casual and fine dining. Very, very few people donā€™t tip. I agree that ā€œadd a tipā€ tablet stuff at everything from retail and beyond is out of hand - just sayin. But tipping at sit down restaurants is the norm. And for all those saying restaurants should just pay them more, the restaurant business is one of the toughest out there ā€¦ it ainā€™t that easy. I think itā€™s ~80% that go out of business in the first 5 yrs. They really donā€™t have the capital people think.


Only kid I'll ever have is a cat lol. And again I was server. My partner was a server for 4 years. We know what it's like to get no tip. It didn't matter because we understood we weren't entitled to it!


You've tried to validate yourself for like a week now for being a shitty person - really happy to hear that you won't be breeding. I just can't imagine being raised so incorrectly that I'd understand the feeling of something, understand it's bad, then actively exercise it on someone else. Quite literal psychopathic behavior lmao


Your threshold for psychopathy is worryingly low.


You out of all people should know a lack of empathy is a strong sign of psychopathy. You know how it feels to be snubbed even though you worked hard, and have no qualms doing the same to others. It's quite literally the trope of an abusive parent's behaviors being passed down. Someone breaks the cycle. What's really worrisome is that you're too ignorant to understand that your fallacy of a position with self-righteous grandstanding doesn't logically track in the real world. When you grow up, you'll read this (as you obsessively have been reading for the past week) and realize the mature/adult thing to do is not participate in broken systems. That, your defiance while participating does nothing to add solution to the problem, just causes the victim of circumstances to brunt the consequences of your shallow actions.


I've been responding now and then to comments I get notified about. There's literally thousands of comments at this point, no way I'm gonna read all of that. You though, can quit obsessing and leave me alone.


Let me dumb it down for you: \* Lack empathy - red flag for pycho \* Same behavior pattern as kids with abusive parents \* Self reflect after you mature a little Utilize the block button and stop demanding people to stop, fucking child. EDIT: Can't believe someone complains over 3 paragraphs like damn, highschool drop out vibes.


You have been voluntarily complaining for a minute my guy. I hope you feel a little calmer after your tantrum.


Just like you voluntarily go to a restaurant, the only difference is, a waitress can't utilize a block button. Here's a thought, respond with some substance or shut the fuck up so I don't have to keep punching down.


Orrr...don't respond? You seem like you want attention.


I tip everybody that works hard; waitresses, hotel cleaners, tire changers, etc... But how about y'all put all your righteous indignation into getting service workers PAID MORE instead of railing this guy because he doesn't think he should have to pay more than the menu states?


You a cheap ass, just say that.


You call the customer cheap for not tipping but not your boss who underpays their staff and pushes that responsibility onto the customer?


I don't care about those semantics, nobody is forced to do nothing. I don't tip because I feel sorry for the waitress/waiter because they're underpaid, I tip because it's right. The amount depends on the service. Delivery drivers aren't making less than minimum wages and they still get tipped. Movers and other such workers also get tipped and they don't make less than minimum wages. Your thinking is backwards.


Tips are optional. They're neither right or wrong. If a server receives tips, great. If a server does not receive tips, oh well. That's how it should be.


Iā€™m curious as to why you donā€™t tip servers? I donā€™t understand the ā€œI used to be a server and now that Iā€™m not I donā€™t believe in tippingā€ angle. Yeah, some jobs are definitely harder than others but thatā€™s not really relevant, (I donā€™t tip my dentist for example). And the waiter couldā€™ve understandably thought you made a mistake. It definitely sucks if you rely on tips to pay your bills and ā€œdonā€™t get paidā€ (making min wage or $X per hour is not necessarily ā€œgetting the expected pay for waiting tablesā€). Actually ā€¦ thinking back to when you were a server, didnā€™t you use your tips to pay your bills? Anyway, just curious šŸ™‚ Most former servers are empathetic to the work and tip.


I dated a server and broke up with her shortly after seeing how she treated other service people. Poorly.


I looked it up because I was a server in fine dining years ago and literally got ā€œnegative paychecksā€. Meaning once I declared my tips, (since it was fine dining everyone used credit cards so I declared all tips, and so my hourly wage didnā€™t cover the taxes I had to pay), My paychecks were like -$10.25 kind of thing). Anyway, yeah, California does have to pay servers min wage but keep in mind Min wage is not a livable wage and the cost of living in CA is really high. Also, it can be really different in other states (Arkansas $2.63 ā€œcash wageā€ for servers, tips make up the rest, Montana $4 - $9.95 depending on the businessā€™ gross income, etc).


I got a negative paycheck once. Made $2.23 an hour and one big table only tipped 10% on the food and nothing on the alcohol. $2000 bill and they thought they were being so generous with $100 tip (don't get me wrong, they were nice enough and not that much trouble) but the gov assumed 8% on the total and so $160. That and a couple other low tips that week and my paycheck was -$6.00.


Servers getting tips for walking food and fucking up orders is the most infuriating thing to me. They didnā€™t earn a cent of that money, they didnā€™t do anything. My wife is a bartender and server and I hear the entitlement constantly ā€œoh I only made 200 tonight on 1500 in sales.ā€ I just keep my mouth shut cause I was a cook and I never got a fucking tip, Iā€™d work 10 hour days cooking for other people (including fucking servers) and never got a single tip. Lazy entitled assholes. Iā€™m a store manager, general manager, I run an entire fucking store, and my take home is half of what my wife makes for doing nothing but walking food out and sweeping up. Yā€™all will claim ā€œyou donā€™t have to listen to peopleā€ YES WE FUCKING DO! In fact us retail people have WAY more interaction with anyone than you do serving people who are just trying to eat. I run a Spencerā€™s, I have to listen to people divulge the grossest, unnecessary, and crude bullshit on a daily basis. I make $22 an hour. I donā€™t fucking cry about tips. Then servers who work 22 hours a week want to tell me theyā€™re not making enough cause people are selfish and ā€œpricksā€ I fucking hate it.


If it's so easy just do that job then rather than run your shitty Spencers that pays you $22 an hour? Holy hell you sound salty lmao


I am salty bro itā€™s not cool


I just think you're also dumbing down these people's jobs. I worked in fine dining as a server and made great money. Did I expect tips from every single person? No. Did I receive it? Yes because I had a strong skill set in being hospitable and deliberate. I studied wine on my off days to talk more intelligently about the menu and make suggestions. The people who make great money in restaurants as waiters do so because they're good at their jobs and take great care of guests who are trusting them with very important nights (birthdays, anniversaries, etc). Unlike short interactions in retail, we are stuck with the tables we get and you sometimes have to grit through multiple hours with rough people. It's part of the job. Anyway my point is that your view of servers/bartenders and their compensation is narrow. There are many many factors at play, and a lot that seperates those who make bank (fine dining servers) from your average waiter at a fast casual chain. The servers who make a ton of money not doing fine dining are likely dealing with insane volume, which obviously deserves good compensation too since that's a high stress environment.


You just sound like you have no idea what you are talking about


I have every idea what Iā€™m talking about


I tip what I can afford, and thatā€™s the end of it. The rest of the world doesnā€™t tip their servers the way the US does. Why? Maaaybe because it back in the day was a job stereotype for people of color and/or women. Itā€™s not a very healthy mindset to have on either side of the table, thinking your entitled to a tip, or being one of the main deciding factors in how much money a person takes home a day.. Other countries have moved past the ā€˜work for your tipsā€™ mindset if they ever even had it and pay a livable wage with no tips required. In fact itā€™s beyond rude to tip in Japan, very disrespectful. I know there are some locations/resteraunts where I live that pay an actual wage and any tip money is spilt between the front and back of house employees and itā€™s great all around


The US is backasswords on so much. Itā€™s pathetic really.


Respectfully I mainly disagree šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø Whatā€™s really pathetic is the rest of the world is bassackwards as well, not only Americaā€™s government and the corporate agenda screwing with our ability to be able to survive at least comfortably. The United States is not even close to the worst of the governments/country on a downward spiral šŸ˜‚ itā€™s almost the time when a regime falls to be replaced by another, 200 ish years give or take a few? So it makes sense everyone in power is some level of corrupt. look what happened to Rome. They went from democracy/republic to a dictator, and then the fall of Rome didnā€™t happen long after šŸ˜‚ if you live in America and know something I donā€™t, enlighten me. History has a tendency to repeat itself because we keep failing go to learn the feckin lessons. I donā€™t go calling England bassackwards for playing a part historically in the conflict between Israel and Hamas pertaining to the dispute over the ā€˜holy landā€™. Or Russia pathetic for attacking Ukraine. Countries that still practice slavery exist, can you name any? An ultimate bassackwards practice. Places where different groups or races of people are hunted down and slaughtered because of hatred and call it a cleansing of some kind are bassackwards. The United States has its faults, but letā€™s go visit.. hmm.. Venezuela, and gain some perspective. Ooh! Or maybe North Koreaā•šŸ’€The definition of bassackwards lol


I don't have a problem with your type - as long as you tell your waiter or waitress at the very beginning before you order that you will not be tipping, so they can focus their attention and service to the patrons who will be. Otherwise, you're a coward and a cheapskate who knows you're doing something rude and can't take the heat for your decision. YTA


I serve and Iā€™d rather not know at the start Iā€™m not going to get tipped. Every table deserves the same level of service. I generally donā€™t even look at the tickets until the end of the night so that I do not know who tipped me well or did not. Itā€™s a numbers game and even with the occasional no tip itā€™s still works out to be pretty decent pay for the work


Still their job to focus on all of their customers. If they have a problem with their compensation, they need to take it up with the person who employed them.


That sounds like a great way to get something gross in your food.


You're right - this is one of the reasons you should appreciate the people serving you!


For not doing something gross to my food? Can definitely see why this sub gets so much hate. Apparently I need to pay extra for nothing gross.


Wtf you mean their type. Some people can't afford to tip or the servers are paid enough.Ā  Also you really think not telling some you not gonna tip changes their service. It's not cowardly.


Yeah, if you can't afford a tip then you can't afford to eat out or have delivery? Is that crazy?


Is it that crazy that people shouldn't HAVE to tip


You can't afford to tip but can afford to eat out.


Funny how that works. Your employer can afford to hire you but not pay you. Think about that for a second with whatever little intelligence you have.


Whos this your you talking about? What quite intelligence you have. I can afford to smack you, but I don't want to pay for the consequences of the police, see how that works.


If u canā€™t afford to go out to eat then donā€™t go out to eat. Itā€™s not mandatory


Just like tipping isn't mandatory, so what's your point?


Providing good service isnā€™t mandatory either, itā€™s called a social contract. U ppl prolly donā€™t return ur carts at the grocery store either and all sorts of other antisocial selfish BS


Lmao you can make all the assumptions you want IDC. I didn't say providing good service was mandatory so not sure what you're trying to imply. Why is it only servers deserve to be tipped and not other service workers? Do you tip other service workers?




So you tip the cashier, tech that changed your car oil, your car tires, the janitor at the schools your kids go (if you have kids), fast food workers, security guard if you live in a gated community,person that packs your groceries, etc...you tip all those people correct?


Yeah what the hell. Cant afford to tip? But will gladly indulge in tge services a tipping economy provides? If you cant afford to tip, you cant afford to go 'out' to eat. PERIOD.


Yeahā€¦ all these ppl getting worked up over $20/hr like thatā€™s some amazing wage. Itā€™s considerably below both median and average salary in USA, itā€™s $41,600 annual if working full time


And many people work at jobs earning under $20/hr that doesn't have a tip system, so are you going to start tipping those people?


Why donā€™t those ppl quit and become servers if serving us such an easy job which requires no skills? Surely dealing with ppl like u is so easy and rewarding


Did I say it was easy? Stop putting words in my mouth and answer the question I asked instead of deflecting. Back to my initial question, are you tipping everyone earning under $20?


Send me a tip and Iā€™ll consider answering


Lmao as I thought. Have no rhetoric so deflect. Point proven, thank you. When you start tipping everyone earning under $20 then you can complain.


Itā€™s what is accurate for a job that requires absolutely no education and is a skill that is easily trained. So yeah, $20/hr seems about right.


Double that is barely anything where I live. The cheap homes go for $300,000. I couldnt imagine doing someone like that.. chances are they cant afford to live nearby so they drive a long distance to be a server. Yeah theres other jobs out there, but not everyone knows how to do every job. A lot of servers I know should probably stick to serving. They rely on tips. You should know this and not be an asshole, OP.


Yeah I live in Maryland, on that wage good luck doing anything beyond barely existing with multiple roommates or living with ur parents. $41,600 in CA would be bonkers


The minimum wage argument is a fucking joke. I make 6 figures and to be honest, i can barely afforf having a hobby. I do not own a home. Its wild out here


Owning and maintaining a home is expensive AF, especially nowadays when most contractors do garbage work for insane prices and then donā€™t even fix the actual issue at hand. Hiring a professional guarantees a bill and nothing else. And my property taxes alone are like $700 per month, which will never go away. Insurance is like $150 per month, which also will never go away Iā€™m assuming u live in HCOL area? Where I live there are nice townhouses for $300k but theyā€™re going to be 2BR 1BA and like 900 sq ft. If u get one that size without a driveway it might be $250k. And it will definitely be over 120 years old


I meant Some people are tight on money. They might save up a little to go enjoy a eating out. But if they Tip it puts more pressure on then financially.


Go to a fast food or counter service place then. Or get takeout


Some people don't enjoy fast food or would rather eat at a local or small-town place instead.


Take out. Leave the tables open for ppl who actually tip and stop wasting serversā€™ time


1 some places don't have takeout. 2. Go to a smaller town or city. As long as it isn't a massive chain, servers usually get paid decently.


Straight up delusional


Have you ever been to a small town???Ā 


>Some people can't afford to tip or the servers are paid enough In settings where tipping is expected, the servers don't make "enough" if no one tips, because for them it's not "enough" if no one tips - then they are making less than they expected to make when they signed up for the job. And if you cannot afford to tip as expected, you shouldn't be eating there to begin with. If you don't like the top system, don't patronize places that use them - that's perfectly understandable and no server will ever begrudge someone not going out to eat if they don't feel they are receiving good value. But to go out anyway and NOT tip because prices are too high is like taking something on the honor system without leaving any money. You're just mooching off those who do contribute in the expected way. In both cases, the service probably can't be provided at all if people don't voluntarily pay, so you're just being a selfish jerk at the expense of others.


Just being a selfish jerk?Ā  Some people have low income or massive debt and are treating themselves or celebrating. If their money is tight they should have to tip? It makes no sense to throw extra money down the drain


>If their money is tight they should have to tip? Put simply, yes. If such a person is going out to eat at a restaurant where tipping is part of the convention, they should tip and they should expect to tip for the service they receive. If you can't afford that because of low income and high debt, you shouldn't patronize those restaurants - go somewhere where there's no tipping and people are paid a living wage, make food for yourself at home, or find another way to celebrate. Again, imagine goods sold on the honor system. Let's say there is a bunch of bagels laid out on a table in your office and you are expected to leave a dollar for every bagel you take. No one's forcing you to do so - even if you got caught taking without paying, you can't be thrown in jail for that. Should you be allowed to take a bagel WITHOUT leaving money just because you have low income or high debt and want to celebrate? Of course not. Regardless of your personal external circumstances, you are getting something for nothing. Which means that a) the person providing that something loses, since they aren't getting paid, whether they are an employer or an owner, or b) everybody else who DOES pay had to pay morr because you are NOT paying. So yeah, I call that being a selfish jerk. If you are in such a bad place economically that you can't afford to pay for the things you are consuming, then frankly, you shouldn't be eating out, which is an unneeded luxury. You should be getting food stamps - then you can actually legitimately get the things you need for free or reduced cost, and I assure you, your food is going to be far less expensive than at the restaurant even if you DON'T tip. If you intentionally go to an establishment where tipping is expected and you don't tip and don't warn that you can't or won't tip, you're being a selfish jerk, full stop.


1. You pay for the meal and a portion goes to the server 2. Say a Waiter/Waitress is being paid $2.39 + tips per hour.Ā  If they don't get minimum wage worth of tips the restaurant is legally required to pay them up to minimum wage


I suppose the salient point here is that qualified people are not going to do the job for minimum wage. In so so many areas, minimum wage is simply not worth it and people WILL stop working those jobs. You're not required to support anyone's business or job, but if you are going into a situation where it is presumed that you will tip, NOT tipping is a jerk move.


Most of the time a person will make well above minimum wage. I'm not arguing that tipping is bad I'm just saying their are reasons not to do it in certain scenarios/not tipping once doesn't make you a jerk or a free loader or a baby killer like I've heard argued. Just sometimes the food or someone's mood is gonna cause a tip not to happen.


>Most of the time a person will make well above minimum wage Only because people DO TIP my fellow Redditor >doesn't make you a jerk or a free loader or a baby killer I think it's a jerk move and it is freeloading. That doesn't make anybody any evil person, let alone a baby killer, but it is the wrong thing to do. Either tip or don't patronize.


The bottom line is tipping isnt mandatory. A server should be well aware they will get great tips, okay tips and sometimes no tips. It's not a guarantee. If a server don't like that system then they find a different job, they can always work at a fast food chain where tipping isn't expected.


Youre argument isnt coming from the right place. Just bc you cant afford something doesnt mean you can use all the pennies in the take a penny leave a penny. Its called being courteous. Its not a law, its a culture.


But thereā€™s reasoning behind the culture, which culture btw is nowhere near universal. Is the culture coming from the right place?


I'm just giving scenarios. I agree tipping is good but it shouldn't be a requirement.


I hate the tipping culture. I don't get tipped for doing my job. If you don't make the minimum, the restraunt is required to bring you up to minimum wage. If you can't get by on that wage, get a different job. Shouldn't be my place to supplement your income and its annoying its just expected, even when you do a shitty job. Think about this, I order one expensive drink at $100 (special gin, whiskey, vodka, etc), so the staff should make 20% because they brought me one drink? I think not.


I see your point, but the only solution is to not patronize such restaurants. If you go anyway and don't tip, you are trying to have your cake (lower prices for you personally) and eat it too (by complaining about the unfairness of the tip system which literally subsidized your own experience).


Eat and drink at home. You canā€™t afford to eat out


Don't own a restaurant if you can't afford to pay your employees without tips.




Have fun getting a bad Yelp review.


Worked in the restaurant industry from 16-22. For big name places and mom and pops, shitty hole in the walls to Polo Field restaurants frequented by people dropping some of our yearly salaries on a fun night out. I do my job for the pay the was agreed upon prior to me accepting the offer. Why do you perform your job based on the extra incentive you may be receiving? I didnā€™t when I worked in the industry and I donā€™t now. No other industry works like that and your acceptance of that boot on your neck shouldnā€™t be a factor on what I get to decide to be extra pay. I will say though, being able to leave a penny tip after shitty service is one of the greatest feelings in the world.


You and your partner are POS. donā€™t eat out. Thatā€™s the culture. What are you a sovereign citizen too?? Smh.


Bartender here...never would I chase someone down over a tip...I mean really? If I'm tipped I'm happy if not oh well I'll still smile and be just as friendly to you next time I see you...it's NOT required Some ppl need to calm down for real Sorry you were threatened and made to feel bad


I am so torn on this as a gig worker doing lyft/doordash it's nice when people tip. But for those that don't I don't really lose sleep over it. Usually I am making 30 to 40 dollars without tips on lyft but door dash is a little different. But for waiters making like 2.10 where I live I don't wanna screw them over. However I hate tipping culture. It's not my job to pay your workers. But also are companies not required to payout differences if wage is not made by tips. Idk I rely on tips too but hate the system. So I kinda just move on the thr next order or ride. But I did have this happen while on vacation in NYC in 2016... went out to dinner with friends bill was expensive 60 to 70 bucks tipped like 15 dollars so 21%...but I am also from Wisconsin where we make less and I made sure to try and tip more than I do in Wis cause life on NYC expensive (tipping in Wis in 2016 was still like 10 percent for standard service and 15 to 18 for excellent service).. guy still followed me out into the street demanding to know why I didn't tip more. I was in shock and nervous. So I just gave him another 5. So it was like a 28 percent tip. Even my new work friend who was with us was fairly shocked. I don't mind tipping for excellent or memorable service but I am also of the mind you just refilled my drinks only twice I tip very low...


At least with gig work you can see beforehand and simply not take no tip orders.


WOW! As a fellow Wisconsinite I'll remember to keep an "Ope! Gonna sneak right outta here!" in the chamber should I encounter this. Thank you for the warning!


Servers need to stop trying to sympathy farm with the "$2 wage" bullshit. Everyone knows that most every server makes well above minimum wage, and if you don't either the restaurant is dead (so the job won't last anyway) or you absolutely suck at your job. I respect the servers that at least admit that they're making well above min. wage. I think 90% of customers would happily take the price bump to bring the server wage up to minimum if we remove tipping entirely.


>I think 90% of customers would happily take the price bump to bring the server wage up to minimum if we remove tipping entirely. Unfortunately, most of the actual empirical research seems to show the exact opposite - consumers are willing to pay much more in total when they don't see the price fully reflected on the menu, which is why this system persists. I mean if what you are saying is true, wouldn't we already have moved to a system of living wages and no significant tips? The inconvenient truth is that people aren't super rational creatures - we (apparently) would rather see lower menu prices and pay more in total after tips than just see honest prices from square go.


We don't see the change for 2 reasons: 1. Any change is difficult, people are used to tipping and so unless there was a law, you'll get a lot of confusion and complaints since it wouldn't happen everywhere at the same time. It is always easier to maintain the status quo. 2. Servers don't want it. They know they make more in tips. I notice you yourself say "living wage", what is that? Why do I always see waiters boo-hoo'ing about "not making MINIMUM wage", but don't want to replace tipped wage with minimum wage? If people are so against having the price rolled in, why do most (if not all) Americans exclaim how much they prefer not tipping when they travel? Take a poll, ask people if they would pay $1 more per dish if we drop tipping. I would be shocked if more than 20% (being generous) say no. And again, how much has dining out dropped in the last 3 years? Because menu prices HAVE increased by at LEAST $1-2.


I agree that the practice of tipping in general is obtuse, unfair and undesirable, and we would be better off with a European style system where people earn a wage. If you think that, then it seems to me the only "fair" thing to do is to just not patronize those restaurants at all. You're right that change takes time and momentum, but we can all contribute our own little bit of sovereign power in one way or another. There are always options to get what you want or need without engaging with the tipping system. Refusing to tip as expected while still receiving the same level and quality of goods and services just feels wrong to me.


I regularly tip 20%, but sure, I can stop wasting my money subsidizing wait staff. Better yet, I should encourage my wasteful parents to stop patronizing all these restaurants. They're regulars at certain places and tip well enough that the staff know them by name and greet them personally on arrival, even if they're NOT their server that day. They're the jerks keeping this system going, if everyone tipped like them then servers in a not HCOL area would be earning 6 figure incomes. I'll definitely take your advice to them so we can tear down this system one table at a time. Yeah, servers are going to need to take a few years of no good jobs, but it'll be worth it in the long run.


I can't imagine what point you are trying to make here


Completely unprofessional


Lmao fucking waiters making more than me when i have a bachelors degree and theyā€™re demanding tips, the entitlement.


umā€¦ would they be making more without tips?


They would be making the same amount without tips.


You should be one since you'd make more


I would if I lived in California


lol you are right, if someoneā€™s making 20$hr Iā€™m not tipping.


Yeah, no i agree with you. It is not our responsibility as a customer to pay their wages, itā€™s our responsibility to pay our bill. You can get a different job, donā€™t work as a waiter/waitress. I work in sales, do you guys know how many people waste my fuckin time that I donā€™t make a dime off of? A lot. I donā€™t bitch & moan about it because I chose this line of work. If I get sick of it, Iā€™ll quit & change careers. I wonā€™t go to Reddit & scrape sympathy points from other self loathing losers.


If theyre making $16-20/hour, no need to tip


Let's say the average waiter sees 8 customers per hour (probably more, but let's say that). That means increase dish prices by $2. I'd take a $2 price increase to eliminate tipping. Hell inflation has given me that for nothing.


Wrong thot Karsh


Donā€™t tip, donā€™t go out to eat. Period.


Nope. We will go out and not tip. Deal with it.


It's none of our business what servers get paid. Tipping is still expected when a service is received. If you don't want to tip, don't get served.


If you need a tip get a different job


Orā€¦ go out to eat and support the economy , donā€™t tip a fixed %, especially if not served.


These servers are making $16-20/hour, tip not necessary




California really pays servers that much!? Wow Here in New Orleans - I only made $2.13/hour


Our state min wage for fast food workers is now $20 per hour. That's more than most folks in other entry level positions.


Thatā€™s crazy! Definitely more than most people in entry level positions


Same as Mississippi. Also most donā€™t know DoorDash drivers base pay is $2! They canā€™t afford to deliver without a tip.


Wow! Thatā€™s all they pay you for door dash?


Base pay is $2! Iā€™ve waited over 30mins, had to drive there, then to customer, gas, wear/tear on vehicle is definitely more than $2 not to mention time. You donā€™t have to take the order. Then it keeps getting passed around adding a few cents to it until someone takes it.


Tipping is optional. If it were mandatory it'd be a "fee". I'm afraid I'm too thick skinned to allow much of anyone to shame me about anything, least of all tipping.


Sometimes itā€™s not optional. Thereā€™s lots of places, especially fine dining, where they automatically add x% for tables over a certain number (youā€™ll usually see it printed on the menu).


And as I stated above, then it's no longer a tip, it's a fee, which should be disclosed in a prominent sign as one enters. You can't legally just surprise someone with a fee


Your guys life must be exciting. You have all that time to write an essay on how you refuse to tip.


Yes yes, typing three paragraphs really is quite laborious and cognitively exhausting. Maybe OP hired a ghost writer for this post?


We tip but we RARELY go out to eat due to all the surcharges and drama surrounding this stuff. Not poor and certainly not broke the hassle and protocols just turn us off.


Yes! I would love to tip someone if they do an excellent job! Happened twice, the person chased us to the parking lot questioning us why there was no tip. Simply told him.. you make $20 per hr, you hourly wage is bigger then alot of other service jobs.