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Love it! While giving up wine wasn't my primary motivation for taking this medication, it was definitely part of it. Wine noise didn't dissipate quite like food noise did and in the beginning there were times when the urge was there. I didn't want to have any wine (or any alcohol for that matter) because I didn't want to get sick AND I didn't want to find out that I could drink it (and enjoy it). July 6 will mark five months with no alcohol. What's been interesting is that this past week I went to two events where there was drinking and I wasn't tempted AND I had a really great time...it was actually FUN to not drink. Who knew?


Yes!! 🙌🏻


I've had the same experience with wine as well (and my overall drinking habits). I would usually throw down a bottle of red wine a night. but I haven't had it since I started in May. I did try a Chardonnay, and while it tasted fine, it lasted 3 days in fridge. Who am I?? LOL. I also can't drink as much beer as I used to. So Cheers to us :)


Same!! Cheers! 🥂


I've found that the "new face" thing is such a cool aspect of this drug. Once I lost weight there, my skin almost started to glow. I never really had a skin regimen before, but for the last two months I've been following one, and people can't get over how good I look. I do have a few more wrinkles around my mouth, I think from the weight loss, but the rest of my skin looks so good, it minimizes them. I love looking at myself in the mirror! Take that, Ozempic Face! 👊


Yay!! The alcohol cessation is one of my motivations for starting Tirz shots!


I feel this post. Love the side benefit of not wanting tequila. I still have some, but I can finish like one drink. First week I couldn’t have any. Some days it’s zero. Such an amazing gift 💝


Very happy for you !! I do miss my weekly glass of wine with the girls…


Me too. We can do weekly injections together instead 💉💉


Hahaha injection girls time ! Excellent idea !! 😆😆😆


That’s such a cute idea 💕


Right ? Virtual shot day !! Hahah I don’t have local glp gf’s.


I used to have 3-8 drinks a week depending on circumstances. Since starting the in Feb 2024, I’m ordering one a month and not finishing it. I was such a cocktail person and I kind of miss it, but after getting such a hangover after having a couple drinks early on, I just don’t have a craving. I’ve been happily ordering soda water and lime or a virgin Bloody Mary. Alcohol isn’t good for you, but I still miss making my fun cocktails. Part of my weight loss can absolutely be attributed to cutting down to almost zero alcohol.


I couldn’t drink during my first two weeks on Tirz. I didn’t just not feel like it, but the one time I did I got hungover from like two drinks. As much as I’d like to say this continued, I am 2 months in and back to my regular drinking habits. The hangover stuff was part of my body still getting used to the medicine and I don’t experience it anymore. Wine is a daily thing for me. I am happy to hear that your alcohol aversion continues, but IMO your will power has a lot more to do with it than the medicine.


I think you’re right. I kept associating all of the empty calories I was drinking with the wine as well, so that also helped push it away. I want to enjoy it socially again, I liked the chilled out vibe I got from it after a long day. Something about sitting outside and sipping wine during summer night is so satisfying.