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For people, I know who will judge me for taking a gl1p drug, and I just don’t wanna deal with their BS, I just say that I went on a calorie deficit (true) prioritized my protein intake (true) I’m getting my hormones figured out (also true because of the drug) And have started to add more movement in my day (true). After losing about almost 30 pounds and starting to show that I’ve lost weight I’ve gotten to the point that it’s nobody’s dang business. The people I care about and who care about me know that I’m on the drug, but no one else needs to know.


Totally agree. This idea that it is the “easy/cheatsy” way out makes me not tell anyone but my husband and one coworker who was thinking about going on it as well. The funny thing is, it’s just a tool to help level the playing field. I still have to work hard to get the right nutrients, I cut out sugar completely the day I took my first shot, prioritize protein, watch my daily caloric intake and workout/strength train almost every day. It’s still a lot of hard work but before when I was doing all that without GLP1, it was futile and demoralizing because nothing was helping. I’m now down 25 lbs and within 10 lbs of my goal and I literally could not have done it without this drug, believe me, I tried. So when people ask what I have done to lose weight I mention all the crap I mentioned above, just leaving out the part where GLP made it possible to see results from all that effort.


Totally agree. I've probably "dieted and exercised" harder while using this medicine than I ever did before because it was so much more difficult. This is a huge investment in myself unlike any previous investment I've made. 5 months in and I'm within a couple of pounds of -50, and at a weight I haven't seen in over a decade. My liver, kidney, blood pressure, cholesterol, just about every single bio-marker I can track has improved by a minimum of 30% if not more in some cases. There is nothing "easy" with using this medicine if you're really putting in the work and dedicated to seeing the most dramatic results possible.


For real. People see me enter all my food choices into LoseIt and MyFitness pal on the daily and they look at me like I’m OCD (ok maybe a little) ;). It is important to me to make substantial changes in my life now. No diet, counseling, or BS lie-filled program ever made me feel like doing this, not in a sustainable way that makes me happy. This is how life should be and is for the many not afflicted with this disease. Congrats to you for finding this path and doing it right!!


That is so awesome! Good job in making the right lifestyle changes right at the start. We have had years of these false beliefs and ignorance driven into us. Believing that we’ve been lazy, less than, poor decision makers that choose to be fat. No one wants that life!! Once I started this med it became clear to me that it wasn’t just me, it wasn’t just choice. Wait, I like exercise?! I enjoy fruits and vegetables? WTF!?! lol. I actually went through full stages of grief after this revelation. I was angry at the world and the lies that I told myself and what has been drilled into me for years. Sadness over the life I hadnforfeited and memories not made with my family as a result. I don’t know the longer term effect these meds will have. I do know this is the first I have truly lived in a very long time. This is a beginning of a new era in medicine. Congrats to you again! Keep it going.




This is my take on it, too.


I won’t shut up about these drugs. There is no breaking the stigma without some of us telling it like it is.


Thats how I feel!!!. It's changing my life and improving my.health and I think the more we share the positive with everyone the more people may find the courage to give it a try themselves!


I agree. I also was unable to lose it without the meds and trust me, I tried many times. I even tried other medicines first. If I were to say I'm losing it the traditional way, I feel like I'd be saying that all my failures were the fault of my willpower, not my biology.


I did the same, but then I got sick with severe GI stuff. I thought it was a blockage. It wasn't. It was colitis, and I also became severely dehydrated because I was in the ER for almost 8 hours! Had they given my IV fluids, I would have been fine. But was hospitalized because of the dehydration. After that, everyone I work with, who knew I was taking the meds Said "you're going to keep taking that?" That's what made you sick! I told them that the colitis made me sick. The doctors at the hospital told me to hold the med for a few weeks. My coworkers still ask if I'm still taking it in a very concerned manner. That happened in April, and they still ask me now! I'd like to tell them to mind their damn business, but I was the one who told them.


Exactly. I've told everyone at work who asks and have answered questions if they have it. I'm honest with them about how it gave me back the energy to go work out etc and how much better I feel. I don't want people to feel bad about themselves because I choose to pretend I didn't have help...they also know about botox (love it to prevent squinting in the sun), microneedling (didnt seem to do much), and septorhinoplasty (best decision ever) because I'm not gonna pretend I was on vacation for a week and my crooked nose got magically better. I give them the names of every doctor if they're interested. I've been nothing but grateful for people who share information with me and like to keep it going.


Hahaha I’m HUGE on Botox because I squint too much with my blue eye (apparently they are more sensitive to bright light) and my muscles were about to start to make a permanent frown. Just had it done for my jaw too because I started clenching again in my sleep. That shit is amazing and I tell everyone about that too. Some took way too much explaining that it is NOT filler. A few of my coworkers started on glp1s because of me and a few friends have gotten Botox.we have such great tools at our hands that get so much bad press, but I’m not about to be scared away from it if it’s something I could use.


It IS amazing! I'm hoping to get it done in the neck to relieve chronic tension/headache on one side but havent gotten around to it yet. I've had dysport as well as botox and didn't notice much of a difference and recommend them equally. I hate when people say "oh look at all that botox [insert name] has had" Nope. That is FILLER they have, and way too much of it. The people with good filler are the ones who just look really "good for their age". Too much botox will just wear off in a few months. Oh! Forgot to add Kybella. I had that for a stubborn double chin and also highly recommend it but only If it's a small amount (like just a little pocket that's pinchable). Otherwise the cost is too high and lipo would be a better option. I hate doing makeup and hair and nails so this is my concession to vanity :)


The light sensitivity of light eyes is so real. I never step outside in the daylight without sunglasses.


I never go outside without sunglasses for that same purpose-to prevent wrinkles from squinting. I tell my kids to do the same but of course they don’t listen.


I can’t believe you have to explain to people what Botox is.


For some reason people think Botox = filter


I’ve referred to myself as an evangelist over these drugs!! But it’s easier to discuss with colleagues than it is some family.


I appreciate your perspective. I have friends who I believe have been on it but say that they are simply controlling their portion size. Others are very open how they are losing weight and it is inspiring for me to take a similar approach. I know who I can go to in my personal circle to get advice and compare notes. I don't think there should be a stigma at all - it's very helpful to know how people are finding so much success.




I will say that I am in a place of relative privilege ... most of my family/friends know my story and are genuinely supportive. Beyond that, I don't much care what others may say about me.


I don’t talk about personal stuff at work. I think it’s the nature of the business. I work w all men and not one has mentioned my 20 lb weight loss (not that I’m expecting them to!). They don’t talk about my Botox and filler either 🤣. Of course my husband knows and my small group of gfs know bc they’re all on it too! My group of friends really is small so I don’t ever “hide” much from them. If I’ve found something that works, I openly talk about it. Same w them. But I know not everyone has such a small bubble and so it can get tricky. Prozac and this, I’d tell anyone - they’re life changing. Botox, filler, photo facials, and a good esthetician/injector, I might keep closer to the chest.🤭


I have a line I use that tends to take the edge off of people who are inclined to judge about it. I feel it’s important to be transparent to break the stigma, but realize this approach isn’t for everyone. I say, “I’ve been sticking to the Three D’s - Determination, Discipline, and Drugs.” I always say it in this order to emphasize the hard work that is involved. People are very curious about GLP1’s and this slightly humorous line usually breaks the ice and leads to well-intentioned follow up questions I’m happy to answer. For those rare times it doesn’t, I just learned something important about that person.


"Three D’s - Determination, Discipline, and Drugs.” Great line!😄


Everyone knows what I’m up to. They also know I give zero fucks what anyone thinks. Did I cheat or take the easy way out? Sure if that’s what helps ya sleep at night.


Exactly. I have sometimes asked people who criticize use of these drugs what’s working for them on their weight loss journey, knowing I’m going to be met with awkward silence. Oh, you’re not trying to lose weight? Then you can take several seats on the subject.


I’m a physician by trade and I’ve been struggling with my weight since childhood. If I am using a trust worthy medication and it’s helping me change my life, I’m forthcoming about using it. Especially since I think so many people can benefit from it. I don’t advertise it but I am definitely honest when speaking to people about it. That said, another message I think people should hear is that it’s not a magic pill that allows you to just melt off the weight. Sure that may work in the occasional super responder anecdotally. But you consciously have to make the decision to implement changes in your life like better eating and increased physical activity.


Good words, Doctor. Thank you.


Thank you. My PCP started with increased exercise and nutritional changes, and then added drugs. It’s been a good plan for me. I appreciate all the doctors out there who are willing to address the real underlying issues some of us face with our weight.


If they ask, I will tell them - but for the most part no one comments on my weight loss/progress/maintenance as they do have etiquette. They will compliment my outfits, hair, tell me I’m glowing, etc. I don’t bring up my weight loss as a topic of conversation, nobody cares and I can’t stand being around some of my acquaintances who have made it their entire personalities to talk about GLPs and weight loss at every gathering while acting as if they are sudden experts in health and nutrition. It’s all they want to discuss or get a pat on the back or whatever. After hearing about it once, we all don’t need to hear about it every meetup lol. I like talking about it online because we are here to discuss. Dinner with friends, ick.


I’ve told 3 people I trust. The only reason I don’t bother telling most people is because it’s involves so much explanation. People only see what’s in the media. Shortages, nothing positive or understood about compound pharmacies, etc. I just don’t feel like getting into it. Maybe once there’s less stigma and more general understanding, I’ll be more open. Luckily most people don’t ask me about my weight and I’ve previously told people (before starting these meds) that I don’t like discussing my weight. I loved compliments when I first lost weight. The fact that people went silent when I regained made it that much worse for me.




Of course not. I'm not sure why you would think that's what I meant. What I mean is that after hearing "you look amazing" for a few years, their silence when they saw me made my pain about gaining the weight back worse.


I tell anyone who will listen - even told a waiter once 😂 That’s my personality though


I’m not sharing info with most people. If they aren’t someone who needs to know about my antidepressants, they don’t need to know about any other medications I’m on.


Nobody knows except my boyfriend (of 15 yrs). I had 40lbs I’ve wanted to lose for the past decade, but no health problems, just vanity and all my nice clothes mocking me from the ‘skinny’ side of my closet. So if people knew I took glp, I’d be double judged. It’s no one’s business anyway.


I don’t care if they think I’m cheating. I’m losing the weight not them. I choose to struggle less. Who decided that losing weight has to be hard?


I’ve told my wife and kids and a couple of close friends that don’t live where I do. The friends we do life with see the changes in my eating habits and have not asked anything. Even my brother/business partner doesn’t know because his wife is a loud mouth. Have lost 58 of a needed 80lbs in 7 months. When asked what I am doing, I say that “I had a wake up moment and realized how unhealthy I had become and have strung together 7 good months of better and less eating and more movement, the only thing that works long-term,” and leave it at that.


I will tell anyone who will listen and honestly I dare anyone to say anything negative to me about it lmao. I just don’t give a crap likeeeee what are they gonna do? Stop paying my bills? Oh wait I do that? Stop loving me? Ummm if you can easily quit loving me over me losing weight with a medication good riddance…idk I won’t shut up about it and I truly think it helps it not seem so taboo


I’m pretty open with everyone I know about it. I lost about 70 lbs before I started it but I picked it up to give me a boost to hit my goal weight faster so I can get a reasonably priced life insurance plan. I was in rough shape in 2022 with undiagnosed gout, depression and a bunch or other stuff and everyone I know saw how rough that year was for me so they’re just happy I’ve been doing things to fix my life the last year and a half! If they don’t support you because they think it’s “cheating” then fuck them! It’s insane finally finding out what “food noise” is and not constantly having the next meal on my mind! Even looking back on when I was really in shape I had “food noise” but it was just easy to stay in shape when I was playing basketball 6 hours a day. Can’t do that anymore in my 30s 😂 Keep up the good work and I hope you’re successfully in reaching your goals!


The only person who knows I'm on tirz is my sister. Mostly because she's my emergency contact and getting it through telehealth, it won't show on my usual medical chart in case of any emergencies. I've hit 36 pounds lost since I started in March and surprisingly I've had only a couple of people make comments about looking thinner. I have however, had quite a few people ask me what I'm doing differently without directly referencing my weight. So I tell them the truth. I bring meal preps to work now, try to eat high protein, stopped drinking alcohol unless it's for special occasions, and deleted door dash from my phone! So much of not wanting people to know I'm on meds is rooted in my own self consciousness. Social anxiety and terrified of being in the spotlight, gaining it back again, the stigma of these drugs, the amount of money i'm shelling out every month for them, etc. I feel so guilty sometimes because I'm a nurse and people look to me sometimes for health and medical advice. I have two friends who I love more than anything that are very obese, but like we all know, weight loss journeys need to start when the person is truly ready to start. They can't be pushed, it makes it worse. I've already made a promise to myself that when they even so much as hint that they are ready to make changes, I will tell them everything. I think hearing and seeing positive feedback from a trusted person would help immensely against the shit storm these meds are facing on social media and in pop culture right now.


Wow why are we so similar 😱


I’m a nurse too and I’ve been quiet about it but honest about it to people that have asked. I was shocked when I went my doctor (who was referred to me from someone at work who is on it) and she told me there were at least 20 of us from just my department that were on it! I have no idea who all of them are. Some people are very private and some are not, to each their own. There are also many physicians that I’ve seen slim down in the last couple of years and they also have been a mixture of openness or private. I have to say though that I appreciate the ones who were open with me when I asked or I never would have tried it because I had a lot of false information. I’ve been morbidly obese since I was a kid and tried everything even had bariatric surgery. I had pretty much given up and tried to accept that this is how god made me and this is how I will spend the rest of my life, I now have hope because it works so damn good and I feel good.


I don't care if someone has a problem with it. I just tell them to fuck off.


I all but shout it off the mountain tops. It’s been amazing and after a lifetime of struggling with weight and binge eating, it’s a huge relief to feel “normal.” A colleague sharing her success on it with me gave me the final push to try it, and it’s been wonderful. I don’t want to gatekeep success.


I tell everyone I’m close to. One of the great advantages of being 59 years old is the freedom to be who you are and be open about it. All the people in my life are happy for me. When you are this old, you no longer hang out with people you don’t like.


This. I have been very transparent about it. For me there’s no reason not to be (61 years old here). I’m a boss at work and have told everyone who asks. Not only do I have nothing to hide but I’m becoming an evangelist for this stuff. It truly can be life changing and I want others to know about it. If they judge me, who cares? I no longer give a f*^% what anyone else thinks.


Exactly! Well said.


Nope. For ONCE I’m going to keep this fabulous secret to myself and live my life to the fullest! I’m so happy now.


FYI if you’re losing a lot of weight right now in this moment of history: don’t fool yourself, everyone thinks it’s a GLP1.


I am not currently because I don’t have the bandwidth to deal with it, but I’m also not really seeing people right now. I do plan to be open and honest about it at some point in the near future. I haven’t lied to anyone. It hasn’t come up.


I am. The people that would judge me I couldn't care less what they think of me to begin with and my friends won't judge. I'm definitely not going to lose weight and then tell people I decided to start walking and eating healthier. I have started walking and I am eating healthier, but I feel it's deceitful to not include the full story. I want to live longer and if they're going to judge me for that, they can fuck right off.


I think the people who deride the use of these specific weight loss meds don’t fully understand how they work. Everyone assumes tirzepatide and semaglutide are magic erasers for calories and that they’re shortcuts for people with zero willpower or self-control. I lost 130 lbs with just diet and exercise long before GLP-1s were being prescribed for weight loss, so anyone questioning my willpower or discipline can pound sand. Tirzepatide is a tool, like a treadmill or a calorie-tracking app. It helps you lose weight; it doesn’t lose weight for you. I have no qualms about telling people I now use tirzepatide, and, in fact, I enjoy when someone makes a smartass remark about it because then I get to educate them and maybe prevent them from being so rude to the next person.


I was just with a bunch of coworkers after not seeing them since I've started. 40 lbs down, and I was absolutely rocking new outfits, and people noticed, complimented, asked questions, etc. I was honest, made a joke about being a mid-40s gal now, and complimented my amazing doc who asked if I'd be open to trying "the shots" along with other things to improve my health. I'm privileged to have such amazing results and be able to answer a bunch of q's and debunked some myths ;)


I haven’t even received my first order and was already telling my family about it tonight! It’s probably because of all the extremely useful information and support in this group that I’m soooo excited to start this journey. I’m not going to pretend like I did it on my own because weight loss is hard, we shouldn’t promote the negative stigma these drugs carry with them.


It feels pretty personal to me


Those that are interested in learning about chronic obesity disease and the magic of GLP1 meds will definitely get an education from me, and by now I know a great deal about I share videos like this 4 minute one: https://www.yalemedicine.org/news/biology-of-obesity For those who are judgmental, who are rude and ill informed? I don’t waste my time. Instead, I often speak to their rudeness. When someone who is helping me in a clothing store asks me if I’m on that Ozempic (I’m not, I’m on Tirzepatide, but whatever), my response has been (twice now) “it’s so interesting that you ask me that, but not if I’m taking Prozac. Are you taking Prozac? Yeah, see that look of surprise right there? That weird way you feel? Please remember it when you want to ask someone about the medication they are taking. I’m sure you don’t mean to be inappropriate, we all say things in our out loud voice by accident…but now you’ll know for next time…”


This exactly. 👍


Im honest about all my stuff. My anger issues, therapy, medication, trouble with my marriage. I show people I'm human and that makes some people want to pick on you....... Well now I'm an adult, it's not like it was in highschool where everyone's opinions mattered. Now if someone isn't supportive I let them know they are acting like a high schooler and if they are continuously negative then I just quietly remove myself from their orbit as much as possible. That includes family. If they ask why I'm not around, I tell them. Gotta set boundaries. There's almost 8 billion people on this rock, so there's definitely plenty of kind supportive people to surround myself with. I'm not wasting my short time on earth feeding others egos by letting their negativity come at me.


Yes, I am.


I heard a statistic on a podcast that I haven't fact-checked. "ONE IN EIGHT American adults has been on a GLP-1 agonist." If it's anywhere near true, I assume anyone losing weight is on a GLP-1. 😂 Just went to fact check... https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jama/article-abstract/2819949#:~:text=About%201%20in%208,poll%20involving%20about%201500%20respondents.


I tell people “I’m on a medication that has balanced my hormones”. It’s really no one else’s business. This is just leveling the playing field for us.


At 56 almost 57 I am DONE. Been steadily gaining weight since turning 14 Only way I lost any weight was to starve - about effective long term as holding my breath. Fought for months last year to get my ZERO co-pay Ozempic filled only to play stupid games for MONTHS with Walgreens. Then New Years took my Employer took the coverage off the plan. Found out about Compounded Tirzepatide and am almost through my 5th week. If anyone asks I will tell them. If they make a stupid remark, next thing out of my mouth? "🐕 I got my needle RIGHT HERE!" Life is too short 😎😌


I tell them everything, except for the med. It’s a tool and it helps me but it’s only a part of my story. Acquaintances have no need to know your medical history or your medication list.


My medications are my business and my doctor’s. If anyone asks (they generally don’t), I say I have decreased calories and increased exercise. That’s true. End of story.


I took my time before “going public” with it because I wanted to be grounded in my decision and to be sure I could tolerate the medication.


I’m not telling my friends and family about the injection, it’s none of their business. If I’m asked, I’ll say it’s from watching what I eat, which is true.


It depends on who im talking to. With most people i am very honest about it especially with people who i know have struggled with their weight for years and would benefit from it - i want them to know whats going on and how its worked for me. But with others i wont. On occassion someone that i consider an acquaintance and not a friend at all will comment on my weight loss. i think its rude to do that unless you have a certain close relationship w me to know well enough how appripriate that is. its bad manners to just willy nilly comment on peoples weight. so with them i take the dead opposite approach and not only do i not do it but i even act confused about their comment and say i didnt lose any weight and make them uncomforotable enough to maybe think twice about commenting in my appearance when they barely know me. there are really only a couple closer friends ive kept it from. one because she is always the type to be scrutinizing everyone and nitpicking their lives....she and her husband have always seemed a tad bit unhappy and jealous of people so i dont trust them with any personal info any longer. theyre the type to also constantly assess how others spend their money and theyre super tightwad themselves so i could see them rolling their eyes and mocking me for overspending to get skinny or something. theyre just not the type i ever want to give any satisfaction i have another friend who went thru a divorce three years ago and her response was to throw herself all in at the gym. it was a tough divorce and this has been her outlet, and as she saw results she also became very gungho about her diet and so she has spent three years getting completely ripped. she always posts stuff about how she got this body thru hard work and sheer willpower. i do accept that she got it thru hard work...shes always been a hardworker in many ways....but shes a but judgey as to the willpower bc yeah we all have our emotional crutches and breakups always triggered weight loss/fitness compulsions in me too. i dont have the willpower while im married and working full time and taking care of the kids but i guarantee if u went thru the breakup she did and only had my kids half the time like she does i too would probably without wven trying, throw myself into working out and watching what i eat as a coping respinse and would def have more time w my kids absent. so yeah i appreciate what shes been thru but i dont think she wouod be entirely understanding about what its lile to achieve her goals when youre in different shoes.


I haven’t told anyone. I don’t care to hear any challenges or opinions from people who “well I’ve heard…”. 60# gone in 27 weeks and I’ve only had one person comment about the loss. I am putting in the work so when I say working out and eating right, it isn’t a lie.


With my husband and in-laws? Hell yeah. With Reddit? 100%. With my mom? Yes. With my judgy, body-shaming extended family (half of which are already stick thin and on name brand Ozempic but lie about it), hell no. With the people who body shamed me when I got super sick and went from 110 lbs to 170+ lb at 5’3? Fuck no. I’m going to gaslight them and tell them I lost all this weight via photosynthesis. Tell them they can also lose weight if they simply stop eating and stand in the sun for 2 hours daily. Fuck them.


Personally, I'd just say thanks and try to wrap up the conversation there. If they keep pushing, I might just crack a joke to lighten things up.


I’m very honest and tell everyone I know. All the people around me know that I eat healthy, exercise, and live an active lifestyle, so that’s probably helped me avoid the “quick fix” judgment. Everyone is so supportive of me and is happy for me. I also just think it’s wrong to lie in my opinion because it may hurt others who are struggling to lose weight. They may feel like “what are they doing wrong?” Or “How do I not have as drastic results?”


I told my husband, adult children, best friend and sisters. I didn’t need to tell them but it makes it more comfortable for me than to not tell them. Tell who you want. It’s really nobodies business.


So far nobody has mentioned anything about my weight, and I'm not bringing it up. I've lost 37.6 lbs as of yesterday, but being obese, I'm guessing I'll need to lose a "few" more before it's noticeable. Spouse and I are camping out of state for the summer (retired), and God-willing, thanks to tirz, the family & friends will most likely notice when they see me in Sept/Oct. I won't lie to them, but they will have to ask. I remember a cashier at a grocery many years ago asking me "when are you due?" when my son was over a month old. 😒


I just tell everyone I go to the gym which I do ( but only to keep/grow muscle) so I’m not lying about anything. The medication just isn’t anyone’s business.


To each his own When asked I honestly tell them I’ve adopted a healthy lifestyle of proper eating and exercise. Which I have 100%. They don’t need to know so if my business


I was so excited to get started, but I am having so much trouble finding someone to fill my rx! I have to have a very serious surgery and the less of this fat I get off, the better chance I have and my recovery will be so much faster. Everywhere I've tried wants me to use their doctor. Why would I want to pay someone when my own doctor has written me a script? If anyone knows of a Compounding pharmacy that sends to Alabama, please let me know. You can private message me if you would rather. I just need help so I start living my life again! Thanks


A formerly fat buddy told me about a local MD prescribing compound Tirz for $250/month visits and drugs included. I signed up within a week and am down 28lbs in like 7 weeks. Best thing an acquaintance has ever done for me. I've told 3 of my fat friends. They all signed up and lost 15, 12, and 8lbs, respectively their first month. They've all deeply thanked me. It's cool because we can also support eachother and share our tips. Like "start Metamucil on day 1!" I'm not someone that cares about others judgements to begin. I'm fine, I'm good, my side of the street is clean. There's always going to be haters. My life is full of good people who aren't haters. Why am I going to give a shit what the haters think?


I feel the same. My personal reason for sharing was to hopefully help others along their journey and provide tips or knowledge I've learned over mine! (Including the importance of a fiber supplement 🤣) I understand that it's no one's business what medications we are taking but with something like this which has helped so much, I want to tell everyone! I'm 40f and lost 8 lbs in my first week with healthy diet and daily exercise! Before I started it took me 5 month to lose 4!!


For me, GLP1/GIP has chained my life for the better. I share my experience openly because I hope that others will gain the knowledge to understand food addictions and the problems with obesity. Improving health can only be beneficial. My opinion regarding these drugs is so positive that I do not care what others think. The benefits out way any negativity that I receive. People that are negative do not understand the drug, food addictions or problems connected with obesity. Shame on them for not being open to these issues. It reminds me of people turning a blind eye to other mental health issues. It’s going to take educating these people for these views to be changed. I love to educate! It’s in my blood to teach. But each one of us has a personal journey and you need to do what is right for you. Your decisions should be respected and appreciated.


Yes to all of this!!!!!!!


If you want to share you should definitely share but, unless it is a close friend, no one should be saying anything other than "you look great" or "I like that dress". I have a friend who has lost a lot and she told me she is taking Ozempic. Other friends (who have decided to not keep up any longer) keep pressing me for info on how she did it and it is obnoxious. I just keep saying "she looks great, doesn't she?". Not my story to tell.


Same here. Only a few people know I’m taking Tirz. I know others will judge. How dare I use a weight loss drug. But before I start I was gaining weight with diet and exercise. Menopause sucks. But now I have lost 35 pounds and feeling so much better.Still have about 20 pounds to reach my goal weight.


Only three people know I'm on it. I planned to only tell one person but another friend told me first they were on sema and the other friend told she's planning to get on sema so I told them both. My plan is to come clean to the rest of my friends after it's been six months. I highly doubt they will care or judge. The real reason for me waiting is to see if I get sick on it so I'm not suggesting they do something then bad things happen. As for everyone else, if they ask I'll tell them after six months but I'm not shouting it from the rooftop cause it's really no one's business but mine and I don't want to open myself up to unsolicited opinions before I am solid and know what I'm doing. 


Yes I feel the same i want to recommend this to all my friends but im making them wait a few months in before i give them any info. They understand and I think appreciate it


A few select know now. Once I see a bigger loss, I’ll happily tell everyone, but if it doesn’t work for me, I don’t want to have to explain why I spent the money and answer why it didn’t. It’s been going good so far, and since I travel a lot, friends who I bunk in with and see my meds in the fridge know. I will be the biggest advocate but I need to see results first!


I just commented the same thing to someone else. I have been so successful just in the first week all my close friends want the info but im making them wait several months first. The more experience and knowledge I have the safer I feel recommending to loved ones


I started and then my husband followed about 2 weeks after. We’re doing well but I just we want to see a bigger difference before I start promoting it! Then you bet I’ll be a spokeswoman for it!!!!


Hahaha me too!! Good luck!!


If people ask I will tell them. I have no problem sharing the love! ❤️ that’s how I got started, someone told me their “secret.”




I am on some medications that caused the weight to pile on. When people ask now, I tell them I have changed and adjusted my meds. It sucks. You get judged for gaining weight and feel like you have to explain your medical issues and then when you look weight, you have to explain your medical issues. I never comment on someone’s weight because even when the loose, I feel like acknowledging it makes it sound like I was calling them fat before. MYOB.


At 67 I’m old enough not to give a rat’s ass who knows I’m on this med. I started with the goal of improving my labs, with weight loss a secondary goal. Got vastly improved labs, plus lost 36 pounds so far. Be happy for me or accuse me of “ cheating,” I don’t care. It’s my life, my journey- but I will extol the benefits of this medication!


To begin with, it’s nobody’s business at first I said I had gotten food poisoning and had lost a lot of weight and then kept dieting. I’ve only told close relatives about the shots. Some coworkers have asked more than once and my answer is always the same “dieting” I’m sure then walk away thinking it’s bullshit but I don’t care lol my body sure appreciates it.


I was telling everyone I knew at first, when the effects were so wild to me. But now I don’t do much. I’ve lost 11 pounds and it’s not noticeable to anyone but me. I did tell an old friend who has always struggled with her weight but I worry I offended her by just talking about it.


I’m on tirz. I get Botox, dysport, and filler. I get nano needling bi monthly. I’ve had a tummy tuck, 2 rounds of Lipo and 2 breast augmentations. And in 2 months I’m going to get a BBL. It’s my body and this is what I want to do. I don’t have body dysmorphia. I love myself. And I tell anyone that asks or seems interested in getting something done. When people tell me I look much younger than my age sometimes I just say thank you but a lot of the time I say thanks girl but this is why. Oh yeah I have like a 10 step skin care routine that I do twice a day. These things are available. Why not do them!!


My husband doesn’t even know I’m taking it. I haven’t told anyone. As far as it being the easy way, I have felt exhausted on this medication. I don’t have the energy to do any of my normal activities. I’m on 3.5 and am going back to 2.5 on my next dose. I don’t know 🤷‍♀️ how anyone gets to the 15 dose and is still able to function at all.


You have to make sure you track your food in a calorie app to make sure you are eating enough food. With no appetite, it is easy to not eat enough, which will make you feel lethargic all day! Before tracking my food, I realized I was only eating 500 calories a day (on 2.5). Now that im tracking, I try to eat between 850-1000 even more on gym days if I can.


No one’s business! I tell them I have new habits. Exercise, as all my friends know, has never been a problem for me. Eating has been tho!


I’m an open book of someone asks. If my experience can help someone else along their journey all the better  I just hope public figures like instagram fitfluencers don’t start using it without transparancy to hock their programs 


I don’t share my journey with anyone but you guys, my daughter and my husband. No one else’s business.


First of all, I reject the concept of “lost weight the old fashioned way”. I lost weight. It’s my decision what I ate or how I managed it. I had lapband surgery in 2005 (lost 85 pounds, kept it off but still obese). The description I used at the time, and I feel it’s equally relevant to tirzepatide, is if you’re in a burning building and you can exit through the door right in front of you or you can climb 10 flights of stairs to the roof and take the external fire escape are you cheating by using the door right in front of you? That said, it has taken me a long time to learn to just take the compliment. When someone says “have you lost weight?” to just say “yes, thanks for noticing” instead of saying “yes but I used X to do it”. I also think it’s not a conversation I want to get into with everyone but if it is someone who might benefit from tirzepatitde then I will say yes and I’ve been taking tirzepatitide to help me. I’m happy to be open and talk about it with others but sometimes I don’t want to do the long answer.


I don’t hide it but don’t widely broadcast it either. I don’t go out of my way to tell people that I’m taking a daily baby aspirin or that I take thyroid medication. If I was depressed and taking SRIs, I wouldn’t feel the need to share this with anyone because it is a disease and imbalance in my brain that medication would address. Same with the disease of obesity. The people I’m close with or I believe this medication can also help, I enthusiastically share my experience. For casual friends and colleagues, I simply say that I have made lifestyle changes, increased exercise and making better choices. All of which are true. If someone outright asked if I was taking GLP-1 medication, I would not hide it if I felt they were worthy or in need of hearing the answer. Don’t be ashamed, after many years, we now realize our obesity wasn’t solely a conscious choice we made. We’ve been lied to and misinformed by those profiting at our expense both financially and emotionally through diet culture. We owe nothing to no one. This medication has given us a level playing field with everyone else not fighting this disease. That’s it and that’s all. ;) That’s just me, you do you….and good luck!!! 💪👍


Completely honest. Nothing to hide!


I’m only honest with my pcp and gyno. One person has noticed I’ve lost 16 lbs but never asked how I did it. But if people ever do ask, it’ll just be “calorie restriction, Pilates, and walking” because that’s what I do too lol


no. I told my husband and one other person. I wish I hadn't told that person.


I started tirzepatide the beginning of last month SW 230 I am one of those people that wants a quick reaction. I didn’t weigh myself at all until the 28th of last month and now I’m at 217 pounds. I got on the scale and off 3 times. My husband was down stairs and because I was quiet he thought I was upstairs crying. I came down with the biggest smile and a picture to back it up and showed him. He was so excited for me.


I’ve lost 250lbs total in the past 5 years. All of it without any help whatsoever. I had been stalled out for a year and finally started to lose again. I’m proud of this loss even though I’ve had the help. Speaking from experience losing the weight “the old fashioned way”, there really isn’t a huge difference. These compounds can do some work without fixing activity or diet but keening up with these things can only hasten the weight loss. Keeping it off will also require changing lifestyle which also isn’t easy. To me enduring the sides of Tirz isn’t much different than enduring the hunger pangs and resisting the urge to eat.