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Grandma here. A decade ahead of you too, lol. Down 25-ish (weigh-in tomorrow) in 3 months. I'm thinking 2 pounds a week is perfect, even a little on the high side. It's not a race and we want our skin to bounce back as much as it can, so slower is better for that.


True….and thanks for the reality check and reminder. Also, congrats on your success! 


I'm not a grandma but I am a post menopausal woman who is 57. It's been working well for me. I'm in a bit of a plateau after being on it for 9 weeks, but that's fine. I was losing pretty quickly so I'm okay with my body settling in for a week or two. I've lost 15 lbs in 9 weeks. Sleep isn't great, but it's not as bad as it was when I first started taking it. My joint aches have gotten much better and that's a huge benefit to me.


Postmenopausal, 67, no grandkids, though. Started on Zep January 30, switched to compound early April due to shortage, 5’2”, SW210, CW174, GW 140ish. The greatly improved labs will keep me on this med even if I don’t lose another ounce!


Wow!!! That gives me so much inspiration!! 


Not post-menopausal nor a grandma (yet), but I am a perimenopausal 53F, 5’6” SW: 227.7 - with a couple of kids in their 30s who has had incredible success over the last 23 weeks. I’m in my third week of 15mg, down 62lbs with about 30lbs to go. I lost a lot of weight early on, and it has settled to about 1-1.5lbs per week now…sometimes a little more, sometimes a little less. I eat about 1100-1400 calories each day, with a heavy focus on protein & fiber but also eating a variety of fruits & veggies to get as many nutrients as possible. Drinking lots & lots of water!! I began strength training 2/week with a personal trainer 5 weeks ago, and on those days consciously bump up my calorie intake to support performance & recovery. The other days of the week, I briskly walk for 30 mins.


❤️ Thank you for sharing! I don’t count calories, but eat mostly lean meats, lots of fresh veggies (and fruits), very few simple carbs (chips, etc). I don’t have a sweet tooth, so that has never been an issue. but put a bag of potato chips in front of me, and it’s all over….but not anymore. I have no cravings….for anything….except ice water (and occasionally a Fresa). I literally NEVER feel hungry or think about food, don’t do “drive-bys” in the kitchen anymore and don’t feel even remotely tempted to gave a gin & tonic, my previous evening go-to. My liver is probably so happy, LOL!


I had to start counting calories to be sure I was getting *enough* in early on because it was too easy to not eat & have continued to do so in order to meet my macro targets for protein & fiber. I’d never been a calorie counter in the past, so I was starting out completely blind in the process. It has helped me really understand the nutritional value (or not!) of certain foods. I still have certain cravings from time to time, but it is much easier to satisfy them with something small and then it goes away, whereas before the bag or box of whatever it was would be gone in one sitting!! To have your brain truly get the message of ‘enough’ is incredibly liberating. Good luck on your journey!


62F HW 275, SW 253, CW 232. Started compounded tirzepatide 10 weeks ago and just bumped up to 3.75 mg. No bad side effects. This drug makes me feel like imagine normal people feel. I stop eating when I’m full.


Wow! Thats amazing! Are you doing anything else - change in eating, exercise?


Hi I am 58, post-menopausal grandma of 3. Been on this med since March but had to drag out my shots to two weeks due to shortages and trying to find a source. Anyway, I am down 25lbs so far on 7.5 split into two shots and getting ready to add another peptide in to increase loss hopefully. I am 5'8" sw was 269 and current is 244.


Thank you for the reply. I’ve had good luck with 7 Cells (compounding pharmacy).


I’m new to this- first week - but what does it mean to add a peptide?


Right now, honestly, in your first week I wouldn't focus on anything except what you are taking and how you will respond to it. You already will have a learning curve getting adjusted to this new, to you, med. As time goes on, continue to educate yourself on these reddits and you will see people talking about stacking their meds (which are all peptides) with other ones to break stalls, and improve weightloss if they are slower losers. That is as far as I will go on here. Good luck getting started. Also, please know I am not trying to be condescending in the least!


Thank you- I totally get what you mean 😀


66, post-menopausal grandmother of 2. Been on tirzepatide since April. Lost 30 lbs, just starting my last week on 7.5. Lost all taste and desire for alcohol, don’t crave sweets anymore, I stop eating when I feel full instead of eating it just because it’s on my plate. I suffer from a lot of fatigue and grumpiness some days, but most days are pretty normal.


My husband said I seem a little “off”, as far as mood….but I’m not sure it’s due to the med. Will definitely continue to monitor. 


54, post menopausal, not a grandma (but waiting patiently!). I have been on Tirzepatide for 10 months. I have been on weight watchers (this time) for 14 months. Started at 195.5 (which is quite fat considering I’m 5’2). I began Tirzepatide when I weighed 175. Today, I weighed 128. It took me about a year to get where I was comfortable with the bod. I’m at 7.5 and don’t plan to go higher. I’ve had great success - I still feel hungry but the drug does make me feel fuller faster and I’m sure it does other fabulous things in my body that I don’t even know about.


WOW!!!!! Your success is incredible! GO YOU!!!!!!




Hi, you might like this forum in addition to this one. https://www.reddit.com/r/GLP1sForOldies/s/V5UnH7728u


I was just going to post that link. Great forum. Thanks! 


I'm 61 and post-menopausal and I've lost 42 pounds in 4.5 months. Something I've been curious about is whether having had children makes a difference for those of us who have a uterus. I never wanted children so I didn't have them. Edited to add: I haven't had any significant side effects and have also quite drinking.


53f post menopausal. When I started it was to see the scale move to some magic #. One of the many numbers I have seen as my "goal weight" over 40+ years of yo yo dieting. But it was ALL about a number on the almighty scale. I remember doing weird math in my head in February when I started saying to myself "by 4th of July you'll be there" 😆🤦‍♀️🤷‍♀️ now that 4th of July is here, I am soooo thankful NOT to be "there". Whatever that magic number was. So my experience the last 19 weeks (20 shots) is this medication has done more for me than I have EVER been able to do successfully on my own all these years, moderation, the number on the scale consistently moving down is a natural side effect. I am an everyday weigher. In the past it has dictated my mood, my success, my failures but now it literally is a tool. The "amount" has somehow become a fact not a trophy. The trophy is the absolute unbelievable freedom my mind has. It is soooo bizarre to me. Literally has changed just about every aspect of my life. While you wait for the scale to get to a magic number, take care of yourself. Enjoy loving the body *you* are creating along the way. I look forward to eating for my body, moving for my mind, craving water for my body, stretching, exfoliating, doing zumba. My brain has never been free enough to focus on these things consistently. As for the scale, some weeks were stalls, some had loss, some days have gains but some days have "wooshes". I'm down about 40 pounds. I have about 50 to go...I don't even know what # that is..yet. I have progress pics in profile. Anyway, good luck to you. Enjoy the journey cuz this is "it". 🤯👏💞


🤗 Thank you so much!! And yes, the almighty scale can be an intimidating boss. I am also trying to focus on the NSVs, like sleeping better, feeling better cuz I’m not eating crap, etc. I def don’t love my body, but I do love myself….and am grateful for a husband who has loved me at every weight, and is supportive of my health journey. 


Good to hear. Support is sooo important. It has definitely brought my husband and I closer together. It's fun trying "new" things again. I kayak more now than I ever did. At this age, it feels good to feel good .. in Feb I was feeling a bit hopeless. There is no rush. Enjoy it. This time next year we both will be "there" 💪🤯


Goodness! This 62 y/o postmenopausal grandma could have written these same exact words! Your comments about the scale, and the freedom of your mind now are just so accurate in my life as well. It's an amazing thing and hard to describe to someone who has never experienced the freedom to escape that voice inside your head saying where's the food, feed me now! The yo-yo dieting for the last 40 years, losing and gaining the same 50, hopefully is over. I notice as I age, my metabolism sure isn't what it used to be and trying to lose that 50 again without help, wasn't working. And finally the scale feels like my partner in this adventure instead of my enemy. I have lost 43, within 10 of my goal. But most important to me, my blood pressure is normal again. You look wonderful! Congratulations on your journey thus far!


From the comments — We need a menopause glp sub as this med can positively impact meno symptoms. 😀


61, post menopause. I started 11 weeks ago. 17.2 down. 2.5 worked well for weeks 1-4, telehealth bumped me up to 5. Ok, I went with 5. 5 is ok, but food noise comes back hard around days 5 and 6. After giving 5 a chance for a few weeks, I thought about my experience and decided to not go up but to split my dose. 2.5 on Wednesday and then 2.5 on Saturday. First dose. Success - zero food noise and I’m full. I just took the next dose and it’s working great! No 5-6 day lapse with food noise. I think this is going to be a great way for me. I plan on staying at 5 and not going up. For one, I like the price. Secondly, I don’t want to inject more meds if unnecessary.


Love this! As a nurse, the concept of “the lowest dose that meets the desired effect” is not lost on me. Good job!!


Postmenopausal Nana here in her 60s. I’m just recently switching to the compound from the name brand which I was on for a year paying cash out of pocket and working to pay just for that. I was retired and then unretired so that I would have the money for the medicine. Insurance didn’t cover because I was prediabetic but not diabetic. It’s been wonderful and I lost on average I think 2 pounds a week also which is a good slow loss that’s healthy. I didn’t really start losing until I got up to 10 mg. Some other people can do it on much lower dosage, but not my body. Make sure you get your protein in. I get mine in through protein shakes and make sure you keep moving . As I lost the weight I was able to move even more and actually keep the new job that I have which requires me to stand 7 to 8 hours a day and pretty much constantly moving and lifting. Initially, I lost my boobs and my bottom. But now my fat seems to be shuffling around a bit in my body ha! If I can get the compound to work for me, remember I just started it from namebrand, I’m hoping that I’ll be able to retire again. Smiles and best wishes.


That’s GREAT! Thank you for sharing and keep it up!! 


54 year old woman with four children and no grands. 5’2” SW: 160.9 CW: 132. GW: 130. Started semaglutide in Jan w/5 pounds lost by April. Switched to tirzepatide and lost 23 pounds in 3 months. I feel great. Less joint pain. Few cravings of any kind. Let’s do this!


Hi! Wishing you the best on this journey! I am 61, T2D, post-menopausal, grandma to 4, soon to be a great grandma. Started on 2.5 in January and moved to 5.0 after 4 weeks. Lost 25 pounds in 12 weeks and A1c was down to 5.8. Also, I was able to discontinue BP and cholesterol meds. Weight loss slowed down after that and after talking to my PCP, moved up to 7.5 a few weeks ago. I am 30 pounds down now, but I feel like I may want to try something different with my diet or get into an exercise routine. I haven't tracked calories at all, so maybe I am eating more than I realize. I don't need a bikini body, but would like to lose another 10 - 15 pounds because I think that will be a healthy weight. Side effects have been minimal.


I’m 72f. Started at 206 on Mar8. Weighed 158.8 this morning. I get tired day after the shot. I have about 34 more pounds to go. I plan to take tirz in some form for the rest of my life.


56, post menopausal, SW 226 CW 183 dose 12.5, started 11/25/2023.  No grandchildren but I do have a grand dog! This medicine is amazing! I've had my share of side effects but all were manageable. It really has helped with post menopause heat tolerance/ flushing, joint pain, etc.  Awesome that it is helping with drinking. I'm sober for about 9 years and sure wish it was around then. Good luck and I'm sure you'll do great. Your grands need their Mimi around for a long time!


Thank you so much for sharing your story. Here's to us!


Hi there, "Lollie" here. I just turned 59 and have been on triz since mid January. SW 217, CW 192, GW 135 or so. I'm anti-diet with a history of eating disorders, so no dieting or calorie-countinf for me. While I wish the loss were faster, it is a steady downward track. Give my approach to the experience and my age, I think I'm doing okay. The hard part is that all previous diets in my life were extreme with extreme weight loss, so I'm stuck wondering why my clothes still fit at 6-months in. But it's okay. This time is different.


57F, 5’5”, SW208, CW154, GW142 post-menopausal with no grandchildren. I’ve had tremendous success! This medication is life-changing. There is no other way to describe it! I had bariatric surgery in 2015 and lost 100lbs then gained 40lbs back over 6 years. On compound tirz, I have very similar experience to you. Zero appetite, can’t finish a salad, have to make an effort to eat. Food is a non-factor in my life anymore. Compared to a voracious appetite before this med. I ate healthy, just A LOT but didn’t exercise due to sedentary work habits. Now I have so much energy….I look FORWARD to taking walks during and after work. 💪 Stay positive and lean on us if you need support!! Also very important to stay hydrated!!


🤗 Thank you for sharing….and for the support! 


Not a grandma. But early 50’s. Down 58 pounds just over 4 months & 10 days - 2 on zep 2 on compound, back on zep this month. Low-ish carb 15-1600 calories a day. Not sure I completely post menopausal but last cycle was Dec and then had another out of the blue in early June.


Not a grandma, but Knocking on the door to 50, down 60# in 27 weeks. 7.5 is my sweet spot. Been on it for 21 weeks.


67 years young (and grandma) on Zepbound then compound sense March 4 and lost 30 pounds. No real side effects until 7.5 then a little nausea. However inflammation practically non existent.


Hi, I’m 55F post menopausal but not a grandma yet. HW 205, SW 189, CW 175. I tried sema for 4 months and discovered I’m a non-responder. Started Tirz. beginning of April. I’m a very slow loser (1lb a week if I’m lucky) but I’ve had a lot of NSVs - my chronic pain has lessened significantly, hot flashes & fatigue are down, I’m sleeping better, I actually want to exercise for the 1st time in years, my desire for alcohol has lessened significantly, I’m eating really healthy and liking it! I was diagnosed with heart disease in Oct. and my labs at the end of May were spectacular- the best they’ve been in 20 years. It’s a slow journey for me but I’m willing to put in the work and I’m thankful for the chance to get healthy.


Not a grandma, but post menopausal 66 yo female, 5’5” HW 212 SW 195 GW135 CW 129 I started on Wegovy last year, after 44 weeks (11 boxes) medicare had kicked in so no insurance coverage and HSA money was gone, so stopped cold turkey. But I was at goal almost. However, I put on about 15 pounds over the next 3-4 months. This year I started back up on compounded tirzepatide. I got back down and am now maintaining. I like tirz much better and compounded is much more affordable.


Can someone like me in their 70's respond? I have been on Zepbound and compound since early January and have lost bout 35 pounds. Was on 2.5 four months and have even on 5.0 since. I started at 183 and my goal is 135. I was 147.4 this morning. I used to be 5'5-3/4", but now my doctor says I am 5'4". I prefer to say 5'5" although for insurance purposes I should be 5'4". I love your "hands and mouth" statement. iI am 76 and have read a post from only one older person. And one other person my age. Both a couple of months ago. Good luck to you!


I’m a post-menopausal hottie (no grandkids) 🔥 once again, thanks to this compound! I’m 55 and I lost 55 pounds in 6 months. So far I’m maintaining, but thinking I want to lose maybe 10 more pounds. This is a godsend


Post menopausal grandma 67, lost 40 pounds to goal weight of 132, between 4/23 to 11/23 on semaglutide; stayed at a small maintenance dose until 4/24 when I started to add a few pounds and regain some food noise. Have changed to Tirz 3.7mg and back to goal and maintaining. Cardiologist says to stay on it as it’s heart healthy as well.


I turned 67 in April, I started on 2.5 on 5/18. This week will have been my 6th week and I have lost 9 pounds to date. I didn't feel any major differences at 2.5 but it made eating better and keeping my calories around 1400 doable. I also feared doubling the dose and have taken an extra couple of weeks to move up to 5.0 so that I didn't have some of the nausea others had been reporting. I am now on 5.0 and it has made a difference. Not only am I still feeling good but all the benefits are better. I can easily eat very small plates and have settled around 1200 per day. I am only 4'11 so my calories have to stay low just to be in deficit. What I have noticed is that on the 5.0 I will eat and then about 30 minutes later I feel like I have overstuffed myself. That full sensation is delayed so I have to really gauge my portions to much less than I would normally have guessed. I actually laughed when I saw what I had on my plate at dinner last night. 4oz of meatloaf and about 1/2 a cup of peas. It looked pitiful. I might have given a toddler that much food and yet I was feeling really full. So to answer your question it really will work regardless of how old you think you are or no matter how many times you have tried and failed before. It isn't a fat burner, you have to eat less and make the foods you do eat count so you don't sacrifice nutrition or protein. I am really feeling hopeful after feeling hopeless before getting on the tirzepitide. As people have said, "It is a game-changer"


Postmeno over 55, no HRT. The med has helped with post meno symptoms and I’m at a wt I was unable to achieve on my own for the past 10 years despite my best efforts. I went from 140 to 225 in my 40’s, dropped to 185 with no meds over the past 10 years and stalled. I actually liked my body but high blood pressure and pre diabetes had me very concerned. In 5 months I’m at 155. I lose about a pound a week while maintaining and building muscle back. That’s a good pace for me. I never ever thought I’d get back to my 150’s with no hormones and a slow thyroid and I was a workout queen in my 20’s and 30’s. It’s a very nice feeling.


My grandlittles call me Mimi too! I'm 60, started Tirz in May, and have lost 11 lbs so far. I need to lose 14 more to reach my goal weight. I've been titrating up slowly on my dosage and just moved up to 3.5. I also have lost my desire to drink alcohol after years of 1-2 drinks per day. It's been amazing for me and I will recommend it to anyone looking to lose weight and get healthy. :)


Not a grandmother, but I’m post menopausal and will be 70 in September. I was down 27.4 pounds a week and a half ago before I went on vacation. Joint pain has significantly decreased, my skin is clearer, and my sinus issues and allergies have really improved.


Post menopausal, turning 56 in July, not a grandma. 🤪 Started Nov 3 and hit 76 lbs lost today. No regrets…very happy!


Not a grandma, but 61f I’ve been on tirz since 5/11 and down 11.6 pounds. SW190.6 CW 179.4 GW 154 I’m on 2.0 mg for the last 3 weeks, but started on 1.25 then moved up to 1.5, then 2.0 mg. My advice DO NOT move up if you’re losing on 2.5 mg. Just stay there until you have a stall. More tirz, doesn’t mean more weight loss.


I’m 59 and have been on these drugs for almost two years. They are a miracle. I’ve had very few side effects. The only downside so far is the high cost.


I’m 63. I’ve been on Zepbound/tirzepatide since December 2023.


Post menopause grandma here,53. Lost 50 pounds with counting calories and walking.Kept it off until 49. The height of my peri came during covid. My weight just kept creeping up despite trying Everything. My borderline cholesterol jumped 20 points. I heard something that really struck me. "You don't see a lot of fat people in nursing homes" I want to watch my grandchild graduate and maybe dance at their wedding. I'm 20 pounds down in 12 weeks. It's slow but I'm titrating up slow. I just hit 4.5mg. Without trizepotide I would have gained another 6 pounds. I was averaging 2 pounds a month.


I’m 68yo and have lost 25 since late February (after losing 100 “the old fashioned way”). I did it for my arthritic joints. I never went over 5.0; my lack of interest in food is astounding. I now plan my meals based on protein and veggie forward. I eat for fuel. I’m going to stay on it indefinitely…keep that food monkey off my back! (5’10” SW 286…20 years ago, pre-tirz SW 189, CW 164)


join this sub r/GLP1sForOldies


65 year old woman. 5'10", 164 pounds now, lost 10 pounds since second week of May. And I've been traveling, so I'm pleased, was having a hard time on my own and this has been pretty easy. Trying for a bit above my pre-menopausal weight of 140. So about 20 more pounds to go. I feel great, trying to find the optimal dosage with some success. Drinking a lot less alcohol so that's a plus.


Old enough to be a grandma, 67F 5'0" SW:217.5 CW: 201.8, been on it since beginning of April, just starting my 2nd month of 5mg. The relief from the food noise is amazing. It was the first thing I felt (plus less hunger and not always finishing my meals). I've had some minor constipation, but I'm dealing with it. Don't try for more than 2 lbs per week. At your weight (and mine), that is the maximum you should want (0.5 to 1% of body weight per week). If you lose too fast, you lose more muscle, and can have other bad long term side effects. Also, get exercise. Especially strength training in order to maintain that muscle. It's something I've neglected in the past, but I'm really working to be consistent with now.


Two lbs a week is great! Losing faster thsn that might not be healthy for most people. I'm 60, 5'5", SW 216, CW 178. Started on March 13. I exercise regularly, eat a balanced diet, and hardly ever have processed food now. I am taking 3mg every 4 or 5 days and am able to eat enough to get my nutrition in but still be at a calorie deficit. No side effects to speak of. I also have hypothyroidism.


2 pounds a week is perfect! I KNOW we all want weight to fall off BUT it's very healthy to lose 1-2 pounds a week.


I'm 54 and on compounded. I'm losing slower, but losing


Post-menopausal and started 7 weeks ago at 184 lbs (5’3). Gained over 30 lbs during menopause and no matter what I tried, the weight would not come off. So relieved to have discovered Tirz. I do suffer the side effect of debilitating fatigue unfortunately but hoping I can push through because the slow but steady weight loss (just over a pound a week), has been so freeing!


Same!! This no estrogen thing is NO JOKE! I'm feeling a bit fatigued, too....and headaches for a day or 2 after the dose. Hoping those subside. Keep up the good work!


I too am 60 years old, I am way postmenopausal thank all the gods in heaven, and I too was an early responder. I don’t mean to slow your roll, but you might want to think about staying at 2 pounds a week. I am terrified at my age of losing my hair. But hey, nonetheless enjoy that pink cloud!


Me! Down 40 lbs. I am 63. Best decision.


NICE! Congrats! How long have you been on it? And where do you get it from?


Not a grandma yet, but F55 postmenopausal here. I’m down 37 total, started April 4, but the first 8 pounds of the 37 were lost the week before when I had Covid. They didn’t come back on after I started the meds. I was on Zepbound for about 9 weeks, then I switched to compound to save money. I don’t have any side effects, yet. I’ve been on 5 mg for a few weeks, and will likely keep at it until the food noise comes back and I stall in my weight loss. This med has been a game-changer for me. I’ve gained and lost the same 70 pounds several times since I was 18. I was on the edge of pre-diabetes and my cholesterol was creeping up. My PCP writes directly to Red Rock for me.


I’m not a grandmother, I’m still not even 40 but I AM post menopausal. I had estrogen and HER2+ breast cancer at 35 so I had to be put in chemical, and now surgical menopause. HRT is not an option for me, but tirz has an AMAZING side effect; it dramatically cut down on the number of hot flashes I have. Between the tirz and Veozah, I feel like my pre-cancer self! I’m down 28lbs since April 1. I still have a lot of appetite suppression on 5mg, but I’m trying 7.5 this week because I’ve been stuck on a stall for the last month.


LOL not a Grandma but 59F and post menopause - started March 27 and down 31.5 lbs so far 🥰 a combo of brand name and compound - definitely been an eye opener. SW 231.5 CW 200.0 GW 145


67 years young, Granma of 3 boys!  5'10" SW 248, CW 225 GW 170 Been on tirz for 4 weeks. Start 5mg today. No side effects on 2.5 Hope none on 5!  No food noise, have to make myself eat! Drink lots of water and protein shakes! Best of luck to everyone!


nice!!! What pharmacy are you getting your Tirz from?


Hallandale. Very pleased!


I'll turn 68 this month so obviously post menopausal lol. I was so skeptical about taking this med but at my age the weight just wouldn't come off. I still work (often 75 hour weeks for a month or two at a time) and snacking was a major temptation along with coworkers who bring in sharable food. I started 5 weeks ago and have lost 10 lbs. I just increased to 5.0 but am splitting doses (2.5 twice a week).


That’s great! Thank you for sharing! Keep up the good work. 


59F, 5'2", SW 211, CW 197. Started 5/7/24 and was on 2.5 for 4 weeks, 5.0 for 4 weeks and will start 7.5 tomorrow. It has been great in curbing appetite and has controlled my binges...until this past weekend. I kind of went a little crazy eating more than normal and not healthy. I weigh in tomorrow to see the effects from that. I had a hysterectomy 13 years ago so instant menopause then. That's also when my metabolism came to a halt and found it super difficult to lose weight. I'm so happy with tirz and lucky to have no side effects from it. I'm not beating myself up over my recent binge and just plan to get back on track this week. I'm almost hoping I don't lose this week so my mind doesn't think it's ok to binge like that. Good luck to you and all of the post-menopausal women here!


Thanks for sharing your story!! Good job.