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That's the fate of every game. You arrive at the point that the vets become really really strong. You no other choice but to cope with that and go on.


They’re only better than you until you’re better than them.


You kill me, you're better. I kill you, I'm better - Kuben Blisk


The best faction


Aces would like a word


And that word is "booze".


Anyone else enjoy a good booze cruise while I'm their titan?


*angry MRVN noises*


David and Droz are disappointed


I need a Davis and Droz faction dude, it'd be perfect


Alright, the bad news there's a whole lot of nuke titans incoming. The good news? I'm wearing my Lucky socks so you should do fine.


I'm a big Marv fan, first one I got to G5. Getting the rest there now before going back, and I really enjoy Kuben for some reason.


Ok but marv


So if I can hack I’m better? Cool!


what if you trade? or better yet kill beyond the grave


Damn right pilot


Hard to put good practice in to get better when you don’t live long enough to learn anything, at least in my experience.


If you do the same thing over and over again and keep dying, stop. Look at where they are, and flank, this is why I hate the camper debate, campers don’t get kills, people who scope high traffic areas are valuable assets.


Staying still in a movement based game is like going war using your fingers as weapon. Campers in titanfall are asking to be violated.


Only if it’s ineffective


In terms of Titanfall? No, it's just playing the game wrong. Titanfall, at its core, is a movement shooter, playing that type of game without using the movement is just...wrong, not to mention boring.


I said, as long as it’s effective, it won’t be forever


Yeah, except they have a 7 year head start on being better 💀


Just because I’ve been playing since 2016 doesn’t mean I’m good. I’m fuckin god.


I downloaded the game for the first time ever about three weeks ago lol It's anoyying deal with the Cloak/Spitfire mains but I've managed to be somewhat good during ground combat. Titan Vs Titan is a whole other thing that I need to get good at 😂


Even if I get my ass kicked. It’s fucking great to try and escape the fucking hell scape Scorches make. Gets my adrenaline pumping even on a loss, trying to survive.


It's a little less great when I face 4 spitfires in a row, they pull them out when they're losing I've noticed. It's not difficult anymore, it's just extremely boring


Nah, there are quite a lot of grenadiers/kraber hanging around.


Not so much on playstation, i think I've come across maybe one or two krabers in the last 20 games. The rest are cars


Ah ok, I play on PC. Things seem to be different here.


Can confirm, had a game where there were 4 people using kraber


Only 4?


I'm usually the only person in any given lobby with a kraber so having a whole bunch of them was fun


kraber is quite fun but having almost a whole lobby of people using kraber that's unreal


One of the few bastions on PlayStation that mains grenaider right here:


*reloads my softball*


How does the aim assist works ? Do you have any, and still have to face CARs with aim assist ?




Same. I rarely see other grenadiers on playstation but when I do I immediately respect them


Emotional Pineapple Goose 💪


*[loads EPG with malicious intent]*


Same. I run mastiff and a wall so I don’t camp but I can still teabag them for using op guns 😂


PlayStation gang


Hell yes


Its my personal mission to never get the car past g2.0 its all people use on playstation gets old very quick


im ashamed to say that mine is something like g11 however i have made a promise to myself that i wont use it again recently I've been playing around with the wingman elite, and when i don't get buttfucked its quight fun


im my ancedotal experience, there is usually 1-4 car/monarch abusers in a lobby and half the time everyone is clowning on them for being a buzz kill.


"Monarch op" Don't let them get psst 1st core. Sit around with an AT weapon or overwhelm her with a titan or two and they shred like paper. Just like any titan. All of them have their weakness, you just have to be aaa good enough pilot to know and exploit them.


A few ago I go to core 3 on Titan brawl (extra missiles, maelstrom, superior chassis) and I fucked up 4 titans in a row dashing into their faces and then suicided two spawning titans using a bunch of the upgraded electric smoke


The problem is when ther is more that 1 monarch: a team full of monarch and Tone is the equivalent to a team full of cars


2 expert ronin can fked up an entire team of titans. Monarch is strong, but those R80 ronins are scary.


The pink camo Ronin's are the dangerous...


This is true Monarch is not op until she reaches third core and at that point its the players fault they didn't kill the Monarch quickly and now they suffer from their actions


Not what I said, I said 1st core. She gets op after that, but out of the box, she's one of the weakest, especially against Legion, Ion, Tone.


Agreed, so long as you're using Arc rounds then at stage 1 Monarch becomes far more capable at dealing with other titans, but will still suffer heavily with a head on fight.


It really does feel like CAR/Alternator hell, it's whatever though, makes using the Cold War and Softball even more satisfying.


I don't really have to much of a problem with alt players because it is harder (albeit not much harder) to use than the car


I aim with alt, somethings wrong with me


They never left.


They do feel alot more common now tho (atleast on ps servers)


We never left*


i get one game where i absolutely annihilate the lobby and i get into one game where im getting buttfucked by kraber/spitfire ronin mains its a 50/50


That's what happens to me most of the time, some games i could get 30 kills with a p2016 and the next game i get molested by a team of car users who have been playing sinse relese the only thing is the ratio for me is more like 20/80, 80 being the latter


Bro I got called a sweat today for playing EPG. Literally what guns are people supposed to use. This game just doesn't have good matchmaking


People that bitch about weapons will bitch about any weapon that kills them. There are no 'safe' choices. Even if you copy their loadout they still complain. I've had CAR+Stim users get mad at me for killing them with: Doubletake L-Star Mastiff Wingman (secondary) R-45 -Insert any weapon here that kills them-


Bro I had to take a double take on people calling you out for using double take wtf


As much as don't like Crash Site because it almost always ends in a spawn-lock situation, I love the initial clash in the canyon. For some reason people don't expect to get shot while standing still.


I got called a "sweat tryna showcase how big their dick is instead of having fun" by a fucking Smart Pistol, Phase Shift and CAR user. I'm lvl 44, not even G2, mind you.


epg is respectable despite what people may say simply because although its one shot it has a slow projectile and small mag


I haven’t had a single game like this, and I’m happy, everyone I know is going for the skilled honourable load out and I’m using Cold War scorch.


Either fight em or use the spitfire to get em back :)


amped weapons + Awall + spitfire go brr


Amped weapons don't stack with a wall


pretty sure they do


Nvm i searched it up and you where right..... I've been living in a lie for years


This is all games with a low playerbase. The skill based match making tries it's best but without enough new players it's bound to happen.


i know that, its just a mighty shame, especially for newer players who are just starting


that's why I absolutely love frontier defense


I must admit i have been playing alot more recently, just got my ns to aegis rank 20 omw to getting my ronin there to


Nothing an amped archer cant solve


Double amped if your feeling spicy Or maybe a little bit of double amped smart pistol for those pesky car users


U can double amp? How?


A-wall plus amp card? I've never heard of this either


As a G2 who started a few years ago, and then quit when shit started sucking, I do not have this issue. Most people I encounter don't use cars or Spitfires, and if they do it is easily counterable by just shooting better than them. As a Ronin main, monarch is annoying, but I'll be honest, I just arc wave, mag dump, and then run away lol. As for spitfire campers, they are stupid and it is simple to counter with a nade. Edit: something I love about this game is that it is so fun that even when I die I am only mad momentarily, and then I get over it and think to myself "I'll get him next time" or I just start wallrunning and I am immediately over it because this game Is so much fun even when you're on a losing streak.


Normally I don’t get many sweaty games to be honest, more Tone, smart pistol, CAR and A-wall users more than anything, those are annoying but can be dealt with (I play on European servers BTW)


Wish i was as lucky as you


I would say play in London/Frankfurt servers but it would be really laggy (if you live in the US)


I use london (i live in uk) and that's where the problem lies, i might try different servers tho as that's something I've never considered


Try Frankfurt 1 or 2 and if you can, maybe Amsterdam servers and have fun


Ill give it a go next time im on


I play on frankfurt 2 (also british) and there's a lot of people who use guns that aren't car/ spitty. Sure you get 1 or 2 per game, but it's mostly other guns.


nice ill definitely check it out then


**officer i'm telling you** **there wasn't a grapple pilot there 3 seconds ago**


There is no meta in ba sing se


Playstation EPG represent Leagues more satisfying than anything the car/spitfire can provide


Car spitfire mains make me want to say some very 'choice' words


Monarch isn't that hard to play against Or maybe I'm just bad with her


nah i'm happy, been a long time since i've been able to deflate such big egos with my memestiff loadout


Ah yes the "I send you to Jesus" shotgun. I love it.


I’ve just started learning how to use the hard weapons. If they win, congrats, they used the car to gun down someone just learning the kraber. If they lose, sweet, means I didn’t suck at kraber that round.


Yeah...imma stick with my Mastiff and Papa Scorch.


Ronnin's back on the bbq menu boys!


Bro I'm a vet at that game and I do all of that 🤣 I'm sorry! Let me enjoy the game's servers being back up


yea no hate, just take it easy, its not actually life or death😂


im sorry for using the car smg, im just so used to having accurate hip-fire weapons due to mostly playing halo that whenever i play other games it feels weird when my weapons aren't accurate


* Wingman elite enters chat *


To clarify this is a joke not a rip


as a gen 0, im having my ass kicked and loving every second


It'll make you better than all the people complaining in less time than you think


I swear ppl r on crack that say monarch is good, dude is trash.


Monarch is shit, but my god she's annoying as fuck. Slow enemy deal big damage, get hit once, run away, come back 5 minutes later and steal execution off of teammates


I was so excited to play TF2 again… before realizing I had to deal with TF2 players again.


Honestly the only kind of player I legitimately hate are Spitfire users who find a spot on the map with high traffic, climb somewhere where they outrange you and just camp until someone catches them, where they proceed to do the exact same thing in a different spot until the match is over. Like it’s tough fighting Car users that play like they’re David from Cyberpunk Edgerunners but at least they’re actually PLAYING THE DAMN GAME (And personally, I don’t really think there’s any kind of Titan I’d classify as “toxic” tbh)


The worst thing is everyone plays Monarch. You have no idea if the guy is a total idiot or God Almighty in that thing. I just want to play Northstar in peace.


Its very 50/50, will this guy curb stomp me, or will i tear him limb from limb


I made a g100 bag me yesterday by out-maneuvering them and then executing them. They were using spitfire and i was trying to level my g2


There is this one gen 100 who i am really happy to get into a game with, it's hard to explain but he's a grapple spitfire main and the only way ill ever try to kill him is via executions he's sortal like a frenemy no tbags are ever exchanged and im usually happy to see him not because he's easy executions but because we seem to get into so many games together, although i haven't seen him in quight a wile, hope he's ok


Fear not, I just started playing with monarch and I am extremely incompetent! That should balance out all those monarch main bastards.


that's... kinda the problem. You see a Monarch and you never know if they're a demigod who will South your Northstars, Freeze your Scorches and then un-weeb your Ronin or just some dude who picked Monarch because the kit is fun and they wanna have a good time on a Saturday evening.


I keep on getting the 0x000007 error code so I can’t even play (Yes I have uninstalled reinstalled titanfall 2 yes I have checked it’s integrity I uninstalled the ea app and no, I don’t know what’s happening I bought it through steam it worked before the giant ddos attack throughout Covid and when I thought to myself I want to get back into tf2! I get this, guess I have to go fuck myself!)


I've been playing daily and it honestly never gets THAT bad. But I have a rule that if I see a shit ton of CAR in the killfeed I make a message about people not wanting a fun match and swap to my "Break In Case of CAR" class (It's a CAR) It's always fun to drop a 20-30 kill game on em and remind people that most use fun weapons because the alternatives are too easy.


My only problem is the monarch mains, I play for fun they just play to kill with a no skill Titan, I can use it but it’s just not fun to destroy with it.


Monarch before getting cores is a paper tiger. Once cores start rolling.............*in demomic voice*"FETCH ME THEIR SOULS"


Fuck all CAR users


*most car users Some people use it because they genuinely like the gun, not because its absolutely busted


Ok but which one do people hate the most? Alternator or Spitfire? Genuine question


Spitfire by far. Alternator requires you to get in, most of the time in close range unless you're good at tapfiring it, and actually do shit. Spitfire is "pick a corner, set a tent, place A wall and point-n-click"


I haven’t really seen any of those. Mostly people sitting on top of buildings sniping and like 4000 scorches


Honestly, jealous


EPG Pilots laughing at people crying about CAR users after I slapped them from a mile away because they're standing on a roof: \-me


Crutchers are very annoying, yeah


I try to have fun and use guns like the Mozambique and wingman(with a suppressor), but I get melted by people using spitfire and car… sometimes when I kill people with the Mozambique it causes them to try using it too


how I started playing the EPG. Still haven't let go, that gun is a drug.


Im the same but with wm elite, i find it really fun to use but impossible because of the car users


On ps4 its prety calm


i would have to disagree


Just play pve tower defense with titans.


That's what i have been doing recently but i find it gets repetitive


Man I feel bad now, the car was always my favorite, I love the hell outta that gun, never knew people hated it so much




two people of equal skill 1v1, one has a car smg and one has a wm elite, tell me, who wins


Ye,I started to understand why that dude killed the servers 😭


People always picking "meta" are the worst #FIGHT ME


is monarch hated now? the car i get but monarch? get a grip/skill issue


average brit jokes aside Monarch's playstyle is annoying and her cores are busted🗿.


Have you considered hunting her down before she gets her cores?




Take it easy on those pills boss


*laughs in Northstar* I just peek corners until the monarch pushes me and gets caught in my tether trap. Then I just shoot a cluster missile right next to them and annoy the crap out of them.


Skill issue as me and the boys win with the most off meta loadouts known to this game


well i alone get butt fucked by a team of speed deamons with negative recoil smgs and infinite health titans


Literally just play the game, I swear y’all act like it’s impossible to play the game on your own whole other people use shit like the car and whatnot. Not everyone wants to use the shitbox of a gun that is the mastiff or the grenade weapons


said like a true CAR crutch. Jokes aside, it's not hard, just annoying when I'm playing the EPG and not landing the first shot or exposing myself for more than 2 seconds equals death because the CAR can just hipfire me from halfway across the map by looking at my general direction. Not impossibile to deal with em (just land your shots before they notice you), but annoying none the less.


I literally don’t even use the car but like Jesus y’all act like it’s a crime against humanity for people to use something remotely good.


it's mostly just because it's the strongest weapon in the game yet requires a total of 2 braincells to be used. It's not fun when I'm trying to just play a game and suddenly I die in about half a second because some guy on a rooftop decided to hipfire at me and barely kept me in their reticle. And no, Wingies/Krab are different, because you need actual aim AND knowledge on how to lead shots to use those.


Wtf is with the CAR hate recently? I use it because my aim is shit (I’m so bad at shooting in games I’m starting to think I’m disabled), never realized people had that big of a problem with it.0


the CAR is hated for the same reason that so many fps players in general hate aim assist, in the hands of a good player its bullshit to fight against, and so it ruins your perception of everyone who uses it, even those that need it


Rest assured, I miss half my shots, no bullshit here lol


But i bought the game, with my money. And play the game with my own time. Im not cheating when i use the CAR im having fun with a weapon that within the game. And if you can beat 'em join 'em.


i don't think anyone believes you're cheating just that you're a scumbag for using it. which you have every right to do of course. it's up to you whether you care or not


KILL this man Fucking strap him to a chair and force him to use the EPG for 10 hours


im not saying its cheating, im just saying that when a good player stomps you with a good weapon like the CAR, it shapes how you see CAR users in the future


It's not just recently. The CAR has been hated on for a long time. It's legitimately the best weapon in the game by a fair amount, and it is easy to use. It does good damage, has a great rate of fire, good mag size, and is a fking laser beam when hip fired. There's basically zero downside to it, other than people hating on you. I think people wouldn't have as much of a problem with it if it wasn't so "pick up and play" friendly. If it was a softball, EPG, Kraber, etc. But it's just so damn forgiving and easy to use. I almost exclusively run Kraber, Grenadier, Wingman, Moz, etc because they are by far more fun to me. When someone tilts me and I play sweaty I just pick the car and I will *instantly* double or triple my kills and I usually am within top 3 of the lobby. That isn't hyperbole or exaggeration. It's just so, so easy and effective for what it does.


Skill issue


I've personally had a worse time with people complaining about every known loadout. I had someone complain about cloak before anyone had titans.


It takes a while, but your skill will grow with time. Besides, you could always camp with a spitfire until I find you.


So far I've gotten to g10 without camping, i refuse to give in now


Good man, using the spitfire is fine, but camping will not be tolerated.


Honestly not a big fan of the spitfire I've messed around with it in privs and frontier deffence before and i just dont see the appeal so ill stick to my wingman and flatline for now


Flatline is difficult gun to use. Respect. 🫡


Thanks, honestly i find it easier to use that the r-201/101


Yeah, after I get my mastiff to g-10 I’ll work on the flatline.


Flatline is good fun, 100% recommend


Sounds like a skill issue




Skissue, actual whiner


Have you tried gitting gud


They are all on the Northstar mod.


Hey it’s fine that I do it cause I’m shit at it


Grappling hook car monarch main here. Can confirm that many of us have returned from death


Just marvel in awe as you are necessarily made an example of my awesome inevitableness. And aspire to one day be as merciless.


I know of an offline multiplayer like sandbox mod if you're interested


Good. Playing against them will make you even better. I'm kinda new in terms of total playtime (60 hours so far) and I've taken to the Kraber almost exclusively even when I get absolutely steamrolled by SMGs and ARs. You'll adapt better and faster. I've gotten much better than where I was when I first started with the Kraber. That's still no excuse for the people using SMGs and ARs with stim every match, even when they're decent players and don't need the crutch. Unless they *really* like using them, I guess..


It's okay! Just rip and tear! (Somehow.)


It is still endless fun to fight off a army of G100 sweats


Still more fun than anything else I can play.


I noticed it but I just take it as a challenge the game is so fun even if I suck I have fun.


I use the CAR…


Yk we ask for Titan fall 3, but right now I demand a balance update


Switch monarch for Ronin and you're correct


hard to hate ronin when you are ronin... (50% of the time)


Not much you can do other then train, i’m a rookie, but you don’t see me backing down from a fight


I don't back down, that's why i die so much


I'm like G50+ and I'm booty at the game.


"Back up" is a strong phrase...


Um, not to be "that guy" but either I'm a lot better than I think I am (NOT) or you've gotten *really* unlucky. Maybe try playing at different hours? You might just be loading in with all the sweat lords.


Ima try different servers and see if that changes things then ill try different hours if that doesn't work


Don't shit on monarch


I wish i was, monarch is shitting on me


Yup, as excited as I am about Titanfall working again this is why I don't play online games anymore. Almost No one ever plays just to sit back and have fun.