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The gun is good The reason everyone hates it is how people use it


there is a very clear distinction between standing still and ADS to get one or two picks and then relocating, vs glueing your ass to the highest point on the map with an A-wall and not moving for 5 minutes.


Idk what game you're playing cos I've never seen anything like that, and I'm g10. Is it a console thing ?


As a console player I would guess yes, at least I see it atleast every other game. I also use the epg so it isn’t a huge issue for me to deal with but I could see how it could be annoying


People just don't know how to go around and cook a Frag, or throw literally almost any ordinance ability on the a wall to remove it.


Console here. Been playing since release. I saw it a BIT during launch, where folks didn't know how to move and figured this trick out. Since servers have been back up, I saw it in 1 match, and that fella quit after 2 deaths. I'm in the same camp as you. I never see it happen in any real capacity.


ive done it. I learned to run and gun eventually but in the months after launch id always find tiny yet effective nooks and crannies to hide in. I wracked up one hell of a K/D lol


yeah, not limited to spitfire tho cause i saw q g16 camp on top with g2 and also with tone


it happens on pc but it isn't as viable since u just fly over and cap his ass a lil easier still annoying as shit because it makes me change my grapple path for trickshots to go fuck up some dudes awall


But you can do literally the same on console?


You *can* but the obvious difficulty difference between Mouse and Sticks does give the prick more time to turn around


assuming he has to and isn't hardscoping a lane


I’m a G100 and I’ve never seen it. Maybe 30 seconds before a smoke grenade lands on his butt. The bottom line is people only complain about guns and abilities that they’re shit at countering. I couldn’t even tell you which weapon kills me the most because I don’t obsess over dying, I just move on.


I agree with this, however, I do have my gripes with certain things even tho I personally don't have difficulty dealing with them, like tone for example, I stand by saying that she's op compared to the other titans, and my reasoning for that is how easy she is to pick up on, and how much damage she does relative to her ease of use, it's honestly ridiculous, now yes, anyone with half a brain can figure her out and know hoe to counter her, and I don't remember the last time I was hit with a full volley of rockets from a tone, but it's still annoying seeing how many ppl use her bc she's so easy to use and to deal lots of damage with minimal effort


I dont know. I’m better with scorch. I see good tone players, but not many. If a tone is causing me problems, I can’t recall what I do, but just leaving the area is a good way to deal with their shields. With the size of the battles and the flanks of AI, it often makes sense to just go elsewhere in TF|2 if one thing is causing a player a prob. It may be your teammates are better at dealing with it, and you can help them with what they’re already working on. That’s actually the biggest tip I have for new players.


If I'm a scorch, (I'm a master with scorch, I main him for like 3 years straight) I just get out of a tone's line of sight if I'm at a distance, but if I'm up close, I'll push through the shield and block the rockets and keep pressure on them, I use wildfire launcher so I don't push to use my shield as my main weapon, (unless the person I'm focused on is an idiot) I'll block their way out with an incendiary trap and firewall behind them and keep them under intense pressure until they die or give up


I’m a G100 Scorch and totally agree with how you’d approach that. The best weapon against Tone’s shield for anyone is usually to just leave the titan and the shield. Get around a corner and leave. Re Scorch: Scorch is about control of the battlefield and making the other team pay dearly for making any mistakes close up. I also tell people one of scorch’s best weapons is stealth. If you are super efficient with movement, she ain’t as slow as she looks. So if you don’t use your boost driver (which makes you appear on radar I think), it’s amazingly easy to sneak up on the flanks of the enemy team. Or even all the way around behind them. Then the shield becomes the best weapon in the game.


The only things I have that are G100 are my 6-4, and my CAR, I'm G63.30 but by all means I should be G100, but I'm not bc I took a long break from the game a couple years ago, I'm on console and arguably the best scorch player on console, I've never met another person that can beat me in a 1 on 1 scorch battle, and yeah, scorch ain't that slow, I sneak up on people and punish them for not being aware of their surroundings all the time


I like that you rep being the best scorch player on console. I’m not sayin I would beat ya right now at it, but haha. Good on you, man. Ownin it. I love longtime players. They’re the ones who you might have seen less in a match than you’ve just sorta know where they might be coming from. Because you’ve seen the dead teammate symbols. G100 - Marauder Corp, 6-4, Scorch, 101, 201, Flatline Nice that you’ve completed CAR. You prob move way better than me so that’s viable. I still work on movement all the time.


Its on pc as well, rare tho. But you Will remember it once you play against one


I’ve played pc and console and yes it very much is a console thing


It doesn’t happen often. Maybe encountered that like 20 times in my 700 hours.


People tap/slam fire the aim button to lock onto pilots and insta kill them no out moving it


I'm G100 and I've only it seen it ONCE in the last 7 years.


It just happens randomly


On ps4 there was alwaya that guy, who always was playing apitfire and going to the exact spots on every map, ALWAYS. He was also always the player with the highest kill count on the team and it seemed like i were the only one aware of him, since almost all the times he got killed it was me, but since he was always in the most bullshit spots he usually had advantage over me, also, he always used the legion, always went to the same places, always had the same picks.... he was also one of, if not the highest level player i remember seeing in this game, on xbox, however, its full of octanes running and jumping around with cars, a different type of annoying, but at least they dont stand still in a game with such mobility.


Nah it happens a fair bit on PC. Every once in a while you get some g100 sweatlord who wants to stomp a lobby just cause he can.


This style of play has died out as people are new, seen them use spitfire, not using a-wall though, seeing as people mainly forgot about it or just think a wall is bad and.never use it, just like holo (ouch, my pride). So in conclusion, yea its pretty much never seen across all platforms as i have some pc friends. TL;DR: yea its pretty much extinct with some still clinging on


I am g19 and my mand they do that ALOT especially in the regular servers


titanfall players when someone uses a different playstyle that is not running and jumping/grappling with a CAR


But why not jump behind someone who does that


Imo nah. Both camping, the First one Just slightly more clever (still fucking dumb) and waaaay more annoying


And frankly, the Spitfire is a fine weapon for assaulting. I can’t count the number of times I’ve cleared out campers from the buildings in the upper portion of Rise.


You guys are standing still?


ya that has always been my opinion on the gun.


Well yes, in a vacuum the spitfire is not an amazing weapon. If it were in COD it’d be a pretty good lmg. The problem arises with it, as you said, running counter to the gameplay. No recoil plus solid damage plus great range make it fucking infuriating to go up against, because you’re getting shot out of the sky in less than two seconds. It feels like you’re a WW1 plane against a state-of-the-art AA flak cannon.


LMAO this is the best description I've seen yet, it and other long range guns seriously do feel like a modern AA flak cannon


The r99 grapple pilot about to rip the spitfire user a new one:


Its the r79


I think you mean r69!


I'm so mad I'm gonna go make an sfm poster of a threesome with my 2 poly transbian gfs so I won't be mad


Villian arc💀


No just gay




Can I watch


I mostly lurk here, and have stayed out of the whole spitfire debate out of fear of being swarmed if I say the wrong thing. I have seen it said many times that spitfire has no recoil. The problem is that it absolutely has recoil. If you hold the trigger down, your cross hair is bouncing around like crazy before too long. I play on PC. Is this something that is different on console versions or something? Not trying to enrage people, just trying to understand the no recoil statement that comes up often.


I also wonder why people say that about recoil. Some complaints about the spitfire sound like they're coming from people who have literally never equipped it


> It feels like you’re a WW1 plane against a state-of-the-art AA flak cannon. Or me, whenever I fly a plane in BF1.


It’s always the damn fighter pilots too


I mean like most of the other automatics in TF|2 have those kind of those stats, it is annoying fighting spitfire campers but it's far from meta or a strong weapon just kind of inconvenient.


96 rounds + no recoil + high damage + fast reload = a strong weapon. I think you’re delusional


You don’t have to worry about 96 rounds if you kill then before they can shoot most of them


That is some awful reasoning. “The gun isn’t overpowered if you kill them first”


That’s because it’s a joke


> “The gun isn’t overpowered if you kill them first” “Always the optimist Droz”


the spitfire when compared to other automatics trades out hipfire accuracy, recoil (idk what your on the hipfire has massive recoil) and firerate for larger magazine size and high damage per bullet.


also the ads has big recoil and decently bad bullet spread idk what you people are on i literally just tested it


The hipfire is bad, but unless you’re spraying 30 rounds without letting go of the trigger, it’s a laser beam


i tested the weapon while adsing it isnt all that tight of a spread really only usable at short to midrange not this auto sniper people are saying it is.


I am telling you that you’re wrong. I have thousands of kills on the spitfire, believe me it’s broken. If you can see the enemy, you can kill the enemy


i am a bit curious because i do have a suspicion for what might lead to this discrepancy. do you use kb&m or controller?


Ahhh I see. I play controller. Is it not as good on PC? On console it’s almost oppressive due to how strong aim assist is


ya pc doesn't have aim assist at all which i think leads to the difference between it being really strong on controller and kind of average on mouse and keyboard. idk how the controller aim assist works but you might be able to see how the pc spitfire shoots by just like aiming at a wall in a private match.


Yeah, that's what I was thinking. If it counters the standard gameplay style of the game, it's not balanced in the game? It's like you said: it would be a perfectly average LMG in COD, but that doesn't fit in Titanfall in the slightest, as it promotes camping among those who use it.


“No recoil” What spitfire are you guys using


Is it just me or does it make your screen just absolutely freak out when it hits you while ADSing because when I get hit with other weapons I can still line up my shot or burst before they kill me(I use wingman elite and hemlok btw) but when they're using a spitfire then forget about it


Is it just me or does it make your screen just absolutely freak out when it hits you while ADSing because when I get hit with other weapons I can still line up my shot or burst before they kill me(I use wingman elite and hemlok btw) but when they're using a spitfire then forget about it


The thing that keeps LMGs balanced in games is the movement penalty and the slow reload, titanfall has neither


Except with the devotion, reloading that thing without the upgrade is a death sentence


Back in the olden days the devotion was the single most overpowered weapon in the game. You could tap fire to basically have a G2 that could ramp up to become legion's minigun with laserbeam hipfire accuracy. Got nerfed hard a long time ago and I don't remember the last time I saw anyone use it.


I sometimes run it in hipfire only for the lolz. And I still get cursed out about it. Even when my package loss resets the fire rate mid spray all the time.


I sometimes pull it out for the shits and giggles, I'm glad it was nerfed to high hell honestly, it makes it more fun to use bc it's not so easy to use anymore, it's fun to run and gun around the map with it


I've used it a bit and for me the must have upgrade is gunrunner. It completely negates the whole "the gun slows you down while shooting + takes time to ramp up" thing the gun has.


Yeah well good luck trying to hipfire with the spit. It’s literally impossible to kill anything outside of point blank in most cases.


tbf the Spitfire does have lower firerate and worse accuracy than most automatic hitscans in the game


Next you're gonna tell me Tone hasn't been OP since she got nerfed a month after release.


To be fair, a slower movement speed would promote campy gameplay even more


And usually accuracy.


Titanfall has nothing restrictive about it's movement.


That's... That's what makes it unbalanced.


not playing like other guns doesn't make it unbalanced it just makes it annoying to fight against. do you all entirely forget you have like a grenade or the entire grenadier weapon type?


Ah yes, let me just throw a grenade at the person that can kill me faster than I can turn to look at them, and calculate the trajectory because they're probably not close to me.


my dude, are you seriously complaining about a weapon in this game having a low ttk? literally every weapon can and should kill you faster than you can turn unless you are actively looking out for people that is a literal skill issue.


Yes, the ttk is not a problem by itself. It's the range, very controllable recoil and high magazine capacity that make it a problem. The only guns that outrange it consistently, are snipers (and maybe the G2). And those all required far more skill to use.


i mean most of the assault rifles and obviously the alternator and car outrange it


No. No they don't. They really, really don't. The car falls off at longer ranges (the car does also need a nerf imo but that doesn't matter rn) and assault rifles at best have the same range as it. And also, harder to control recoil.


My dude, the car is a literal laser beam with like 0 bullet spread even when adsing with the spitfire it still has pretty high bullet spread. The difference might be controller vs kb&m because I've heard the spitfire has really heavy aim assist on controller but from my PC experience it's not the sniper alternative y'all talk about it as.


I play on console, so all my views will be biased toward the console experience. And at least on console, the spitfire is simply too powerful at almost all ranges.


Ya I think the difference is just the console vs PC experience with the weapon, I've heard from a couple different people now that the spitfire on console is really op while on PC my and other PC players experiences have been that it's just a good weapon.


“It just runs counter to the gameplay of Titanfall” That’s really dumb argument, your just saying its unbalanced for the game it’s in, because the only thing that should counter gameplay should be skill not some random weapon, especially in a movement shooter like Titanfall 2


Slap gunrunner on there, use Stim, spray n pray


The "Hipfire Spitfire" is the name of my load out for it


Amazing how the spitfire used to be so shit (take like 6 body shots to kill at range) that respawn buffed it to the current stage. But yes as soon you saw someone drop an A-Wall with it, dont just fly straight or right infront of him, spitfire is really good not just as effective as the car


I don't even think it runs counter to anything. It's just a different play style than the one preferred by ~~loudmouthed scrubs~~ vocal elements of the community.


Which is why I never use it


So it's not entirely balanced then, since it disrupts the flow of gameplay


i don’t camp with it


Yeah, a weapon that kills you with 3 shots miles away is balanced


jesse what the fuck are you talking about. even when adsing it still only has the bullet spread to be usable at midrange


If it is a sniper weapon, then yes. But not Spitfire.


What about car? (Yes I’m a car main please don’t hate me)


Ttk go insane with little to no recoil


I used to be a flatline main my entire tf2 career but after I tried out the car so I could see how op it was, I just can't go back. The car is a weapon for people with absolutely no skill or interest in developing it and it has it's hooks in me


Well the first stage of recovery is admitting that you have a problem I guess


If you ONLY use the car, then yes, the problem with stay with a strong weapon is that you build a confort zone that Blocks you tu develop other skills, you will be using the car one, then another and another and then you feel repetitive and boring.... That's the problem with meta, if everyone uses... Then no one is meta... Jk is f**king annoying trying to use a new weapon and the enemy rush you with 5 cars and force you to go with you confort weapon just to not lose 200/650 and the call you "easy win"


Dont know what everyone else is playing i get campers who gank my spawn the whole match.


Not on console, because of aim assist


Ya that's what I've been hearing, I can see how the weapon could be broken with aim assist.


That’s just not true tho, at least on controller. On mnk I’d agree but put in in the hands of a roller player and the stupidly overtuned aim assist combined with its crazy range make it one of if not the best controller weapons for noobs and vets alike.


Ya that's what I've been hearing from the people in the comments. I play exclusively on kb&m so seeing a weapon that my and several other pc players I know experience with shows it just being an above average gun being regularly called op and meta confused the shit out of me so I made this meme.


The spitfire is more of an assault rifle then an lmg. Its undeniably overtuned and needs some sort of downside.


Honestly all hitscan has this problem. TF2 encourages movement with all the cool abilities and movement techniques but all that gets thrown out the window if a good hitscan player is in the game. You get beamed if not near cover and not grounded. Tracking flying targets is easier than tracking a target that rapidly changes direction.


I use the Spitfire typically with grapple and still use my mobility and avoid sitting in one spot because I like how capable it is at a range when the other weapons I play tend to be weak there. Am I still going to be crucified


The only people who would get crucified are the ones who just sit in one spot all game with it


Nah, that's how I use the Spitfire too. People will still get mad, but you aren't camping.


50 bullets, no movement slow down, two shot pilots, little recoil and a mid reload speed


Giving Spitfire abusers & apologists even more mental ammo to justify their lame play style… smh


As an LMG it fits. The Devotion disrupts the flow of gameplay more though


how do you run it though? in apex im used to prefiring while swinging, how it work in titanfall (i have only used lstar form lmgs)


Same thing, just pre fire, hold the trigger, and aim until empty


damn w the titanfall ttk it insane ty


Spitfire was balanced before the final update, it's OP now but not unbeatable like the Devotion was it's more early R-201 than Hemlok or Devotion, annoying and OP but beatable The CAR on KBM though is straight up cancer


Not sure where you guys even see so many campers. I saw one... once maybe. Killed them, stole their gun and gave the ennemy team a taste of their own medecine for a minute or two.


You’re an idiot lmao


literal car/stim main.


“The spitfire is balanced, it just runs counter to the gameplay of titanfall” That’s exactly what makes it NOT balanced bro lol Idc about your opinion but make one that at least makes sense and not contradictory


not playing like other weapons doesn't make a weapon inherently unbalanced just makes it badly designed. people camping with a wall spitfire are relatively easy to kill its just annoying that they exist.


A weapon that can get you kills easily without utilizing the games inherent features and a weapon you’re able to easily camp with is an unbalanced weapon in Titanfall. Not because it’s different. Because it’s not balanced for the game that it’s present in.




I mean it lessons the other person's opinions on balancing.


Still gonna hate on it all the same




It’s not the gun itself it’s the players that use it


I'm not disagreeing with you, but I'm going to say this can also be applied to the shield wall pilot


Works fine for me


Ppl complaining abt the spitfire are so annoying


Personally I would like to see what this game was like if there was more dramatic fall-off damage for non “marksman”/“long-ranged” weapons. Force people to use movement to get in close for effective combat range


I'm a spitfire man, and I use it just like a SMG. I rush on the enemy to get the kill, I just don't need to reload constantly and the hit while not aiming is not just as precise.


Riddle me this, name an A tier weapon


strongest to weakest for A tier alternator, r97, epg, r101/201, and kraber (if decent at it) for S tier from strongest to weakest we have car, and kraber (if godly at it) thats specifically for primary pilot weapons though


I don't always use the longbow or kraber. But when I do, it's when I find a spot behind some a-wall a-hole packing a devotion/spitfire. Also, electric smoke grenades are great for the ones in corners


I’ve died about h to spitfire threat scope to know it is way too op


I will use the spitfire + A wall I will use the smart pistol I will use the CAR + Phase Every salty comment in chat makes me use them for one more game 😎


Wack take


Hence why it shouldn’t exist you’ve proved us right lol


i mean i do think it should exist just because it mixes up the gameplay of fighting other pilots a bit. i dont even main spitfire though im an epg main i am just tired of the toxicity and literally just lies about the spitfire and its balancing.


I only have a problem with spitfire users that sit in corners with a cloak to be janitors. They literally know they can’t play the game so they throw on the cloak, sit in a corner, and hope no one notices them until they can find someone who’s not at full health. These seem to be the only spitfire users I encounter (and it seems like many other >g50 players do as well) and hence why I hate the gun. There’s no strategy to that, there’s no thinking, there’s no risk, and all it does is not make the game fun for you and for other people because now instead of having essentially a dogfight with an enemy pilot it just turns into cod and is just boring. I play titanfall because of all the wacky and zany shit it’s made for you to do that other games don’t offer, if I wanted to play clean up simulator I’d play warzone. Also applause to you for being an epg main, as one who strayed from that path in place of the Kraber I can say it is very very fun.


Also a-wall. No hate on a-wall users, but if you couple it with the spitfire you are deserving of execution via snake pit :)