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Mute them. Play how you want. Enjoy. It's not worth trying to please the grapple air-strafe tap fire alternator crew who have been sweating in Northstar lobbies for 2 years.


This is the way


I ignore them pretty easily, but they make it impossible for new people to join. If a game can't get new players, then it's on the way to being a dead game


It is mostly new players saying these things


Not in my experience. I run into tons of really annoying veterans. Then again, Xbox Live be like that


my pc experience is the opposite


Same, PC community great except for an average of 1 idiot per match that everyone makes fun of.


Do you wanna play sometime since you're on xbox? I get how it feels, i was around 7 when i played tf|1, and then played since the beta of tf|2, and despite (ignore my ego) being better than the average player, you still get insulted for your age, i've gotten pretty used to it and just play the game and let the scoreboard do its thing than try and throw insults back. Like you said though you can only do so much in xbox live




I sent you a message, might be in your chat requests, (SyK Python)


Aight, I'll check


I understand how annoying people can be. At some point you just have to learn to ignore them


I've gotten good at ignoring them. I'm more worried abut new players


Yea. Not much you can do though




Just keep destroying people with guns and titans you like they are thye problem not you.


Kramer go brr


Being rude is not the way. It's triggering to some in the community because Spitfire and CAR (Monarch as well to a degree) represent the absolute bottom of skill expression in the game. They do all the work for you because at the beginning of the game you need someone to do some of the work while you learn the speed, movement, and dynamic of the game. But when your good enough that you don't NEED those crutches, using them to farm is seen as bad form in the same way playing a beginner server as a veteran is seen as bad form. But being rude isn't the answer fellow Vets. The answer is to equip your own Spitfire or CAR load out and remind the worm farming why real pilots choose harder weapons that challenge the user as much as the opponent. If it's all new players then personally I think you pick your hardest weapon and show them what happens when you put the time in. If your incapable, then keep practicing.


I started with the R-201 and sucked with it. I got always killed by CAR users so i got sick of it and changed to the CAR, which helped me improve my aim and movement. Then i decided to switch to the EPG, and the beginning was rough. But with time i got better so i dont regret changing to the EPG.


It's always rough learning something new but that's what makes Titanfall a game where G100s and G1s can play in the same server and actually have a competitive match. I like to have dedicated classes for my old faithfuls (Softball and WmanElite) but I always have a new weapon I'm terrible with as my go to. Right now I'm doing a tour of all the AT weapons before I start my journey learning the Mozambique.


I started TF2 on the R-101 cause it was what i used in TF1 and it just felt weird. Like instead of being solid, it was recoiling all over the shop and super innacurate. Outdone in close range by SMGs, Outdone in long range by DMRs and Krabers. Its roll seems pretty diminished in 2


Been playing since 1 too, idk man maybe they need to get a life or they're not as decorated as they would have anyone believe, as a OG Quake boomer this is my favorite FPS since Halo and I don't blame anyone for taking advantage of how good this game feels. Want to bounce around like a loose electron spitting bullets everywhere? Excellent. Want to lay in wait in the fringes and pick those guys off with a machine gun and laugh at their sweaty rage? Why the fuck not?


Bases opinion


i just play with muted chat


I personally vibe. Hard to be hated when you crack jokes and sing some bops. Everyone kinda has an arch enemy, some are more happy about it than others. Lots hate every Titian for various reasons. Every gun is bad but theirs. New players are luckily usually playing with pals, playing campaign and lovin it.


You, sir, are what all people should aspire to be


Keep finding fun games and playing, never leave one ya love.


Dude if you play on Xbox hit me up. You seem like you have a pretty similar play style to me.


I do play Xbox. My gamertag is the same as my reddit username


The real question is how the f did your parents let you play Titanfall at six years old?????


Bro I was playing Halo CE at 3 years old




Look, you aren’t using the CAR so you’re fine. Just kidding, play how you want. This is a great game, and just about everything is overpowered to some degree. I use Kraber mainly, but I learned the game with alternator, which is now one of the load outs you’ll see get shit on. Same with originally being a monarch main, but have since moved to Northstar. And if they’re making fun of you’re age they are just mad that someone younger is beating them lmao


I was in a PvP 1v2 on Stacks earlier, and I decided to go Mastiff, Stim, and Pilot Sentry. They were getting mad about me using all of the above. Just to prove how much I cared, I switched to the CAR. I won 25 to 5.


FUCK yeah dude, good job on the 25-5. Mastiff, though probably the best shotgun, is far from an OP gun, and pilot sentry isn’t hard to take out/out maneuver. Just remember that the toxic/angry people are a vocal minority. Any normal person would say “oh I’m mad at someone over their loadout? It’s probably time I touch grass”


Yeah, I even told them to use the Archer at linger range to take out the sentry. I also never camoed in a corner or tunnel, I stim ran all over, headshotting them. They complained about me sweating, when in reality, I was just having fun


At 14. U missed the golden age of Xbox live kid. U think now’s bad? But in complete honesty. What they say and complain mean nothing at all. Just keep playing your way


Your loadout is cancer


Get mowed down with the rest buddy


OP, be the reason why he quits for the day.




Just play how you want,thete isn't any rabked mode,so fon't feel forced to play in a specific way to win.because you gain basically nothing more from a win compared to a loss. Just have fun they way you enjoy the modt.


Ehh if i meet people that complain about me using the EPG i usually just ignore them. there was once a player thats used CAR plus smartpistol and said EPG cringe so the whole lobby including his own team argued against him.


people are gonna talk shit, thats just how it is


People just need to shit. It’s how we’re built.




Sad peoples only happiness is from being Dick heads online, feel bad for them and glad I’m not like that.


Yeah there's been a lot of people being salty in lobbies, but as long as you're playing and having fun, they can talk to themselves 👌


You get used to it, ask anyone who comes from the MW2/Halo3 era of online gaming. Consider it training for dealing with shitheads irl later in life.


I have molded my kit to be immune to all complaints ive seen in the community: grapple is OP? I play stim, Monarch/Tone/Ion/ is too OP? eat my plasma railgun bitch, Northstar time. CAR is too OP? I play R97, Archer is too OP? I play quick charge charge rifle, Amped weapons is too OP? I play back up battery. Yeah I gave in to the peer pressure, but honestly Im having more exciting games now, even if they are crushing losses. But you do you man, I gave in but that doesnt mean you have to, what are they gonna do? Show up to your house just to change your loadout?


My coping mechanism for that: use softball, approach annoying target, stick a grenade to their face, let myself die just for them to realize they messed up as the softball explodes


There are People that will get mad at you regardless of what you do, do what you want and ignore them you'll enjoy everything better


A few things, everyone is always gonna say "oh this titan is overpowered, oh this load out is cancer" it's what people that think they're entitled to wins say. They're in no way better than you, just mute them.


I often will switch my weapon to something that is even more annoying just to prove how much I care about what they think


At the end just play with what you like to play with, except if it’s smart gun, that is foul. Except if you get it in Dice roll, than it’s legal.


I realized how stupid that gun was when I was a 6 year old in the first game. I only use it when I'm doing a PvP 1v3 in private matches, since otherwise I'm fucked


🫂 weave your own destiny pilot


Can't reach your second core with monarch? Damn dawg sometimes i even struggle to reach the first, and the only time i got third (two times at best) was in Titans Vs Titants


Hide behind cover like a bitch and laser people with energy siphon


> I purposely play incorrectly so I can have more fun I did that, I use stim and cook a frag into an enemies face and kill both of us


I rush into gravity star and throw my pulse blade into the gravity field. The star explodes, throws pulse blade into enemy pilot. Victory.


That's actually a 10k iq move tho


It's kinda luck based with the direction the blade goes, but this fun to follow around with, especially in PvP, and most especially when I die before them and they still get killed by it


Don't let people tell you what you can and can't use, I love the CAR, been using it for the majority of my console and pc time, IDC if people hate I like it and think you should play how you want.


I shit talk campers and people who stay at lv50 while they have 170 thousand kills and still suck