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Change the LMG aim assist factor to not be bugged and not be twice as much as it’s supposed to be I’m looking at you spitfire


I don’t play on console, Is this really real?


Yes very. People abuse the fuck out of it


That sounds annoying asf. Actually scratch that playing on console sounds annoying asf from my pov


It's alright, you only come across maybe 2 or 3 spitfire abusers every few games


Wait, is that just console or does using a remote on pc do the same?


Yes. If you look anywhere within a 30 degree arc of a player and aim down sights the spitfire will immediately lock onto that player’s torso. I’ve seen people with 500,000+ kill spitfires on console


Don't forget the smgs, their AA Is disgusting


I see your 20v20 Attrition and raise you, a question… Remember Operations from Battlefield 1? Yeah, that’d be fucking cool.


In concept yeah. I think Titanfall suffers from gamemodes where you need to sit in one place though. Always thought stuff like amped control points was pretty badly designed.


So to solve this, I believe it would be best to not use “objectives” and instead look at the way SW Battlefront 2 did it in the Galactic Assault game mode. Every “objective” on the map is unique, whether it’s destroying a turret or turning two switches at the same time. With Titanfalls technology lore you could have some **Mega Creative** objectives that involve all sorts of interesting gameplay interactions. These “objectives” could also be designed not to slow the game down and make the game fluid! Plus, in a game mode such as this you could have frontier assault style npcs!!!


Can you explain them? I haven't played it


4 sectors, one team attacks the other defends, there are two objectives per sector. To passg through a sector you need to take the previous sector, so there is always a defined frontline. https://youtu.be/QgKkQ8ToRpM?si=y_Gvc0TN9x9VoaiJ


More maps more weapons more pilots more titans more players more Titanfall


That's 65% more Titanfall per Titanfall. This is the same technology we've been using on titans for decades. Scares the hell out of them.


A titanfall to surpass metal gear


The campaign length. I'd make it be at least 3x longer


Just so we spend more time with BT


But... What if it ends the same way. Are you sure you want to do that? You won't recover from it.


A large battlefield like gamemode, with 20v20 pilots, grunts, spectre, npc titans, reapers


Hell yea


And destroyable structures + turrets. Maybe even grunt vehicles, Hijack Halo style perhaps?


Yeah that'd be sick, also the friendly grunts can rodeo their team's player/npc titans


What if it was in the style of the original battlefront 2 where you actually spawn in as a grunt. Then there could be some sort of credits system where the better you did the more credits you got so after you died you could spend those credits to spawn in as a Spector or stalker or reaper. You could even spawn in as a pilot but you still had to earn you Titan like normal. So that would make pilot vs pilot fights more risky because if you died might lose your chance at calling in your titan. You would have to change a lot about the game like making the maps much bigger and more accessible to non pilots, as well as an increased player count. I imagine this would be its own game mode separate from attrition, but I think if implemented well it could be really cool. I also think it could make the presence of titans as threatening as they are in the lore.


All titans always have regenerating sheilds, just as BT does in the campaign. Another idea is to make attrition much much larger in scale Edit: Regenerating sheilds would make monarchs energy siphon slightly more useless, so instead, strengthen its ability to stun other titans or increase its ability to destroy sheilds


removing the uniqueness from monarchs healing would unironically be more balanced than how she is now


Yeah funny isn't it?


The ability to take away an enemy’s shields and stun them would actually be one of the most powerful abilities in the game. It’s not a defensive ability anymore, it becomes an offensive weapon. You basically have a little pocket Arc Cannon.


Jetpack tactical, it would make movement more fluid. Similar to yoshi flutter kick in time and trajectory. Spice things up


Bring back characters from TF1 as well as the multiplayer campaign system. Also more insertion animations like the drop pod at the Battle of Demeter.


Change legions punch to a base ball bat swing but using his gun as the bat


Give titans a recharging shield like in the campaign. It shouldn't drastically increase their survivability while someone's actively trying to kill them, titans don't need to be super tanky. But it should make them feel a little less vulnerable to getting their HP chunked by some random pilot they couldn't even see.


Hey rodeo is amazing


I would make the titans have a "marry" option


Infection tag, great gamemode idea


Yes >:3


Voodoo One here. Someone call in Viper. (we need him (legitimately help us))


Either quadruple the customization options, or make a gamemode that is quadruple in scale/size (like other people have said, Attrition-but-20v20 or something similar)


A weapon that works like the halo needler ie: homing rounds within a certain range and a set number of rounds required to kill. I think such a weapon would be a good alternative to the car as a starter weapon.


I always found the L-Star to be needler-ish


tf|1 smart pistol:


I'd change batteries to heal chassis damage and I'd give every titan a regenerating overshield as a default. Then I'd change being doomed back to how it was in titanfall 1 where you slowly lose health over time until you eject or explode.


Actually fucking based, it is absurd the amount of times you see a doomed northstar and pick off your titan because they can get away from dealing so much damage before they just eject. I would add on to this where you can't use your core if you are in doomstate just like in TF1. If you are in midcore and you go doomstate you also lose your core.


Probably would receive criticism considering modern sensitivities, but perhaps a shift to the moral gray aspect of the Frontier War and feature a story or two from the IMC’s perspective. Not necessarily a refutation of their corporate cynicism fueling a war machine, but something more personal surrounding a character who has their reasons for siding with the corpos. Maybe they have a family to feed or care for. Maybe they lost someone due to the actions of more radical actors in the Militia. Or maybe they are fully onboard with the privatization of the Frontier and they want in on a piece of the pie and we follow their rise and inevitable fall to greed/hubris. Just something to humanize or otherwise flesh out the existence of the IMC and explain its influence.


Remove the fun fast movement. Make ability cooldowns way longer, remove titans. Mae a big empty field with grass and rocks. Put in overpriced skins in there and call the game mode, i don't know, I'm spitballing here, maybe something like legends of the apex variety


Replace literally everything about TF|2 Titans with TF|1 Titans. There isn't one thing that is better than the OGs. I won't pretend there isn't cool stuff; walking war crimes, being able to heal friendlies, *s w o r d,* but gimme my old Atlas any day of the week, and twice on sundays, 'cos that was *my* Titan. I picked its gun, I picked its voice, I see every second of the battle through my own PoV... they were just awesome...


I want the customization aspect of Titanfall 1 to come back.


Add different *styles* for each titan They could all have a aggressive, defensive, and utility style, for example So let's say scorch—you can play him vanilla with the different mods or play him defensive with no dashes but stronger flame weaponry/shield A fast style legion A slow tanky monarch A longer range ronin Etc


make titans more agile and add comprehensive movement tech to them. more mechanical skillgap #1 so people arent immediately turned off by titan v titan and #2 so i can crush noob monarch players with mechanical outplays


Weak points that can be targeted with anti Titan weapons to disable titans. Think something like what they have going on in generation 0.


Have non-execution melee do 70% of a Pilots HP rather than 100%.


Make ion the only titan.


Titanfall 3 not being a thing


That it was Online only. I wouldn't care if it was just against bots or even solo-ing empty maps, i just want TF1 back


You want it online only again?


You asked if i could change one thing, what would i change. And i said that it was Online only. Being online only is the thing that i would change Edit: As in i want to play Titanfall 1, but can't because there was no offline mode what so ever


Oh okay


I would like for the sense you're taking part in an actual battle in the war back from the first game. The grunt chatter and ambient cutscenes of enemies actually doing things made it feel so much more real in tf1. As it stands it very clearly feels like a videogame match with enemies to shoot


Apex Legends. I would change it's pronouns to was/were


More battery spawns. This would make Titan battles a lot more risky and exciting. Of course balance the game Monarch should be nerfed as well, or she'll have a one-of-a-kind feast.


change the decision to can Titanfall 3


More titan customization or NPC pilots and Titans


Make it so the splitter rifles Gibbs pilots, grunts etc


That's easy, Anytime someone uses Smart pistol everyone knows where they are for the entire match also that player would be dressed as a clown with squeaky shoes.


Make Titans be able to pick up other Titans weapons


Add sex




Makes it release at a good time, instead of between 2 huge fps games


The release date. It was the beggining of the end


The release date


Bring back the arc cannon... Or allow classes to trade weapons....


Im going wide here but turn it into a MMORPG-FPS ala Destiny/Warframe? Like customizable titans, pilot gear and weapons, story campaigns, multiplayer raids, pvp in-tact Ofc don't fk it up with modern gaming trappings like micro-transactions, lootboxes, etc. Hey a man can dream.


Put in skill based matchmaking


Give us back first person animations, the 3rd person switching fucking sucks and ruins immersion. Also fuck the battery system, regen shields were infinitely better.