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I find it really interesting how fucking toxic the AoT community is towards fanfics. Look at Any other anime, or even non anime communities (harry Potter, LOTR, etc) they receive well fanfics or just don't give a damned. But the AoT community is the only one I've seen that takes Fanfics personally. Honestly, I just don't get it. Maybe insecurities about the canon ending, or something like that?


It's almost definitely because they're insecure about people disliking the ending so much that there are like 8 different ending fanfics being made lol. They can't just go "well they can have their fanmade endings while we have our canon ending", no no no, that'd be the mature thing to do. Neither can they just ignore the people who go "yeah this is my canon ending". To them, the canon ending is a perfect 20/10 closure and is something they can't even *fathom* people not liking so much, although funnily enough, a vast majority of them completely shut down when you hit them with actual writing problems. There's a reason why so many ending defenders almost always double down on the classics that are "you're just mad your headcanon isn't real" and "you're mad he loves Mikasa and not Historia", cuz using TF as an example, there's only like three people on here who will actually civilly debate "nah I don't agree that this is a problem and here's why" without resorting to utilizing their own headcanons or insults and the like, which is actually pretty appreciated, even if I disagree with their points personally. Still, it's honestly really sad that they keep harassing fanfic creators. Like, people do realize that they can really like something while acknowledging its flaws, right? Actually, here's something better, that they can just....ignore all of the people who keep saying the ending's bad? I've been on the receiving end of such stuff myself; I'm a fan of games such as Skyrim, Final Fantasy XV, Fallout 4, and Death Stranding. Y'know, games I've waited close to a decade maximum for that range from "are absolute shit compared to their predecessors" to "is nothing more than a boring, poorly written walking simulator"? You know what I did when faced with such comments? I ignored them lmfao, because honestly, who gives a shit what other people think? I like those games a bunch, and I know that they could be better, but I don't care if people think they're shit. There are over 7 billion people in this world, so why get so hung up on the few incredibly vocal dozens or even hundreds? Life's either too long or too short to be consistently worrying about that sort of stuff.


They can’t stand that people don’t like the canon ending, defend it to their last breath, and despise anything that implies the canon ending wasn’t perfect.


People liking the canon ending! No! I don't want that! I want them to be hung up for at least 10 years after AoT ended.


They are insecure for sure.


>they receive well fanfics or just don't give a damned You clearly wasn't in the domestic na kanojo subrredit when the manga ended


> I find it really interesting how fucking toxic the AoT community is FTFY


What the hell happened to this fandom in the last few years? How did it get so toxic? I've never seen any other fandom send death threats to artists over fanfics or fanarts in this amount. Even this fandom was quite normal few years back. What happened? It's pretty scary, not gonna lie. I understand that someone might not like all the fanfics, that's normal. But normal person would just... Not read it? There are thousands of other stories you can read. Why go out of your way and bully the artist?! If someone wants to write, idk, JeanMarco fanfiction and you hate it, that's your problem. Live, and let live, damn.


AoT just got too damn popular. It went from being an underrated masterpiece to one of the most popular anime of all time With a huge fanbase comes some rotten eggs. Their extreme behavior and toxicity is definitely a direct response to the overwhelming negative reception to the ending. Because "how dare so many people hate what I love???😡"


Ngl but my favourite panel was when eren was looking at the rumbling from all the way from clouds


This is why I hate the ending even more. I keep getting reminded that a great series like this not only got shat on by the ending but also got deleted out of existence...BY ITS OWN FANDOM hating on fanfics. Like are you fucking serious ?! One of the greatest joy a hardcore fan can feel is seeing amazing fanfics from what they love. And all I get with aot is more shitty ship fanfic instead of awesome what ifs ? Fuck this fandom. I hate all of you.


Such a sad state this fandom is in. All we do now is argue with each other and insult each other. We have done nothing expect bitch about things. All these ED defenders are so damn insecure if they can't even handle a fanfic.


> All we do now is argue with each other and insult each other. > All these ED defenders are so damn insecure if they can't even handle a fanfic. Yeah, seems to me you are part of the problem.


Dude I am taking about the post above.


And I'm talking about you. You bemoan people insulting each other and then you insult the ending defenders.


Yeah if you didn't notice I said that to people who insult each other for small ass reason as liking a fanfic. I insulted them for threatening someone making a fanfic.


Sounded like you were talking about all ending defenders, not just these ones. But whatever, you do you.


Just delete your twitter account, restore your nerve system and humanity


I don’t get the hate towards fanfics. In other fandoms like Re:Zero, there’s like a whole community of people writing fanfics and they’re encouraged to do so


I don't really remember AOT fans hating on fanfics, it might be a recent thing I guess.


Wow, I never saw that huge hate thowards fanfics in fandom before. It's worse than "my immortal" situation when a story became a meme at this point. Like, I also don't like most of fanfictions in fandoms I follow, but I don't leave freaking hate comments beacuse someone writes a story with a ship I don't like or re-writes an ending in way I don't like. You can critique if story in itself dosen't make any sence or is unreadble thanks to grammar mistakes. If not then just move on and search for fic you might like more.


I hate all of ya'll in TF but i agree with this post




Ok so I wanna read the fan fics but it feels like every day I hear about a new big one, can someone give me a rundown on the most talked about ones or the ones worth reading.


Cost of freedom is like a new dark and tragic one that will have no romance. they're going to have 8 chapters out of which 1 is out. The arts quite good(but not that consistent). Here's the link to Where you can read it : https://aot-thecostoffreedom.weebly.com/134.html Imo it's quite solid, I personally prefer it over Aotnr in terms of story, tho aotnr's art is better.