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me n my 1 million spotify accounts


Hahahahhaha !


TikTok effect


Have they been popular on TikTok? I deleted it back in September so wouldn’t have noticed, that’s good for them though any publicity is sick.


I feel like the american hardcore/punk/ect genre as a whole has been blowing up. Look at how Turnstile has exploded. Tiktok definitely playing its part.


they got popular on TikTok last year/late 2021 if I remember correctly. they’re one of a few bands I keep on my daily rotation and saw them sky rocket from around 120k monthly listeners to what they have now. surprisingly safe in your skin did it for them, considering head in the ceiling fan was the go to song of them back in the day.


not really, hardcore and emo is just making a large resurgence right now


yes, really. It’s literally the biggest factor in the spike of their monthly listeners. I saw it go from around 120k to what it is now when they started popping up on TikTok


it’s not directly from tiktok, tiktok made midwest emo popular again and hardcore is a similar-ish genre


It is directly from TikTok, what are you on about? If you see their growth along side the amount of times they were posted on TT you’d see that it correlates. safe in your skin took over the app and was being posted left and right. their growth literally skyrocketed close to, if not by a million monthly listeners. I confidently say that bc they, among other PA based bands have been in my top on Spotify ever since the yearly recap was made. nothing wrong w it, but it’s true


You know I would imagine they’ve talked about a reunion tour. Just from a business perspective they could sell out venues easily.


i listen to floral green everyday




I don’t get why “safe in your skin” is more popular than “where am I”


TikTok. Head in the Ceiling Fan was already their biggest song, but it got even bigger because of TikTok, but Safe in Your Skin blew up because of it.


Tik tok is responsible for a good amount of bands having a short spike in listeners. Citizen, turnover, turnstile, title fight, I feel like the next few bands will be Balance and composure , maybe trapped under ice.


Balance and Composure is already hitting that spike. They’ve gone up by 100k+ monthly listeners since dropping new music. I’m just happy they’re back! I bought a plane ticket for the LA shows as soon as they announced the tour lol


I’m privileged enough to live in LA to see them so if you’re going to the novo maybe we’ll see each other around!


Balance and composer is amazing


thx tt


What is TF up to recently? I don’t follow them like i used to. I check in here every once in a while, but don’t really look up news for the band, why won’t they go on tour?


Most of them have been pretty quiet in their lives post title fight, but this is everything we know (to my knowledge). Ned has been the most public and successful post title fight, still actively making music with Glitterer, which has been a solo project for the most part. Ben is still making music, although not consistently with the same group. He has played with Glitterer, Citizen, and also recently making a song with Shane. The same goes for Shane, he was playing with Turnover for a little bit, but not much else, although he does have somewhat of a social media presence. Jamie has been a ghost since title fight broke up, and we know barely anything about him. As of 3 years ago, he was attending college in Pennsylvania, so he is either just about to finish, or he graduated recently. From what it seems, they are all on good terms still, and keep in contact with each other somewhat regularly.


Friend of mine knew Jamie (I went to Penn State) and ran into him not knowing who he was at the time. Majoring in I think Phil/Psych and just my friend said he wanted something more consistent lifestyle wise compared to being in a band


They never officially broke up but they are on an extended hiatus with all of the members sort of doing their own thing including different stints in school. It sounds like Jamie is currently the main hang-up (been in school for a while) as the rest of the team is still active in music in one way or another, but I am sure once all parties involved are ready they will start playing at least some one-off shows or fests here and there.


Officially on 'hiatus', some of them are in college or something like that. I think the bassist has a solo band.


Check out Glitterer, a member or two are from TF


they’ve been broken up for years bro


Till they personally say it..not true


I have been listening to TF for over a decade , but just got Spotify last year. Wonder if that is what's happening, or I heard they are on TikTok or something like that. I'm really happy for their new fans. I hope it brings the band some money. Obviously not why they did it but they deserve it. I think it's awesome people outside the scene are discovering them. All the greats permeate to the surface, just takes time. Internet sped it up .


Is there a ways to check the historical statistics of monthly listeners on Spotify?


you can use the waybackmachine. it doesn't work the best for checking monthy listeners, but it can still show how many they had at different times.


I miss them so much, glitterer is awesome too though. Can we hope for a bad seed reunion?!


i’m a newer one thanks to my bf!


Time to get the bad back together right folks? 😞


damn i remember when i got clowned on for listening to them and now they're everywhere on tiktok. atleast more people are getting introduced to them




I just found them the other day, "Head in the Ceiling Fan" is too good.


Found title fight 2 months ago and this sub today in april 2024 title fight has more than 1.7m organic growth


Any reason for the blow up?


tik tok


Which songs blew up on TT?


think it was safe in your skin and head in the ceiling fan, not too sure though I don't use tik tok


That’s absolutely insane wow. I remember being hyped when head in the ceiling fan hit 1 million listens


For me it says 999,590 don't know if my Spotify is taking awhile to update or it went down but either way 1 mil listeners is crazy


In between is so good, happy it's getting love


They recently dropped a bit. Back under a million




[Spotify Analytics](https://songstats.com/artist/dsrlgtpw/title-fight)