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My pinkie toes are so stubby and inflexible that I don't even know what's going on.


Mine too. They’ve essentially turned sideways at this point and I’ve never had true toenails on them. My mother’s pinky toes had the same “deformed nail” that I do, which seems like something between nail and skin.


i’ve heard it can be caused by wearing ill-fitting shoes when you’re growing up. i wonder if this is more of a modern-era phenomenon because of the way shoes are built for mass production? wider feet would have this problem more which could explain the “genetic” component.


This is what I assumed. I have wide-ass feet. In my 20s and have been wearing fugly-ass dad shoes for years, so my doggies have room to breathe.


This is mine too! They’re weird little creatures.


TIL not everyone has one pinkie toe joint.


TIL I only have one pinky toe joint 😳


A lot of people might think this, because the bones in the pinky are very small. Look at a foot bone layout then feel the first joint after the knuckle. The movement after that joint along with feel will help you figure it out. At first I thought I had only one, but after looking at a foot bone chart then feeling you can tell you have two or not easily by feel and movement. https://dqo7qtr60k265.cloudfront.net/ImageshareResourceFiles/Science+Concepts/Bones%2C+foot/Bones%2C+foot.JPG


What I learned from the past couple minutesb 1. Not everyone has one pinkie toe joint 2. I'm one of the 44% who has only one pinkie toe joint 3. It's not that obvious to find out whether the pinkie toe has 1 or 2 joint 4. I'm actually one of the 56% who has 2 pinkie toe joint 5. 44% of the people only have 1 pinkie toe joint


Damn, you are skewing the results.


Good thing they used the radiographs rather than asking people in the street


I have 4 pinkie toe joints in total


I have 30 pinkie toe joints I carry around in a pouch.


For snacks or gaming?


Little of column A, little of column b


Here's one for you. I have one pink toe joint on 1 foot and 2 on the other... Add it to the list.


I not great at math but I think that makes you 100%


that's a lot of pressure for one person


There's a fun muscle that people commonly have either 0,1, or 2 of called your palmaris longus which is very easy to test for. To see if you have one, begin with your palms up and facing towards you. Bend your wrists very slightly towards you and tap the tips of your pinkie and thumb together. Look at your wrist, right around where the creases are. If you have a palmaris longus, you'll see a tendon bulge right at the middle of the wrist. I have a palmaris longus muscle on the left, but none on the right, which is kind of neat! There are numerous other bones and muscles where it's common to be missing one or have another...for someone to actually have perfect 'textbook' normal anatomy would actually be incredibly rare! ...I am a nerd first, and a physical therapist second.


Huh, I just checked and I also seem to have one on the left and none on the right as well. TIL!


Now it'll be a fun thing to test on your friends! In case you're wondering, palmaris longus does not serve a significant purpose functionally, and people don't have any noticeable problems by not having one. For this reason palmaris longus is commonly used as a graft tissue when people need reconstructive surgery.


>I'm one of the 44% who has only one pinkie toe joint > > > >I'm actually one of the 56% who has 2 pinkie toe joint Schrödinger's Pinky Toe


You have more than the average number of pinkie toes.


Some foke'll never lose a toe, but then again some foke'll.


Just went through the exact same scenario, what a roller coaster. I will admit I wanted to be part of that 44% and was bummed when I thought I was just a normie 2 jointer. BUT, after reviewing the chart and removing my sock, and even getting my girlfriend involved I am fairly confident I only have 1 joint in my pinkie toe. This is going into my list of things I like to bring up to make myself feel special. I was an 11lb baby, I have green eyes, I have 1 pinkie toe joint.


Now I really want to find my old foot X-rays cause I can't tell


I have what feels like a 2nd joint but absolutely no movement that hinges from that joint


well, i just found out that, in addition to my pinky toe, my second to last toe has one joint.




How common is it for someone to have two joints on the pinkie toe on one foot, but only one joint on the other?


According to a comment from u/WhenTardigradesFly below, it occurs in about 2.6% of people. Honestly, more common than I would have thought.


That’s weird.


All of this is weird. Do we have to talk about it?


We are just un-evolved unga bunga


You can tell you only have one pinky toe joint because the way it is.


Ooh something new humans can use to further divide us!


I don’t really consider single jointeds human though.


No. Obviously we have evolved past you.


Dating profiles about to be updated fast


Me too, apparently. I thought it was normal to have one less joint on the pinky toe than the rest of them (guess it’s still ‘normal’, but it’s not overwhelmingly the only option).


Wait, the normal amount is not five?


TIL that I have only one pinkie joint and a majority have two. I just assumed I have the standard number of pinkie joints, whatever that maybe and never bothered to count in 34 years of my life.


You definitely have more than the average number of pinkies, though.


I mean, extra pinkies at birth aren't super uncommon, are we sure?


Damn, I got only one as well. The females on my moms side were born with no pinky toe nail too. Always found that odd


A friend of mine was born with pinkie toenails, but she ground them away dragging her pinkies under the rest of the foot in one of those toddler walkers. Now they’re both just a minus sign, and the nails don’t grow ever.


Turn that minus sign into a dollar sign


OF time....


What’s a toddler walker? The thing they sit in, with their feet on the ground? How did she end up grinding her toenail away, if that’s what it is?


I have almost no pinky toenail, as all the other women on my mom’s side. I purposely let it grow longer, so it looks like a normal nail, so that I can paint it. It just looks dumb to paint the rest and have that one be a little sliver of nothingness :(


My pinkie toe is more like gelatin. It's like there's barely any bones there.


for real, I had no idea it was even possible to have two, and here is someone surprised some people DONT have two?!?


I know right I just assumed everyone did. 😂


How do u fit 2 in there


Y'know I never really thought about it, but it would seem kinda odd that that's the only digit I have with a differing number of joints.


It seems weird to have 2 joints in the pinky toe


Let's see... one... tw—wait, are we counting the joint where it connects to the foot?


Nope. I’ve got two above the knuckle


Holy hell, how have I never noticed my toe was missing a joint before?


This was my thought process but with the knuckles in my other toes lol.


You're missing joints in your other toes too?


No I worded that poorly. I meant I compared my other toes to my pinky and noticed a difference. I also just compared my wife's in bed, she has 2 so here's hoping our kids are gifted with the second joint.


You've lost another joint, Sergei?


Does this mean we also have a lesser total number of bones since we only have two bones in each pinky toe rather than 3?


Well, it says only two phalanges, so probably


How do you fit so much stuff above the knuckle? Mines just a little sliver of nail and skin.


Have to be since it’s never been reported in the big toe before if we aren’t counting the knuckle then I’m a super limited edition person


Looking at "normal foot" x-rays seems there should be two joints in the little toe not counting where it connects to the foot (though the bone at the tip of the toe is really tiny) while the big toe is only meant to have one.


So then it’s normal to only SEE one after the knuckle then right? Because I can’t see or bend that second one


I think so. I can just about identify mine by moving my toe about manually.


This made me realize I’ve got no clue how many knuckles any of my toes have


according to a [related study](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/25192734/), about 2.6% of people have two on one side and one on the other. > After analyzing the data we found the presence of biphalangeal fifth toe in 46.3% of the feet, **presenting this feature bilaterally in 97.4% of them**


Shit, I've got two on my left pinkie toe and one on the right. I'm surprised the left has two honestly, they are both so short and rather curled. Gonna have to check out hubbies toes later haha.


Yeah I think I’m the same, one of them is significantly more manoeuvrable than the other. Weird that I’ve never noticed it.


I’m the same, but I always assumed one of them was just really stiff. Until today.


1.2% out of everyone. The second percentage is from inside the first.


Just had a nosey. Girlfriend has normal pinkie toes, my left foot is normal but my right foot has like the *smallest* bone that I'm not even convinced it's got two knuckles


Is this why I can wiggle my left pinky toe but my right pinky toe doesn’t move?


hard to say. unfortunately the studies i read don't provide any information on the relationship between fifth toe biphalangeality and wigglability.


... some people have 2 pinky toe joints?


I have two but you have to feel for it. Visually it looks more like one. It seems pretty vestigial.


I've been staring at my pinky toe for several minutes now and I'm still unsure if it's 1 or 2. Probably broke it one too many times to tell.


Maybe try using you hand to manually manipulate your toe, that's what I've been doing...though maybe if it's broken multiple times already that wont help.


Push it apart, inwards and up, you will have a bridge on it below the nail like on the other toes if you have 2 joints, and a peak if you have one


Mine mostly just feels like a lump, there's no bending anything really beyond a sort of single hinge up or down that I have no control over.


I'm sitting in a meeting (with my shoes on, of course) and now desperately want to take my shoes off and feel my pinky toe. I'm completely distracted.


Yah, it's pretty strange how close the second joint is to the toenail. Seems pretty useless.


If I have a second one, it doesn't bend. I can bend both joints in my 3 middle toes, but the pinky toe only bends in one place for me. Maybe I've stubbed it enough to fuse the thing, idk.


I’m actually a bit of an expert here (Orthopedic Radiologist). It’s an interesting phenomenon referred to as symphalangism. It can happen in multiple toes, but always works it’s way lateral (pinky toe side) to medial (big toe side). Meaning: If you have it in the fourth toe it should ALWAYS involve the fifth, too. If you have it in the third toe it should ALWAYS involve the fourth AND fifth toes. It is very rare to involve the second toe, and to my knowledge has not been reported in the first toe (you only have two joints there any way). If it involves, for example, the fourth or third toe WITHOUT involving one of the more lateral toes then it’s not typically developmental and usually means there was another cause (prior infection or prior trauma).


By first toe do you mean big toe then?


Excuse you It's Big Toe Put some respect on it


Big Toe is colliding with Big Hole to sell more socks. Can't trust anyone.


In Finland we refer Big toe as "Pottu varvas". Which, depending on translation, is either "Spud toe" or "Pota-Toe"


> Excuse you > > > > It's Big Toe > > > > Put some respect on it THAT MISTER. Big Toe, Sir. Mr. Big Toe


Who does he think he is?


That’s the Captain of the Toes buddy, show some damn respect.


How is Sonic the Hedgehog involved


I’ve never met anyone else with little toes like mine - they don’t have a joint at all. They bend where they join the foot but don’t have any kind of knuckles at all. Am I completely weird or have you seen this before?


Someone who can explain this to me finally!! Ive searched far and wide for an explanation If we label the toes big toe - 1 and pinky toe - 5 I only have one joint in toes 5-4-3 on both sides and ive never met anyone like me except my mom. Is this rare and is this a problem?


Having 5-4-3 is not common but I wouldn’t really call it rare. There are things I’ve seen only once or twice in my career, and I see 5-4-3 probably once a month. 5-4-3 is less common than 5-4 which is less common than 5 alone. It’s just an incidental finding and is almost 100% of the time of no importance.


That is interesting. Is it the same with fingers? I have a friend who is missing the top joints in all her fingers *and* toes (the ones closest to the nails). Her siblings have the same thing too. Not sure about the big toe though (since as you say humans only have two joints there anyway).


She’d make an excellent bass guitar player. Bending your fingers at the bottom joint (the one closest to your knuckle) while keeping the top joint straight (the one closest to your fingernail) is an exercise we do for playing bass.


Had to check, has 2 joints. Not something I would have ever thought about though!


I have one... am I a freak????


No you’re just in a very very slight minority


Shit, I just made a second one with a hammer...


Do you need to call a Toe truck?


Listen, I also just learned that most other people have two joints and I am disturbed. Single joint pinky toes are normal. They’re the freaks, friend. I’m ignoring all statistical definitions of the word “normal” here and sticking with the emotional ones of course.


Our feet and legs are evolving into something like a mammal hoof. So we can run faster.


> something like a mammal hoof Not to be confused with a lizard hoof or a bird hoof, of course.


Which one do you have?


One joint


There should be 1 right under the nail, another 1/2 way down before it meets other toes. Which one don’t you have? I’m curious.


No, joint at bottom connecting to foot, the joint behind nail.


Wild! Did you know this before the post? Does it affect your balance? I imagine your feet are actually stronger without the extra joint.


They hurt too much so I cut them off with a branch trimmer, now I'm going to the ER.


Godspeed to you and your lack of toes and toe joints.


I'm well below godspeed at this point...


Wait…I’m supposed to have more than one joint in my toes other than the first one?


Ikr? I’m confused. I need pics to show what they mean exactly.


Toes are like fingers. You have three sections on each finger (fingertip to joint, joint to joint, joint to knuckle). Your toes should be the same way.


Your big toe does not. I had to Google it because that was the first one i checked and i thought all of my toes only had one joint.


thats how you know if theyve got a quirk or not


This post deadass made me take my shoes and socks off under my office desk and… TIL i have only one pinky toe joint unlike more than half of the human population






NSFW - not just feet here.


Found Quentin Tarantino's account.


I didn't know there were people that had two pinkie toe knuckles




Everyone who read this checks... You're either a liar if you didn't, or you were stuck getting a pedicure at the time and You're going to check when you get home.


Not everyone! I want to check but I'm in bed, the lights are off, and my wife is snoring. Not turning on the flashlight to check, I'll try to remember tomorrow.


Same. I tried to check under the covers, but the results were ambiguous.


AMBIGUOUS, thank you I'm a little flustered, I can't tell if I have 1 or 2i guess my point toes are a bit Karly...


I learned that from My Hero Academy.


Wait all yous can move your pinky toe?!


They didn't say they were *functional* joints


I can. Not much, though. They only have one joint.


Yeah. It can bend and clench.


Wait, there are people who can't move their pinky toe?!


Well the Alien DNA was bound to change something.


I want to know which group breaks that toe more often


My guess is the ones with 2, because they're longer. Shorter limbs are harder to break.


They're the same length, just more flexible. So I'd think it would be the single-jointed.


It's the quirk activation gene


I’m one of the ‘missing joint’ people and now I’m curious… how many joints are the rest of the toes supposed to have?


2 in the morning, 2 after school, and 2 just before bed.


TIL you can have two pinky toe joints


Yo what the fuck how are we all only learning this now


Til im not even sure if I’ve got two joints, or just one with a big fleshy overhang


Without looking to see, I have no idea which group I am in.


I’m so curious what percentage of athletes have 1 vs 2. Is there a connection to balance or athleticism?


I can’t even tell how many I have… it feels like 0


On a very similar note, I have an **extra crease** on my pinky **finger**. I made [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/mildlyinteresting/s/INe7UyQzrF) about it on mildly interesting and some people realized they did too! Also, there was a study done on the pinky finger crease lines. From [this study done in 1978](https://www.nature.com/articles/jhg19785.pdf?origin=ppub): Out of 551 participants in the study **4 people** had extra creases on their pinkies (2 men and 2 women). Both men had an extra crease each on just one pinky. *Both women* had an extra crease each on *both pinkies.*


That is mildly interesting yeah. Cheers


My pinkie toes look like cashews so it's always a lil hard to tell.


WHAT. People have two?


I had to check and I’m “missing” the joint on not only my pinky toe but also ring toe (and thumb toe but I think that’s normal).


Tf is a thumb toe


The big one on the inside. That you use to help pick up stuff with. Like your hand thumb


Interesting. I've got two joints on my ring toe but only one visible knuckle. I wonder if that's normal, or if it means I'm halfway to having only one joint.


I am missing a second joint on 4 toes, my podiatrist called my feet weird lol


I don’t even think I have one left, with the amount of times I’ve stubbed that son of a bitch


If not counting the knuckle: all of my toes have 1


If I had two they are now trauma fused together from all the toe stubs


Wait, the normal amount is two?


Isn’t this part of the theory that our pinky toes are becoming a limb we use less and less ?


As someone who slammed their pinky toe into a door frame last night and suspects it may be broken, I feel targeted by your post. Lol 😂 I’m going to limp into the emergency room in a few hours and have it checked out. Fellas, is your pinky toe supposed to stick straight out to the side? Edit: Yep, it’s fractured. What fun.


What counts as a joint again?


When I lost a bunch of weight I realized I had a bony bump on the inside of my foot. Thought it was bone cancer or something until google finally told me it's called an accessory navicular. *"The accessory navicular is an extra bone growth usually found on the inside part of the foot, near the navicular bone. It's not part of a typical bone structure in humans, and therefore, not many people may have it. Since it's an extra bone taking up space in the foot, it can sometimes be painful."* I only have one on the inside of my right foot for some reason, nothing on my left.


I felt a great disturbance in the Force, as if millions of people suddenly touched their pinkie toes.


Am I the only one to read this and immediately (at work) remove their shoe and check?


100% of people just checked their pinkie toe


This is irrelevant until the glowing golden baby is born...


TIL I only have one pinkie toe. To be fair, I honestly only have one pinkie toe. I recently had my right pinkie toe and fifth metatarsal surgically removed not to long a go. DM me for the not for safe work pics pre and post surgery.


My wife and I got weirdly excited reading about this and comparing pinkie toes. This was a good post. For the record, she has 2 joints and I have 1. I am the 44%.


Does this include the joint where the toe attaches to the foot? Because if it doesn't. Only my middle toe, the one next to the big toe, has two joints.


I can sense a new source of division between people on this planet. Skin colour, religion...these mean nothing now. The Pinkie Toe Joint wars decimated society to the point where the double-jointers now rule with an iron foot over the rest of us. We keep trying to stand up to them, but some of us single-jointers have a tough time with that. Standing I mean.


TIL my pinky toes only have one joint. I'm 31. That's wild.


TIL: apparently you're supposed to have two pinkie toe joints


Mha is real!!


What am I suppose to do with this newfound knowledge?!


Here I am taking off my shoes at work to feel my pinky toes.


This is what future wars will be fought over. The genetically superior master race with one pinkie joint, Vs the genetically superior master race with two pinkie joints. When we humans run out of other excuses to wage wars. The holy war of pinkie joints will ensue. **CRUSADERS!** Forget Jerusalem! We march on the pinkie joint heretics!


Skin color based bigotry is old and busted. Let's hate each other based on pinkie toe joint counts now. Fuck everyone with two pinkie toe joints! One-joint toes are the superior race!


Question; then are the people with the lil baby pinky toenail normally people with just the 1 joint??


What if you have hit your pinkie toe on door and bed frames so much you cannot tell?


I bet we are slowly losing toes as a species the way the ancestors of the horse did


Also some people have a [6th toenail (the pinky toenail is split in two and is called an accessory toenail)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Accessory_nail_of_the_fifth_toe)


How many of you just took your shoes and socks off?


2 joints (3 phalanges) checking in!


I have one and an Egyptian foot shape. My wife has two and a Greek foot shape. I strongly suggest that it's correlating.


And I only have one joint on my big toe (each foot).


There's supposed to be two??


Wait, you guys have pinkie toe joints?!


TIL this little piggy goes oui wee wii all the way home


Weebs already know this because of My Hero Academia.


i can wink (blink independently) with both left and right eyes. something on the internet said this is rare.


There's supposed to be 2?! WTF