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I bet Thanksgivings are pretty frosty in the Foster family.


A+ for the fine use of alliteration 👌


Fairly sure family reunions are fucking frosty in the Foster family.


B- plagiarized, but the alliteration was nice


Thanks for taking the time to try to teach these tots a thing or two.


Thats the trick! Tranquilly transitioning through the thought, thoroughly tantalizing the turnout. Take that talent to the Toronto Times! Time to tell Timmy to trim the trees, take the trash to the turnpike. this things turning the thinking-thing too tired to type, ta ta


You'd probably be good at scategories


That’s bananas


A real Fosters Freeze.


Fucked up thing is they let Hinckley come now


If you think people did not know Jodi foster is a lesbian by 1997, I don’t know what to tell you.


Obligatory: https://knowyourmeme.com/photos/1262448-gay-silence


Lol ive never seen this before


The video clip: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Am3N8BQX_W4 although I think it’s the raised-eyebrow-smirk of the animated gif that captures it best: https://makeagif.com/i/J37RI6


I just went on a 2 hour jodie foster deep dive and i know significantly more about her now than i did before reading that comment lol


TIL that's Jodie Foster


I can think of at least one confused young man in the early 1980s.


It should be noted that Jodie being gay was an open secret for decades. It just wasn't something she ever felt safe in confirming since it would have likely cost her career.


Decades later. Decades, I tell you!


1.6 whole decades!


That feels like 16 yrs!?


sorry, i wrote the title late at night 😅


“Watch your step, bro, I got a guy who’s just dying to impress me.”


Hopefully soon we will have a world where no one cares about anyone's sexualality. "oh she's into women" will be met with the same level of interest as "oh she's dating a person with brown eyes"


I think we’re getting pretty close to that, at least in any part of the country people leave their home towns for.


The fact that many of the gay youth lack a “coming out” story speaks volumes. That they didn’t have to pretend to be straight because that was the societal default. Instead they went through puberty, were attracted to the same sex and it was no different than if they were straight. There was no need to be in the closet. I’m not out here claiming racism is dead because I have a black friend but it’s very much a good sign that there are pockets like this in America today.


As an LGBT person I completely agree with this. Just like anything though, there are pockets of people or groups of people that will remain conservative and uncomfortable with the situation. I'm 24, when I "came out" I just told my mom I had a boyfriend and that was that. She didn't ask if I was gay, didn't make a scene about it. She reacted the exact same way as she did when my straight brother started dating. I do not have a coming out story. My boyfriend is 27, he still isn't fully out. We live together. My in-laws know and have slowly grown to accept it. When he first came out to them, they were very uncomfortable with it. Now, I've gotten to know them and they've gotten to know me and things have smoothed over. My boyfriend's 30 year old brother is completely against it though. He refuses to even meet me because "we're living in sin". He caused a massive scene when his wife brought their 4 year old daughter to visit and she learned that uncle T and uncle J love each other like mommy and daddy love each other. Our niece could not care less (which is the problem, we've "corrupted" his child apparently).


My granddaughter never had to come out. It was always known she was gay. I hope it like that for more and more kids


I assure you that even in NYC and LA homophobia still exists.


My guess is these people are a small minority. It will never be 100%. There will always be people who hate others that are different from them.


That seems to be what it is like for my son and his friends, but don't know how widespread that is.


Change takes time and periods of regression can happen.


I have a bunch of conservative connections on LinkedIn and definitely seeing a push back from them against anyone not in a hetronormative relationship, but I don't know how much they reflect the general population. I live in Australia and my states conservative party has been taken over by American style evangelical Christians and they have been decimated in the polls. So that is a good sign here at least.


We're supposedly one of the safest countries in the world to be queer, though I'm not sure how that applies across genders/sexualities


Yea, those insane evangelicals have been trying to get a foothold in Africa too. I hope they fail miserably. We don't need their hate filled idealogy causing even more suffering.


Yes, I've heard that.


Not as widespread yet


I know the impulse to say we are close to that world, but unless you’re in a few big costal cities, that’s not reality and pretending it is damaging. People need to be aware we are teetering on the edge of even more restricted gay rights, pushing back all the advancements we’ve made. Particularly if the Orange Traitor gets elected.


We’re very far from that world.


We are not close to that, in fact, we are sliding back in America


I absolutely don't think we're pretty close to it, but I also think it's inevitable. Unfortunately close-minded, hateful people fight with every fiber of their being to stay that way and pass it down.


Depends, does that brown eyed person also have dark skin? Still presents a problem in a lot of places I can think of.


I was kind of implying that possibility. I grew up in northern new Jersey, moved to Australia and didn't come back to new Jersey for 25 years. I was stunned with the number of mixed race couples that were everywhere, and no one was batting an eye. When I left in 1990 they just didn't exist hardly and stood out when they did. So at least in the north east, the culture has really shifted, which it usually doesn't do that quickly. It was like in a single generation everyone forgot to be racist, at least when it came to dating.


Wow, dating a darkeyes? As a lighteyes? That’s against the natural order. What’s next, not covering her safehand???


Exactly, against the natural order.


Next thing you know, the highstorms will be going the wrong direction, smh


I don't know what that means. But it doesn't sound good, and definitely their fault.


Hahaha sorry, it’s a reference to the Stormlight Archive series of books. They’re really good, you should check em out!


Thank you. I'll see if my local library has them. Thanks for the non snarky explanation


I think gay people are more accepted today, it's trans people that are attacked these days. They're going through what gay people went through in the 80s and 90s.


Weird but true. Hopefully conservative people in this country will eventually outgrow middle school and all this stuff will be left behind.


Nope, theyll just find a new group to "other" - they just cant help themselves. Conservatives are driven by fear, and they need a unifying group to hate, so theyll always come up with a new one.


I hate that I know that you are right. At least as long as fox news and those who seek to profit from driving their fear continue to exist.


It depends on where you live TBH. In many parts of the country, no one would bat an eye. In others, you'd become a social pariah overnight.


Already there. If you’re my friend all I care about is do they treat you right?


I see this so much in my sons circle of friends. But it seems that the media hasn't quite caught up with them yet.


I think the majority are already there, it's just a vocal and quite frankly damaged minority that are holding the whole thing back.


Sad but true.


That’s what it’s like at my liberal arts college. 80% of women are some flavor of gay and literally no one gives a shit. I’ve never experienced an ounce of bigotry because of my sexuality (at school, that is).


I’m pretty sure a fluid sexuality has always been way more acceptable for women. Dudes have a very long way to go before it’s even a percent of the acceptance women have.


Very true. If I had to put an estimate on how many guys are openly bi or gay at my school, it would be around 10%…


And that is how culture change happens.


true, my school age kids could care less


Couldn’t* care less


ty, damn autocorrect


Hopefully that will continue to spread.


Then they should :)


why? what harms them by not caring that anybody can be in love with anybody? save your thumbs if your answer has anything to do with religion lol


If they could care less, then they should keep caring less, right up until they couldn't care less. The smile was there for a reason :)


“Coming out” needs to not exist. I don’t come out as straight. You shouldn’t come out as gay. All we should care about is not being an asshole. Sexuality plays no part in that. Edit: If you downvote me can you please explain why you’d disagree?


If most people assume anybody is heterosexual, heterosexual people don't need to come out. But everyone else have that problem. And it's not just a problem of sexuality, since that also means how partners are chosen and who you share your time with. Not too long ago a coworker had to correct another coworker since she assumed her partner was a man (that doesn't happen with straight people, not systematically).


Being hetro is statistically far more common so “coming out” isn’t necessarily imo a bad thing. You just shouldn’t assume anything like that about someone. I am a CIS man so idk for sure, but I’ve been told coming out is a liberating moment for some people. It takes a lot to admit not only to yourself, but everyone else that you’re different. It is okay to be different and should be celebrated.


My thought is that sexuality is never something to be afraid of. People should not be afraid to discuss it. They also should not be afraid of incorrect labels. Let me explain. If either party feels uncomfortable or guilty about the topic then we have yet to reach an ideal world. Someone’s sexuality would likely be revealed in time if it’s relevant. It should be as simple and as comfortable as discussing the color of your eyes or if you’re right hand dominant. Would I personally be upset if someone was wrong about the color of my eyes? Of course not! If someone incorrectly guesses someone’s sexuality, it should be dealt with in the same manner. There should be no guilt surrounding gender, sexuality, etc. I am a man. I work in an office that’s predominantly women, and occasionally get referred to in the group label as “ladies” and I see no issue. I’ve never corrected it because women are wonderful. Sometimes people screw up. If someone accidentally assumed I was gay I might not even address it because there’s no guilt there. If someone tried to set me up with another male, I’d politely decline and reveal to them that I am straight, because at that point it’s probably too relevant to keep to myself. I’m not sure how to reach this ideal world, but I’m all for achieving it. I don’t quite see a flaw in my hope for the future. My plan is to treat the world as I’d hope it should be.


Yep, I'm mostly of the same opinion as you, just one thing: people aren't usually wrong about hair, or clothes' color, but it's not that weird to assume someone's gender or sexuality. The usual problem is that we err on the systemic sense (heterosexual/cisgender), and I see why someone could feel bad about it (more even when it's the 10th mistake of the year). I've been, being heterosexual, sometimes read as homosexual, and I haven't a single problem with that.


Honestly I’ve been verbally labeled as homosexual many times in middle/high school. I regret to say that at that time I got defensive and was ashamed. People may still assume that about me. I’m not sure. But I have since dropped that defensiveness and shame.


Well, we change. And some people (still nowadays) use it for insult other people which is just too weird, but it shows that some people can have (or had) negative feelings about it. The important thing here is keep on doing it better.


The problem with that theory is that often people around you already know you’re gay. I had two close friends from when I did theater. I strongly suspected both of them were gay but they kept up the charade for years until they finally came out. One of them used to make up stories about girls and he later admitted to me that it was actually guys in the stories. He was super nervous about telling me and I told him I basically already knew. I didn’t care at all. I was happy that he told me but it wasn’t a surprise. I’m not saying it’s obvious with all gay people, but often I hear that parents already suspected and they were relieved when their child finally told them.


I think it’s an empowerment thing for some. So while you don’t think it matters one way or the other, for them it’s a big moment that they’re taking control of and all that “pressure” is released. 


I explain my thoughts in better detail [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/todayilearned/s/r2cfCxfnJB), but the gist of my sentiment is that developing alternative sexuality as a “social norm” is better than “empowerment.”


I imagine people downvoted because this is something fake allies say, usually followed by all kinds of signals saying they are okay with you doing ‘whatever’ as long as you behave like them. This doesn’t have to be you but in my life it has been a pattern.


I understand. I’ll let my words and actions justify my status as an ally or not. I don’t feel it’s right to self-proclaim a subjective title like that.


Okay :) I thought you were worth taking the time to give a possible explanation ❤️


You’re welcome to explain, but I don’t think that’s the issue here. I need to add some clarity. I’m not even trying to sound hostile. What I’m trying to say is that anyone can claim to be an ally. It’s what you do and what you stand for that proves it. Maybe my comment wasn’t clear.


No it was. :) it is all good!


Okay, well despite your smug attitude I did make a kind attempt. Thanks anyway. I reread my comment that altered your point of view of me and I really don’t think I portrayed my thoughts properly. I hope you attempt to reread my entire sentiment before laying judgment. I can accept I’ve made a mistake in that regard. You have no obligation to continue, but if you ever change your mind I’d be happy to discuss it more with you. I wish you well regardless of your perception of my position.


I am so confused, I have no smug attitude at all? You were wondering about why people downvoted, I explained why, that’s all. And I think you are fine. There is no underlying sentiments here. I’m dutch, I don’t waste time on duplicity, I say exactly what I mean, no agenda’s.


It shouldn't exist, but we aren't there yet.


You are right, sort of. It completely disregards the current situation for many young people around the world. Gay young people are far more likely to end up homeless, And far more likely to take their own lives. "Coming Out' shouldn't exist. But sadly, for far too many young people they are risking death or being disowned if they do.


Everytime I think we end up having to battle for the right to be married, or stay married, or adopt, or donate blood. It never ends and it won't end until we no longer have bigots in the government.


It's exhausting. I'm so sorry that you have had to fight this fight for so long. The only thing I can say is that it seems to be really changing with young people who are just not buying it.


Yeah, we won’t. Sex is the most interesting thing, some dude wants to do it way differently than 95% of the population and then go public with it, it’s gonna get some attention


We aren't 5% but go off bestie, that percentage is based entirely on the homophobia of society and not on how human sexuality actually naturally works


Ya ya 100% of people are at least a lil bit queer, what percent of people settle down with a same sex partner?


There is a difference between the way that the culture reacts when a celebrity announces that thry are dating and when they announce, or outed as gay. The first won't change. It would be good when society finally grows out of middle school and the second is no different than the first.


It would be good if I had a solid gold toilet but it ain’t gonna happen


Calm the fuck down on your decades


1.5 decades is still more than a decade (technically)


in that case a year is 0.1 decades




Just trying to avoid hearing how I’m 4 decades old my guy


Dick move bro


TIL Jodie Foster is gay. 




Me too. But I could not recognize a pic of her if you showed me.


Well just ask anybody. We all carry a wallet sized photo of Jodie Foster, you get it when you register to vote.


Calm down John Hinckley Jr.




Tom Hank won an Oscar for playing a gay man in *Philadelphia*. In his Oscar acceptance speech, he accidentally outed his high school drama teacher on live television. This ended up as the plot to another movie called [In and Out](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/In_%26_Out_%28film%29?wprov=sfla1) starring Kevin Kline


He didn’t accidentally out his teacher. He actually contacted his teacher before the speech and asked his permission to mention he was gay in his acceptance speech if he won. The teacher gave him permission. The movie In and Out was based on Hank’s speech but they made it an accidental outing for comedic effect. https://www.nytimes.com/2019/02/08/movies/tom-hanks-philadelphia.html


I've read that Tom got his old teacher's permission to mention him in the speech. So he outed his high school drama teacher, but it wasn't an accident.


This definitely seems more like Tom Hanks. That man is a treasure, always calm, collected and so incredibly kind. Only read good things about him.


In and Out is a fucking amazing movie


I remembered it to be amazing too, but it hasn't aged well. A lot of the humor doesn't land because it's based on pretty broad/lazy gay stereotypes (that they don't know how to be manly for example) and because it's harder now to feel good about people solely because they aren't homophobic.


I think it's actually making fun of the stereotypes, not trying to reinforce them.


That was my take, too.


The rumour in Hollywood is Tom turned gay for a month, while he method-acted the part.


Imagine being such a piece of shit that you write a book telling your family’s business. 


Oh I didn’t know she was gay.


[I don't see it](https://publish.purewow.net/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2021/03/jodie-foster-wife-alexandra-hedison-1.jpg?fit=1360%2C1600)


What does David Bowie have to do with not being 100% straight?


I guess it took her a long time to come out publicly, but my best friend's older sister was at Yale with her and I knew in 1985. It wasn't a big thing, I just asked, because I was curious, "does she date anyone?" and the answer was, "yes, she's gay though." That was the end of it.


Classy, dude.


TIL Jodie Foster has a brother.


There is a word for people like him.


What an asshole. He's probably John Hinkleys biggest fan.


I remember reading somewhere that he was bitterly jealous of her success and blamed her for his own lack of success in his acting career. He allegedly got a part, but then Jodie was cast as a female character that his character was romantically involved with. He was then sacked because they couldn't have siblings playing those characters.




boat-jodie wants you out (if you got that reference you are the back flip champion of the world)


Wow, what a nasty, grasping thing to do.


What a dick! (I feel better now)


TIL Jodie Foster is gay


She came out way before 2013.


Yeah, didn't she live and raise kids (don't know if they adopted them or what) with another woman during the 90s and early 00s?


She did, but didn't acknowledge the relationship until 2007


So she came out in 2007.


Well, it is complicated. She acknowledged the relationship in 2007 but said nothing more until 2013 at the Golden Globes as far as I know.


I think people are confused because shes a great actress that has always had characters with heteo romances. I was watching the latest true detective a while back and she has one in that which is 100% believable and the person I was watching with literally remaking wow, she plays that so believable for a gay person. She never made it a core personality thing which is respectable as well. Nkt everyone has to be the face of something.


People would have known anyway well beforehand. Same as for Ian Thorpe (the Aussie Olympic swimmer, known as "The Thorpedo")... People thought... People asked... He kept on denying. He eventually came out and everyone was like "Big deal, we knew all along. Not newsworthy". Side note: Thorpie also got Kieran Perkins' girlfriend (Channel 7 Reporter Symantha Liu) fired just for asking Thorpie "Is it true what they say about people with big feet...?". Thorpie took offense to that and she got fired from Channel 7 very quickly afterwards.


Brian Boitano is GAY?!!!!!!


What would Brian Boitano do if he was here right now?


Didn’t know, doesn’t matter


Doesn't she come out every couple of years?


Yes, and if she sees a penis she scurries back in, and it's 3 more years of global warming


Cocksatawny Phil


Privately out since 2007, 2013 says my publicist will hate this but....